Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 07, 1909, Page 7, Image 3

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Officers Will Alakca Last Effort lo Keep
Company Prom Being Alustered Out ,
At the regular meeting- for
drill practice last week Company
M held an election of officers.
First Sargent Lawrence IIol-
landsworth was elected Captain
to succeed Captain Pickett , re *
signed. II. R. Joyner was chos
en 2nd lieutenant to take the
place of G. L. Dean whose time
had expired.
Owing to the poor condition of
the Company the adjutant gener
al of the State Mi'itia was going
to muster out the company. The
officers elected asked foi another
opportunity to put the company
in shape and were given until the
12th of February to get thirty
men lined up who can be put
under arms within two hours.
One of the national guard officers
will be here on the 12th to in
spect the company and determine
whether or not it will be muster
ed out. The offiicers and friends
of the company look with pride
on the record of the company in
the Philippines during the Span
ish American war and they de-
ire if possible to keep the comp-
pany here. An extra ordinary
effort will be made lo secure the
necessary number of men and
have them ready for inspection.
Miss Myers To Asylum.
Miss Louise Myers , the seven
teen year old daughter pf Perry
Myers who lives about seven
miles northeast of this city , was
taken before the insanity board
last Friday and found to be in
sane. The complaint was filed by
her father. She was taken to
the asylum at llasting's Saturday
by Sheriff Kennedy and Mrs. S.
L. Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ream and
and Mrs J. D. Ream left last
Friday night , on a business and
pleasure trip to Galena , Kansas.
Mrs. Fred Keam will visit with
her cousin Mr. Lambert Walker
who is manager of the ice plant
there and who some years ago ,
resided in Broken Bow. Mrs. J.
D. Ream will visit with her sis
ter , whom she has not seen in
twenty years.
Broken Bow Markets.
Thursday , Decembr 3 , i90S.
Hogs 4c
Cattle ; 2.75 @ 4.00
Turkeys 12c
Chickens , old 8c
Chickens , young 8c
Geese 7c
Ducks 8c
Wheat 84c
Oats : 39c
Corn 45c
Barley 43 @ 45c
Butter 25c
Eggs . ; . _ 2Sc
Potatoes 50c
The Chautauqua.
Professor Teagardeu states that
the Redpath Chautaqua Company
has bought out the Slaytou
Lyceum Bureau. This greatly
strengthens the Redpath people
and gives them a larger working
force than all of the other chau-
tauqua people combined. The
people of Broken Bow will be
pleased to learn that Frank Rob-
erson and Champ Clark will ap
pear on the local platform next
August Mr. Teagrarden will
have Stormsberg , Ord. Columbus ,
Seward , Alma , McCook and Brok
en Bow under his supervision
A Christmas Party.
A Christmas party was given
Christmas evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Coulter in
honor of Miss Mary Osborne of
this city , who was visiting with
Mr. and Mrs. Coulter. The
young people of the Prairie Hill
Epworth League were invited
and the evening was spent in
listening to musical selections
and playing games. All present
report a good time.
II C. Werber , Sargent 23
Lorena Branuon , Sargent 17
0. C. Shipley , Callaway 22
Reuna Weaver , Callaway 19
P. J. Moore , Callaway 22
Norha Nausel Callaway 20
G. A. Greenwood , Seneca 23
Nellie Paul , Seneca 23
A. M. Voss , Lincoln 22
Ethel Stokes , Sargent 23
'F. D. Reynolds , Arnold " 45
B. Rutner , Arnold 26
J. M. Samuelson , Arnold 45
Ivy Amson , Springfield 25
II. E. Michc , Mason City
Edith Amsberry Mason City
L. L. Pfichm , Walworth 21
Ilette Hall , Walworth .19
H. F. Brittian , Callaway 2L
Etta Craig , Callaway 19
J. R Russom , Broken Bowv 23
Mabel Rector , Broken Bow' 20
F. L. Bcals , Anselmo 35
Jessie Parkison , Anselmo 24
Frank Cramer , Broken Bow 21
Mabel Kouth , Broken Bow 18
R. L. Routh , Broken How 23
Carrie Fox , New Helena 21
E. W Myers , Benedict 21
Feme McSherry Georgetown 21
P. G. Kolbo , Lodi 23
Lourine Simonsou. B. B. 21
That some people seem to
think that the world was made
especially for them and no one
That if the Lord would an
nounce a visit to every home in
Broken Bow there would be a
general hustling around to get
the dust , off the bibles.
That it's a time honored be
lief that all the world loves a
lover , but it is hard to convince a
M /
* *
* * *
' 0
IF vou WUT . a o 00(1 (
at a very low price call at
the Republican Office.
young man of this after he has
met the girl's father.
That a man is always in a
hurry. He will rush along
through life as if he was in a
hurry to have it done with as
soon as possible , but * when the
time comes to die his rush isover.
That every young man has
capital to work with whether
he has liibney ornot. . . .He has
hands , feet , bone , brain , muscle ,
and health. What more capital
has God given 3113 * one ? They
are better by far than cash capi
tal for no one can take them from
B. & M. Train Schedule
No. 39 6:2" : a m No. 40 0:10 : a m
No. 41 11'J7 : pm No. 41 9 : > a m
No. 43 ! No. 44 11:27 t , in
NOH 39 .nut 40 run butuucn Lincoln and Itrokcn
How only , anil not on Sundays
rrcldlit trains Nos47an < l 4S cany passcn ors
lint aru run as t-xtras 4
r t *
Harrln.nn's Spine Is Said to Be Shrinking. News Item.