Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 11, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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> iiL-i.- matter IB set on wooilbaiuelrctroope
a price of twi'tily centt per Incli.RliiKli'col
umn , ( orcaclt Insertion , two or more liirlloni
15 miiR per Inch. Special ponltlun , ilnijle In
sert mi A ) cents pur Illcli. Metal Imiio , eh ottos ,
two ur more tlmrs , IS cents per Inch. I'ayBicnl
first of each tuontli.
1,11 al niUcrtlHlnir Ihu cents rer lltii- each In
Nomuof ilinrch church falr , oclahlci and
< -nii'ri.iininciiH where mutiny la charucdt onu
' ' '
. frco , half 11 ' f > r piilillnhlnir
buii iiles ,
card of Thanks , 0 ecu * .
II't'il notices at raien provided fttattlteH of
N IM i kn.
Sue irty notices and i. uliitloiiHiMi-li-\i : r.itcfl
\ \ ( Hltnif notices tirlcu for IIHI of
I mi-mi at Iliokcn llou , NttiraRUa , ( or trans-
mlHHluii In tliu United State1) malli
at sccoml cla H rates.
Herbert ( i. Myers , liditor anil Publisher
Your editorial on the
\\.iliT works question a few
\\irks a < , ro was very timely
since many of us have been
bin ing an interest in the wa
in system , J should like
to see the following1 question
asvuTcd through your col
umns :
I low many water takers there on July 1st. , 1JJ08V
MI.W man } ' was there on .July
Ni. , 1UO ! ) ? How many are
there now ?
Mow many meters did the
oily buy at cost ? How many
meters are now installed ?
Are there any water takers
who have water meters in
stalled who do not pay meter
i ali-.sV
What has been the total
receipts from all sources ?
What has been the total ex
penditures and for what pur
pose ?
As by ordinance the Water
Commissioner is required to
present his report every three
m < nths , I should think most
of the above questions would
be answered by such reports.
1 should think that a full re
port printed in the city pap
ers would be a good idea as
then the citizens can at the
city caucus and election take
action to govern the Avater
works question to the best ad-
J for one believe that the
city should own and maintain
water meters , and propose to
present a resolution to the
ul\ caucus , something like
llns :
Hesolved : That it is the
si use of this caucus that the
utyof Broken Bow , Nebr.
should own , furnish and main
tain all water meters used in
connection with the city water
I bought a water meter re
cently at a cost of $15.00 I
have not seen it yet , but sup-
When you want
a good , clean
go to
Two dours north
Broken How Stute Hnnk
'OFF WITH b . . . . ,
Oflitli the old glasses of an-
aiiyniicu niiil imperfect vision , on
with the new MY KIND giving east-
uml comfort mul relief. Many n per
son stumbles on through life with ill-
fitting frames and cheap decentereil
louses , never knowing that peiect
vision may be given them by my
thorough methods in examination ,
and subsequent lilting of proper
pose on tomorrow 1 am cur
ious to see this machine , to
"seethe wheels go round"
and should open it up and ex
amine my purchase and at
that moment t1u Water Com.
Kx-ollicio Chief of Police of
the city of Broken How , Neb.
should hove in sight and sicze
me under the ordinance now
in force governing meters ,
hale me before the Police
Court and have me fined.
What for ? J'Y ' > r examining my
own property ?
Is it right that 1 should be
compelled to "buy" that
which I cannot enter into pos
session of , or examine' with
out liability to a fine ?
The water works question
should be discussed before
the city caucus and election
as only through discussion can
such a question be fairly
handled. S. M. Downs.
The Republican lOditorial
last week on the need of a
good road to Callaway
brought forwith considerable
favorable comment. A good
many citizens of Broken How
seem to feel that there is
nothing in the line of road
work that is needed more
than a good road to Callaway.
A committee of Hroken
Bow citizens should get to
gether with a committee from
Callaway and in co-operation
with the County Hoard and
the country people between
the two towns pick out a road
that will be as straight and
as level as possible. There
is no question but what the
road is needed and it is simply
the problem of how it shall be
( iooil Work by Officers.
Sheriff Kennedy and Mar
shall Shackelford are deserv
ing of praise for their success
in securing a confession of the
burglarizing of the Witling's
store from Arthur Norcutl.
While there was considerable
circumstantial evidence
against Norcutt prior to his
arrest and while he would
have no doubt been convicted
without the confession , yet
the confession will probably
save the County the cost of a
law suit and removes any pos
sible doubt as to Norcutt's
guilt. The confession which
Sheriff Kennedy was able to
induce him to make and the
5 U P R E M E
EVERY OUNCE of material that ROCS into n Studebaker
wagon or buKKy has the "Studebaker Reputation" behind
H. Over fifty years' experience has taught us how to make
vehicles that last. Every nxle every spoke--every hub tire and
bolt is made by experts. The result thu finest M.IROIIS possible to
produce , have made the Studebaker the largest vehicle factory
in the world. The absolute reliability of the Studebaker line
appeals to all careful buyers those who want honest value. We
want you to visit our store the
first time you have a chance ;
jet us tell you more about the
Studebaker line and show you
some of these splendid vehicles.
GEO. WILLING , Br ° K ° w
Si'Llllilll' < > | till' Involve' ! '
rhirlu'K lllf ( .isc br\olll ( J
( | lU'Stinll of ( loillil.
WANI Mini ) mciuici iiiiin
Thr > Coimm'ivial ( lul > f llu-
city is to be connnciKk-d lor
its acliviLy in trying to se
cure a oml Klcdi K I Litfht
system for l-Jrolcen I5o\v. Of
course , a franchise to put in
the system must he granted
hy the City Council ami they
consequently are the sorse of
power in the matter , but the
Commercial Club may ve"y
well talce interest enough in
the matter to secure as many
propositions as can be secur
ed and the club is to be com
mended for trying1 to see that
the system is a good one when
it is put in.
' "Phe day I did not sweep
the house , there came to it
one I did not expect. ' ' And
the day a merchant docs not
advertise" his store is the day
a valuable patron LOOKS
A store's si/e and impor-
JUMCU are no more the result
> f chance than is the building1
1 , occupies. Both are the re
sults of PLANS. And if your
id-manager plans wisely ,
your store will soon outgrow
ts building.
Your store will instantly
espond to your enthusiasm
ibout advertising-its activity
ind growth will reflect and
picture that enthusiasm.
You can't have any real en-
ihusiasm about your store
any real belief in it- which
will not show in your ads.
You can buy it , perhaps at
many places , but there's one
J3IOST place to buy it and
Lhal place advertises.
Prairie Hill News.
Mr and Mrs. Jones and
Alta of Overtoil is visiting in
this vicinity.
Mrs. bYanlc Cower and child
ren of Kearney is visiting her
Clarence Richard is on the
sick list ,
Melvin Clibbs and family of
Ormsby spent Sunday at Mr.
Violet Kelly is very sick
with pneumonia.
Miss lOlsie Kelty of Snake
Hun spent Saturday and Sun
day at home.
Miss Luc Drake spent s''it-
urday and Sunday at Mr. Kel-
A few from here attended
the party at Mr. Shoup ol
Custer Canyon 1'Vulay ' night
and a good time was reported.
About -10 of the neighbors
of Mr. John Ilauuagave them
a very pleasant suprisc last
Thursqay when they came in
with well filled dinner daslc-
ets to enjoy themselver betore
Mr. and Mrs. TIanna moved.
Ortello valley
(1. Parr's sale was postpon
ed on account of the snow
Mr. and Mrs. Ingraham
visited at C. llercock Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. C. Prescott
visited at Will Prescott Sun-
da } ' .
Mrs. CJeorge Hughes and
children are on the sick
There was no school Tues
day at Sunshine.
Hey Anderson will have a
sale Friday , Keb. 12th.
( } . ( ) . .loyner of Broken
Bow spent several days last
week on his farm in this val
Mr. and Mrs. Engraham
were transacting business in
the County seat I'Yiday.
Custer College
Miss Stewart was absent from
school the first of the week.
Miss Grove did not make her
appearance at school Monday.
( ) ' LKT the Opportunity to SAVE DOLLARS
on CLOTHING YOU NEED , Pass You. We have
not allowed the cost of goods to interciere with our Clear
ance Prices ,
All our AIens Winter Caps SOcfcs
ami 75c values AA
Sale Price 29C
All of our Boys and Childrens
Hale Price
X ) pair Boys Long Pants1 $2.00
° $3 0 ° VuluGS
> ? ? ' .5 n1-1 < >
* ® F 8 f . - < R1 3Q
iPV ffw CG tyi.ww
/ftr *
fcfe A MQUS Gray , all wool , Underwear
81.00 value
Hale price
Mens wool derby ribbed under
wear , Gray Blue and Salmon
SI.50 value , Sale Price
Mens gray , all wool , Unclcr-
wear , $1.50 value.
Copyrialil l"08 Sale Price
The 1 louic ol Kuppenhcimei
Chicaco The Mouse of Kuppenheimel
Mens Nobby Overcoats in Black , Mens Brown and Gray all wool ,
Blues , Grays and Brown col Underwear , very fine quality.
ors All up to date patterns and $2.00 value , Sale Price $1.25
made by the best tailors.
Boys and Childrens Suits and Ov-
Overcoats. coats. All this seasons Styles
Was Now . and Patterns at 20 and 25 per
cent discount.
. Suits and Overcoats
da We $6.00 sale price $4.80
15.00 10.95 5.00 " " 3.95
12.50 8.85 4.00 " " 3.20
3.50 " 2.80
10.00 7.35
2.00 " " 1.60
Mens Fancy Dress Suits in Single
Mens Worsted ami Oassimere and Double breasted styles ,
Suits. Serge lined , heayy pad nobby Gray and Brown effects.
ded shoulders , close fitting col Made by the house of Kuppen-
lars § 12.50 suits $9.95
, our - heiiner & Flcisher Bros , the
best tailors in America.
Alens Worsted and Gassimoire
Suits , Venitian lined , beautiful
ly tailored suits lhat are worth .00
five dollars more than our regu
lar price. * 15. suits , now $11.95 20.00 15.95 I
Mens Worsted Chevoit and Gas-
simere Suits. In Brown , Gray 18.00 14.00
and mixed patterns , suits that
will give excellent wear. Suits 17. < 13.60
that are § 10 value , now $7.35
Sale Closes February 15th.
A large number of the students
were absent from school Tuesday
on account of the severe storm
which was rnging in this part of
the county.
A nice program will be render
ed and all of the Ex-students arc
cordially invited to be present.
An admission of five cents will
be charged to those not members
of the society.
The Custer College first base
ball teaui was orgam/.ed Tuesday
eve.ling. Hugh Campbell was
appointed as Captain and Nc
Morgan , Manager. They ex
pect to have a strong team the
coming reason.
The second base oall team of
Cuslcr College was organized
Wednesday evening of last week.
Mr. McCandless was elected as
Manager. ! hey are figuring on
showing the first teams some
pretty good games the coming
The College Literary Society
will meet for the first time this
year next Tuesday evening , Feb
ruary loth , at the College Build
ing. The subject for debate is :
"Resolved that the business man N
has greater opportunities for se
curing a wide range of informa
tion and also greater opportuni
ties for becoming a useful mem
ber of society than his brother on
the farm.