Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 04, 1908, Image 3

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Not Time's Slave.
A traveler , finding tlmt ho had &
couple of hours In Dublin , called a
cnb and told Uio driver to drive htm
nround for two liours. At flrst all went
well , but soon the driver began to
whip up his horse so that they nar
rowly escaped several collisions.
"What's Uiu matter ? " demanded the
passenger. "Why are you driving BO
recklessly ? I'm In no hurry. "
"Ah , gwnnwld yoz , " retorted the
cabby. "D'ye think I'm goln' to put
in the whole day drivln' you around
for two hours ? 01 tap 1"
Preparation for Knowledge.
' No man can learn what ho has not
preparation for learning , however near
to his eyes IB the subject. A chemist
may tell his most precious secrets to a
carpenter , and ho shall bo never the
wiser the aecrets he would not utter
to a chemist for an estate. God
screens us evermore from premature
ideas. Our eyes are holden that wo
can not BCO things that otaro ua in the
face until the hour arrives when the
mind'Is ripened ; then wo behold them ,
and the tlmo when wo saw them not
is like a dream. Emerson.
First Girl What did he do when
you told him ho mustn't see you any
more ?
Second Girl Turned the lights out !
Millionaire Whiners.
Senator La Follette at a recent din
ner in Washington said of the mil
lionaires who- complain about the
harm that they and. their affairs -have
suffered from attacks : '
"These whlners , with only them
selves to blame , remind me of a bad
little Primrose boy.
"Ho ran howling to Ids mother :
" 'Oh , 11 , Johnny has' hurt me ! '
" 'And now did bad Johnny hurt
mother's little darling ? '
" 'Why , I was a-goin' to punch him
in the face , and he ducked his head
and I hit my knuckles against the
* Laundry work at home would be
much more satisfactory if the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness , it is usually nece.s-
sary to use BO much starch that the
beauty 'and fineness of the fabric is
hidden behind a paste of varying
thickness , which not only destroys the
appearance , but also affects the wear
ing quality of the goods. This trou
ble can be entirely overcome by using
Defiance Starch , ns it can bo applied
much more thinly because of its great
er strength than olher makes.
Belgium Buying Autos.
Belgium is now importing yearly
about $1,500,000 worth of automobiles ,
motorcycles and bicycles. These im
ports have quadrupled in four years.
Omaha Directory
nt IT. S. YARDS , South Oiunlui. Nolirnskn.
Auctions every Thursday throughout t hn year. Spec
ial IlunRo Horse bales second and fourth Thursdays
cacti month throughout the bcawn.
I. O. OALLUl' , - Auctioneer.
European Plan
Itoomti from $1.00 xip Blnnle. 75 cents up double.
Tents , Awnlnga , etc. Largest west of
Chicago. Write for prices nnd estimates
before buying. Oor. llth and Harney Sts.
Do You Drink Coffee
Why put tba cheap , rank , bitter fluvorrd colfeo in
jouretomsch uhen pure GERMAN-AMERICAN
COFFEE co t nomorel Insist on baring It. Your
eroe-tr foil * U or can cet It.
bv mall nt cut prices. Send for free catalogue.
The l > est High Wheel Auto Itiinabout in the
World. Send for catalog. Central Implement
Co. , 1115-17 Farnam Street , Omaha , Neb.
\Vo are In a position to pay fancy prices fur hand
c i > arutor rream at oi.r fetation In ynur tnirn or btilp
direct to us at Uuiaha. Till. IMItlituNT uiiastUT to.
The Fanny Tkingt One Sect
Smiling Round tLc World
( Copyright , by Joseph B. Uowlca. )
Beauteous Ceylon ! the real and
only "gem of the sea" and the tropic
sea , at that. Let not Ireland claim
the distinction of being the emerald
set in the bosom of the ocean blue.
For never was such emerald green
ness , such ocean blucncss imagined
of Ireland's sons or daughters as
adorns and encompasses this beau
teous isle of Ceylon. The doorsifl of
India ! Well , if India is not proud of
her threshold the step over which
one passes to her mighty and imperial
domain she ought to bo.
The harbor of Colombo is plentiful
ly endowed with natural advantages ,
hut outside of these the English gov
ernment has constructed an enormous
breakwater of tromendoits strength ,
as needs must bo , for during the sea
son of the southwest monsoon waves
break against it , dashing as high as
the masts of vessels that have taken
refuge behind its protecting bulwark.
Our attention upon entering the
harbor is first attracted by the fleet
of native dugout canoes that swarm
about the ship , the boys and men pad
dling them wildly shouting : "Have a
dive ! Hnvo a dive ! " and "One dollah !
Ono dollah ! " though if only a penny
is thrown over three or four will dive
headlong from their tiny craft , their
paddles left floating on the water , and
in an incredibly short space of time
they will come again to the surface ,
the successful one proudly displaying
the coin. They rescue their paddles
and leap lightly Into their cauoes
without tipping them in the least or
shipping any more than the usual
amount of water that floats in the
bottom of each. They are so small
that a certain amount la always
washed over the sides.
It is amusing to see one of these
natives , naked except for a very lim
ited loin cloth , sitting in the bottom
of his canoe , paddling with ono hand ,
imploring money with the other and
kicking the superfluous water out of
the canoe with one foot.
Our coolies who pulled us to the
Gallo Face hotel stopped at the gate ,
saying they were not allowed to go
inside , but we had heard of this trick
and insisted upon being taken into
the portico. Here , after making in
quiry of the door porter as to their
proper fare , wo ? paid them , only to bo
mot with a storm of indignant pro
testations and refusals. Only when
the money was thrown at their feet
did they pick it up and go on.
So the hotel has built for the
amusement of Its guests a very largo
and comfortably swimming tank , filled
with sea water , that Is always fresh.
The hotel has every convenience , elec
tric lights and fans , large airy rooms
and an excellent table , when ono con
siders their limitations. Compared
with the Hong-Kong iTotel and the
Rafllcs at Singapore it was perfect.
The Galle Face Is further blessed with
a splendid manager , Mr. Hoffcr , a
genial and obliging man , late of the
Hotel Cecil in London.
A good many of the castes wear
their distinguishing mark painted on
the forehead , and ono day at the table
I pasted a soda water label on my
forehead and said It was my caste
Displaying the Coin.
mark. I quite convulsed Joseph , but
fear the Cingalese waiter was rather
The beach at Mount Lavinla , seven
miles south of Colombo , Is an enchant
ing bit , over whoso golden sands the
yellow foam rushes and gurgles to the
little cliff set thick with a long file of
bonding , swaying palms , some of
whoso long , slim trunks bend forward - ,
ward to the waves at an angle of con
siderably more tlan 45 degrees. Hero
bathing goes on at all hours and , let
me tell you , a dip in the Indian ocean
is a moat soul-satisfying experience.
The water is not only warm ; In some
places It is actually hot. Hut , oh , my !
to He and float dreamily in that bluest
of waters , with a dazzling greenery of
palms to the right , and a panorama of
sky-line , flecked with snowy cloud-
fleece to the left , and to breathe the
centlo lullaby air till you don't euro
whether you float oft to the equator
or sink to the bottom yes , sharks erne
no sharks.
I was always a , little "dopy" about
the Indian ocean. I once know TV
young fellow ho was a French creep ,
born in the Isle Bourbon , now down
on the maps ns the Island of Reunion.
It is right in the heart cf the Indian
ocean , and not far from Madagascar ;
and the way that fellow could reel tiff
yarns in Creole French and broken
English about his natal isle would
have made Qeorgo W. Cable , lat of
New Orleans , turn green with envy.
Ha was a handsome chap and sang
divinely , and I flrst met him in Paris ,
where he was singing small parts nt
the Grand opera. Then I ran neross
him in Cairo , where ho was 'singing in
a production if I am not mistaken
of "Alda. " Afterward ho came to
New York with a company that pro
duced "Glrafle-Glrafla" at the Four
teenth street theater , and a very good
company it was. But , in whatever
clime I met him , his thcmo was the
same his beautiful Isle and Its beau
tiful ocean. Ho would talk for hours
of the "purple fingers of the dawn ,
stealing up the roso-vermllllon sky , "
and the huge , snow-capped mountain'
that rose in the center of the island
and overtopped the city of Port
Philip , which I think was the name of
the sea-port town whore ho was
He told many pretty stqrlcs of his
home and of his parents , whoso only
child ho was the Benjamin of thrlr
"The Sun at Midnight. "
old age , long hoped and prayed for.
So they named him , when he did
come , Desireo' ( longed for ) . Ho had
a string of other names beside , but
I've forgotten them. Ills desire waste
to see America' and the Mississippi ,
of wfilch ho had read wonderful
things by Chateaubriand , his favorite
author. 'Fortunately the opera troupe
went as far south as New Orleans
and his deslro was gratified. Ho took
everything In America seriously and
his admiration almost took the form
of awe ; he would as soon have
thought of ridiculing the holy church
and all the saints as of ridiculing
anything American. As he wits of a
very happy disposition he would often
hum little -operatic snatphes or Creole
melodies while jogging along In the
horse cars , and this was very delight
ful to me until some would-be wag
among his New York friends told him
that ho must never do that on Sun
days , as the Americans wore very
strict in their religious ideas and
would take it as an Insult and prob
ably resent It. Very seriously ho
opened his handsome Oriental eyes
and , in tones of great surprise , ejacu
lated , as he had done for the hun
dredth time , "Wonderful people ! "
A little Incident , while It waa very
amusing , showed the romantic sldo of
his nature. The troupe , while travel
ing , stopped at a hotel In a southern
city , "Where a young lady guest at
tracted much attention by her hair ,
which was not only very thick and
heavy , but of a rich golden color. My
Creole filend , however , was ono of the
few who had not seen the young lady
and , as It happened , no ono had
spoken to him of her. But ac he was
about to retire ono evening ho
stepped into the corridor to say good
night to a friend and met the young
lady face to face , followed by her
maid , just as the bells of a neighbor
ing church were chiming the mid
night hour. Saluting the lady with a
profound bow , as was hls-forelgn cus
tom , ho was about to re-enter his
room when the brilliant gaslight , fallIng -
Ing full upon the lady's form , dls
closed the fact that her magnificent
hair was hanging loose about her like
a cloak , and every strand glittering
.like a thread of gold. The young fol
low stood rooted to the" spot ; then ,
clasping his hands , he said In tones of
the moat fervent admiration , " 1 have
soon the sun at midnight ! "
"What the deure is the matter with
you ? " said his friend.
"I have said it ! " replied the Creole.
"I will return to my country and 1
will tell them that in this wonderful
America I have seen that marvoloua
sight the sun at midnight ! "
It appeared that the young lady's
maid had been giving her mistress'
hair a bath and they had been sitting
on a.-ear balcony that the warm night
breezq might dry the wonderful
tresses before retiring to bed.
Which is why I say that 1 k > ved the
Indian ocean years before I saw it ,
and when I did see it brought back
these memories of my young friend
and his charming and ingenuous na
ture and his frank and honest heart.
"The sage and the greybeard may at
tract our maturcr mind , but youth has
its ever compelling charm ; therefore
'I echo the poet's lines :
"Oh , youth , sweet youth , wo love ye !
There's naught on earth above > o ! "
Don't Poison Baby.
fTORTY YEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must liavo
PABEGOKEO or laudanum to make it sleep. Those drugs will produce )
Bleep , and A FEW DEOPS TOO MANY will produoo the SLEEP PEOM WKEOH
THERE IS NO WAKLM. Many are the children who have been killed or
whoso health has ton ruined for life by paregoric , laudanum and morphine , each
of which is a. narcotic product of opium , Druggists are prohibited from selling
either of the narcotics named to children at all , or to anybody without labelling
them " poison. " The definition of " narcotic " is : "A medidno wliioh relieves pain
and produces sleept "but which in poisojious doses produces stupor , comat convul
sions and doatti. " The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised ,
and sold under the names of "Drops , " "Cordials , " "Soothing Syrups , " etc. You
should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or
your physician know of what it is composed , OASTORIA DOES NOJ CON
TAIN NARCOTICS , if it boars the signature of Ohas , H. Pletoher.
Letters from Prominent .Physicians
addressed to Chas. H. FUetcJiesv .
Dr. J. W. Dlnsdalo , of Chicago , 111. , Bays : "I use your Caatorla and
odvlso 113 use la all families where tlioro nro chllilrcn. "
Dr. Alexander E. Mlntlo , of Cleveland , Ohio , eayss "I liavo frequently
prescribed your Castorla and have found It a reliable and ploasaut ront-
ody for children. "
Dr. J. S. Alexander , o Omaha , Neb. , says : "A mcdlclno BO vnluablo ana
beneficial for children as your Castorla lo , dosorvco the highest pralso. I
find it in use everywhere. " ,
ALCOHOL 3 PER OUNT. Dr. J. A. McClcllan , of Buffalo , N. Y. , eaya : "I liavo frequently prescribed
AVcgclablcPrcparallonrorAs. your Castorla for children and always got good rcaulto. In fact I uss
Sim alIngIieRofamIRedua ( ) ( ! Castorla for my own children. "
italic Stomachs unilBowclscf Dr. J. W. Allen , of St. Loula , Mo. , Bays : "I heartily endorse your Cas-
.torla. I have frequently prescribed It In my medical practice , nnd hava
always found It to do all that 13 claimed for it"
Dr. 0. H. Gllddon , of St. Paul , Minn. , cayo : "My experience na a prac
Promotes Digeslion.aecrfu ! titioner -with your Castorla has boon highly uatlflfactory , and I conaldor it
ness and Rest.ContaIns neither an excellent remedy for the young. "
Ophiiu.Morphine nor Mineral Dr. H. D. Bcnnor , of Philadelphia , Pa. , oayo : "I have used your Caa
NOT NARCOTIC. torla aa a purgative in the cases of children for years pout with the moat )
happy effect , nnd fully ondoreo it na a cafe remedy. "
Dr. J. A. Boarman , of Kansas City , Mo. , cays : "Your Castorla IB a Bplon >
did remedy for children , known the world over. I use It In my practlco
J&tffffeSiffs- nnd have no hesitancy lu recommending it for the complaints of Infanta
and children , "
Dr. J. J. Maclcoy , of Brooltlyn , N. T. , saya : "I consider your Castorla na
excellent preparation for children , being composed of reliable modlclnoa
nnd pleasant to the taste , A good remedy for all disturbances oC the
digestive organs. "
ion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrhoca QASTQRIA ALWAYS
ness aiulLosSQFSLEEP. Boars the Signature of
IteSirailc Signature of
Use For Over SO Years.
.Exact of .
Copy Wrapper. . , ,
He Was Practical.
"Young man , you wrlto a good deal
of poetry to my daughter.1
"Yes , sir. "
"It takes a practical man to support
a wife. "
"Well , It's this way. I have to wrlto
her an occasional letter , nnd I'm so
busy at the ofllco that I Just copy
the poetry to.1111 In. "
The explanation was satisfactory.
The extraordinary popularity ot flno
white goods ( his summer makes the
rholco of Starch n matter of great im
portance. Defiance Starch , being free
from all injurious chemicals , is the
only ono which is safe to use on flno
fabrics. Its great strength na a stiffener -
or makes half the usual quantity of
Starch necessary , with the .result of
perfect finish , equal to that when the
Roods were now.
So Polite.
"She hasn't any cause to be snippy -
py with mo. The last time I saw her
I'm sure I 'did the politest thing I
could. "
"What did .you do ? "
"Wo wore'on a car and when n
man offered mo a seat I said to her :
'You take It , dear ; you're the older. ' "
In a Pinch , Use ALllEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A pow'der. It cures painful , smart
ing , nervous feet and ingrowing nails.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Makes now shoes easy. A
certain cure for sweating fuel. Sold
by all Druggists , 25c. Accept no sub
stitute. Trial package , FREE. Ad
dress A. S. Olmsted , Lo Roy , N. Y.
Not Embarrassed.
"Have your clashes with the courta
embarrassed you ? "
"Not at all , " answered Mr. Dustln
Stnx. "Every time I am fined nnd do
not pay I feel that I have added Jusl
that much to my earnings. "
Eating Cocoanut-Custard Pic.
Everybody praises Cocoanut-CuatnrU plo
If It's made rlRht. but a BORgy plo will
npoll tlio entire rnoul. Grocers nru now
selllnR "OUn-I'in , " each 10-ccnt packaRo
containing just the proper Ingredients for
twp pics. Get the Cuatanl for Cocoanut-
Custard pics. "Put up by D-Zcrta. Kootl
Co. , Rochester , N. Y. "
Repine not ; the disappointments of
to-day often prove the blessings of to
morrow. Thomas n Kempls.
If You Have Common Sore Eyeo ,
if lines blur or run , together , you need
1'ETTIT'S EYE 8ALVK , 25c ! All drug
gists or Howard Bros , Buffalo , N. Y.
The fairest of all things fair on
earth is virtue. Shakespeare.
SmokersAlmve to call for Lewis' Single
Binder cijir to tyt it. Your dealer or
Lewis' Factory , Peoria , 111.
Wise women get their rights without
talking about them.
Vf. L. Oouflina niahaa ssnttsalla ntoro "T fy
men's $2.BO , $3.OOantl$3.aOaioco * * * *
than any olhci * ntanitlacinrar In tlto
a , fincnuso ttiay hold tSictt * '
' a , fit hotter , vrean lonaef , anil
> nro or ttrnntcr value tSmn anyathci't
ahoao fa ttto world to-day. .
W. L Douglas $4 rnd $5 Gilt Edge Sliooc Csnnot Do Equalled Al Any Prlco 'Jixduiwelv ,
otr r A rrit > V. w. r , . Dinplat nnmo nml prlco In rtnmpeil on bottom. Tnkr Wo Hiili tli lr. .
Sulil tiy HIP l p s Fiion ilrtilfr * rvcrywlitto. Ulioc * mallnl from fanorr to nny pun of the vroil'l. lllu *
Untcd CataloBtrco to any uJtlicte. IV. AJOU 1.AM , UrucUtuu , Aim * .
Anything Almost.
"Mrs. Hucksher Is a woman who
seems to be willing to do almost any
thing for the sake of appealance. "
"Yes but she draws the line at
wearing Inexpensive hats for the sake
of making hur husband's tai.k casloi
when ho lias to face the assessor. "
That an article may be good ns well
as cheap , and give entire satisfaction ,
Is proven by the extraordinary sale of
Defiance Starch , nach package con
taining one-third more Starch than
can be had of any other brand for th6
same money.
The man who Is after results isn't
always paillcular as to the moans.
* MM. "Wlnslow'B Soothing Hyrnp.
For children teething , loftrui Ilia Kittm , rtilticcB In-
lluyB pain , euro wlml colic. Sic a bottle.
When the Lord makes a fool , the
devil gives him a tongue. Life.
Clracin asj bctnUHei th bur.
J'romolM a laiurlin ! ffrq t ! .
Hrvor Fall ! to Uentoro Clray
Hatr to Ita Youthful Color.
Cuci rcmlp dlittui & liilr tilling.
relief. IB A blMl'LECUUK.
H t druirgliii or tif luall.
Uniplo 111 BE. AddtfM ,
Trlbuno Uldz. , Niw YOEK.
! Thompson's Eye Water
Typlcai/Wm Scene , Sliowlna Stock Raiting lo
Borne of tlie choicest lands for prnln growing ,
trlcts of BiiHluitflientm nnd Alberta liavo re
cently beiMi Opened far belllcmont under the
Revised Homestead Regulations
Entry mny now lie mnilo l > r proxy ( on certain
condltltiiiB ) , liy the fatlKMmutlicr , HUM , daugh
ter , brother or niftier of nil Intending home-
fitendcr. ThoutiandH of homeHtuiulsof 1M acres
each nro Hum now easily available In these
great grain-gum Ini' , Htook-niliiliHr and mixed
farming ticctlotiH.
Tliero you will find healthful climate , good
neighbor churches for family norMhlp , schools
for your chlhlieii , good IUUH , upk-ndld crops ,
and raUroadu convenient to market ,
Entry fco In each case In $10.00. For pamph
let , "LaHt Bent Wcet , " particular ! * ns to rates ,
routes , bent time to go and \\hure to locate.
801 New Yorli Lite Uullibi. Otnahs. Nebraita ,
nmler the Ciirey law. along Irrigation canal
now Mulshed ; land with perpetual water right ,
111) ) to J15 per acre on loiitf time iind small pay
ments ; ul HO IrrlffHblo humeMleudg. lluftbund
and v. Ifo arc entitled to n gecUou of hinootb ,
productive Irrigable publlo land near Uock
HprlngB , Womlng. Vrco timber for fuel and
Improvements ; vrhlto pine lumber , (10 per
thouxand ; fluent of f ! idling and 1 arge and small
game hunting ; mllllonu of acres of good year-
around free range. Heady for entry June 0 ,
1008. For ofllrlul bulletins , post cards etc. ,
send four cents lit Mumps to L. S. TKAPP ,
Official Agent , Boulder Canal Lands , Itftclc
Springs , Wyoming. It you are corning wire
at once. No dtunlng for numbers.
PENSION ilfSr'r ' tf WSS
Co. , Washington , I ) . C. ( Orur .T yours' experience. )
NEW LAW obtalnea
, v. a
W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 22 , 1908.