Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 22, 1908, Page 6, Image 6

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LS ! ! " Jlg
wniiour IT
The City Is in Many Ways n Leader in
Its Clnss lint Seems to be licliind on
I he Use or Gas Tor Cooking
Ijrokcn How is t'ic ' only city of
its six.e in the state of Nebraska
which does not enjoy the advan
tages of tfas for cooking' pur-
pusi-s. Hrokcn Bow has for
in-'iny jiars cxhaulted in the
ai-cncc of saloons and other
contaminating influences has
pointed proudly to her education
al advantages , boasted of being
the county beat of one of the
largest counties in the state , cx-
toled the fact that it is the cen
tral point in the county which
produces more corn than any
other county in the state , and
pointed with pride to the coun
ty's ranking second as a cattle
But in spite of all of its boast
ing and in the face of all of its
advantages the fact stands out
that cooking gas one of the
modern conveniences cannot be
Some who have not stopped to
consider the matter may not
Ayer's Hair Vigor was Rood ,
the best that was made. But
Ayer's Hair Vigor , new im
proved formula , is better. It
is the one great specific for fall
ing hair. A new preparation in
every way. New bottle. New
contents. Ask your druggist to
show it to you , "the new kind. "
Doet not change the color of the hair.
Formula with cncli bottle
n Show It to your
- doctor
AsU him about It ,
tlion do as ho aaya
As we now make our new Hair Vij'or il
does not have the slightest effect upon
the color of the hnir. You may tibc u
freely and for any length of time with
out f"T of clinn < Mti the color Stops
falling hair. Cures dandruff
Mnrta by tlio J C. AyerC'o lowell Ttlnnn
You may be sure of finding
quality here.
We furnish the best the manu
facturer produces , but we watch
OIK buying so hat we may be
able to sell at reasonable prices.
Our idea is to sell you the best
you ever bought and save you
something in the transaction.
Perscriptions carefully prepared
by those that know how.
The Busy Druggist
realise that the healing capacity
of gas is 100 per ccut greater
than that of gasoline , they may
not have realized that the cost is
not more than one-half the cost
of burning- coal ; they may not
know that the heat from the gas
burning tends more than any
other kind of heat to go upward
being applied to the heating in
stead of radiating out through
the air and heating the room ;
and possibly they may not be
aware of the fact that there is
no danger from explosion when
gas is being used.
Cooking gas is not needed for
winter cooking but some plans
might now be laid for supplying
in next summer. A modern
economical convenience buch as
cooking gas need not be passed
up by Broken Bow- certainly not
when it is the only city of its
size in the state which docs not
have it.
Miss Mylton of Anslcy and Fred Bryncr
of Oconto Make Nearest Guess and
Each are Givcd One-half Hie
Price of a Piano.
The unusual little guessing
contest as to the number of
separate pieces used in the con
struction of the remarkable little
"Boudoir" piano on display in
the window of Watts' music and
book store closed Saturday.
Since this contest has been run
ning there has arisen a great
deal of conjectural discussion as
to how a good piano is made.
Some thought they knew about
how many pieces they could
make a piano from but they did
not care to say , for fear of giving
away a valuable secret. Others
were sure they knew all about it
but felt that it was not exactly
right to take so good a piano for
nothing. A greal many , how
ever , who were neither too timid
nor over conceited made the
venture. The result was that
the contest judges ( J. Benjamin ,
A. Morgan , and II. Lomax ) had
little than before-brcak-
a more a - -
fast-job. The lowest guess was
98. while the highest was nearly
two millions. The only correct
guess was one that read : "twice
as many as half" but the judges
promptly gave it the black-ball.
The nearest correct guess was
10,000 , two people guessing the
same nnmber. They were Miss
Mary Myttbu of Ansley , and Mr.
Fred Bryner of Oconto. While
Mr. Watts did not advertise to
give the piano to any but the
correct guesser , he later decided
to give each of the two nearest
guesscrs a coupon to the amount
of half the value of the contest
piano. No dissatisfaction or
disagreements arose as no con
sideration was involved on the
part of the guesscrs , and all
have decided to live is ever to
Leaving town. Call at G. L.
Turner's icsidence. I am selling
at private sale all my furniture ,
consisting of davenportleather )
bulTett , dressers , rugs , folding
and brass guilt bedsteadsrockers
and chairs , large Herrick refrig
erator , sewing machine 2 seta
asbestos sad irons and etc.
Coi. . JNO T. GRKUN.
" \7S7 © 'Wetxxt
Baldwin Nut and Lump
1 Cannon and Nigger Head Coal
, L
WHILE WHEAT is worth 80c per bushel on the market here , we will give in exchange for a bushel
of Wheat as follows-
Cream Hour , pounds per bushel , 35 Myrtle Ftour , pounds per bushel , 37
: : : v : : Baker's Choice , pounds per bushel , 40 : - . v : - . : :
WE WARRANT RVERY SACK OF OUR FLOUR * assert without fear of contradiction that it
' " " is not excelled by any made.
BUY JT THY [ T an(1 3 < ou W'H U9i ( no other. Remember economy in all things , especially small
' - things , forms the stepping stone to wealth. Yours for business.
LATION BY 60,000
Other siinilinr bills failed because of
corporate and other opposition but
Kinkald succeeded iu spite of
their combined efforts.
Special Correspondence.
Washington , L > C Oct 21. Theie is
10 test of a nun's ability in nny depart-
nent of puhltr life more severe tlmn
service in the ( louse of Representatives !
there is no plnce where so liltle defer
ence is paid to reputation previously ac
quired or to eminence won outside : no
) lace where so little consideration. is
shown for the feelings or failure of he-
ginnerd. What a mrm gains in the
House he gains hy sheer force of his
own character , and. if he loses and falls
jack , he must expect no mercy , and will
receive no sympathy. II is a field in
which the survival of the strongest is
the recognized rule , and where no pre
tense can survive and no glamor can
survive and no glamor can mislead.
The real man is discoved , .his worth is
impartially weighed , his rank ) is 'irre
vocably decided. It is not the orator
who wins in Congress , hut the man who
passes 8late-\\ide or general legislation
through his own influence and ability.
When a member passes n bill of this
character bearing his name he becomes
a recognized national power. Such
legislation known as the Dingley act ,
the McKinley act , the Wilson act , the
Hepburn act , the Curtis act , the Kinkaid
act , and other bills , have made the
anthots famous not only at home , but
throughout the country.
The greatest legislative achievement
or the state of Nebraska , which will be
a pattern for general legslation in the
tear future , in the one-section home
stead law , known generally as the Kin-
cnid act. There has never heen a more
mportant piece of legislation passed iu
Congress for Nebraska since its admis
sion as a state. It is confidently estima
ted by the Washington officials that en-
icttnent of this bill will mean a four
fold increase of the population of the
sixth district in the next few years , and
proportionately benefit the vast strech of
country in the next few years , and pro
portionately benefit the vast stretch of
country in the western half of the state.
When the Kinkaid act was pussed the
records show more than nine million ad
ditional acres \sere uncovered. Not all
could get a 640 acre homcbl ad , so that
upon a fair estimate there will be from
18,000 to 20 , ooo homesteads taken , a
good three-fourths having already been
occupied under the law. As a direct re
sult the population has been increased
60,000 to 75,000 , with the prospects of a
direct increase of ionooo and an indirect
additional increase of at least 150,000.
This increased population , says Congress
man Kinkaid , increases business
through the district and has been
materially felt by commercial interests
in Omaha and Lincoln , such as whole
sale and other business.
An emmigration agent of the Union
1'acific railroad recently stated that Ne
braska had become the first dairy state in
Union , and substance that the Kinkaid
one-section act has been the greatest
factor in bringing that about.
Strong effort was made the year after
the Kinkaid law was enacted to pass bills
providing for one-section homesteads
for the states of South Dakota aud
Colorado , but Congress declined to give
them favorable action hecause of power
fnl opposition of corporate and other
sinsier interests. Another measure
known as the one-half section home
stead hill , which was made to apply to
nil states and territories west of Nebras
ka , excepting California , passed the
House , but failed in the Senate. The
failure to enact land legislation in Con
gress is further evidence that Congressman -
man Kinkaid's efforts iu behalf of the
homestead law affecting exclusively the
state of Nebraska was indeed a master
The combined interests of the Dig Sixth
district are far larger and more varied
than those iu other Nebraska district ! ,
consequently the work encumbent upo u
iu representative U mor * exacting and
trying than upon others. IJut Congressman -
man Kinkaid has been successful un-1
usually successful He ( .honed his' '
power to legislate in the national legis- j
luture when he passed the one-stctum
Ian bill , which met with serious opposi-
lion from outside interests. It would
not be an injustice toother members of '
the Nebraska delegation iir the House to
say that Congressman Kinkaid passes
more legislation for his district than anv
other member from the state. The
record beats out this .statement
As ( in instance of what success he
achieves in legislation in shown by his
record during the past session. He
passed a bill providing for free homes of
the land contained in the Fort iMcl'her-
son military reservation in Lincoln
county and Camp Sheridan military
reservation in Sheridan county. These
landu are being homestcaded at from
§ i 25 to $2 50 per acre , which is a saving
to the entrymen , when making their
proof , the payment of more than $30,000. ,
He passed another bill entitling old
homesteaders who have made additional
entries of contiguous lands to credit
when making proof upon the new entrj
for improvements made upon the old
after t iking the new. He also passed
an important measure providing for
resurvcys at the _ expense of the govern
ment ef townships in several counties in
the Sixth district for the convenience of
the ccttlers whrre the origiual surveys
have become obliterated. Judge Kin-
kuid also was active in promoting the
passage of a i act restoring to home
steaders who have lost their right with
out their fault , the privilege ot making
another entry.
Conspicuous among general legislation
affecting the country at large Congress
man Kinkaid aided by personal ellorts
the passage of the railway rale bill , pure
food and meat inspection bills , em
ployers' liability bill , age pension ,
widows pension bill , a measure limiting
the hours of labor of government em-
pi tyees , a similar bill limiting the houis
of labor of railway trainmen , bill limit
ing the hours of telegraph operators
bill to promote the safety of employees
running trains known as the Ash Pan
act , and a bill providing for the piuuieut
without suit or the employment of
counsel , of damages for personal injuries
sustained by employees of the go\ern
meiH engaged in certain dangerous oc
The German-American vole
will be for Taft and Sherman
because William H. Taft is
recognized by Germans every
where as better equipped for
the Presidency than any pre
vious President before entering
ing- upon office , and because
Germans , like all others who
have studied Mr. Taft and
his career , are convinced that
he will carry into the White
House , as McKinley said he
would carry to the Philippines
' 'the spirit of the Constitution
of the United States in his
very blood. "
Let's have a Republican
board of supervisors.
Township Officers Nominated.
At the Republican caucus held
last Saturday afternoon the
following men were nominat
ed for township officers : John
S. McGraw , Clerk ; Joe S. Moly-
neu > : , Treasurer ; Chatf. Walton ,
A. J. Routli , District No I
Florian Jacobs "
John G. Painter. . . . 3
John Jensen 4
C. P. Greem 5
A. GusUfson 6
Chas. Wright 7
i 7A
Dave Allspaugh . . .T A
Peter Doo'ley " B
Dead Letter List.
For week endingOct. . 20 , 1908.
Axtell Produce Co (3 ( cards
tevl Armstrong.
Mrs. Susie Ut-U.
Wiu. T. IJImler.
K.T. Dlclcmau
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Iul r.
Miss Ella Downey.
0. W. Flowers , ( card )
J , A. Hunter.
Lee Kcley.
Frank Kutz
Mr. F. Lewis.
W. H. MacMastcr.
M. S. Morutu.
James Kobertson.
Cliff Smith.
Jon. SUIer
MUs MlnnU 3 ott.
W. H. Smith
W. R. Warren.
Post Master.
Suite of three rooms to rent.
20-tf E. P.MYBR9.
An Invention Only
Found on Moore's
Just look at the above Illus
tration and you con easily
picture in your own mind the
fact that hereafter you will
bo able to bake any sort of
food without the constant
worry because you fear
that the best results will
not be attained. With
at your command nil that Is necessary
is to prepare the food and place it in
the oven. At all times you are enabled
to tell exactly the condition of the food without opening the oven
door several times thus losing part of the heat as well as burning the
face and hands.
This is the greatest invention in the hlstoryof Range making. To
see this wonderful door means that , you will want one immediately.
No woman who takes a pride in hi > r baking should go without It.
Come in and let us show you this wonderful Gloss Oven Door that is \
creating such furore over the entire country. '
NOTICE. If you already have a MOORE'S RANGE and
desire a Glass Oven Door we can jurnish it at a small price. Jt
will repay to have one.
Where you will also find a full line of Hardware , Har
ness and Implimeuts. Builders Hardware a Specialty. A
Fine Line of Automobile Lap Robes. Horse and Stable
Blankets. And a Full Line of Moore Air Tight Heaters and
Base Burners
New Fall and Winter Styles
v FROM v
Cnas A. Stevens k ? Bros. , Ckicago
The Greatest Exclusive Establishment in the World for Women's Wear
. I now haveready for Inspection the complete large
* ashion books , and the samples of materials , showing
an immense variety t > f styles in high class man-tailored
Suits , Skirts , Coals and Furs , made to order according
to your individual measurements from your own selec
tion of materials , perfect ( it and satisfaction guaran
teed. Also a complete line of ready to wear apperal of
all kinds.
It will be a pleasure to me to have you call and sec
the line whether you wish to buy or not , and I will be
only too glad to serve you and assure you of prompt
and courteous attention.
R Ii P R ! : ° . E N T I N O
As good ns money can buy or skill produce.
Island Sweepatnkeb at Nebraska State Fair 1907.
Of well nigh faultless eonfoi motion and breeding.
Sows Sired By : King Look 24459 , Grand Look 38305 , Chief Tec. 3rd. 20740-
Young Tec. 42406. , standard Chief zud etc.
Stock for Sale at Private Treaty No Public Sale This Fall.
M. E. Vandenberg , - - - Sartfent , Nebraska.