Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 02, 1908, Image 7

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A Pioneer of Colorado and Nebraska.
Matthias Campbell , veteran of the
Civil War and two Indian wars , and
n plonoer of Colorado
rado , now living a *
218 East NcbrnskP
otrcot , Ulalr , Neb , ,
says : "I hud such
pains In my back
for a long tlmo that
I could not turn in
bed , and at times
there wan an almost
total stoppage of
the urine. My wife and I have both
used Doan's Kidney Pills for what doc
tors diagnosed as advanced kidney
troubles , and both of us havo. been
completely cured. "
Sold by all dealers. CO cents a box.
Fostcr-MIlburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Deportment of Colored Gentleman a
Matter of Admiration.
Little Elsie , who had recently re
turned1 from a visit to Washington ,
was describing to her companion some
of the wonderful things she had ob
served In the Capitol City.
"One evening , " said she , breathless
ly , "papa took mo to have supper at
a grand hotel where the dining room
was awfully big , and at the tables
around us sat great senators and iep-
representatives with their wires , all
drinking champagne ! "
"I suppose the manners of these
great persons were perfect ? " ventured
her companion , with widened eyes.
"Yes , " returned Elsie. "Hut , " she
added , with a sudden burst of enthusi
asm , "tho deportment of the colored
gentlemen who served the wine was
perfectly beautiful ! " \
"Aro you Interested In things
psychical , Mr. Dubbs ?
"No , Miss Culchaw ; I haven't
wheeled any slnco the chalnless-geared
T safety came In. "
' Sheer white goods , In fact , any fine
wash goods when new , owe much ol
their attractiveness to the way they
are laundered , this being done In a
manner to enhance their textile beau
ty. Homo laundering would be equal
ly satisfactory If proper attention was
given to starching , the first essential
being good Starch , which has sufficient
strength to stiffen , without thickening
the goods. Try Defiance Starch and
you will bo pleasantly surprised at the
Improved appearance of your work.
Peace for Once.
"I tell you , Judson Is a slick chap , "
laughed Silas Ryetop. "Ho took hla
wife to Washington and kept her In
the congressional library four hours. "
"WJiat did ho do that for ? " asked
Iliratn Hardapplo.
"Why , begosh , they fine you If you
talk In that building , and for four
hours she didn't speak a word. "
Why She Asked.
"Havo you over kissed a girl bo-
fora ? " she asked.
> "Why do you put that question tome
mo ? " lie replied.
"I only wished to know whether It
was lack of experience or natural
awkwardness that made you go about
It In such a ridiculous way. "
"Mrs. Plnklmm , of the LydIa E.
Plnkham Medicine Company of Lynn ,
Mass. , together with her son , Arthur
W. Plnkham , and the younger mem
bers of her family , sailed for Naples
on May 20th for a three months' tour
throughout Europe and a much needed
vacation. "
Jersey Legislation.
"That was a disgusting slap the gov
ernor took at our bills. " said the Now
Jersey legislator.
"Seemed to Irritate him as much as
mosquito bills , " admitted the disgrun
tled colleague.
When you meet with men or wortn
think how you may attain their level ;
when you see those of an opposite
character , look within and examine
" yourself. Confucius.
One ofthe
of the happy homes of to-day is a vast
v fund of information as to the best methods
of promoting health and happiness and
right living and knowledge of the world's
best products.
Products of actual excellence and
reasonable ' claims truthfully presented
and which have attained to world-wide
acceptance through the approval of the
Well-informed of the World ; not of indi
viduals only , but of the many who have
the happy faculty of selecting and obtain
ing the best the world affords.
Ono of the products of that class , of
known component parts , an Ethical
remedy , approved by physicians and com
mended by the Well-informed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well-known Syrup of Figj
and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial
effects always buy' the genuine , manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co %
\ only , and fur sale by all leading druggists.
Independence Bell
A Poem Tliat Has Been Read Tor
Years That Is Worth Heading
Aualn Who Wrote It ?
When It ticcRRie certain that the Deelnrntlon
of Independence would br ndorted nrul con
firmed by the denatures of the dvleftalet In the
Continental Corufrra * It vms determined to an
nounce the everft by rlnsrlnir the old State House
bell , which bore the inscription. "ProclAtn litirtv
Ij I'te lanlt lo til InluttiUiti theivefl" ami tlir old
bellman iiosteil his Rr ndrn at the door of the
hall to nwnlt the Instruction of the doorkeeper
when to tine. At the word that the docu
ment had been signed the lltt'lc patriot rclon
rushed out and ninelnft up his hands shouted.
"Kin > jl Rlnel RING I"
There was a tumult in the city ,
In the quaint old Quaker town ,
And the Directs were rife with people
Pacing restless up and down ;
People gathering nt corners ,
Where they whispered cnch to each ,
And the sweat stood on their temples ,
With the earnestness of speech.
As the bleak Atlantic currents
Lash the wild Newfoundland shore ,
So they beat ngninct the State House ,
So they surged against the door ;
And the mingling of their voices
Made a harmony profound ,
Till the quiet street of chestnuts
Was all turbulent with sound.
"Will they do it ? " "Dare they do it ? "
"Who is "What's "
speaking ? the news ?
"What of Adams-"What of Shcrman-
"Oh 1 God grant they won't refuse I"
"Make some way there l"-"Let me nearer lr
"I am stifling 1" "Stifle , then ,
When a Nation's life's at hazard
We've no time to think of men t"
So they beat against the portal ,
Men and women , in aid and child ;
And the July sun In heaven
On the scene looked down and smiled ;
The same sun that saw the Spartan
Shed his patriot blood in vain
Now beheld the soul in freedom
All unconqucrcd , rise again. M ,
So they surged against the State House ,
While , all solemnly inside ,
Sat the "Continental Congress , "
Truth and reason for their guide ,
O'er a simple scroll debating
Which , though simple it might be
Yet should shake the cliffs of England
With the thunders of the free.
At the portal of the State House ,
Like some beacon in a storm ,
Round which waves ore wildly beating ,
Stood a boyish , slender form ;
With his eyes fixed on the steeple
And his ears agape with greed
To catch the first announcement
Of the "signing" of the deed.
Aloft , in that high steeple ,
Sat the bellman , old and gray-
He was weary of the tyrant
And his iron-sceptered sway ,
So he sat , with one hand ready
On the clapper of the bell ,
When his eye should catch the signal.
The happy news to tell.
See I see ! The dense crowd quivers
Through all its lengthy line ,
As the boy beside the portal
Looks forth to give the sign !
With his small hands upward lifted ,
Breezes dallying with his hair ,
Hark ! with deep , clear intonation ,
Breaks his young voice on the air.
Hushed the people's swelling murmur ,
List the boy's strong , joyous cry I
"Ring , " he shouted , "RingI Grandpa I
Ring I Oh ! Ring I for Liberty ! "
And straightway , at the signal ,
The old bellman lifts his hand ,
And sends the good news making
Iron music through the land.
How they shouted ! what rejoicing !
How the old bell shook the air ,
Till the clang of freedom ruffled
The calm gliding Delaware !
How the bonfires and the torches
Illumined the night's repose ,
And from the flames , like Phoenix ,
Fair Liberty arose.
The old bell now is silent ,
And hushed its iron tongue ,
But the spirit it awakened
Still lives forever young ,
And while we greet the sunlight
On the Fourth of each July ,
We'll ne'er forget the bellman ,
Who , 'twixt the earth and sky ,
Which , please God , shall never die.
Firecracker What you lingering
'round here for , Mr. Rocket ? Thought
you were going off on the Fourth.
Rocket Why , the fact Is , the little
hey with mo went off before 1 did and
hasn't got back from the hospital yet.
and I nm waiting for him. ( Judge.
Get out the declaration and read it
again. Perhaps there may bo a few
points you have forgotten. Oh , by the
, have you over read It ?
Everett's eulogy on independence
V V * V .
DEED which neither France nor England , Greece nor
Rome , ever witnessed was done In Independence Hall ,
in the cltn of Philadelphia ; a deed that cannot be
matchQd in the historu of the world. That old Hall
should forever be kept sacred as the scene of such a
deed. Let the rains of heaven distil ocntlu on Its roof , and the
storms of winter beat softlu on its door. As each successive
generation of those who have been benefited bu the great Declara
tion made within its walls shall make their pilgrimage to that
shrine , mau then think it not unseemly to call its walls salvation
and its gates praise. Edward Everett.
Is possible to hold Fourth of
IT July celebrations In the shadow
of the structure which saw the
birth and signing of the Declara
tion of Independence , the most potent
doctrine for freedom In the history of
the world , and the nation has , not Ig
nored the opportunity.
There are many patriotic Ameri
cans who make It a duty on
July 4 to Journey to Philadelphia , a
pilgrimage to the shrine of liberty ,
there to raise their voices In thanltu
and rejoicing for the great deed that
was there accomplished.
Slnco that day , now distant . 131
years , when Charles Thomson , rlsTiig
In his chair , read for the first time the
final draft of that momentous docu
ment which Thomas Jefferson wrote ,
but which underwent many changes
before meeting with the final approval
of the delegates to the continental
congress , not an Independence day
has been permitted to pass without a
proper celebration In the public square
back of Independence hall.
Presidents of the United States , sen
ators , representatives , justices of the
highest courts , and even foreign am
bassadors have poured forth their elo
quence at liberty's cradle. The
municipal authorities of the city of
Philadelphia are careful to see to It
that some distinguished man Is always
on hand as orator of the day.
The pomp of military circumstance
has sometimes been called upon to
lend prestige to the occasion , and the
best musicians of the land have been
proud to play patriotic airs In the
shadow of the steeple where hung the
bell that so singularly fulfilled the pro
phetic mission assigned it 21 years
before to "proclaim liberty through
out the land. "
The location of the hall lends itself
to purposes of public celebration.
There Is ample room , both front and
back , for the building stands well
back from the pavement , so that a
largo company can gather In front.
In the rear , the beautiful Indepen
dence square , there Is still more
space , and thousands assemble to lis
ten to the orations , and hear the
Declaration of Independence read.
This latter Is really the distinctive
feature of Fourth of July celebrations
In Independence square. The day
would not seem properly observed
with this omitted.
It is a notable record of which
every American may be proud that
not a Fourth of July 1ms passed slnco
we have been a nation , without the In
spired words being uttered again to
the air that heard them first.
The first reading of the declaration
was that by Charles Thomson , the
secretary of congress , when ho an
nounced the completed paper to the
men who had framed It. Thomson
did not , however , read the declaration
from the balcony of Independence hall
to the people crowded outside to hear
for the first tlmo In 'what terms the
colonists should tell King George that
his control of the 13 colonies was at
an end.
That privilege was reserved for
John Nixon , ti prominent member of
the committee of safety. In honor of
the occasion , delegates to the congress
filed out In the July sunshine to listen
to the sacred words.
Later , long years after , Edwin For
est , the most noted of American ac
tors , whose love for patriotism and the
Institutions of his country was deeper
oven than his regard for the atage ,
stood on the same spot , and on a
Fourth of July morning read the words
of Jefferson , as no man has read them
before or since. A great crowd was
present , perhaps the largest ever as
sembled , and the actor during and aft
er the reading was cheered again and
Foicst esteemed- the Declaration of
Independence an the best single pleco
of composition In existence , valuing It
even above his beloved Shakespeare.
Two years after the llrat Fourth of
July , there occurred a celebration In
Independence square that had a spe-
rial significance. The advance of the
British , and their occupation of Phil
adelphia during the winter of 1777-
1778 , had forced congress lo leave the
Quaker city and go lo York.
After the evacuation congress re-
tumiod July 2 and a grand celebration
of the recurrence of Ihe promulgation
of the declaration was held , In which
nearly the entire population of Phila
delphia joined. Chevalier Conrad Al
exander Gerard of France , the first
minister over accredited to the United
States from any power , was an Inter
ested spectator.
During the centennial In Philadel
phia there wan naturally a notable
demonstration , and no less a person
than Don Pedro , emperor of Brazil ,
sat among those who cheered the sen-
tlments that had sounded the downfall
of monarchy In this country , and were
llnally to take his tlyono from the
ruler of Brazil.
In later years , another representa
tive of a foiclgn country was the cen
tral figure at Independence square.
Wu Ting Fang , Chinese minister ,
spoke there with line eloquence , and
made one , of the best speeches cred
ited to him In his many felicitous utter
ances In this country.
The anomaly that ho was the envoy
of one of the most absolute of mon
archies did not prevent the celesllul
from palntihg In most graphic phrase
what the venerable building stood for.
During his first administration ,
Grover Cleveland , president of the
United States , came to Philadelphia
one Fourth of July and , standing on a
platform raised on the square , ap
pealed to the young manhood of Amer
ica that the great lessons of 177(5 ( bo
not Ignored.
Samuel .1. Randall , Judge Kellcy ,
Gen. Grant , Lewis Cassldy have also
figured prominently In Fourth of July
celebrations there.
During the admlnlslratlon of Mayor
Warwick , himself an orator of genuine
gifts , every > car was niado the oc
casion of notable demonstrations to
which were Invited men of national
Under the direction of the governor
of Pennsylvania a work of Incalculable
Interest hrta been finished at Valley
Forge park by the state.
Valley Forgo has a close relation
ship with Independence day , and the
old camp Hlte has proved a Mecca on
July to thousands of Americana who
como fiom all over the union to pay
a tribute lo the fathers of the United
Status who Buffered and died on this
historic spot. Practically the entire
Hlte has been reserved. A chapi-1
has been orc-cted on the spot where
Washington was discovered at prayer
At the moment Valley Forgo park
comprises about 175 acres. It IB
properly policed and cared for by
workmen , whoso duly 11 Is to keep the
roads and the entire park In perfect
Public Inlorost has kept pace with
the work. On Mqniorlal day 1,500 per
sons reglatercd ut the headquarters ,
and this Is probably not one-fourth of
those who wore In the park.
Anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 Amer
icans will flltlngly celehrato July ! ,
1008 , by going over Iho ground , on
which their heroic forefathers under
went the sufforlngs that made Indo
peudcnce posslblo.
He Had Broken Somethjng ,
Mrs Wilson had n .uning Japanese
oorvant who had a habit nf trjun ;
to conceal from hla inintroau any
breakage of dishes of which ho
chanced to bo guilty. The good Indy
explained that U waa wicked to do-
colvo , and directed the Japanese to
toll her whenever ho broke anything.
The boy promised to do as she ad
vised. Ono day , while Mrs. Wllnon
wan ontorlalnlng omo friends In the
pfirlor , the Japitncne sirthloiily ap
peared In the doorway. His tooth
were bared In a childlike nmllo , and
his eyes sparkled with the light of COM-
ucIotiH vlitno :
"Moesa Wlraon , you tcr-ra mo. when
break somenlng to ter-ra you. I hi oak
my piuitH ! " Suceeim Magarlno.
With n omooth Iron and Defiance
Starch , you can liutmlcr your shirt
waist just as well at homo us the
atoam laundry can ; It will have the
proper otlffncss and tlntsh , tlioiu will
bo loss wear and tear of the goods ,
and It will bo a positive pleasure to
UBO n Starch that docs not stick to the
Business Amounts to Something.
Last year Brazil nccdod over 20,000-
000 jute bags to hold the year's coftro
production. Each bag coals Iho nhlp-
pors a trlflo over 18 fonts. The busi
ness of making cortco bags thus
amounted last year to nearly $1,000-
Try Murlne Eye Remedy
For Red. Wonk , Wwuy , WiiU-ry Eycu.
Mtirino Doesn't t bootlicn Kyo I'nm.
All DniRKistH Sell Murino at GOcK The 48
1'ngo Hook in cnch 1'kp. is worth Doll.iro
in every home. AH ! < your UiuRKist.
Muiine Kyo Ilcmcdy Co. , Chicago.
Lotteries Pay Dig Dividends.
Nearly $100,000 Is spent In Mexico
City evcfry wcok on lottery tickets and
In the name period only about $70,000
Is paid back In premiums.
It Cures While You Walk.
Allen'B Foot-Kimo in n certnin cure for
hot , inventing , cnllouH , mid swollen , nching
feet. Sold by all Druggi'tR. Pricfl 25c. Don't
accept any sulwtltute. Trial pnckago FUIM3.
Address Allen S. Olmstcd , Lo Roy , N. Y.
Life's Foolish Period.
About the tlmo a boy commences
to think about smoking , n girl com
mences to think about flirting.
Lewis' Single Binder atrntuht Cc eiqnr ! n
good qimlity all the time. Your dealer or
Lewis' Factory , Peorin. 111.
A man's onomlcs anxiously await an
opportunity to moot hlu widow.
3MrVlntlow' Honltilnrc Hypmi.
For cblMrnn leolUInK , foflem Urn RIIITU , reuuoai ! &
Umrnation , Allays rMn.curfci wmatollo. lien bottle.
Race horses and watch OB should gofer
for all they are worth.
ix ami btautlflei Ui * hilr.
1'romotoj n Iniurlatit growth.
Ifeuor Falls to Hnntoro ft ray
Hair to 1m youthful Color.
Corel iculpI" ! IM fc tihlr Itllhjr.
fOc.nMjl.ftl at lrad U
Aftermiffcring forsovon yenvc ,
this \voinim AUiHivstorodtohcnlth
by Ij.vdlft I'j.PinKIinm'H ' Vegetable
Compound.Itcud her Idler.
j\lt-H. \ Sullio , of Paw aunln ,
Ind. Tori , writes to Jlrg. :
" 1 had female troubles for rveu
ycara wan till run-down , and oo ner
vous I cpultl not do anything. The
doctors treated mo for different troubles
but diet mo no pood. While in this con *
dltlon I wrote to Mrs. PinUham for ml
vice and toolc Lyilia E. I'lnlcham's Vcpo-
table Compound , and 1 am now strong
mid well. "
For thirty ycura Lydia E. Pinlc-
hnm's Vegetable Compound , made
from roots nud herbs , 1ms been the
standard remedy for fcunalo ills ,
and has positively cmed thousands of
women. who have boon troubled with
displacements , inflammation , ulceration -
tion , ilbroirl tumors , iiTccularitios ,
ixM'iodio pains , bucltaclio , that boar-
inK.dowrifcolin , lu\ [
Why don't you try it ?
Don't licsUnto to wJto to Mrs.
Plnklmm 1C tlievo is anything
al'out. your yon do not
Uiulcrstnixi. SJtaivill treat your
free. No Avoinnn over rcjjrrctlctl
writing her , uu < J because of her
vast experience slio lias helped
thousands. Address , Lynn ,
Typtcnl Farm Scene , Showing Stock Halting la
Bomoof lie < 1lioli' < "itln > ii'tnrpri ln growing" ,
Ktix'lt rnlpliiK ami inl.ird fixviiitntr In tliuncw Old-
IrlctH of HnnlcnU'hcuim nnil Albnrtn npvc 10-
irutly been Opened for bettlement unJci1 tlio
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry nmy now lie tnntlo \ > y proxy ( oi\crrtntn
condltfotiH ; , by ttioYtillioi'i iJoilKT , Kepi iTiuifitf
tcr , briillier or. uliitor of nn IntcnclliU JUiino-
inch u n tluui now cnMy | uvnllnlilg lu tlicpe
ircnt ir lu.roupliiii liloou-ralslni ; iimrmUcil
'Diorc you vlll limit VnUMnl cllmrvle ,
nclfiliboro , ohiuvhoHforfninlly wOinlirif.
for yniir elilMirn , KOIX ! IOWH , HplviuUil
ami rnllroivdu convenient to imvrl.ct.
Knlry fro In caoli oiutn 1(431000. ( lror pnmpb-
let , "Cam lU-Ht Went , " iMirtuiilnrn ! iy to riitvn ,
ToiiloH , beat tlmo to go nnil where to locate ,
apply to
801 New Yotk llt nulMlatf. Omihi , Itehtsta ,
st t 'irurclstB or by mail.
Bam | > io PTlCK. .Mldrcxi ,
Trlbati * lllda , . HlliT Value.
IIBO WS'Hnrtor NEW LAW obinlmxl
u. a.
JES I Thompson's Eye Water
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 26 , 1908.
Your Bisiidiog JWeeS EJke ? M $ witla Ho-Iar
leather. Costs less and lasls lonrcr than Bhlneles , Iron or Bteel.
Won't run In the hot iun. ThobuU < Unzthatlia8o"No-Tar"Koofprotectlonv7linastJonKest.
, cceplel ! by nil Rra Iniuranco Companies , who charge 23 percent lean for Insuring
bitlldlimg prottctuU by "No-Tar" Uoollni : than for bulWlt s with shlnclo roofs.
For Store Buildings and Factories d' | .
lint or steep roofs than tin or travel rooflng.VU1 not rot. rust or rtTor
For Rarn < * and OllJ-Vmilrlindo "ffo-Ter" Rooting IB made In varions
, \ . , - , yulDUliaingS welchts.formiHortsofbuIldlncs. Noth
ing better or cheaper { or aldlnfl booaec , outbuIltfnSs.otc. Alljolnt waer-tl ( bl.nNoTnr"
Kooflnir keeps stock nnrt poultry snutr , safe nnd warm In coldest wcnthcr. Quick and
easy to Jay. Exceedingly popular among farmers , otock raisers and youltrytucu.
For Hoif ? ! ; "No-Tar" RooIiniJ will add Immensely to the r.ppcnrancoof yotirreil-
. 7 . . . , ; "vncnca. Use It on your now bouso or cover the old. leaky ahuiElo root
with No-Tor" Roofing and avoid disaster from w.itcr or fire. "No-Tar" Koofiqu U *
non-conductor of heat or colfl. Kccpa your bouse wurm lu the wlctcr and cool la the sum
mer. Try It on your porch or kitchen.
You can Icnrn Low fo roof
with "MO-TAR" easily.
1FrAf V/tnF "Rnntr T 1' book tell ? How to Do Your
rree Jtvoor COOK
owni < ooiin . " Tciisiiowtomnko Wcalher-PfOQlCullcrs
Valleys. Gutters , Flmhlncs , etc. How tojuenuuron Hoof. Ks- To Imiulrer
plains the M hole roofioir proposition , Wosrndthn bookVKEE , Oni ) every I'rruonrUiUIeriinil wo
postpala , oo request. Out No-Tar" Koofinir from your local Vullvy Dwlilot , pUcwIna
dealer. Special nails and cement I'RKK. lion to tnaku ruet-r-rooc
free oampies QnmnlAQ -e&tSanplool..No.Tlu.Koo Voof > yhenyr enayoathePrfo , . Ctwt unit BU'l of TuilpyabC water. tlu. tltht ono-UUrO Kuttet *
InK wo will tell you tea wiyi la test U and provo Its bupcilority to Mo-Tar Coaling
any othe ' Kor nny hlnfl ofrctit ot
' .nq wof
The Ifieppes 60. limit. OllB-Vhlr.l coet of
. m so. 45thAvc. , Chicago lina ; uoil oil. Uonnlur-
Mo. luitlr. neulliet.
Dealers. Aljtntion-'Wrlto for PRKIJ PLAN , br wtlch you roof uua piofrnt * ruit-
ejin quickly bulM up a profitable Roofing IJepaitment. 'rV'e Klvo C ft. , HBroni e "IIj
dealer * wonderful osilstance la mcotlagiad ovcrtomiinf com- rll Uol black flnlib.
petltlou. Quality wing. Jli.clil prlci S-f > r. tka.
Ko-Tar d alon
- ttJl | U