: USIER ( OUNfY REPUBLICAN Uy D. M. AMSBERRY SWIOKFN now , NEBRASKA A POST MARITAL ROMANCE By Cyrus Tov/nscnd Brady ILLUSTRATIONS UY KAV WALTEHS w. o. Ciiniiiittii. | ) SYNOPSIS. Tlic Kncupulp : opoim. not In tinio - nmiiro prccoilliiK tlio iniMTliiKc or li , leu Riorum , u J'lirlimi M\M. \ uiul Lonl : ur- ilnKtun nt KtiKliiml , but In thi'lr Illo iiflcr Kfttllni , " In KiiKlnnil. 'JHo HCIMIII In plii'fd , juttl following the revolution. In Currlim- ton < untie In KtiKlinuI. Tlut'il nftcr a house party , ci t'il I" ll."imll' . lilt. I'uusi-il by Jcnlotmy Lntly ( 'iirrliiK ton iiKi-i'i'd to cut onnls wltb Lord Striitli- Kiilo , wboso nttontlons to Kllcn Imu bo- onio u sou- point with CnrrhiKton. Tin ; IOSH of $100.000 fnllod to perturb her , uiid her hufilmnd llion cut for lil wlfo'H 1. O. V. and IIH | honor. CnrrliiKlon wlnnltiK. Additional ittlcnlliiim of Lord CnrrliiKti'ii ' to Lady Coolly mill Kurd HlrutliKiUc to Lady Ou-ihiKtou conipi'lli-d 111" latter tO VOW tlltlt Hill ! WOUld It'llVn till' C'llHtlC. PrrpiuInK lo Hoc. Lmly CnrrliiKtnn and lier phuin Di'lmrali , an American Klrl , met Lord Btratbu'at" at two a. in. , lit' ' iiKrcclnff to see tlioni Hafcly away. Tin attempted to tnkn her to hill cnstle , but Hlu < left him stunned In tliu road when the rnrrluuu met with an ai'ddont. Kli < and Hobble then HtruoU out for I'oi-lH- moutb , wlioro Hlui Intunded to null for America lleiirltiK news of Hllon'M ( Unlit IxinlH Cnrrlimton and .Solon net out h purtnlt. Solon rented n fmit VfflHi'l IIIN ntnrtcd In pursuit , StnitliRiitc , bleeding from full , diiHlicd on to I'ortKinouth , for which OnrrliiKlon , ICIlon and Solon won. ! almi lic-adi-d by different i onion. Hlrutll- ifiito urrlvcd .In Portsmouth In advance of the otlioni , fuidltiK that KlIen'H Hlilp had milled before her. HtnitliKilto and OarrliiKton ourli hlrod a small yacht to purmio the wrnim ; VOHHO ! , upon which each stippo.ioil 10lli-'ii liad Hulled. Sotnn overtook the ftiKltlvcH near I'ortsmouth , but bin craft ran iiKVOiiiid , Ju t n ciipturu was Immlnont. CHAPTER XIII. Continued. For perhaps an hour the three ves sels the ship nntl the two HIIUI ! ! bouts held on , every uintnunt bring ing the llttlo chasers nearer tholr great quarry , , The Flying Star was making no oapoclal effort at speed. Hotroyala were not > 'ct BO ( . She wns proceeding on her voyage ralhur lelsuroly , In fact , nnd the othorH wore In high hope , Carrlngton , especially. Ilo thought that he at last had Strath- gate where ho could not escape , and If Ellen and Deborah were on that ship , they could not get away , either. Into this peaceful nautical passage nt arms , suddenly a now factor was Introduced. That , of course , was El len's boat. Sheltered by the Island neither Stvathgate nor Carrlngton had noticed It until It suddenly shot Into view. Now Kllou had a bettor wind than any of the other three. On ii broad reach she came down on the big ship , as a sailor would phrase it , hand over list. Her little boat was heeled over until the lee gunwale was awash and danced over the waves sit n torrlflc pace. , Carrlngton saw the boat first. The reckless way in which she was being sailed caught hla oye. It was lee far for him to distinguish who sailed It , lint he could tell that one of them was a woman. Something made him be lieve that it might bo his wife. Ho gave the tiller to llalght , went up forward and stared hard. Ilo would Inive given anything for a glass hut there was nothing of that kind in the fisherman's boat and ho had (0 ( trust to hiB unaided eyesight. The longer he looked the more sure ho became that it was Ellen. Ills first Impulse was to alter his course and head di rectly for her cutter , but he realised the moment ho conceived tlio ( iPElgn ( hat he could never intercept her , that his only chance was to overhaul the ship for which she was evidently mak ing. Ilo would thus lose no distance. If she did not intend to try to board the ship ho could chnse her after ward. The sailors on Strathgate's boat evidently pointed out the situa tion to him just as it had presented itself to Carrington , so all three hold an. Ellen had the shortest distance to sail , and a free wind , while the ship and the other two boats had a hard beat before them. There was nothing Carrington could do in fact but hold his course , yet with what a fever of Impatience he continued ills sternly beat to and fro across the harbor. The only satisfaction ho got was that t , with every tack he gained percep tibly on Strathgato. Indeed the boats passed each other close enough for conversation , but Strathgato had noth ing to say to Carrington and Cnrrlng- ton controlled himself waiting for a convenient opportunity to express him self fully and unequivocally. Both of them , moreover , were en grossed in the other boat. As the boats converged upon the ship , there wns no doubt in Carrlngton's mind I , or in StratliEnte's , us to the Identity of its passengers. The wind was get I- ting stronger us they drew farther out into the open channel and the rate at which they were drawing nuaror to the ship grow correspondingly slower. Carrlngton * gritted bin teeth In ills [ vexution. Still he hold on It was fuich n race us ho bad never sailed bcfo.'o . He ; held on although bo knew that if the Kind increased , lite case was a hopo- ' . rn"1. I'.rld on , nlthoii ? : ! lo : Raw Klltn'ft bonl In a few moments would Intercept the Hhlp ; held on , when he Maw that boat disappear on the lee ! d" of tlm Hhlp : held on when he naw Mm Blili ) thrown Into the wind lo make a half hoard HO I hat her way was practically cheeked ; held on when two figures appeared upon the deck of ( he Hhlp. nnd ono. a boyish look- Inn youth , walked over lo the weather jniiK-.vay "ml stood In full view of the ni-proatihlng cutters , waved a hand , lifted a caji disdainfully and then dls- ppcared ; held on when ho saw the lout which the two'had abandoned , ailing astern at tlm end of a long Ine. It was my lord's nalnrc lo hold on lognodly no long as there was the 'nlntest possibility of success und bo- ond. And ho kept up the chase of he big ship oven though she suddenly covered with light canvas and , catch- iu ; Hie full force of the breeze , great- y accc'lfiatcd her motion. Ilo bold in oven ( hough a slant of the wind miiighi I bo brco/.o over I bo quarter if the big ship us she lioro away on icr course to the eastward. Cnrrlng- on marked ( hat with Biiddon nur- irlse. The ship wns not going to America apparently. Hut It wan evident , even ( o the most sanguine mind , that the game was ip. Strathgato'ii boat was suddenly put about. The earl had abandoned the chase and was going bank to bar bor. CnrrliiRton was not so easily daunted , or perhaps ho was more blind to the possibilities , for ho strove to persuade the boatmen to continue the chase. Ho would have sailed t < : Franco , or ( o America , or to the end of the world , in whatsoever boat be was on so long OH It would float. Hit the boatmen were not so minded. They were not provisioned for such cruise nor prepared for It. Not over the incontlvo of unlimited flnancla rewards with which Carrlngton titrovi to dazzle them could make them agrc to continue I ho pursuit. They won clamorous for putting back to Ports mouth , seeing plainly that they had failed. It was only the personal au thority of Carrlngton'n rank and sta tion which kept them from summarily dispossessing him from the holm. I'll Kill You. " They were not quite ready for that when Strathgate's boat came rushing down toward thorn. It was Carrlngton's opportunity. Ilalked in his chase of his wife , ho determined to wreak his vengeance upon the earl. As the boat drew close to his bows , by a sudden sweep of the helm ho sent his own heavier cutter crashing fair Into it. The force with which he struck the other boat caused Strathgato's smaller vcasel to hang on the bows of Cnrrlnglon's boat. There was no loss of life , for Strathgate , scarcely worse for the disaster , fol lowed by Cooper and the lad , scram bled aboard Halght's cutter. White with passion Strathgato rushed aft , snaking his fist at Carrlng ton , who snt laughing bitterly In the stern sheets. At Strnthgate's back were Cooper , furious over the deliber ate wrecking of his boat , and the boy eager to join In the fray. "lly heaven ! " cried Strathgato , fiercely , "what did you mean by that ? " "I should think that my meaning was obvious oven to you , " says my lord , indifferently , although ho was soothing with anger to see his adver sary within his reach. "I don't know you , sir , " cried Coop er , shaking his list , "but you sunk my boat. Von done it deliberately. It'll cost you a matter of 50. " " Tls cheap at the price , " answered Carrlngton. "Don't worry , my man. Just plpo down , " ho continued , as Cooper opened his mouth to expostu late. "I'm Lord Carrington. You shall bo paid for your boat and something for your trouble. " "Payment Is not enough to com- ponsato me , Carrlngton , " cried Strath- gate , furiously. "No , " returned Cnrrlngton , "thcro'a nothing that I might offer you that would pay you for what you've done , you dnslard ! " "What do you mean ? " "You know very well what I mean , although 1 confess 1 have done some wrong to your powers of fascination , " returned Carrlngton. "And what , pray , may bo the ox- plnnaMon of that statement ? " queried Strathgate. "I thought that you hud run away with my wlfo ; 1 thought so yesterday morning , that Is ; but now 1 see that she Ucd from you as well as from j me " "It's a He1" crlrd Strnthgate. 1'oth mt'ii were now so worked up nnd so blinded with passion that they odid not care for the opon-niouthoU , opon-eurctl ramllenco which crowded around thfmi. "Sho did go with me , " continued the runaway. "It lookit like it this morning. If she went with you , how did she como to be on yonder ship while you were hero ? " Strnthfinte Janghcd evilly. "If you must know It , my lord , your wife lied In my company. " "Damn you ! " cried Carrlngton. But Strnthgato went on without heeding. "An ; icoldont , a broken coach wheel stopped our Journey. I rode on ahead to make arrangements for our passage to some happier land on yonder ship. Lady Ellen elected to go by water. " "I don't "believe n word of it , " re turned CairJngton. "if it were true , " asked my Jord again , "I usk you why you wwo not on the ship ? " "I overnlevt myself this morning , with the conKoqtienccH which you see. " "You haveir't seen the" end of those consequences , my Lord Strathgate , " continued Cnrrlngton. "No ? " "Not by any means. Wo'll settle the question as to which of us Is to live " "And have Lady Ellen ? " Interrupt ed Strathgnte. Carrlngton whfjipcd out hla pistol. "Another word like that nnd I'll kill you without giving you a chance for defense. " "You threatened to murder mo on I ho wharf an hour or so ngo , " and Strathgate , equably. "What prevents you from doing It now ? " "A thing of which you know noth ing , " answered Carjington. "And what is that , pray ? " "A sense of honor. " "Indeed , " answered the earl , "I had understood that your honor was in Lady Ellen's keeping. " The sweat stood out on Carrlngton's' face. He locked hla jaws until the musclcw rose like whipcords. lie was under the strongest possible con straint a man may pitt upon himself. "My Ironer is In her ladyship's keep ing , " ho wild slowly at last , "and I am confident that she will never put It at the hazard of a blackguard like your self. " This time it wns Strathgate who gave way. "Yon have another pistol at your bolt. Give It to me. Take you one end of this boat and 1 the other. Wo'l see then who has the right to live an < lovn. " "I dishonor myself , " said Carrlng ton , rising nnd abandoning the tiller , which was Instantly grasped by one of the crew , "by meeting you In this way. but I'll do it. Hero ! " He extended OIK ; of the pistols. "I would prefer a choice , " said Strathgate , not extending his arm to take it. , "As you will , " returned Carrington , extending both of them to him. "You honor me In doubting my good faith , " ho remarked as Strnthgiitc took ono of the pistols. "Hnlght. " said Carring ton , "take your station nmldshlp , out of range , and count three. There shall be no firing clone by either of us until after the word 'three. ' Are you agreed , Lord Strathgate ? " "Entirely , " returned the other , step , ping forward. But Master Haight did not propose to have his vessel turned Into a field of honor , which would bo a field of Ulood. He Interposed a vigorous ob jection. "Gentlemen. " ho began , "I'll have no murder done here. " "There shall be none , " said Carrlng ton. " Tis a fair duel with each' man a chance for his life. " "I don't know about that , my mas ters , " returned the sailor , "but I say this : This bent's mine , I'm the cap tain of It , and I'll have no flghtln' aboard. Savin' yer honors' graces , it can't bo done. You agree with me , Cooper ? You , Jack ? You. Ned ? " "Ay , ay , " returned the others , clos ing about Haight and interposing be tween the would-bo combatants. ( TO UK CONTINUED. ) BRIDE BALKED AT THE ALTAR. Massachusetts Girl Refused to Wed Count and Denounced Him. At St. Stanislaus * church , Fall River , | Mass. , Angola Pawlow , daughter of a merchant , absolutely refused to go on with the marilage ceremony that wan to unite her to Basyl MullnskI , who says he is a Polish count and the owner of an estate in Russia. The marriage had been set for eight o'clock. The church was crowded with friends nnd relatives. The bride groom had answered an exultant "Yes" to the usual question , and the I 1 | bride , In n white silk wedding dress with long veil and wedding bouquet , seemed ( o amllo ns Father Basin turned to her nnd asked : "Will than take unto theo this man to bo thy lawfully wedded husband ? " The brldo dropped her hand from the arm of the bridegroom. She turned and faced the crowded church and answered loudly : "No ; ho has been unfaithful to mo before marriage. I will not marry him , " Then the girl ran down the aisle to her mother. The audience was dum- founded. Before it really appreciated what had happened the church officials had cleared the church. Woman's Wiles. "Yes , " confided Mrs. A. , "I find It very profitable to give my husband a dressing down occasionally. 1 gave him ono to-day. " "But how Is It profitable ? " queried Mrs. Z. "Why , ho generally glvea mo a dressing up. " "Dressing up ? " "Yes ; to got mo in good humor again ho promlseH mo a new coat , a now set of furs and n new hat. " Tl 5TMP1L MATTERS OF INTEREST TO ALL CITIZENS. Wllill NEBBASKA IS GROWING Jommlssloner of Labor Ryder Finds Politico Slow In Comparison With Crop Matters. Corn Is King. "Republican and democratic speak- .TH , oratorn and nation savern all agree , rays Labor Commissioner Ry der , that they never saw so llttlo pub- lie Interest In politics or candidates. The contract price of corn or the average - age date of early frost In Nebraska are the engrossing subjects. "Talking of prices , I was told by an Aurora man who has several farina that ho has been offered r > 0 cents for all the corn ho will deliver. Ho re fused the offer. And let me say the government estimate of our corn crop is too high , while some of the railroad estimates are away off , In my judg ment. Wo have several hundred re ports hero In the office now , that bear out this statement and I have been In a largo number of fields on foot. A great deal of corn Is thin and uneven , nnd fully 10 per cent of the total acreage - ago planted has been lost. Nebraska will have probably 70 per cent of a full normal crop , not more. "This must be said , however. Where we have good corn this year we have ns fine a crop as heart could wish. A yield of GO bushels to the acre can be looked for in some fields , barring a hard frost within two or three weeks. Forty bushels will be the tally in a great many instances , nnd 20 to 30 bushels will be realized in many moi'j fields. But the big expectations of some folks on aggregate yield are due for n hard tumble. Omaha in Evidence at Fair. People of Omaha have always at tended the state fair. But Thursday wns the first time Onmlm came down In a body. It was the first time Oma ha come down headed by Its Commer cial club. Us magnificent Ak-Sar-Bcn and Its leading business men. It was the first time that It was Impossible to turn around on the ground without running into Omaha men. And the Omaha delegation did not look a bit different from the , owners of the Hvo stock exhibited at the fair , the men who raised the fine county exhibits , or the men who put up the magnifi cent horticultural exhibit. In fact , in this last department Charles Saunders of Omaha was In charge , he being ( he president of the society. It was a great day for the fair and a great ilay for Omaha. The day was called "Omaha day , " and from the big city several , tralnloads of people came down , while many came In automo biles. Study of Tuberculosis. The officers of the Eaton laboratory for the study and prevention of tuhei > culosls In children will hold an exec tlvo meeting In a few days at which phns for the completion of the labora tory will be taken up and acted upon. Concerning this matter Dr. H. W. Orr says : "Lincoln Is behind hand In this movement HO far and we are very anx ious to make a showing which will beef of sufficient Importance to report to the International congress In Wash ington , October 1. " STATEMENT BY TREASURER. Expenditures More Than Receipts During Month of August. During the last month State Treas urer Brian paid out $200,452.23 and re ceived $ lC3,22i. ( 72. lie has a balance on hand of $ I9 < ; ,821.93 , as against a balanceof ? 534OJ7.43 the first of the month. He has , as shown by his monthly statement , In the permanent school fund uninvested $01.840.00. Pol- lowing is the monthly report in de tail : Balances Funds. AUK. 1. AUK. .Tl. fionoral $ n.SIT.CO $ ii.03.r..r > t I'ormnnont school. nn.OSL'.TO 9i.840.0i ; Tuimioniry sohool. ina.Mn'J.TO l".r,112ir. 1'e.rmiuient unlv. . . 4Q,22Rr. 40.522.01 Air. col. endowment 4S.444.67 50.903.8.1 Temporary unlv. . . 12P.2.in 0.240.7R Penitentiary 31.70 31.79 riodemptlon 'J.C'JS.ns 2fi9rRr Kearney normal li brary 1.443. Orthopedic liosp. . . .17.94 : ! 7.t4 ! InstltiiUonH' cash. . 9.497.5R 9.940.71 Hospital for tmwiuo 4,21.44 ! ' : t.OUt.ll : State lllimry.v lli29.4R 1.(110,48 ( University cash. . . .ifi.97S,5.l : ; r.,2nfir > 2 Peru norm , library 2.18,2S : ! lS"r. ] Normal endowment 21.218.93 2.218.9:1 ! : Normal interest. . . 3.989.91 2i > : il.24 AK. ami Modi , arts nrooo.oi 3r..ooo.oi a S. oMor. sta. . . fi.740.37 0.709.89 Totals J5.14io4T.t3 ? 49G,821.U3 Cash on hnml $ 1S.020.00 ( "ash on deposit. . . 47S.S01.93 496,821.93 Trust funilH Invrstotl Permanent school $7,400,30.r.8fi [ 'ermnnent university 141,117.17 AK. colk'Ke. endowment 444.000.00 Normal endowment 50,600.00 Total . ? S.04 2.1123.03 omls of nil kinds 7.4r r..4R,32 Warrants 587.187.71 Inquiry About Insurance. The Sehnefor Drug company nf Omaha has written Auditor Searle re garding n policy Issued to It by tire Druggist Indemnity Insurance company ' j ny of St. Louis. The druggist wanted . to knew If the policy Is any gooil. Auditor Searlo answered that the company had no license to do business In Nebraska and , besides , ho took the drug company to task severely for buying Insurance from an unknown ! | agent when Omahr. was full of good apents who v Ml write policies prompt ly anil in the right way NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTED. Items of Greater or Lcncer Impor tance Over the State. Hurglars of late have been very ac tive In David City. Mrs , Mary A. Ollinore of Otoe coun ty went insane and wns taken ( o ( he asylum. She Is very violent nnd had to be strapped down. A young man of Mllford , named Hurkholder , was arrested by Sheriff Glllan for attempted assault on u young woman named Erb. Rimer Tuttle , a young man raised In Salem , was run over by n west bound Burlington train and killed. He Is said to have been intoxicated and wat lying on the track. A reward of $100 has been offered for the rapture of a thief who stols a horse from Hodges & Baldwin's barn In Fremont. The animal Is a big bay weighing 1,750 pounds. C. M. Earned was arrested in Se- wild by Sheriff Olllnn for having stolen a team Juno 8 in Holt county. He Hold It at Krallmch. Ho wns taken to O'Neill by the sheriff of that county. F. Erlckson and family of Menahgn , Minn. , arrived in Fremont In an auto mobile. They came ( o visit Mr. and Mrs. David Jones , who reside soaith of the city. They drove the whole dis tance In an automobile. Richard Prettle made nn application to Clerk Mundy at the district court of Dodge county for hearing under the dipsomaniac act. Prettle says he is a dope fiend and he wants to take the j state treatment at the Lincoln asylum. The five people who were injured In Keith county , when the tank house collapsed , are all alive. Frank Kalviot , the young man employed by Mr. Glr- man In his meat market , Is the most seriously Injured. His leg may have to be amputated. The peach and nppe crop IF KO heavy In this section , says a Nebraska City dispatch , that the canning fac tory has contracted to put up some thing like fifteen carloads of these two kinds alone. The tomato crop was fair , but. the corn crop short. Fremont's new $60,000 Y. M. C. A. building was opened to the public last week. A big crowd filled the lobby , corridors and the gymnasium. The pwlmmlng pool in the basement called out the admiration of ( he smal boys and many others of larger size. The union labor lodges of McCook observed Labor day vy.th a big pic nic , an address by Congressman G. W. Norris and several unionist speeches , music by the High school band , a ball game and numerous other games. Mrs. Soignrt of Hastings , who sev eral weeks ago was Injured In Donl- phun , Is still In a serious condltV.i and a suit may be Instituted against the village of Doniphan or the St. Joseph & Grand Isand railroad for having Im proper lighting. Mark SeltH , one of the progressive young farmers of Pawnee county , was so seriously Injured ns to cause his death. He was engaged In building a new residence on his farm , three and one-half miles east of the city. While upon him fatal injuries. liarry T. Martin , Fred Thomas , Larry Mullin and Lulu Wolfe , who were arrested at Dc'jatur by Sheriff Phlpps , charged with Belling liquor without a license , were taken before Judge Sears where they all plead guilty and were fined $200 and costs , which they paid. With his arm In a sling as the result of a collision with a Mexican bicycle rider , D. 1C. Thompson , ambassador lo Mexico , arrived In Lincoln in his spec ial car. He Is on leave of absence and will remain In this country several weeks. This is the second time the name arm has been fractured and Mr. Thompson said It had caused him con siderable discomfort and inconven ience. According to the report of County Superintendent R. C. King , there were thirteen schools , in Otoe count * that were not able to open on account of the shortage of teachers and these schools \\ill have to remain closed until teachers have been secured. A month ago there was a shortage of forly-soven teachers , but since then the shortage has boon out down to thirteen. One of the heaviufal ical estate sales to occur In this section , says a Suth erland dispatch , In a long time , was consummated during the past few days , when the famous "Duck Brand" ranch , lying in the cast part of Keith county , a few miles west of this place , passed from the ownership of C. F. Nevln to P. P. Maddux of Miller , this state. The ranch embraces 75,000 ncrcH of deeded lands and Is well stocked with cal tie , horses , etc. The story of the killing of a Mr. Per- lick by George Bayer has reached Bridgeport. Boyer , who Is well Known 11y. throughout that part of ( ho country , y.1C was engaged in petting a post on the section line between his place and that of Mr Poilii'k , when the latter appeared I'st peared and demanded that the st bo set back several feet , alleging at It wns not on the correct line. Hot otel words followed and In the quarrel elm which onsned Boycr struck Porlick on the head with a heavy tamping stalei he had been using. The corn crop is maturing rapidly In Thayer county. Grain men say Thaycr county will produce more corn ( his season than over before. The crop is HO far advanced that frost would do little damage. Orphn Cook , a Klnkaldcr. living in north Deuol county on his homestead , put his team up at a livery barn in Ogalalla and slept In the loft. Next morning at 4 o'clock ho got up in the darkness , stepped throng a hatchway. iy.ul falling to th floor below. The i.pinal coluain IB dlsloentfd. his lower limbs are paralyzed , Tie ) do-tors jia' lie will , not recover A TEXAS CLERGYMAN Speaks Out for the Benefit of Suffering Thousands. Rov. G. M. Gray , Baptist Clergyman , of Whltesboro , Tex. , says : "Four years ago I suffered mis ery with lumbago. Every movement , wau one of pain. Doan's Kidney Pills removed the whole difficulty after only a short time. yl- though I do netlike like to have my . , name used publicly , I make an exception in this case , so that other nufferere from kidney trou ble may profit by my experience. " Sold by all dealers. fiO cents a box. Foater-Milburu Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. ON THE MOVE. Timid Card D-doeo poetry go" around hero ? Cruel Editor Some of it does That last batch you submitted just. went out of the window. THREE CURES OF ECZEMA. Woman Tells of Her Brother's Terrlblo Suffering Two Babies Also Cured Cuticura Invaluable. "My brother had eczema three dif ferent summers. Each summer it came out between his shoulders and down his back , and. he said his suffering was terrible. When it came on the third summer , ho bought a box of Cuticura Ointment and gave it a faith ful trial. Soon ho began to feel better fia and lie cured himself entirely of ec zema with Cuticura. A lady in In diana heard of how my daughter , Mrs. Miller , had cured her little son of terrible eczema by the' Cuticura Remedies. This lady's little one had the eczema so badly that they thought they would lose it. She used Cuti cura Remedies and they cured her child entirely , and the disease never came back. Mrs. Sarah E. Lusk , Cold- water , Mich. , Aug. 15 and Sept. 2 , 1907. " Critical Eye for Babies. The five-year-old daughter of a Brooklyn man has had such a largo experience of dolls that she feels her self to be something of a connoisseur ; in children. - . . - , * ; Recently there came a real live baby into the house. When It was put into her arms'thop ' flve-year-old surveyed it with a crjtl- ' cal eye. "Isn't it a nice baby ? " asked the nurse. ' . ' J "Yea , it's nice , " answered the yrtung- ster . hesitatingly. "It's nice , but its head's loose. " Lipplncott's. The extraordinary popularity of fine white goods this summer makes the choice of Starch a matter of great Im portance. Defiance Starch , being free from all injurloua chemicals , la the only ono which is safe to use on fine fabrics. Its great strength as a stiffener - er makes half the usual quantity of Starch necessary , with the result of perfect finish , equal to that when thor goods were new. No Genius , "lie is very clever , but evidently far from a real genius. " "What mtikes you think so ? " "Why , ho Is fairly punctual about keeping his appointments. " \VK SRM. C.VtiS AND THAI'S CHEAP & buy Furs & Hides. Write for catalog 10.1 N.V. . Hide & Fur Co. , Miunu.ipolis , Minn Never trouble another for what you can do yourself. Jefferson. Louis' Single Hinder straight 5c cicnr. Mmle of c.\tr. . quality tobarco. " \ our dealer or Lewis' Factory , Teoria , til. Telling the truth accidentally la apt to be embarrassing. acts gently yet prompt-1 boxv'els cleanses ly onthe ' , the system effectually , assists one in overcoming habitual constipation pernianently. To get its I3ene < ficial effects buy the genuine. r Qnuacurc bytno CALIFORNIA