Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 18, 1908, Image 8

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    Ske ? $ Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
Practicing Aleopathjr , Ilomcopntliy ,
Electric and General Medicine.
By request wilt visit prnfcnilati.illy
Grand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow , July 2
returning every four weeks. Con mil her when
tlio oDpoitDiiltv. U at tianil
DR. CAIdMVnkli limith uer practice to the
special treatment of dloraaoft of tUc I'yc , IJar ,
Noit , Thronti Luntrn , female DlnnanrH ,
Dlseauenof CUIIitrun and all Clirunlc , Ncrvoun
od Surgical Diseases of a curable nature.
Karlr consumption. Bronchitis , Bronchial
Catarrah , CUroulc Catarrab , Head-Ache , Con-
tlpatlou , Stomache ami llowet TroubleH ,
Kluumatlsm , Ncuraltfla. Sclotlca , UrlirhtB'n
UIicaBe , Kidney Diseases. Discuses of tliu
Liver and Bladder , Dlnlncsa. Nervousness ,
Indication , Obesity , Iiiternpted Nutrition ,
Blow Growth In Children , aud all wastlnir
Diseases In adulta. Deformities , Club-feet ,
Curranture of the Spine , Diseases of the liralu ,
Paralysis , Epilepsy , Heart Disease , Dropsy ,
Swelling of the Limbs , Stricture , Open Soros.
1'alu In the Uouoa , Granular Kularffeiueuts and
all loutr-atandluir diseases property treated.
Pimples , Blotches , Uruptlotta , Liver Spots
Falling- the llalr. Bad Complexion. Uczcma ,
Throat Ulcers. Hone Pains , llladdcr Troubles ,
Weak Back , Uurulnir Urine , Passing Urlnu
too often. The effects of coustllutloual sick
ness or the taking- too much Injurious medi
cine receives searching treatment , prompt
relief and a cure for life.
Dlaeaaeiof Women. Irregular Meustratlou ,
Fulling of the Womb , licarlnir Down Pains ,
Female Displacements Lack , of Sexual Tone ,
I < oncorrhca , Sterility or Barrenness , commit
Dr. Caldwell and she will show them the cause
of their trouble and the woy to become cured.
and culartrod glands treated with the sub
cutaneous Injection method , nbaolutply with-
oat palu and without the loss of a drop of
blood , li one of her own discoveries and Is
really the most scientific and certainly sure
c re method of thin an vaticed airc. Dr. Cad-
well has practiced her profession In no mo of
the lamest hoapltales throughout the country.
She has a supirlor In treating and dlagnos-
uff of diseases , deformities , etc. She has
lately opanad an olllce In Omaha , Nebraska ,
where ibo will spend a portion of each week
treating her many patients. Nu incurable
caaea accepted for treatment. Consultation ,
examination .and advice , one dollar to those
Interested ,
Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
Address all mall to 104 Bee Building , Omaha
Nebruka ,
Summer Tours
To The Pacific Ccast :
Daily low round trip rates to Port-
laud , Seattle , Tncoma , Sau Fran
cisco , Los Angeles and San Diego ,
Slightly higher to include both
California and Pnget Sound.
To Chicago
And Eastern Resorts :
Republican convention tickets on
dale June 12 to 16.
Daily low excursion rates to
Canada , Michigan , Wisconsin ,
Minnesota , Massachusetts and
New York tourists resorts ; also
low excursion rates to tourist re
sorts in Maine , New Hampshire ,
An American Tour
For Nebraska Teachers
Aud their friends. Excursion
will leave Lincoln , 4 p.m. June 27.
Will spend three or four days at
N. B. A. Convention in Cleveland ;
thence Buffalo , Niagara Rills ,
Toronto , St. linwrence river by
steamer through Thousand Islands
and over the Rapids , Montreal ,
Boston , Albany , down the Hudson
to New York , thence Philadelphia ,
Washington aud Pittsburg. Ask
the agent for an itiueray aud full
{ information or write the under
To Colorado
And Rocky Mountains :
Dally low rated to Colorado. Utlia , Wyom
ing , Black mils aud YellowHtoue Park.
Democratic convention at Denver la July.
Momeseekers' Rates :
First and third Tuesdays to the weal , In
cluding the famous III if Horn llasln aud
Yellowstone Valley , where largo tracta of
rich Irrigated lands are being opened for
ettletueut by the government and by
private companies. Write D. Clem Ueaver ,
Durllnttton Laudseekera' Information
Bureau. Omaha ; excellent business open *
Ings In new growing towns.
Write a brief dlacrlpton of your proposed
trip , and let Ha advise you how to make It
tba beat way at the leaat coat ,
( Ticket Agent )
\4. W. WAKBUJY , G. P. A , ,
( Omaha , Nebraska. )
For Representative.
1 desire to announce that I wil
be a candidate for the oflice ol
representative of the 56th dis
trict , subject to the will of the
coming1 republican primaries ol
this district. Knowing1 that it
is customary for candidates to
outline their position and believ
ing that it is the desire of the
voters to know something1 of the
candidates , I have on request of
some of my ardent friends and
supporters , allowed the following1
communication to be sent to you
for publication :
I was born in Mason county ,
West Virginia , near the great
Kanaw river aud the cries of the
fleeing1 slaves floated on the
bosom of this beautiful stream ,
to-jny ears , as I sat on its flowery
banks , It was there amid the
songs of the mocking1 bird , that
human right , liberty and equality
of law beiore God and man , was
born in my mind never to be
erased by the flight and waves of
time. 1 have always rejoiced in
the law and states which have
not commercialized human beings
as hogs and cattle.
I learned in my southern home
what it means to stand for and
advocate human rights and lib
erty , namely the sacrifice of per
sonal earnings and deprivation of
your own home , often being
Jriven to the woods to sleep on a
bed of leaves with a covering1 of
heaven , all because I , like Moses ,
stood for liberty and the rights
of human souls.
Having1 experienced iti early
itc these hardships , who can
jlame me for having1 always been
an ardent republican. I honored
uy father and mother by remain
ing at home until I was twenty
one years of age and giving them
all my earnings and helping them
n every possible way to support
a large family and I therefore
'eel that what little I am today
s due to the guidance of their
larental training. Peace to
heir sainted memories. To this
lay their blessings rest upon my
icad aud their Godly advice has
always and will ever attend my
pathway through life. On ar-
iving a't my majority , I earned
$20 and borrowed $20. On Nov
ember 27' , 1872 , I started for the
west arriving at Pella , Iowa ,
with fifty cents constituting my
entire cash. 1 worked most of
the time at farm labor until the.
spring of 1874 , when on February
27 , in company with D. M. Ams-
berry and II. T. Coffman , I start
ed for Nebraska. I took a pre
emption in Valley county near
Ord. The grasshoppers having
devastated everything and there
being no work to do , I proved up
on pre-emption in 1874
my , re
turning to Iowa to work on a
farm the next summer and fall
until December 27 , 1875. I visit
ed my parents again in my old
Virginia home remaining there
until March 27 , 1876 , at which
time I again departed for Iowa ,
where I worked the coming sum
mer in a brick yard and on Oct.
27 , 1876 , I started for Palmyra ,
Missouri , at which place I was
employed for one year by Dr.
Baker and son of Keokuk , Iowa.
After completing my contract
and not liking the business , I
quit. But from a business stand
point of views , I felt that I had
made a grand success , as the com
pany offered to double my salary ,
if I would remain with them for
another year. I was employed
by the Rock Island Railroad Com
pany in the fall and winter of
1877-78 , until February 27 , when
I started with a team for Ne
braska , arriving at Grand Island
in March. I filed on a homestead
and tree claim in Custer county
in what is now known as Alger
non Township , settling on my
claim in June , 1878. I lived a
bachelor's life until August , 1879 ,
and realizing that it was not good
for man to dwell alone , I return
ed to Marion county , Iowa , and
there was married to my present
wife who has been more than my
equal in the scriptural sense ol
the word , as a help-mate in build
ing up our home.
I have been engaged in farm-
ing aud stock raising , in which
I feel that I have been reasonably
successful. I have been a breed
er of Aberdeen Angus cattle for
sixteen years and have beeL1 suc
cessful and now at the earnest
solicitation of many of my friends ,
I have concluded to announce my
self as a candidate for the nom
ination to the office of represen
tative of the 56th representative
district , subject to the will of the
republican electors at the primary
election in September.
I cannot say and do not care to
announce that I have a theory of
legislation which , if enacted into
law , would be a panacea for all
the ills of the body politic , but I
do believe that my years of ex
perience and observation as a
farmer and stockraiser in Custer
county , has endowed me with a
reasonable amount of ability to
discern the kind of legislation
best adapted to the needs of the
people of western Nebraska.
Foremost among the things most
needed at the present time , is a
revision of the laws relative to
the railroad commission , whereby
its control over corporations may
be extended , and thereby be made
more effective. Also some modi
fications of the primary law ,
whereby its provisions may be
made more comprehensive aud
ambiguities be eliminated.
If nominated and elected to
this office , I would not think that
I had done my whole duty to my
constituents did I not use every
honorable means to obtain such
legislation as would secure to
every citizen the right to cast
liis ballot for or against licensing
the sale of intoxicating liquors in
liis neighborhood. The County
Option Bill will certainly be a
matter of consideration in the
coming legislature , and I would
not consider that I had been faire
: o the voters and to myself , did
[ not announce in advance that
[ would favor all legislation that
las for its object the safeguard-
ng of the homes and the lives of
our people against contamination
of this dreaded evil.
I have never been a candidate
: or public office , and would not
now but for the many requests
: hat have come to me from the
icople of the eastern part of the
county , among whom I have lived
'or so many years. Having de
cided to enter the race , I would
very much appreciate your sup-
x > rt and influence among your
rietuls. Thanking you in ad
vance for any service you may see
fit to render me , remembering-
1st That I am an old resident
of Custer county.
2nd That my business inter
ests are closely allied to that of
T. great majority of the people of
his district.
3rd I am in favor of any
reasonable legislation for the con
trol of corporations.
4th I am in favor of the prim
ary lawMne object of which is to
safeguard the people against ring
rule in politics.
5th I favor the County Optior ,
L < aw. Very sincerely ,
Alfalfa Meal Mill at Omaha.
Announcement of the Omaha
> apers this week that the Oradell
? arins Company of New Jersey ,
will build a large alfalfa meaJ ,
mill in that city , which will us/e
some twenty cars of raw material ]
each week to start , is evidence 'to
the growers of the alfalfa that
new uses are being found for t'he
crop ; that the meal is a truest
practical food and its manufac
ture undoubtedly means a greater
lemand and better prices for al
The location of the alialfa
neal mill in Omaha was secured
by the Omaha Commercial Club ,
which is doing much to make it
possible to manufacture in the
west as well as produce. "With
the opening of this mill Septem
ber 1 , Omaha will have two such
[ ) lants , the other being the M. C.
LDeters Mill Co. They will use
about forty carloads of alfalfa
every week and as they develop ,
the industry will doubtless ne
more than one hundred cars a
week three solid train loads/ .
Besides giving the growls a
nearer market lor high
. ( al
falfa the factories
, lee ted at
Omaha will make it pas. * ; bje for
those who desire to fecc > . the ,
which is especially fooil for
dairy cows , will 1 * cabled to se
cure it more praupfr < ly and cheap
er than ever heforr. as the frei
rates from Omab'a fess
arc mud ,
han from the crist. ln locating
he last factory in Omaha it was
the understan'aiuE , tllat uothiuff
but the beat Nebraska and Colorado -
ado alfalfa , would be used.
Breaking To Let.
I have from 40 to 50 acres of
breaking to let , same to be done
immediately at $2 per acre. 3
miles southeast of Broken Bow.
T. B. MORRIS. 1-2
Positively Our Last Day Here
Saturday is positively our last day here. Owing to the unseasonable
and disagreeable weather that we experienced while in this town we are com
pelled to sacrifice all of our skirts in a style that no merchant ever dared to
attempt to sacrifice. You must realize that we brought these goods here to
dispose of and we therefore make this strong statement that the price will be
no object 'as we are compelled to turn all our skirts into cash. The following
is simply a faint idea of the striking values which we offer for the Hast two days :
All our $9.50 Skirts will go at $ 3.45
All our $10.50 Skirts , all shades and styles , will go at
All our $18.50 Skirts , made of imported Yoils and Panamas , beautifully 9.25
trimmed with silk fold in all the leading shades and colors , goes at 8.00
All of our $20 to $30 high grade goods , will go at $10 to $12.50
to take advantage of the wonderful bargains we will offer.
Remember , all of our Skirts are made of the highest grade and
up-to-date material , made in the latest cut fashion and trimmings
Manufacturing Company \
S rtopio p'T Northeast corner Spare , Broken Bow.
Cons ult him If you want Water.
Phone 112 , - Broken Bow.
East Side of Suqare
Photographs , Edison ami Columbia
Tlionoyraphs and records.
Ajie-nts for Chickering , Ivers and Pond
and S tar Pianos.
We can save you money.
/ " > M. CONKAD ,
. . . . . .Dealer In , . . .
I'ampi.Wlwl , Mills , Tank * . Fitting" , Onsolln *
Bnglneneto. etc ,
Itrokoa Bow , Nebraska ,
Practical Undertaker
g& Licnsed Embalmer
Business phone , 301. Residence 3348
Broken Uow , Mob.
A Liberal Supply of
Still on hand
4 _ _
J. W. Scott ,
'South Side Suqaro , Broken Bow , Nebraska
Send your Abstract Orders to
Bonded , Atatracter
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale
and retai I ,
Spec ! tal attention given to filling orders for coal
iu any quantity ,
Broke < n Bow , - - Nebraska
MiaoaooocMooooooooo oooeooooooooooooooo
Department of the Interior , U. S. Laud ttfficu
at lirokeu-IIow , Nebr. , May 13 , l oa.
Notice IH hereby given that Peter W. Dooley ,
of lirokcQ Bow. Webr. , who on Pebruary 2StU ,
1902 , made Uotuestead , No. W64 , for ueK ,
section 2 , township IS north , ranee 20 west ,
6tU principal Meridian , has filed notice of In-
teutlou to make Flual S year Proof , to estab
lish claim to the land above detarlbeil , before
reffltttcr * aud receiver , at Broken Bow , Nub , ,
ou the 19th day of June. 190S.
Claimant names as witnesses : John II. Rose ,
of Broken Neb. . Francis Mouat. of Broken HOW ,
Neb. , Kloiiard Mohat , of Brok'eli Bow , I&b. ,
Acy Broylea , of Itrokeii Bow.
[ SKAL ] JOHN KUBHU , Register.
May 14
In the County court , within aud for Cu&tcr
county , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of .Anna M.
Knudsen , deceased.
To the creditors of said estate :
You aru hereby uotllled , That I will sit at
the county court room , In Broken Bow , In
bald county , on the 82nd day ol July , 1908 ,
and on the ! J3 day ot Nov. 1908 , each at ID
o'clock a , in. of each day , to receive and
examine all claims against said estate , with
a view to their adjustment and allowance.
The time limited tor the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six months from
the loth day ol May , 1008 , and the time
limited for payment ol debts Is one year
trom said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County court this lUth day ot May , 1908.
A. U HtiMiMiituY , County Judge.
May 28 , June 18.
In county court , within and for Custer
county , Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Nels ICnudscn
To the creditors of said estate ;
You are hereby notified , that I will sit at
the County court room , In Broken Bow , In
said county , on the 2.'nd ikiy of July HIM , and
on the B.1 day of Nov. 1903 , each at 10 o'clock
a. tii. ol each day , to receive aud examine
all claims against said estate , with a view
to their adjustment and allowance.
.The time limited for the presentation of
claims against said estate Is six months
from the 19th day of May , 1908 , and the Ume
limited for payment ol debts U one year
trom said date.
Witness my hand and the seal of said
County court this lUth day of May , 1908.
A. U. Iluui'iutuv , County Judge ,
May 28 , June 18.
Estate of Andrew Crist , deceased , in County
Court ot custer County , Nebraska.
The State of Nebraska , to all persons In
tcrested in said estate , take notice , that
CatnerlnuCrlbt , Execuuix , has tiled a llnal
account and report of her administration ,
aud a petition for finding ot devisees , dis
tribution , construction iwill , of llnal sottcl-
me in and discharge as such , which have
been set for hearing before said Court on
June 25 , i )8 , at 10 o'clock a , in. , when you
may appear and contest the same.
Dated flay 28th 1903 ,
A. U. lIUMi'iiituir , County Judge.
May 28. Je 18
Department of the Interior , United States
Laud Oflice at Broken Bow , Nebr. , June 16.1908.
Notice l hereby ulveu that James M , Ia\r-
der , of Broken Bow , Nebr. , who , on March 31 ,
1V06 , made homestead No. UOJ ) , for s4 ! uw
lots 3-4 , Bee. 1 , Township I * , north ,
KatiL'e W , west 6th principal niprldau ,
has tiled uotlcu of Intention to make final 5year
proof , to establish claim t' the laud above des
cribed before Keirlster and Receiver , at Broken
Bow. Nebr. , on the 24th day of July. 1VUS.
Claimant name * as witnesses ; Frank Wit-
mcs , of Kouiul Valluy , Nebr. , Bert Francois , of
Broken Bow , Nebr. , La Fayette Oxford , of
Broken Bow , Nebr. , Charles Oxford , of Broken
Bow , Nebr. JOHN Kuusit ,
Jo-l8My.2J Keirlster.
Real Estate and Loans
R , A , HUNTER ,