lllit LlbmUa CUSTEB COUNTY REPUBLICAN , VOL. XXVII BROKEN BOW , OUSTER COUNTY NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , AUGUST 6 , 1908 , NO , 9 If is built on the heirloom plan , made to last for years and years , and then descend to the next generation. 147 ROGERS BROS' SPOONS , FORKS , ETC. . are as near perfection for this purpose as is possible , and we shall take pleasure iu ihowiug you all the late designs iu tub reliable brand. Meeting of County Chairman. Joseph Pigmau , chairman of the republican county central committee , went to Lincoln to day to attend a meeting of the chairm-n of like committees from every county in the state. This melting was called by State Chairman Haywpod for the purpose of getting in touch with the party workers over the state. It will be seen from this that our State Chairman means business and does not propose to let the democrats make any gains in this state. The meeting will result in great good to the party and if the chairman of the differ ent counties will do the work assigned them and get others to help Nebraska will roll up a good round majority for the next presi dent , Hon. Wm. If. Tall. The Amaranth Stock Co , , The Amaranth Slock Co. , com posed entirely of home talent , made good in'their play , "Uncle Sams Consul , " given in Uic Opera house lasl Thursday w : ek. The rendition of the play was above the average for home talum and Harry B. Is/.ard the author and manager is to be congratiJated on Ihe efficiency of his casl. They were Irue lo life in their parts and their speciallieswere encored several times. The-.com pany promises us another play in the near fulure. Here Visiting Relatives. Mrs. Anna Bailey of Wonnela. Nebraska , arrived iu Broken Bow- Friday nighl for a Iwo weeks visil wilh her daughters , Mrs. Bertha Bates and Mrs. Laura. Werring , who live near the city. Mrs. Bailey made this office a pleasant call Saturday morning and had us advance the date ot her subscription a year ahead stating that the RKPUHI.ICAN- was like a letter from home and that she could url do without it. She has our thanks. WAS KILLED BY HIS HORSE. VICIDIt LANDRimiDUAtiCil.D FOR NI.AK- LY A MILK. FOOT GETS CAUGHT IN STIRRUP. Horse Becomes Frightened at righting Dogs. Victor Is Thrown And Meets Death In A Horrible Manner. Funeral Was Held Sunday. Victor Laudrctb , who wou'd ' have been six'eeu years old the 2nd of next December , wa1 * 1 < tiled by his horse in a horrible manner last Saturday night about sun down , near 1m > ister'rt home twelve miles southwest of this city. The facts as stated to us are that he saddled his horsr- to go over to his t'isters. Mrs. Win. Kansleyat about sundown and he ued his brothers saddle. The stirrups being too long he turned them over to make them shorter and used them that way. On arriving at his sisters home his horse became frightened at some dogs which were fighting ami ( threw Victor. One foot got caught in the stirrup strap and with head down the. horse ran with him for nearly a mile going through several wire fences in his mad dash before the boy was finally freed from the stirrup. When relatives and neighbors found Victor he was terriably mangled and unconscious and died of his injuries in a few moments without recognizing any of them. It is a sad blow to his relatives and friends to be called to his last home so sudden and in such a violent manner. He leaves his father C. II. Lan- dreth , his brother Burrell and two sisters , Mrs. Wm. Ransley and Mrs. George Logan , to go and meet his mother on the other side of the river of Death who died when V.ictor was but a small ! boy. He also leaves a host of friends in his community to mourn his sudden death for he was lov ed by all who knew him. The teacher to whom Victor last went to school says that she had no better boy in her school than he was. That he was a studious and a hard working boy and that he will be greatly missed by his playmates. Short funeral ser vices were held in Broken Bow Cemetary at four o'clock Sunday afternoon conducted by Rev * J. D. Brady of the Baptist Church of this city. The bereaved rela tives certainly have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire commun ity in their great sorrow. Protect Your Town. Protect your home town and by so doing show that you are in favor of protection. As citizens we should favor our town above e'very other as to growth and de velopment for by doing so you will enchance1 the value of prop erty iu and around it. Buy everything you can of your home tnenchants. Y A iff May Break Solid South. From a letter published in the Atlanta Constitution , written by Robert J. Lovvry , a leadingde.mo- crat and banker of Atlanta , Corgi a , it would seem that Talt would break the solid South this year. The letter was a column in length and is a strong appeal to the voters to support Mr. Tafl , Following is a Karl of Mr. Low- ry's letter : "Thousands upon thousands of the good white people of Georgia are going to cast their votes for Judge Taft , and why not enough of them to give him a plurality ? Why not ? We have had many political surprises in Georgia , some of such recent date as to yet be fresh in ( he minds of ev eryone , and many arc to come in the future. It is not a rash state ment to make that , if President Roosevelt had consented to serve his country another term , the state of Georgia would have cast its vote for him ! Then why not for Judge Taft , who is pledged to carry forward the liberal poli tics of the retiring president , and who was the choice of the retir ing president , as his successor ? It has been uiy great pleasure to enjoy the friendship of Judge Taft for some years past , and I have never met a more brilliant statesman , a more astute and affable diplomat or a more polish ed gentleman. This tribute I pay to him as a friend , and not as a political opponent of the democrats. I regard him as one of the strongest characters before the public today , and the ideal of business , commercial and indus trial interests of the country for president. The country cannot afford to do otherwise than elect Judge Taft , and it would be a great step for progress if Georgia , the empire state of the south , should cast its vote for this emi nent jurist , statesman and patriot. " Republicans Should Get Busy. In ihc campaign this fall the opposition will leave no stone unturned by which they can secure a vote , and it behooves every republican who wishes to sec his county , slate and nation al ticket elected by increased majorities to get busy arid see to it that no voters are lost and that many are gained. Work should commence at once and continue until the primary is held at which time none but rood , clean , capable men should be chosen to go on the ticket. If this is done and the work con tinued until the polls close the republican party in Custer coun ty will make a clean sweep. Judge Humqhrey Right. Some of the politions on the opposing side tried recently to make out that Judge Humphrey did not know what he was talk ing about when he said that Bryan had nev r carried his own precinct or county in his race for president in 18 % and 1'JOO. Judge Humphrey , whose repu tation for truth ad veracity is gilt edged in Custer County , in order to prove his statement wrote the clerk of Lancaster county and received the follow ing reply which fully substan tiates the Judge : Office of County Clerk Lan caster County , Lincoln , Nebras ka , Aug. 1st , 1908. HON. A. R. HuMPHKitY , Broken Bow , Ne braska. My Dear Sir : In ans wer to your inquiry of recent date I submit the following official figures : Bryan lived in the 5th Ward , Precinct "A , " during both 18 % and I'JOO presi dential campaigns. He now lives in Lancaster precinct. PKKCINCT "A"OTH WARD. MvKinIry Itiyau McKinley'n MJ'oiilV lsto . . .1W Htt 7 WO. 'MH . .I0o Wi AM. 01 ? STII WAKD. | WO. MeKuiley . . BOS liryjii 51.1 McKlnley'd Majority , " ) ! I'lOO. . . IU S2i . ! LANCASTER COUNTY. MrKliilcy llryan McKlul.-y's Majority Very respectfully , W. L. DAWSSON , County Clerk. Back From a Fishing Trip. J. C. Bowen and Alpha Morgan returned last Saturday from Dome Lake , Wyoming , which is located thirty-six miles north of Sheridan. They were there for two weeks and report thai the fishing and hunting is fine and that they enjoyed their trip im mensely. CHAUTAUQUA WEEK OVER. LARfil' ' CROWDS Wlilll : IN Al IhlSDANCI ! AI liVI-RY SHSSIUN , WAS ( iOOl ) HR ) OUK CITY- Nearly I'.very Atlrnclion As Atherlisoil. Some Were Changed , Conlil Have lleen ( teller Say Our People. Next Years Should -Be. The Chautauqua closed Sun day niiht ; with ilu usual large crowd in attendance which greeted every attraction during the nine days. While it was not given in SOUK ; instances as adver tised , for various reasons , yet the Chantauqua was good-as a whole and furnished our people nine days of pleasant and instructive .past time. Whenever the man agement found that it could not fill the program as was advertis ed they suhsilitutcd another at traction in its stead so that the people had something to see or listen to three times a day. Without going into detail on eacli one of the numbers , as wo would like to do , suffice it to say that each one was gdod and well received hy our people generally. Of course there was disappoint ment on the part of our people who came from a distance to hear some special one and had to listen to another. Perhaps the greatest disappointment was felt by .our Catholic friends who came from far and near to hear the lit. Rev. Mgr. TV Henry Tihn and found that he was unable to be here. here.The The m in a go me tit was not to blame for his not being here nor the -ibsence of Judge B. Lindsey who was sick. Arrangements are , being made by the Red path people for another week here next season and they promise to have a daily change of attrac tions and not run them two days asThcy did this year. Mr. Pettit , the superintendent and manager , did everything in his power to make the people comfortable and make their stay pleasant. In him the Redpath system have a man that is second to none for the place he fills. Prof. J. R. Teagarden was complimented on every hand by the business men of our city iu the manner of handling the financial interests of the Chan- tauqua , by the great crowds and the speakers for his courteous treatment toward all attending. It was frequently said that he seemed especially adapted for Chautauqua work. There is no question but what a Chautauqua is a good thing for a town in more ways than one and should be encouraged by all. Yet it seems to u * that it should be entirely under the con trol of home people working in conjunction with other towns that run their own. This could be done by conferring with the management in other towns in regard to the talent they will have and engage the same. By way of suggestion why not the Commercial Club or the Civic Improvement Club take hold of the Chaulauqua move and handle it in the future ? Think this matter over. Old Settlers Picnic at Callaway. The old settlers of Callaway and vicinity will hold their an nual picnic in the beautiful park in that , city next I uesday , August 11. A good program has beeu arranged for and a large crowd is expected. Attorney H. M. Sullivan and Attorney J. R. Dean of this city will be theic to deliver addresses , which goes without saying that their audi ence will be well pleased. All who can should attend this picnic as the Callawuy people know how to entertain their visitors. Moves to Gordon. H. D. Huntingtoti shipped his household goods to Gordon , Ne braska , Tuesday , where with his estimable1 family , he will make his future home. Wo under stand that Mr. lluntington will engage in the mercantile busi ness in that city. During their residence in Broken Bow they made many friends who will miss them and at the same time wish them prosperity in their I new home. TWO F1RAES IN AN EVENING. Globe Laundry and Star Storage House Scorched. A lire iu the Star , Van & Stor age Co's warehouse and another at the Glahe Laundry caused losses exceeding , according to estimates made , ten thousand dollars. Kire was discovered in the Star Storage Co's tire proof vaults about li:30. : It was supposed - posed to have originated from something combustable left iu some houshold furniture , All goods in sUorage were badly dam aged by smoke and water. Among - mong those suffering I he greatest damage was the firm of Herman & Ccrn who had a new stock of clothing and furnishing goods stored preparatory to opening a store in Broken Bow , Nebraska. The damage to their stock is es timated at five thousand dollars. Nebraska State Journal July 30th. 30th.The The above firm of Herman it Kern is the same firm which is now unpacking and plocing their goods on the shelves and getting ready for thciropciiiug , announce ment of which will be made next week. J. K. Herman has for some time past been manager of the Sterling Clothing Co's large store in Lincoln and P. C. Kern secretary. This firm conies to our city highly reccommcndcd and intend to remain iu Broken Bow permanently. While some of their stock was damaged by water and smoke , they propose to throw that part of it on the mar ket at prices which the most crit ical can afford to buy and have it shuped up. Watch for their an nouncement next week and the weeks to follow for gargains in Men's and Boy's Clothing , hats , and gents furnishings. Subscribe for the RKPUHI.ICAN AS TUG TWIG IS BENT SO THE TREE IS INCLINED Our fulure citizens- h - -I c childion of today will fol low our lead in the matter of beverages. Their habits depend upon us. Which shall it be- the mild and pleasant thirst quench ing beverages of the SODA FOUNTAIN or something stronger ? We believe in the former. We like children as well as children like sodawater. . They are always welcome at our fountain. i r J.r el DRUGGISTS. The Quality Store WHAT IS GOOD CITIZENSHIP ? Illl : WOULD WOULD 111 : llRriliR If ALL I'ltACIICF.l ) IF. WILL YOU BE ONE OP THEM ? A Safe Man For A Community. He Docs What lie Iliinks Will Advance The Cities Interests Without Fear or Favor. He One. The question "What conslt- tutcs good citizenship ? " has fre quently been asked. Taken in its broadest sense il means the man who is public spirited to a degree thai he is willing to sacri fice time and money for the up building and improving of the community in which he lives , lie has a desire and the willing ness to help make his town , county and state the bcsl. While he may nol always be able. to see the improvements mater- * iali'/.c which he has hoped and worked for , he docs not loose heart but hopes for the better and keeps on talking to the end thai others may see as he docs. When a subscription paper is circulated for a public enterprise or for worthy charity his name is always founcd on the list for a liberal contribution. In politics he is the safe and conservative man of the community. He studies well the several candi dates who arc seeking offices on his party ticket and before and when primary day comes he is there talking for the party's good by advocating the nomin ation of none but the best men for the diiTcrcul offices. He aids as best he can the central com mittee in its work in gelling Ihe volers lo its meetings which are held durnig the campaign and spends his spare time and money ii | promoting its interests. The. primary is nol far off and U stands every good- republican , in hand to see thai none but good , 'clean men are chosen for the various offices to be filled in the county this fall. The opposition - position is now hard at work and every republican should be from now until election day. Attend the. nice tings which will be held in the county during this cam paign and urge others to. For a Three Months Visit. Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey left today for Farewell , Nebraska , where they will visit some of ' ' their child'rcn'for a short time. They were accompanied this far by two of their grandchildren , Miss Hilda Longstaff and Miss Mabel Woobruff , From this city Mr. and Mrs. Bailey will go to Havclock , Palmyra and Falls City , Nebraska , and then to Kan sas City , Missouri , to visit other children before returning home. They expect to be absent about three months. Are at Hot Springs. O. II. Mevis and Fred Batsch left Tuesday morning for Hot Springs , South Dakota , where they will sp-ind a waek in seeing the sights and taking a much needed rest. K i Sheppard & ' Burk Phone 121. S jufch Side Square