I 1 THJfi fcJfii'UBLfOAJS , tftohiUl OdUNtfV , & W'Sfr ? : & * NWX ; v i.tV . ' , * ' 4---vAy * * j - . , . . i . ' ' . ' < ' Christmas Morning m&m mm mi ? k " 17S7" © TO7"tn.'t : g $ . FOR OUR a ? . . Baldwin Nut and Lump § Cannon and Nigger Head Coal $ WE ALSO NOW HAVE NICE PEA COAL ft w * ( Or S l il . . . | | _ _ . _ .llhuliHIIIPH1 H1 \V. A GEORGR , PRESIDENT I , . II JEWRTT , CASIIIUH IL'UJS IIAL'MONT , Vtc PRRS K. D 1'ICKETT , ASB'T SECUT ITY STATE BANK RESPONSIBILITY $50,000. $ BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA Tin-re i a uuarantv of deposits in this linnk Yen urc iiuitt 1 tu c ill rtinl invt'sitctito out ttifi'in.l ' : : : : : : : : : : YOU L ? IJ U SIX I OS ft S O L , ICI rJ'KD j 'E'ALSO IIAVK a larare st-.ck of H r-1 - . and Sofr il of nil kinds , liny y > in enai now before cold wearhtr C'oui - . Wo sercpii all our coal. Alsu n. r. J liiu ol' building material. ' LUMBER AND DIERK'S COAL COMPANY ,7. S. MOLYNEAUr , Mcsu CALDWELL FIRM INCORPORATES. llOAL ETATH FIRM WITH CAPITAL _ . ; . _ lSTqCK'Ol < S23.00ft " r" A. I. MYERS , ONE OP FIRM. Tu do a ( leiior.il Real listnte Business in Cnldttell and AUddlcton MK Myers is Well Kuo n in Tliis Pan of the State. The Caldwcll N.-w * of Calil- i well , Idaho , states that A. I. j Myers , formerly ol' this city is otic of the tncorporators of the veal estate linn of A L. Murphy it Co. of Cnulwcll and Middlcton , Idaho. The capital .stock of the Company is S25.000. Mr. Myers waa boru and raised about 18 miles south of this city and is well known in this part of the State. He is a son of John E. Myers of the South L/oup and a brother to Edwin and Herbert Myers 01 'his city. The Caldwcll News has the following- sao \ o incoming the incorporation ot the company : A L. Murphy is coining to the fruit. This concern is very well nowo locally , even before they opened up an office in Caldwel ) . L < \ > r years Mr. Murphy has been me of Middleton'rt best boosters aid is to-day agent for nearly all of the Middleton property on the market. He is operating the office in Middleton , with & .S. Footc in charge On Saturday papers of incor poration were filed with the secretary of state of The A L , Murphy CompanyThe incorporators - tors are as follows : A. . L Murphy , A.I MyersJ.A. Millir , S.S.Foote and Elmer A.Clark , he new in corporation is authorized to ac quirebuysell landdeal in canals and irrigut.on projectsto erect and own and rent office or other buildings and do a general real tfSUte business The company is capitalized at 5-5,009 end the shares are ot the value of c50 each.Culdcll is de signated as the pUce where the principal offices are to Uelocated. The company is making a spec ialty of city prop rty , acreage in this bcctivTi and Middlctun and rentals. 1- ia also ageutlor a large dumber of ium lebideiH owners. The hittn ot present na.udes tut in .UK ! i , i r i h prcpi 113 , cit ) list ing m.d L.Uigi _ in , iiid uruui.d Cation _ cuuuy. : 1 i.tol.l Hartley ranch , < > uw called the iuuitland larmis listed vith the company and \vill be devided into liveten . -.ml twenty acre tracts. Tlu-y u ivi- also the John Lcmp ranch property two mi es east ol Middle ton. Mr.Murphy states that he has exceptional facilities forreachirg the buyi r. S. a. Foote is manager of the Middleton Itranch office , lie is Ak ) | known locally and at Mu.- i- ! ( en. A s ci-'Mil \\nli " < lr. Murphy i. . * " 'i s ur M. bhirs A. ffl I V | . . l . - ( , , J. , . \ . Mlllll , tVKO u ; { , u-.it uo have r. C' . ntly .iriVLd at lakhvdl. Mr. Mtlkr nails fri'tn ' Scottville , Pa. , and t.o . past ihrt-e years hds been in he lumber business in Wi-st Vir- ' , ( ) . lie i. nut inatricd and ex- ' i -g Ins pm t ts to . \ - i it.utj an < l intst bin. Hiis tuni'toi.viih the real ts- .1 luMitt. and is hustli r. Mr N'\.i ' * i > } > .n Uiifolr , NtbrasUa ut "ot < ith * < 'iii-iu ! < g ' ba1 fact is u ' unduh pulh-d tip lit : ia McMlu. le ot the Uni\crt.ity ol N tiaska and touk a law course t Harvard In Lincoln he was ire. and Treas ol E. E. Bennet t'rtSkit 0'inpany , at 100 000 cor r lion. IK' bruuuht Mr > Myers ith him anrl h.ix purchased the Kmu Brown pri-p-riy buck of the court bouse. i Intlirii M'-- Murphy , Miller nd Myer-maUc yo d combin ation and expect to cut a wide swath in local real estate cicles The whole bunch arc hustlers and boosters. The company is a member ol the recently orgaized Caldwel Real Estate'Exchange and also oI the Interstate Ivcstor's Associa tion of Mason City , Iowa. S-nyder Bros. Co. yFT ) POEGET that Snyder * " Bros. & Co. carry the largest and most complete lines of Dry Goods , Clothing , Shoes , Hats , Ladies' and Gents' Furnish ings , Trunks , Suit Cases. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits , Skirts , Coats , Etc. and at Seasonable Prices. Snyder Bros. Co. 17 CTS. A DAY BUYS AN Thli amazlnc offcr-the New Model Oliver Typewriter No. Sat iTocnls a day Is open to cvcr > toily , every whure. . It's our new anil Immensely popular plan of selling Ollviir Typewriters on llttlis catty . The abandonment of longhand i favor of clean , legible beautiful typewrit ing Is the next great step In human program. A. ready In all llnoi of business and' In all professions tbcuHr of jen and Ink is large ) } res rlclfd to the w.-ulnj : of olfniatutca. Colloiros and IIlEh Schools , watcli- lul ot the trend ot pvh'ic Henttncnt , are trailing a vast army of yoiinp people 'n the' ' nu of Oliver Typewrit- rt , The prompt and > ; cn- erutiH response of the Oliver Typ ewrlter- oinpany to the woriu Ide demand for unl , 'crsal typewrltltu : . gives troiucuuous iinpctun to the movement. The Oliver , with ihe large-it Hale of any tvpcwrlter in existence , was the logical ma iliineto take the Inltutlve In brliiKliiK about Hie universal use of typewriters. U leads' Save your Pennies and Own OLIVER The StandarJ Visable writer I7.i'uts a day" Hellinft plan makes ' v Oliver .ii > low ; is to rent. It pi ici's tin iiuichln within easy reach of cvi honn every individual. A inau'n "cigar > one > " a wotuau'u "pin money" will buy It. ( "Jerks on small balarles can now ntford to own Olivers. By utijlzlngsparemoments lor | . .rctlce they may tfl themselves for more tmpnrtant positions School boys and school Hrls can buy O'l vi-r by saving their penmen. You ran buy an Oliver on this plan at t tic- regular catalogue price flu ) A small tlr t payment brings Ihe machine.- Then > ou i.tve 17 cents a day and pav monthly And the possession of anOllverT\pewrltfr eii.ililiHi you to earn money to ilnisli paying [ r the nuchtnie. The Oliver U the The Oliver Tj lie- most highly perfect writer turns out ed lypewrter on the more workof better morlcei hence 1 t s iimillty and greater luu per cent efllclcn- variety than any cy. oilier writing ma Ainongltssrores of chine. Simplicity , conveniences ar : strength , ease of i v -the Ualance Shift eratton and visa ) thellUllllR Device ity are the corn the Double ( telease stones to IU towi the Locomotive Ing supremacy in llase I'orrespnndencc ttic Autom a 11 c Card Index Work Spacer Tabulated Iteporis -the Ant n m a 11 c - - 1-ollow up Systems Tabulator --.Manlfoldli - - g Ser -tic ! Dlxappcirlng vln Inaii-ator --Aildres-.lne ! Knve- --the Adjustable Pa loe.- per KlnKcrs Itulcil the Sclentlllc Con Forms densed Key Cutting Mlmco board graphs SlenclU Can you spend 17 cents a day to belter ad vantage than In the purcuaa of this wonder ful machine * wrlteforSpcoi.il Buy l'aymxnt I'ronosl tlon or fcce the near tt Oliver Agent , The Oliver Typewriter Compahy 116 South 15 Street , OMAHA , - - NEBRASKA , Kencau Hotel and Cafe. Tha Kencau Hotel , one block north of the Burlington depot is building' up a ( jood business tin * dcr its new management. Mr. A. L. Burgin the new manager who took charge December 1st , 13 remodeling the house in order to enable him to meet the needs of his customers in better style. The dining room is now on the first flour and some of the parti * tions will be taken out to make more room for il. He ia alee cleaning- and refitting the bed rooms. Mrs C. Talbotand three child ren came up from Berwyn MOD * day and will be the guests for the Christmas season of Mrs. Talbots parents Mr. and Mr a. L. H. Jewett. X6 Chri