Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, December 31, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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The Glister County Republican
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Subscription $1 Per Annum
Whpro matter l net on wood ba a electrotype * u flat prlcr
of 20 cents per Incli.sliiBlBColuiiin. liir caeji Insi rtlon , Iwii
or morn Insertions IScrntR per In ill Si orlul position , Mil-
Hie In'iTtliin. IS crnln i ei I icli. Metal liafle electros , two or
mo c limes. IS cenu. POI lucli. Payments \ * \ of eacli month
Locil julvenlttiiu - tenth IMT line cadi Him it < m.
Notice of Luutxl [ j-irs , soclabh-H auil cniunalnraciiu
tvhuro wnov U chnrL'eil , one ' all ' .iti's.
latb notices der , lialf i i. r publlnlilntr obituaries.
Curd of TlianfcH , C CCB < < . tiotlccu at ra es iiriivldoil by Rtntutri of Nebraska.
Sucifty notices am' i ' r IH
\ \ ' < : d < | ! notlccR fteo , half price for . of prticiita. at llroken How. Nebraska , for trantmlnnlou la tin
llnltvil Stall's niaili. at second clam ratcH.
HIJRBUKT O , MYHKS , Editor and Publisher
WILL M. DUNN , - Managing Editoi
The prospect for Broken Bow to
secure electric lights looks good.
Two different men are now figuring
on putting in an electric plant if they
can secure a satisfactory franchise
from the city council. Of course ,
one bird in hand is better than two in
the bush and it may be that neither
one of the men will find it to their ad
vantage to put in the plant , but con
sidering the opportunity there is for
one here it seems that the chances
ought to be good.
That Broken Bow needs electric
lights is beyond question. Four arc
lights around the public square and
one in the center would make an en
tirely different looking place out of it
at night. There are many ways in
which electric lights may be used for
illumination and to beautify the city
and for these gas is entirely out of
the question. Electric lights may be
used in many places where gas cannot
and gas makes possible many conven
iences which are not afforded by elec
tricity. A combination of the two
has many good features which are
not to be had when you have either
one separately.
The question of whether it is best
to give a franchise to a gas and elec
tric light company or to keep the two
separate is one that will have to be
decided by the city council. A com
bination of the two would protect the
interest of the present gas company
but would eliminate competition. The
best statesmen of the day seem to be
lieve that the best results are to be
secured through a combination of cap
ital under proper regulations. The
combination of capital mikes the cost
less but the trouble is that it is hard
to properly regulate a corporation
after it gets a good foothold.
When a man desires to secure a
manager for a department of his busi
ness he studies the qualifications of
the candidates who apply for it.
Why should not this rule apply in
the administration of the public's af
fairs as it does in private business ?
The idea in both cases is to select the
man who has the best qualifications
and why shouldn't we pursue the
same process in determining who the
man shall be in public. business as in
private. Then too when a man in
private business is looking for a man
ager of his affairs and none of the
candidates who apply seem to be well
qualified for the work to be done he
goes out and looks up a man who has
the proper qualifications. Now if the
people do not feel satisfied with the
Candidates for a certain office why
should they not enjoy the same privi
lege ? Well , they do enjoy the same-
privilege but the trouble in this case
and in the case mentioned above is
that they do not take the interest and
give the proper time to it. After all ,
then , who can they blame if they do
not get the proper party candidates
and the proper officers under the di
rect primaiy system ? Nobod } ' but
themselves. The power is in their
hands if they will but use it.
On page one will be found a list of
the candidates who have thus far got
ten the "bee in their bonnet" for the
party primaries next September.
The people of the county should look
over this list of men carefully and
study their qualifications for the of
fices for which they aspire. If a man
is to cast an intelligent ballot ai the
primary he must know something of
the reputation and qualifications of
all of the candidates. To acquire
this knowledge the voter must take
the time to look up each candidate
and get information concerning him
frr ra those who know him.
The nomination of good party can
didates is the first step in good gov
ernment. Without strong candidates
no party can hope to remain in p jwer
for any length of time. The interest
and the obligation on the voter at the
primary then , is a double one. In
the first place he must vote for good
men because it takes good men to
carry his party banner to victory ,
and in the becond place he must heJp
to select good men in order to have
the government honestly and econom
ically managed.
This rule applies in the nation , in
the state , in the county and in the
precinct. If the people of the coun
ty want the county government to be
honestlyfairly and economically run
for the next two years after the elec
tion next November it behooves them
to begin now to think oer the candi
dates , and then when the time for the
primary comes go to the poles and
vote for the man best fitted for the
The letter of Raihva } ' Commission
er Williams states his case very clear
ly as it stands in the minds of most of
the Republicans and no donbt a good
many Democrats agree with him only
they they do not like to admit it.
The Democrats made their cry that
the people should rule and then here
in the home state of Bryan they al
lied themselves with the railroads
and the boozers and were able in tin
last days of the campaign to win on
their misrepresentations. In other
words through the cunning work of
their politicians they were able to
keep the people from ruling. Their
politicians did the ruling through mis
leading the people.
Loup City Northwestern : Presi
dent Roosevelt in his last mebbage to
congress made some energetic re
marks about members of congress
that badly injured the feelings oi said
preciousj servants of Uncle Sam , or
the dear people , if you please. Now
congress proposes to investigate the
president for his awful awfulness ,
the president being highly pleased
Will foil
over the squirming and claiming1 to be
thoroughly prepared for the boys , his
preparation being1 calulated to in
crease the squirm , rather tlian alevi-
ate the mental disease. Let the fight
\ \ here Was Kinkaid.
O'Neill Frontier : Dm a tl j cr.r.-
pnign last fall the Sixth district congressman
himself if reelected
gressman pledged , -
ed , to vote against Cannon and Can-
nonism. He had an opportunity to
make peed his promise a week ago
Tuesday when the Gardiner resolu
tion was before the house , but he
found it convenient to be absent
when the vote was taken. Boyd and
Pollard were the only members of the
Nebraska delegation who voted for
the resolution and against the
New Honors For Magooa . v
.Baltimore American : Charles E.
Magoon , who has lifted Cuba over a
bad break , has demonstrated that he
is apacilicator of rare abilities , and
is undoubtedly the right man to send
as governor gi neral U > the Phillip-
pines , if only he is willing.
Omiha Bee : Judges of our su
preme court will draw their pay at
the increased rate uf ? 4,500 a year ,
beginning with December 1 , last. In
asmuch as the judges are themselves
the final arbiters of what the recently
adopted constitutional amendment
provides , and when it goes into force
and effect , their demand in iy be con
sidered modest and moderate. They
might if they wanted tp have dated
the amendment back to election day ,
when it received the requisite majori
ty of votes to become a part of the
constitution , which would have given
them at least ' weeks more on
the new schedule. For small favorS
let"tie. . all be thankful.
Grand Island Independent : The
senate wants to investigate Teddy !
And the friends Theodore see ns to
have lost in his recent defence of
himself ! There's Aldrich , for in
stance , who has always assisted the
President in his efforts to bring Stan
dard Oil to comply with the laws , and
give everyone a square deal ! Then
there's Bailey of Texas , too never
too friendly to Standard Oil and the
predatory trust ! Both were in the
fore front of the indignation march.
The prospects , indeed seem bright
for a merry time at Washington twixt
now and March. The strenu < > us Presi
dent is about to depart and congress
seems anxious to administer a long
nursed rebuke , by tossing him up and
down in the blanket a time , or two
times. Even Republicans show a
disposition to lead in the exercises.
If permitted , we would suggest to
them to proceed with a little caution.
It might not strike the Republican
party over the country as the best
thing to punish a man for showing a
clear read in answer to a charge that
scandal was connected with greatest
achievement in recent years.
Ring out the Old , Rjng'fn th6 > 'Joyv.
Rsng out the { also , . King in the true
At this season of good resolutions , let
us ask you to ri solve to read our nds for
the coming year. It will profit you 'a < * .
\\ell a" us , we often have some interesting - "
ing store new.i. which may mem a saving
iojour ftitnds , or to jou. \\c
you all the joys of the season.
That honest competivi.on is not
afraid to advertise.
That the owning-of an automobile - '
bile does not indicate that the
owners bank account is larger
than his neighbor's.
That some young1 men do not
hesitate to go in debt , nor do
they show remorse when their
father's have to pay the bills.
That keeping eternally at" it ;
no matter what happens , riil'l1
bring a man at last to the place
where success crowns effort.
That some people who do not
mind their own business , bring. ,
more misery into famil'efv , ,
churches and societies than eve ry-
thing else combined They turtr \
the pleasant , peaceful stream of
good will into a loathsome puol.
HE HAH who devotes his entire time to a partic
ular line of business can give you a "better qual
ity of goods and sell them at a lower price than
the man who has a general store. We will op
eTup a store about January 1st in ths building now oc
cupied by James Ledwich and give all of our time to
the harness business. We will hav& the best line of
hand made harness in the city and will sell them to
you at the lowest possible figure. v v " " v
We are out for business and here is our proposition :
* ffl
We will give the first purchaser of fflII IIi II i !
A double set of work harness at $30 or over , a $9 'robe ,
A double set of buggy harness at $26 or over , a $6 robe.
A set of single harness at $12 or over , a $2.50 whip.
Robinson Tuttle