Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1908, Image 8

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She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Alcopnthy , Ilomeopnthy ,
Elcctiic and General Medicine.
Ill rciiui-Ht will vlHll profi-HHlaiially
Grand Central Hotel ,
Broken low , ( let 29
reliinilMK "very ( our \\re\iH \ Cniimtl bur when
the utiiioiiuiiliv lnnt liaml
w. - swrs. ; .
OK. CAItDWKbli inniih , ier piacticp li. . . . .
special irualmenl of illseaHi-n nf tinIye , l..u
Nose , Throat , hiiuifH , lem.ile Diseases
DlBc.isesof Clilhlnm anil nil Chruiilc. Nei veins
ami Hurirlcnl Dlseasr-a of a cuiablu nature.
iCarly eonniiinplloii. ItronchlllH , llronchlal
Catarrali , Chronic O.itarrah. Ileail-Aclic , Con-
Htlpallon , Stomachn ami Him el Tumbles : ,
< thcuiuatlHiii , Nruralula. Sclollca. lirlithli'n
Disease , Khlney Diseases , Diseases nf tin *
llvcr ami HlaiUlcr , Doziness. Nervousness ,
Indigestion , ObeHlly , Itltcrnptnl Nutrition ,
Slow Growth In Children , and all M.iBllnir
DUt-asna In ailullH. DeformltlcM , Clnli-feot ,
Curvanlun ; of Ihu Spine , Dlseanes of the llr.iln ,
TaralyHlH , UiilletiHy , IJearl DlHcane. Dioimy ,
Swelllnif of the Mmlm , Htrlcuirc , Open Sores ,
I'aln In ihr lionus. Granular KnlaritenientH nnd
all lonif-mamlliiir dlscanes proitcrty Healed.
1'hnples , HlolchcH , Kruplliinn , I < lrer Hiotn |
I'alllnif of the Hair , Had Complexion. Uczema ,
Tbroai Ulcer , Hone 1'altiH. Hladder Trouble ; * ,
Weak Hack , Iliirnlnir Urine , 1'aHxlnir Uilnr
too ofton. The effects of nick-
ness or the taklnif nf inn much Injurious medl
clue recelreH scarcliliik' tri'.vtment , prnmpt
relief and u cine for lift ; .
Diseases of Women. Irregular Melioration ,
Falllnif of tlin Womb , lluarlnir Down I'.tiiiN ,
Female Displacement hack of Sexual Tnnii.
l eiicorrhea , Slurlllty or Harrenuesa , consiill
Dr. Caldwell nnd slio will Hhow them Hie cause
ol llielr Irnublo and thn wny In become cured ,
aud eillarueil irlanils irualed with the Hub
cntaneoiiH Injection method , nliKiilntply with
out pain and without Ihu loan of a dinp nl
blond , m one of hei own illHi-overleH and IK
really Ihe numl HClcntlllc and certainly sure
cum metliod of IhlH an v.inceil aue. Dr. Cad
well lias pracllced her profession In somu ol
the larueHl liuspilalrs llironcliout the country.
Mill , lina > , . , BiKii.rlur It , trf.1tlllir mill flLlt/lllls.
u If of diseases , deformities , etc. She hnH
iaiely opened an ulllcu In Omaha , Nebraska ,
wUeru Hhu will Hiieml a portion of each week
treating her many patluitU. N ° inrnrahlu
cases accepted for Consultation ,
examination and .idvlco one dollir to those
Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. .
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
AddresHall mall to I'M ' lieu llulldlnu. Onialia
Visit The Old Home :
rpw rnte excursions to cnslcrti
cities and resorts. Northern
Michigan , cunndn nnd NC\V HIIK-
land , daily until September 301)1 ) ,
See The West :
Attractive low excursion rates
dfiily lo the pacific Const , Yellow-
.stone vnrk , Utah , Colorado , nitf
Horn MountaitiH and the itlnck
Low Colonist Rates :
During September and October lo
1'ii ct Sound , Californiii nnd hun
dreds ot intermediate points.
Irrigated Homesteads :
at c.arlnnd and rowell , vvyoinjng.
I'ersonully conducted etcursions
to these hinds the first and thi id
Tuesdays of ench month. Govern
ment engineer at 1'ouell shows the
land. Also deeded the carey Act
Write D. Clem Denver , General
Agent , I.andseekerrt' Inforiiiiitioii
Uureau , Omiihn for new folder.
Its free.
Write n hrief description of your
proposed trip , and let us advise
you how to miike it the best way
nt the least cost.
( Ticket Agent )
I , , W. WAKKUJY , G. 1 . A. ,
( Omaha , Nebraska. )
Eye , Ear , NoseThroat
and Chronic Diseases.
Fitting of Glasses ,
0 a i > . ik
No Kick Coming.
Here it ) a story going the
rounds that quite forcibly shows
the harness dealer is not getting
the increase in profits in" equal
proportion with other lines
A farmer went into a store to
Imv a harness. lie found one
hat suited him at S35. 00 , But
te happened to remember that ,
i dozen years ago he had bought
i simailar set for $32.00 and he
entered a very strenuous kick.
The dealer went to his records ,
ooked up Hie deal and said : ) I
'Yes , you are right. " Hut the j
jooks shows you had no money '
-ind hauled in 200 bushels of corner
or the harness. Now I'll tell
you what I'll do , " he continued ,
"if you'll haul me in 200 bushels
of corn I'll give you the $35.00
larness , a double driving set
worth $50.00 , a single driving
harness worth $15 00 , .1 $10 00
robe , an $8.00 saddle for the boy ,
n$1.00 whip , and a curry comb
. .ml brush worth SI 00. ' ] The
story says the farmer did not
kick any more about the price.
Gntld Speaks at Christian Church.
Attorney N. T. ( l.idd delivered
tiMiiperence lecture in the
Christian church in this city
Sunday night to a large and
appreciative audience. There
is , perhaps no one in Custer
t'ounly who is more sincere on
the question than is Mr. fladd ,
and whenever he gives one of hi1 ?
lectures his audience always
learns something new and of
vital importance to the cause
and to till1 community. Those
who had the pleasure of hearing
him Sunday night say that his
lecture was unusually good and
all were well pleased.
For Tallest Stalk of Corn.
13. Bond was a pleasant caller
at our oflice last Saturday. He
informed us that he had the
tallest stalk of corn at the Ctis-
ter County Fair and was entitled
to Tint CUSTKK CotlNTV Rltl'Ult *
r.iCAN free for one year. The
stalk of corn measured thirteen
and one hall feet nnd was in per
fect condition. Mr. Bond will
receive this papur for one year as
will the other fourteen who received -
coived first premiums on our
offer if they call at this oflice.
Hoi'iciNS. At her home near
JJcrwyn Custer county , Sept. Id ,
1'JOS , Krancis Pearl Hopkins , the
infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Miles Hopkins , aged one year ,
five months and twenty days.
The little one was sick just four
days with stomach and bowel
complaint. The parents have
the sympathy of a large circle ol
friends. Funeral services wen-
held in the M. 13. church hi
Berwyn Sept. 17th , at 11 a. m.
conducted by Rev. R. Bcllis '
The remains were laid to rest in I
the Jamcsvillc cemetery.
FOK SAI.H One fine 3 year old
mare mule. Also one Bay Geld
ing 4 years old Fine Roadster.
J. L. FUKOUSON , Comstock :
Real Estate Transfers.
( , J I'npe tn Swan SVallicrtf 100 acri" In
corifii Wining lo C J 1'opeW \ acres In
21 I5.2t. . . . 40ft.
JHLMI K-.U Ivutj lieal Wnn-e. In : i l lM > n
" ( iron Cornell lo Trusleci CIISUT Colli'i
The 11101111 In innlsruct tinhmdli ! <
UmslderatlDii all ot block 'IS Gi it' > < a.i '
tn Hroken lln\\
I II Ulnm In Oiklnl Hinri'l IWi TM .s v
21 .1) Jl 2r > 0n
J U Iselt lo A I , I'nu.'ll 1M > .n-n-s In I.1 I 1'I 1 < . < 0 I
Wood RlM'l ImplllM llll'lll Co In I I' Win'
111.ill loth 5\d blntk 44 lii Ot'onl'i 7il L.itlini i to Amanda K' l.nihn
U hit In panels f-'l-.v7.IS-i | ) . . . . 2NiO (
K I' I..ich lo Ida Kilani I'-'O ici < ! <
i,1020.1H . . . 240) )
A W ( .all Iff lit It I1 I.each lui ; iciri-4 ,
2'-20.lH . . . 4000
Inhn McGuluan tn Mai Ins I/.iimi1 IM . ( 'ii !
In 21 H.2J IbiKi
A W GulrllT in Ira Gatrllf 1" ) -irr-i i. is-,0
! 1 I' Ki'iineih in I1. I' li ll Ido arn" ' in
.MM * ! . , . . < MI.I
K K Cronii tn Keainev l.ind Co liVl , u ii .
in 1214-21 . . . 2(100 (
l.ovina I , Allen and hnsb lu II I , Mi'l'ai
one aero In 'Jl.l7- . " > . . HVi
A J VanAillueip In ( . ' . ' Hraki > piicil in
block III Jewell's .ulil lo Itroken Hou " 2r
J N Crime In U II Nuuhiilisi * IMI acres In
' ) 13-21 . . . . . . . 7MO
J J H.nnsilell to James ClnlllcU l ( > o atn-
In 2 .14-24 . . 3JOO
I' M Olmstfad to I' U Wrlwbl T.asi i'd fl nf
lot IS all Inl HI block 1 Hroken Ho\\ ' > >
Hen Ji'ln.Min to M S Moore Ut ) acios in
1X1425 d720
Carrie D Kellouu and liusb lo Axel Swan
snn llil'acros In S-2)2n ) 1MJO
Nflir Mtwe A Trust Co to 1 < W Tlpton lot
11 block 5 In J IMiamly's and to liroke'i
How l C' '
Wlllard Keller to W W Moomey lot 4
block It In Mason looo
James Dare in J K Daru 160 acres In
II&I4.I'.20 1400
I.lila H Crone ukloiv to C. W Apple lot 3
block 15 original town of Hroken Hou 100
I.anr.i I'eiiu and hnsb t" I * J Siiiionson
parcel In : ivl7.20 SlXH )
U\a Williams and liusb tn Alice Ilalsch
paicrl in 17.1'J.2- I'M '
\\'m iiilerl : lu K U K'eene U. l acres In
I/ulcta W Tliilou anil luisli to DierkH Lnni-
IHT anil Coal Cn Inl II block 5 In J I'
( lUudii'Railil to Ilioken How . C0n
J \V Tlioiniisnu to M A Walter lot I-
lilncK x ManUOk'H atlit to llroken Ilnw. i > 0
U' S Cli.ulil InV II Vliuvnt p.irct'l In
Union T.aiul Co in I' \ \ Kirxli'Htnii lots
10.1 1.12 l3.Uf.IS hlnck 22 U K aitil to
Callaway. . ls >
Union Iainl Co to M.irA DOX IM * lot 21
blnel 31 K Radii loCallaw.iy .
-Of The-
Celebrated Lexington Flour
Full Line of Husking- Gloves and
\Vo are Headquarters for all Kinds of Dislios ,
Tinware and ( rranitwaro.
. . , .
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded Abstracter
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
8 Tfaio "T STosit
l''eed in large aim small quantities at both wholesale j
and retail.
Special attention given to filling- orders for coal
in any quantity.
Broken Bow , Nebraska
Hydraulic Tire Setter
At Dorris' Blacksmith Shop.
It is the best machine made for
setting tires. Come in and see it
work and be convicnccd.
S. M. DORRIS , Blacksmith.
Southeast of the square.
'An Equality of Opportunities Se
cured for NVnjjo Unrncrs.
William H. TXft's Speech f Accopt-
aiico Given Party Record In Behalf
of Labor.
( William H. Tuft In Ma speech of ac-
wptimce. )
\Vc conic now to the question of la-
hor. One Important phuHc of the poll-
i'k'M of the pniHcnt udmlnlHtratlon IIIIH
hceii an iinxlcty lo secure for the \\IIK * . '
earner nil equality Of opportunity and
Htich positive htHtiitory protuetlon as
Bliull place him on H level In dealing
with his employer.
'J IR > Heimhllcnn pnrtyma \ imBsed uu
wnployt'is * liability cl foi Interstnte
rallroadM. and tins eHtubllHhed an ei > ; ht
hour law tor government oiuplUiycu mid
on Kovi nun ut construction. Thu en
Hi-nee of the reform ell'ectert by thu for
mer , la the nbolltlou of the fetyow-aer-
\uiil rule mid ( lie Introduction of the
compuratlvtt ni'gllKence theory by
which mi employe Injured In thf-scrvlcp
ol Ills employer does not lose ( all his
rluhl to recover bocatiHc of HllKhtNinKll-
Hence on his part.
Then there is Hie act providing for
eoinpt'iisutloii for Injury to government
employe * , together with the various
Htuliitus leijulrliiK uafet.r appUiuices
upon Interstate commerce nullroads for
the protection of tholr employes aud
limiting the hours uf their ont
Theat- are all Itistnnces of the deHire
of the Itepubllcun party to do Justice to
the waye-eurners.
Uoubtless n more comprehensive
measure for compensation of govern
ment employes will be adopted in the
future ; the principle In such canes has
lieeu recognized aud In the necesxarlly
somewhat slow course of legislation
will bo more fully embodied In definite
The Interests of the employer and the
employe never differ except when It
comes to a division of the Idlnt proHt
of la.Uor and capital Into dividends and
wages. This must be H constant source
of peilodlcal discussion between the
employer and the mnploje , as Indeed
are the other terms of the employment.
To give to employes their proper po
sition In Much a controversy , to enable
them to maintain thenibulves against
employers having grent capital , they
may well unite , because in union there
is strength , and without it , each indi
vidual laborer and employe would be
hdplesH. The promotion of the indus
trial peace through the Instrumentality
ot the trade agieemeut Is often one of
the results of such union when Intelli
gently conducted.
There is a large body of laborers ,
howt-ver , skilled and unskilled , who are
not organized Into unions. Their rights
before the law are exactly the snino as
thobe of the union men , nnd are to be
protected with the same care and
In order to induce their employer
Into a compliance with tholr request
for changed terms of employment ,
workmen have the right to strike In a
They have a right to use such per
suasion list they may , provided it docs
not reach the point of tlutehs , to lead
their reluctant co-laborers to Join them
In their union against their employer ,
and thpy have n right , If they choose ,
to accumulate funds to mipport thofcc
engaged In a strike , to delegate to of-
llceis the power to direct the action of
the union , and to withdraw themselves
and their a.ociHtt's frorp dealings wither
or giving custom to those with whom
they are In controversy
Overrule * Washington Monument
Regulation for Benefit of tli
Tin- Kind lifHrtediieai of Mr. Tnft
( Mid ills iint re , common sense sym-
pathj with the unfortunates In tills
world bus jiiht been brought to the at
tention of the blind in a peculiar way.
A In the top of the Washing
ton monument , where thousands go to
behold the beauties of the nation's
lupltul. the Columbia Polytuchulc In-
Htltute. which keeks to make It possi
bit- for the adult blind of the United
States to rise abote conditions of dw-
peudunue by becoming s lf miBtHlnlng
placed on uul ? souvenir post card *
manufactured by Its blind. Some sen
timental persons took the view that
thU wus undignified and aucceetUd ID
hating the Huperlntendent of public
buildings uud grouudb order the cards
iemo\ed F E. Cieaveland , principu
of the Institute , appealed to Mr Tnft
then hfcretary of war and wltb.ii
whose Jurisdiction came the olllce of
publli buildings and grounds It took
only M few words to convince the sec
retary tlmt the blind should Imvr the
benefit of this prlvlluge , aud the curds
were uguln plac < l on tale In the inou
u me nt
"For this action , " laid Prlncipa
Uleuveluud In dlaciiBBtar tin IncldeBl
"Mr. Tuft de crvti the gratitudU o
e\ery blind | H r6n , particularly th
projresulvii blind , who are strlvlnc to
help their less fortunate fellow * "
In Ueorgla ttu elector * nni.-.t have a
inJurlty , aud with Watson , liUgrn nn
Cfcsnn pulling u\vay from them th
Bryaulteii ate becoming appreheuaire.
Attorney at Law.
Broken ( low , N * > br.
llavlnif junt liaJ el if lit 5 earn practical expcr
ueu an County Jmlee , will itlu * nttrn
on to thoilruwlniraud probatliiK of wills and
in administration of cstatci ( if ili-crairil per-
OIIH and mlnorr. Write or iitiotir me. I may
-iveyou p trip ,
; T. B. DUNN
outtlcnicnt of estates , examining mid
urfectui" ; Intid lilies , collodions nntl
rimimil nmtler. All business \vill n- :
civc piotnpl attention.
Lr. Geo. F. Bartholomew
IMiyrtlctuit Kliri-3ii ( .uul Optlelllll
Ji'onieuln iiL-w bnllilliiK , one block
of imlilli biiiuf. | : All calls piomptly
attended tlay or night Phone til
. I , . rnKC.llfaOM , ll. A. HUNTUIt ,
Nolan I'nblic llroken Mow ,
'nmstnck , Nebraska. Nebraska.
Keal hstatef Insurance
and platting neally done.
Consult him If you want Wator.
I'hone 112 , - Broken How.
Practical Undertaker
& * Licnsed Embalmer
Business phone , 301. Residence 3340
JJroIcoa How , Neb.
East Side of Suqare
Photographs , lulison and Columbia
Phonographs and records.
Agents for Clncketinj ; , Ivers and I'oiul
tutl i tar Pianos.
Wo can bavo von money.
Real Estate flc Town Property
Tor larialiis in Kcal Kstale , City 1'ioperty
anil block < ol Merchniullse I lia\u some tare
.larir.Utiir in land in this and adjolninir countli-s
up. Aildic 1. or call on
\V. J. WANT/ .
3iloor > NortU of 1 > O uilli L'ddk'e and
I'fokcn l
ShOrt Horn Cattle
J. G. IJKKNIZUK , Breeder of
l'nr - Scotch and Scotch Topped Short Horn
Cattle. My herd numbers 40 cows. Will com-
Dare lu breeding and quality with any west o (
OUlcauo My cxporieaco bas tauirlit me that to
* C\VK \ uoodHatlafactlon , breeding1 cattle must be
rulxex in tliln xnltunr. I expect to
rulHU tlieni Inert : the oqurti of anything
raised in bn U. S. I now haTc 25 bulls suitable
for tlilB and next year's nurvlce. My cows
welglifiom 1400 to 2000 pounds. Come aud see
t > V TO
Sa } ' do you know that * * >
we carry a full line of
< | 5
| Building Material , gV
Brick , Plaster , jv j
Lime , Cement , %
; i Hair , Sidewalk > l
fi' ' TO
Brick , Screen g
DoorsWindows ®
" v S
and everything1 you uced to $
A1 build a house or barn , and Jjj
$ s iv , look at our POSTS , yes TO
$ and our STEEL GATES , §
you can't keep house withg
$ out one. > t
ft TO
& 2 ?
$ Dierks' L'br. & Coal Co. , $
* Broken Bow , Neb. Q
Tfit TO
xX- *
xXiH H
rT M-I
jTr , - ' ; ; ; " " " * ' z (
\ - . . - - - -
I'timbrr , a large assortment
; \ml complete stock for Builders
to choose ftom. let us estimate
on your contracts. Wo always
try to please.
H. T. B RUCE & CO.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
This year the Republican
ticket will be supported la the cam *
pnlgn by the best record made byt
nii > administration In thu utale'ti liln-
tory. The Democratic ticket will bo
Biinixji'lu , ! by the political ngontu of
the Btent railway corporations dolnfj'
buHtiioKH In the state. The voter mimt
decide whether ho will face forward
timler the hannor horne by Governor
Sheldon and his Republican aBSoclates ,
or face to tlio rear beneath the banner
of the allies democracy and the rail-
"Mr. Taft Is broad In mind , with a
big heart and well equipped to bo
tno chief maKlstiate of this country.
As a lawyer , ho has no superior. As
an a.lmlnlstrator , he has won world-
wldo renown , and his work In that
particular will be historic. He Is ptue ,
btave , linn and kind , and will make
one of the greatest American presN
dents. " ( Senator Deverltlge. )
On March 14 , 1007 , the stute debt
In i omul numbers was $1,483,950. July
1st , 1908 , It had been reduced to ? G42-
100 , or a net reduction , under th
piosent atate administration , of $942- .
000. By the first of July , 1909 , tha
state will be out of debt , provided lha
present Republican gait Is maintained.
In the Count- Court of Custer County , Ne
In the matter of the Estate of Nicholas
Stnets , deceased.
The State of Nclniska , to Creditors ol sa d
Kstato :
Take Notice , that I v > 111 sit In the County
Court. Kooni , Iti urokun Uow , In said county ,
n thu IWth d.ty of October. l oa , and the 25th
.iy ol March tiwt at loo'clocka. in. , to re-
cfvc and examineall ; claims nicd and lire-
en ted against said estate with a \le\v to
heir adjustment aud allowance.
The tluic limit for the presentation of
lalins ngnlnut s.ild estate is six months irom
lei'lth dav of sentemner , UIOH , aud the
Imo limited lor the payment ot debts Is one
ear from said date.
) ated Sept. si liKJS A. U. HUMIMIUKY
( SKAtJ | U KI County Judge
'honias MtOrath I
vs , . }
aue McQrath I
The defendant , Jane McQrath , will take
lotlce that the plaintiff on the 17th day ot
September , teen , ( lied his petition In the dis-
rict Court of Custer county , Nebraska , the
bjcct and prayer ofv , hlch is to obtain a ill-
'orcu from you on the grounds of extreme
ruclty , practiced by you towards plalntlll.
You are required to answer said petition
m or before the 2nd day of November , A. I ) .
Thomas McOratli , by bis Attorney
llstatecit Peter A. lloffmait Deceased , In
bounty Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
TliQ Stale of Nebraska , To all persons Intel-
sled In said estate , take notice , that a pctltlou
las been Hied for tbe appointment of William
J. Morelunise as administrator of Bald estate
vhlch has been set for liearlnif hcrcli ) , on Oct.
0,1'JiK , at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated Sept. IS , 1W8.
[ Sl5\I.l A. R. 1IUMPHRF.Y
in 18 County Judge.
Tlio following proposed , amendment to
tlic constitution of the State of TSfe-
toraftlca , as hereinafter ret forth In fall ,
IB snbtnlttoa to the electors of the State
of Nebraska , to he votecX upon nt th
general election to > * iieia Tuesday ,
November 3rd , A. D. 1900 :
A JOINT RTCSOM'TION to proposean
Amundinent to Section 9 , Article 8 or
the Constitution ol the State of ISC-
SB it aesolved and. Enacted , By the lac1 *
mature of the State of Neoraska :
Hcctlon 1 ( Amendment. ) Tlmt at the
ml election for stnto niul li-qlsl" * vi
cis m bo li"Ul on the Tuc-Jilay sur-
, . - . v. n-r tlio first Monday In Novonib r.
390s , tin lo'n\\inj ! ? provls1" * ' ' " P1 io " 'l
firl n l > mlttf > ( l to the electors ol the !
state iv , an fmiomlmopt to hicoun . > , Ai.-
olcs oC tlio constitution ot the State oC
' . ( Educational runas. Invest-
r.'tnt. ) All funds Ix-lonKlnc ; to tlio stuto
' tlio Interest and
foi 1'iliionllniml puipo'-es ,
Imome whcifol' onlv me tn lie u s < * cl , nlmll
lie lU'i'iinil iriiMt fun'ls lit'W l > y
ami tinstito shall supply all
tlK-Kof that inav In anv manner accrue ,
M > thai the H.UIIP thnll lomaln fnrpv..r
Invlolnti * and umllmlnlshed ; anil shnll not
hilnc t < il or loaned except on Tinted
Stnti-t. or "tnle seeurltlei , 01 recNler"d
riimitv lioiuN of this state , or reclstered
Bchonl iliHtilc-t hcmilB oC this state , nrnl
Mieli otliei somillli's as the leRlslalnri
nmv finni time tn time direct. And suMi
funds \\lth U.- Iiit--r."it and Income then -
of are herel\ ui mnlv pled t-d for ti !
inn noses foihle'i thev are si anted nnd
bet ( limit , and -1111111 not he trnnsfened ir >
nn > other fund foi other IIH
Section 2. ( Ballots : Adoption. ) Thit
nt said election In the year | 'fl > , nn t1'
ballot of eacli elector \ntlnK t'iprout tl'
shall be pi In ted or written the words :
"For proposed amendment to thi Con-
to thn " " " - ' "
tlon with reference 1- ; .
" "
the oennanent school fund" and "apralnst
wilil inoiiosert amendment to the conRtltn-
tlon with reference to the Investment of
the peimanent wchool fund.1 And 1C u
malority of nil voters at said election
shall ho for such amendment , the samu
Bliiill be deemed to bo adopted.
Apmoved April r. 1 ! * > 7
T Oen P JunUln. Secretary of State ,
of the State of Nebraska , do hereby cer
tify that the fowolnir pronosed amend
ment to th" Constitution of the State of
Nebraska Is a true and correct copy ot
the original enrolled and engrossed bill. R.
ns pnf.hp.Miy the T'Uitletli sesHlon of the
IcRlBlature of the State of NebraBkn. as
npiiearo from said orlKlnnl bill on file In
thin "fflce , nnd tlmt said proposed
amendment In submitted to thn qualified
voters nf the State of Nebraska for tholr
adoption or releetlon nt the Kenernl elec
tion to bo held on Tuesday , the 3d day
of November A r > 1W
In testimony whereof. T Imve hereunto
net mv Imnd n id affixed the Grent Sen !
of the Hlntp of Nebraska Done at Lin- t
coin , thin Ifith day nf July. In the venr
of nii Tjoitl Onn Thnnsnnd Nine Hun- >
tlip.l and Rlrtht , nnrt of the Independencn
of the foiled States the One Hundred
nnd Thli IV- third , and of this State the
( Sen ! ) Secretary of St t .
0. & M. Train Schedule
N,39 0:2ii.iiii : I Nn.4H G-IO : a in
No. 41 , .llS7pui : ! No.42 . . . .9-M a m
No. 13 . . . . S:22am No. 44 11:27 : , m
NOH 3' > .uul 40 run bolwcon I.liiccilu .iiul HroKen
lliiu only , and not mi Siiiulais
1'iclalit tralim Nos47and 4S carry
but aru run as oitras
Schedule of Broken Bow Maili ,
rouciius i OK i UK iiAHr CMISI : AS COLUIWH
Train No * ' tl a nt
Train No 12 'J3) ; a m
Train Nu 44 7IW : p ui
Train No 4,1. . . .N-OO a MI
Tram No 41 7:30 p in /
Ollico open Sunday from ' ' :30 : to 1030 am '
\vcek ilayH,0IW ; a m to T30 ; p in