F ET KET F R ! Copytiaht 1903 The Home of Kuppcnhnmct Chicago WE WILL GIVE ONE ADMISSION TICKET TO THE CUSTER COUNTY FAIR AND ONE FINE BUGGY WHIP TO EVERY YOUNG MAN WHO PURCHASES $5 00 WORTH OF Merchandise in our store from September 7th to September 18th inclusive. This gives every man and young man in Ouster County an opportunity to enjoy the Fair and liaces one clay at least at our expense and possess a fine Buggy Whip as a souvenir to remind him of the pleasures of that day For the rest of the year. Our business is done upon a strictly cash basis. We extend credit to no. one. Doing business upon a cash basis we are enabled at all times to sell you Clothing and Furnishings Goods at a saving of 10 to 15 Per Cent below the old time credit merchant. It is a well known business fact that a merchant doing a credit business is compelled to chnrge 10 to 15 per cent more for his merchandise to cover the loss of worthless accounts. fn other words the man Avho pays cash for his goods and trades at our store saves paying for the Clothing of the vast army of men who never pay. FAIR EXHIBITORS TAKE NOTICE. WE WILL GIVE THE FOLLOWING PREMIUMS For the best General Purpose Farm Team , one Dress Bat , value $2.50 The Largest Ear of Corn , one .Dress Shirt , value $1.00 The best collection of Melons , Pumpkins and Squash , one pair suspenders , value 50c. The best collection of Vegetables , two pair iMens llose , value 50c The best collection of Sheaf Grain and Grasses , one Silk Necktie , value 50c. The best collection of Fruits , one pair Work Gloves , value 50c. The nicest Baby Boy under one year old , one Wool Toque , value 8J.OO. Come and see us when you need Clothing and Furnishing" . WE SAVE YOU MONEY NORTH SIDE SQUARE roken We heard an argument for Taft and the republican ticket last week from the lips of a Hamilton county fanner , which put in the shade all the argu ments we have read from the pens of the greatest editorial writers in the country. He said : "As I sat on my binder the other day waiting for my horses to rest I fell to thinking about Bryan and Taft and asked myself which one I ought to support. I voted for Kryan once. Then I got to thinking about Mary and the children. A few years ago it was pretty harl sledding for us. but Mary helped me save. She sold butter and eggs , both at big prices and earned enough to buy our groceries. And I have saved my corn awl sold it at 62 cents and for my wheat I got 'JO cents. Now my mortgage is paid off. I just bought a piano for my oldest girl and I will make enough this year to send her to college next year. Tliosc Uryan theories sound alright. I was influenced once to vote for him But as I sat there thinking what Mary and I have been doing f > r our- si'lvos and th. ; children under the I decided repnblica-i administrations cided th.it I would cast my vote again for Mary and the chil dren.--Aurora Republican. There is the booster and there- is the knocker , which are you ? The booster is always ahead of the car ot progress , pulling it along ; the knocker is always dragging along behind , trying to hold it back. The former makes money for himself and everybody ehe ; the hitler tries to keep every one from getting anything except - copt hims.-lf and what lie gels he hides for fear someone will get it away from him. Everybody is glad to meet the booster and give him the glad hand ; everyone shuns the knocker and gives him a kick when his bark is turned. With big crops and high prices this section of country will be more prosperous this fall than ever before and the boosters will be up at the head of the proces sion , while the knockers will be forgotten. 13x. To Loan. Nebraska money. Quick loans. Huns live years with privilege to pay one tenth or all any month. Lowest rates of interest. 10-3ui R. A. HUNTEK & Co. Our Lecture and Entcriainment Course. For several years Broken Bow has had a successful Lecture and Entertainment Course managed by a committee consisting of two members from each of our Young Peoples Societies. The succes of former yi-ars , we believe , war ranted us iu arranging for an other course this fall and winter. The committee has already se cured the talent , six strong num bers , all of high class and each of a different naturer The dates range from Oct 14th to April 1st. This course is so managed that every dollar received for tickets is used to pay for talent except what is required for hall rent advertising , etc. Therefore if the course is well patronized an extra number will be given with out extra cost to ticket holders. This was done last year and will be again this year if there are sufficient funds. The cmnmittec believes that they have a right to expect the co-operation of the public in making this public enterprise a success. We urge you to secure your tickets as soon as they are put on sale and not make it necessary for the committee - mittoe to look you up. Help us to make I his course a success and share with us the good things that are coining to our city. JNO D. BRADY , Sec'y of Committee. Prizes Advance Price of Land. Tin' National Corn Exposition which is to be held at Omaha December'Mo 10 will show the varieties best suited to certain sections of the agricultural reg ion , even better than ihey were shoA'ii at one of the world's fairs or industrial expositions. To learnlmorc about elovcr and alfal fa as soil rejuvenators is worth a trip to the exposition at Omaha. Those crops not only feed the soil but also furnish a much needed protein feed. Better crops mean better crop rotation , and this means an effective way to get rid of many insect pests. The results of seeding fields to clover and alfalfa in regular rotation with other crops , will be shown in the magnificent ex hibits which will1 be shown at the Omaha Exposition. The KWUHLICAN is thankful for the many words of praise it has received during the past two mouths. "Agricultural College Day" will be one of the big days at the National Corn Exposition to be held in Omaha in December. Some of the agricultural colleges are making plans to se cure special trains to Omaha and there meet the students from other colleges , ll will be a great day as the students plan to have a big parade , each college dele- gatio i headed by one of the big special bands v hich will fumMi musii.it tin- corn show. Purdue ( Indiana ) University students and faculty have arranged to bring their big exhibit from the Indiana state fair and the { rain dealers , corn dealers , and busi ness men will join the special train for the Omaha excursion. They will stop at Ames and visit the Iowa State Agricultural College cnroule. Real Estate Transfers. Jcury Imlxjclr.il to 1' . M. Sputral lot 13 block 1 original lo\vu of Aiuold . 1115 \rtlnir II. Krcuntaii to Sarah M Ji'wetl all of block 1 in Jewell ami Lilly's ailil to Hrokcti How . 1 Vancls M. Siit'ual to > \ < lain J. Schaad lolHblcok U > K. K. Allrn'H add to Aniol.l . 12S 2. II. llolciuiib to Sarah M. Jewell p.ucsl In 32-17.3) . 52 Robert A , Hunter to V. I'i'.irl Hunter lotH 27.2JV.M block 11 R A Iluiilur'ti add to Ilroke-i How . : IOO J'.lroy 1' I. owe to J ( i VauCott lot 1 and N'/i lot 2 block 15 J 1 > fiamlyV add to Hrokun How . .WO Daniel H Krccniaii ft al to Sarah M Jewell block 0 and lots 07 In block II Jewell and Lilly's add to Hrokcn How ami also 1754 acres . 750 Lincoln Land Co to 1 > K Armstrong lot 7 block H original town of Sari'rnt . 125 Ezra 1 Savaire to 1) K Armstrong lot 7 blorkH in Saruunt . 125 Tim Hank of Commi-rcu to 1 C Sprlutniiaii Macros In 7.15-l'j . 1000 lHaac Doardorf to W J Jones 10 acres In 2V.I5.17 . 1500 Alva SiuiiiKur to C.POW 1' Marsh und % nit in lo lUhlock 7 in S.inicnl . IfiOO Union Land Co to K H Kddy lots -i-SIV block 3S in Callaway . f > 0 eoiuci M Kdwards loV K Lohr lots II and TJ block ' > in Mtmriia. . i.'H-O ' G W Matlern to G 1 , Hayt 1MO acres in Arthur L Duuaway sliiiflc to Msry Klizabetluiaicel In 4 15. | . | 2iw Oito OUtod Blnitlu toJohn ( iay lots 1-2.1,3 block 42 In Callaway . WO Clara II Graves to X H Troyer lots 5.0-7-H. V iu.114,12 block HI Callaway . 14H > \V A ( inorco to S I > Haverlaml NT. SW K and lots J-'i&o in 0-I-1-2I . . 2000 1) T Adams to Ira Uatlift lots 17 and IH in block ' > in Sargent . IhOO W II Kelley and h A Kelley to J O Ken nedy parcel in 31-18 2t about 10 acres- li ) Kasuius H usei ! to J II Sliarv w > acres in I.VH-24 . Sou Lolla W Smith and husb to J 1) Willard lot H block 41 K R add to Callaway . 200 J A Armour to Kduar I ) Draper lot H block luonulnal lown of Auslt'v . { 4".r > l > .i\id Kllli'ii to Samuel V. Kobi-y 1W > acres in 21-13-17 . 2500 Lillian K Andrews andbiiKl _ > lo the public fur a ro.id parcel in 17-1 .24 . ' , ' 0 I'e'.er I'eterso" hlniclu lo Illerks Lumber and Coal Co parcel In block - Hi Cum- stock . 7i ( iciirue A Splinter tn Lillian K Amlrrun one acre In H.1S-23 . M UofacoH Smith to Harry IJ O'Neill NW 125 acres of NW SWH . 1000 J O Klchey and C C 1'armitlu to Phillip TesthCh 4W acres -"W2.10.25 . 12000 William A Patterson to John S Aastlnirn 1M > acres In W-14.21 . 30no Albert OlMon to Otto oUton lots 1-2&1) block 42 in Callaway . ' I < A Wlirht slniile to Cusier county 1W > acres In 2iNi5 . SI al A Waller to Prank K Orlflith lot 19 block 'I Rcyuer'H add to Hrokcn How 1 0 Mauler LeRoy ' 1'ablan lo S J Pcury JWo-'J-llWacreHlii 30.s,25.2U.l7j,18 i-TOO Samuel K McComirll to Win R McConncll ISOacrusin 9-lltt ) 1500 Wm 1' Collins to Isabulle Collins 100 acres In 26.13-17 ! J500 Isabellu Collins and Itnsb to F.lmor II VaiilsocRcii 1(10 ( acres In 20.13-17 2500 Samuel A Thomas to John It Itrowit loin l-2- block 100 R R add to llrokou How 2SCO K L Hammond lo ClaudV \Valil K'-'O feel oflut 14 block o In Merna 2000 J C Hruulzcr lo KO-L W Lohr 100 acres In 10.17-W 1050 \Vm llolway and Hall H Schncrliiirtir to School DlHl No ISO lots 17 and 1H block 17 in ( allawaj 100 lieiij.tniin V Mm tin lo Oloiuo li I ) ivlx 240 aci.-in 35-17-20 HSOO John S Ilusiliiirs to Johanna Sexton U > 0 .icies in 2U-II-2 1400 Lot laV Smith lo R K Hu-tra 2' 42-100 aciusin 11-15-23 7K ) Mai\ i : Blower widow lo Laurence V Worth lot 5 block l ! > J p Candy's add Ui llroSjn How 1000 S.iinuel J Penny to Samuel C Koo 3M acres in JOfcZUMI 17.1H -s 04SO SaraL \Vhitc widow lo Ktlen \ \ l.vulCH' ton lot 17 lili.ck 3 in Keyuci's add lo Hro'-ell How 100 Henry II Cunningham uTadie K Haillln HO acres in II0.17-1S 2600 Charles A Paichlii to Win Warrell Inl 5 Mock ( In Mason Cily 4W ( Lovlr.i L Allen and liusb to Maude Marlon lots 12-13-11 block H R K Allen's add to Arnold 90 ( ieo .1 Lalleur to C A Patshlii l"l 5 block bin Muson 4IX ( Alice J Itarnes lo Pulur M Humes 40 acres in 32-18-111 1,0 C L SwaiiMin lo I'.lienczer Miller lot < l In block 10 in Sark'enl . . . I John H l-'ochtmaii l.i William Whaley 0 acu-s In -I333 1 400 Jaim-- . I' Ivk'li'sl.in to R Knid-K lot 15 block 51 K R .M | , | to C.ill.iw.ij 100 J. I ) . Hearman lo Arthur J Cooksley IW U > 0 acres In l2hl3.19.IH IWX ) J V Wubb lo Katie Shafer 160 acres In 17A.1S.I9.17 * . . . . 1100 C Mackey lo J A Moore lot 7 block 10 In Ansley. . 2475 Clarence W Pnrsel to Mary Pur"el lots 17 and 17 block 34 R R add to Callaway 200 200 Lincoln Land C" to James ( iauley lot 13 of Masoi. Subdivision WM Many new subscriptions for the KKPUHIJCAN are being re ceived these days. Advertisers should take notice of this fact. Magic Lantern TOR THE BOY OR GIRL. Any hey ot yirl who will secure 1UOIIT NHW SL'nSCRIHKKS for The Kiitisas City Weekly Journal , at 25 cents n year each , making n total of Two IJolluts , and send the full amount , together with the names to us , we will send to his or her address a beautiful MAGIC JrfANTISKN WITH 50 VIKWS. Any boy or girl can use H Just slrrli-h a wliltf sheet on the " .ill anil you can have all kinds ot tun Full directions tor use Is sent illi the l.in irrn. Any boy orglri cansiictirci-ight \ \ \ subsrilbi-rs In a short time .unl gi-t this Hcantlfnl .Manic l/tnti-rn Send for samples for ranvassinj ! Send all money b ) poslollli e inuiu-y order < > r drafl. Address THE KANSAS CITY JOURNAL , KANSAS CITY , MO. IT , Did you know that a Good Ad in the Re publican would be a constant boom to your business ? Did you know that it's what you say in your Ads that sells your goods ? TAKE NOTICE -o- School Directors , Parents and Teachers : : You Save Money on : : SCHOOL BOOKS and SCHOOL SUPPLIES . . By Figuring With . . o- H. A. Watts , - Broken Bow. Don't miss seeing our guaranteed piano for $100. * * & While Dishes For Harvest , * ! i * mi [ n i mil * * mu * + * m > m mmmtm i m mui nm * * * * imf\ \ HIM ' * ' " * T ' I have just received a large shipment of White Dishes for Harvest and Threshing time. It will pay you to see them and get my prices. Bread. Nice and White Is the kind you have when you use Lexington Flour. 13very sack guaranteed for ( Duality and Price. I. w."SCOTT . . , Hardware , Furniture , Flour and Feed.