ONIt DOUUVR PBK VUAK. ADVHKTISINC ! RATES. Where mailer In net or wood IiaiieelcctrntypcH A ilM price of UMccntH per liicli , lnirle > column , for each liiRertlon , two or moru liinortloiiH. Special poMtloit , nlnalo Insertion. 15 cent * per Inch. Metal batto electron , two or moru tlmcH , 10 centu per Inch. 1'aytnuntH to be tnado IB ! of each month. Local advertliilnir Scents per line each Inner- ton. Card * on first pave 60 cents per Inch per month , Notice of church fairs , noclablcn mid enter tainments where money In characd , one-talf : Death notice * free , half i r > " - for piibllHhlnir obituary notices. Card of Thanks , 50 cr IMH. Legal notices at rau provided hy Ntatnlcs of Nebraska. Society notlccsnndiPfloltitloim , ono-haJl i.ucs Wedding notices free , half prlcn for lint o presents. Entered at Ilroken How , Nnbraska , for trans mission In the United Htatco malls at necund class rates. D. M. AMSHKKKY , - Publisher CUAS. K. BASSKTT , - - Kditor Thursday , June 25 , 1908. On the 4th of this month the RHPUBI.ICAN , among other news papers , published an item to the effect that the Republican con gressional committee , Metropoli tan bank building- , Washington , D , C , , would pay $150 for the best article not exceeding 1000 words on the question : "Why the Re publican Party should be success ful next November. " The com mittee has been overwhelmed with replies , over 500 having1 al ready been received , although the offer was made only three weeks ago and docs not close un til July 15. It is stated that a large number of the replies come from the south and that every mail brings a big batch of them. At the National Corn Expo sition to be held in Omaha , De cember 9 to 19 , an "Alfalfa Pal ace" is being planned by the di rectors of the corn show because of the increasing interest in the crop and its growing1 importance as a food for cattle. The palace is to be built of bales of alfalfa and lined with exhibits oj alfalfa and other grasses. Valuable premiums are to be offered for the best types of the alfalfa plant , and in an } " growers will se cure hay presses and modern machines for baling the alfalfa. There are some editors in the state to whom 'consistency doe's appear as a bright and shining light. One in particular , in speaking of a candidate for office , said there possibly should be a limit to a man's political am bition. The man referred to held the office four years but in another articlexon the same page the same editor advocates the election of a man who has been a continuous office holder for twelve years. Colonel Watterson , the .vener able editor of the Louisville Courier Journal , says the com mon sense of the people will elect Bryan to the presidency. A few months ago the colonel was so busy discovering a "dark horse" to defeat Bryan that he wasn't paying much attention to the common sense features. With the promised good crops , 1908 can't be a bad year for busi ness unless there should be a scare of the election of a jlemo cratic presidentand as it is almost sure Bryan will be the demo cratic nominee there'll be no scare. "Little Joe" Brown was kicked off the railroad commission of Georgia by Governor Smith then "Little Joe" turned around and defeated Smith for governor. It doesn't pay to get to gay with some people sometimes. Ex-President Grover Cleveland died at 8:20 a. in. yesterday at his home in Princeton , N. J. Vice-President Sherman. While Congressman James Schoolcraft Sherman , republican nominee for vice president ) is not ' so well known generally to west ern people as Senator Dolliver or Vice President Fairbanks , he is by no means a stranger. For fourteen years Mr. Sherman baa been chairman of the house committee on Indian affairs , and in that capacity has become pretty well posted with the West , its needs and its requirements. A great many people from near ly every state west of the Missis sippi have cotne before Indian committees of the senate and the house , and Mr. Sherman is popu lar with them. When the time comes for Speak er Cannon to step out cither vol untarily or at the end of a contest , Sherman was always considered as a very strong candidate for speaker. He has frequently presided in committee of the whole house , and is an admirable presiding officer. Oar New r . I/- air Viaor Ayer's Hair Vi or was Rood , the best that was made. 13tit Ayer's Hair Vifjor , new im proved formula , is better. It is the one creat specific for fall ing hair. A new preparation in every way. New bottle. New contents. Ask your druggist to show it to you , "the new kind. " DOCJ not change the color of llic halt. Formula with each bottle 9 Dhow II to your * doolar - Jm i/ers A lc him nhr.iil It , ( XL ilieil uunN ID oiiyn As we now make our new Hair Viper it docs not li.iVi tin . .lijjlitc'.t ' cll'ect upon the color of iliu hail. Yon may. MULIt freely and for any length of lime with ou f ur of clinnfj'nR tl > < * ct\ii \ Mops fal'nij ; hati. ( .urea daiulruli jlndc tiy U.n J ( ! Ayei-Co. , J owi II f.I 63 Our Next President. Secretary of War Taft has been selected by the republican party as its standard bearer in the nat ional campaign of 1908. "BigHill" Taft has made good in every position in which he has been tried. He is a worker , but diplomatic. His public career is like an open book , and there is nothing in it that cannot be en dorsed by every law-abiding citi zen of the United States. His greatest reputation has been secured through his grand accomplishments in the Philip pines , Cuba and Panama. In the Philippines he restored order out of chaos , but in such a man * ner that he gained the friend ship of the Filipinos who were brought under the government of the United States. In Cuba anarchy was super seded by law and order as a re sult of his trip to that islandand the people arc now in better shape than at any time since their es cape from Spanish rule. In Panama he has not only been the great factor in the es tablishment of order , but is the main spring behind the work on the canal which is to link two oceans. He is big and strong , honest and clean. He has the education and the experience necessary for a man to fill the ppsition for which he was nominated. He will stand for right against wrong and for fair dealing as opposed to things that should not be as he has always done. Taft has been and is in sym pathy with President Koosevelt and will work along the same lines. He will continue the poli cies which have so popularized Roosevelt and the administration. Hurrah for "Bill" Taft and you make no mistake. Married in Orlello Valley. ( Contributed. ) The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore was the scene of a pretty June wedding Wednesday , June 17th , when their daughter , Mary E. Moore , became the bride of Ernest B. Wood. The bridal party were attended by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horton. The Rev. Harvey-performed the impressive ceremony in the pres ence of seventy-five guests. Promptly at 1:30 : p. m. the bridal party descended the stairs to the strains of the wedding march , played by Miss Lena Wood. The bride was attired in cream colored silk. She carried a bouquet of brides roses and smilax , and wore roses and smilax in her. hair. The grootu wore the conventional black. The bnderaaid's gown was a silver-gray taffeta silk and she wore a bouquet of roses and smilax. The table decorations were pink and white carnations , ferns and smilax. Many beauti ful presents were received. At the close of the ceremony Kev. Harvey gave a pleasant surprise to the many friends of the young people when he announced that Mr. and Mrs. Horton ( formerly Edith Givins ) had been married by him at 'J o'clock that morning at the bride's home , in the pres ence of a few relatives and friends and therefore congratulations were also due them. In the evening of June 18th , Mr. and Mrs. A. L , . Wood and Lena Wood gave a reception at the home of Mr. James wood , in honor of the newly maried couple. There were nearly one hundred guests present. Notice to Contractors. Sealed bids will be receive * ) until noon Saturday , July nth. 1908 , for the con struction of an Agricultural Building nt the fair ground , as per plsns and specifi cations ou file with Jules Hamnont at the post office. Separate bids will be con sidered , one to furnish all material and construct , the other for labor alone. The association to furnish material. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Jly Order of Committee , Coming For Three Nighti. The Lorraine tfeene Company , headed by Miss Lorraine Keend , one of the most popular players on the Anmrican stage , as well as a beautiful woman and clever actress , will play a three nights engagement at the opera house , commencing Monday , June 29 , presenting for the first time in this city three of the most popu lar and successful New York plays : "A Merry Widow , " "The King of Detectives" and "The Lion and The Mouse , " plays that have never before been seen at less than $1.50 prices. Miss Keenc is supported by Mr. John Phillibcr , a comedian of ability , who is a great favorite every where ; Leonard Etnmert , Arthur Vcrner , Lola Davis , Ralph Mar- thy , Nina Griffin , Kate Sheldon , Earnest Preston , Emma Ward , Jo. E. liichards and John Lay ton. High class vaudeville special ties are introduced between each act and the plays and specialties will be changed each night. Popular prices - 25 , 35 , 50c , Have a Good Time. Where ? At the Junior Normal social on the lawn at Miss Ger trude BarctiR * home , Tuesday , June 30 , 8:30 : p. m. Normal pro gram , ab-nortnal lunch at a nor mal price , 15c. Everybody come. Marriage Licenses Issued. Lee V. EighrnyDoniphanNeb.23 Anna Swenson , Burr OakNeb.23 John Christeusou , MernaNeb.30 Serena Jensen , MernaNeb. . . . 19 lyde Roach , SargentNeb. . . .26 Albena KrigleLewiston.Mont.26 Zumbrota Zephyrs. Miss Cecil Underbill went to Lexington , Nebr. , last week. Nine McComas has been putting up a good milk house. Miss Helen Reueau , of the Bow , spent last week with Miss Madge Bishop , The hard wind last Wednesday night tore a large door from J. T. Cole's barn. Miss Zee Bishop visited at J. C. Moore's in the Bow , from Saturday evening until Monday. The annual school meeting will take place June 29 , 1908 , at the Tappau Valley school house. Mrs. G. J. Martin was vising in Union Valley last week , but phoned over early the morning nfter that valley had been visited with a cyclone , to see if any dam age was done in this vicinity. Did you hear about Tappati Valley going to celebrate this year ou the 4th of July ? Why no , who told yon about it ? Why the committees that were ap pointed when they had that meeting at the school house last week. They are making splendid arrangements to have all that goes in connection with a Fourth of July. Going to be held in the grove west of the school house with a program to be rendered in the forenoon and after dinner. The Tappau Valley base ball team wish to have a game with some of the neighboring teams , which will no doubt be n interesting feature for one and all. Bring your friends and come and enjoy visiting your neighbors and help to make this Independence Day a pleas ure to be well remembered in the hearts of many people. BUSINESS POINTERS. Drs. Farnsworth & Beck Dentists. Jesse Teagarden sells Chautau- qua tickets , and rents tents. Furnished rooms to rent , for light house keeping. Room for six , just the thing for school- ma'ams. MRS. LIUJK KING. For all kinds of good coal go to the West Elevator. 14tf Threshing machine and engine repairs at S. M. Derris , Black smith. Je 25-lt I have just received a car load of Jay-hawk Stackers and Sweeps that I will sell reasonable while they last. See J. C. Hutt or Great & Vac Antwerp at Groat's old stand , Broken BowNebr , 2-tf Edward Dodd , physician and surgeon. Diseases of women a specialty. Office phone 260 , res idence 248. All cases promptly attended. Now is the time to fix your fences. We have Hedge , Red Cedar and two by four Oak Posts and all kinds of building meterial. DlltKKS LUMIJRK & COAI , Co. 'Dr. C. M. Headrick , physician to the sanitarium department of Hastings City Hospital , will make regular visits to Broken Bow each month , Next visit will be Wednesday July 8th. Office at the Grand Central hotel. Concultation free. Will visit Merna Thursday July 9th. "See Dr. Talbot for Rauibier and Mitchell Automobiles. Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComas' ' Dr. C. M. Hcadrick treats all chronic disease. Next visit to Broken Bow will be July 8th. Clean Seed Oats for sale at the West Elevator 14tf. Rally Day. The U. B. Sunday School will observe next Sunday as Ratty Day. A short program will be rendered. Prof. J. G , W. Lewis will address the children. All members , including Home De partment , urged to be present. Everybody will be cordially wel comed. Millet Seed for Sale. Pure German Millet seed. Phone 1712 or call on 51 tf F. A. ROUTH. Horses for Sale. Two geldings , 5 years old , weight about 1200 , and one geld ing 9 years old , weight about 1300. Sound and in good condition. Time given. Phone 379. A. C. CKAWPOKD , Broken Bow , Neb. Bull for Sale. A jjood Hereford bull , one year old , just right for service. $35 cash. Phone 379. A. C. CKA\VIOKD , Broken Bow. We Are Not A Fortune Teller but we can predict this much ; If you bring , send or ask us to call for your shirts , collars , cuffs , etc. , we will launder them in such a way that you will say to yourself out loud the laundry for me is the Broken Bow Steam Laundry. Phone 202. HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock -for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T. B RUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. NOTICE FOK I'UHMCATION. Department < > f tUe Interior , United States Land ontcc nt Ilruheu Jlmv , Nebr , , Juua V > , 191M. Nutlca IK hernhr ulvcn that James M , Law- ileri ot llrukrit lluw , Nntir. , who. ou March 31 , I WO , made iu > m Mo.iil No. ( ) , ( or M nw luttt M , m-c , I , Town hlii IH , north , Kaniro I * , wool Mil iirlnclp.il mcrldan , hnn llliM notlciutt liilmilltm lonmka ( InalSyear proof , In pKlAttttali clnlm I i the litnil nl * > ve ilox. cillml li < > liiti > HPHI'Ui rtiiil UrCiMvar. nt llroknii How , Nvlii. , mi Uio JKh lUy ot July. IV < M. Otiilnmnt HANI * * rti vvlliir opit Prank Wit- miot Knit ml VnUov , Nnlu. , licit Kmitcnht , of lliokr.i | | mN < > | ir. , lit'ayelln Oxford , of llroWni How , Ni > lir , , Oliailon Oxford , of llroknii How , Nolir. JOHN KXKHK , Jp.ia-Jy.j1 Hctflnlor. UHTIMATi : 01 > I'.NM'KNSKH for the lineal year Wirlmiliif May Ut , 1 OH ntid endlntr Mny , IW. It In hereby Mlhunlr l by the Mayor ami city council of the city of llmkmi How , Nebrnnka , that the following amount * ot money will be necessary for all tturixMoii , to bo rAlwd In the yald city for the llsc.il ar boulmilnir Mny Ut , 1WS. and the following t-Htlnialn of OKIXMIHCI arc hereby made : 1'or ireueral iiuriiotM. , , . . . $ INOO For stroetH , allnyii , brliluci , ulilowalkn and croHHliifH 3,000 For lltfhllnir purposes , . , , . . , , , , , i 500 Kor officers Halarlcx I.HOO I'or waterworks , Including all expenses connected therewith , purchase of inetern , plumbing utc 5foo For expense ! ) of lltliratloil iieuerally ! or Judgments 1,000 1'or payment upon city property. . . . . . . . . . KOO For electric HirhU 2,000 tor Howcracc purposes and irarbutrc purposes 1,000 1 orlucldeutal expenses not otherwise covered by the above estimates and which may be Incidental to any or all of the aboTe estimates 600 For parks ' 1,000 We find that the entire revenues for the fiscal year 1907 lias been the sum of $ The abore and foreirolnir estimate U hereby madoand ordered published for four consecutive weeks In a newspaper published In the city. Dated this 10th day of June. 1'Xy. _ U. TAYLOR. I'res. of Council. E. S. HOLCOMH , City Clerk. [ SKAL ] XOTICK OP 1'KTITION. Estate of Patrick Telion , deceased , hi / County Court of C'uster County , Nebraska. X. The State of Nebraska , to all persons in terested In said estate , take notice , that a petition has been tiled for the appointment of llertha Tehon as administratrix of said estate , which has been Hi-t for hearlilic here in , on ttiL-imii of July ( W6 , at 10 o'clock a. in Dated June23 ! , luos. A. It. IIUMI'IIIIKT. IHKAI , ] JeSSjyio County Judge. NOTIOK-NON'UKSIUKNT DEPENDANTS. Inthe District Court , Ouster County , Ne braska. Annie E. Harrett.vs.T homas Steph- cnson , et nl. NOT1OK TO NON-IIKHIDKNT UKf KNDANTR. ToTliomnN Steiihenson and Peter Itasmusscn : You and each of you are hereby notltled that on the 18th day of June , A. D. 1908 , the plaintiff , Annie E. llarrett , tiled her petition In the District Court of Ouster County , Ne braska , ana I list you and each of you and W. E. Warren , the object and prayer of which are to quiet , title In and to the said Annie K. H.irreltlothi : southwest quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty-one (21) ( ) , town ship eighteen (18) ( ) , north , range twenty three ( SO , went of the din P. M. , Custer County. Ne braska , ami futthur praying that you. the said Thomas Stephcnson and each and every poison claiming through and under you be c.stopped and forever enjoined from claim ing any rlpht , title and Interest In and to said premises or tnolcstlni ; plaintiff , her successors , heirs or assigns In the peaceable enjoyment of the same. You will take fur ther notice , that the plaintiff will take the depositions of Peter Uasmussen , one of the defendants herein before competent author ity at the law office of u. M. Sheldon , In the cltv ot Tomahawk , county of Lincoln , state ol Wisconsin , on the sith day of July , A. D. 1WS. at 10 o'clock a. m. of said day , In support of the allegations ot said petition. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 3rd day of August , A. D. 1KB , or the allegations therein will be taken as true and judgment rendered accordingly. JeL'5-Jy 10 ANNIE K. HAHHK-IT , Ar.PHA MOIIOAN , Her Attorney Groat's Opera House THREE NIGHTS ONLY Z = COMMENCING ZZZZZZ MONDAY JUNK 29 , 1908 LORRAINE KEENE AND COMPANY IN HIGH GLASS REPERTOIRE Change of Plays Nightly . . . . . - Specialties Between Acts Positively the greatest organization ever seen in this city or money refunded. POPULAR PRICES 26 , 35 , 50C LADIES FREE MONDAY NIGHT BIG STOCK REDUCTION SALE i For the two weeks beginning Monday , June 29 , we will offer our customers a straight 10 per cent discount on every article of our immense stock of furniture. This Means What it Says : Someone of thosewho purchase one dollar's worth or more of merchandise at this sale will be given , on I /July llth , at 4 o'clock p. m , , A $15 Vernis Martin Iron Bed This Bed Will be on Exhibition Dur ing the Sale in Our South Window This is a genuine 10 per cent discount sale. . All our goods are marked in plain figures and you know you will Gfc-EST THE ! UIJSOOTJ3XTO7 You Know The Goods You Know Us WE DO AS WE ADVERTISE. CROAT & VAN ANTWERP , Opera Block , Broken Bow , Nebr. One Block North of B. & M. Depot.