Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 24, 1908, Image 3

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    t Sweats & CougEi.
E , W. Walton , Condr. S. T , lly. , 717
Tan Kcss St. , Sail Antonio , Tex. ,
Tvrltcs : "During thosninmer nnd fall
of 1002 , my annoyance from catarrh
reached that stage where itvns actual
misery nnd developed alarming symp
toms , uutih as a very dcop-scatcd cough ,
night sweats , nnd pains in the head and
chest. I experimented with several so-
called remedies before I finally decided
to take n thorough course of 1'oruna.
"Twoof my friends had gone so far na
TO inform mo that the thing for mo to do
% vas to resign my position nnd neck n
higher , more congenial climate. Every
one thought I had consumption nnd 1
iras not expected to live very long.
"Having procured Bomol'oruna , I do-
cidud to give it n thorough test nnd ap
plied myself assiduously to the task of
taking it , as pur instructions , in the
mean time.
"Tho effects -were soon apparent , all
alarming symptoms disappeared and
my general health became fully as good
ns It had over been in my life.
"I liavo resorted to the nso of Poruna
on two or three occasions slnco that
time to cure myself of bad colds. "
California Cnctus Blows Around the
Desert for Months.
Curious among vegetable growths
nnd one which is 'seldom seen of men
is the rootless cactus of the California
desert , says the Techlncal World.
This plant , a round , compact growth ,
rolls about the level flaor of the des
ert for some eight or nine months of
the year , tossed hither and yon by
the winds which blow with fierceness
over all of California's sand plat durc
ing those months.
At the coming of the rains , or
rather the cloudbursts , which sweep
the desert in its springtime , this cdc-
tus takes root wherever it happens to
have been dropped by the last wind
of which it was the plaything and im
mediately begins to put out all around
it small shoots , which In turn become
cacti , exactly like the parent plant.
These young growths increase in
size rapidly , sucking the moisture
both from the parent plant and from
the surrounding earth. The roots do
not penetrate the soil deeply , but
spread often over a circle whoso
radius Is not less than ten feet. These
roots , too , are small , but practically
innumerable , and they get every bit
of moisture and plant food to bo had
in the territory they cover.
From Terrible Eczema Baby's Head
a Maes of Itching Rash and Sores
Disease Cured by Cutlcura.
"Our little girl was two months old
when she got a rash on her face and
within five days her face and head
were all one sore. We used different
remedies but it got worse Instead of
better and we thought she would turn
blind and that her cars would fall off.
She suffered terribly , and would
ccratch until the blood came. This
went on until she was five months old ,
then I had her under our family doc
tor's care , but she continued to grow
worse. lie said it was eczema. When
she was seven months old I started
to use the Cutlcura Remedies and in
two months our baby was a different
girl. You could not see a sign of a
sore and she was as fair as a new
born baby. She has not had a sign of
the eczema since. Mrs. H. F. Budko ,
LeSueur , Minn. , Apr. 15 and May 2 , ' 07. "
You Know Both.
There is a sort of man who is very
polite to your face , but who talks
about you after you are gone. There
Is another kind of man who grumbles
about you to your face and lets you
alone when you are absent. The lat
ter sort of a man will last longer , with
all his faults , than the other man ,
with all his politeness. Newark
Starch , like everything else , Is bo.
ing constantly improved , the patent
Starches put on the market 25 years
ago are very different and Inferior to
those of the present day. In the lat
cst discovery Defiance Starch all in
Jurlous chemicals are omitted , while
the addition of another ingredient , in
vented by us , gives to the Starch a
Btrongth and smoothness never approached
preached by other brands.
Occasionally a woman fears deatl
because she Isn't altogether sure that
her husband will wear a black necktie
at her funeral.
One of the
of tbo happy homes of to-day is a vast
fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of the
Well-Informed of the World ; not of indi
viduals only , but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
One of the products of that class , of
known component parts , an Ethical
remedy , approved by physicians and com
mended oy the Well-Informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna. To get its bcneCcial
effects always buy the genuine , manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ,
only , and for sale by all leading drugcuU.
Beauty of the Ostrich Plume
By Julia Bottomlcy.
No. 1. A panninn , trimmed with ostrich
anil velvet.
No. 2. Midsummer inoilel trlnitncd with
not cdfjcd with silk braid.
No. 3 Smart street hat trimmed with
Striped ribbon and straw ornaments.
OMB interesting facts come
to llsht when one is looking
up the subject or ostrich
feathers. It is profitable to
become acquainted with
these. The ungainly bird of fine
plumage , whoso splendor wo bor
row and improve upon , is grown
in South Africa and in our own
country. South African species fur
nish the best quality of feathers.
The birds are plucked for their plumes
once in every eight months or three
times in two years.
London is the great central market
for raw feathers. Buyers generally
go there to obtain their stocks and buy
the feathers which have been sorted
into different grades and sell at so
much per pound.
It is curious to observe the features
that make a plume more or less val-
unable. It is the practiced eye alone
that can observe all the points of dif
ference. Width of the Hues , quality
of the fiber , length , texture , color and
absence or presence of scars are all to
bo reckoned with.
The business is fascinating in all
departments : The buying , manufactur
ing and selling. Each season is a new
chapter In the long story of the os
trich plume. For this airy splendid
feather has nodded upon the head of
beauty and waved from the helmets
of the brave for many years. Long
The helmet nnd the helmet feather.
Burned like one burning plume together ,
on Launcclot's dauntless head , or
Guinevere looked dlstractingly beauti
ful in the "light green tuft of plumes
she bore , " the ostrich plume had lent
its state to high occasions.
Two Pretty Centerpieces That May Be
Easily Made.
The wild carrot design , so well
adapted to hand needlework , Is shown
hero in an unusually odd centerpiece
Odd Centerpiece.
Conception. It may Vo worked entire-
'y ' solid or with the little eyelets to
contrast , and should prove decidedly
attractive when finished.
This graceful IM-lnch centerpiece to
bo done In solid embroidery , with the
blossoms in French knots , will prove
Graceful Design.
attractive to the practical needlewom
an. It is a now design and Is exceed
ingly popular on account of its at
tractiveness when finished.
Winter Millinery.
The advance models In winter milli
nery strike out no absolutely now
notes and , Indeed , novelty would bo
dlincult after a season of mich variety
ns has been shown this summer. The
first fall hats sit low upon the coiffure ,
after the fashion with which wo have
become familiar , and many of thorn
are very largo and low , though odd
llttlo high crowned bhapes and curi
ous dlrectoiro bonni'ts such as the
late summer has brought fnuh HIT. in- *
eluded among the now ffl's '
Ostrich , especially In high grades , Is
a good Investment for women who can
afford It. It will not grow less val
uable , but will be more expensive as
time goes on.
Although ostrich plumes hold first
place In the matter of decorations for
the hat and coiffure , ostrich fibers are
worked up into other decorative
pieces. Pompons and many airy
fancy branchings are seductively
placed on the latest millinery. In Fig.
1 a , hat from a great French designer
< is covered with spiral tufts of ostrich
and a plume that suggests In coloring
and form tossing seaweed.
In Fig. 2 the group of thieo up
standing plumes illustrates the fa
vorite way of nil the myriad ways In
which plumes have been placed on
hats , n rich and stately decoration ,
while In Fig. ; ; n novel mounting Is
shown eccentric , but full of style.
Some Valuable and Timely Points for
the Woman Who Cares.
The directolro waistcoat promises
to last over another .season , and pro
vision has been made for very orig
inal nnd elegant effects In Uils regard.
Ribbons have been taken up en
thusiastically by milliners during the
summer , and in satin and velvet are
to have a great vogue In the winter
millinery also.
Horduro satins follow In the wake
of the beautiful bordered summer
stuffs and some exquisite effects are
secured in this line of materials.
Buttons of all kinds , but particular
ly those covered with satin or with the
costume material , are being used more
lavishly than ever upon the early au
tumn models.
Cedar red or cedar brown which
arc one and the same thing and sug
gest the old time mahogany , though
with an added softness of tone bids
fair to bo n popular autumn color and
the chamlron or copper tones keep
their hold upon public favor.
Chiffon broadcloth appears in all the
new colorings and of a lightness
and Hoftness even surpassing that
achieved by the manufacturers last
year. Fancy broadcloths in one tone
colorings and woven satin or chevron
stripes are numerous.
The deep reddish brown and brown
ish purple shades which have claimed
attention as relieving colors this sum
mer are exploited earnestly among the
fall silks and velvets. Wild plum ,
concord grape , prune and various oth
er kindred shades seem likely to figure
prominently among the winter color-
To Be Agreeable.
The girl who gets a grievance , who
feels herself 111 used , who is quite sure
that nobody understands her , 1ms n
mental ailment ami needs treatment.
Now , I am going to prescribe.
The best cure is action. Fill every
hour of the day with interests. Acquire
a hobby ( many pcoplo speak slightingly -
ingly of a hobby , but a hobby is a
great thing ) . Throw yourself with en
thusiasm into all you do. Try to imiko
everybody you meet happy. Forgot
that you yourself exist , and the first
thing you know you will acquire that
wholesome , happy state of mind which
Is the most beneficial of traits.
To Wash Cut Glass.
It Is necessary to have a soft brush
In order to keep the cracks and crev
ices nf out glass perfectly clean. Wnsh
In hot water with soapsuds and ammo
nia. lii.&p in clear rold water and uipo
dry vN'th non soft f lo'h
Property owners will save n deal
of trouble and expense in keeping
heir buildings properly painted , it
they know how to protect themselves
against misrepresentation and adul-
oration in paint materials. There's
ono sura nnd safe guide to n pure nnd
horoughly dependable White Lead
that's the "Dutch Hey Painter" trade
nark which the National Lead Com-
iany , the largest makers of genuine
Whlto Load , place on every package
of their product. This compnn > sends
a simple and stfro llttlo outfit for tost-
ng white lead , and a valuable paint
Jook , free , to all who write for it.
Their address Is Woodbrldgo Bldg. ,
Now York City.
Curious Ceremony Attended by Thou
sands of Devout Pilgrims.
Thousands of pilgrims from the va
rious outlying villages and other parts
of the Hooghly district poured In from
nn early hour in the morning to the
temples of Jagernath , says the Gal-
cuttn Statesman. i
The Image of the god is placed on
a conspicuous part of the temple , so
that It can bo viewed at an advantage ,
by the Immense crowd of pilgrims ,
nnd there nt a certain fixed hour the
bathing ceremony commences. '
The most curious part of the festi
val Is that water is not poured on the
Imago af the god until n certain small
bird is found sitting on the topmost
banner of the temple. There is a pop
ular belief that the bird comes from
Purl , the famous place of Hindu pilgrim
age , to Mahcoh on the day of this
festival , and his very presence Is an
Indication that the ceremony should
commence. Immediately after the
bath the bird disappears.
Mrs. Sparkcr Dg you think she
really prefers a horse to the motor
car ?
Mrs. Tyiie Well , any one must ad
mit that a horse is moro becoming tea
a woman with such hay-colored hair !
A Timely Air.
During ono of the political tours of
Mr. Cleveland , In which ho was ac
companied by Secretary Olney , he ar
rived during a severe storm at n town
in which he was to speak. As ho en-
icrcd the carriage with his friends
and was driven from the station the
rain changed to hall , and Immcnsb
stones battered and rattled against
the vehicle. A brass band , rather demoralized -
moralized by the storm , stuck bravely
10 Its post and played.
"That Is the most realistic music I
have ever heard , " remarked the presi
"What are they playing ? " asked the
secretary of state. -
" 'Hall to the Chief with real hall ! "
rejoined Mr. Cleveland.
It Came Off.
The fair bather wan In the greatest
danger when the heroic rescuer seized
her by the hair. It came off. Puffs
and coils and waves and rats it
Btrowcd the shuddering sea.
For a moment the rescuer was
Then he grasped the tiny knob of
real hair that remained on the lady's
head and drew her Into shallow wator.
Did she thank him for saving her
life ?
She didn't. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Did Not Know Coffee Was the Cause.
In cold weather eomo people think
a cup of hot coffee good to help keep
warm. So it is for a short time but
the drug caffeine acts on the heart
to weaken the circulation and the re
action is to cause moro chilliness.
There is a hot wholesome drink
which a Dak. girl found after a time ,
makes the blood warm and the heart
She says :
"Having lived for five years in N.
Dak. , I have used considerable coffee
owing to the cold climate. As a re
suit I had a dull headache regularly ,
Buffered from indigestion , and had no
'life' in me.
"I was known as 'tho palo girl , ' and
people thought I was just weakly.
After a tlmo I had heart trouble and
became very nervous , never know
what it WBB to be real well. Took med
icine but it never seemed to do any
"Since being married my husband
and I both have thought coffee was
harming us and wo would quit , only to
begin again , although wo felt it was
the same aa poison to us.
"Then wo got some Postum. Well ,
the effect was really wonderful. My
complexion is clear now , headache
gone , and I have a great deal of en
ergy I had never known while drink
ing coffee.
"I haven't boon trcubletl with indi
gestion since using Postum , am not
nervous , and need no medicine. Wo
have a llttlo girl nnd boy who both
love Postum and thrive on it and
Grape-Nuts. "
"There's a Reason. "
Name given by Postum Co. , Cattle
Creek , Mich. Read , 'Tho Road to Well-
vlllc , " Jn pkgs.
Ever read the above letter ? A new
one appears from time to time. They
are genuine , true , and full of human
Stfr 23 - OCTU
URING Alc-Snr-Bcn time we will pay the
fare of every one within n radius of 500
miles from Omaha , who purchases n piano
from us. Secure a receipt from your agent
for full amount of fare paid present this after se
lecting your piano and the amount of your fare will
be deducted from the price of the piano you purchase.
Prices Reduced for Ak-Sar-Ben from $100.00 to
$150.00 on every one of our 600 high-grade pianos.
Use this opportunity to visit Omaha at our expense
and to save at least $100.00 on the piano selected from
our magnificent stock. Write for further particulars ,
if you desire. Ask for our Handsome Piano Catalog ,
Do you want one
in your borne ?
If you're contem
plating the purchase
of a piano now or in
the future , don't faille
lo write or call on
The Weit' .
Piano Mouse.
\Vc carry the largest and most complete slock of high-grade
pianos in the country. Every piano sold by as fs guaranteed
to give satisfaction or money refunded. You have here to
select from the following : Knabe , Estcy , Wegmanf Franklin ,
Sohmer , Fischer , Schaeffcr , Anderson , Price & Temple ,
Smith & Nixon , Smith & Barnes , Eversole , Starch ,
Milton , etc. All sold on easy payments if desired.
16th and ' Omaha
Dodge Try HAYDEN'S First Neb.
One Guess About Venus of Mlle
Proved to Be Wrong.
They stood before the reproduction
of the Venus of Molos.
"Her hands must have been beauti
ful , " said one.
"Very , " assented the other. "I won-
Ser what position they wore In ? "
"I have a theory that she was repre
sented as busied nt her toilet. One
band probably hold a small mirror. "
"And the other a powder puff , eh ?
But that theory won't work. "
"And why not ? "
"Had she been at her toilet her
mouth would have been full of hair
pins. " Louisville Courier-Journal.
Karl Papa , I suppose the soldlern
have to learn to stand on ono log because -
cause they might have ono foot shot
off in war.
An Artist's Generosity.
The famous painter Corot and his
ulster were Joint owners of some/
house property In the Faubourg Polo
Bonnlerc. One day ono of the tenants
a tailor came to Corot and said ho
could not pay his rent.
"What can I do for you ? " asked
Corot. "I cannot Intercede for you
with my sister , because I am not on
good terms with my family. " ( As a
matter of fact , Corot wan regarded an
n "failure" by his family. ) "How
ever , " ho added , "hero is the money
to pay thn rent , only don't let anyone
know I have given It to you. "
The tailor after this used to return
periodically when hln rent was duo and
obtain the money from Corot , who remarked -
marked on ono occasion , "I appear to
bo very generous , but I am not , be
cause I got half of It back from my
sister as my share of the rent. "
Sheer white goods , In fact , any One
wash goods when new , owe much of
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered , tnte bolng done In a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Homo laundering would bo equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to starching , the first essential
being good Starch , which has sufficient
strength lo stiffen , without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
Darl < Subject.
"I'm nil In the dark about how
those bills are to bo paid. " said Mr
llardup to his wife.
\Vrll. Henry , " s : Id nisina shu
pull ( I out a crimed oit ui'l l.Mrt I1 on
tlif pile , " \nu will IKif ou don't | . v
that oue , for ii's Uio tas bill"
When the Minister Scored.
A country chirgyman , while recently
advocating the support of a charitable
object , prefaced the circulation of the
pinto with ( ho following address :
"From the great sympathy I have wit
nessed In your countenances , there In
only ono thing 1 am afraid of that
Bomo of you may feel Inclined to give
too much. Now , it is my duty to In
form you Hint Justice should always
bo a prime virtue to. generosity ;
therefore , I wish to have It thoroughly
understood that no person will think
of putting anything on the plate who
cannot pay his debts. " The result was
an overflowing collection.
Wo irvlntl our own In-
vlHlldo lilfocul IriiHcg.
Vlicra IH no cement
to llulcn orKy \ 11 urn to blur tlin vlnlon. Ono
Hollil jilrou of ( 'liiHet. A nit to BOM tlivin. I'rea
p.\u in I nut 1 < > n. HUTUtiON OPTICAL , CO. ,
lixi'liihlvn OptlrliuiH , SI ! ) Houth Iflth Street ,
Onmlm , NclmiHkn. Kaclory on prcmltiou.
mill Ilctnll.
Omaha Directory
Wholtulo and ntall
draltri In everything far
a aentlom n' Ublt , Including rice Ira-
ported Tabl * Dtllcaclu , If tliert li any
llulo lt m you art unable to obtain In your Horn * Town ,
wrlti ui for prlc i on tamt , ai we will be lure to bav * It
Mnll prilnra carefully filled.
otAienn in
ManRtT 818
COURTNEY & CO. . Omaho. Nebr.
At Factory
Aulnbnutfh's complete
catalogue -will show
you what you want.
Dipl. M , 1508 DougUi St. , OMAHA.
by mnll nt cut prleen. fiend for free cntnlopue.
1517 Douglas SI , , OMAHA , NES ,
Reliable Dentistry at Moderate Prices.
M. Spiesherger & Son Co.
Wholesale Miilinery
The Dest In the West. OMAHA , NEB.
1 l-oi I'owi'i anil I.islit , Send foi circular uticl pi ices
Agents for Umo Gasoline Englnis and Enjlni Stiitirt
1113 Foriiam St. , OMAHA , NEB.
401-403 South 15th St.
G. E.
"f ' * " IctiHtai direct from
FUV | ui.ilicr lo % \t nrer. K.-\v
the middle man's in-otlt.
,1 Hotel
European Plan
ini t | < Ki 7i i 'iilx iii iliinliln.