Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 08, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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We Want All The Newt AH The Time.
If a Friend u Viiitins Tell It.
Just u Small Bunch
For This Week.
T. R. Wellington was in tlic
city Monday.
S. J. Plumb of Elton was in
the city Monday.
W. A. Parker of Callaway was
in the city Monday.
II. C. Shcppard of Oconlo was
in the city Wednesday
W7117 ViiiceTit of C aliaway
wns in tlic city Monday.
W. J. Root of Sargent was in
tin ; city on business Monday.
Adatn Snydcr of Oconlo was
In ( he city on business Monday.
-ISi-rt' Kmpfield , postmaster at
Atibflmo , was in U e city Tues
Mis. Jos. Wccth and daughter
of Cumro were in the city Mon
C. Rutncr and wife of Anselmo
were in the city Sunday and
Harold Robbins of Lincoln was
in the city visiting with friends
P. T. Carey of Oconto was
transacting business in the citv
L. S. Empfield of McKinley
made this office a pleasant call
Wednesday. ;
William Williams of Anselmo
was transacting business in the
city Monday.
P. G. Green of Round Valley
was transacting business in the
city Tuesday.
Frank Kelley and E. J. Harris
of Merna were in the city Sun
day and Monday.
E. K. .Lichtenbergcr pf Calla
way was transacting business in
the city Saturday.
Chas. Hammond who lives ten
miles south of the city was in on
business Tuesday.
Attorney N. Dwight Kord of
Ansley was looking after legal
matlcrs in the Bow I'riday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Lang of
Kilfoil township were the guests
of Mrs. Nancy Lang of this city
Sunday and Monday.
Edwin P. Myers of the law
firm of Holcomb & Myers spent
Hie first of the week with his
folks on the ranch at George
Floyd Smith returned from his
hunting trip along the lakes in
Ulaine county the last of the
week and left Monday for his
father's janch near Callaway.
Mrs. Will M. Dunn am
daughter , Derris , who have bcei
visiting relatives in Callaway
and Kilfoil township for two
weeks returned home Saturday
TUIR 1'Ot'NTAIN I'KN is recof , "
nied as n reat aolh Century
crnvenienoe ior everyone , anil
especially for travellers and busi
ness men.
We have the sole agency in
town for the well known Parker
Lucky Curve l-'onntain Pens , the
best pens on the market , scientific
ally constructed on correct princi
ples. They are ready to write
anywhere , any time as soon as
they to-ich paper. Write with a
steady even How of ink and do not
They make very acceptable sifts
for nny occasion and range in
price from $1.00 to $10.00.
The Busy Druggist
A Square Meal , a Necktie and a
Good Time.
A necktie basket social will
be given on Friday evening- ,
October 9th , at the Tappan
Valley school house. Kach
lady is to bring1 lunch for two ,
as well as two neckties. Boys
not excluded. A good time is
assured. Conveyance furnished
for those going from town.
Meet at the Methodist church at
7:30 : P. M. promptly. 18-lt
E. M. Mosely of Elton was in
the city Monday.
W. l < \ Haycock of Callaway
was in the city Saturday.
M. K. Kcllcnberger of Merna
was in the city on business Tues
Chas. Horn of Burr Oak was
int the city on business Satur
J. R. Rice and C. E. Whitney
of Merna were in the city Satur
Byron G. Hayes and Freddie
Shafer of Wcsterville were in the
city Saturday.
R. A. Hunter returned Monday
morning from a business trip to
Omaha and Lincoln.
II. G. Guyle of West Union
reports a hail storm in his vi
cinity Monday night.
F. N. Reed of the Buckeye
Ranch was transacting business
in the city Friday and Saturday
of last week.
P. A. Walton left Sunday for
Omaha where he was summoned
as a federal grand juror by U. S.
Marshal Warner.
Herbert A. Watts returned
Monday night from a visit of
several days with relatives in
Iowa and eastern Nebraska.
N. T. Gadd , Candidate for
County Attorney made a trip to
Comstock Tuesday and delivered
his lecture on "How to Make
the Home Happy. "
Judge Westover , Democratic
candidate for Congress from this
district , was shaking hands with
the voters in this city and vicin
ity last Thursday. No use ,
Judge , we're nearly all of us for
Kinkaid in these parts.
L. W. Amsberry left last
Thurday for Omaha to attend
the Ak-Sar-Ben a few days.
Prom there he went to St.
Joseph , Missouri where he was
called as a witness in a railroad
M. G. Montgomery Republican
Central Committccman for the
north side of Broken Bow pre
cinct was in the city Tuesday on
business. He says the country
north of Broken Bow will give
Taft and Sheldon a good majority
The new school house in Dun-
lap district was completed last
week. The building is a neat
structure 22x3f feet. School
opened in it Monday with Mrs.
Andrew Allen as teacher. The
school house was built by Dist
rict No. 98 in Westervillc town
Ex-Senator K. M. Currie was
in the city the frst of the week
on mining business. Mr. Currie
made a trip to Ord Monday and
sold $18,000 of stock in his Mexi
can mine and felt so good over
his success that he started on
another trip Tuesday for the
same place.
J. A. Ollis , Democratic candi
date for State Senator , was inter
viewing the people as to whethc
| they would send him to tin
Senate. Our people in thi
section are for Geo. II. Kinsey o f
Arcadia for this important po
s tion and we are of the opinioi
that Mr. Ollis did not feel any
too good over his prospects as
lie found them here.
The Democrats and Populists
of supervisor district No. 5 are
trying to yet Frank Fochtman
of Elim township to file by peti
tion as a candidate for supervisor
from that district. Should
Fochtman enter the race it would
make a tr.ree cornered fight be
tween Gilmore , the candidate
selected by the Republicans at
the primary , McGuire , a Repub
lican who recently went on the
ticket by petition , and Fochtman.
County Attorney Gullcrson Could Not
Issue Warrant for His Arrast
And lie was Allowed to Re
main in Grand Island.
Will Fisher , a painter who has
been in the cit } * for six months ,
left Monday night lor Grand Is
land and took with him a gold
watch and fob belonging to Mrs.
Trudo , daughter of Mrs. A. E
Gandy. Ho left several unpaid
bills behind him. Dr. Dodd has
a bill against him for over fifty
dollars , Brueggcman & Stcinway
the popular tailors , are short
twenty-three dollars on a suit of
clothes they made for him and
delivered Monday , and Tom Fin-
len has not been paid a five dollar
lar liver } ' bill.
Fisher had been boarding at
Mrs. Gaudy's and her daughter
had loaned him the watch and
fob , which she values at about
forty dollars. Fisher telephoned
te her Monday evening that he
was going away and would be up
to get his clothes. When he went
up to get his baggage about half
an hour before train time Mrs.
Trudo asked him for the watch ,
and he replied that he would be
back in twenty minutes and give
it to her. . She demanded it on
the spot and he refused to give
it up and did not return. Mrs.
Gaudy then went up to his room
and found that all of his belong
ings had been removed and the
condition of the screen over the
window indicated that he had at
tempted to pry off the screen and
throw his clothes out of the win
dow in order to leave without her
finding it out. She notified Mar
shal Shackleford and asked him
to watch the trains. Fisher ,
however , evaded "Shack" and
made good hiw get away.
Sheriff Kennedy later learned
that Kirk Douglas had purchased
a ticket to Grand Island for Fish
er and had had his suit cases ex
pressed. Kennedy found him in
the Island Tuesday , got the
watch and fob and then turned
him loose on a promise that he
would be back in two weeks and
pay up his bills
Fisher said he had paid up his
board for a few days in advance
and was holding the watch in
order to get his money back.
Mrs. Trudo says that she can
yet witnesses to prove that while
he was in Broken Bow he offered
to put the watch up for ten dollars
lars in a poker game and she is
of the opinion that he was trying-
to get away with the watch with
the intention of keep'ug or dis
posing of it.
County Attorney Gutterson re
fused to furnish Sheriff Kennedy
a warrant for his arrest because
in his opinion the act of taking
the watch with him under the
circumstances did not constitute
a criminal offence.
For a Short Time Only.
You have a chance to get the
little wonder "Boudoir" piano
free for a correct guess of the
number of parts in it's construc
tion. $10 coupon to each of the
nearest 25 guessers. No one out
side of the General Manager at
the factory knows the number
and all have an equal chance.
Get a folder giving the particu
lars and a guess envelope , close
your eyes and make a guess
You run a good chance to make
S10 and you may get the piano
for a few seconds work. See or
address Herbert A. Watts , Music
Specialist , Broken Bow , Nebr.
Henry Day of Georgetown was
in the city Monday.
A. Cooper of Callaway was in
the city on business Monday.
Mrs. C. E. Hector left Tuesday
morning for a mouth's visit a
her home in Indiana ,
Mrs. D. M. Amsberry left Sun
day night for Pawnee City to at
tend the Baptist State Conven
tion to beheld at that place.
Copyriclil 1903
The House of Ku.openticinKt
These Fine Suits and Overcoats are Price
$15. 50
Other Fall Suits and Overcoats
North Side Square Broken BOAV , Nebr.
G. II. Guyle Claims to Have a Great Im
provement for Party Lines.
II. G. Guyle , of West Union , j
las invented a selective ring and .
ock out ststem to be used on
party telephone lines. Under
Mr. Guylc's system cr.cli . party (
on the part" , line i given a num-
cr. When you dcsirv to ring
any one , you presb a. button cor
responding to the party's num
ber. This rings the p : rty want
ed and locks out all ot'-ier ' parties
on the line. Should this inven
tion prove successful and practi
cal it will be a great thing for
the people on the party lines in
the country. Under the present
system any one on the line has
the privilege of hearing every
body else talk Mr. Guyle claims
that his system will lock out all
the people who desire to listen
to the conversation and give the
people on the line nil of the ad
vantages of a private wire. Mr.
Guyle expects to give in Broken
Bow a free exhibition of the
workings of his system somutime
in the next few weeks.
Missouri For Taft.
Elmyn Griffith , a rural mail
carrier at New Cambria , Mis
souri , who was in the ciiy Wed
nesday says that the state of
Missouri is sure to go for Taft.
He says that there is a strong
sentiment among the Democrats
for Taft and that a great many
of them have announced their
intention of voting for him.
A Basket Social.
A square meal , a necktie and
a good time are what you will
have if you go out to the Tappan
Valley school house tomorrow
night. Each lady who attends
will take a basket with lunch for
two and two neckties. Convey
ances will be furnished for those
who desire to go from town.
All who go are requested to meet i i
at the Methodii-t church at 7:3u : j i
tomorrow night. A good time ' '
is guaranteed all who attend. ,
Made by the Kamons llouso of Kuppenbeimer.
Mad P. from fabrics thai wore selected carefully
with a view to their absolute reliability and
character of patterns.
in every garment is sueh as only the greatest
tailors in the world ean put forth.
Watch , our show 'window for
Splendid assortment of standard sixed Rugs.
Best line of Case ( Joods on Earth.
Murphy Chairs speak for themselves.
Consult ns for spoeial priees on
Leather Upholstered Goods.
Window Shades , Stair Puds and Rods.
A < 18-pieee Dinner Set with every $75 eash pur
chase. Keep an eye on our storethere's going
to being something doing.
Special attention given to litigated matters , pro
bate matters and collections.
OHioo in Myers Building. Broken Bow , Nebr.
Andrew Horn , one of Jake
Johnson's barbers , left Satuulay
for Craig , Missouri , for a week's
visit with relatives. He will
go from Craig to St. Joseph to
, have his throat treated.
Cioorge B. Mair , clerk of the
District Cotm ; spent a couple of
days last week in the northeast
ern part of the county. He vis
ited Sargent , Comstock and West