t I I t L Jt , i _ . .J.- . . ' * - , „ . , I ( - - \ ' TUB fiJ UJtfcUtJAJN , OUSMbLC . . - . . > - . . . . . . . .v t _ .U f - * K | BUSINESS DIRECTORY , j ) THE REPUBLICAN JOB PRINTING AS VOTJ MKB IT FRANK KELSE5T t : AU. SIMPS or wstt 11 Consult him it you want water. BROKEN Bow NBBR. EDWARD DODD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Diseases of women a Specialty. Of ce phone 260. Residence 348 , All ; cases promptly attended. BANGS STUDIO BAST SIDE OF SQUARE Photographs , Edison and Columbia Phonographs and Records. : - : Agents ( or Chlckerlu ? . Ircrs & Pond and Star Pianos. : ' : : ' WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY < * * * * " * * 'iin ui i U'n.nwi uniiiU.i'l inmuiiin.mn.iiiniiniitr.in'u i.t.i'rmniui ! EYE. EAR , NOSE , THROAT AND 1 CHRONIC DISEASES. f Fitting of Glasses a Specialty. f OFFICE rx REAMTY BI.OCK - 1 auirawiucasrara uiniuiKi.'i.iniui.uuiu.ii uinim % % M * * " 5TB Sllai A. Holcomb. Edwin F. Myers , jj HOLCOMB& MYERS AOTORNBYR J Special attention given to Litigated 4 matters , Probate matters ana colt lections. . . . ' . . ' . . ' . * OFFICE IN MYERS- BUILDING Broken Bow , . Nebraska. | " " " " " " " ' " " " " "J t J. L. FERGUSON , R. A. HUNTER , 3 5 Notary Public , Broken Bow , J jj Comntock , Kebrnska. Nebraska. | REAIJ E3TATE-INSCTEANOB | t FARMS AND RANCHES FOR ROT i * 2 J EGAI , 'PAPERS DRAWN ] Sutr yluff aud Platting Neatly Done. . fcJkJ J. B. DUNN LAWYER OALLAWAT , NEBRASKA. Settlement of estates , examining and perfecting land titles , collec tions and criminal matter. All business will receiveprompt atten tion. HARRY K 1MB ALL , Practical Undertaker Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 3348 tot > t N. DWIGHT FORD ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Armour-Hanna Block ANSLEY - . NEBR. John S. FARM AND O1TV LOANS INSURANCE AND SURUTV EOND3 PROPERTIES CHAS. E. STOUT RESOIA.URANT CONFECTIONARY , CIGARS AND TOBACCO. Broken Bow , . . . . . Nebr. Hon. J. R. Deao , who was re cently appointed Supreme Judge to fill the vacacy caused by the resignation of Judge J. J , Sulli van of Columbus , was in the city a few days the first of the week , Mr. Dean will return to Lincoln Monday and move his family there later. Mr. and Mrs , J. K. Herman left Friday for Omaha to make a ftw days visit at tuat-place. personal and Otherwise I W.Y , Minoier was in the city this morning. Put your duds in our suds. BROKEN Bow STKAM LAUNDUY R. C. Jonea is husking corn for Wm , Williams. S. O , Mclnch of Mason City was a Broken Bow visitor Wed nesday , A. P. Dobeah of Ansley was transacting business ic the city John F Line of New Hope made this office a pleasant call last Wednesday STRAY Spotted steer coming three years at-my place , J. E , Wilson , 2t jMiss .Gladys Jones spent the plat week with her sister Mrs. Patrick of Ansley. J. H. Currie and Lee Pickett took the morning train Wednes day for Lincoln on a business trip : Mitsjs Bessie and Gertrude Orr , left for Anselmo Tuesday to visit a few days with Mrn , Rosie Fodge. J. R. eagarden who recently took up his work with the Red- path Chautauqua people , was in the city this morning. Mr. and Mrs , W , S. Swan took the morning train Friday for Aneslmo , where they were called on account of the sickness of one of Mace Forsythe's children , Mr. and Mrs. F , M. Rublee left on the morning train for Log Angles Friday where they are going to make their son Frank a visit. They will visit several points in the West and will pro bably be gone a couple of-months. 4torneyN. ( D. Ford afAnsley who is frequently mentioned as good material for the Republican nomination for county judge was in the city Tuesday on business * C. H. Kennedy returned Sun day'morning from Peru , Nebr. , where he went to visit a few days witH relatives and to be present at the marriage of one of his ncices. VanCott and Roccker have purchased the building occupied by their Furniture and Hardware store and expect to put in a line of furniture after they get the building re-modeled. -J * - , Auctioneer H. A , Tinde"r at tended the sale at the Scoeficld farm Wednesday. Mr. Tinder willlgo up to Anselmo , Saturday morning to conduct their' regular semi-monthly sale at that place. Mr. Tinder- says that the horse market is'opening up and that there is now a demand for horses at good prices1 They have a nice.line . 60ive stock listed for the sale afl nselmo , and he ex pects a good market day there at each sale after this. Miller & < Kennedy , the general hardware men on the south-side of the square , have secured a new harness maker. They have hired Dock Edtninslen of Litch- ficld , who has had ten years ex perience as a _ general repair , man and maker of'hand made har ness. They have one of the best lines'of harness in the city and expect to make the harness bus- ine.ss one of their special features. They propose to furnish the genuine hand made harness and guarantee the best of workman ship. I. A , Reneau placed replevin papers in the hands of constable P. M , Towsley last Monday at one o'clock and instructed him to take charge of the hotel Reneau's relation with Mr , and Mrs , A , L. Burgin proved unsatisfactory to Mr. Reneau and he got them to sign an agreemet to vacate Sat urday night at six o'clock. This they seemed unwilling to do when the time came and he gave them a three days notice to move out at the time he placed Constable Towsley in charge. The build ing is now vacated and Mr. Re neau hopes soon to secure anoth er manager. Teddy Bear's New Year Resolutions. 1 RESOLVED That I will stop smokiiiff-stop smoking pipe dream dope suggesting big bargains to be had , unsightmnfieenf 'from the gigantic stores in the gigantic cities , and go around among the stores here at home looking for bargains that are there to be seen with the naked eye. . JRESOEKEb--That I will patronize , by prefer ence , the stores , that advertise , in the home paper ' and thereforeVhave' 'enterprise" enough" to tell the people- what they've got in Mock ' ( Signed ) ' TEDDY BEAR. " ' j XT r X' X'I Br'er Rabbit : .ifSay ; Teddy , that last resolution is the \ { I goodsj all right. " ' . ' " t ' " ' Mrs , J. G.Urenizer took'the rain this morning for San Antonio - . tonio Texas for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs , S. W. ? Roup will cave tHis evening for Tecumseu where they will spend a f w days visiting with relatives , Mr. and Mrs.I1' E. Boyd left ror Lincoln Wednesday night accompanied by Dr Talbot * . Mrs , . Boyd has peen ill fqr several days and 'was taken to he ospital at Lincoln. Messrs. Robinson audJ Duttle have purchased the"ha'Aess business of George "Willing and combinad it with their own stock. They arc now thoroughly set tled in the building fomerly oc cupied by James Ledwich and bave started out with a good business. The B , and M. stock train No. 46 was wrecked at Mullin Wed nesday morning. Twenty-six cars went into the ditch. It will take about a week for the railroad company to clear up the wreck. The wreck was a fortunateone in V that no lives were lost and no body was hurt. Mrs , Theodore Herman , was brought over from Sargent , Wed nesday by her husband and taken before the Insanity Board of the county , Mrs. Xlorman was found insane and taken to the assylum this morning by Sheriff Kennedy and Mrs , S. L. Villcr. Mrs. Her man seems to have been grad ually losing her mind for about three years , but the case has only bscome bad enough recently for her to be taken before the In sanity Board , It is thought that she will recover in a short time under proper care. She in the mother of twelve children and for this reason the case is an unus ually sad one. About December 18th , a suit case belonging to Miss EJrma Wil ling was stolen from the platform of the city depot. The efforts of the railroad Co. and the local au- tkorititi , - . . . . . . , to . . , . get - . , . any -J traca of tke - i , n rr RlS80L\rED T h u t throughout this year 1908 I will try to be good nnd do good ; that I will try to help myself and help others ; that I will stand by the old town nnd the homo people and help to boom the burg. RESOLVED That from January to December , Inclu sive , I will quit dis sipating quit dissi pating my dollars by taMng them out of circulation here around homo and sending them to the big cities to buy the things that I can buy nnd .ought to buy right here in town , suit cast were unsuccessful until Wedqesflay of tthis .week. ? Information mation was received that some dresses had been left in- the Sun inde school house near Hunter's ranch north , of the city. . Mr. Hunter and E. J. Wilson of Al liance , 'who is representing- : railroad Co. went out to the school .house ! Wednesday after noon and found the dresses , but were unable.to get any clue as to the identification of the thief "and have , so far failed to find the suit case. "Enlisted For The War. " I * the title of a Military-Com edy Drama that the members of Co."M" expect to present to the people of Broken Bow on Monday evening , Feb. 22 It is a good Military play full of fun and a good plot. It will be under the direction 6fMra. Hattic Speakc who is a first-class director and with Miss Olivene Watts , who brought down the house in the "Country Minister , " as leading lady , supported by a strong com pany of local talent is sure to be a-d4cidcd-8Uceaa. Remember the date , Feb. 22 or Washington's birthday , and watch these colt iimns for cast of characters , MARRIAGE LICENCES , T , J Smith , Broken Bow 23 Meliesa Hipsher , Broken Bow 19 D. W. Osboru , Broken Bow 31 Hosetta Uhlman , Round Val. 22 T. A , Jewel , Ansley 19 Gracie Curtis , Analey 19 F. J , Neidt , Comstock 28 Anna Matox , Comatock 29 F , R. Sharpe , Dunning 19 Grace Wolf , Broken Bow 19 F. R. Doolittle , Anselrao 22 Alma Bowman , Anselmo 18 J. E , Felker. Callaway 27 Penola J , Smith , Callaway 20 J. K , Hermon , Broken Bow 35 Ora Shinn , Broken Bow 21 Joe Boyer , Berwyn 25 Verdie Long , Banner 20 CUSTKB. CCH.UtGli NItWS. A meeting- the atudetits was held in one of the recitation rooms Tuesday afternoon for the organization of a college literary. Professor Cornet called the meet * ing to order , Miss Lula Williams was elected president ; James McClintock vice-president ; Roy Thompson treasurer ; and Herbert Derris secratry , Two games of basket ball were played iu the local armory Wed nesday night. The first was between the college and the high school team and the second game was a contest between the college five and a team picked up from the basket ball players of the city. The college five won both games by good scores. They defeated the high school by the score of 21 to 15. This allows the college aggregation to man- tain an undisputed title to the championship of the city. The college five has lost but one game this season and that waste to a team that it has defeated several times. Denatured Why use wood alcohol when you can buy grain al cohol dcnaturized , just as cheap ? Denatured alcohol has a pleasant odor and ia harmless to use. Wood alcohol has been known to cause blindness. Denatured alcohol can be used for cooking , heating , etc. The Busy Druggist Authorative Instances of the Treatment's ! , ' < Curative Results. Treatment Produces Almost Immediately ft Complete * , ' f Relief From Pain ; Cancer As a rule haa no respect for jcrson , climate , altitude for position. It s found as often in the large cities of be United States as it is throughout the country ; Dr. Culdwell , affording her self of the opportunity by her frequent visits professionally to the different xirts of'the United States , has had access o a proportionate percentage larger than hat of titty kupviii physician. Her phut of treatment , beginning no me years ago , ins extended to now almost all parts of he United States. Doctors in general re willing to admit of her ability nud vhilc there arc a few in particular who o not like the methods pursued by Dr , Caldwell still they cannot help from ad mitting that she is u wonderful clement n the profession. The one particular umplaint laid at the door of Dr. Cald- vell's method is that of advertising. The old time school of medical ethics u unwritten law prohibits advertising , Not that the plan of advertising detracts r interferes with any physician's profes- ional ability but is not considered by odors as a whole as a fair and square al. In fact iu the doctor business , the ode of inedlcul ethics and the adhering o that plan of ethics is what wo might eriu a truqt , a law or an understanding vhich binds physicians socially to carry out a ccttian plan of laws formulated and cnowu to themselves only. Dr. Cold- veil has always believed iu letting the jood things be known , Diseases of women , which require more ability and skill in their treatment ban any other class of diienscs are treat * d with the' greatest success by methods original with Dr. Caldwell and 90 pet cent of the'usual operations aie avoided. Operations , as is well known , even the lightest of them , arc attended with dan ger , and when a system of treatment IB o eflected as to render a cure possible vithout operating it is certainly one to be considered. Dr , Cnldwcll'ti system of treatment means natural medication , it means no poisoua given , it means no diseases produced or injury -done , It means a most successful system'Aof medi cine known all as a result of her exper ience in her large continued practice. Years of the largest and most successful 'practice iu the northwest is evidence of the superiority of her ability and Integ rity. Dr. Caldwell furnishes licr own medicine. Her laboratory is known to contain the largest assortment of pure medicines of tiny laboratory to be'found throughout the United State : ) , She ia directly interested iu each patient , there fore when she treats them and the medi cines arc prepared directly under her supervision she knows that the patients nru getting just what she intended them to have , We publish below eotnc recent cures ; Mrs. John Wibbles , Wolbach , Nebr. , cured female , nervous and kidney dis ease. Had been given up by a number of doctors and told that she must be op- crated on. Today is sound and well. Mrs. I'rank Henderson , of Spauldiug Nebr. , cured of heart disease , female , liver and kidney disease. Had suffered for many years. t Mrs. S. E. Hanley , Kearney , Nebr. , cured of u complication of many. diseas es. Had been to many doctors previous- iy. Frank Colton , OakdaJe , Nebr < ( says : "I was an invalid for eleven years from stomach and heart disease. I Imd been given up us incurable by five doctors , and concluded to give Dr. Caldwell d trial. After three months treatment I was al most well ; I continued it two j more months nnd from that day to this which is seven years , I have been a well man. " Mable Swausou , Grceley Center , Neb. , cured of long standing nervous disease. Dr. coldwell will make her next visit : HERE THEY COME NATIONAL UCI31ATIY ? ZOO. ' ' orncE