Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 07, 1909, Page 5, Image 7

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in the matter of the estate of Isaac Juno
r In the district cour : of cuitei
. that in , . pur
nrance of an oruenof Uruuo O. Hosteller ,
3udge of the District Court of Caster County
Neorasfca , made December Sth , 1008 for ; the
gale of real estate hereinafter described.
There will be sold at the east front rtoor of
ihcVcourt house in Droken How , Custcv
county ? -Xebrasfca , on the 9th day of
January , W3. at 3 o'clock P. M. at public
vcndue to tnc highest bidder for cash tuc
olloiilnK described real estate to-wlt
lJolWH3.iaandHm Woct 8 of the
of lot IS block 7 lit Anseinio , tttence . . . . -
< tet to th west line of Hawkeye St. thence
north 200 feet , tnencc cast 240 feet to tlie
P aafd0le Wr ? 5aln open one hour.
Dato&Deccfflbsr HJIS03.JJJA
AamlnjBtratrls of the estate of
fl.T BAUD ' . Isaac June , deceased.
Attorney. w'31
In the Bounty Court of ouster county , Ke-
- - - - - In the matter of the estate of
naj . .
The State of Nebraska , to Creditors of
Take-Noilce , that I V7I11 sit In the County
County Court Room , In Broien Bow. in saw
County , on the S iUi day of January 1M3 and
thesistday ot JunbiSOOnt 10 o'clock A. SI.
to receive ami examine all claims illca ami
presented against said estate , with a view
to their adjustment and allowance ; and that
on the first date .ilio veil named the petition
ot the widow v < hi te liearJ for homestead ,
exemptions and allowance , and other
statutory rights.
The time limit -.for the presentation of
claims against tald estate ii sis moths from
the 10th day ot December , 19JS. and the time
limited for the payment of deDU U one year
t om said date. 23-31
Pate December 10 , 1003
A. R. HVMPauur. County Judge
In the County Court of custer County. Ne
braska , In the matter of the cstr.te of
Patrick Tenon , Deceased. Notice to
ThffState of Nebraska , to Creditors ct said
Estate :
Take notice that I TIll sit in the County
Court roomi in Broken Bow , In eald county ,
an the Both day of Jonuary 1009 , ami the I9tn
tfay.of-June-IS03at 10 o'cloc A. M , to re-
.ceiva.-and czamlne all claims Uled and
presented dgalnst Bald estate , with a view to
thelra'Mustacnt and allowance.
The time limit ior the presentation of
claims against said estate 13 sis months from
the 12th day -of December 1903 , and the
Urac llmlted.for the payment nf debts Is one
year from said date.
Dated December 12th 1003. 23-31
A' It. innirnnny. County Judge
Denartmcnt of the Interior , Ut S. Laaij
omtro sruroten Btfw , Nebr. , Dec 19 , lD3i
Notice 13 nerebv given tha : Klcharddr -
ring , heir of Uachael Warring otllroken iiow
Ktur , , who , on Feb. 24.1C03 , made serial : , * o
OW5 , U.JE. * I63i , for w / SUr Sec. 8 Uj >
is north of range 20 , west of the Oth. princi
pal meridian , haa tiled notice ot Intention to
saafcciinsr.Bytar prool , to establish claim to
thrlan.d.above described , betore Hegls'er
and Receiver , at Uroken Bow , Mebr on the
ith , day of February , 1809.
Cilatuant names as witnesses
Harry'a/Swlct , of Lillian Xebr , Aionzo
Tracy , of Hroken Bow. George Templar , ot
' : J. Chrlsman , of Urottn
S98C- John Reese Register
Cstate-of George Gariison Deceased , in the
f\ county Court of Uuster County , Nebra.sVa
The State ot Nebraska , to all pewju--
latcr sted-in said estate , take notice , that a
petition has been filed for the appointmotu
of Barry A. Sherman as admlulstratror of
saicestate , Which has been set for heailufi
BereUr.jon 2ith ot Januarv 19J. ' . atlo
o'clock a. m.
dated Dec.mU.iKB
4aEAtJ A. n. Huiipar. = y.
93 ( t County Judge
Serial No. 01K9. H. E. 192CS
Oepaftment' the Interior , U. S L\nd
Ctace at North Platte , Nebraska , Deccm-
ijer'Si , 1903.
Notice U hereby Klven that John W , Koch
cf Broken Bow , Nebraska , wuo , on janu
ary JO , 1904 , made Homestead entry Nq.
19803. for theN'/4 SWtf of Se.c 11 , Tov.nshjp
UN..RngeJ8 Vf. , of the Sixth Pilncipal
.Meridian , naa filed notice of intention to
aaU .Ftnal Five Year Proof , to establish
f claim to the land above described , before A.
I B. Humphrey , County Judge at Broken Mow ,
Nebraska , on the twenty-third day of
Pebuary 1B09.
CHamant names as witnesses :
John W. Rogers , Sylvester Dale , David J.
Coulter of Broken Bow and Charles S. ick-
J E. EVASS , Register
ff ? * ' ! Z *
T8 City to
And Feed Barn
Feexls your heroes no p or
\\ill supplv , ou with cj
Horses and
at reasonable prices
Come autl see uie
W. A , Toolsy
-L I V M R Y-
I have repairul 4 ui u . . . *
ay Livery Barn insdo tuu t-
stdft and have addcil f ur CJI.J'-P
svhich will feeil and wster
head of Stock. See mo for
reasonable rated ,
North Side Livery
_ Author of 'TSso Fighting Chance , " Ltc.
Copyrluh-t. 1007 , ' by Robert W. Chamber *
oniinuc1' L1 1 s' w cek
back here. And now 1 have only tc
tbnnk you for receiving ine , at my own
request , for a six months' trial , and tc
admit that I nrn not qualified to co
operate -with this kind of n flrm. "
"That , " said Neersard angrily ,
"amounts to an Indictment of the Qrm
If you express yourself In that mannct
outside , the firm will certainly resent
it ! "
"My personal tacto will continue tc
govern my expressions , Mr. Noergard
and I bollevowill prevent any fnrthei
business ielatlon3 between us And ,
as wo never had any other kind of ro
latlond , I have merely to arrange the
details thvoitsh on attorney. "
Necrgard looked after him In si
Jence. The tiny boads'of ' sweat on his
nose united and lolled down lu n bis
shining drop , and the sneer etched or
his broad and brightly mottled fea
( urea deepened { o a snail when Sol-
wyu had disappeared.
For the coclal prestige which Sel-
.wyn'o name had brought the firm ho
bad patiently endured his personal dis
like and contempt for the man after
he found ho could do nothing Tilth lilm
In any way.
He had accepted Selwyn purely In
the hope of social advantage and with
the knowledge that Eelwyn. could have
flouo much for him after business
hours , if not from friendship , at least
riv.3 interest or a lively sense of bene
fits to coiao. For that reason he had
Invited him to participate In the valu-
cblo Blowithn deal , supposing a man
oa comparatively poor as Solwyn
would not only jump at the opportuni
ty , but also prove sufficiently grateful
later. And he had been amazed and
disgusted at Selwyu'a attitude. But
he had not supposed the man would
cover his connection with the firm If
ho , Noergnvd. went ahead on his own
responsibility It astonished and Irri
tated him It meant , Instead of selfish
or mobbish indifference to his own
social ambitions , nn enemy to block
his entrance Into what he desired the
society of those made notorious In the
columns of tha dally press.
Ho was fairly on the outer boundary
now , though still very far outside. But
a needy gentleman lualde was alieady
compromised and practically pledged
to support him , for his meeting with
Jack Ruthven through Gerald had
proved of greatest importance lie
had lost gracefully to Rtvthven and
In doing It had taken that gentleman's
measure. And , though Ruthven him
self was a member of the Slowltha ,
Neergnrd had made no error in taking
hlra secretly Into the deal whcic to
gether they were now in n position.
to exploit the club , from which Ruth
ven of would resign in lime to
escape any assessment himself
Nejjsrgard's progress had now reach
ed this stage. Hl3 progiamme was
simple to wallow among the wealthy
until satiated , then to marry Into that
agree'able community and found the
house of Neersard. And to that end
ho had already bought a building site
on Fifth avenue , but held it in the
name of the firm , as though It had been
acquired for purposes merely specula
* % 7 Chapter ISrff :
" - 1 < j
$ s BOUT that tlrno Cojt < 3 Lan-
blug very qulctij bought
a house on Manhattan
Island. It v.-as r. small ,
narrow , three storied
housro of blick rather
shabby on the ouuide
and situated on a jaodcit block be
tween Lexington aud'Paik avenue" ,
where xhe newly married of the
younger set were arriving in increas
ing numbers , /prepared to pay the
penalty for 'all love matches.
It was an unexpected move to Sel
wyn ; he had not been aware of Lan
sing's contemplated desertion , and that
morning , returning from iila final In
terview with Seergard , ho was as
tonished to find his comrade's room
bare of furniture and a hasfy and , ex
clamatory note on his own table ;
Phlll I've bought a house 1 Como and
oeo itl You'll ana TOO in ttt CarpetlcsB
floors and unpapered walls ! It's the hap
piest day of my life ! BOOTS !
House Ownerl
And Selwyn , horribly depressed ,
went down after a solitary luncheon
and found Lansing oltting on a pile of
dusty rugs , ecstatically inspecting the
cracked celling.
"I'm going to have the outlro thing
done over , room by room , when I can
afford It. Look
there , Phil !
I That's to be
i your room. "
, "Thanks , old
fellow not now. "
i "Why , yes ! I
expected you'd
have your room
here , Phll"-
"It'a very good ,
of you , Boots , ,
but I can't i -
it. " I "linn Lu i-i IK t > n L
onapfl-o'o'i '
Lansing faced 'JTS
him U'oct jou" Sc'i > strn'-
lug , shoe' , hu hand , nnd ihc otiur
Unev , ' it * .vivi ui ,
"Well the room \vlll be. tbero. fur-
iilRhcd the way you and Lj.l.o ) it.
When you _ wnnt It make smoo ! sig
nals or wlgwng. "
"I will , thauk you , Boots "
Lansing &aid unaffectedly. . "How soon
do you think you curf tifford n house
like this ? "
"I don't know You tec , I've only ray
income now "
"Plv.3vhnt you uinke at thaofHce. "
"I've left Xecrsaul. "
"This morning ; for gooj. '
"Tho deuce ! " he muvuiured , looldng
at Selwyn , but the latter volfmtsered
no fiu-thei information , and Lansing1 ,
having given him the chauco , cheer
fully switched to the other trad :
" : i.i : I , ci T.-1.L : . 1L ? , vl ; Lie !
has anything in your line , Phil ? Xo ?
Well , what nro you golArig to do ? "
"I don't exactly knoV wldt I shall
do. If I hall capital enough I think
I'd start in making bulk and dense
powder9 flU sortsj gun cdtton , nftro
"You mean you'd like to go'c'n with
your own Invention chaosite ? " .
"I'd like to keep on experimenting
with it if I could afford to.Perhaps I
will. But it's not yet n commercial
posdbillty-lf it ever id to be. I " ! ; : <
I could control it ; the iguUlon 13 simul
taneous and absolutely complete , and
there Is not a trace of ash , not nn unburned -
burned or partly burned "particle. But
Jt's cot to ha trusted , and I don't baov ?
whut luippetis to It after n year's stor
age. "
'Anyway , " $ ald Lansing "you've
nothing to worry over. " <
"No , nothing , " fronted Sq rh list
lessly _ >
After n silence Lansing add ; di"But
you do a lot of worrying all tbel'amo ,
Selwyn flushed up and dQnled It
"Yes , you do ! I doa't bclieve you
reahce how much of the time you arc
out of spirits. "
"Dees It linptess you tbat way , "
asked Selwyn , mortified , "because I'm
really all right ? "
"Of course you are , Phil. I know ir ,
but you don't seem to realize It
You're morbid , I'm nfrold. "
"You're been talking to my slstei ! "
"What of it ? Besides , I "knew mere
was something the matter. "
"You know what it lu too And
Isn't it enough xo subdue a man's sblr-
its occasionally ? "
"No , " said Ltmsiug , "if you mean
your mistake--two "years : ngo Thai
Isn't enough to spoil life .for a man ,
I've wanted to toll you so for aTong
time. " - < ' -
And as Selwjn said , nojthlng. "Poi
heaven'Q sake jna'ke .up yout rniiif.'to
enjoy your life ! 'You ore jQttcjl. to'en-
Joy It. j3et that abiurd'nollontqat cf
your head that you're done for7tbat
you've no home life la prospect , no
family life , co children. " „
"Do you meanto nay , Boots , that
you think a man tvhtr has made .the
ghastly mess of his Ufa iEaf I have
ought to feel fiec to.marry ? "
"Think It ! Man , I" knaw it. Cei-
tainly you ought to marry JAOU w'ish ,
but , above all , you ought .to.locl/free
to marry. That Is the easontial eVJulp
ment of a man. He isn't a man tf he
feels that he Isn't free to marry. He
may not want to do it , he may not be
In love. That's neither hero nor tb'cre
The main thing la that be la 'free as a
man should be to take any good oppor
tunity , and mnrrlago is Included Ira the
list of good opportunities. "
Sitting there in the catpetifcsa room
piled high with ilust > , linen shrouded
furniture , Selwyu looked around , an
involuntary smllo twitching his mouth.
"What about your marrying , " he
< eald , "after this talk about mlno ?
What about it , Boots ? Is this new
house tho.flrat modest step toward the
matrimony you laud so loudly ? "
"Surw , " sold that gentle'man airily
"That's what I'm here for. "
"tfeally ? "
"Well , > f course , Idiot I've always
been in love. "
"You. mean you actually , have so'me-
body lu view ? " ,
"No , son. I'vo always boon In love
with love . I'm a centlmental sentry.
on the ramparts of reason. I'm pi-op-
erly armed for trouble now , so" If I'm
challenged I won't lot my chance slip
by mo. "
After a llttlo while Selwyn went
awoyr first to look up a book , wiilch he
was havlnffifiound for Elleen.vthen to
call on 'his' sister , who , with Eileen ,
had Just returned trom a week ! nt # ! '
voi-slde with tbo children preliminary
to moving'tbo entire establlshmont
tbcro-fov the coming summer.
"Sllvorsldo h too lovely for words. ! "
osolaimod NIna as Solwyn. pntored the
llbrary' . -rfiNobody- ; wanted , to come
away. Eileen made straight for the
Biu'f/but it was an Arctic sea , and as
eooii im I found out what she waa
doing I raodeihor como'out. "
"I should think you would , " ho said.
"Nobody can o-tnnt.ondthrive. "
"Sho seems to , " cold Nina. "Sho was
Blinply. glorJouB nJtwJtho swinr. andjT
hated to put a stop to it. And yon
ghquld ssa. h r. drains Jicr hair
Jieiping ltluuITct""fo roll"h touuii
tfottvts tltnt hulr of hers blowing like
gold flames and her olcevcs rolled to
her armpits nml you ehould sw her
tlowu hi thc'dlrt piny Ing matbleA \ lth
Billy and Drlna shootlnu nway ex
citedly nnd exclaluilapr 'Ten dwb l'and
'Knuckle do\vn. Billy I' like nny gafnln
you ever heard of totally Unspoiled ,
Phil , lu splto of all tbo success of her
first \\lntor ! And ilrt you know that
sh < ? Ind no t'nd of K H seriously entangled
tangled ? I'htll"
'WliutV hiBitki. .
Ills " -iner tvg.iulail hlhi yiulllusly
then jmrtly turned atoitnd nud perched
chcrsejr on I'K > pnrti'etl arm of n grant
"Coais oi-n lietf , Phil ; no , close to
me. I with to put my haniU on y < } ur
ohoulders , like that Now look at me.
Do yo"u really Jove mo ? "
"Sure thing , Nliietto "
"And . 'you * kaojv 1 urtow you , don't
you ? " "
"Madly , dear , but 1 forglv * you. "
"No. I want you w be sorlous , because -
cause I'm prcttyAserloos.See , I'm not
sailing now. I d.on'r frcl like it , be-
cauoo It is n very very Important roft-
tor , Phllt thb thing that hns has al
most happened. It's about Eileen. And
It really has happened. "
"What ha ? shu done1' he aeked curi
His Ulster's eyes were searching his
very diligently , as though In Quest of
something elusive , nud he cnnod se
renely back , the most unsuspicious ot
emiles touching his mouth
"Phil , ileAr , n young glrl-a very
young gitl is a vapid nul uninterest
ing proposition to n ninn of thitty-flve ,
isn't she ? "
"Rather in some ways. "
"In what way is she not ? "
"Well , to me , for example , she Is ac
ceptable as children are acceptable-a
blessed , sweet , clean relief from the
womcn.of the Fanes' set , for example , "
"Like-Rosamund ? "
"Yes. And , Ninette , you and Austin
seem to bo. drifting out of the old cir
cles , tjio sort tha.t you and I were ac
customed to. You don't mind my say.
lug it , do you ? But there were so many
people In this town who had some
thing besides millions amusing , well
bred , JcJly people who had no end "of
good times , but w.ho didn't gumblo and
guzzle and stuff themselves and their
' ' '
friends who were not c'temaUy'hanjj-
Ing around other people's" wives. You
bavo Just asliod me whether a youpg
girl } 3 Interesting to me. T answer , i
fes , thank God , for the cleaner , eanor
tiappler h6urs T have1 spent this winter
among my own kind bave been spent ,
where the younger set dominated.
They are better than these who bred
them , and If in time they , too , fall
short they will not fall as far as their
parants. And In their turn when they
look around them at the younger set ,
whom they have taught in the light
end wisdom of their own shortcom
ings , they will see fresher , oweeter ,
lovelier young people than we see now.
And it will continue so , dear , through
tbo Jolly generations. Life is'all right ,
only , like art , It is very , very long
sometimes. "
Ulna eat silent upon the padded arm
of her chair , looking , up at her brother.
"Mail preacher ! Mad moUahi Dear ,
dear fellow ! " 'she sold tonderty. "All
Ills of the jrorld canst thou discount ;
but no thlno own. "
"Those , "too , " he Insisted , laughing.
"I had a talk with Boota. .But any-
wjiy I'd already * arrived at my own
conclusion that that I'm rather OYOT-
doing thUI blighted business. "
"Phlll" In quid : delight.
"Yes , " he said/-reddening nicely ;
"between you and Boota and myself
I've decided that I'm eoln In for for
whatever any man is going' Inf or
life ! NlnertOi life to the full and up
to the hilt for minet"
"I am goln to say something that
Is very , very serious and very near
my heart , " said Nina.
"I remember , " he said. "It's about
Eileen , Isn't it ? "
"Yes , it Is about Eileen. "
He waited , and again his sister's
eyes began restlessly searching hU for
Eomethlus that she seemed unable to
"You make it a little difficult , Phil.
I don't believe I had butter speak of
" ? '
"Why not
"Why , Just because jou ask me
'Why not ? ' for esampU . "
"Is it anything that worries you
about Ellqou ? "
"N-no , not exactly. It Is-lt may be
a phnse , and" yet I know that if it Is
anything at all it is not a passing
phase. She is different from the ma-
Jprfty. , you bee very intelligent , very
direct. She never foists , for exam
ple. Her loyalty U e rotnnikrtble ,
Tb.ll She la very Intense in her her
jbeliffa , the more co ' because she 13
unusually free ftom Impulse , even
QUltc Js11 ' of uio deeper emotions ,
or ao I believed until until"
"Is she In love ? ' he iisltcd.
"A rule , Phil. "
"Docs the admit It ? " he demanded ,
nnp't'issinUy astonished.
'C'l- ' ; admits It lit a dozen Innocent
ways to me , who can understand her
But 'o horse ! ? < -hc Iws not fulmlttod It ,
I th'-ik couM not admit It yet. be
cause hecauFo"
"Who is it ? " asked Selwyji. nudlhcro
was in his voice Iho sll.fhtoet under
tone of n urowl.
"Denr , shall I toll jou ? "
"Why not ? "
"E ait8c because , Phil , I thlakthat
our pietty Eileen Is n little in love
with you. "
Ho straightened out to hia full
height , ecarlet to the toruples. She
dropped her linked HBOH fu her lap ,
gazing at him almost sadly
"Dear , all the thingo you ate piopar-
Ing to shout at mo are quite * useless.
I know , I don't imagine , I don't fore- '
BtaU , I .don't predict. "
( Continued next weak ) (
The Corner
A quiet chat with you through the columns ol the preei on tlie tiier-
its , quality and piioo uf uur yoods.
e know that we offer the Consumer n Superior article o' food
Wo think that wo oiler the Consumer
a price cm the of our
goous that are right
Our delivery service we consider first class.
Our Assistants work hard to please you
If at any time we fail to pkasa you. If at any time we jyake an error
coine and tell us of it for wa arc always jjlad nud wMitic to oorreot
an error. It is our aim to please yoo at all times ,
owovv we oucr you n tew nrticles of merit ; which we wish you would
try ;
Bib. can Blue Belle Peas ; flner than Qrenn Peas a can I5c , perdos. . . .
3 Ib. can olllman corn. Very tcmlcr no husks , .x can UHC , per rte * i.M
81b. can OIU EJge Beans Strlnjlcas , very fancy , soc * can , per do * 3 < H
Jtlb can Imported aardinea , small Osh pure olive oil , isc n can , doe . .
3 Ib. can very fancy Hominy , tender and Juicy , is c a can per doz. . 1.82
Extra fancy large Santa clara Prunes , I5c a > . , 10lb Lots . . . i so
Pure Food Products
E ALSO HAVE a large stock of Hard
and Soft coal o alj kinds , Buy jour
coal now before cold weather oomes.
We screen all our coal. Also a full
line of building ; material. f
IF YOU W\NT a good
at a very low price call at
the Republican Office.