Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 16, 1908, Image 7

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State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings Will Not Take the
Old Soldiers' Money.
As to Pension MoneyT
The rule Requiring members of sol
diers' horiies In Nebraska to pay n
percentage of pension money to the
cnsh funds of the homes , n rule that
was bitterly contested In the courts ,
has been suspended by order of the
board of public lands nnd buildings
pending further orders of that boaid.
The supreme court held that such a
rule was legal. Land Commissioner
Knton , chairman of the board , , sent
notice to coirmandnnts of state homos
under date of Juno 27 not to take nny
part of pension money until further
orders from the board ,
The board met and discussed the
making of some now regulations , but
no agreement was arrived nt. Ono
member suggested a rule that all
Inmates of the homes who are able
to earn a livelihood or who have
means of support be discharged from
the home , at the discretion of the
board , and that this rule also apply
to the admission of soldiers , the In
tent of the suggested-rule being that
Treasurer Brian Is Negotiating for
Large Block of Bonds.
State Treasurer Brian has $500,000 ,
according to his monthly report , avail
able for Investments In securities , nnd
with two prospective deals on , ho
hopes to have the sum Invested with
in a few days. Ho has permitted this
large amount of money to accumulate
for the purpose of buying a large
block of bondft which are about to
bo ylnced on the market. Should he
fall on this proposition he will call
In the bond men nnd buy what they
have on hand. He has on deposit In
state depositories $ G99G00.63 , all of
which Is drawing 3 per cent Interest ,
nnd $46,205.72 not In depositories on
which no Interest Is being received.
Because the state depositories have
nil the state funds they arc permitted
to receive under their bonds this
money Is on hand , but will be depos
ited Immediately nftor Mr. Brian
makes his Investment.
The permanent school fund con
tains $121,096.50 nt the close of the
month. The total Investments of the
state now aggregate $7,653,377.49 , and
this amount will be largely Increased
within the next ten days If the bond
deal now in view matures. Follow
ing Is the detailed report oC the trust
funds Invested :
Permanent school fund $ G,908,29'J.r ' > 7
Permunont university lf)4,4Su.9.i
Aurlculturnl colleRo endow
ment 444,000.0(1 (
Normal endowment 56,000.00
$7.053,377 40
Honda of all kinds $0,092.CST.r.9
Warrants of all kinds CGO.6S9.Du
Statement showing receipts nnd
Nebraska Military Academy , Lincoln's latest educational Institution.
soldiers who are able to work or who
have large pensions or other means
of support be not ndirltted , and these
of this character be discharged when
ever the board finds It necessary to
make room for purely Indigent veter
ans. The suggestion was not accept
ed by the board.
In the discussion It was stated that
the former commandant , Mr. Ask-
with , of the Grand Island soldiers'
home , had never enforced the old rule
regarding the payment of all pension
money over $12 a month to the sup
port of the home. It was enforced at
the Mllford homo. Commandant Pros-
son said when he went into office the
pensioners there voluntarily came to
him and paid over all In excess of $12
a month. An Investigation oi ! the ac
counts of the Grand Island home
showed that little pension money had
over been collected there. The pres
ent board supposed the rule had been
enforced. In his letter to command
ants Commissioner Eaton explained
that the board believed the old rule
had been enforced and the board
thought Its new rule would bo satis
factory to all concerned because it
was more liberal than the old rule.
He said the board desired to treat
the veterans with fairness and had
modified the rule. The court had up
held the legality of the contention
that the board has contiol of the
homes and can make any reasonable
rule It sees fit , but that for the pres
ent the pension rule will be sus
Vacancies for Young Men.
Senator Burkett received word from
Major J. F. Elliott at Washington
that there are fiftv-seven vacancies In
the rank of second lieutenant In the
marine corps. The major stated that
he would be glad to allow any young
men Senator. Burkett might recbm-
mend take the examination for the
positions. Applicants , Major Elliott
explained , must bo educated and com
ply with the physical requirements
of the United States army.
Game Laws Fractured.
Chief Game Warden Carter received
a report from Scward to the effect
that Harry Bradley , who some time
ago pleaded not guilty when arrested
for Illegal fishing , came Into court nnd
pleaded guilty. A fine cf $15 and cost
was paid by him. Alexander Hitch
cock wns ( caught at Lincoln park by
the game warden nnd Deputy Hunger
In the very act of working a dip seine.
State Flh Exhibit.
Superintendent W. J. O'Brien of the
btato llbherles at South Bend called
on the btato board of agriculture for
the purpose of asking for Imptove-
ment In the fisheries building on the
btato fair grounds. Ho desire to glvo
n credible showing for hatcheries sup
ported by the state and finds It nec
essary to have sorao largo aquariums
In the exhibition building. The orig
inal plans called for large ones In the
front of the structure whore they
cun bo viewed , but for some reason
wore never j > "t In.
disbursements of the stale treasury
for June. 1908 :
Dnliinccs Balances
Funds. Junel. .lime 30.
General ? 27,580.32 $ 13,452.00
Permanent school. 170,944.90 21,096.56
Temporary school. 350.986.S9 48,243.37
Permanent univer
sity DO.167.04 29,917.02
Agricultural college.
endowment 10,074.71 48,444.67
Temporary univer
sity 0,469.92 2,982.62
Penitentiary 83.52 83.52
Redemption 41,198.78 4.6G3.1 ! .
Kearney Normal li
brary 766.69 143.85
Orthopedic hospital 37.94 37.94
Forest icserve . . . 2,288.93 21.3S
Institutions' rash. . 12,210.HI 10,212.87
Hospital for Insane 1,226.63 1,575.02
State library 90.81 1,955.0 ! )
University cash. . . 35,551.32 34,817.99
Peru Normal li
brary 8,968.04 2,19328
Normal endowment .60 21 218.93
Normal Interest . . 3,030.71 3,149.91
AKrlcultural u n d
Mechanic Alts. . 6,689.17 .01
U. S. experiment
station 0,283.12 1,592.94
Totals ? 762,630.2C $645,806.3.- ,
Escaped Convict Brought Back.
A convict named Ingram from Lan
caster county , who escaped from the
Nebraska penitentiary nearly nine
years ago , is back In the penitentiary ,
cnco moro to serve ono month of an
rjxplioa term As ho lost two !
months' time by escaping , ho will'
rave to serve three months instead of
the one unexpired month that was before -
fore him when he left. He was serv
ing a term of ono year for burglary
and wa'j employed as n trusty about ,
the grounds when he decided to de
sert the iilace. Ho lost no time in
committing a burglary in Kansas and
was sentenced to ten years in the
state prison at Lansing , Kas. At the
expiration of his service there he was
brought back to make good the en-
tonco of the law in Nebraska.
Sheldon Will Serve.
Governor Sheldon of Nebraska has
agreed to serve as ono of the vice
presidents of the International con
gress on tuberculosis that Is to beheld
held in Washington under the aus
pices of the national association for
the study and prevention of tubercu
losis , from September 21 to October
12. The arrangements for Nebrabka'o
participation in the congress and in
the exhibition to bo hold In connec
tion with U are in the hands of a
committee of which Dr. A. S. Von
Mnnsfolde of Ashland is chairman.
Dr. Charles O. Glesso of Holdrego is
treasurer and Rov. Stephen P. Morris
of Omaha Is secretary of the asso
A conference was hold between Ad
jutant General Schwnrz , Major David
son nnd Governor Sheldon concernIng -
Ing a proposition of the militiamen
to secure an Island In the Platte river
as a rifle range. The ofllcers point
ed out to the governor the fact that
the now ammunition for the Spring
field rlllo Is very dangerous , the
needle-pointed bullets carrying about
thrro miles. Whllo the present range
southwest of the penitentiary la fairly
satisfactory , the slightly raised ele
vation of a sight would send the ball
over " > Q hi" nnd Into Lincoln.
What Is Golnn on Hero and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska.
Many bridges In Otoo county are out
because of high water.
The Paddock hotel at Beatrice has
been purchased by Mrs. Colby , wife ot
Gen. Colby , the consideration being
The Hod Willow county court had t\
narrow escape from fire , which orig
inated In the court room and partially ,
destroyed the second lloor.
The Nebraska state band Is plan
ning to hold a largo convention of
bands In Crolghton some time In the
near future nnd expects about six to
ton bauds from the state to partici
Little Emma , the two-year-old
daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. 11. B. Hub-
bard , who llvo seventeen miles south
of Rushvlllo , wandered away from
homo and her t > ody was found two
hours later In the Nlobrara river ,
where she had fallen In nnd drowned.
A man , giving the name Charles
Murphy , who Is n hostler nnd roust
about with ono of the race horses
there , was arrested at Tecumseh on a
serious charge. Murphy had been
treating llttlo girls during the day nnd
It Is said ho attempted to assault the
G-ycnr-old daughter of 12m 11 Pfclfor.
George McAullffe , soir of Mr , and
Mrs. John McAullffo , the family homo
being near St. Mary , In Johnson
county , attempted suicide. In n fit of
despondency ho took n razor and cut
a gash In his throat almost from carte
to ear. It was not deep enough to
sever the jugular vein. McAullffo Is
aged nbout 30 years nnd has a wife
nnd child. Ho had lost his crop In the
flood along the Nemnha river.
Clinton R. Leo of the Leo Broom
and Duster company , Lincoln , sub
mitted nn amended proposal for con
vict labor to the state board of pub
lic lands and buildings. Ho offers to
Day about $2,400 per annum.'plus the
ctfct of light. This Is In addition to
his offer of CO cents a day for con
vict labor. The state board has In
sisted on 7G cents a day. When the
members made this demand Leo
turned the convicts off and they have
i-en Idle ever since.
Banners who were In Falrbury told
or the havoc wrought by the storm of
Saturday night In various parts of the
county. In many section the wind
seemed to assume the form of a
cyclone nnd great damage was done ,
buildings being blown down , and many
movable things carried for consider
able distances before the force of the
wind. J. F. Lnslour says the path of
the storm In his neighborhood was
several rods wide and that everything
In the path of the storm was wrecked.
The qualifying examination for the
Rhodes scholars to be elected for 1910
will bo held toward the end of October ,
1900 , instead of In the month of Jan
uary ns heretofore. It Is believed
that an examination held In October
will Interfere less than ono held In
January with the regular work of
American university students , and
that the earlier election will give bet
ter opportunity for the selected schol
ars to direct their work on lines most
advantageous for their course at Ox
The Jenkins mill at Steele City was
compelled to shut down on account of
high water. The shutting down of
this mill closes one of the historical
business enterprises of that section oC
Nebraska , which has been identified
with the growth of the country from a
time dating back to the advent of civ
ilisation into Nebraska. Jenkins' mill
was one of the supply stations on the
old overland trail , and all the early
pioneers who traveled that route In
the search of now homes and for
tunes secured their supplies for the
continuance of the trip tit that place.
The mill has been , In constant opera
tion from that time until it was closed
down after the recent flood.
The weekly crop report says : The
week averaged , for the state as a
whole , Just about normal for tempera
ture , rainfall and cloudiness. The
dally mean temperature was between
70 nnd 74 degrees In the central and
eastern counties , which is just about
the seasonal nvorage. It was between
Cti to 09 degrees In the western coun
ties , which Is about three degrees be
low the normal. Monday nnd Satur
day were generally the warmest days ,
with a maximum temperature near 90
degrees. The rainfall was above noi-
mnl In most of the state. It exceeded
ono Inch In most of the central and
eastern sections , except In some north
eastern counties , where It was about
one-half an inch.
Mrs. John Lennors , living six miles
north of Beatrice , gave birth to trip
lets , ono boy and two girls. One of
the girl babies died soon after birth ,
but the other two are strong and
A telegram received by Dr. S. W.
Dodge of Falrbury , stated that his BOH ,
Dr. G. L. Dodge had been accIdciUally
shot at his home In Basin , Wyo. , and
was not expected to live. The Fair-
bury man started nt once for the bed
side of his son , he having boon gone
but a few hours when the second tele
gram came stating that his son was
HOSTILITY is something frightful , Wo can hardly realize tliat of
INFAOT children bora in civilized countries
, twontytwo per cent , , or nearly
one-quarter , die before they roach ono year ; thirty seven per cent , , or moro
than one-third , before they are five , and ono-half before they are fifteen !
Wo do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save U majority - ,
jority of these precious lives , Mthor do wo hesitate to say that many of these
infantile deaths are occasioned by the use of narcotic preparations , Drops , tinctures
and soothing syrups sold for children's complaints contain moro or loss opium , or
morphine , They are , in considerable quantities , deadly poisons , In any quantity
they stupefy , retard circulation and load to congestions , sickness , death , Oastoria
operates exactly the reverse , but you must see that it bears the signature of
Ohas , H , Fletcher , Oastoria causes the circulate properly , opona the
pores of the skin and allays fever ,
Letters from Promioent Physicians
addressed to C8ias. , ! ! . Fletcher *
Dr. A. F. Fcolor , OH St. Louis , Mo. , enya : "I have prcacrlbcd your Castorla
tn mnny cases nnd have nhvaya found It nn cluclont nnd npcedy rotnody. "
Dr. E. Down , of Philadelphia , Pa. , says : "I have proscribed your Caa-
lorla In my practice for mouy years with creat satisfaction to myoolf and
Jboncfit to my patients. "
Dr. Edward Pnrrlsh , o Brooklyn , N. Y. , naya : "I have used your Can-
torla In my own household with good rcsultfl , nnd have advised covoral
patients to use It for Its wild Inxatlva effect nnd freedom from harm. "
Dr. J. B. Elliott , o Now York City , Bays : "Having during the past Blx
yearo prcacrlbcd your Cnstorla for Infnntllo stomach disorders , I moat
3 m : CUNT.
ANfyclaWcPrcparallonrorAs- heartily commend Its uso. The formula contalna nothing dolotorloua
- to the most dollcato of children. "
ling Uic Sioraaclis nndllovclscf - Dr. C. 0. Sprnguo , of Omaha , Nob. , sayo : "Your Cnotorla 13 nn Ideal
mcdlclno for children , nnd 1 frequently proscribe It. "Whllo I do not ndvo-
cato the Indiscriminate use of proprietary modlclnea , yet Cnstorla In an.
exception for conditions which nrlso In the care of children. "
Promotes Digcslion-CImfur Dr. J. A. Parker , of Knncaa City , Mo. , miya : "Your Castorla holds the
liess and Rest.Contalns - ncllhcr esteem of tho.medical profession In n manner held by no other proprie
Opium.Morphlnc norMiucraL tary preparation. It Is n euro nnd reliable mcdlclno for Infanta and chil
NOT NARCOTIC. dren. In fact , It Is the universal household remedy for Infantllo ailments.1
Dr. II. F. Merrill , of Augusta , Mo. , onyo : "Cnstorla la ono of the very
finest nnd most remarkable remedies for Infanta and children. In my ;
opinion your Castorla haa caved thouaanda from nn early cravo. I con.
furnish hundrcda of testlmonlnla from this locality ; w.j to Ita efficiency
nnd merits. "
Dr. Norman M. Goer , of Cleveland , Ohio , naya : "During the laat twolvo.
ycara I have frequently recommended your Cantorln na ono of the boat
proparatlonn of the kind , bolug cafe In the hnuda of paronta nnd very of-
jm A r r itm foctlvo In relieving chlldrcn'a disorders , whllo the caco with which such
lloSlSSlffiffi Q Peasant preparation cau bo ndmlnlstored la a crcat advautago. "
\YonnsCoiwulsims.Fc\vrist- ( !
ness andLoss or SLEEP. ,
Boars the Signature of
Facsimile Si Jnaurc ( of ;
rardccd under thoT'oodm
Exact Copy of Wrapper. ! n Use For Over 3O Years.
. .
TMCCCNTAUII COMPANY , it MunnaY ointtT. Ncwvonnorrr.
His Death Due to Freak Hat.
A Merry Widow hat has caused the
tragic death of an Innocent man in
Paris. He was sitting opposite the hat ,
which was worn by a lady going to the
Dols do Boulogne. As ho gazed nt the
amazing construction It annoyed him
moro and more , and as ho gazed ho
grow red In the face. Finally , ho could
stand It no longer nnd ventured to re
mark to the lady on the size of her
head covering. The lady resented the
criticism , and at her retort the man
fell In a fit and a few minutes later
was dead. Apoplexy had carried him
where It IB to bo hoped Merry Widows
cease from troubling.
Ho If wo wore not In a canoe I
would kiss you.
She Take mo ashore instantly , sir !
Smokers have to call for Lewis' Single
Binder cigar to got itYour dealer or
Lowis' Factory , 1'coria , 111.
Being bitten by a toothless dog ;
must be a soft snap.
Mrs. 'VVInnlow'o Sootlilnpr Hymn.
For children toothlnK , softem Ilia ( ? ura , rortucci In
flammation , allays pain , cure * w led cullu. ZSoa bottle.
Wo Hvo nnd learn until wo are 40 ,
then wo llvo and unlearn.
appeal to the Well-informed in every
walk of lifo and are essential to permanent
success and creditable standing. Accor-
ingly , it is not claimed that Syrup of Figs
and Elixir of Senna is the only remedy of
known value , but ono of many reasons
why it is the best of personal and family
laxatives is the fact that it cleanses ,
sweetens and relieves the internal organs
on which it acts without any debilitating
after effects and without having to increase
the quantity from time to time.
It acts pleasantly and naturally and
truly aa a laxative , and its component
parts nro known to nnd approved by
physicians , as it is frco from all objectionable -
able substances. To get its beneficial
effects always purchase the genuine
manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. , only , and for solo by all leading drug-
Positively cured by
these Llltlc I'llls.
Tlicy ivlno relieve DIs-
EiitliiKA purfcut , rem
edy for nizzlnuhs , 'Nan-
neil , DrowHlness , lintl
TnHto In tlio Mouth , Cent-
ud Tongue , Pnlu In the
They rc'BUlttto tlio HowolH. 1'urcly
' Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Similo Signature
Why Waste Time 1
Adding in the 'old way when
ftnivcwaf , the modern ad
ding and listing machine will
do the work three or four
timca faster than the old way
and with unerring accuracy.
At your request you can
Nebraska Military Academy
I.lmolii , NuliruaUu
At1rsl-dne > Dilliuny tiutnllnvii liiHilfnrbojra. Splnn-
Uul liuUitliiK uii'l Kumuili. . J'rri.ircis | lur rull
buiinvM. HpfcialilmiirluiflntroMou
yuurs. l''orliifuriuatIuuadJres8lt. D.
nrriflnnr ITDRPH oaiiou to wort
UtrlAlIbb OlMnUn
vuu-ctu } ' clotaet
y * <
Should be inseparable.
For. summer eczemas ,
rashes , itchings , irritations ,
inflammations , chafmgs ,
sunburn , pimples , black
heads , red , rough , and sore
hands , and antiseptic
cleansing as well as for all
the purposes of the toilet ,
bath , and nursery , Cuticura
Soap and Cuticura Oint
ment are invaluable.
Bold throughout the world. Dopotfl ! Tendon. 27 ,
Clarlernouw Hq. , 1'urtt. 5. KuoU. ! la I'mi , Austra
lia , It. 'Jinvua fi Co. , Hycltipy. IniM II K. 1'aul ,
Calcutta : Jitpnn , Jl'iruyn , I.til. 'Hxlo , bo Africa.
Jx-nnon.UU. Capo Town. etc. . U.H A.I'ottcrlru
J- ( hem ( orp , . Bole I'ropn , Fkwlnn.
> Iree , C'u'.lcura Jiouu ou Care of Skin.
AHAKEOI8irt Mln ; , t
rcllol .
II tit < lruir l 'B or UT mill.
Kmiil'le f llKl. . AiidrcM ,
Tribune llUtc. . Kor Yont
LAW obtained
: Thompson's Eye Watcr
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 28 , 1908.