Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 11, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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Iti this age of skepticism ,
inatcrialisin and degeneracy , it is
not supposed that a paper upon
this subject will meet with wide
acceptance , since even among
Jews and Christians there arc be
tween six and seven hundred dif
ferent faiths , and many spurious
spiritual manifestations. We
could not expect an alien to ac
cept a government lightly es
teemed by its citizens , and full
of antagonisms and diversions.
In the realm of religion such dif
ferences arc in no sense calculat
ed seriously to impress the infidel
and the pagan with the superior
ity of the claims of religion and
the greater utility of its bcnefi-j i
cicnt institutions. Such differ-1 ,
cnces contradict the faith of be
lievers in the one divine Man ,
whose advent into the world waste
to rcvolutionixe-coinlitions and
to usher in an era ol peace and
good will. They not only invite
serious doubt , but beget a world
of controversy and strenuous op
Thousands of armed knights
have splintered their lances in
the lists of higher criticism.
Thousands of scholarly men have
spent years in the fields of re
search and commentation only to
show up more pitfalls and hidden
bogs of'unbelief and quicksands
of doubt. The result is hopeless
diversity of opinion ns wide as
the world , concerning the most
important teachings of the Mes
siah. The Pagan , the Infidel ,
and the agncstic , scaped upon
the black throne of doubt , laugl
in thunder tones of triumph as
they view countless legions
marching beneath tribal banners
that pit sect against sect , and
creed against creed , professing to
be in the kingdom of Him the in
crease of whose government and
peace there shall be no end.
Still the generation of confusion
that darkens counsel , obscuring
the Sun of righteousness , the true
Light of the world lives on ; and
year by year seems to find the
world drifting farther and farther
away upon the unknown waters
of speculation and conjecture.
Kvery year of the two there ap
pears a new prophet or teacher
with a new revelation or intcr-
Iprctation of Holy Writ , giving
rise to a new creed or sect.
JJy this process we have an end-
ess chain of confusing contra
litions whose early links were
loubtless forged about the time
the people abandoned work 01
the tower of Babel. During the
hristain era ( more properly the
era of confusion ; the varying
sects seem to have become more
numerous and more pronounced.
It seems the part of wisdom
then , to turn from the confusing
mass of human opinions , whether
crystalled into creeds , or retain
ed by the individual. And , since
New Testament writings arc not
universally accepted , let us turn
in our search for light to the Jew
ish Scriptures , and show byjcas- ;
onablc and scriptural exposition
that the Messiah-God-Man , waste
to conic through a virgin-with
out human generation , as a holy
and blessed medium.
MESSIAH , The God-Man a NE
lias Messiah come , is not the
EE OUR new line of JOHI
Buggies and Wagons. The
Wonder Grain Grader Every
thing for the Farmer for better
Our Sharpless Cream Separators -
| ors are still the leader. Our new
Machinery Hall will soon be fi
led with a full line. Look over
our Spring stock of Harness , col
lars , pads and blankets. Consult
Dock , he will tell you all about
our line.
We are still the home of
the Moore Glass Oven Door Range
make the burdens of kitchen
life easy. Save fuel , thats what
counts. Drop in we can please
jueslion ; but is He dcvine as well
is human ? To those who havc ,
10 fed ! , or who at most , assign
o nature in her many systems ,
aw * and operations , indicating
order and design , an inherent
evolutionary ability to elTect such
results , while they arc not able
to trace and discern Mind , over , f
n , with , and under matter , to
those , I repeat , I will make no
serious appeal ; because , being
unable to discern man's great
Prototype , they would be bound
nothing and by nobody. How
ever , to those who accept the
claims of the Bible in its declar
ations concerning a governing
power having all the attributes
of divinity , and to whom all be
sides is subordinated ; who rccog-
nix.c the relation existing between
that power and all moral c < ca-
tures ; who understand the law of
sin and depravity , the law of re
ward and punishment , owing to
the penal nature of sin , who
know the necessity in consequence
quence thereof , of a vicarious to make atonement ,
restitution and satisfaction , in
order to bring together again in
complete harmony the two es
tranged and opposing elements ,
God and man , to all such I wil
present some statements in sup
port of the proposition that Iin
manual the God-man , must of
necessity come from a virgin.
The wrong prescription of His
nature , mode of coming , and the
purposes thereof , is no fault of
Holy Writ. All Hebrews admit
the promise of Messiah with titles
and attributes , both human and
divine , but how they can con
strue the purpose of his coming
to be the setting up of a glorious
kingdom over the Jews , when in
clear and unmistakcable language
the old Testament holds up His
Kingdom to bii eternal , world
wide , moral and spiritual , I am
unable to see.
Let us note the physical , moral ,
and spiritual necessity of the
promised God-man , Messiah.
It is obvious to the most cas
ual observer that all human be
ings are imperfect and wicked
in spirit and soul and body , the
triune nature of man. The
law of sin , inward conviction and
remorse , ending in death , has
made this world one vast moral ,
spirlual , and physical hospital ,
wherein no known human sur
gery or skill in medical art can
provide antidotes to cure the ills
that grow out of disregard for
the Creator's law. All seem
ready to admit that the condi
tion of man is intolerable , and
that it is a fearful thing to die
under condemnation in such a
diseased state , as to continue to
live indefinitely therein. None
who did not fill the description of
the Messiah as contained in the
prophicics of the Bible , has ever
seriously claimed to be a Saviour
from sin and its penalties. None
has ever reformed human so
ciety , or ameliorated the moral
and sipritual conditions of life ,
thereby abating suffering , but
by the principles and means ascr
ibed to the Messiah alone , who
is justly entitled to full credit
for the same as foretold in pro
phecy. Man in himself has nev
er contributed one iota to the
plan of redemption. Humanity
can never rise higher than agent
servant , or expositor of the prin
ciple of this great work , and then
only as he learns from a study of
the Bible. Man , created in the
moral image of God , lost that
image in the fall. The leprosy
of sin thoroughly permeated his
entire being , and brought him
under the dominion of the law of
sin and dcatn. Creation was by
divine will , wisdom and energy ,
and brought man into vital union
and communion with the Crcat
or an estate of happiness and
peace. Afterward , by violating
a positive test law , he left the
province of loving son-ship and
became a rebel an alien and
then drifted into open rebellion ,
warfare , the penalty of which
was death. Who can furnish the
remedy that will thoroughly heal
man of the disease of sin and re
store him to the- primal estate ?
( Can man ? Can angels ? No , a
thounand t times , No ! The second
end work of creation and consequent
quent restoration to the image
of God could never be done by
created beings. The humon and
the | angelic can arrange , but
neither can create cither physi
cal or spiritual life ; therefore
created beings cannot re-create
or restore life. No power be
neath that of the original'maker
can restore to its first estate of
perfection a machine when to-
taly wrecked. There is no pow
er or skill equal to that of Crea
tive Goodness. Then none could
restore man but Creative Good
ness , God himself. God the
Katlicr exists as Creator , Ruler
and Preserver of all things , His
moral nature , His character-
is Heaven's penal and statutory
code for the entire universe. He
lolds the balances , and executes
ttdgemcnt. In this office , he
lolds claims or charges against
lis apostate , rebel creatures of
earth which will forever debar
him from becoming a Divine Sac
rifice , a vicarious substitute ,
for them- Being unbegottcn , it
was beneath his divine preroga
tive or nature and office , to as
sume a begotten or derive form ,
of nature. He could not at once
be judge and criminal , Preist
and victim. He could not satis
fy his own justice , nor act as ad
vocate ou mans behalf , while
sitting as Judge ,
Neither could man perform this
office for himself , since he is lack
ing in all the essential elements.
Yet God , who delights in mercy
and who loves to heal , to purify ,
to beautify and to quicken the
moral , spiritual and physical
world , was debarred from the ex
crcise of mercy until expiation
had been made , until provisions
were completed whereby justice
should be satisfied. Therefore ,
as all the persons of the trinity
were concerned and co workers
in the creation of man , it was
necessary and proper that all
should be found willing aud
working together in the new cre
ation or re-creation of man , to
bring him back to God , and to
restore unto him that pure and
holy condition which was lost
in the fall.
As the one work , the creation
of life , was a super-national one
so the other must be supernatural
ural also ; hence "natural law" as
it is called , was laid aside , and
something was done that was
never seen before , something that
to man seemed impossible ; a
child was born of a virgin , as
God had declared should come to
pass. "A virgin shall conceive
and bear a son , aud shall call his
name Immanuel. " ( Isa. 7:14. : )
It has been objected that such
a thing is impossible , because
" " That it
"contrary to nature.
was a miracle , all will concede ;
but who can safely assert that
miracles nre "contrary to na
ture ? " That they arc not com
mon is readily granted ; but is
anyone prepared to state ser
iously that the Law Maker , the
Creator , has no powers in re
serve for his own use , no other
modes of working than those we
see iu daily operation ? Shall
puny man question the Creator's
right and power to call into op
eration forces which he has re
served for his own use , forces of
which man knows nothing ?
No man , no angel , no created
being , could produce life through
a virgin , nor otherwise ! But
how can any man or woman who
believes the Jewish Scriptures ,
doubt or question God's power to
do whatsoever he will ? That
which is unexplaiuable by natur
al law , may be yes , must be-
positively believed by every one
who accepts the Bible as the
word of God.
( SAMUK FuuitKKi B. D. M. D.
The author of the above ar
ticle was educated for a Jewish
Priest but resigned owing to his
religious views. lie is also cd-
ucatee for a Physician. )
fri ! jLft ! A.iffal\fll
WILL for the next sixty clays , do your sewing1 ma
chine repair work at half price and J will guarantee -
) * '
tee all work to be satisfactory or ho pay. * 'Call at
the SINCJrait'STOKIS on the north side of the square
and see me.
A. C. SORENSEN - - Mgr.
"IT" " ' ' "f"1'1' " liyiipm1 ; ] ; ' mjrwBa" ' " " ! ? r p isrsunqp/
Silencer Attachable to Any Rifle Latest
Invention of Revolutionary Nature.
"In this age of antilogy we
lave grown used to the horseless
carriage , the wireless telegraph ,
the fireless cooker and other con
tradictions of fundamental princi
ple , but the noiseless gun comes
with a shock , believing its action
upsetting as it does the traditions
of a thousand years or more , des
troying to a large degree the roar
of cannon , the crack of small
arms the malicious purr of the
machine gun , and the other at
tendant. explosive sounds which
go to make up the noise of battle ,
and producing new conditions
aud problems in warfare which
are revolutionary to the extreme ;
writes Captain Earl D. Church in
the February number of the
National Guard Magaxiue. "And
all of this is brought about not
by the discovery of a new powder
which would require ail entire re
construction of arms to meet its
reactions , nor by the invention o :
a new gun , valved , vented am
gas-chambered as might be pos
sible , both of which would render
obsolete every arm of whatsoever
calibre now in existence with a
calamatous loss to the world run-
ring into the-billions of dollars
n the necessary rearament ; on
the contrary , the most radical re
sults are obtained by the inven-
, iou by Hiram Percy Maxim of a
Silencer , so constructed that it
can be affixed to any gun made
without rebuilding or interfering
with the principles governing
the action of such gun. "
The Silencer is a simple device
for screwing on the muzzle with
a series of vortex chambers into
which the gas is diverted and in
a whirling motion in a plain per
pendicular to the original line of
flight behind the bullet. The
motion gradually diminishes un
til complete inertia results , re
ducing by actual test the sound
of a gun's discharge by 97 per
cent. Captain Church's account
in The National Guard Magazine
is the first authentic account of
the invention published by ex
press permission of the inventor.
Last year a prize was offered
by a monthly magazine , called
the Road Master and Foreman ,
for thebest written article on track
work. Mr. Iladdix contributed an
article to this Magazine and won
first prize. He has a wife and
seven children at Merna.
Drink "Blue Ribbon" coffee.
Roasted fresh every day. 24tf.
The mistakes of store-buyers in estimating- buy-
ing' moods of the people in forcasting' the demands
for certain kinds of goods i-esult in ' 'store conges-
lion,1' a mercantile ailment that always requires am-
pie publicity treatment for its relief. Thus are "bar-
gains" created and marketed. Thus it is that ad-
readers and answerers profit by the inevitable mistakes
of fellow human beinufs.
In all the walks of life people are given to blunder-
ing" to "over-stocking1 , " to putting" something- , some
personal contribution , into "the opportunity incubat-
or. " Jn the fullness of time the old incubator yields
its prizes to those who wail and watch who read and
answer ads.
That's why the ads , are not only INTERESTING
as giving" clues to phases of life both droll and tragic
bul are so important , in that they hold for us , lor each
of us personally , some Pandora-box mystery , some un-
expecled bit of g-ood luck.
wr 43 3 $ &iBli" _ _
Bli" \ / PVT
Here is what we have to
Round Oak I.unip ami Nut i Host ou Earth ) , Coal
Creek I.uuip nudNut , canyon city Lump , East-
era I lord coal niul coke , au l all kinds of the
1JEST building material , call mid see us and we
will treat jou n
Phone 23 J. S. MOLYNEUX. Mat ,