Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, October 01, 1908, Image 5

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News From Our Assistant Editors
( Continued from opposite page )
Comment on the recent mur
der trial at Broken Bow and a
pool hall which has recently
been opened in Westerville is the
leading topic of the day.
Among those who are attend
ing Broken Bow schools from
this place arc the Misses Gertie
Shafer , Jessie Hays and Elsie
Rev. Chatnbcrlin and wife are
attending the annual Conference
of the M. E. church , which is
being held at Gothenburg this
Ross Mills , who has been visit
ing friends in the west part of
the htatc for the past six weeks
returned home last week.
NIr. and Mrs. John Campbell of
Weissert visited old time friends
here last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs Frank Ellison of p
Merna and Mr. and Mrs. Knapp ,
Hess Lohr , Lee Loun and Miss
Carrie Meny visited at Mr.
Ingrain's Sunday.
Mrs. N. Jacqupt and daughter
Mrs. Bolin visited with Mrs.
Frank Edwards Tuesday.
Mr , and Mrs. Andrew Ingram
and son returned to their home
in Illinois last Friday.
Miss Jennie Waddingtou re
turned from her trip to Colorado
the first of the week.
Grandpa Hill will leave Thurs
day for a visit with relatives in
St. Louis.
Miss Anna Thonnel visited
with friends on the West Table
Jim McKrell has moved onto
t'e ' G. O. Joyner farm.
J. F. Baker was a Broken Bow
visitor Tuesday.
Jennie Edwards spent Sunday
in the Valley.
Charles Prescott is quite sick at
this writing.
Robert Ingran started to school
Francis Waddington is on the
sick list.
Dead Letter List.
For week ending Sept. 29 ,
Mls" E. V. Bishop MclvlnLaue
Louis Martin John Stepncuson
K. J. Smith Cliff Smith
J. A. Thornton
Post Master.
We Want All The Newt All The Time.
If a Friend is Vititing Tell It.
Juitjn Small Bunch
For This Week.
Albert Shaffer was here from
Ausley Tuesday.
Frank Waird jjf Lillian was in
the city Sunday.
John Schmitz of Merna was in
the Bow Monday.
P. J. Steiger was over from
Callaway yesterday.
F. J. McCanco of Auselmo was
in this city yesterday.
John Deal of near Callaway
was in this city yesterday.
A. V. Powell of near Weissert
| was in the city Saturday.
Lewis Allen of Berwyn was in
the city the firat of the week.
H. P. Gates of Gates was in
Broken Bow on business Monday.
O. C. Smith was a business
visitor from Callaway yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Baker of
Merna were Broken Bow visitors
R. L. Briggs of Oconto was a
business visitor in the Bow on
J. C. Chilcote of Mason City
was in this ' city Wednesday on
Ed M. Scott of Ansclmo was a
busines visitor ir the Bow last
Our farmers are putting in
their best licks these days sowing
winter wheat.
W. B. Lowe was over from
Callaway Monday looking after
business matters.
C. 2. Lawson of the Eddyville
neighborhood was a Broken Bow
visitor yesterday.
F. G. Perkins and wife near
Berwyn were trading with our
merchants Saturday.
The next president of the
United States was in Lincoln
yesterday , and all Nebraska paid
him homage.
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Woodruff
of the Georgetown neighborhood
werc'tradingwith Broken Bow
merchants the first of the week.
S. P. Great & Co have received a lot
of Fancy dishes. In order to give their
customers a benefit they will sell for
( two hours only ) each dish at 25c. This
sale will take place on Saturday after
noon , October 10 , from 2:00 : to\4:00 : o'
clock. Come and see the&fe dishes in our
big window , They consist of Pitchers ,
Platters , Cake Plates , Salid Dishes etc ,
etc. Be on time as these dishes will
surfily go in a few minutes : : : : :
Fruits AN'n Groceries.
Apples Everything
' Peaches In The
Plums Grocery
Pears Line You
Berries Can Wish
Etc. For.
Fruits by the crate or in smaller quantities.
Just right for panning- .
J. N. Peale
Broken Bow. Nebraska.
1 will open a repair shop with
Fred Hayes about Oct 1st and invite -
vite all my old customers to come
and see me. Also- many who
have not called on me.
Neat Work and
GoodStock. .
C. P. Anderson of Mason City
was a county seat visitor Tues
D. Campbell of Westerville
was among Wednesdays visitors
in the Bow.
S. P. Great & Co. calls atten
tion to their advertisement in
another column.
F. W. Morrison of Callaway
ookcd after business matters in
this city yesterday.
Win. Davis and family of Ans-
ley were trading with' our mer
chants in this city yesterday.
A. A. and Jeff Shaw were in
the city Tuesday from Sargent
looking after business matters.
W. W. Cassel and wife of
Mason City were trading with
our merchants the first of the
Gep. B. Mair , Clerk of the
district court , went to Callaway
yesterday to look after his prop
erty interests.
Before snow flies it might be a
good idea to clean up all the
alleys of all refuse. It might
save considerably sickness.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mohatt
of this city are rejoicing over
the arrival of a baby girl at
their home Tuesday , September
29 , 1908.
Wm. Fowler and son and A.
Mcomber of Joplin , Missouri ,
were in the city the first of the
week. They are here to look
over the country.
C. C. Deal of Callaway was a
pleasant caller at our office this
morning. Mr. Deal dropped infer
for a social chat and to have us
push his subscription date a year
in advance.
Next week the REPUBLICAN
will send out five hundred sample
copies of the paper in Custer
county. We do this for seve'fa.l
reasons , one is to do a little Ad
vertising on our account *
Quite a number of our citizens
attended the Callaway "lair last
week. They report the fair as
being up to the standard and in
every way a credit to the town
and surrounding country.
The editor enjoyed a social
chat with T. G. Gartner of near
Westerville last Saturday after
noon. We talked about Old
Missouri and how that stjite
would swing into the Hepublican
column at the election in Novem
Nearly three inches of ra'n '
fall last Friday night goes a
long ways toward putting Custer
county farmers in a good humor
for fall plowing and making the
pastures look green for a few
weeks longer.
Mr. and Mrs. D Lewis of near
Merna were called on last Sun
day to part with their infant
daughter , Blanche Edna , aged
about six months. The parents
have the sympathy of their
many friends in their bereave
Mrs. A. H. Ryan , who had
been visiting her mother , Mrs.
L. I/ . Sharp , for a few weeks ,
returned to her home in Leaven-
worth Kansas , last Saturday.
Mrs. Haney of Ansley accompan
ied her on the trip , returning
home Monday.
If the old saying that light
shucks on the corn is any criter
ion to go by , we will have a mild
winter. The husks this year are
thin and do not cling to the ear ,
in fact they flare out. Those
who have watched this sign for
years say it never fails.
Will Attend State Convention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W Scott , and
children , Hazel and Herbert ,
will leave Saturday morning for
Pawnee City to attend the
Baptist State Convention as dele
gates. They will go from there
to Humbolt for a short visit
With Mrs. Scott's parents , Mr.
( and Mrs. J. II. Smith.
' Wants Nasaet of Farmers.
The Agricultural Expirment
Station at Lincoln wants the
names of farmers who grow
Turkey Red wheat , pure Kher-
sou : oats , Alfalfa and Brotne
grass i seeds in order to help them
sell i their produce at the best ad
vantage and also to aid buyers of
seed , grain. Farmers raising
these seeds will confer a great
'avor on the managers of the
Station by sending in their
names and at the srtue time may
profit thereby ,
Forty-Eight Acres for $2200.
J. W. Scott sold'his forty-
eight acre farm four and a half
miles east of Broken Bow to J.
M. Batea for $2200. Mr. Scott
then bought 160 acres one and
a half miles cast of this city.
Vcra Kennedy Gets Second Prize.
Miss Vcra Kennedy , daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kennedy ,
of this city , was awarded the
second prize in the Omaha Daily
News contest. The prixe is a
$260 Kimball upright piano.
Tie Your Teams.
Drivers of automibilcs arc
complaining about people leav
ing their teams standing with
out being tied. It only takes a
minute to tie them and that
minute might save many dollars
in damage to you.
Real Estate Eeal.
The G. T. Robinson farm lo
cated four miles south of Broken
Bow , owned by C. C. Cunning
ham and Chas Robertson was
sold to C. S. Martin through
Willis Cadwell. Consideration
( NO. 59W )
Custer National Bank
at Uroken Dow In the State of Nebraska.
Charter No. 5B95 , at the close of business
September 23 , 1008.
Loans and discounts , 9 H6,07H.8i )
U. S. bonds to Hccuru circulation . a.l.ooooo
Hanking house turnlture and
fixtures S.OOOOO
Due from National Uanko ( not re
serve agents ) H.1J.7.
Due from approved reserve agents 38,763.07
Checks and other cash Item * 1,100.0. )
Notes of other National Hanks 700.00
Fractional paper currency , nickels
and cent * 140.5 ! !
lawful Money Reserve IB
Hank , viz :
Specie 8 8,099.85
Legal-tender notes 0000 0,189.81
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer (5 per cent of circulation ) . . 1,2W.OC
Total f 215,725.1
Capital stock paid In * 25ouo.oc
Surplus fund 25ooo.ix ;
Undivided profit * , less expenses
and taxes paid 2.530.00
National Hank note * outstanding
Due to other National Hanks. . . . 12,851.01
Due to State Hanks and Hankies. . lO.OTO.BC
AIIUI viuiAi uciiunitn auujcui iu
check 01,705.29
Demand certlllcates of deposit . . . 11,789,05
Time certltlcatCH of depohlt 1,878.00
Total * 2ir ,72u7 :
1 , H , LOMAX , Cashier of the .ibove-naincd
bank , do solemnly swear that the above
statement In true to the best nf my know
ledge and belief.
H. LOMAX , Cashier.
ALPHA Mono AN > Directors.
Subscribed and sworn to bclorc me this
2flth day of September , 19u8.
Notary I'ubllc.
My Commission expires September 3 , 1913.
Notice Is hereby given , that by vlitue of
an order of sale , issued to IMC Iroin the
District Court ol CuHter Count } Nebraska ,
upon a decree of toreclosure rendered In
said court , at the May 19U8 term thcrcot ,
to-vvlt :
On the Hth day of May , IIKM In favor of the
Newcastle State Hank and against Jacob
'hull et al.
I have levied upon the following described
_ eal estate to-wlt : The west halt of the
went half ot section eight ; the southeast
quarter of section Bcven ; the east half of
the .southwest rjuarter of section Mjven ; the
cant half of the northwest quarter of
section seven ; the northwest quarter of the
northwest inuricr of .section seven.
And I will , on the 2nd day ot November
. WJ3 , at 2 o'clock p. tn. at the east door of the
Court House , In the city ot Broken How ,
Nebraska , In said county , sell said real
estate at public acutlon to the highest
'ildder for cash , to satisfy said decree ,
.a crests and costs , the amount due thereon
amounting to the sum of i79ll.ik wltluo per
cent liuerest Iroin May Hth IWd and court
costs amounting to W.t.35 and accruing costs.
Said above described real estate v ill be sold
subject to all prior liens and Incumbrances ,
: is per certificates on Hie In the District
Clerk's ofllce.
Dated this 1st day of October 1908.
AM'HA MOKOAN , Sheriff
Attorney. 17-21
Maud Olclm , Plaintiff.
vs. \
Nicholas Qlelm , Defendant. .
To Nicholas Qllem non resident dc
fcndant. You are hereby notlttLd that or
the 1st day of October 1908 Maud Ulcim tliei :
her petition against you in the ) lbirlct court
of CuHter county , Nebraska , thtolji.ct and
prayer of which are to obtain a divorct
tromyouonthe grounds that you cruelly
and Inhumanly have treated her and that
you became a habitual drunkard without any
cause on her part : she also asks for the care
custody and control of the minor children
to wit Nicholas Ulelm and Raymond
Olelm aged respectively nand three
ytfars and she asks that you bi also cnolne > t
from In any manner Interlering with ncr in
her rights after the divorce and while the
action is pending.
You are required to answer the said
petition on or before Monday the Bth dav of
November 1908 or default will be entered
and decree rendered as prayed In the said
petition MALIK ) I.KIM
17-81 Her Attorneys.
For $60 Per Acre.
J. A. Armour sold his 80 acre
farm east of this city to Henry
Rapp Tuesday for $60 per acre.
For Sale.
Six good residence properties
in Broken Bow. Apply to I. A.
Colemao. 15-tf
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OvcrMcComas'
See Dr. Talbot for Kamblcr
and Mitchell Automobiles.
We have the suds , Bring us
your duds. J. O , Thomas , Laun-
dryman. 14-tf
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck
Boy wanted to learn laundry
business. Broken Bow Steam
Laundry. 16-It
I have three city properties for
sale very rcasouablc
11-tf Guo. PAITNHAU.
Now is the time to fix your
fences. We have Hedge , Red
Cedar and two by four Oak
Posts and all kinds of building
A second grade certificate can
be secured in one year by a
seventh or eighth grade pupil at
Custer College. I ° all term be
gins Sept 21 in our new brick
building. Write for catalog.
FOR SAI.K One new IToosicr
wheat drill cost $85 , will take
$70. Drilled only 10 acres of
wheat , under cover since. 1 Ac-
uie hay stncker for $25.
J. L. FKKGUSON , Comstock.
I have just received a car load
of Jay-hawk Stackers and Sweeps
that I will sell reasonable while
they last. Sec J. C. Hutt or
Great & Van Antwerp at Groat's
old stand , Broken BowNebr. 9-tf
Edward Docld , physician and
surgeon. Diseases of women a
specialty. Office phone 260 , res
idence 248. All cases promptly
Poland Chine and Duroc Jersey
hogs Oct. 10 , 1908 , Broken Bow ,
Wiuis CADWIU.I , ,
17-21 K. II. CADWKLT , .
Dent be swindled by so-
called "beauty doctors' who
palm oil worthless and often
harmful preparations at cx-
horbttant prices. Many have
been poisencd or disfigured
for life by these so-called
"beauty doctors. "
If you feel the need of a
hair invigorator , skin tonic
or freckle remover , buy a re
liable preparation that your
druggist will recommend.
We handle all Velvetiua
The Busy Druggist
5 Males niul 25 Brood sows 1'olamls. All over I yenr old. 10 Duroc Jer
sey Hrood Sows nil past one ycnr old.
The above nre All first class breeding stock selected for breeders. .
Willis Cadwell R. H. Eadwell
ASK od us money can tiiVy'or skill ptvduce. IN SERYICI ? : ORPHAN HOY
42275 , 1st mid Sweepstakes nt Nebraska State Pair 1907.
WHITEHALL KING 48003 , of well nigh faultless conformation and breeding.
7 sows averaged 12 pigs in Spring of 1908.
Sows Sired IJy : King Look 24459 , Grand Look 38305 , Chief Tec. 3rd , 20740 ,
Young Tec. 4240 , standard Chief 2nd etc.
Stock for Sale at Private Treaty No Public Sale This I'all.
Absolutely Free
. . .Complete. . ,
Given Outright With $75.00 Pur
chase. We Appreciate Your Business
Here is the Proof. Begin Today
Procure Punch Cards from the Clerk NOW with
Full Information.
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
At the OLD STAND ,
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call and sec me. J
# ! t& ! u & @
( tf. .
$ That we carry one of finest and larest the Assortments
11 II II < H I ! I ! II
Lumber , Coal , Posts , lOtc. , in Broken Bow.