The Custdr County Republican Subscription " $1 IJ < M' Aniniin ( . KATKS. Wlicro iiintlor Is set or wood b.isoelectrotypes a Hal price ot Utf cents per Inch.Rlniflecoltimn. for oncli liiHciilnu. two or more Insertions lUoentH per Inch. i > il ltliiii , * ln- ulo Insertion , IS cents per Inch. Metal II.IHO eholro * . two or inoro time * . HI cents pur Inch. Payments 1st ot ench month advcrtlniiiir * > Lenin per llni ! each Insertion. Nollcu of church l.tlin , sociables tuiil nilrri.ilmih'iils whcru ninmir IB chanted , one- ' alf r.itm. Death notices free , half i ' r piihtlHhlnir nl.lin.irles. Card ot Thanks , Hi ceil 4. r.ves piovlili-il by talnp | nl Society nutleto.imi i olutloiiNiini-li. i \Vcdi1liw notlccH fiec , hall urlco fnr . - " ( nr tfnln. Knturcd .it IJroUen llow , Nebraska , fur transmission In the United mate * ni.ulH at second cltisH rntnu. D. M. AMSIIUKRY , - - - Publisher WILL M. UUNN , Editor L. VV. AMSIWKKV , - . - Local I'M ' i lor Sprcclier Disgusted Willi Bryan. Sprecher , the editor ol the Sclmy- ler 1'Yeo ' Lance is out in strrtngarticle in which lie denounces liryan , after \otingforand sui > porting him twice for President. Among other IhiiigH he has the following to say : 'The editor of the l Yoi ? Lance is not a republicanand does not expect to be. 'Phis editor is a populist in be lief and endorses the principles of that party which has nominated 'Pom Wat son again for President. He is for the Platform that 'Pom Watson runs on and is Ji" admirer of Watson's , and voted for him four years ago. But this year in Nebraska a populist cannot vote for Watson owing to UK- iilanipulation of the electors by the $25.00 MORE IN CASH PRIZES. BRING YOUR POULTRY TO FIIE FAIR NEXT WCEK. EXHIBIT IN NEW AUDITORIUM Don't Forget to Sec the Indians. Tlie Grand Special Pri/e Will lie Devilled Into Five I'ri/t-s , $5.00 Pach. The poultry department at our County Fair this year promises lo be one of the moat important and uioat attractive features. Until a year or so ago tins de partment was very much neglect ed but now the management of machine element of the party , which is nude up of a lu l of masquerading democrats , fn Nebraska this year a populist cannot vote for Watson and must be disfranchised or else choose from the other nominees. "Above all else this year , the Free Lance editor is opposed to the elec tion ofV. . .1. Bryan to the presiden cy because he is simply disgusted with the standing candidate , who is ap parently for or against , any proposi tion that will net him votes. In 181)0 ) when Bryan run for President the lirst time , the writei was enthusiastically lor him and was a "silver" advocate , not thai we considered his bimetalism a solution of the money question , but because we were opposed to the sin gle gold standard and looked upon "free silvei " as a step in the right di rection of an increase1 ol currency , lint it was a part ol the "instrinsic value" sophistry as was the gold standard idea and a makeshift at best. "In 11)00. ) when still standing by his "free silver" ideas , Bryan made the fake ol anti-imperialism and anti-mil- ilarism his chief issues , lie based his charges ol imperialism on the Phillipine pollicy ol the government , alter he was to a great extent respon sible for it , and his cry of the dangers of a large standing army was bun combe. While not a warm supporter of his , still he was voted for that year because we were not a McK'inley ad vocate. 'But Bryan's actions since 11)00 ) and his present campaign work and talk are such that we cannot support him anil feel it a duty to oppose his lite association arc awake to the fart of its importance and are giving it the attention it deserv es. They are also awake to the fact thai" there is as good fancy poultry in Custer County aa any where in Nebraska. The Superintendent informs us that they will offer $25.00 in cash prizes and that this is in ad dition to the regular primiums slated in the premium list. Tfyis Grand Cash Special will bedevid- od into live and awarded as follows : if.'iuofoi lii'st display of Haired Plymouth ItocLx fiiKi lor hi'st uispl.i } of White Wyaniloties. K.IHI lor best display ol the Asiatic CUM ) tout ) lot licst display In rijss , fi 00 for fot-st illsplaj In tinniiKllah Cl.tss III each ease tin ; best display will be derided by points and the person having the greatest number of points will be the win ner. I'Mrst pri'/.e to count live A GREAT CASH SALE S. P. Grroat nnd Co. have decided to greatly reduce their immense stock of Furniture , QuooiiHWiu'c , etc. , and will soil in greatly re duced prioes , for rash only , l'oi" the next throe months. ( Jnme and get some of the many wonder ful bargains at the Big Store. S. P. GROAT & CO. flection and in the most efl'cctive manner. " "Bryan lias deserted "free silver , " he dropped 'government ownership' he is weak on 'imperialism , and he is not frantically calling attention of the American people to the dangers of our 'enormous' standing 1111113 % but what he is doing aside from bidding for the labor vote is to go before the people- on a lot of little matters that at best are but policies and not principles , such as guarantee of bank deposits and publicity of campaign contribu tions , and with the war cry of 'Let the people rule , ' which is the rankest sort of buncombe and the words of a grandstand player. Debs Don't Like Bryan. | iugene ) V. DebS , the Socialist Candidate for President , in a speech in les A'loines , Iowa , las ! week was heartil3r applauded by some 2000 working men who had gathered to hear him when lie had the fol lowing to say of Mr. Rryau : 'Phi- Nebraskan , said Mr. Debs , * . l.iiuis Id represent both the Capital ist and the working men. "No man can do this any more than he can ride two horses at the same going in opposite dirctcions , " he said. ' * [ admire JVJr. 'Paft the more because he frankly admits representing the capitalistic classes. When ITaywood Meyer and Petibone had been kid napped and were threatened with the loss of their lives , Mr. Bryan was up- pealed to as the friend of the people , but he uttered never a word. Is that the kind of a man you want for Presi- poinls , second prixe to count three points. It is possible for one exhibitor to win tour pri/es provided he has the quality in his birds , namely , first aTd second end on fowls and first and second on chicks. Those with whom we have talked about these grand cash specials concede that it will bring out alarge number of birds. Con sidering this , it will be well for you to look well to the quality of the specimens you bring. It may be well to add" right here that some preperation of your birds will pay you. Catch them a few days before the Fair and coop them if possible. Clean their legs , wash their faces , combs , and rattles and put a little vas eline on their face , comb and watlles. If you will do this yon will be surprised at the improve ment in their appearance. A poultry show is the best poultry school in the world. Come out , bring your birds , talk it over with the other fellow and profit by the the experience of others. This year we expect to sec a good display of pet stock , pig eons , hares , rabbits. All will be given and you are urged to bring whatever you have and help make this years show a hummer. The Supl. will exhibit his birds that won the Blue at the State Fair last week but these birds will not compete foi any of the prizes. Dent come to the l 'air and say that you had better birds at home but bring them along and show them. Another Attraction. Aside from the many attrac tions which have been already secured and which have been noted in this paper , the manage ment informs us that they have secured Capt. A. (5. ( Shaw , for merly ol the llth. O. V. C. , who ALL NKXT WKEK Commencing MONDAY NIGHT SEPT. 14 , I.EWISHTOC'K ' CO. BlGUiRBIlTiliRTHAN EVER Don't Kail to see Our Opening Play. T II I : G R li A T DIAMOND ROBBRRY. 5 Act Melo-Drama. Spei laities Between Arts Ladies Free Monday Night When Ae- eoinpanied by One Paid 50e Ticket. PRICKS 25 , 35 AND SOc. Seats on Sale at Bnisch's Drug Store. dent of the United Stated Tie has had himself photographed hand in hand with with C'has. ' Murphy , of Tammany Hall , which IK the most cor rupt political organi/ation in the country. And Mr , Bryan is photo graphed with Murphe } * because he wants to carry JSJew York. With Robert Sullivan whom Mr. Bryan classed worse than a train robber. Mr. .Bryan is now working side by side for the success of the Democratic party.1 Over at Des Moins , Ja. , on Aug. 2Jst , Candidate Bryan made a tarill reform speech which in fact was not an advocacy of tariff reform but a plain appeal for free trade , although the .Peerless tries lo cover his real in tentions by a copious use of the wore "reform" in this connection. Jn this speech Candidate Uiyan ; had much to say about "wills" and how an intelli gent man would proceed to make t will and leave to his wife anil childrei exactly the share of the property which he desired them to have. This is a good subject for Candidate Biyai in view ol the will he drew for the late PhiloS. Bennett of Connecticut witl the secret letter attachment whicl made Candidate Bryan a beneficiary to the extent of $50,000 in the Ben nett estate. In drawing the will for Mr. Bennett , Candidate Bryan did not follow the rule he lays down at Des Monies of putting each bequest plainly in the will , ' 'lie was willing to get into the Bennett will without publicity , and lost out in court when the widow contested. will perform his thrilling and daring feat of fairly fastening a lady tight between knives and battle axes , thrown from quite a distance. ' Bring Your Exhibits. Our farmer friends should not forget to bring their exhibits of grains , stock , etc. , and capture some of the preminms offered by the fair association. Bring the whole family , tell yourneighbors to come and also that the fair is bigger , better and grander than ever. Automobiles to Have New Roads. There will be no danger of teams becoming frightened on the street leading to the Fair Grounds as arrangements have tjcen made for the Autos to go 'clown ' the railroad right of way to tlie grounds. $800 Horse Race. There are already six entries in this race from different states and it will be the best race ever seen in this part of Nebraska. Something All the Time. The ball ground will be illu minated at night with g-as and the people will have an oppor tunity of seeing the latest fad in base ball. The Indians are on the * road. The large Sioux in his war paint will let out war whoops and execute war dances every night. The squaw and her papoose are also coming. Thirty Indians in all. The baleen man has shipped his air vehicle. The jruidless wonder , the wild riding , Indians chasing cattle , Wilson in his wild west exhibits and themerry- go-'rounds will all be here. Come. On Trip Around The World. Captain N. Trennt and wife of London , lOngland , were in the city Monday night to talcu train lor Seattle , Washington. Mr.and Mrs. Trennt had ( been visiting the Captains brothers , William and Fred Trennt , near Pilot , since the first of June and were very much impressed with this part of Uncle Sam's domain. They will visit Japan and other countries before reaching- home about Christmas. Mr. Trennt was Captain on a liner i mining between London and Japan for twenty-one years and during that time never met with an accident to his bhip , although he said he had many narrow escapes. They are pleasant people to meet and the friends they made while here hope that they will decide to re turn to this part of the world to live. They were the guests of J. H. Osborne and wife while in this city. Death of John M. Hughes. John M. Hughes , who was thrown trom his wagon about Ihn'u weeks ago receiving an in jury to his sidi' , died at hit. home eight miles north of Broken Bow Saturday , Sept. 5 , 1908. Mr. Hughes was 70 years old and had lived in Ctihter County for many years. Funeral services were held Sunday at 2 oclock from the Baptist church in this city , conducted by Hcv. J. D. Brady. Interment in the Broken Bow Cemetery. Mr. Hughes leaves a wife and two daughters and a host of friends to mourn his death. Fourth Quarterly Conference. The Fourth Quarterly Confer ence of the Al. E. Church was icld Monday evening in this city. Rev. L. H , Shumate , Dist. Supt. was present. He reports finding the church in this section in good shapo. Reese's Durocs. About 30 head 1 month to 3 years old , from the Custer Coun ty Herd of Duroc-Jerseys owned by John Iteese , will be on exhi bition at the Custer County Fair. The blood of the great hogs , Crimson Wonder , Ohio Chief and ' -'Kant Be Beat" - largely predomi nate in this great herd. The great boar , Crimson Wonder , Jr. , large but active as a pig1 , with a number of his g-et , male and gilts will be among the number on ex hibition. Don't fail to see this exhibit of hogs from one of the best herds in the State and of the best breed on earth. Marriage Licenses Issued. Since Thursday of last week licenses to wed in Custer county have been issued as follows : Laye K. Kelley Berwyn Anna Ball Bsrwyn OBITUARY. Nicholas Smets was born it Belgium Sept. Sth 1848 and died Aug. 11th , 1908 in his 61st year. In 1870 he mas married to Catharine Francois. In 1883 they came to America and with the exception of one year have continuously resided in Custer county , Nebraska. Ten children blessed their union , two died in infancy , the remaining eight all grown to man and womanhood , and one brother living in Bel gium , are left to mourn his loss His remains were laid to rest in the Round Valley cemetery beside those of his devoted wifi. followed by a large concourse o sorrowing friends. lfare\\ell Father , them hast left ns Anil thy loss we deeply feel ; tuit 'tis God who doest bereft us , lie ran till our sorrows heal. WKISSKKT. I.otk of diy hot weather now days. Miss Atuy Franklin ib vUitlutr a short time with her sister , Mrs. Sadie Sams. Alex Piernie anil Albert Powell slnppud two loads of cattle to Omaha Wednesday All report a Cno time at the party Friday evening at Chester Sams. Dave IMruio'o bahy Is on the hick list.Ve hope foi Us recovery soon. X.ell.i ( ioodiicr lias returned home from short visit In loua. Mlhseg MaifJfle and Katie Pirnlelsited will relatl\OH .mil friends uear Welssert thu pas week. Jim Peterson is back on the old farm tit-a \Velhserl , kcuplnu house for this bachelors Nclsaml Andrews Mis , Will Wiinl Hum Sarufiit wax callei lieieon aLLOiint of the illness of Mrs. Or 1'linlu'n baby , Mr.Cooksley and t > on Arthur made a bus ness trlii to Sarsunt Monday We understand that Mr , Cooksley tia boutcht out tlie old Charlie Swanbou lurdnar store in S.irtfeni. John Plrnie and wife expect to make thot home a short time on J I , bain's farm , Mlb Kay Mjers from bwlsa Valley Mslted In this talUi Saturdiy acd Sunday. i ; . M. Piper is haulinc lumber from Ilerwyi to bullil a firanan . Ktery ludy Is voinir to thu bitr County Pair expecting a better time tkls year than they ever hail before MlbsoH Slna Darls and Udita I.utlier hare returned to HroUcii llow to attend school , Clarenci ) Itnrnes and sister Uthe ylbitcil at JocSwatiaou's Saturday and Sunday. C. C. Dcwey of Shenandoah , owa , is visiting old friends in lie county. C. D. was one of lie early settlets of Ouster. Card of Thanhs. We wish to utlcnil our sincere thnnlt to friends mid relatives , who to kindly assisted us during the sickness nnd death of onr beloved father. Mrs V Ford , W II Smcts , sirs 1 ? J IMihiinn , Julian Pmcls , Mrs Win Uhlnmn , Nicholas Stuets , Kli/nhelh A SmoH , Cashnian Sinets. Card of thanks. We di'slre tocvtriuloiir sincere thniikt to the many neighbors and friends for the kindly assistance and sympathy tendered to no during the sickness , duuth and burial of onr bnbv. Mr and Mrs J. U. MOIIAT. BUSINESS POINTERS. .4 Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcCom ' See Dr. Talbot for"Kambl r and Mitchell Automobiles. You will need extra white dNi.- * * es during harvest lime. J. \ \ . Scott wants you to see his line. Drs. Farnswortb & lieck - - Dentists. Save time and money by attending tendingCuster College Write or free catalog1 to Lot en Coriu-tl , Dres. , Broken Bow , Nebr. New 4 room cottage for sale , also furnished rooms lo rent. 12-tf MRS. L. L. SHARP. I have three city properties for > ale very reasonable ll'tf GKO. PAPINKAU. A limited amount of old wheat 'lour on hand which will be sold at a discount at Scotts. I ha"ve just received a car load of Jay-hawk Stackers and Sweeps that I will sell reasonable while they last. See J. C. Hutt or Great & Vat : Antwerp at Groat's old stand , Broken HowNebr. 2-tf Edward Dodd , physician and surgeon. Diseases of women a 1 A specialty. Office phone 260 , re&- \gf ; idence 248. All cases promptly attended. Just received a large shipment of White Dishes for Harvest and Threshing at J. W. Scott's. Now is the time to lix your fences. We have Hedge , Red Cedar and two by four Oak Posts and all kinds of building meterial. HIKRKS L/UMBWR & COAL Co. A second grade certificate c < n be secured in one year by a seventh or eighth grade pupil „ ( . Custer College. Fall term be gins Sept 21 in our new brick building. Write for catalog. Save time and money b } ' at tending Custer College. Write for free catalog to Loren Cornet t Pres. , Broken Bow , Nebr. For Rent. Two unfurnished rooms in Custer Block during fair week or will rent for month. Inquire at RHPUBUCAN office. Di. Bartholomew is now lo cated in his new office bouth of the Reality Block and is prepar ed to do all kinds medical , surgi cal or opticial work. He has everything for the successfull treatment of acute , chronic or special diseases. His office h equipped with modern appliances and the prices he is makingon opticial work cannot be dup licated. 14-lt For Rent. Good 5 room house , barn , cave windmill , 8 lots with plenty of fruit. Inquire of A. W. Drake- . Mr. Al G. Fields iThe Well Known Globe Trotter ) In His Unsurpassed Lecture \ J JOURNEY AROUND THE WORLD Illustrated With Beautiful Life Like Pictures. The Lecture You Have Heard About > ASSISTKD HV MISS FLORENCE FIELDS In Illustrated Songs. SUCH AS "The Organ and the Choir" AND "The Utthi Room Where Baby Used to Sleep. " Opera House Wednesday Sept. alrd. PRICES 15 AND 25c. f