Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1908, Image 6

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Cyrus Townscnd Brady
The Escapade opens , not In the ro-
tniincn prcciMlhig thn nmrrliw of Ellen
Blocum , a Purltun miss , and Lord C'ur-
ilngton of England , but In thvlr llfn after
HCttllng In England. The HCCIIO IM placed ,
Just following tin ; revolution , In Carrlng
ton cnstlo In England. The CitrrlngtoiiM ,
after a housn party , engaged In n family
tilt , caused by Jealousy. Liidy Carrlng
5 & ton agreed to cut cards with Lord Htinth-
gate , whoso uttcntlon.H to Ellen had become -
como n sere point with Carrlngton. The
loss of $100,000 fulled to perturb hnr , and
her hu.iband then cut for hlx wlfo'tt I. O.
U. nnd his honor , Carrlngton winning.
Additional attentions of Ixml Carrlngton
to Lady Cecily and Lord Btrathguto to
Lady Carrlngton compelled the latter
to vow that ahe would leave the rustle.
Preparing to flee , Lady Currlngton nnd
her chum Deborah , an American girl ,
met Lord Btrathgato at two a , in. , ho
iigroolng to BCO thorn Hufely nway. He
attempted to take her to hfn castle , but
olio left htm stunned In the roud when
the carriage met with an accident. Shu
und Dcbblo then struck out for Ports
mouth , where aha intended to sail for
America , Henrlng news of Ellcn'H ( light ,
LordB Carrlngton arid Solon urt out In
pursuit. Solan rented u fast vessel and
ntart-cd In pursuit. Strnthguto , bleeding
from fall , dashed on to Portsmouth , for
which CarrliiKton , Ellen and Seton were
also headed by different routes. Strath-
gate arrived in Portsmouth In advance
of thu o thorn , finding tlmt Ellcn'a ship
had sailed before her. Htrathgatu und
Carrlngton each hired a small yacht to
pursue the wrong vessel , upon which
each oupposcd Ellen had sailed. Koton
overtook the fugitives near Portsmouth ,
but his craft ran aground , just as capture
wan Imminent. Ellen won thn chuso by
boarding American vessel und foiling her
pursuers Strathgatc , Seton and Carrlng-
ion. Currlngton nnd Struthgutc , thrown
together by former's wrecking of hitter's
vessel , engaged In ati Impromptu duel ,
neither being hurt.
CHAPTER XIV. Continued.
This was an embarrassing question ,
but Sir Charles was saved the neces
sity of answering , for the midshipman
cnmo running to the quarterdeck once
more nnd saluted.
"Well ? " said Iho oIHccr to the ex
pectant boy.
"Admiral Kephard's compliments
to you , sir , and ho begs you will escort
Captain Seton lo his cabin ot once. "
"You're In luck , captain , " returned
Iho officer , "Iho admiral is not always
BO easy of access. Will you step this
way , Fir ? "
"After you , sir , " said Sir Charles ,
bowing and following the lieutenant
until ho was ushered past the marine
oidcily on duty and Into the ad
miral's cabin.
The tdmlral was Just completing
his toilet. His body servant was help
ing him on with his coat. Ho had
evidently Just had n balh to ictresh
him after the fatigues of his journay.
"Oh , Seton , " ho cried as the other
came In , "glad to see you , man. Sit
down. John , " to the servant
"fetch out n decanter of navy sherry.
Whisky , Seton , whisky , although pr
imps you army men uffu't port. "
"I juices wo can IO.IGW the navy's
load in Himolhlng s voni'er than port , "
laughed Sir Charted.
"What brought you here , Sir
Charles ? " continued the admiral a ? ho
poured out a liberal glassful for Se
ton and another for himself. "I left
you at CarrinKton. Hut , no , I remem
ber you rode away before I did , just
after my lord. Have you come on any
trace of fuKklves ? "
"Admiral , " said Sir Charles , grave
ly , "I know where they are. "
"And that damned lubberly hound ,
Slralhgate , IB he "
"Ho Isn't with them. They gave
him the slip. "
"You don't say ? Good ! " laughed the
admiral. "How was that ? "
Seton rapidly detailed Iho circum
stances as he had deduced them.
"Well done , that woman has spirit
enough , " continued Iho old soldier , "lo
command a frlgale. You will never
convince mo tlmt she's taken up with
a man of Strathgalo's caliber. "
"Sho wont away with him , the/ugh , "
said Scion thoughtfully.
"Ay ay , but she knows no more of
the world than a baby. She simply
made use of his proffered assistance
to escape from an Intolerable sltua-
lion. You take me , Seton ? "
"I do , admiral , and I confess I hardly -
ly blame her. How Carrlngton could
toleralo Lady Cecily for a moment
beside that splendid woman ' . '
"To say notlita * of that other splen
did woman , MlBtrcss Deborah Slocum ,
ob , Seton ? "
"I admit , admiral "
"Even 'Saints' Hcsl' becomes
heavenly when looked al by the aid
of such a pair ot black eyes ? And the
lady , boy ? "
"I confess , sir , " answered Seton ,
somewhat abashed by the frank ques
tioning of the old man , "that I have
some reason to believe , in short "
"In short , my boy , you've been chas
ing her all night , have you ? "
"You're right , sir. "
"And what now ? "
"I told you , admiral , that I know
where they were. "
"Well , where nto they ? Out with
it , lad. Disclose your Information and
come to thu point. All these side is-
SUOH are unworthy of a soldier , "
laughed the old Hcainan , well knowing
that for most of them ho was respon
"They're on a merchant ship bound
up the channel nnd golni ; fast when
I saw them last. "
"What ? " ' cried the admiral. "Give
me the particulars. "
Sir Charles rapidly ran over the
scene of the morning.
The old admiral threw back his head
and laughed.
"And who outwitted you all , shook
Strathgato off the track , led you
ashore , watched Carrlngton And
Stralhgalo flghl It out under her very
eyes and got clean away ? "
"She hann'l got away yet , admiral. "
"What mean you ? "
"I came here to make a proposition
to you. "
"A proposition to me ? "
"Yes. "
"You have a fast ship at your com
mand , I take It. "
"Do you mean Iho nrltnnnln ? " said
the admiral , mentioning his llagshlp.
"I do. "
"Of course she's fast. The admiral
ty know me. 1 wouldn't take a slow
ship. "
"In she an fast as that merchant
man , do you think ? "
"Why , my boy , there Isn't a mer
chant ship on the seas that she could
n't overhaul in anything like a wind. "
"Admiral , " mild Sir Charles In-
gcnuously , "I lay you a wager. "
"What is thai ? "
"A hundred pounds that you can'l
overlakc that merchant ship. "
"What ! " roared the admiral. "Me
lake out one of his majesty's ships to
chase after a runaway wife and a fool
ish girl ? "
"I beg your pardon , admiral , If you
refer to Mistress Deborah Slocum , I
must ask you to moderate your lan
guage , " protested Sir Charles , warmly ,
tils face flushing.
"Go to ! go to ! " laughed the ad
miral. "I'm old enough to bo your
father. Hut Iho Idea of an admiral
of the white taking a hundred gun
shlp-oMhc-llno out to chase a paltry
merchantman for Impossible , my boy ,
Impossible ! "
"Hut , " said Sir Charles , "the navy
cannot afford to decline a bet , a wager
"You Are Right Sir. "
with its sister service. I'll lay you
a thousand pounds , admiral , that you
can't do it. "
"My lad , " said Iho admiral genlly ,
after a moment's reflection , "no wag
ers are needed. I'll do it because I'm
fond of the girl and Carrlngton , too.
I can overhaul them before nlghlfall
without doubt and I'll bo glad to do it ,
although just exactly what warrant I
have for stopping , an American ship
on the high seas and taking from her
another man's wife I can hardly say. "
"I can help you In that , admiral.
As to warrant , if you'll bring to thn
other ship and give mo a boat crew ,
I'll go aboard the American and do
lha rest. MIslress Deborah , I am sure ,
will como willingly. "
"Don'l bo too sure of that , " returned
the admiral , "don't count upon n wom
an Until she's vour own. and don't
count too much upon her after thai ,
as Carrlngton might say. "
"Nevertheless , I think I speak by
the card , " said Sir Charles.
"Very well , you know best. Hav
ing been a bachelor all my life , I
know more about ships than women ,
but hark ye , Seton , this ono thing.
Don't you como back to the ship after
I put you aboard that trader , with
only Miss Deborah. The two have to
como together , or go to. cther , you
understand ? "
'lYcs , sir. "
The admiral struck the boll on the
table besldo him. Instantly the ma
rine orderly popped in the dowk
"My compliments to the "v.-er of
the deck , " said the ndm"to the
orderly , "and ask him to ' & Captain
Heatly lo favor movlt > .Is presence
in the cabin. "
"Yes , sir , " relurneii the orderly , sa-
A momenl after an incredibly short
lime it seemed to Seton , who was tin-
aAvnro of the way in which an ad
miral's requests are obeyed Captain
Hoatty , the officer montlonel , present
ed himself before the admiral.
"You wish to see mo , admiral ? "
"Yes , Heatty. Hy the way , lot mo
present to you Sir Charles Seton of
the Sussex light infantry , captain in
his majesty's land forces. Seton , this
is the Honorable Archibald Uealty ,
my flag captain. Realty , will you got
the Hrltannla under way .at once ? "
"Yes , sir , " returned the captain.
"Aro the test of the licet to follow
us ? "
"No , " answered the admiral , "sig
nal to the rest of them to disregard
Iho movements of Iho commander-ln-
chief. Then signal to the Renown for
LtiHCfllc'H to take command until wo
return. "
"Very peed , sir , " returned the cap-
_ taln. "And what course sha.ll w/jjay ? "
"That which' will got luOntVthe
channel quickest , nnd then as due
east nn the wind wlU let nn , I'll bo on
deck , however , before you're ready for
tlmt. "
"There are several boat purlieu
ashore , ndtnlral , do you wish mo to
wait for them ? "
"No , sir , you will weigh at once. "
"Very good Hlr , " returned the captain -
tain , saluting and turning , away.
"And Heatly , " the ndullral called af
ter him , "a drop of navy sherry with
mo before you go. "
"Thank you , admiral , " said Realty ,
filling Ills glass.
"I'll give you a toast , Sir Charles , "
said the admiral.
"Yes , " returned Iho soldier.
"A short cruise and the women at
Iho end of It ! "
" 1 drink to that with all my heart ! "
returned Sir Charles.
"And I also , " said Captain Realty ,
greatly mystified , "although I don't
understand exactly. "
"We're going to chase n Yankee
merchant ship , Realty , and lake a
couple of ladles In whom Sir Charles
Is Interested off of It. "
"A couple ! " cried Realty.
"I'm only Interested In one of them , "
said Sir Charles warmly.
"It's a runaway sweetheart and a
runaway wife , Realty , " continued the
admiral , "Lady Carrlngton and Mis-
Ircss Deborah Slocum. "
"And which one Is Sir Charles inter-
eslcd In ? " asked Iho sailor , smiling.
"In MIslress Slocum , of course,1'
laughed Ihe admiral. "Nqw , captain , "
ho continued , assuming his quarter
deck manner , "I want you to get the
ship under way In the quickest pos
sible time. Let's show this land
lubber hero what his mapesty's navy
can do when Il's In dead earnest.
Imagine there arc a dozen Frenchmen
out there , all boiling for a fight , and
bear a hand ! " *
"Ay , ay , sir , " said Really , saluting
and withdrawing from the cabin.
A moment later there came faintly
through the bulkheads the shrill
whistling of the boatswain and his
mates , followed by a deep cry :
"All hands up anchor ! "
Captain Jeremiah Tuggles Is Inoulted.
It was a moment of splendid tri
umph for the heroine of this mad es
capade when she drew under Iho leo
of Ihe great ship tremendously above
her. Her eyes wore as keen as Car-
rlngton's. She had recognized , or di
vined , Hint Ihe tall figure slandlng on
Iho rail of the larger boat staring at
her was her husband. She knew that
In some way they had concluded that
she would try to escape on Iho mer-
chanlman and that they were trying
to catch that ship , She was experi
enced enough , also , to know that their
efforts would be futile and their
trouble In vain. There was only one
possible contingency which could pre
vent the accomplishment of her de
sires now , and that would bo the re
fusal of the captain of Iho ship lo
stop for her when she ran him down.
Kllen had a well-filled purse and she
hoped to persuade him with that. At
any rate , she kept recklessly on , al
though the little boat came near to
swamping and Deborah , between ter
ror and disappointment , was In a state
of collapse. Ellen boldly ran down
under the lee of the big ship. Dy
skillful handling she brought her boat
within hulling distance of the mer
A man stepped on the rail to lee
ward and stared hard at her.
"What ship Is this ? " asked Ellen.
"The Flying Star of Roston. "
Ellen's heart sank.
"I thought It was the New Eagle
of Philadelphia , " she cried.
"Sho sailed yesterday. "
"Where are you bound ? " asked El
len , fighting against the sinking of
heart caused by this news.
Wall Street Journal Advocates Re
turn to Old Conditions.
The following editorial from the
Wall Street Journal is somewhat remarkable -
markablo , appearing In a purely finan
cial paper , and Is certainly worthy of
serious consideration :
"What America needs Is a revival
of ptoty , the kind mother and father
used to have piety tlmt counted It
good business to atop for dully family
prayer ijoforo breakfast , right In the
middle of harvest : that quit Held work
a half hour early Thursday night so as
to set the chores done and go to
prayer meeting ; that borrowed money
* o pay the preacher's salary and
prayed fervently In secret for the sal-
\atlon of Iho rich man who looked
with scorn on such unbusinesslike bo-
havlor. That's what wo need now to
clean this country of Iho filth of graft ,
and of greed , potty and big ; of wor
ship of line horses and big lands and
high otlieo and grand social functions.
What Is this thing wo are won
shiplng but a vain repetition of what
decayed nations fell down and wor
shiped Just before their light went
out ? Road the history of Homo In de
cay and you will find luxury thP
that could lay a big dollar over our
Httlo doughnut that looks so largo to
us. Orcat wo Ith never made a na
tion substantial nor honorable. There
is nothing on iarth that looks g od
that la BO daily trous for a man or na
tion to hnndl'i as quick , easy , big
money. If yoi. . . . va ist Its deadly in
fluences . „ cuanccs are tiist it will
get -.our son It takes greater and
ll'.cr heroism to are to bo poor In
America thai to capture a battery in
Manchuria. " --e
Both Amendments to the Constitution
to Go to Voters for Final
Following Is the result of the official
canvass of the votes cast al Ihe recent
primary , the total vote cast being
George Lawson Sheldon ( rep. ) . . . .50,282
CJcorKe W. Bergo ( dem. ) 8,894
George W. Bergo ( pop. ) 2,317
Jumus C. Dahlman ( dem , ) 10.1C7
Anhton C. Shallenbcrger ( dem. ) . . 12,526
Ashton C. Shallonberger ( pop. ) . . , 1.1G4
Roy R. Teeter ( pro. ) 711
C. H. Harlmugh ( sue. ) . . . . . . 240
J. W. Walker ( soc. ) 172
M. R. Hopcwcll ( rep. ) . . . . . . 48,0.12
E. O. Gnnctt ( dom. ) . . , . . . . . ir.r.r > 2
E. O. Carroll ( pop. ) . . : > , r > 7i
James A. Urlrnlson ( dem. ) 6,107
James A. GtlmlHon ( pop ) Hi4
A. S. Tlbbets ( dem. ) . . ' S.420
Frank E. Llnch ( pro. ) , , 715
Thomas JorgoiiKon ( soc. ) . . . ; . ' . . . . 245
W. C. Hodgei s ( soc. ) (54 (
George C. Junkin ( rep. ) 40,901
A. T. G.Uouooil ( dom. ) 15,418
A. T. Giitewood ( pop. ) 2,203
John Matles , jr ( dem. ) 14Ml
John Mattcf ) ( pop.- ) 1,1 r > 3
Henry F. J. Hockenberger ( pro. ) . . . 720
Henry J. Aberly ( soc. ) 409
John H * Al3en ( rep. ) 12,201
Charles S. Allen ( rep. ) 5,119
George Anthes ( rep. ) 2,908
Silas R. Burlon ( rcn. ) 12527 ;
H. L. Cook ( rep..V. 5,400
Robert Hhynes ( ro'p. ) 1,841
John C. F. McKesson ( rep. ) 3,380
John L. Pierce ( rep , ) 5,410
Edwin II. Lulkart ( dem. ) 14,711
Edwin II. Lulkart ( pop. ) 1,797
William B. Piice ( dem. ) 15.040
William B. Price ( pop. ) 1,077
Lawson G. Brian ( rep. ) 46,080
Clarence Mnckey ( dem. ) 28,489
Clarence Mackcy ( pop. ) 3,333
E. C. BIsho ? ( rep. ) 21.42S
George T ) . Carrlngton , jr. , ( rep. ) . . 9,533
Jnmcs E. Dclzell ( rep. ) 10.598
S. II. Martin ( rep. ) 7,510
N. C. Abbott ( dom. ) 27,777
N. C. Abbott ( pop. ) 3,242
Ada K. Scholl ( soc. ) 392
William T. 'Thompson ( rep. ) 45,072
Harry H. Fleharty ( dem. ) 10,060
Harry B. Flehartv ( pop. ) 1.J79
E. B. Quaekehbush ( pop. ) 1,547
E. B. Qnakcnbiish ( dem. ) 8,122
Menzo Warren Terry ( dem. ) 5,703
Menzo Warren Terry ( pop. ) 797
B. W. Frrizoy ( sob. ) 228
N. II. Nye ( soc. ) 173
Edward B. Cowles ( rep. ; . . . . 20,173
William Hupenettor ( rep. ) . . 7,099
Harvey L. Snms ( rep. ) . . . . . 4.86P
.Toslah J [ . Shlvely frep. ) . . . . 14,710
W. B. Eastham ( dem. ) . . . . 10.773
W. B. Enstham ( pop. ) . . . . . 2,310
Casslus B. Manuel ( pop. ) . . . . 1,207
PaRKlns R. Manuel ( dem. ) . . . 9,066
Albert Thompson ( pro. ) . . . . 035
William M. Aarons ( rop. ) . . . 8.772
F. H. Abbott ( rep. ) . . S.368
C. L. Hedlund ( rep. ) . . 6,282
Myron D. ICprr ( rep. ) . . . . . . 4.492
J. A. Van Wagpucn ( rep. ) . . 1,527
R. M. AVnllnco ( rep. ) . . 4.006
J A. Williams ( rep. ) . . 15,751
rjpnrgo O Brophv ( dom. ) . . . 14.107
William II. Cowglll ( nop. ) . . 2.037
William II. Cowglll ( dem. ) . . 15.207
George R Brophy ( pop. ) . . . . -1,352
Andrew Flnkonkeller ( soc. ) . . " 84
For propopcd amendmentto the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the rormnnont school fund ( rep , ) , 31-
127 ; against , 5..D70.
1'or proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to Indlclal powern ( rep. ) ,
20.153 ; against. 7,824.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund ( dem. )
15.515 ; ncalnst , 4,335.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution relating to ludlclal powers ( dam. ) ,
12.710 ; against , 5,947.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund ( pop. ) ,
1,832 : against. 502.
For proposed nmo'ndmont to the consti
tution relating to Judicial powers ( pop. ) ,
1,373 : against. 909.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with reference to the Investment
of the permanent school fund ( pro. ) , 448 ;
. .
For pioposod nmondmont to the consti
tution relating < o judicial powers ( pro. ) ,
371 : ngalnst , 102.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution with leferenco to the Investment
of the permanent school finid ( soc. ) , 218 ;
against , 80.
For proposed amendment to the consti
tution i Mating to judicial powers ( soc. ) ,
171 ; against , 103.
Presidential Electors.
O. C. Bell ( rep. ) 45.506
Joseph J. Lnngcr ( rep. ) 41,837
Michael F. Harrington ( pop. ) 2,880
Michael F. Harrington ( dem. ) . . . .23,492
Henry R. Goring ( dem. ) 21,587
Henry R. Goring ( pop. ) 2,571
Robert F. Smith ( dem. ) 13,919
A. W. Potts ( pop. ) R7o
William R. Blnnton ( soc. ) 386
Thomas L. Phillips ( soc. ) 377
The annual fair given by the Cedar
County Fair and Driving association
closed last week. In point of attend
ance and In the display of stock and
general farm products , It was the most
successful ever hold in the county.
Steven J. Kolno , a Beatrice contract
or and builder has disappeared , leav
ing behind him unpaid bills aggregat
ing ? 5,000. He had luirty-flve men in
his employ , nearly all of whom he
owed two weeks' salary.
Farmers should all have telephones.
Write lo us and learn how lo get the
best service for the least money. Ne
braska Telephone Company , 18th and
Douglas streets , Omaha. "Use the
Bell. "
Hasting's drug stores will not bo
allowed to sell liquor under "any con
The September term of district
court of Custor county was In session
last week , with Judge Bruno Hosteller
of Kearney presiding. The docket
will possibly take two -\\ceks to clean
it up. Much interest , however , is
centered in the case of James Car-
land , who Is charged with the murder
of John Sandor&on , which occurred
several months ago. The. trial prom
ises to bo unusually exciting , there
being a host of Important witnesses
on each side.
-harlca R , Robblns ( rep. ) 7,462'
R. K. Watzko ( dem. ) 3,1)38 )
P. . H. Wutzke ( pop. ) 110
J. D. Nesblt ( pro. ) 119
Hmv.nrd H. iRaldrlga ( rep. ) u,7l2 ,
fhnrlcH L. Hoover 'trop. ) 1,771
KophUH F. Nebla ( dem. ) 4,019
BoptniB F. Ncblo ( pop. ) -0
1C. T. Oeorgo ( pro. ) 13
Parker S. Condit ( soc. ) So
Jullua Hollander ( soc. ) 89
John P. Eaton ( rep. ) 7,876
Douglas Shawvan ( dem. ) 6,200
Douglns Shawvan ( pop. ) 377
Martin I. Brewer ( pro. ) . . . 78
Otto Meldher ( eoc. ) 2S
George F. Hurlburt ( rep. ) 9,683
K. O. Weber ( dem. ) 4,555
E. O. Weber ( pop. ) 60S
Frank A. Burt ( pro , ) . 167
John H. von Stecn ( pro. ) 88
William H. ABhby ( soc. ) 32
C. A. Lucn. ( rep. ) 6,772
Frank T. Kwnnnon ( dem. ) . . . 3,592
Krtfnk T S\vanBon ( pop. ) 1X > 80
A. B. Lafferts ( pro. ) 117
W. H. Nlchol ( pro. ) 63
Fred Leglur ( BOC. ) 102
Edward S. Davlu ( rep. ) 7,522
A. D. Cameron ( dem. ) 3,090
A. D. Cameron ( pop. ) 762
William Henry Stratton ( BOC. ) . . . . 127
E. M. Pollard ( rep. ) 7,285
A. P. Fltzslmmons ( dem , ) 1,882
A. P. Fltzslmmont ) ( pop. ) 76
J. A. Magulro ( dem. ) . 2.55G
J. A. Magulro ( pop. ) 49
Thomas W. Blackburn ( rep. ) 2,060
A. W. Jefferls ( rep. ) 3.716
Charles L. Suunders ( rep. ) 2,671
G. M. Hitchcock ( dom. ) 4,834
F. II. Alexander ( soc. ) 26
George C. Pofter ( soc. ) 38
J. F. Boyd ( rep. ) 7,837
Edgar Howard ( dem. ) 3,638
Eilgar Howard ( pop. ) 260
J. P. Latta ( dem , ) 4,559
G. M. Woodcock ( soc. ) . . . . 30
Charles II. Aldrlch ( rep. ) . . . 3,860
E. H. Hlnshaw ( rep. ) 7,919
W. F. Cramb ( dem. ) 1,535
W. F. Cramb ( pop. ) 130
Charles F. Gilbert ( dem. ) . . 2,110
Charles F. Gilbert ( pop. ) . . . 228
W. B. JoneH ( pop. ) 314
W. B. Jones ( dem. ) 1,025
S. L. Mains ( dem. ) 822
B. L. Mains ( pop. ) 43
F. Birmingham ( pro. ) 208
George W. Norrls ( rep. ) 0,936
Fred W. Ashton ( dem. ) 3,825
Fred W. Ashton ( pop. ) 1,303
G. G. Larky ( soc. ) 81
M. P. KlnUald ( rep. ) 6,816
R. O. Ross ( rep. ) 589
R. G. Ross ( dem. ) 327
C. A. Slbley ( rep. ) 1,281
Walter Johnson ( dem. ) 957
Walter Johnson ( pop. ) .128
W. B. McNeel ( dom. ) 763
W. B. McNeel ( pop. ) 103
H. G. Stewart ( pop. ) 107
II. G. Stewart ( dem. ) 282
W. II. Westovor ( dem. ) 1,401
W. H. Westover ( pop. ) 310
L. Stebblns ( soc. ) 118
T. H. Harnby ( pro. ) 78
Nominees for State Senate.
Following Is a list of candidates for the
stnto senator by districts :
1. Republican. J. R. Cain ; democrat , G.
E. Hall.
2. Republican , T. J. Malors.
3. Renubllran , E. F. Warren ; demo
crat , S. II. Huck.
4. Republican , Orlando Tefft ; demo
crat , W. B. Banning.
5. Republican. Alex. Laverty ; demo
crat , W. R. Patrick.
6. Republican , W. P. Adklns , E. G.
McGllton. N. P. Swanson ; democrat , E.
E. Howell , Frank T. Ransom , John II.
7. Republican , O. R. Thompson ; demo
crat , Fred Wl&gers.
S. Republican , G. W. Wiltse ; demo
crat , Nick Fritz.
9. Republican , M. C. Bressler ; demo
crat , J. D. Hatneld.
10. Reoubllcan , W. D. Haller ; demo
crat. Fred Volpp.
11. Republican , C. A. Randall ; demo
crat , David Ress.
12. Republican , J. A. Flala ; Oemocrat ,
F. J. Henry.
13. Republican , F. W. Phillips ; demo
crat. J. A. Donahoe.
14. Republican. E. L. Meyers ; demo
crat. G. M. Adams.
15. Republican. G. H. Klnney ; demo
crat. J. A. OHIs.
10. Republican , E. D. Gould ; democrat ,
L. S. Deeds.
17. Republican , Harry Schlckendantz ;
democrat , J. II. Buhrmann.
18. Republican , E. L. King ; democrat ,
A. C. Tomplln.
19. Republican , II. A. Graff ; demo
crat , G. W. Fuller.
20. Republican , S. W. Tturnlmm , E. P. ; democrat , R. T. Chambers , J. E.
21. Republican , Adam McMullen ; dcm-
crat. Jacob Klein.
22. Uo'Hibtlcan , G. W. Baldwin ; demo
crat , F. W. Bartos.
23. Republican , Dr. F. Wllcox ; demo
crat , Smith Ketchum.
24. Republican. John Doran ; demo
crat , Herman Dlers.
25. Republican , J. M. Cox ; democra
R. G. Brown.
Nurses Want Legislation.
Nebraska nurses will endeavor to
have a law passed by the next legls-
lalui'o ' which will require the reglslra *
lion of all nurses In Ihe slalo in a
similar manner lo Ihe registration re
quired in several other states of the
union. This decision was reached at
a meeting of the nurses of the state i"
this city. The matter of pushing the
framing and passing of the law has
been left In the hands of a committee
which Is composed of four graduate
nurses of the slate , as follows : Miss
Stuff , Lincoln ; Miss Bicker , Omaha ;
Mrs , Pinldngton , Omaha , end Miss
Hardwick , Lincoln.
J. A. Slnghaus , Unlled Slales com
missioner , and a federal marshal from
Omaha came to Herman and placed
Walter West and C. West under ar
rest for selling liquor and drove to Te-
kamah with them and lodged Ihem In
Jail. It is Ihought there had been a
deputy United Stales Marshal Ihero
for several days disguised as a sign
painter nnd ho succeeded In collecting
several bogus jags himself and bought
liquor from a good many in lown.
Fern Charier , Iho C-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Charier , of
Hasllngs , whoso divorce suit Is pend
ing trial two weeks hence , was abduct
ed by her father and taken away In an
automobile. Ho called for her' ' at
school and Induced her to leave. <
John G. Selsby , aged 22 fell from
Iho lop of the now school building In
Mllford while wheeling morlnr for the
bricklayers. His left leg was so bad
ly crushed that the physicians ampu
tated it above the knee. Other com
plications set In and ho died in the
The llrst Jury trial In the Chadron
division of the federal court of thn
United States closed with an acquittal.
Clmiles Henderson and Christopher
Abbott , both of Crawford , were de-
fondantii. Tuey wore accused of
buying blankets of uoldlcis Croui Fort
Thooo Selected In the Primaries to
Enter the Contest.
. .ti Republican. . .Q. J3. Cook , 3. adriiole-
Jnck. O. B. Ward ; democrat , Ralph A.
Clark , Henry Qerdcs. Ottb Kotonfcj'
2. Republican , A. D. Barclay , W. B.
Rapcr ; democrat. John K. Hunnlnger ,
William Stephenaon.
8 , Republican , J , M. Armstrong , John
C. Boyd ; democrat. Fred Heqtor , B. T.
4. Republican , J. G. O'Connell ; demo
crat , John H. Lallcker.
5. Republican. Theodora Smith ; demo
crat , Charles W. Pool ,
6. Republican , Hani Larson. C. W.
Stahlhut ; democrat , George W. Loldlgh , i
E. J. Btedman.
7. Republican , Charles E. Noyes. D.
Smith ; democrat , Jolin P. SUUtler , O. W.t
Laughlln ,
8. Republican , M. T. Harrison ; demo
crat , M. A. Bates.
9. Republican. J. M. Elwoll ; demo
crat , Howard Whitney.
10. Republican , Ed. Locilnr. Joseph
Koutsky , F. S. Tucker , W. F. Wopplch ,
S. C. Barnes. A. R. Harvey. F. C. Best ,
II. A. Foster. H. A. Stouo ; democrat ,
P. G. H. Boland , William Butt. J. P.
Connolly. R. H. Holmes. Jeremiah How
ard , J. F. Krnup. W. S. Shoemaker , W.
F. Stoccker. W. P. Thomas
11. Republican , Mads Mortensen ; demo
crat , II. D. Schoettger.
12. Republican , Nels Johnson ; demo
crat. W. R. Baum.
13. Republican , B. F. GrKIln ; democrat ,
W. Harrington.
14. Republican , J. H. Knowlen , W. M.
Smith ; democtat. W. J. McVlcker , Frank
P. Lawrence.
15. Republican , C. Y. Thompson ; demo
crat , CliHtles Graff.
16. Republican. J. W. Hazelgrove ; dem
ocrat , D. C. Hefternmn.
17. Republican , John R : Morris ; demo-
ciat. Adam Pllger.
18. Republican , S. Saberson ; democrat ,
B. J. McDonald.
19. Republican. W. F. Schwerln ; dem
ocrat , John Kuhl.
20. Republican , Thomas N. Galbrclth ;
democrat , J. M. Talcott.
21. Republican , G. W. Fannon ; demo
crat , W. J. Armstrong.
22. Republican , A. A. Smith : demo
crat. I. S. Bygland.
23. Republican , George X. Bceln ; dem
ocrat , Lew J. Young.
24. Republican , W. S. Evans ; demo
crat. James Grclg.
25. Republican , John Swanson ; demo
crat. John H. Wcems.
26. Republican , W. A. Rothsack ; demo *
crat , H. P. Buhman.
27. Republican , F. L. Hadsell , M. H.
.Hancock ; democrat , Trenmor Cone ,
Frank Dolezal.
28. Republican , C. C. Fulmer. John Tnl-
bet ; democrat , Joseph Doatal , Joseph
29. Republican , F. A. Marah , John P.
Stolz ; democrat. C. A. Ritchie. ' Henry
30. Republican. Cyrus Black , E. W.
Brown , W. J. Blystone , L. C. Foss , W. A.
Green ; democrat , H. F. Bishop , C. E.
Gloves ; F. B. Humphrey , Charles Knapp ,
W. C. Norton.
31. Republican , Honrv Allpross , Will-
lam James ; democrat , John Chub , J. H.
32. Republican , B. II. Begok1 , TJ. J.
Klllen , C. J. McColl : democrat , Lester
Kurtz , L. F. Heller. John Gt'tdes.
33. Republican , F. O. E1IU ; democrat ,
Louis Werner.
34. Republican , A. V. Peasa ; democrat , i ,
Wes Plckens. * >
35. Democrat , William Gruebor. I
36. Republican , John P. Thlesson ; democrat - ]
ocrat , Peter Gill. , |
37. Republican. F. O. Edsecombe. Sam
uel Logsdon ; democrat , P. A. Murphy ,
H. N. Swan.
38. Republican. D. W. Baker. A. B. Tay
lor ; democrat , Charles W. Flick. E. E.
39. Republican , J. B. Buckley ; demo
crat , Victor E. Wilson.
40. Republican , George Beardslcy ;
democrat , J. G. Boelts.
11. Republican. R. L. Ahira : , W. W.
FORM ; demociat , R. W , Boyd. L. J. Evans.
42. Republican , D. M. Nt tli ton. A. J.
.Tenlson ; democrat. J. E. Btodcrlck. Fred
43. Republican , J. Wurrcn Kolfer , Jr. ;
democrat. A. II. Bowman.
44. Republican. Dr. R. F. Raines ; demo
crat. F. II. Gorlack.
45. Republican , F. E. Crosier ; demo
crat , Godfiey Marti.
40. Republican , ErlcR Johnson ; demo
crat. R. O. Slater.
47. Republican , A. L. Scudder , E. O.
White ; democrat , John W. Sink. F. S.
48. Republican. John G. Hall ; demo
crat. Soren M. Fries.
49. Republican. F. II. Clough ; demo
crat , John L. Fogarty.
50. Republican , jr. A. Allen. W. W.
Bethcaj democrat , H. R. Henry , T. J.
51. Republican , E. P. SUlllnun ; demo
crat , B. S. flarinslon.
52. Republican , II. M. Duvall ; demo
crat , John F. Carr.
53. , C. H. Chase ; demo
crat , F. W. Johansen.
54. Republican. B. K. Busline ; democrat. L
Butler Buchanan.
55. Republican , Peter Mortenson ; dem
ocrat , S. J. Bolts.
50. , J. A. Amsborry , A. L.
Mathcws ; democrat , W. J. Taylor. L.
Miller. i
57. Democrat. E. A. Brown.
58. Republican , G. W. Buirett ; demo
crat. Peter Wink. A. A. Hlixviu
59. Republican. W. G. Andethou ; demo
crat , II. T. Worthing.
60. Republican , J. A. SUter ; democrat ,
J. D. England.
61. Republican , A. R. Pock ; democrat ,
L. H. Eastman.
02. Republican. R. A. Danskin ; demo
crat. Joseph Snyder.
63. Republican , B. W. Roberts ; demo
crat. P. C. Funk.
61. Republican. N. A. Pettygrove ; dem
ocrat , J. W. Kelly.
65. Republican , Fran' More ; democrat.
' 66. ' Re bl'lcan. L. O. Richardson ;
Democrat. Dr. E. S SUSP.
67. Republican , W. H , Smith ; demo
crat , W. Z. Taylor.
Governor Sheldon has appointed the
following delegates to represent Ne
braska at the tfansmlsslppl congress
which is to convene at San Francisco ,
October C : J. M. Guild , Omaha ; W.
S. Whltlen , Lincoln ; H. T. Clarke , sr. .
Omaha ; I. L. Dermond. Beaver Cross
ing ; L. P Towers , Beatrice ; Ed. L.
Miller , Beatrice ; James Henderson ,
Central City ; J. E. Miller , Seward ; J.
P. Hanson , Ptemont ; C. H. Gregg.
Kearney ; S. M. Wolbach , Grand Is
land ; David Anderson , South Omaha :
A. H. Broke , Hastings ; C. J. Miles.
Hastings , G. A. Millett. Van , Banner
county ; J. R. VanBoskirk , Newport.
The German Evangelical Lutheran ,
synod , In session nt Glenvllle , voted to-
establish a German theological school
at Lincoln. A commltleo composed of
Revs. Wupper of Hooper , Mlchelmann
of Grand Island and Bolger of Fon-
lanelio was selected to choose and
purchase a site for the new school-
Express Company Gains Point.
Ralph Brcckenrldge , as attorney for
the express companies In the injunc
tion suil brought by Ihe attorney gen
eral to enforce the Sibley act. gained
a point last wcok before Referee Sul-
llvan by obtaining an admission from
L. E. Wetting , witness for the
that his deductions were partly erron
eous and would have to be rcvlct'd
Wottling's tabulation of revenues at I
expenses of the business of the \Volls-
Fargo EXPICBS company T.-JS l'a-.d o >
testimony taken in New York ( . 'Sty i" S
n similar suit In the federal court. r