Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, September 10, 1908, Image 8

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    She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Alcopnthy , Homeopntliy ,
Electric nnd Gcnernl Medicine.
Hy ri'.nuoMt will vloll i > r < ifcsnliiiallv ;
Grand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow , Bet I ,
rcliirniiik' every four wrrkH. Cnnsiil Imr when
tlin owiottiitiliv. In at liaiui
1)K. CAr/DWHM. . liniui. ncr jiracilca to tin1
special tri'.Uiiifiit of ( llsrancn of the live , K.u ,
NOSP , Thioati litmus , I'Vinale DIHI-.IHCH ,
DineaK Hof Clillilrun ami all Cliionlc , NcrvmiH
anil Surgical Dlm-aRes of a curable natiirn.
Unrlr coimumptluii. ItroiicliltiH , llronclilal
Calarrali , Chronic Cat.irrah , Hoail-Achc , Con-
Htlpatluu , Htomnclic ! and llowel TroulilcH ,
qtiuiiitiatlfliii , NiMiralKla. Sclutlca , llrlifhtH's
Disease , Kidney DlnnaneB , DUcaHUH of the
J\\at \ anil llladiU'.r. Ulszlnesa. NcrvoimncKR ,
ImllE-e-ulmi , Oheulty , IiitoiuptPil Nutrition ,
Hlinv ( irmvtli In Uhlldrun , and .ill wauhiir
Ilsc.iri > s In .uhiltB. Duforiiilllpq , Clnli-fuct ,
Curvautitro of the Siilnu , Dlscasuti of Ilin drain ,
Paralynls , IJtilleimy , Heart Dlecabo. Jlropsy ,
Swi'lhnir of the Iilmfol , Stricture , Open Sort'H ,
Tain In the HOHOH , Granular KnlaruuiuentH nml
all luiiu-staiiclliur illsuafecs proiierty truatud ,
Pimnles , Illolches , KmptlimH , I.Uci Sputa
Falllnir of tint llalr , Complexion , ISczoinu ,
Throat Ulcern , Unite 1'alnn , liladdur Troublns ,
Weak Hack , llitriiiinr Uiliie , 1'asniin : Lfilnu
too often. Tin : uffrctx of constitutional nick *
iiesH or ttic taklnir of too nuiuli Injiirliins medi
cine tccelVL'4 nearclilni : treatment , prompt
relief anil a curu for life.
DIseasoH of Women. Irienular Meiitttrjtloil ,
Valllnirof the Woiuli , Itunrluir Down I'olim.
Feitiale DlsplitcenieiilH I < .icl < of Hexnal Tonu.
r < uiicorrhea , Sterility or IlarrunnuxH , connnlt
Dr. Caldwcll and Him will Hlunv them lliti c.uixe
of their troubli ) and the woy to become cured ,
ami imlarirtul irlamla treated with the mib
cutaneonu Injection mnthod , absoliilply with
out pain und without llio IOHM of a drop of
blood , Is ono of her own discoveries and IB
really the most hClmitlllc and reitalnly MIIU
cure method of lliln an vanced ane. Dr.
well hu prnctlci'd her pnifo'liiloii In Niimn of
the tartlet hoBpllaU" ) ill rout : hunt the country.
She IIUH no Hiipcrlor In treating and illneuuii-
an of dlneascM , delorniltli'M , rto. She IUIH
lately opened au olllcn In Omalia , NebiaHka.
wucro Hhe will Hpi'iut a poitlon of each wrek
irratliitr her many imtli-ntH. N" inciirablii
cases acccptud ( or Ueutiiieilt. CoiiNiiltatlon ,
examination and advice 0114 doll-tr to UIIISD
Dr. Ora Caldwcll fit Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , 111.
m.iil W 1 < U Iliiu'lIiiiMliiu , OmaUu
Visit The Old Home :
r.ow rate excursions lo eastern
cities and resorts. Northern
Michigan , Canada and New itng-
laud , dailv until September 3oth.
See The West :
Attractive low excursion rales
daily to the 1'acific Const , YellowStone -
Stone I'ark , Utah , Colorado , nig
Horn Mountains and the ulack
Hills. <
Low Colonist Rates :
miring September ami October lei
i I'uget sound , California and hun
dreds ot inlermediate points.
Irrigated Homesteads :
at narlaud and Powell , Wyoming.
personally conducted excursions
to these lauds the first and third
Tuesdays of each month. Govern
ment engineer at Powell shows the
land. Also deeded the Carey Act
lands ,
Write D. Clem Deavcr , General
Agent , Lutidseekers' Information
Bureau , Omaha for new folder.
Its ftee.
Write a brief description of your
proposed trip , and let us advise
you how-to make it the best way
at the leikst cost.
( Ticket Agent )
I , . W. WAKKUJY , G. I > . A. ,
( Omaha , Nebraska. )
and Chronic Diseases.
Fitting of Glasses ,
Office in Realty blpck.
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded Abstractor
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
( COO > oxxxxic < > s < xxxxw < xxxxxx > s < xxxxiG < > c < > oi > cco ; > o : > c < sa ) I
S Tlxo 1
S Kecd in large and .small quantities at both wholesale i >
Q and retail. ] >
g .Special attention j'iven to Tilling orders for coal j
b in any ( itiantity. . o
W i * '
S Broken Bow , - - Nebrnsloi S
t i
rFrr * fe , #
White Dishes For Harvest
I have just received a larjjfc shipment of White Dishes
for Harvest and Threshing time , ft will pay you to
see them and ct my prices.
Bread , Nice and White
Ts the. kind you have when you use Lexington Flour ,
livery sack guaranteed for Quality ami Price.
Hardware , Furniture , Flour and Feed.
Hydraulic Tire Setter
At Derris * Blacksmith Shop.
It is the best machine made for
setting tires. Come in and see it
work and be convienced.
S. M. DORRIS , Blacksmith.
Southeast of the square.
N .
News Notes From Our Assistant Editors
I suppose yon are going to th 1'nir.
J. T. Cole's spent Bumliiy with II. Ji.
Sands' .
Roscoe Cullen was in these parts lust
Arthur Cole enjoyed himself ut the
State 1'nir ,
Miss Mudj-e Bishop is goiny to school
in llroken How.
Miss AlmiriV McCotuas started to
school in the Bow lust Monday.
Mr. Small of Pawnee county is the
pnrchuset of G. J. Martin's faun.
School cutiitneiiced in this district last
Monday with an enrollment of fourteen.
Ralph Johnson is home from Fremont
where he had been to attend his mother's
Mr. Wilson was in this vicinity and
threshfdfor I'icd 1'ershnll and A. 1 ,
Mr.mill Mrs. I' . K. OriflHh of the Bow
spent lust week with the formers parents
in the Valley.
J. T. Cole was visited last week by an
uncle from Illinois also a friend from
Yoik , Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Deminj ; of Ctdlaway and
daughter , Mrs. IJeadle. of Cairo spent
Saturday and Sunday with J. It , Kooier's
Mr. Gee , I , . Blackmail mid bride , who
have been visiting at Ralph Johnson's ,
have ret in tied to their home in Kaiiib-
ville , Ohio.
M H Oallen was surprised to see two
of hii friends from [ own , They stayed
. * > <
only a short lime , and the writer did not
hear their names.
Mrs M. I ) . Callen entertained the
Baptist Missionary society on last Thurs
day afternoon. Twenty-seven were
present , and needless to say the after
noon was spent in social chat and a good
time , although the most pleasing and
interesting feature of the gathering was
a talk given by Miss IJvu Cndwell on the
Missions in Chicago. Lunch was served
and the guests tetnrned home in the
evening fully satisfied in their mind that
all had a fine time.
Miss Ora Morford spent Sunday at
Mr. Podges.
School commenced Monday with Mist
Clara Foster as teacher.
Miss Dell Currie of Missouri is visiting
her sister Mrs. McDonald.
Ailhur Gibbs and Kinest Webb went
to the Sand Kills Sunday.
Mr. Gibbs went to OveiIon last week
lo visit his daughter Mrs. Jones.
Misses Kslher Beat and Alice I. < mg >
fellow are going to school in town.
Miss I.efa Kelley is teaching in the
Welding district. This is her second
term there.
Mr. McDonald und family and Miss
Cnrrie spent Saturday night and Sunday
at Comstock.
Hugh Wells goes to York next Mon
day to attend college.
Those terrible winds are heard on
every side these days.
Miss Ora Morford spent Saturday uud
Sunday with the Misses l edge ,
Miss Rosa Deel of Prairie Hill has
been Htaying with Mrs. I < . A. Wells the
past week.
Messrs Lee Wells , Merlin Vannice nnd
Miss1 Alberta lfodge are three of the
Pleasant View students who are attend
ing school in Broken How this year.
A large number of citizens of Callnway
and vicinity attended the State Fair nt
Lincoln ,
Mrs. J. II. Dunn who has been quite
sick is now slowly improving and will
bo able lo be up again.
Mrs. Horace O. Lang drove in from
the country to attend the Slar Chapter
Monday evening ol thifi week.
Mi. Lew Buckley is still at the hospital
but is improving in health which is
very satisfactory to those in charge.
Rev. Markley was visiting friends here
lust week. His health is improving
since he gave up his work some two
months ago.
Miss Nfnttie Buckley ictuined lo her
home from Ihe hospilal in Omaha very
much improved in "health although Shu
is very weak yet '
Kev. J.W. Seabrooke , pastor M. K.
church , is visiting at University place
this week. This is the first he lias been
homo siii'-e routing lu-rf.
Mr Taylor Juiu-t , head cleik in the
M illiewa & Mathewn Groceiv Dep.iit-
inenl ami Miss Delia Johnson vsere
marrk'd at tlteir new home in South
Ltillawnv August 301)1. )
Tlie lesidencu propeity of J. A.
has bi'en laised to a two stoiy building
and other improvements have been added
both inside and out which gives it now
the appearance of a vety modern
B F. Young , who purchased the N. B.
Troyer residence , is adding very exten
sive itnptovemeii- ! same. He svill
also erect two nice residence buildings
on lots west of present building. The
more the belter , for Callaway is growing
in population ,
Mrs. Walter Curtis and daughter Ruth
ranif down fiom Dunning to visit
The Young people of this locality will
soon go to their respective colleges and
The Cumro and Kddyville base ball
teams crossed bats Saturday , Score lo
to 7 in favor of Rddy ville.
Saturday September sth was the hot-
est day ot the season here. The ther
mometer registeied 98 degrees in the
Rev. lusk of Stella Nebraska preached
at isl and 2nd Kudell churches August
3oth. September 6th Rev. II. 12. Wai-
cott pastor of Stunner JUiplist church
held a morning service at 1st Ivmlcll
church after which baptisimal services
were held at the Ioup river. Thirteen
weie baptised.
Nick" Jacquot visited at Frank ld-
wa'rds Sunday.
* Miss Jennie 1'Mwards spent Sunday
with her parents.
Charley Hercock was quite sick the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. K. Wood were in the
valley last Sunday.
Miss Jennie Waddingtou is spending
this week in Colorado.
Frank IJdwards finished threshing in
this neighborhood Tuesday.
Mrs. Ingram visited with her niece ,
Mrs. C. II. Lutes , of Merita.
Mr. aud Mrs. Kuapp and Lee Loun
visited at Mr. Ingrain's Sunday.
School commeneed at Ortello Monday
with Miss Milla Luce of Broken Bow as
Mr. Knapp and Win. Waddiiigton are
hauling lumber for the erection of a new
house on the C. H. Cuss farm.
Isn't this lovely i
C. G. Heaps ie , i um Sidney ,
Mrs. C. G. Heaps visited at W. W.
Bishop's Monday.
"Klsie Kelley visited with her patents
near Merna , Sunday.
Pearl Martin is teaming the millinery
trade with Miss Todd this fall.
Several from Ibis place attended the
funeral of Mr. Hughes Sunday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Scoffield were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Dewey Sunday.
Leona Heaps is nome now. She has
been slaying with Mrs. Floyd Holcomb.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Martin are enjoying
a visit from Mrs , Martin's brother and
There was no church services Sunday
as Mr. Brady was called to preach the
funeral of Mr. Hughes.
Haying is right in action in our valley
this week aud we notice some of the
girls having to help get them stalled.
Nella Holcomb of Broken Bow spent
several days in our valley last week ,
helping Aunt Amanda Holcomb cook for
A postal received Saturday from Mr.
and Mrs. J. p. Heaps tells us they are
enjoying their trip tine. They had not
arrived at their destination yet.
We are glad to know that quite a num
ber of young people attended the B. Y.
P. U. Sunday evening We hope there
will be a better attendance ; next Sunday
Callaway , Sept. 4 , 1008IC
want to say through your col
umns something that concerns
every one and will do them all
good. 1 have tried nearly all
of J. K. Watkins spices and
remedies , sixty-five kinds , I
think , and have been surprising
ly delighted with the results of
each one sold by a travelling
agent by the uauie of Noah
Melham , of Comstock , Nebr.
Respectfully yours ,
Attorney at Law.
Broken Bow , Nobr.
Havluir just liail eljflit years practical exper
enco as County Judge , will iflvc Hpeclal alien
tlou lo tue drawing and prubatliur ofwIllBaml
tlie administration of ( iHtalct of deceased per-
RIMIH and minors. Write or uliom : me. I may
save you p trip.
Settlement of est-ilcs , exriinitiin and
perfecting lund titles , collections mid
criminal matter. All business will re
ceive piompt nlluiUum.
Dr. Ceo. F. Bartholomew
Sitrucou amt Optlatnti
New oiilce In new building , one block south
of public square. All calls promptly
attended day or night. Phone ( II
j. i , . rr.ur.UfiON. u. A. HUNTKK ,
Notary Public , liioken How , .
Comstock. Nebraska. Nebraska.
Real Instate | Insurance
Surveying and platlinjj neiitly done.
Consult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken How.
Practical Undertaker
g& Licnsed.Embalmer
Uusiness phone , 3111 Kesidcuce 334 ! !
Uroliou Haw ,
East Side of Suqare
Photographs , JJdison and Columbia
Vhouogniphs and records.
Ajjcnts for ChickerttiK , fvers and I'ond
and Star Pianos.
Wo oati save you money.
Real Estate & Town Property
Kor llaiualiiH In Kcat Kstnti * . City 1'ropeity
and Stocks nl Morcliamllst : I Uavi ; tionitt rare
lu land In tills anil ail jolulnir counties
. Aililrosa or call nu
\V. J. U'ANT ? .
3 ilonrs Nortli of 1 O with Fndtre and KUssoiu.
ISroUcii low !
Short Horn Cattle
J. G. Breeder of
3'ure KcotcU anil Scotch Toppvil SUutt Uuru
Cattle. My hunl numbers cows. Will com
pare In breftllnif aud quality with any west of
Chlcatro My experience nan tauirlu me that to
irlve ifooiNatlsfactluti , brcodlnir cattle must be
rnltteu to tttln ultltiicie. I expect to
riilhe tlient tiure tlie t iti/ of anytblni ;
ruiutxl In thn tl. S. I now havi ; 25 hulls suitable
fur thla1 anil next year's service. My cows
weigh from 1400 to 2 < iOlpouiulM. ) Come and see
then .
N Bow , - -
Say do you know that
we carry a full line of $
* ? )
Building Material , i
Brick , Plaster , $
Lime , Cement , < jj
Hair , Sidewalk
Brick , Screen
Doors , Windows J
V *
and everything you need to
build a house or barn , and
s iv , look at our POSTS , yes
and our STliJI'U , GATfiS ,
you can't keep house with
out one.
Dierks' L'br. & Coal Co. ,
Broken Bow , Neb. JjJ
Inimber , a large assortment
and complete stouk for Builders
to choose from. Iet us estimate
on your contracts. Wo always
try to please.
H. T. B RUCE & CO.
Lumber & Coal
South side.
Ill the District Court of ouster County , Ne
braska. Davlil T , Adams plaintiff , v.s John
I'arson defendant. ,
Co John Wl'arson defendant , you will take
notice that on the ; ! < ltli day of August , I1KW
the plaintiff above named tiled his petition
In tliu district court of Custer county , Ne
braska , the object and prayer of wlilcli
To tiulet tin- title of lot 8 of block il of Hie
original town of Sargent , Ouster county Ne
braska , to cancel a certain deed \ \ herein tins
plaintiff Is grantor and you are grantee ,
plaintiff alleghiK that tlie deed was at no
time delivered to you but yon have
fraudulently procured the s > ald deed , Ironi
the one holding It In escrow anil fraud
ulently procured the recording ol the same
without the knowledge or consent of the
plaintiff. That there was no consideration
I'tven for the said property , that the plaintiff
Is the absolute owner ot tile property.
Plaintiff prays for a decree quieting the
title In him to said property au'ttinst the
claims of the defendant ami all persons
claiming by through or under him , that the
deed be cancelled and held for nought , and
lor other anil further equitable relief.
Yon are required to answer the said peti
tion on or belore the fith day of October
ItiOK , and In case of your delaull. decree \\ill
be entered as prayed In said petition.
DAVin'l' . AIIAMM , IMaintlff ,
My N. T. CJADIi.
IS-17 I Us attorney.
In re estate ( Jnstave Uayrhoffer , deceased.
Notice Is here by given that on AUK - > , IWH ,
Theodore 0. II , Hayrholfer illeil Ills verilled
petition In the above court , showing satil
Unstavo Hayrholfer died in said county Hit-
estate on or about the 7th da.ol . jnne , A. I ) .
tssi : , then beiniian Inhabitant ol said Ciistrr
county , Nebraska , and a lesldent ol MiiUI
county , and it the time ol his death was
olezed and possessed ot the lollowlng described -
scribed tract of land , towltS. . II. ' 4 Sec.
20 , Tn. 18 , Kg 18V. . Oth I' . At. , in Ouster cuun-
tj. lebrasUa , which said land was the tim
ber culture entry or the lice claim of tiie
said decendent at the time of his death and
upon which he then resided and which was
then his home , said petition alleging that
bald tract ol land Is wholly esempt ftom
attachment , execution or other mc-mc pro
cess , and is not liable tor the payment of
debts of the said deceased.ami that all debts
against said estate , it any , are barred by the
statute of limitations and said estate dis
charged therefrom , and alleging the follow
ing named persons , with their ages and
residence are the sole and only heirs at law
of thcsaid deceased poison , vlss : Louise IJayr-
hoffer Knglchard , aged ( ! 7 , Kagle I.ake.Texas ;
Chas. Ii. Hayrhoffer , aged 0.1 , Monroe , Wl.s.
Augusta Hayrhoffer , aged 0:1 : , Ottawa , Illinois
Fannv Hayrhoffer Thelen , ageil M , National
Pity , California ; and 30111- petitioner Theo
dore C. 11. Hayrholfer , aged Id Hrolven How ,
Nebraska ; And the lollowlng children of
Carolina Uayrhoifer Klesselbach , who was a
sister of Oustave Hayrholfer , deceased , via ;
Sophia Ivlesselbach , unmarried , aged 31 , Lin
coin , Nebraska , lUidolph Kiesselbaoh , uged
0 , Lincoln , Nebraska , Theodore Klessel-
bach , aged 21Lincoln , Nebraska and Fanny
Klcsselbach 1'rell. aged 2 . Osceola.
Petitioner prays for a decree vesting the
title to said land In above named persons ,
and that all debts , If anv , against said de
cendent , be declared null and void and of no
It Is therefore ordered by me that the
oiilce of the probate court room In Hroken
How , Custer county , Nebraska , and the HHh
day of September , 11)08 , at 10 o'clock A. M. Is
hereby llxed liy me as the place and time for
the hearing of said petition , and that this
notice be published for not less than three
successive weeks prior to the saiil day and
year In the CU.STKII COUNTY HKiuniLtoAN , a
legal newspaper published In said Custer V
county , Nebraska ,
Cllven under my hand this 20th day of
August. A. I ) . 190S.
J. K. DEAN , Attorney.
IS IS County Judge.
Tlio following iiropoied amendment to
the constitution at the Stata of Ne
braska , RG huv lnnftfr net forth In full ,
is submitted to tha ulcntom of Uio Statj
of Ifebraclia , to lie voted 11:1011 : at tli >
general t-lertlcn 1' ' ' " > lil Tueeauy ,
November 3rd , A. . 1908 :
A JOINT HKSOU'TION to | iropose an
AmOndnu'iil to Kwtlon ! ) , Artlcln 8 ot
tlie CoiiHtltntlon of the State of Nu-
Be It Uouolvctl aud Enacted By the I > 0
iclatnrc of the Jitate ot Nebraska :
Section 1. ( Amuiiiliuont. ) Tluit at lliu
Ri'iieia ! oloctlon for aiatii anil li-qisl'itivi
ofllicis to bi > liPld on tinTiK"diiy HIK--
ci'i'illnji Alondav In N'ovcmlH-r.
ISlto. tilt" follow lim im.vlyl" ? ' I- p- iiif-l
i\ml \ snlimlttod to tlie doctors of the
state UH an anic'iiiliiu'iu Ui , - > i.i ' . Ai -
clc S of the constitution of Hit- State < , t
Nebraska :
Sen Ion i ) . ( Educational Funds , Invest *
ment. ) All funds heloiiKinK to this .stain
for oilucatlonal purposes , the Interest anil
Income whereof only are to lie iwi-d , xlmll
he depined trust funds held hy tliu state ,
and the state shall supply all losso-i
theiepf that may In tiny manner ucnuo ,
BO that the same shall remain forever
Inviolate and undlmlnlshed ; and shall not
be Invested or loaned except on United
States or state seeniltles , or registered
county bond * of this state , or registered
Bchool dHtiict bonds of this state , nnd
such other securities as the lp ; lnlntiir < i
may fiom time to tlm dlrert. And sneh
funds wltli the Interest and Ineoini ! then- .
of arc heieby Koleiunlv pledged for tli
purposes for which llu-y .ire Ki'antcd and
net apait. nnd shall mil he tninsleru-tl In
any other fund for other uses.
Sir-lion 1 ( Ballots ; Adoption. ) That
nt snld election In the year 1HH. ! on ih
ballot of each eleetor volhiK fi-i'-at Ih'-
Bhall be printed or written the words :
"l-'or pioposed amendment lo the Cons'1'
tlon with reference to the ! m . ii ,
the oermanpiit school fund " nnd "attnlnst
said proposed ainendment to the constitu
tion with reference to the Investment of
tlie pnimanent school fund. ' And it it
majority of all voters ut said electiu'i
.vliall he for mich atricndment , the aame
Bliall bn deemed to be uiloptcd.
Approved A PI II r. 1 ! )7 )
1. ( Sen r .Iiiokln , Socrotarv of State
of the State of Nebraska , do hereby cer-
tlfv that the forefjolmv promised amend
ment to the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska Is a true and correet copy nf
the original enrolled and engrossed hill.
us passed by the Thirtieth session of Urn
Ipplalnturc of the State of Nebraska , m
appears from said original bill on fllo ! ri
this office , and that said proposed
amendment In submitted to the qualified
voters of the State of Nebraska for their
adoption or rejection at the KPiieral elec
tion to be held on Tuesday , the 3d dav
of November. A. D. 1DOS.
fu testimony whereof , I have hereunto
set my hand nnd affixed the Great Seal
of the State of Nebraska Done at Lin
coln. this Ifith day of July. In the vear
of our Ixiid Ono Thousand Nine Hun
dred and TCIsht , and of the Imlopendonco
of the t'nltrd States the On > Hundred
and Tlilrty-thlnJ , and of this State th
Foi -second. .
< 3asi\ \ ) Secretary of SUt .
Once Again.
Stronjrer than ever Sixteen
Actors Arlington * Comedians
will be in the Opera House every
night during- Fair week with an
entire lot of new plays Ho sure
and see them.
For Sale.
I have HOO acres of good land ,
well improved , one mile north
west of city limits. Fenced and
cross fenced. I'ienty of good
water , two wind mills. On easy
terms. T. W. EDWARDS ,
13-tf Broken Bow , Neb.