THE HifiPUBLIOAN , OUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA. LEGAL NOTICES SHEUIFF'S SALE. Xoitco Is hereby given. That by virtue of an Order of Sale , Issued to uic from the Dls. trict Court of custer County , Nebraska , upon a decree of foreclosure rendered la said court , at tbc November 1903 terra thereof , to-wlt' On thaJOth uay of November 1903 tu favor of charlci A. r.oblnaou and against Mary E Uutton. I have levied upon tue fol lowing described real estate , to wit , TneSoutn West Quarter of the North West Quarter the West half of tliu south West Quarter and the South East Quarter of tu < ; South West Quarter of Section twenty seven Township nineteen Range twenty one In Ous ter County , Nebraska , and I will , on the 15th day of February 1809 at 2 o'clock p. m , , at the east front door of the Court House , In the city of Broken now , Nebraska , In said coun ty ECU said real estate at public auction to the highest bidder for cash , to satisfy said decree , Interest and costs , the amount due thereon amounting to the sum of 8175.93 with 7 per cent Intcrcsttrora November 10th 1909 and court costs amounting to S76oo and ac cruing costs , said above described real es tate will be sold subject to all prior liens and Incumbrances , as per csrllflcates on nie In District Clerk's office. Dated this mh day of January 1POP. H. F. KEXNBUT , Sheriff ALPHA MORGAN , Attorney 82-88 Estate of Richard D. Jones , deceased , In County Court of Custer County. Nebraska. The state of Nebraska , To all persons In. tercstcrt in said estate , take notice that ape- tl'lon has been lllcd for the probate of an In strument purporting to be the last will and testament of Richard D. Jones , deceased , and for the appointment of an administra tor of said estate which has been set for hearing herein , on January 30 1909. at 10 o'clock a. m. Dated. Dec 19 U'03. [ SEAL ] A. u nuMrmiHY. 32-ni County judge In the county Court of Custer County Ne braska. In the matter ot the estate ot Hoilis Q , Kogcrs , deceased. The State of Nebras ka , to Creditors of said Estate : Take Notice , that I will sit In the County Court Room , In Brouen now , In said County , on the nth day of February 1WO , and the Oth dav of July l&Otf at 10 o'clock a. rn. , to receive and examine all claims tiled anil presented against said estate , with a view to their ad- jubtmcnt and allowance. ; and that on the ilrst date above named the petition of the widow will be heard for homestead , exemp tions and allowance , and other statutory rights. The time limit for the presentation of claims agalst said estate la six months from the 2nd day of January 1909 , and the time limited for the payment of debts Is one vcar irom said date. Dated January 2nd 1W9 31C1 A. R. noui'HUCT County Judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior , U. S. kaud ORlce at Broken Bow , Nebr. , Dec. 10 , 1003. Notlcels hereby given that Richard War ring , heir of Hachacl Warring of Broken Bow Nebr. . who , on Feb. 1,1902 , made serial No illSII. ) E.rfo.SC < U , for w Ji SW Sec. 8 twpk lij north of range 20 , west of the Oth. princi pal meridian , has alert notice of Intention to make tlnal , 5 year proof , to establish claim to the land above described , before Register and Receiver , at Broken Bow , Nebr. , on the Sth , day of February , 1009. Cllamant names as witnesses : Harry J. Swlck , of Lillian Nebr. , Alon/o Tracy"of nroken How. George Templar , of Broken Bow , Mack J. Chrlsuian , of Broken Bow Nebr. 29-Ot. John Reese , Register NOTICE OP PETITION. Estate of George Garrison Deceased , In the county Court of Custer County , Nebraska : The State of Nebraska , to all persons interested In said estate , take notice , that a petition baa been filed tor the appointment of Harry A. Sherman as admlnlstratror of said estate , which has been set for hearing herein , on 25th of January 1903 , at lu o'clock a. m. pated Dec. 22nd , 1003. [ OPAL ] A. R HuiirnnKY , f9 it County Judge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial-No. 01109. II. E. IPS06 Department of the Interior , U. S. baud Office at North Platte , Nebraska , December - . ber 2 $ , 1903. Notice Is hereby given that John W. Koch of Broken Bow , Nebraska , wuo on Janu. Ary 30 , JW1 , made Homestead entry No. Jpy03 for the N'SV'f ot Se.c 11 , Township 15 N , Ranpe23V. . , of the Sixth Principal Meridian , ban filed notice of Intention to make Final Five Vcar Pioof , to establish claim to the land above described , betoro A P Humphiey Couutv Judge at Broken Bow , Nebraska , on the twen'y-thlnl day of OJtair.ant names as witnesses : Jotm W. Uogors , Sylvester Dale , David .T. Coulter of uroken How -ind Charles S. EcU- roali of Sterna 20-S9 J IJ. J3VANB. Register. ity Livery And Feed Barn Feeds your horses no poor grain and will supply you with good Horses and Eigs at reasonable price * Come and sec me W. A. Tooley Ihe bough of Your doctor will tell you that fresh nir and good food are the real cures for consumption. But often the cough is very hard. Hence , we suggest that you ask your doctor about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It controls the tick ling , quiets the cough. W publish our fornulat We banlih alcohol from ourmedlolnee We nrce you to coniult your doctor One of Ayer's Pills atbedtlmewHlcause tin increased now of bile , and produce a gentle laxative effect the day following. Formula on each box. Show it to your doctor. He v.'ill understand at a glance. Dose , one pill at bedtime. ( Hide by the J. 0. Ay r Co. , Lowtll , Mw ' * * & < & erSet By ROBERT W. CHAMBERS , \ Author of "The Fighting Chance. " Etc. Copyright , 1007 , by Robert W. C h n m b e r * ( Continued from last week. ) "Mun , you tire madder than n March heiress 1" "Air your theories , Phil , then come bad : to realities. The conditions re- mntn. Eileen Is certainly n little In love with you , and n little with her means something. And you evidently have never harbored any serious In tentions toward the child. I can see that , because you are the most trans parent man I ever knew. Now , the question Is , What Is to bo done ? " "I am , of course , obliged to bollevo that you are mistaken , " he said. "A man cannot choose but believe In that manner. There Is no very young girl , nobody , old or young , whom I like as thoroughly as I do Eileen Erroll. She knows U ; so do you , Nina. It to open and aboveboard. I ahould be very un happy If anything marred or distorted our friendship I am quite confident that nothing v. , i ' "In that frame of mind , " paid his sister , KinllhiR. "yon are the healthiest companion In ( he world for her , for you will olthor cure her or she you , nnd It Is all right either way. " "Certainly It will be all right , " he said confidently. For a few moments lie paced the room , reflective , quickening his pace all the while , and his sister watched him , silent in her Indecision. "I'm going up to see the kids. " he eald abruptly. The children , one nnd nJ ! , were In the park , fort Eileen was bowing In the nursery , and his sister did not. call' him back ns ho swung out of the teem and up the stairs. But wlion ho had disappears ! Nina dropped Into hep chnlr , awarn thnt who Imd played her best card prematurely , forced by Ros amund , who had JusL told her that rumor continued to bo very busy cou pling her brother's name with the name of the woman who once had been his wife. Nina was now thoroughly convinced of Alixo's umisunl capacity for making mischief. She had known Allxo always , and she had seen lior develop from a - talented ented , restless- erratic , emotional rjtrl , easily moved fo generosity , Into au Impulsive woman , reckless" to the point of ruthlessness when ennui and unhapplness stampeded her. a woman not deliberately selfish , not wittingly immoral , for she lacked the passion which her emotion was sometimes mistaken - taken for , and she was kind by In- Btlnct. Sufficiently Intelligent to suffer from the lack of It In others , cultured to thg point of recognizing culture , her OWW ? b'crous unsoundness lay In her uttcrf lack of mental ntamina when condi tions became unpleasant beyond her will , not her ability to endure them. The consequenceof ! her own errors She refused to bo burdened with. To escape somehow was her paramount Impulse , and she always tried to had always attempted It even In school flays and further back when Nina first remembered her as a thin , ongor , restless little girl scampering from one scrape Into another at full speed Even in those days there were mo ments when Nina believed her to bo actually Irrational , but there was every reason not to say so to the heedless Bcatterbtaln whose father In the prime of life sat all day In his room , his faded eyes Used wistfully on the child ish toys which his attendant brought to him from bis daughter's nursery. All this Nina was remembering , nnd again she wondered bitterly at Altec's treatment of her brother and what ex planation there could ever bo ' 'or It except one. Lately , too , Allxo had scarcely been nt pains to conceal her contempt for her husband , If what Roiumund relat ed was true. It was only one more headlong scrape , this second marriage , find Nina know Allxe well enough to expect the usual stampede toward that ; gay phantom which was always beck oning onward to promised happiness , that goal of heart's desire already ly ing so far behind her , nnd farther still , for every step her little Hying foci were taking In the oldest , the vainest , the most hopeless , chase in the world the headlong hunt for happiness. And If that blind hunt should lead onco'more toward Selwyn ? Suppose , freed from Ruthveu , she turned In her tracks nnd threw herself and her youthful unhapplness straight at the man who had not yet destroyed the picture that Nina found wheu oho visit ed her brother's rooms with the desire to be good to him with rocking chairs. Not that she really believed or feared that Philip would consider such an Impossible reconciliation ; pride and a sense of the absurd must always check nny such weird caprice of her broth er's conscience , nnd yet nnd yet other amazing and mlsmatcd couples had done It had been reunited. And Nina was mightily troubled , for Alixe's capacity for mischief was 'boundless , and that she In Eomc man ner had already succeeded in stirring up Philip was n rumor that persisted and would not be annihilated. ] To Inform n man frankly that n young girl Is n little In love with him la one of the oldest , simplest and eaol- 'est ' method.s of Interesting tbat man I un cvj IK l.'t ! ' " > ei to bo In love with Bor.cbod c'- And Nlun'had taken her chaises that Hie picture of Allxe wai already toT unlmportaut for the ctiomouy M' Incineration. Uesldcs , wlnt shi ; h.i.l ventured to way to him vrn3 lior bol''f. ' The child appeared to bo utterly I'bvrbed In her Increasing Intimacy with Selwyn. love wno not there. Nlnn under- otojd that. But Its germ was still dormant , but bedded dellciously In congranial soil the living germ in all Its latent promise , ready to swell with the first sudden heart beat/ quicken wl'.i the first quickening of the pulse , unfold Into perfect symmetry If ever ( ht > warm. oun\ current In the veins grew swift mid hot under the first scorchliif ? vhtspor of truth. EN , sewing by the nursery window , looked up. Her little Alsatian maid , cross legged on the floor at her feet , sowing away diligently , also looked up , then scrambled to her feet as Selwyn halt ed on the threshold of the room , "Why , how odd you look ! " said Ei leen , laughing. "Comn In , please. Su- sanuo and I are only mending some of out- Glimmer things. Wore you In ! search of the children ? Don't say so ' If you wore , because I'm quite happy J In believing that you knew I wa bore. ! Did you ? ' ! "Where are the children ? " ho tiskcd. , "In the park , my very rude frlond. You will lind them on the mall If you , start nt once. " He hesitated , but finally seated him self , omitting the little formal hand- j j Eileen looked 7/p. flliakb with which they always met , oven after nn hour's separation. Of course she noticed this and , bend ing low above her sowing. wotered ! why. It seemed to him for n moment as ( hough he were looking at n woman he had hoard about and had Just met ' for the first time. His observation of her now was leisurely , calm and thor ough not so calm , however , whoa , Impatient , of his reticence , bending there over her work , she raised her dark blue eyes to his , her head re maining lowered. The sweet , allent Inspection lasted but n moment. Then she resumed'her stitches , aware that something In him had changed since she last had seen him. But she mere ly smiled quietly to herself , confident of his unaltered devotion In spite of the strangely hard nnd unresponsive gaze thnt had uneasily evaded hers. As her white fingers flew with the glimmering needle she reflected ou con. dltions as she had left them a week ago. A week ago between him and her the most perfect of understand ings existed , and the consciousness of It she had carried with her every mo ment In the country amid the icy tum ble of the surf , on long , vigorous walks over the greening hills whore wild moorlaud winds whipped like a million fairy switches till the youug blood fair ly sang , pouring through her veins. Since that some time within the week something evidently had hap pened to him here in the city while she had been away. What ? As she bent above the fine linen gar ment on her knee , needle flying , a sud den memory stirred coldly the recol lection of her rldo with Rosamund nnd Instinctively her clear eyes flew open , nnd she raised her head , turning Erectly townrd him a disturbed gnze no did not this time evade. In silence their regard lingered ; then , satisfied , Bho smiled again , saying , "Have I been away BO long that wo must begin all over , Captain Selwyii ? " "Begin wtot , Eileen ? " "To remember that the silence of selfish preoccupation la a privilege I have not accorded you ? " ! "I didn't mean to be preoccupied. " I "Oh , worse and worse ! " She shook j her head and began to thread the nee- I die. "I see that my week's absence ! has not been very good for you. I knew It the moment you came In with nil that guilty , nbsentmlnded effrontery which I have forbidden. " no colored up as he took her hand In hl3. Then they both laughed nt the yery vigorous shako. "What n horribly unfriendly creature you can be , " said Eileen. "Never a greeting , never even a formal oxpres- f Ion of pleasure at my return " "i'ou "have not returned , " ho said , emlllng. "You have been with mo ev ery moment , Eileen , " "What n pretty tribute I" she exclaim ed. " 1 nm beginning to recognize trncea of my tralnlug after nil. " When the children came lu they left the nursery together and descended the stairs to the library. Austin had Just cotnu lu , aud ha looked up from his solitary cup of tea us they en tered. "Hello , What conspiracy are you tip to now ? I suppose you sniffed the tea and have come to de prive me. Uy the way. Phil , I hear that you've sprung the trap ou the o Slowlthn people. " , * * "Necrgnrd has , I believe. " ' "Well. i u't It all one ? " "No. it Is not , " retorted Selwyn so bluntly that- Eileen turned from the window nt a sound In lily voice which she had never beforu heard. . "Oh ! " Austin stared over hla sus pended teacup , then drained It. "Trou ble with our friend Julius ? " ho hi- quired. "No trouble. I merely severed my connection with him. " "Ah ! Whoa ? " "This morning. " "In that case , " caid Austin , laugh ing , "I've n job for you. " "No , old follow , and thank you with nil my heart. I'vo half made up my mind to llvo on my Income for awhllo nnd take up that olmoslto matter ngoln. " "Aud blow yourself to smithereens ! Why spatter nature thus ? " - iNofear ! , " wild Solwyn , laughing. "And If it promlb't'i anything I may come to you for advice on how to start It commercially. " " "If lr doesn't start you heavenward . on Blmll have my advice from n safe distance. I'll telegraph It , " said Aus tin. "But , If It's not personal , why on earth have you shaken XoersardV And Solwyn answered simply : "I don't like him. Thnt Is the reason , Austin. " The children from the head of the stairs were now shouting demands for their father , imd Austin rose , pretend ing to grumble. "Those confounded kids ! A man Is never permitted n moment to himself. from lila pocket a flat box. [ Isfrslun up there , Eileen ? Oh , all rlghtl 'Excuses , etc. I'll bo back pretty soon' . You'll stay to dine , Phil ? " 7VI don't think HO. " "Yes , ho will stay , " said Eileen calm ly , - - lyAnd --And when Austin had < gouo fJhe'-wnlk- od swiftly over to where Selwyn was standing and looked him'directly in the ' . yes. "Is nil well with Gerald ? " "Y-yes , I suppose so. " "Is he still with Necrgnrd & Co. ? " "Yes , Eileen. " "And you don't like Mr. Neergard- "N-no. " "Then Herald must not remain. " ' * Ho said very quietly : "Eileen , Gerald jio longer takes mo Into hln confidence. 1 am afraid I know , In fact that I have little Influence with him now. I am Horry. It hurls , but your brother Is his own master , and ho IH at liberty to choose his own friends and his OMI business policy. I cqnnot Influence him. I have learned that thoroughly. Better that 1 "retain whnt rcnl friend- ohip ho has left for me than destroy It by any attempt , however gentle , to In terfere In his affairs. " She stood before him , straight , slen der , her face grave nnd troubled. "I cannot understand , " she said , "how he could refuse to listen to n man like you. " "A man like me. Eileen ? Well , If I were worth listening to no doubt he'd listen. But the fact remains that I have not Iwen able to hold his Inter- cat. " "Don't give him up , " she nald , still looking straight Into his eyes. "If you care for me , don't give him up. " "Caro Jor you , Eileen I You know I do. " "Yes , I know It. So you will not give up Gerald , will you ? lie IH U only n boy. You know that. You know he h. i borm perhaps Indiscreet. But Gerald Is only n boy. Stand by him , Captain Holwyn , because Austin docs not Know how o manage him really he doesn't. Thoic has been nn- other unpbai-aiit acenu bv-tweon them. Gerald told me. " "Did he tell you why , Eileen ? " "Yes. IIo told me that be had play ed cards for money and he was In debt. I know thnt conudn almost dl3 graceful , bu' h not l\la need of help nil the creator ? " Selwya's eyes suddenly narrowed. "Did you help him out thl time ? " "I I how < ! o you moan , Captalu Sclwyn ? " But the ppleiiil'd ' color In her face cDnfiimcd hia certainty that she had used her own rosonrcci to help her brother pay the gambling dolt , aud he turned nwuy his eyes , angry and silent. "Yes , " she said under her breath , "I did aid him. What of It ? Could I re fuse ? " "I know. Dou't aid him again that way. " She Tt.ircd. "You mean" "Send him to me , child. I under stand such matters. I that Is"And In sudden exasperation Inexplicable , ( Continued nrxt weak ) ss&a © corner A quiet chat with you through the columns of the the . Ue prcw oil me uior. , quality ami price of our woods , We know that wo olTor the Consumer n Superior nrtlolc of food. We think thnt we offer the Consumer n price ou the'quality ofonr * goods thnt nrc right , ' Our delivery service wn consider firat clnss. Our A&sistuuls work hnrd to plensc you. If nt nny time we fnil to please you. If ntnny time we njnke nti error come nnd tell us of it for \\c nrc always jjlnd imd wtMltiK to correct nn error , It is our aim to please yoo nt nil times , Below we offer you n few articles of merit ; which wo wish you would try : S Ib. can Blue Belle Peas ; flncr than Croon Peas a eau 15c , per doz Sl.iO i Ib. can cllhnan corn. Very tender , no husks , a can 12',4c , HW : , ioz 1,80 a Ib. can Gilt iMge Bcana , Stt Indies * , very fancy , ! 0c \ can , per doz 3.01 H Ib. can Imported Sardines , small Qsh pure olive oil , IBc acau. doz..1.60 a Ib. can very fancy Hominy , tender and Juicy , iStfc a can , per do& . . . , , 1,93 Kxtra fancy large Santa clara Prunes , 15c a Ib. , loib. Lots . . . .I.JO Bowen MARK Pure Food Products * SS33 = 5S 3S 33KE ia ' tsaaaaBaatifsesBxmQets&a ! * 'E ALSO HAVE u largo stock of Ena-d and Soffc coal of all kinds. Buy your coal iiow before cold weather comes. We screen all our coal. Also n full line of building material. LUMBER AND COAL COMPANY . S. MOL.YNI3AUX , Men. tfly vjaJ'sagg ! ga5gggrg. s 1 IF YOU WANT a good at a very low price call at the Republican Office.