Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 24, 1908, Image 1

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    Hid Librarian tioolitr * /N |
Poor Sight
is often the result of poor Judge
ment or mental short sightedness.
Dent buy eyeglasses or spectacles
from irresponsible dealers. Don't
trust to jour judgement. Have your
and glasses fitted by n graduate op
tician. Our training , experience and
the use of high class . - ) en
able us to get at the cauac of the
trouble and prescribe a cure. The
charges are not high.
Cockran on Tatt.
There is a remarkable unani
mity of opinion of Judge Taft in
all parties and in all sections.
Men pay tribute to his remark
able ability even where party
politics may exert such an influ
ence as to demand the espousing1
of the rival presidential candi
date's cause. As an illustration
W. Bourke Cockran is an inter
view at Boston the other day
said :
"Yes , t shall support Bryan ;
he is the best candidate the Dem
ocrats could put up. Taft , how
ever , is the greatest and best
qualified nominee ever offered in
any Kepublic in the world. He
is a greater man than Roosevelt ,
and when surrounded by the
same environment that made
Roosevelt great will prove a big
ger man. Taft is a wonderful
administrator , the greatest the
country has ever seen and is a
wonderful worker.
Says Taft Will Win.
I think Mr. Taft will win the
presidential election by a major
ity , though I believe we are like
ly to have a Democratic House ,
owing to local political questions ,
writes John Schroers , the Wes
tern editor to the New York Her
ald from London. Mr. Schroers
until recently was the managing
editor of the St. Louis Times
and several other Western papers.
Close touch with the drift of sen
timent on the presidential situa
tion in the west where Bryan
has been able to get a hearing
and regarded as his stronghold
bas convinced Mr. Schroers that
the Nebraskan with all his acrobatic
batic hippodroming is still unable
to hoodwink the people.
W. A. George , Chairman ; Samuel Cannon ,
Vice Chairman ; W. M- Dunn , Scc'y
and II. S. Waferbury , Trcas.
The Names of Committee.
Last Saturday afternoon the
newly elected County Central
Committee , as many of them as
could be present , met in Alpha
Mongan's office in Broken Bow
and perlected their organization.
The meeting was called to order
by Joseph Pigman , chairman of
the old committee , who briefly
slated the objects of the meeting
after which the following busi
ness was transacted :
On motion W. A. George was
unanimously elected Chairman.
Mr. George thanked the com
mittee for the honor conferred
upon him and said that he was
in the harness for hard work
from then on until the votes
were counted and Custer county
had rolled up an increased
majority for Taft and Sheldon
and the election of the entire
Republican county ticket. He
also asked for the committee and
the Republicans of the county to
put their shoulders to the
wheel and push for victory with
a stronger effort than had ever
been done before in the county.
The new chairman realizes that
the officers can not accomplish
much good unless the rank and
file of the party are in hearty
co-operation with them and are
willing to advise and assist the
committee at all times. Every
Republican in Custer county
should feel free to give advice to
the Central Committee , for the
officers will have their hands full
for the next few weeks , and
suggestions from them may be
'means whereby the Republican
majority could be greatly in
creased , Let's everyone get
busy as the chairman suggests.
If we' do TUB REPUBLICAN will
have good news for every ma.i
woman and child in Custer coun
ty after the votes are counted.
And that news will be that by
an increased majority the people
of Custer believe in continuing
the policies of President Roosevelt
velt and endorse the excellent
administration given us by our
State Officials.
On motion Will M. Dunn was
elected Secretary.
On motion II. S. Waterbury
was elected Treasurer.
On motion Judge A. R. Hum
phrey , was elected delegate to
the State , Convention which
meets in Lincoln next Monday
for the purpose of adopting a
On motion Chairman George
was instructed to select an exe-
culive committee of six from the
committee and that the Chair
man and Vice-Chairman be
added to the committee.
Chairman Pigman , aud Vice-
Chairman Myers of the old com
mittee read their report of re
ceipts and disbursements to date
and the report was accepted and
the gentlemen commended for
the good work they had ac
There being not fusther busi
ness to come before the committee
the meeting was adjourned.
Billy Hearst Turns Humorist.
William Randolph Hearst has
addressed a letter to the Iroquots
Club , of San Francisco , a Dem
ocratic political organization , re
plying to the request of the club
that he tender his risignation.
Hearst says that he is _ both
pleased and surprised to receive
the letter from the club pleased
that he has been asked to resign ,
and surprised to learn that the
club is still in existence.
Mr. Hearst continues : "You
imply that I am not a Democrat ,
and I strongly suspect that I am
not , according to Democratic
standards of today.
"You imply further that you
are Democrats and I cannot help
wondering what kind of Demo
crats you think you are. Are
you 1892 Democrats or 1898 or
1900 or 1904 or 1908 Democrats ?
"Are you Cleveland Democrrats
believing in tariff reform that we
did not get and millitary sup
pression of labor unions that we
did get ? Are you Parker Demo
crats , supporting the trusts if
they contribute , and opposing
them if they dent ?
"Are you Bryan Democrats , be
lieving in free silver sometimes ,
and in government ownership
sometimes and in the initiative
and referendum sometimes ? If
you are Bryan Democrats , do you
also believe in a Bryan platform
that contains none of these
things ?
"Friends and ex-brothers of
the Iroquois c'.ub , there is no
Democratic party ; there is only
a Bryan party , and the followers
of that party don't know when
they go to bed at night , what
they will be called upon to bel eve
when they wake up in the morn
"And I received
so your com
munication with gratification
and gratitude and so withdraw
from your club with pleasure and
without the slighest hard feeling.
Good luck and God bless you ,
and may you be able to keep up
with your mule. "
Norris Brown at Sargent.
United States Senator Norris
Brown will discuss the political
issues of the day on October 2nd ,
at 8 p. m. Mr. Brown is one of
the best posted speakers on the
leading issues of today and our
people in Sargent and vicinity
should give him a crowded
Visiting in Wyoming.
Wm. Warren and wife , who
reside about seven miles north of
Callaway , came to Broken Bow
Sunday and left for Wheatland ,
Wyoming , Monday morning for
a visit of about ten days with
relatives ,
Gadd at Georgetown.
Attorney N. T. Gadd spoke on
the political issues of the day at
Georgetown last Saturday night.
He reports a good audience and
a. fine meeting.
The Only Thinj ? That Marred The Pleas
ures of The People Was The
Dust on Thursday and
Another county fair passed
into history in 'dialer county
and it will always be remember
ed as the best one ever held.
The oQicers were painstaking in
seeing that each exhibitor had a
good place in which to show his
products and also thht the people
were made as comfortable as
possible aside from the dust over
which they had no control.
Thursday was largest day , the
fair grounds being almost n sea
of people.
Agricultural and Fruit Exhibits.
The floral hall was a place of
beauty and many were the words
of praise and commendation
heard on how nicely everything
was arranged in the different de
partments. A visit to hall
amply repaid one for coming
matjy miles to sec , and , after
looting at the exhibits which
were festooned on the walls and
tables every Cutter couutyian's
heaVt swelled with pride. There
weije apples and fruits of nearly
ever variety and all in perfect
condition which showed con
clusively that our county could
produce as fine fruit as the best
TJhe small grains and grasses
in their harvested stats were
tastely arranged to good advan
tage , which the tables and shelv
ing fairjy groaned with wheat ,
oats , timothy , grass and alfalfa
seeds which have made Custer
county known iar and wide as
the garden spot of Nebraska.
Addcd'to this was corn potatoes ;
and cabbage , and almost all the
known vegetables is abundance
and as good as could be produc
ed anywhere. In fact the horti
cultural and agricultural dis
plays were far superior to any
thing that has ever been seen at
any previous fair in this county.
1'he corn exhibit was especially
fine and was a credit to Custer
county and to the farmers.
Cattle and Hogs.
Some of the finest cattle and
hogs we ever had the pleasure of
seeing was on exhibition from
different parts of the county
which went to show that our
stock raisers arc not satisfied un
less they produce top notches.
We wish that we had the space
to devote to each exhibit in these
departments and tell of the
breeds and their owners and the
premiums awarded , but we have
Our Soda Drinks arc
goods drinks for you to
drink during these
sweltering days.
They cool and refresh.
Ice Cream Soda lOc
Worth It
, , . ,
The Quality Store
not. Suffice it to say that it was
cxccptionlly strong- , and that it
was u show of educational nature
which , if our farmers will profit
by , will not only make them rich
but will make Cluster county the
banner stock county of the state ,
The Poultry Department.
This department was better by
far than last year and yet it
could have been improved on and
should be next year. There
should be more interest shown in
thcpoultry department by our
people. 'Education along this
line will result in more easy
money to the farmer than any
one thing he can raise. .
Breeder's Satisfied.
The breeders of horses , cattle ,
sheep and hogs were well satis
fied with the way the premiums
were awarded. Scarcely a word
of disscntion was heard front
any one , with but one exception.
Those who did not receive first
premiums , however , realized
that if they had spent a little
more time in caring for their
stock the decisions would have
bcv.ii different , and if we
mistake not , these exhibitors
will be much stronger and better
at the next fair.
The Art Department.
Were we to mention each ex
hibitor in this department we
would have little room for any
thing else. The many different
creations in this section were
beautiful to behold and demon
strated inventive genius was not
lacking among the good wives
and children of old Cuater. This
department probably had more
visitors than any other on the
grounds. The school exhibit by
the Hroken Bow schools would
have been ot credit at the State
Other Attractions.
The amusement end of the
fair this year was much stronger
than last. The Indians attract
ed large crowds and proved quite
a feature. * The guidelcss wonder
the rough riding , the races , etc ,
were up to the standard and no
fault could be found with them ,
in fact they were all as good as
one could wish to see.
Good Order Maintained.
t > ' 4 fJ , ,
No disturbance of any kind
was raised on the grounds or in
town to tnarr the plop sure of the
visitors. It was an orderly
crowd of people bent on seeking
knowledge from the exhibits
that visited Broken Bow and the
fair last week. We believe that
our people in the county profited
by their visit for a fair is noth
ing unless it is educational , and
no one could attend without
learning something to his or her
Farm Machinery.
Every farmer is ? interested
more or less in farm machinery ,
and while and while the exhibit
along this line was good the
more he can sec of this at the
fair the better satisfied he ia ,
and the more anxious he will be
to gome again. Next year this
department should be enlarged
Are to be Praised.
It is no easy job to have
charge of a fair association. In
fact it takes more hard work and
worry than most men and women
anc willing to undergo for the
pleasure and profit which others
derive frotn their labors. For
this reason , if none other , the
officers of the Cuslcr County Fair
arc deserving much praise ior
their untiring efforts in giving
us the best fair ever held in the
Hog Exhibits.
The hog show was the largest
ever exhibited at a Custer Couu-
ty Kair. There were ten exhibi '
tors representing nearly otic hun
dred head of hogs. Fifty nit u
per cent of the number on exhib
ition were Duroc Jersey ; thirty-
eight per cent were Poland China
and three percent were York
Premiums Awnrdcd.
Premiums were awarded o i
the hogs as follows :
ntmou JRRSKY
Male , one year old nnil over.
1st premium , . , . . . , . , . .John Itceoc.
Und " Cliai Mytton
Male , MX montliH ami under one year.
1st premium. . . , . . , . . , John Kccse
'ml premium. ClinsMyttou
Sow , one year old and over.
1st premium , . . . .John Hectc
Sow , six months and tinder one year.
1st premium John llecse
and prcmlnm. . . . > Moluttif v. rt.
Male six months nnd under one year.
1st premium John Kecne
Male of any aio or hreed
Sweepitakcn John'Kecad
Sow of any age or breed
Sweepstake * John lleosio
Sow and nipt of any UKC or breed.
Sweepstakes . . .John Itevic
Owned Ity John 1' . Wood.
1st premium on ;
Male one year or over
How , one year ami over
Sow six months and under one year
Male nix months anil under one year
Bud premium on :
Male nix inonthHund under
Owned by O.V. . Itudt'e
2nd premium on :
Sow six months old and under on ? year
Owned by J. 10. Sargent.
1st premium on :
How six months and uiuler one year
Male nix months and under one year
3nd premium on :
Male one year old nud over
Sow one year old and over
So'.v six mouths and under one year
Malcslx months and underone year
Owned by Oenu OlirUman
1st premium on :
Male one year and over
Sow one year and over
We have been unable to get
the premiums awarded on the
other classes entered.
Drug Quality such as ours
is well worth your coming
here to get , It ia not qual-
of only usual goodness. It
is quality of uncommon
goodness and purity and
freshness tne quality thut
makes the most effective
Do you want your medi
cine to contain our Drug
Quality ?
Prescription filled by reg
istered Drugist only.
Broken Bow - Nebr.
J i
Sheppard & Burk
Phone 125. S ) uth Side Square j ;