Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 06, 1908, Image 7

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John Worth Kern , selected by the Democratic
convention at Denver an Hryan's running innto
In tlu > national campaign of this fall , Is conceded
to bo the loader of the Indiana Democracy.
Mr. Kern has run several Union for governor ,
and each time ho was said to Imvc reunited the
warring factions of the Democratic party and to
have won over a lingo Republican following , but
each time ho was badly defeated. lie wan elected
city attorney In Kokomo In 1871 uiul served
several years. Ho was elected reporter of the
Indiana supreme court , but was defeated for re
election. He served two terms In the Btato senate
and one as city attorney of Indianapolis , but some
Kei.ubllcan always happened to come along to
oust i
This does not Imply that \Ir. Kern is 11 weaker
or an unpopular man In his state , for he Is neither. Demqcracy was on the
down grade In Indiana when he was coming to the ft out , and was only kept
from dissolution by the phenomenal strength of United States Senator Voor-
hecs , the "tall sycamore of the Wabash , " who managed to have a iJomocratlc
legislature elected just In tlmo to ie-olect him to the senate when his term
expired. Since he dropped out of politics just before his death , a little over
ton yours ago , Demociacy In Indiana had been practically wiped off the map ,
and Mr. Kern has had no more show than would a Democrat In Michigan.
He Is a graduate of the University of Mlchlgan./nnd for a time practiced
law In Kokomo , but later moved to Indianapolis , where he has since lived.
He has a high reputation In hib native state , and Is a man of considerable per
sonal magnetism.
WInlleld Scott Hammond , the man who placed
the name of Cov. Johnson in nomination for the
presidency , Is a member of congress from the
Second Minnesota district.
Hammond Is the ofllclal Johnson nominator.
This thing of nominating Johnson may almost
bo said to have become a habit with him. IIo
nominated Johnson at the Minnesota state conven
tion ono time , and to the surprise of a large
number of people who thought they know something -
thing about the game of politics the country edi
tor \\iia nominated. To the surprise , too , of an
even larger number of people , he was elected.
When his term was out Congressman Hammond
arose before another state convention and noinl-
rated him again. This lime the outcome was not
FO unexpected.
When the Minnesota executive made up his mind to let his name go be
fore the Democratic national convention it was suggested to him that ho per
mit some eloquent orator , some spellbinder of the Hourke Cockran type , to
make the nominating speech. Hut Mr. Johnson balked.
"Out there in St. James , Minn. , " he siiid , "there Is a plain-spoken sort of
chap who does my nominating just about the way I like to have it done. I
have had some experience with his brand of nominating , and I don't know
that I have a single objection to make to it. And I reckon , when I have any
more nominating to be done , I'll just let Win Hammond do it , for he's my
mascot. "
Hammond lives in one of the string of towns up in Minnesota that seem
to have been chrl&tcned by some pious persons In the intervals between
prayer meetings and Epworth leaguesessions. . Ho lives in St. James. Gov.
Johnson lives in St. Peter , and when lie left there it was to go to St. Paul.
Congressman Hammond is Massachusetts-born , a Dartmouth graduate and
when ho came west In 1SS4 he taught school for six years. Then ho began
the practice of law. He Is on his first term in the house , having defeated
James T. McClcary , a Republican ot national note , In a district that was al
ways considered unalterably Republican.
Levin Irving Handy of Delaware came Into
the limelight at the Denver convention after an
absence of years , because of his selection by the
managers of Judge George Gray's presidential
campaign as the man to place the Delaware jurist
before the delegates as a candidate for president.
Hosides being a politician and an orator , Mr.
Handy has been a newspaper writer , a lecturer
and a school teacher. In 1S98 and 1899 he was
the entire congressional delegation of the state of
Delaware In the lower louse of congress , and for
a little while ho was the whole delegation In both
houses , during the brief period in which both
seats in the senate were vacant. After serving"
one term , Handy was defeated for re-election by
a Republican and retired to private life.
Mr. Handy was born in Maryland 4G years
ago , and was educated in the public schools. He taught school in his native
state and In Delaware , was school superintendent of a county In the latter
state for several years , and later became an editorial writer on Every liven
ing , a Wilmington daily newspaper.
In preparation tor the recent crisis , apparently , ho became a public
lecturer , and for a number of years delivered lectures throughout the country
niion assorted topics , calculated to appeal to the patrons of the local lyceum
lecture courses in town and city. Fiom 1892 till 189G ho was chairman of the
Democratic state cential committee of Delaware.
Having been one of the earliest men to urge the selection of Judge Gray
as the Democratic presidential candidate , and one of the strongest supporters
of that movement In its monic-nts of sunshine as well as Its hours of despair ,
he was selected by the judge's perbonal representatives to get whatever glory
comes of the opportunity to make the speech formally placing his candidate's
name before the convention.
Col. James M. Gnffey , Democratic boss of
Feniibylvania , who furnished ono of the most sen-
bational features of the Denver convention in his
light witli Hryan. less than two years ago \
read out of the party down in his own state. Hut
he resolutely declined to stay dead. Anybody at
all acquainted with the I'eunsylvanlan's imiku-ii | >
knows that retirement for him will be but tem
porary , and tha ) . ho will be shuflling the cards in
the political game for a good many years to come.
Guffey is a political fighter for the pure love
of the sport. IIo has held the Demociacy of I'enn-
B.\lvania in the hollow of his hand , so to speak ,
lor moie than ten years. IIo has never asked
for an ollice and could not bo Induced to take one.
He is referred to an an oil magnate In six states ,
coal king In two , silver mine owner in two and
gold mine owner in the eleventh. His wealth goes Into so many millions that
he probably could not tell off-hand just how much money ho has.
In the lirst Hryan convention In 1S9G , Guffey was a "sound money" dele
gate. After Hryan had been nominated , Guffoy came back homo with
thoughts of bolting In his head , but when he found that his rival William
F. Harrlty , retiring state bos-s , had already bolted , Guffey turned in and bent
every effort to swing his stale to the Hryun column. Since that tlmo he
has been national eommlttecnmn , succeeding Harrity. who had been national
chairman. *
Four years later Col. Guffey was again a Hryan worker In Pennsylvania.
His thousands have always llown easily Into the party coffers In Time of
need , and ho Is ciedlted with being ono of the three heaviest givers of cash
to the Hryan campaign In both 189(5 ( and 1900.
Col. Guffey is a lighter nnd ho Is undeniably a powerful factor In Penn
sylvania politics. ' Whether he Is to be crushed for good by the Bryan stenm
! ioiler remains to be seen , but those who know him best doubt It. The prenenj
feud between thetamildi.te and the boss grew out ol the lattofs apposi'i > n
to Peuub > lvanla binding a lUfgulicu to Demer lusuueted for Hiyau.
Pennsylvania Museum Acquired Toft ]
Dish Made About 166G.
Philadelphia. Ono of the most Im
portant of the iccent acceaslonn to the
Pennsylvania museum , In Memorial
hall , Is n largo earthenware dish ,
known na a Toft dish , which was made
by Thomas Toft of Staffordshire , 13ng-
land , if bout llliiO , at the time of the res
toration of Charles II. Toft ware , as
It Is generally called , Is exceedingly
Hcan-e , and this Is the first example
that 1. ) known to have been brought to
the United States.
The museum owes Its acquisition to
the generosity of William P. Henszey
of the Baldwin Locomotive works. The
director. Dr. Harber. who Is the recog
nized American authority on pottery ,
has been for a long time on the lookout
Toft Dish Given to Pennsylvania
through his agents abroad , for an au
thentic specimen of this early ISngllsh
manufacture. Some tlmo ago ho heard
ol a piece in possession of a London
dealer , but the price demanded , $700 ,
was beyond the limited resources of
the museum , although It was consid
orcd a reasonable prlco for so great a
rarity. The matter was laid before
Mr. Ilenszey , who at ouco offered to
provide the necessary sum , and the
purchase was authorized.
When the director received the pre
cious piece of eurthenwaro from the
custom house in New York ho took It
up to the Metropolitan museum and
exhibited It to the envious ofllclals
thoic , and ho received an offer of
twice the amount that had been paid
for It.
Toft dishes , which are usually about
lb Inches In diameter , were produced
in Kngland before porcelain was In
vented , and they were considered at
that time works of great merit. The
decoration is made by pouring liquid
clay , or slip , through a quill attached
to a little cup , the designs being traced
in the same manner as patterns in
sugar icing are applied to cakes. The
Toft dish which has been procured by
the mub'oum bears flvo medallions ,
each ono containing a rude portrait of
Charles II , and in the central medal
lion are the initials U. C. , for Hex
Curolus King Charles. Toft used-the
royalty and nobility of the period as
decorative subjects for his dishes. As
each piece was decorated by hand we
llnd no duplications ; consequently the
piece now on exhibition In Philadel
phia Is unique , and Is ono of the finest
pieces which have thus far como to
Students of pottery are familiar
with the appearance of Toft ware from
Illustrations in bo oks on ceramics , but
this is the first opportunity presented
to them to inspect a genuine piece. It
has n particular Interest In connection
with the slip-decorated ware of the
Pennsylvania Germans , of which the
Pennsylvania museum has a unlquo
Qenor Domingo Obaldla Elected to
Succeed Amador.
"Washington. Sonar Don Jose Do
mingo d5 Obaldla , who has been
elected president of the Ilepubllc of
Panama to succeed President Amadoi ,
was until lately minister from Panama
tu the United States , having been ap
pointed at the creation of the republic
In 190 : : . He is a natlvo of Panama , < i.J
years old and was in Hogota and In the
United States until his twenty-fourth
year , when ho returned to Panama and
became connected with the largo busi
ness Interests of his father. Senor
Obaldia Is one of the largest stock
raisers In Central America and ex
ports horses , cattle and nuilea. Ho
was governor of P.imunn when It be
longed to Colombia and is a consona-
Uvo in politics.
Senor Obaldla defeated President
Amildar's candidate for president , Sec
retary Arias. Obaldla was Amador's
cnolco until , when acting as president
In the absence o ( Aimidor , ho Insti
tuted pollciea which ftitiangod hla
The Kind You Have Alvruya Bought , nndvhlcli lias been
in tiso for over 80 ycnrs , Jms Imriio the cicimiuro oi'
- 'T' ' ' ftnd Im.H l > cou nmdo under Ills por-
a pint CKNT. i soual supervision since its infancy.
ANtgclablcPrcparalionrcinls.1 ; Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits , Imitations nnd" Jnnt-as-good"uro Ivufc
ItagllieSiomadLsnndBovrclscf Experiments { hat trlllo with nnd endanger the health of
IiUUnts mid Clilltlrou Experience against Experiment.
Promotes Digcstion-Chccrful-
ness and Itest.Coiilalns neither
Opium.Morpunc ! nor Mineral. Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil , Paro-
ftoT NARCOTIC. I Koric , DrnpH nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium , Morphine- nor other Narcotic
SW Huhstance. Its ngo is its guarantee. It destroys \Vorins
tttrSffJ' ' and allays Foverlshncss , It cures Diarrhoea and " \Vlml
'jtxMteSdts- aiita + Colle. It relieves Teething1 Troubles , cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food , regulates the
Stomach nnd Bowels , giving healthy and natural alcep.
Hm Si-rtf- The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
ApcrfeclRcmctly for Consllpa AILWAYS
lion , Sour Stoinach.DJarrtei
Worms.CoroTiIsions.Fcwnsh Boars the Signature of
ness amlLossorSuiliP.
racSiniilc Signature oT
( * # &
jimrantcedtmdr r\he tfoafii
En Use For Over 30 Years
Illllie Who Is that awfully freckled
girl on the horse ?
Tillie Why , that's Miss Gotrox. She
has several millions in her own name
nillio So ? My ! Aren't her freckles
becoming ?
Tortured by Sharp Twlngco , Shooting
Pains and Dizziness.
Hiram Center , G18 South Oak
ctreet , Lako' City , Minn. , saya : "I
was so bad with kid-
iicy trouble that I
could not straighten
up after stooping
without sharp paint )
shooting through my
back. I had dizzy
Bp&lls , was nervous
nnd my eyesight af
fected. The kidney
Bocrotlons wore Ir
regular and too fre-
qucnt. I was In a terrinlo condition ,
hut Doan's Kidney Pills have cured
me and I have enjoyed perfect health
since. "
Sold by all dealers. HO cents a box.
Foster-MIlburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Wo tarnish the splendor of our beat
actions by too often speaking of them.
fl. St. VltUD' Dnnro nnd Norvoim DltraMiR por-
umiiimlly i'ii rcil liy Dr. KUnn'nlri'nt ( Nnno Husturi-r.
Heml lor Kllld' ! WUJ Ixittlu anil trontlKu. Dr.
It. 11. Kline. Ixl. , U.ll Arclihtrcut , 1'lillatlnlpUla , l' ,
The fear of death ir never strong
In him who has learned how to llvo.
Lewis' SiiiRlu Hinder cigar licliOHt , moat
satisfyim ; mnokt ; on the itiaiki't. Your
dealer or Lewis' Factory , Pconu , 111.
A two-faced woman Is moro danger
ous than a bare-faced Ho.
Mr * . AVIiidlnw'H RootliliiR Hyrup.
Tor children tcetlilntt , eoluus tlipKimn.roducci In-
naranmUuu , alU > a pala , eurcn wlnil tollu. 2icu Uitllo
When money begins to talk people
Bit up and take notice.
Allun'H r < > ol-KiiHpii reunion
For swollen , Kwriit I nuf nut. ( ilvrnlDhtant n-lluf The
original ponder for tliu loot , i&uulill :
The right kind of a doctor leavoa
well enough alone.
acts gently yet prompt-
v M \ J J \ \ \ I
ly on the bowels , cleanses
me system effectually ,
assists ono in overcomiiig
Kaoitual constipation
permanently. To got its
oenej'icial effects buy
e genuine.
Posltlvoly cured by
those Little IMlls.
They al o relieve Dili-
Irons from DyHpeinilu , In-
illKCHtlou niul Too Hciirtf
ICntliij ? , A perfect rout *
oily for IJlzzlnesH , Nuu-
KCII , Drownlni'BH , llnd
TdHto In the Mouth , Coat
ed TOMRIIO , I'liln In the
Bltlo , TOIU'in MVKU.
They rcgrilntu tliu llowolu , I'urely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
of um paper de-
Readers to buy
anything ndvcr-
tisccl in ! l > column ! tliould iniia upon
having \vlmt they ask ( or , refuting all
or imitations.
I-OSITIVKLV cuitii > by
Ovor.tOUU pnliunlsiMirnl ilnrliw tlin piht : i yours. A
W cent I rial liottlo wtnlln liny nililrons on receipt nf
rcts. 1 > K. II.H. KINMINTIIAHlJury TarkN.J.
_ 10 nilncas to
'tliu ( mukuKO
other Btiucli'sn only oiini-on Rino prlco nna
Keeps the breath , teeth , mouth nnd bod/
authentically clean and free ( rum unhealthy -
healthy ( form-life and disagreeable odors ,
which water , soap and tooth prcpurations
alone cannot do. A
dcrmicidul , disin-
fcctiiiJ and dcodor-
izitifi toilet roijuisito
oi exceptional ex
cellence nnd econ
omy. Invaluable
A > r inllamcd eyes ,
throat nnd nasal mid
uterine catarrh. At
drug and toilet
store * , 50 cents , or
by mail postpaid.
Largo Trial Sample
THE PAXTON TOILET TO , , Boston , Mass ,
DAISY FLY KILLER rural , anrwhcra
- iitlnicls anil kiln
nil Him. Noul ,
l.iiol * nil urn-
oii. AbKoluU'ly
linnnlcru , wiinol
rplll or ( III over ,
will not pull or In
ure niiy tli I n i' .
tlvo. Ofillilfalrr. .
, firHnffuviHifcl/ur
tOcihln. IU11IM II.SU11KIIH , HJIIf k lbi > . , llr.Kkl ) , N.V.
LAW < ) ' > fil o > l
WuoUlneton , D. 0.
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 31 , 1903.
Ifl ,
never crack nor be-
coiim brittle. They
last twice as long a3
those lauiulun d with other
starch1.- } and ive the wear
er much bfttur satisfaction.
If you want your husband ,
brother or son to look
dressy , to fuel comfortablu
and to bu thoroughly happy
u s o 1) K F I A N C E
STARCH in the
laundry. It is sold by all
peed grocers nt 100 a pack
age iG ounces. Inferior
starches sell nt the sumo
price per pnclrage but con
tain only u ounces. Koto
the difference. Ask your
Insist on gettin ; ; it and you will never
use any other brand.
EtofianGG Starch