She's Cured Thousands Given up to Die. 'Dr.GALDWELL ' of CHICAGO. Practicing Allopathy , Homeopathy , Electric nnd General Medicine. liy request will visit profeRslaually Grand Central Hotel , Bow , June 4 returning every four weekn. Consul her when the onnortunllv. U at baud DR. CAkI > Wnr < l < limilK ber practice to the .special treatment of IHNIMHUH of Uie Kye , Knr , < " 'None , Throat ! I.nnifs , Kctnalc DlHcaxen , Dlfleancsof Children ami all Chronic , Nervous Jaml Snriflcal UlHeascn of a curablu naliiro. Early couxumptloti. llrouclilllH , Itronchlal Catarrab , Chronic Catarrab , Hcail-Ache , Con- 'ntlpatlon , Stomaclio and llowfl Troubles , , VlieuiimllBm , Neuralula , Hclollca , Ilrlifhts's Disease , Kidney DlHraseH , DlHcancH of thu * I < lTor aud llladder. Dizziness. NervounciesH , 'Indirection , Olicslly , Inlcriiptcd Nutrition , ( Slow Urowth lu Children , and all wasting Diseases in adult * . Deformities. Club-feet , t Curvauturc of tlm Spine. Diseases of the llraln , Paralysis , Epilepsy , Heart Disease. Dropsy , Swelling of the IdmbH , Stricture , Open Sores , Tain In the Hones , drauular Enlargements and all loiur-ntaiidlnir diseases properly treated. 1)1,001) AND SKIN DISEASES. Pimples , Illotches , Eruptions , lilvcr Spots Valllns of the Ilalr. Had Complexion. Eczema , Throat Ulcers. Hone Pains. liladder Troubles , Weak Hack. Hnrulnir Urine , Passing Utlne too ofleu. The effects of constitutional sick- 'n 8s or the taking of too much Injurious medi cine receives scarchluir treatment , prompt relief aud a cure for life. Diseases of Women. Irregular Menstratlon , Falling of the Womb , Hearing Down 1'aius , Female Displacements I < ack of Sexual Tone , Lencorrhoa , Sterility or Hnrreiiuess , consult Dr. Cald welt and she will show them tlm cause of their trouble and the woy to become cured. CANCERS , GOITER , FISTU&A , PI&ES. and enlarged gland * treated with tha nub- cutaneous Injection method , abnolutply with out pain and without tlm loss of A drop of blood , U one of ber own discoveries and Is rtalljr the moat scientific and certainly sura cure method of thin an vanced a lie. Dr. Cad- well lias practiced her profession In some of the largest botpltalos throughout the couuiry. She has u. superior lu treating and dlagnos- UK of diseases , deformities , etc. She ban lately opened an office lu Omaha , Nebraska , where she will spend a portion of each week treating her mauy patients , N" incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examination .and advice , one dollar to tbone Interested. Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. , 'Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III. , Address all mall to 104 Dee liultdlng , Oraaua Nebraska. Buifteon Plan Now To the Pacific Coast : Very low round trip rotes coin- mencing Juue 1st for Attractive Const Tours , only $60.00 ; slightly higher via. Shasta Route and Tuget Sound. To Chicago and East ; Republican Convention excursion ticketsat low rates iti Juue ; also summer excursion rates in cqiniec- tiou with Convention nnd Summer Tourist rates to eastern resorts. To Colorado and Kooky Mountains ; Daily excursion rates commencing Juue is to Colorado , Utah , Wy oming , Olack Hills , Yellowstone Park ; great Democratic conveu- at Denver in July. Homeseekera * Rates : First aud | third Tuesdays to th west , including the famous Dig Horn Basin and Yellowstone Val ley , where large tracts of rich irri gated lands ore opened for settle ment by the government and by the government aud by private companies , Write D. Clem Dea- ver , Burlington Landseekers1 In formation Bureau , Omaha ; excel lent business openings in new , growing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip aud let us advise you how to make it the best way at the least cost. H. L ORM8BY , ( Ticket Agent ) I * . W. WAKEU3Y , G. P. A , , ( Omaha , Nebraska. ) Through the Sunny South. Continued from First paire surely would be more thankful for small favors in good old Nebraska. But customs and common practice make conditions meet demands in all countries aud climes. And we pass on with noiseless tread for this great machine has very little to say , unless you get it angry. In this it is quite different from many people , strictly tending to its own business , carrying us on to our destination. After perhaps twenty minutes ride , we stop a little while to see the great Storage Canal and watch the many Mexicans at work with their small teams taking the dirt from the bottom of the big ditch , drawing it to the outside , banking it up as a levee to insure a refuge for the water against breaking over , and also giving capacity lor a large volume and storage supply of water. This company is preparing a large pumping plant where this canal intersects the Rio Grande river , equipped with one of the largest ami best pumps made for this purpose and will al all times keep a volume of water in the canal sufficient to float barges from one end to the other. The water in this will be from 12 to 18 feet deep. After ex planations regarding this canal and the utility of it in this arid country , by our chaperon , Mr. Phillips , we made back for the automobile to see if it was still there , as we noticed when we left it that the fellow that had a name I can neither read or spell , never tried , just seemed to choke it down and shut off its wind , and I was fearful the thing might be dead when we got backer or so full of hot air it might be busted , for I have already told you it was hot and so embrella closer than the car. But luck was with us on this occasion. Just as soon as that fellow twist ed the things nose a little it com menced to breath and struggle a little , all concluded it might get to bucking or jumping stiff leg ged again and we had better jump iu or there might be another catastrope of sitting down when we wanted to set up. But the thing never acted iu the least stubborn or sulky. I sup pose one reason was it was going toward home. You know some times mules will do this way. I had a demonstration of this here in Brownsville this morning. I was going along the beautiful paved sidewalks early , going to see the ma'rket place as I wanted to find out if I though it would be agreeable , palatable or neces- LU luuiuuu in pastime endeavoring to familiar isje myself trying to masticate a Mexican beef steak at breakfast time or not , and what do you suppose I encountered right on this beautiful paved sidewalk , and standing crosswise too ? At first I-thought it was a Texas jack rabbit , as I saw it had ears like one , but I noticed its tail was different , and I kept on noticing aud going on as I thought the fool thing would surely get off of the sidewalk and let a stranger pass on but no sir , it never budged an inch , neither could I persaude nor drive the stubborn thing off of these beautiful side walks , aud here I was all aloue and what was I going to do. I never had given the sidewalk to a Mexican mule and I made up my mind not to this time , unless I had to , and just then I happened to think of the two accident tickets I had I said , well , I am safe anyhow , and I just made a grab for that stubborn , impudent , long cared , unmanned } ' , insulting Mexican donkey mule's tail and gave a yank and said kind a loud , "see here , you Mexican brute , will you listen ! I'm from Nebraska , " and he just reached out for a shake and just as good as said , I'm from Brownsville , Texas , and I said "good morning Mr. Brownsville" and stepped off of the beautiful sidewalk and pass ed on and said to myself , its no use to monkey with a mule when they get stubborn. As I was walking along ponder ing over the dilemma I had jusl been delivered from , the thought struck me very forcibly that per haps this Mexican donkey mule was on the sidewalk trying to wake up the chief boss of the water works system , as this might be the hour when he was due to commence service on one of the two wheel carts hauling water from the river for cit ) purposes , and would bring one more demonstration to the notice of Dr. Gibson of some more oi this drawn work. Now those Kansas fellows may try to make you believe this mule story is not the truth , but 'tis a fact just the same , if I can't prove it. ( Continued next wooic. ) Ordinance No. 57. Governing City Waterworks. An ordinance to establlth rule * , reoula- tlons and aovernment for the system of waterworks of the city of Uroken Dow , Neb. , and ettabllshlnu rates for water rents and rents of meters , nnd the purchase and sale thereof , provld Ing for the collection of said rent * , mbklna the same a Hen upon the property , providing for the enforce ment of said Hen , providing rules and regulations for the government of water consumers , plumbers and others fixing their liabilities and defining their duties , and to pro tect said water system , Including pipes , meters and all other apparatus from Injury and providing penalties for the violation of the same , and to repeal ordinance number 44 of the re vised ordinances or the city and all ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance. De It ordained by the mayor and city ouncll of the city of Broken Dow , Cue- er county , Nebraska : Section ] . That the rules retaliations nd water mtus and tentals and mi leu ot toters herein specified shall he consldi'i'- d a part of the contract with ov * ry > urmin , company or corporation , whd I * uppllcd with water through the wal- r woiltu system of the City of Uroki'ii low , and every mich person , company r corporation by taking water shall be onsldnred held to consent to ho bound liereby , and when any of them are vlo- atod , or snub others as the said city or valor commissioner may hereafter adopt he water shall ho cut off from the blilld- I\K or placu of such violation and the vator shall not bo turned on iiRiiln ex- opt by order of the water commissioner r city council on payment of the ox- OIIBO of shutting off and turning on r city council , on payment of the ox- lonso of nhuttlnir off nnd turning on 10 same and on such other terms as nt city council , or water commissioner hall determine and a satisfactory nn- orstandlnu with the party that no fur- her causa for complaint shall arise , section Z. Every person , company or orporatlon desiring a supply of water nust make application therefor to the valor commissioner upon blanks to bo urnlshcil for that purpose. .Section 3. Hereafter all water fur- Ished through the water works system f the city of Uroken Bow Nebraska vlll bo furnished at motor rates , ex- opt as hereinafter provided. Section . That all water rates heron - n established are declared to bo nn- ual rates unless otherwise specified nd the same shall bo duo and payable uarterly In advance on the first day f January , April July and October of ach year , at the office of the water ommlsslonor provided that any party mylnt ; quarterly In advance on 'or bo- ere the first day of January April , lul > ind October of each or any year , shall ) o entitled to a. rebate on said rental of en percent. In caae of meter rates the onsumer shall bo charged with and hull pay on the first day of each qiiar- or the minimum charge of $1 25 , which hall bo In full of the llrst 1UOI ) gallons sed during the ensuing quarter. At ho end of said quarter the meter sliall )0 ) read and the balance duo determined liereby and the consumer shall note > o entitled to continue use of water at 10 beginning of any puarter unless he hall have made full settlement for all vator previously uuud by him and jiro- Idod utlll further that In case any y/ut- r consumer shall fall or neglect to payer or the use of water In advance as ufoie aid , then It shall be the duty of the Vutor Commissioner to cause the water o be shut off , after fifteen days from the Irst day of the quarter , so as to do- irlve the delinquent consumer of the us" f the city water. No rebate or discount hall be allowed on meter lates and the discount or rebate above inentloned does lot apply to meter rates and charges. Section C. Water will not bo turned nto any house or service pipe except upon the order of the water commission er and plumbers are prohibited from urnlng the water Into any service pipe except upon the order of the water com- nlssloner. This rule shall not bo con- trued to prevent plumbers admitting VU11.I LU LUDL plJuB UUI AUi lliuh git. . } ! " " " only. Section 0. No person , company or cor- wratlon shall bo permitted to muko or iuvo made any tap or connection Wltn the service pipe between the inetur ami ho mains. Section 7. AH persons , companies or orpin auonH tmlnu city water are pro- ilblted from opening hydrant tup . i cither connwotlon of any description d U- IIK the progress of any fuo within tn city , and It Is hereby made the duty or ill consumers , upon the sounding of the flro alarm to Immediately close and keej closed all water taps during the contln- lance of said flro. Anyone vlolat ng the provisions of this section shall bo deemed gulllty of a misdemeanor , and up on conviction thereof may bo fined in any sum not exceeding the sum of $ ! & . or be Imprisoned In the common jail for a period not exceeding 30 days Section 8. When the water has been turned off from any consumer he shall not turn It on or permit It to bo turn- on on without tlm written consent of the water commissioner. Kivtlon 'J. The owner or tenant shall provide ready and convenient access to the motor , whore meters are placed m building , so that It may bo easily exam ined and read by the water commis sioner at all times when in hl discretion 11 Is deemed necessary to enter his pre mises or buildings for the purpose of testing the meter or to examine the pipes , meters or other fixtures. .M'oilon ID. All hoiibo hollers shall bo constructed with ono or more air holes near the top of the Inlet pipe , and sufficiently strong to bear thu pressure of the atmosphere under the vacuum , the stop cock and all other apparatus must bo sufficiently strong to bear the uiessuro and run off water In the mains. All persons taking the water shall keoi the surface pipes , stop cocks and al other apparatus In good order and re pair and protect the same from frost at their own risk and expense , and It Is hereby expressly stipulated by said city and water commissioner , that no claim shall be mode , against them , or either of them by reason of any nor- vice cock or If from any cause the sup ply of water shall fall or from damag es arising from shutting off water to re pair mains , making connections or iix- tenslons or any othpr purpose that may bo deemed necessary , and the right Is hereby jeserved to cm off the supply of water at any time , aio permit grunted to the contrary notwith standing. Section 11. All service pipes snail l > o galvanized iron or extra heavy lead pipe between the corporation cock nnd curb stop , up to ana Including one inch The pipe shall bo laid not less than 4 feet below th6 established grade , or as low as the street mains , and sutilciontly waiving to allow an extra length of not leas than ono foot , and in such a man ner as to prevent rupture by settlement All joints of lead pipes to bo what Is known as "plumber's Joints. " in no case will cup Joints or bolted Joints bo allowed. Between the corporation cocl and the coupling in the Iron service pipe there must be at least 18 incheu o end pipe to relieve the rleldty of the Iron pipo. A brass coupling must bo used for connecting the lead pipe with the | roi pipe nnd In nocaso must lead b to Iron. All lend pipes shall hoof known as "extra strong " tind shall \VI > | K ) pur lineal foot for various dlnmoters us follows : ! " 'r I # ' I'lue , 2 Hm. 7 oz. par ft Vf In. Tap , % In. pipe 3 Ibs. per foot , * In. Tap , ? ; In. pipe 3 Ibs. 10 oz. per ft % In. Tai > , 1 in. plpo 41bs. Vi oz. per ft 1 in. Tap , IU In. pipe 6 Ibs. per foot Nor shall any pipe be laid between the main and the curb larger than such size an are used respectively In ooimectloi with corporation cockB. The service plpo "fed for interior plumbing may bo of the luna Known as strong lead or k'alvan- liad or plain iron pipe , but DO Ttad or ron pipe of lighter weight tlmn this nhall be fined under any clrcumotances. Dm weight of tlilij class of pipe to be in follows. & Inch plpo Z HH. 8 ounces per foot. It Inch plpo 3 pounds per fool. . Inch pipeI pounds per foot. V I" , plpp , 4 pounds 8 ounces per foot. Section 12 , Thelo shall bo a stop cock In every set vice attached to the nnhiH , the same to bo placed between ho lot line nnd the curb line and wllh- n n foot of the side of the same. Where atop cocks cnmmt b planed In ho sidewalk on account of vaults or ither obstiuetlons , they shall bo placed n the stioot clear of the gutter , nl least our feut below the surface , and all stop cocks , without exception , shall have a sttong and suitable T handle. They shall be enclosed in a substantial ex- enslon Iron case and covered with a Ight fitting Iron lid with letter Wcast ipon It. There shall be ono or moro slop and waste cocks attached to every supply plpo at n point In the building seas as to admit of water being shut off In rosty weather and the pipes being enip- led. Section 13. Persons residing on streets on which water has not been laid , may obtain license for the use of water upW | iroctirlng the written permission of thd nvncr of the hydrant from which It H iroposud to take water , said permit ti ) io filed In the office of the water com- nlssloner. < Section 11. No person shall hav any excavation made In the street , alloy nr ilghways , upon at any tlmo without mrrlcades nnd during the night , red Ights must b < > maintained nt snub ex- rnvntlons. No person shall inako any excavation In tiny street , or dig up ir uncover so ns to expose to from my water pipes or sewer of the city,1 except under the directions of the city ) council or water commissioner. Section 1C. . After ser\lco pipes hro aid , In refilling the opening the onitli mist bo laid In layers of not moro than ilnu Inches In depth and each layer then Jiighly stamped and settled wltn water , ho streets , sidewalks and pavements niisl bo lestoied to as need condition , ns before making the excavation , and all dill , Htonim or rubbish removed. Tim vatcr commissioner shall have the right ) o finish or voircut Iho work nnd th expense Incurred shall be charged to thei dumber , nnd shall be paid by htm be- ' 010 water IH turned on , Section 1C. All applications for por- nlts must ho made in writing upon blank , orms furnished by the water commlH , sloner and signed by the owner or hlsl agent. Such application shall state the size of tap required which shall not ex ceed ono Inch in diameter , the street and side of street , If on n corner which , street Is to bo tapped ; the full name of' ' ho owner , number of lot or lots and ho pur5osa ] for which the water Is to 10 used. The charge for making the tap ind laying the pipe to the curb line , In cluding all pipes and corporation cock complete , ready for the applicant to at- uoh. shall be ? lli , to bo paid when the ippllcatton Is made. All A > lpes between nuln and corporation cocks shall be of galvanized Iron , with eighteen inches of extra heavy lead pipe at Its attachment vlth the main. Section 17. SVhen ono service pipe sup. ) lles two or more distinct premises or enemonls. ( here shall be provided sub- ect to the supervision of the water commissioner a separate stop cock and meter for each of said premises or tone- nents , so that water supplies may be shut off from the one without Interfer- ng with the supply of others. Section 18. It shall be unlawful for any plumber or plumbers or plpoliters o do any woik upon any ot the pipes or appurtanccs of the system of water vorks of the city of Broken How , or to nake any connections with or exten sions of the supply pipes of any con sumer taking water from said city until such plumber or plumbers or plpo flt- .ers shall have first procured u license so to do as hereinafter provided. That any plumber or plumbers or plpo 'Itteis desiring to do any work on any of the pipes or appurtenances thereto ir make any connections therewith , or extensions of the supply pipes of any consumer taking water from the system of waterworks of the city of Broken Liow , shall make an application in wrlt- ng lo the council of said city for license so to do , Said application shall sot forth the full name under which the busi ness Is to be transacted , and thereupon iho council may at Its option direct it license to be Issued by the clerk of said city , signed by the mayor and clerk , nnd attested by the seal of said city pro viding the applicant shall have compiled with the provisions hereof. Ttitfiirn niiv Hiinh IIcnMKt > Hlmll he issued thu applicant shnll execute and fllo with the clerk or said citya bond running to Hula city , 1 the mini of * 1 600 , BlBiied by ono or moro sufficient sureties , to bo approved by the mayor nnd council , con ditioned Hint the applicant shnll Indem nify and hold harmless the snld city of LSrokcii Bow of nnd from nil damiiKes canned by Iho negligence arising from n fulluio lo protect his work or by uny un > skillful or lundequuto work done on Biild pipes , or the appurtenances thereto in cluding connections aud extensions of supply pipes , and that he will be gov erned by the rules ) nnd reflations here in provided , or thnt may bo herenftor pro scribed or adopted by snld city In refer ence lo plumbing , nnd shall pny nil fines Imposed upon him for any violations thereof and that ho will replace nnd 10- store pavunicnt Butters or cotirblntr ovei uny opening he may malto to lay service pipe , or other purposes , to as seed state nnd condition as he found It , and keep and maintain the same in good order to the .satisfaction of the water commissioner for the period of six months next there after , nnd shnll also pay to the city treasurer the stun of $5 license fee , nnd fllo the treasurers receipt therefor with snld clerk ; provided that suld li cense shall continue lu force for the period of ono year from Its date , unless sooner revoked. Sec. 11) . Any person licensed us afore said who shnll be KUllty of u violation of any of the provisions of this oruinanco or uny rules herein prescribed , or that mny hurenfter bo adopted by the mnyor nnd council , or shall Interfere with any Inspection of his work , shall Immediate ! } forfeit his license , which snld forfeltuio shall operate ns a forfeiture of the li cense of any nnd nil persons associated with him In business whether ns part ners or otherwise , nnd upon conviction thereof shnll pay a fine of not loss than * l and not moro thnn ? 100 , which fines Hhnll bo Imposed upon conviction hofole the police Judni ) , and snld conviction shnll cnuso forfeiture of license. See. 20. Within forty-eight hours af ter iho completion of any attachment or connection , the plumber shall make full report nnrt return lo Iho Wnter Commis sioner , with n description of nil the np- pnrntns nnd nrimiKemunts for uslmr the water , tosoher with n pint showing the exact locution by measurement from the lot line , of the stop cock meter nnd ser vice pipes and uny further particulars that mny bo called for by the Water Commissioner. The water will not be turned Into any service plpo until com plete returns are mndo by the plumber. /M i21' AU. PhiWbJnc shall bo skill fully done and In a manner required by the Water Commissioner and shall be subject to his Inspection arid approval ; tuo quality nnd pattern of nil nppurto- " " ? shall. In like "J"1,08 manner , be subject to his approval anj ( no WOrk snnli bo covered until examined by him. ° ' J * shall be unlawful for any niM > Plumber or pipe fitter to do any work the n y.of . tll , ° ppes | appurtenances of waterworks system of sold city or make any contracts with or ojctenalono of thei supply pipes of any consumer until ior pipe fitter or ' N ° ll0 ° naed plumber n'n or pipe iiiatorin furnished ftwbltnnt charges foi or work donu bv him and any poison feeling nBjrevo"l Si " | nt v ' ' ' ' "iS1" . n'e're'o'r V.V ' to com . tneieof to thu Water Pnmmtu by the city council within ton vok'od"L ! U > lUt ° ri "ls "conso Blmii "bo re . ' . Xo person except the Water Commissioner or the engineer employed tiL 'i10 cltY . or "censed pluml r under " 1'111 of the ? miVn" ? , water Coimnl- ! ! inlssloner. Will bo permitted undorUanV ? 'R-u9t { nces totaptha main ? or dl" . trlbutlnjr ptpea or insert stop cocks or ferrules therein. AU pipe * bo In all cases tapped on the top and not In any case nearer than fifteen Inches of either end of the pipe or nearer than four feet from any other tap" land in nil cnHos ser vice plpuM between the distributing plpo In the street and the stop cock must beef of standard galvanized Iron plpo , Sec. 25. The city will furnish the cor poration cocks nnd Insert the name in the main , nlso furnish stop cocks , waste cocks , box plumbing , meters nnd nil con nectlons meter boxes nhd everything nef > MBHry pertaining thereto nt the low est possible cost to consumers. Sec. 2fl. All hydrnhtu erected In said city for the purpose ot extinguishing file arc hereby declared to be public hydrants nnd no other person than member/not the fii department nnd then only for the use and purpose of snld department or per * DOUH specially authorized by the Water Commissioner nnd then only In the exer cise of the authority delegated by mild commissioner shall open any of the said hydrants or attempt to draw water from the same or In any manner intt-rfcio with the same. Hoc. 27. The City of Broken Bow re serves the right to suspend the use of ; water for fountains or for sprinkling yards , lawns and gardens when In tlm opinion of the city cotmcll tin ) public ex igencies may require It. Sec. 28. Should the meter get out of order or repair or fall to register prop erly the consumer will be charged nt the rate of average monthly consumptlot as shown by the meter when In order for six months piovlous or fraction thereof If snmu has not been used that long. Sec. 21) ) . If any consumer shall remove from the premises for which Ills license was Issued before the expiration of the same or such promises shall bo de stroyed by flro lui shall notify the Wnter Commissioner thereof who shnll cause the water to bo shut off the promises. Sec. 3U. All water meters used In con nection with the water works .system of said city shall bo of stnnddrd 'manufac ' ture to bo approved by the city council nnd to bo put In plnco or Vemoved by the Wnter Commissioner or employee of the city designated for that pXtrnoso. Sec. 31. To consumers wishing to pur chase meters the city will sell for cash meters and connections nt ncttial cost. To consumers who wish to pay qunrterlj the city will charge 10 per cent above , cost price of meters connections nndi settings and Jho purchaser shall pay ! one-fourth In advance one-fourth every' ' throe months vthercaftor. Sec. 32. Each and every water con sumer supplied with city water will be charged therefor by quarterly rates herein prescribed where meters are used , nt the following rates. For the first 1,000 gallons or fraction ! thereof $1.25. ' For the first 4 000 . gallons after the first 1,000 gallons at 35 ceritn per 1 000 gallons. For the first 6 000 gallons after the first 6 000 gallons at 30 cents per 1 000 gallons. 5 For nil In excess of first 10,000 gallons up to 20,000 gallons at 2C cents per 1,000 gallons. For all in excess of 25 000 gallons , at 15 cents per 1 000 gallons. , Sec. S3. When water is used for any purpose without meters the following rates shnll be charged : Banks including one wash basin $ r .00 pen annum. Barber shop one chair and without bath tubs ? 6.00 per annum. For second chair and each additional chair , ? 3.00. Blacksmith shop , one fire per annum , $4.00. For each additional fire * 2.00. Billiard and pool halls , one' table per annum $4.00. For each additional table , per annum $2.00. Cigar factory flvo hands or less per annum , $8.00. Dwelling , per annum , without bath tuber or other extras , $8.00. For each additional family occupying residence 18 00. Cisterns rate by barrel oiUy 2 cents per barrel. Halls per annum $5 to $15. Office or sleeping rooms' Including one wash basin , per annum , { G.OO. Horses and cows , per annum , $1 uu each. Stores per annum $6.00 to $20.00. Water shall be charged Cor In all case : not specifically mentioned and enume'r- flted above by meter rates only. Water shall not bo used for sprinkling lawns or other sprinkling or filling of trenches or cisterns except from 0 p. m. to H p. m only. It U further provided that any rate herein establlslied shall be subject to ciiange by lesolutlon duly passed by the Mayor and Council , and such rates , established u.s may he just and equitable between said city and the water consumer. - Sec. at. All water and meter rates shall be charged to and collected from the owner of the premises and the saiue shall bo n lien on said premises and real estate wbere used , and may bo qoilt ett.'d by said City at any tlmo after the same becomes due by civil action in the court and It shall bo the duty of the Water Commissioner in his quar terly report to place the names of all parties delinquent In the payment of water rates and charges nnd meter rentnls nnd charges showing the amount duo from each delinquent , together with , n description of the property upon or for which the water has been used or sup plied , and thereupon the City Council shnll by resolution direct the clerk to flu with the county clerk of the county n certified copy of said report and resolu tion directing that the amount assessed against the different premises as shown by said report bo placed upon the assess inont roll and tax books of said county for collection as other taxes. Sec. 35. That there shall bo and is noioby created the offlcoof Water Com missioner ; that the Mayor shall nomi nate and by and with the advise nnd consent of two-thirds of the council elected shnll appoint n resident free holder of said city , who shall be known as the water commissioner of the city nnd who shall be ex-offlclo chief of police - lice in and for said city , whoso term of office shall be for one fiscal year or un til his successor shall bo appointed unit qualified ; nnd annually on the first day of each municipal year hereafter , a wnt commissioner shall be appointed as aioresaldbut ; said water commissioner may at any tlmo for sufficient causb be removed by a two-thnds vote of the city council. Any vacancy occurring III said office of water commissioner by death resignation , removal from offlco or Otherwise may be filled In the same man ner ns heielnbcforo provided for his apt polntment. Said commissioner shall be fore ho enters upon the discharge of his duty , execute a bond with two1 good and sureties ir me same be per sonal or ono surety If the naino be n cor poration , to the city in the pennl sum of three thousand dollais , conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties , fin Id bond to bo approved by the mayor nnd council. Sec. 3(5. ( That It shall bo the duty of such water commissioner and ox-offlclo chief of police , subject to the supervision of the mayor and council to ha'vo the general management and control of the system of water works In the city. Ho shall perform all the duties and have all of the powers as chief of police that are Imposed granted and oonfened by the Jaws of the state and thu ordinances of said city. Ho shall collect all inon , lea due the city on account of said sys tem paying samoto thu treasurer of the city , taking his receipt therefor In duplicate , and fllo In writing with' the city council , at least every three months u report of the condition of uuld water works system , of all the mains , pipes , hydrants reservlors , a. statement of quch improvements repalra and exteiinloa of such system its ho may think proper and also showing the amount of the receipts and expenditures on account of such sys HhmnforiUie Pr , ceill' B "ireo months , m Hhall ) i , writing from tlmo to tlrnu recommend to the city council the em- ploymciU of utiuh laborers and clerks as may bo necessary for the efficient , proper nnd economical operation of such water system. Ho shall also perform such other duties as may from time to time bo re quired of htm by the mayor and coun cil , relative to the water works. Sec. 37. Said water commissioner nnd ex-offlclo chief of police shall be paid a Ja" jy at not to exceed seventy-five monthly d ° Jlnr'1 , . P r month , payable in installments. Sea. 38. rr 0na not .paying-water ratog and babltiuUly uslntt water torn cjt > fountains -and water troughs for Jomoa tlo purpoiti nd nMcrlDg live ( took U 1I be nssesmed the water rate applicable to the pretnUei Inhabited by .itlil ouij totnnr. Sec. 39. Th City of Broken Bow hull pay the inai of 140 annually ench for each fire hydrant elected In the city , In con nection with the waterworks nystein mid a tax of not to exceed flvo mills on the dollar shall bo levied nhd collected nrinimily upon all taxable property upon the nsscssincnt roll of said city to. meet the payment of uulil flro hydrant rental. Sec. 40. No pcroon shall willfully or .iiirelesBly broalc Injure or deface , Inter , fore with or disturb machinery , apparatus flxturfcH or npinirtonances of the water * \vniK8 of said city or any public hydrant hose , Water trough or stop cock , meter , water mipply or service pipes or any pru theieof.nor shall any person deposit nny- thinff In any stop cock box or commit nhy act tondliiK to obstruct the use or Impair the Intended uno of any of the above incntlonocl properties. Any person or persons vlolntlns ; any of the pro- VIslonM of this ordinance shall bo utility of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall bo fined In any sum nut exceeding ono lumitrotl dollars and not IOHH tlihn one dollar. Hoc. 11. That thta ordinance shall tnlu < ! ff 'ct and bti In full force and effect artfi Its pnsfwKo approval and publica tion , from and after thu first day of July 1908. and upon said date ordinance number 11 of the ordinances of the City tled .okon UWNebraska , bolus enti the watur works ordinance and all oidinancos and parts of ordinances in llprfiwl , > Mo horcby iopealed , to n i .S.llowoYiCr' ln fu" force Iintl o 1 July IB ! 19U8"c ° Hlml1 tnko crft'ul i > ub- It. S. IIOLCOAIU , LEGAL NOTBCES NOTICKTOIIKIRS. Uev9eoUaalees ! , Creditors , ' intereste'1 ln u ° tate of MtUer M. Keener , deceased , b'e ° ] petition B In M ,1" SchuUe County , court has filed of Ciister county Nebraska. ' 1'raylmr that sno bo E"therard ree < l tobe tlleB0le uelr 01 nM l.ittier M. Schulte , deceased ; that the south west Barter of ' Action 'tweuty-slr - , township Nebraska ' rat rot - < : ty-turee. In Custer County. , passed and descended to the peti- tlorfer on Uie death of Estuer M. Keederlto- Ketfcer with her personal property ; that said 5Rgr.liiVot llaya for tbc"Payment of debts of the said deceased , or to attacuraent. exccu- | ? , , Proces . and Is free- and dUcharjred there trom , and the whole title and possession thereof Is I , , the said Emma' 1,7 UJ.lfamVUiJt ! * fWl" admtstrattoS of , h . , the estate of the said Either M. Reeder , be H Pea ed , with ; and for general relief ; You will take further notice , Tnat said matter-win be heard at the said Court on the UtUdayof Junomiat IU o'clock a. m" and that the depositions of the petitioner aud Orlando Skinner will bo taken , for use in a a matter , before competent authority , at the ? nc * < > l UC-IJead In Fullerton , California , on the Itli day of June , iwa , between 10 o'clock. adjourn ' ' from , ° 'clock Pwith power to day to day. Dated at liroken Bow , Nebr. May 13tb. 1908. A. R. UUMPUREY. NOTICE FOR PuniacATioN. of tbe lulerlor , U. S. Iaud office it Broken lJow.Nebr. , May 12. 1903. Notice Is hereby given that Peter W. Dooley , ? ( r okci } ° , w < lNelr-i who on February.ZStu. 19W. inade' Homestead. No. 5664 , for „ , } * , section 32 , township la uortlt , , range 20 w st. 6tb principal Meridian , has filed notice of In * V. tentlonto makeFInarS year Proof , to estab- . llan claim to tbe laud , above described , before reglterani1 receiver , at lirokeu Bow , N b. . on the I9tu day of Juue , 1WW. Claimant names as witnesses ; Jobn H. Rose , of Broken Neb. . Francis Mouat. of Broken Bow , Neb. , Richard Mobat , of Broken. Bow. Neb. , Acy Broyles , of Broken Bow. JOHN RBBBK , Register. f. NOTICE TO CHEDITORS. county court , custer county , Nebraska , Ths creditors of the sstate'of John p. Sander son , deceased : ' Take notice , that l-willslt at the county court room , In Broken Bow , in said county , on the 2nd day ot JunelWW , and on the SHb day of NOV. , 1908. each at 10 o'clock a. in. , of " * - J * * -.4 * i M1AU C-AtlUAiUC All tiallU9 against said estate , witlj a view to their ad justment and allowance. Tbe'tlme limited for the presentation , of clalias against said estate Is six months irom the 1st day 6f May , 1003. and the' time limitedfonpayment of debts Is one year from said date. Dated April seth IWs. A. H , HUUPHUBY. County Judge. First pub. May 7-2S. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. County court. Ouster County , Nebraska. The t Creditors of the estate of Elizabeth Morrow - -row , deceased : Take notice , That I will alt at the county .court room , iu Broken Bow , In said county , bn the JOth day of June , 1908 , and on the soil/ / Uay of November , iws , each at lUo'clock a. m. , ot each day , to receive and eramlne all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance ; The time limited lor the presentation of claims against said estate Is MX mouths trom the Uth day of May , IMS , aud the time limit ed for payment of debts Is one year from said date. [ SKAL ] A. R. IlUMi'ilHY , County Judge , bated May Btb , 1808. May ll NOTICE TO CREDITORS. County court. Custer county , Nebraska. The creditors of the estate of Rachel Fleming deceased : Take , notice , That J will sit at the County county room , In Broken Bow , In said county , on the 1st day of July , 1908 , and on the 1st day ot December , 1WW , each at 10 o'clock a.m. ot each dayf to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their adjustment and allowance ; and that on the llrst date above the petitions of widow-will be heard tor homestead , exemp tions , allowance nnd other Statutory rights. Thetlme limited for the presentation of claims against Maid estate Is six months from the 19th dayof May , 1003and the time limited for payment ol debts Is one year from said date. Dated May 19,1903. [ SISAL , ] A. R. HUAii'illtKY. County Judge. Maj'31-Jell HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. ft. T. B RUCE & CO. Lumber It Coal South side ,