Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 09, 1908, Image 8

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    She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Aleopathjr , Homeopathy ,
Electric and General Medicine.
Ily request will visit professlaually
Grand Central Hotel ,
Qroken Bow , July 30
returning every four weeks. Consul her when
tlio opportunity. al hand
PR. CAIiDWELL limith ncr practice to the
peclal treatment of diseases of the Eye , Ear ,
Nfasc. Throat , Limits , Female Diseases ,
pUeascsof Cliilitrou and all Chronic , Nervous
aad Hurelcal Diseases of a curable natufo.
consumption. Uroncliltlo , Drnnchlal
Catarrah , Chronic Catarrau , Hcad-Acue , Con
upatlou , Stomacue anil llowel TroublcH ,
Hbeumatlsm , Neuralgia. Sclotlca , llrlirlits's
Disease , Kidney Dlscascj , Diseases of the
litter and llladder , Dltzlucsa. Nervousness ,
Indlreitlon , Obesity , lutcruptcd Nutrition ,
Slow Growth In Children , and all wastinir
DMBJiirs In adults. Deformities , Club-feet ,
Car van turn of the Spine , UlHcascs of the llraln ,
rafalyaln , Epilepsy , Heart Disease , Dropsy ,
Byelllnff of the Idmbn , Stricture , Open Sores ,
Pain In tlic Bones , Granular Kularircincnts aud
ail , lotnr-8tandlu < r diseases property treated.
Plmplei , Blotches , Eruptions , 1,1 vcr Spots
Failing of the lialr. Dad Complexion. Eczema
Throat Ulcers , Bone Pains , Bladder Troubles ,
Witak Back , Burnln ? Urine , Passlncr Utlue
too often. Tuo effects of constitutional sick-
oof I or tbo taklntr of too much Injurious ruedl-
da * receives searching treatment , prompt
relief and a euro for life.
jDlieascs of Women. Irregular Menntratloii ,
Filling of the Womb , Bearing Down Pains ,
i > ni le Displacements Lack of Sexual Tone ,
Liucorrkea , sterility or Batrcttucss , consult
DO Caldwell aud she will show them the cause
otiheir trouble and the woy to become cured.
aad enlarged glands treated wltli the nub
cutaneous Injection method , absolutely witli
oUt pain aud without the loan of .1 drop of
biped , Is one of her own dlHcoverlun and Is
really the most Bclentltlc aud certainly sure
ctue method of IhlH an vauced ugu. Dr. Cad-
wt.ll ua practiced her profession In Homo of
ilia largest hotpltales throughout Ilia country.
Stub bat u superior lu treating aud illaguon-
ng of diseases , deformities , etc. She lias
lately opened an olllcu lu Omaha , Nebraska ,
where sUowjll upend a portion of each week
treating her many patients. N ° incurable
caiea accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination aud advice , one dollar to those
Dr , Ora Caldwell & Co. ,
Orttaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
* Address all mall to 104 Bed Bulldlug , Ouiaua
Low Rate
Summer Tours
To The Pacific Ccast :
* Daily low round trip rates to Port
land , Seattle , Taconm , Sun Fran
cisco , Los Angeles ntul Sun Diego ,
Slightly higher to include both
California and Puget Sound.
To Chicago
And Eastern Resorts :
Republican convention tickets on
sale June 12 to 16.
Daily low excursion rates to
Canada , Michigan , Wisconsin ,
Minnesota , Massachusetts and
New York tourists resorts ; also
low excursion rates to tourist re
sorts in Maine , New Hampshire ,
An American Tour
For Nebraska Teachers
Aud their friends. Excursion
will leave Lincoln , 4 p.m. June 27.
Will spend three or four days at
N. E. A , Convention in Cleveland ;
thence Buffalo , Niagara F.Uls
Toronto , St. Lawrence river by
steamer through Thousand Islands
aud over the Rapids , Montreal ,
Boston , Albany , down the Hudson
to New York , thence Philadelphia ,
Washington and Pittsbnrg. Ask
the agent for an ititieray and fill
imfortnfttioif or write the under
To Colorado
And Rocky Mountains :
1 }
Dally low rates to Colorado , Utha , Wyom
In ? , Black Bills aud Yellowstone- Park
Democratic coiivnutlou at Denver lu July
H&meseekers' Rates :
J'lnt aud third TueBilayu to the west , lu
.eluding the famous Big- Born Basin aud
Yellowstone Valley , where lariro tract * of
rich Irrigated lands are beluir opened for
jiettleiueut by the iroreruuieut aud by
prlfatiiCowpaiileH. Write D. Clem Deaver ,
.Uurllutrtou LaudHoeUers' Information
.Bureau. Omaha ; excellent business opeu-
la new trrowlntr towns.
'Write a brief dlscrlptou of your propobe.
.trip , and let us advise you bow to make It
Uw beat way at the least coat.
( Ticket Agent )
I , . W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. ,
u ( Omaha , Nebraska. )
We'fe Coming Home.
Continued from ilrst ttagc ,
grandest sitting for a fine picture
of all I have seen on this entire
.rip. On our way out to the
Military Academy we met two
full street car loads of young
ladies who are students in one of
the colleges for girls , They were
returning to their homes in the
city after the close of schoo for
the day and it was a grand sight
to behold. Perhaps as many as
ISO of these young ladies nicely
dressed in summer attire , giving
evidence from what we could sec
and judge of excellent health aud
genuine beauty , these character
istics being prevalent in the
majority of cases of these Texas
ladies , so far as we arc able to
judge from a passing glance , as
we so often had to take , but our
judgment of feminine beauty has
never been criticised to an alarm
ing extent by those more capable
ot judging and this thought
gives us pleasure and confidence
that we have not been mistaken
on this special occasion in pass
ing compliments on this group of
fine young ladies of the lone star
state of Texas.
I could not help but admire
the wonderful beauty of this
Texas scene and I was frank
enough to tell Mr. C. W. Morrow
my chaperon on this occasion ,
that I would rather have a
picture of this group of young
ladies , as seen on these two cars ,
as anything I have yet seen ,
You may wonder why and think
it strange that I should take
notice of such groups of young
manhood aud young womanhood
as I have just been telling you
about. How can you wonder
when I tell you these are some of
the greatest object lessons in my
life , when we realise by the
powers of volition and choice
these young people can build for
themselves characters that will
shine iu the realm of the moral
and intellectual world in the
capacity of the great and noble
men aud women of the earth ,
who by their exemplary lives ,
their uplifting deeds of kindness
and brotherly love , they may be
potent factors in bringing the
world to righteousness in leading
men and women to the haven of
rest , assuring for themselves
recognition to the 'great feast of
love when the answer is given to
the last roll call. On the other
hand , by the law of association
with characters that are degrad
ed , low , wicked and vicious Para
sites of the underworld , men and
women may become so deeply
steeped in sin and degredatiou
thai the laws of common decency
would scarcely recognize them as
belonerinrr to the fauiilv of the
human race , and this too almost
under the shadow and in the
shade of some of the great
churches of our land. Can you
wonder when a voice is telling us
to cry aloud and spare not. But
thanks to the good and noble
mem and women of earth aud to
the many grand institutions that
have for their aim the priceless
task of educating the youth of
our land the principles of justice
and righteousness , moral ethics
and sanitary cleanliness and a
personal responsibility in build
ing characters that will stand
the scrutinizing test of time and
meet the approbation of a just
God. And when I behold in
these pictures 1 have given you
of these young men aud young
women , their possibilities for
good in the world by these
systems of education and moral
training , how can it be other
wise but what they will help to
advance civic righteousness and
moral purity and be a great blessing
ing to the" world , an honor to
themselves and a guiding star to
some weary traveler , whose
beaten path has become darken
ed by some misfortune in life.
How I would enjoy the sweet
pleasure of clasping the hand of
these young ladies and young
men in friendly fellowship and
look into their intelligent faces ,
the index of the soul , aud bid
them God speed in bringing out
from the hidden and latent re
sources of the bratn powers
whereby an intellectual training
will bring out and develop from
these unseen faculties of the
brain characteristics that wil
carry a message of priceless
value to some of the darkened
corners of earth where ignorance
and superstition prevail , giving
to these and to those who by din
of choice inhabit thetlow ground :
of sorrow and haunts o ( vice ant
dens of infamy that demoralize
lifcs faculties and possibilities
for good. Destroying the afliiuity
for the peaceful hereafter and by
giving some living thoughts tha
will lift the veil from the covered
treasures of these dark and be
nighted lives that will help them
to be a higher plane where social
purity , moral intregrity aud
Christian living will make o'
these the finished product worthy
of a place umoiig the best Citi
zens of a God fearing and a God
loving people. Do I believe the
people of the world are growing
worse ? Nay , verily , nay ! Far
from this thought as I travel
about and come in contact with
my fellow men. I find so much
that is good in the world that we
have no time to waste in asso
ciating with evil ones , unless it
be for the purpose of helping to
higher standard of better
I must close this scene as the
daylight of another day is fast
receding and the evening shades
will soon close for us this day ,
which has been one of delightful
pleasure. A day I shall love to
remember in days and years that
come and go when the evening
twilight shall whisper sweet
nicssages to our soul , while the
twinkling stars shall look down
from their lofty habitations )
kissing the earth with their soft
mellow light fanned by the cool
ing breeze iu the restful , happy
eventide. And as I look over
the beautiful city of San Antonio
from the crest of the hilltops ,
viewing the many lovely plazas
and parks , the magnificent resi
dences , picturing the grandeur
aud beauty of elegant homes , see
the towering church steeples
pointing their glittering spires
heavenward from all parts of the
city , I rest my eyes a moment
and behold , I look again in
countless numbers I see the many
large fine buildings of various
architectural designs , giving
beauty of variety and elegance
to architecture.
Judging from the beautiful
heights that surround the city of
the Alamo , the Great Architect
of the universe was especially
kind to the territory in which
"The Alamo City" is the center.
San Antonio is situated within
easy reach of the coast in a
valley surrounded on three sides
by elevations that aspire to the
dignity of hills with gushing
springs at their base , creating
picturesque streams which wind
themselves in fantastic contours
to the gulf.
'Tis here nestles the hand
somest city in the country and
the metropolis of the state of
Texes. I1 rein desirable positions
on Government Hill , Alamo
Heights , West End Heights ,
Prospect Heights.South Heights
and other aristocratic elevations ,
in full view the leading com
mercial center of the southwest
presents an enchanting scene
with its stately edifices , both
public and private , with its
typical and tropical plazas , parks
and squares , each artistically
conceived , attractively developed
and equitably distributed , and
with its tree lined network of
well kept streets and avenues.
Thirteen miles of the San
Antonio river , ten miles of the
San Pedro Creek and seven miles
of the old Spanish Acequia are
within the City limits , necessitat
ing the use of 2488 bridges of all
classes , to make accessible the
traffic over 438 miles of streets.
These water ways are lined with
tall pecan , cotton wood and oak
trees all carrying gracefully and
majestically the ages they num
ber. The wooded lines marking
the course of the streems , streets
and avenues , together with the
22 plazas , 'parks and squares ,
luxariant in tropical and semitropical -
tropical growth , present a very
attractive scene when viewed
from the surrounding elevations ,
suggestive of well kept grounds
adjoining a palace duplicated
upon an immense scale. An un
dulating country surrounds the
city as though arranged by
Divine hands with an eye single
to the beautiful sections of tues-
quite and huisache timber , alter
nate with wide stretches of
turf covered levels , over which
liberally distributed are flowers
of every convcivable hue , exhalt-
ing delicate odors , which are
caught by the passing zephyrs
and wafted to and fro through
highways and byways , fraterniz
ing with atoned breezes from the
gulf of Mexico , places the stamp
of perfect health upon the cheeks
of the inhabitants , and in con
nection with the desirable
climate insures the national
reputation San Antonio enjoys
as being one of the most attract
ive and desirable tourist resoYt
on the continent.
With this short sketch of
beautiful San Antonio , I must
close and give my readers a short
skcth of the historical old Alamo
that I promised my readers in
the early part of my story.
The most that I shall have to
say in regard to the Alamo , wil
be gathered from the pages ol
history andvwill be so understood
by those who may read this part
of iny story. I cannot here give
a full and complete history of
the Alamo , while it would be
interesting and fascinating , I
know it would necessitate too
much space and impose too much
work upon the editorial staff of
the HiU'UBUCAN , who have al
ready shown much patience and
forbearance in giving so much
space , and will continue this
narrative of my trip to its com
pletion in their paper , and also
for the arranging of publishing
and the placing of it in book
form for the writer , for this
kindness I shall ever feel grate
I now take up the story of the
Alamo with the understanding
I am indebted to the Business
Men's Club of San Antonio for
quotations from their folder
entitled "Beautiftl San Antonio ,
Texas , " also Henry Ryder Taylor
aud Chas. II. Stanford for in
formation taken from their book
entitled "History of the Alamo
and other Missions. " The lead
ing mission is of course Alamo ,
which is aply called the cradle ol
Texas liberty and which was
baptised with the blood of heros
who so gloriously fell in its de
fense March 6 , 1836.
It was originally known as the
Mission of San Antonio de
Valero , being named after San
Anthony of Padua and the Duke
de Valero , a Spanish Viceroy.
It is said to have been first es
tablished in the Cienagua of the
Rio Grande , 1793 , thence re
moved to San Ildephonso and
the Rio Grande. After this it
was removed to San Pedro
Springs , thence to the Military
Plaza and afterwards to where it
is now located. The foundation
stone was laid in 1744 but the
corner stone bears the date 1757.
Probably this was when the
building was completed and used.
It was secularized by royal de
gree in 1757. Alamo means
cotton wood and it is said the
name of the building was derived
from the fine cotton wood trees
that surround the building , but
it is more probable .that it was
so called from the first garrison
that came here from Fort Alamo
de Paris in the province of
Coahuila , to which Texas was
then attached. It was first used
as a church and for protection
from the Indians , but it after
wards became a fortress and was
the scene of many conflicts be
tween the Texans and Mexicans.
The architecture is very plain , if
we except the beautiful carved
doorway and pillars. In the
niches were statues , but they
have been destroyed , There
were only upper windows at one
time to prevent the Indians from
shooting the inmates. Indeed it
is thought by many that they were
innovations. The main chapel
is laid out in the form of a cross
and is 75 bv 62 feet. The walls
are 4X feet thick and 22J4 feet
high. Originally the Chapel
had an arched ceiling covered by
a flat gravel roof. Adjoining it
on the north side Hugo Smeltzer
Company property was the con
vent and around was a stockade
and wall enclosing a large part
of the Plaza. This convent part
is that part of the Alamo recent
ly purchased by the state from
the Daughters of the Hepublic.
In this was the prison and
barracks. Santa '
Ana's bom
bardment destroyed the arched
roof of the chapel and consider
ably demolished the walls. Some
years after a roof was put on the
chapel and upper new ilooring
pu in and it was used by the
Military department as a ware
house , and later by' the late
Honore Grenet for the same pur
pose , much to the disgust of
visitors who regretted the dese
The property belonged to the
Roman Catholic diocese of San
Antonio. The Hugo Smpltzer
Company bought the site of the
convent , where the store is , and
the state purchased the Alamo.
It was then cleared of the debris
aud fittings of \yare house and
placed as it is seen today many
interesting relics arc exhibited
there , and it is now owned and
controlled by the Daughters of
the Republic of Texas , " subject
to future state legislation.
The defense of the Alamo is a
heroic picture , realistic m fact ,
and at the same time , ideal aud
romantic. The picture is unpar-
alled iu history and there is no
wonder Texans are proud of it
and venerate the heroes who made ,
such a grand defense and by it
laid the foundation of freedom
for this glorious lone star state ,
the empire state of our great re
I will now give a brief story of
the Alamo as told by Charles 11.
Stanford. He says , in order ,
however , that it may be under
stood , I must relate the condition
of affairs in Texas at the time of
the memorable siege of the Alamo.
The Texans were oppressed by
tyranny and injustice and when
Santa Anna became dictator of
Mexico , of which Texas was then
a provincetheir condition became
worse. The legislature of COa-
huila was forcibly dissolved and
petitions for redress were con
temptuously ignored. The last
straw came when Santa Anna
sought to deprive the Texans of
arms , the only means they had of
defense from Indians and to ob
tain game for food.
General Ugartechea , on S.anta
Ann's instructions , sent tt > Gonzales -
zales to secure a cannon held
there and given citizens for pro
tections from Indians that were
troublesome and dangerous. The
citizens railroad refused to de
liver the cannon and the Mexicans
sought forcibly to take it. Then
followed the first encounter be
tween Texans and Mexicans and
in the end the latter were de
feated and retired to San Antonio.
A little later a band of Texans
captured the fortress of La Bahio
( Goliad ) . This open rebellion
to Mexican authority meant war
or the yielding of "a far worse
condition. The Texaus insisted
on the rights granted them under
the Mexican national laws of 1824 ,
which Santa Anna had violated
and seeing no other means of
gaining it , organized a little
army to enforce their demands
and Stephen F.Austin was chosen
as commander. The Texans en
camped around the missions on
the environs of San Antonio
which was the fortress of Texas.
This was at the end of the year
Then followed the battle of
Mission Concepciou and the grass
fight in which Texaus were vic
torious and suffered little loss.
To strike an effective blow at
Mexico and to provide quarters
for Texans at this inclement sea
son was most desirable. The
only question was how the Texans
would carry the fortress against
an overwhelmling force. Austin
retired from command being one
of the commissioners detailed by
the provisional government to
collect funds in the northern and
eastern states and General Bur-
leson succeeded to the command.
There was a delay in the at
tack on San Antonio and much
grumbling by the adventurous
spirits. Then came Ben Milam ,
who , securing Burleson's consent ,
raised the memorable cry of ,
"Who will go with Old Ben
Milam into San Antonio ? " In
a few minutes three hundred men
had pledged themselves to follow
Milam , and among them were the
New Orleans grays , who had re
cently reinforced the Texans.
That night Milam's men were
quartered secretly at the Moline
Blanco on the northern outskirts
of San Antonio , and next morn
ing , under command of Milatn
and Frank Johnsonthey attacked
the northern end of San Antonio.
It was a courageous and desper
ate act and the Mexicans met the
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Broken Bow , - - Nebraska
Texaus with cannon sTTarpnel and
fusiladea of muskets and then
followed a most Uniqut warfare.
The Texans took the city , house
by house , capturing one then
rushing to the Other and taking
it and so went on till they got to
the heart of the city. On the
fourth day Milam fell , shot
through the head. On the third
day Johnson took the command ,
dnd Morris , of the New Orleans
grays , took Johnson's place. The
Mexican Gene&l Cos' finding he
could not dislodge the Texans
and no doubt over-estimating
their number , raised a flag of
truce and capitulated , and soon
after he and his men evacuated
the city on parole , leaving the
Texans in triumphant and peace
ful possession of it on Dec. 14 ,
It may be said that , having
conquered San Antonio , the Tex
an colonists were in possession of
the whole state and there seemed
to be an idea that Mexico would
permit the Texans to create an
independent state as provided for
in the laws of 1824 , and in that
case there is little doubt that
jthey would have agreed to become
.the one of the federated states of
Concluded next week.
Estate of , Patrick. Tehon , deceased , lu
County Court of Custer County , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , to all persons in
terested lu sata estate , take notice , tliat a
petition has been tiled for the appointment
ot Bertha. OVenon as administratrix of said
estate , which has been set for hearing here
in , on the 27th ot July.lWW , at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated June S3,1003.
[ SEAL ] Je20-jylB County Judge.
Estate of Virginia U. Dean dceased , in
County Court of ouster County , Nebraska.
The state of Nebraska , to ail persons In
terested In said estate , take notice , that II.
J. Slilnu has tiled a anal account and report
of his administration , and a petition for Una !
settlement and discharge as such , and for
ever ilndlng and determining the heirs of said
estate which have been set for hearing be
fore said court on July 24,1008 , at 10 o'clock
a. m. , when you may appear and contest the
Dated June 30,1008. A. K. HOMPHREY ,
SEAL Jy 3-30 County Judge ,
Department of the Interior. United Stated
Laud Office at Broken Bow , Nebr. . June lb.J < U.
Notice is hereby given that James M. Law-
der , of BrokenHow. Nebr. , who. on March 31 ,
1WO , made homestead No. UOJ3 , for aK n\v
lots 3-4 , sec. 1 , Township 1 * * , north ,
Range 23 , west 6th principal merldaa ,
has filed notice of intention to make final 5 year
proof , to establish claim tJ the laud above des
cribed , before Register and Receiver , at Broken
Bow , Nebr. , on the 24th day.of July , 1W3.
Claimant names as witnesses : Frank : Wit-
mes , of Round Valley , Nebr. , Bert Francois , ot
Broken Bow , Nebr. , La Fayette Oxford , of
Broken Bow. Nebr , , Charles Oxford , of Broken
Bow. Nebr. JOHN RBBSB ,
Je-IH-Jy-23 Register.
Department of the Interior , United States
Land Office at Lincoln , Nebr. , June 39 , 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that Oscar H.Flnney ,
of Broken Bow , Nebr. , who , on April IS , 1907 ,
made homestead No. 18591 , for the nwj < sew ,
section 22 , township 10 north range ao.wesvof
Oth principal meridian , has tiled notice ot in
tention to make Qnal.commutatlon proof , to
establish claim to the laud above described ,
before A. U. Humphrey , County Judge , of
Custer County , at Broken Bow , Nebraska , oa
the 7th day 01 August , 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses- Herman
oodruff , William Albright. Ed. W. Sim
mons , Newton Q. Wright , all of Broken Bow ,
Jy2-JySO Register
In the District Court , Custer County , Ne
braska. Annie E. Darrett.vs.Thomas Steph-
cuson , et al.
ToThomas Stepheuson and Peter Rasmussen. :
You'and each of you are hereby uottnuil
that on the 18th day of June , A. D. 1908 , Xhe
plaintiff , Annie E. Barrett , tiled her petition
In the District.Court of Ouster County , Ne
braska , against you aud each of you aud W.
E , Warren , the object and prayer of which
are to quiet title lu and to the said Annie K.
Barrett to the south west quarter of the south
east quarter of section tweuty one (21) , town
ship eighteen (18) ( ) , north , range twenty three
(23) ( , west ot the Oth P. M. , Custer County , Nt > - ,
braska , and further praying that you , the
said Thomas Stephensou aud each and every
person claiming through aud under you be
estopped and forever enjoined from claim-
lug any right , title aim Interest In aud to
said premises or molesting plaintiff , her
successors , heirs or assigns lu the peaceable
enjoyment of the same. You will take fur
ther notice , that-the plaintiff will take the
depositions of Peter Rasmusseu , one of the
defendants' herein before competent author
ity offlce of Cl. M , Sheldon , iu the
city of Tomahawk , county of Lincoln , state
of Wisconsin , on the 24th day ot July , A. D.
1908 , at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , in support
of the allegations ot said petition.
You- are required to answer said petition
on or before the 3rd day ot August , A. D. 190S ,
or the allegations therein will be taken as
true and judgment rendered accordingly.
Her Attorney.
Consult htm If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
East Side of Suqare
Photographs , Edison aud Columbia
Phonographs and records.
Ageuls tor Chickering , Ivers and Pond
and Star Pianos.
We can save you monoy.
Real Estate and Loans
rQ. . CONRAD ,
Dealer In. . . .
Fumpi.WInd , Mills , Tanka. Fitting ! , Qatollns
Sngtnea , etc. etc.
Uroken Bow , Nobntka.
Practical Undertaker
&e Llonsed Embalmer
liusltiesa phone , 301. Residence 3340
w , Mt > .