SnVs. Cured thousands Given up to Die. W.OALDWELL of CHICAGO. Practicing Ateopathjr , Homeopathy , Electric nnd General Medicine. lly request will Ylslt j i Grand Central Hotel , "Broken Bow , June 4 roturuhitf CTcry four week * . Connul liftr when llio oimottunltv. U at linntl , , , PR. CAttDWnr li iimiiM her practice tu the treatment of ilUcaHcn oftha Kyc , liar , ise , Throat , Idiiivn , Female DIseasrH , teclal of Chlldruii and alt Clirunlc , Nervous d Surulcal Diseased of a curalilu imturu , irly coniumptlou. llrouchltlfl , ACatarrah , Chronic Catarrali , Head-Ache , Cun * ( Vtlpatlon , Btomaclio and liuwel Trouble * ! , YXheumatlimi , Ncuralula. Hclotlca , HrlifhtB'n .UUcanc , Kidney DlneascB , DlBcnscH of tlio Alvor aud Ulnddcr , DlizlnuHs. Nervousness , jndlrcstlon , Obesity , Intcruptcd Nutrition , /Slow Urowth lu Children , and all waatlnir riMieaBPn lu adults. Deformities , Club-feet , Currauturo o ( tlio Splno , Diseases of the llraln , .YaralyiU , tipllensy , Heart Disease , Dropuy , SwoUUiir of tile Itlmbi , Stricture , Open Sores , tain lu tlie Ouuua , Granular Gulanromonts and 11 lens > fltauJldir diseases property treated , BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. Pimples , Itlotches , Eruptions , I < lver Spots I'allinsr of tlio Ilalr , Bud Comploxlou. Ectema , Throat Ulcer * . Bone Pains , hlndder Troubles , Wesk Back. Uurula ? Urine , Pausing Urine too ofton. The effects of constitutional sick- ueas or the talclu ? of too much Injurious medi cine receives searching treatment , prompt relief and a cure for life. Diseases of Women , Irregular Menstratlou , tfttlllnirof the Womb , lioarlncr Down Pains , Female Displacements Lack of Sexual Tone , Leucorrhea , Sterility or Barrenness , consult Dr. Caldwell and aha will show them the cause of their trouble and the way to become cured. CANCERS , G01TUK , FISTULA , PILES , and enlarged alaudtt treated with the sub cutaneous Injection method , absolulply with out palu and without thu loss of a drop of liluod , la ouo of her owu dlscoverleH and Is really the most scientific and certainly sure euro method of this an van ceil siro. Dr. Cad- well has practiced her pretension In m > mo of the largest uottpltaloa throughout the country. She has no superior lu treating anil dlairiios * ug of dlacaHcs , deformities , etc. She has lately opened an office lu Omaha , Nebraska , where she will spend a portion of each week treating1 her many patients , Nu incurable cases accepted for treatment. Consultation , examination and advice , one dollar to those Interested. Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. , Oittaha , Neb. Chicago , III. H Address all mall to 104 Uou Bulldluir , Omaha < Nebraska. Builindlin 'Plan Now 'To the Pacific Coast : Very low round trip rules com mencing June 1st for Attractive Const Tours , only $60.00 ; slightly highervia. Shasta Route and Puget Sound. To Chicago and East ; Republican Convention excursion ticketsat low rates in June ; also summer excursion rates in connec tion with Convention and Summer Tourist rates to eastern resorts. .To Colorado and Rooky Mountains ; Daily excursion rates commencing June is to Colorado , Utah , Wy oming , Black Hills , Yellowstone Park ; great Democratic conven- at Denver in July. Homeaeekers * Rates ; f First and ( third Tuesdays to the west , including the famous Big Horn Basin aud Yellowstone Val ley , where large tracts of rich irri gated lands ore opened for settle ment by the government and by the government and by private companies. Write D. Clem Dea- var , Burlington Landseekers * In formation Bureau , Omaha ; excel lent business openi'iga in new , growing towns. Write a brief description of your proposed trip and Jet us advise you how to make it the Iwst way at the least cost. M. L , ORMSBY , ( Ticket Agent ) r.Ii. W. WAKELEY , G. P. A. , : ' ( Omaha , Nebraska. ) Through the Sunny South. Continued from First pair * mother's tender embrace to peace fully sleep with those of the nations sacred dead. One monument ment bore the inscription of that of Mary Houston , widow of Colonel James Houston , 82 N , Y. Volunteers. She died April 1st 1901. This cemetery was established in 1867. The old siege guns were made in 1853. Captain William Wilson super intendent of the cemetery and grounds , requested each one of our crowd of four to place our names and addresses on the cemetery record in this far south land of the United States. We found Mr. Wilson and his wife to be very obliging and courte ous people , and gave us much im- formation concerning this old Port and Cemetery and at just 11 o'clock we bade farewell to this grand old soldier and his good companion and left this sacred and historic place for our dining car , for we expected to have for dinner some more of the good Mexican beef steak or its equivalent in something equally aa good. And in this we were not disappointed , neither do we believe we ever will be as long as we have these good cooks with us. Well here we are at the car , warm as a hot later , tired as a Texas mule and hungry as a Kansas grey hound , but other wise as sound as a pigeon hole in a billiard table. Some of the Kansas boys and the two Wis consin boys , including Dr. Gib son , got real smart in the morn ing , .fter they separated from our little crowd , and what do you think they did away down here in this old Mexican town without even consulting the manager of our car in the least or getting permission of the city authorities. Well , I'll just tell you if it does make Dr. Gibson get his back up in the upper berth when he goes to bed , yes sir , they did for a fact , they did , they actually took , without any previous preparation whatever , or knowledge of coming events or the danger there might be in the undertaking , they actually took upon themselves the privil ege to be humbugged into the idea of going through the streets of this strange city on the very first day of their arrival , and strangers too among these people in this old town that is ten hundred years behind the worlds nrst section of the Katy t < lyer , yes they did , for a fact , they did fnr a sure thing , take an auto mobile ride of about 15 miles. And wasn't it an awful risk in this country so near the Gulf coast , but they did and got back about noon , and Dr. Gibson had the audacity to tell us fellows , who had been a little more care ful about our company aud the way we acted in a strange town aud among strangers , that it was a delightful trip , this automobile ride. Well you just see if some of we fellows don't get even with you fellows this afternoon. Just wait and see. The signal is given by our genial host , Mr. Frary , that dinner is ready , and without any coaxing or urging these Kansas fellows and Dr. Gibson were placing away for safe keeping without ceremony the enormous amount of good things prepared for this , our first dinner in Brownsville , that the lady cooks became al irmed for fear there might be some cases of acute indigestion , which is very fatal in a hot climate , and called a council with the managers and it was decided to leave off the third course of sauce , pie and cake , which was a little disap pointing to the Kansas fellows and also Dr. Gibson of Wiscon sin. I really felt a little humili ated myself for the first time on this trip , for jjl knew Mr. J. M. Turner had been rustling a good part of the forenoon trying to supply the cooks in quality and quantity enough to tide us over this noon aud evening meals , and this was the first time I felt insulted. Some of the boys here and at this time accused me of getting fat on this trip. The fact is , and I frankly confess , that I did appropriate my share of the good things to eat and I am real glad for it was the only way I could keep up with these Kansas fellows without getting steam pressure to high. Dinner over aud several of the boys in dulged in a social smoke. Sometimes trom three to six you'd see. Collected lu one company ; And every fellow In good Klee , Aud all must have amoving spree A social smoking union. And then the smoVe and fumus would rise' UVe morning mists before thu skies ; And woe to him who has weax eyes , Unless he takes hU leave and tiles Prom thU tobacco union. Having some mail to post , in company with two of the boys we started out before the others were quite ready and as usual in the excitement , I mailed the card without stamping it , and I sup pose this card will be a guest of this place longer than I will , but I hope I will be excused when the facts are known , for as we passed by on the street toward the U. S. mail box , we saw something that almost gave us the lock jaw. A monstrous automobile , sitting right here sound asleep and apparently dead on the street near the sidewalk in this old town. The very same old moutrosity the boys were telling us about what had taken them in the forenoon on their delight ful trip. This peaceful , quiet looking animal resembled some thing we had seen away back in the north where they 'don't raise cotton and Mexicans , but this one looked to be a little over-grown. I stood and watched the thing a little while , not getting very close , and by and by I saw a fellow take something like a crank and go up to it and fasten it on something and give its nose a few twists , and such snorting and puffing as it did do. I soon found out the thing wasn't either asleep or dead , but seemed to be getting awful mad about some thing , and 1 didn't know but the old thing was going to take the town. But pretty soon this same fellow went up to it again and said or did something to it and it quieted down and apparently was entirely over its mad spell , and after watching it for awhile we concluded now was the time to show our bravery and get even with those smart fellows who behaved so unbecoming among strangers in the forenoon , without authority or special advice , and I just deliberately stepped up in this great touring monster und quietly set down and before I could think twice there were about fifteen of these little Mexican tots begging to shine my shoes. Well I didn't want to act cute like the other boys did and I just let two of these little shiners shine me , and they did and wanted to keep this shining up. every fifteen minutes the whole time I was in Browns ville. I think there must have been some 500 or perhaps 1000 of these little shine fellows. There were so many tif them I thought when night came it must have its effect on the stars , for they really did appear to shine brighter here than any place I had ever been before , and these- thoughts come to me at this time , viz : That if these slouchy , lazy look ing great big stand-up on the corners and streets everywhere fellows , just had a little of this everlasting shine about them selves that these little fellows had , first , last and all the time , this old town would take on a different shine from what it had , for it surely needs it everywhere from center to circumference. Well these little shiners got through with me , and what do you think they called it a double shine and I guess it was as there were two of them. Well I just gave them each five cents and said to myself , sold again , but I didn't want the other boys to find it out , no sir. While we were waiting for enough people to make up their minds to risk an automobile ride so near the Rio Grande river , as we had seating capacity for twelve passengers , and it took a little while to get the number to make the venture , there were some Mexican ladies came by and seeing a chance for some trading or selling some Mexican drawn work and one of our crowd , Dr. Gibson I think it was , as he had come to see whether any of us got hurt getting on the automo bile , he told these Mexican ladies to call at the car this evening at about 7 o'clock , as he for one wanted some drawn work. Now , to tell you the truth , I don't know what this stuff is , its just a little out of my line of business I suppose but from what I could sec here , it seemed to me it was about all drawn work. The whole system of water works was drawn on two wheel carts in barrels , one barrel , one donkey , pony or oxen as the case might be , to each two wheel cart , and I saw wood drawn on two wheel carts with two oxen , one driver and one fellow going ahead to solicit trade 1 suppose , and 1 saw several whole tamiltes of Mexicans drawn on these two wheel carts. I could not see what Dr. Gibson wanted these ladies to bring their drawn work to our car for , but he insisted on them doing this , aud we just let the matter go for the time being , but thought some time when we got away from these Kansas lellows we would just politely ask some one why gthis peculiar stuff was called drawn work , ( Continued next vrettc. ) I.A , ARMOUK , Attorney at Law. Broken Bow.lNebr , Havlnir junt had night year * practical expcr li-nco as County Judiro. will ( five ipcclal alteu lion to the drnwlnif and probatluir of wills aud Hie Administration of estates of deceaied per * ( IOIIR and raluorn. Write or phone me. I may nave you p trip , r % JI. CONRAD , . . . . .llo&lorIn , . . . I'umiu.WInd , Mllln , Titnbr. Fltttngt , Oaeolln Baiflnon , otn , Broken Uow , Nebmka , DR. CHRISTENSON , EyeEarNoseThroat , , , and Chronic Diseases. Fitting- Glasses , \ Office in Realty block. Short Horn Cattle CRIMSON SCOTT No. 717Oas. J. G. BRUNIZHK , Breeder of Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped Sbort llorn Cattle. My herd numbers 40 cows. Will com pare In breed 111 if and quality with any west of Chlcauo My experience haa tauirut mo that to iflvp iroodsatlsfactlon , breeding cattle must be rulHUft lu tliln ullltiKle. I expect to rulNf : Iliein Here the equal of anything ralapd In the U. S. I now have25 bulls suitable for this and next year's serTlc * . My cows wcltrh from 1400 to 2000 pounds. Come and gee tben . J. G. BRENIZER UUOKRN Dow , - - NKBRASKA FRANK KELSEY , ALL KINDS OP WELLS Consult him If you want Water. Phone 112 , - Broken Bow. DOCTOR W. Age , Coming 6 ; Weight , 1700 ! bs.f Will Make the Season of 1908 as Follows. Mondays , Tuesdays and Wednesdays , at R. T. BAKER'S , on Clear creek. Thursdays , Fridays and Saturdays r.t TOOLBY'S Barn , Broken Bow. TERMS : $8 to insure ; $10 for sucking colt. W. A. TOOLEY , Owner. BANGS STUDIO East Side of Suqare Photographs , Bdisou aud Columbia Phonographs and records. Agents tor Chickeriug , Ivers and Pond aud Star Pianos. We can save you money. A Liberal Supply of OANE AND MILLET SEED Still on hand J. W. Scott , South Side Suqare , Broken Bow , Nebraska CCT before you decide upou the Rnr purchase of aiiy'uew piece of Furnl * nture ; the cheapest IB often very ex- penslveUu ( th cud. Itl Is'alwayn'wlse'to buy thoroughly. WELL MADE FURNI TURE such as we sell. All our Ideslvns are very attractive , some handsome models are offered ezcUslvelylby us. D. C. KONKEL. THE FURNITURE MAN. Send your Abstract Orders to J. G. LEONARD , Bonded Abstractor Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng r : RAS ANDERSON INGRAIN _ GRAIN AND COAL Peed in large and small quantities at both wholesale and retail. Special attention given to filling orders for coal in any quantity. Broken Bow , - - Nebraska LEQAL NOTICES NOTICE TO HEIRB. The Heirs , Devisees , Legatees , Creditors , and all persons Interested lu the estate of r.nllmr M. Keedar , deceased , Take notice that , Emnla L. Schutte , has filed her verified petition lu the County court of Glister county Nebraska , Praying that HUB bo found and decreed to be the sole heir of said Esther M. Schulte , deceased ; that the south * west quarter of hectlou twcuty-Rlx , township thirteen , range twenty-three , lu Custor County , Nebraska , passed and descended to the ( ten- tloncrouthe death of Esther M , Hecder , to gether with her personal property : that said property Is not liable for the payment of debt * of the said deceased , or to altacumcnt , execu tion or other mcsne process , and IB free and discharged theio from , and the whole tltlo and possession thereof lu lu the said KmUl.i L , Scliulte ; and that thu regular adml < itratlou of the estate of the said Esther M. Keeder , bo dispensed with ; and for general relief. You will take further ttotlce , That said matter , will be heard at the Bald Court on the. llth day of Juno 1W at 10 o'clock a. m , , aud that the depositions of the petitioner ami Orlando Skluner will bo taken , for use In ( .aid matter , before competent authority , at thu officuof UC.lIe.iU lu I'llllurton , California , on the 1th day of Junp , 1OS | , between 10 o'clock , a. m , , and & o'clock p. m. , with power tu adjourn from day to day. Dated at Broken How. Nebr. May 13th , 1WJ. A. K. 1IUMPUKUY , ISUAL ! County JndKi ! . Emma L. Schulte , by her att'y , J. A. Armour. May 14-ZS NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior , U. S- Laud office at Broken Bow , Nebr. , May 12. 19041. Notice M hereby given that Peter W. Doolcy , of Broken Bow , Nebr. , who ou February JMtli. 1902 , made Uomestead , No. 2664 , for neH , section 3t , township IS north , range -W west , bth principal Meridian , has died notice of In tention to make Final 5 year Proof , to estab lish claim to the land above described , belore register and receiver , at Broken Bow , Nub. , on the 19th day of June. 1909. Claimant names as wit Busses : John U.Rose , of Broken Neb. . Francis Mouat , of Broken Bow , Neb. , Richard Mohat , of Broken Bow , Neb. , Acy llroylea.of Broken Bow. [ SKAL ] JOHN KURSK , Reclntrr. May 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. County court , Custer county , Nebraska. The creditors of the estate of John F. Sander- sondeceased : Take notice , that I will sit at the county court room , In Broken Mow , In said county , pu the and dayot June 1908 , and on the 30Ui day of NOV. , 1803 , each at 10 o'clock a. in. , oi to receive and examine all claims against said estate , with a view to their ad justment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is six inoutliu itorn the 1st day of May , 1808 , and the time limited for payment of debts Is one year from said date. Dated April 30th 1903. ( SEAL ) A. R. UUUPBBKT , Couuty Judge. First pub. May 7-28 , NOTICE TO CREDITOns. lounty court , Custer County , Nebraska. The creditors of the estate of Elizabeth Mor row , deceased : Take notice , That I will sit at the county court room , In broken Bow , in said county , on the 10th day of June , 1603 , and on the 30th day of November , 1008 , each at 10 o'clock a. m. , of'each day , to receive and examine all clatnia against said estate , with a view to thelradlustment and allowance ; The time limited for the presentation ot claims against said estate Is six months from the 0th day of May , IPOS , and the time limit ed for payment of debts is one year from said date. [ SKAL ] A. It. IlUMPiiur , Couuty Judge. Dated May 9th , 1608. May 14 Try the REPUBLICAN * office for fine job printing. IN CAMP OR FIELD-AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE Then It always a chinco to noy ] sumo shooting TO SHOOT WELL YOU MUST BE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE FIREARM ; tha only kind we have been making for upwards of fifty years. Our Una : RIFLES , PISTOLS , SHOTGUNS , RIFLE TELESCOPES , ETC. Auk your Dnaler , nnd Insist on tlio STKVKN8. Where not sold by Ite- tullers , wo Ihtp tllroct , nxpremi pre paid , upon receipt of Cutulot ; jirlcu. Heutl lor 14I > 1'aire Illiittrutff. catalog. AnliiUUpeuiuhlu liook. l ready reference itir ninu iiutl lu\ ' tbootcri. Mulled lor ' 1 cent * In * tumi > tocoverpiMtuict > . Iteuutlful 'VfU Oalar llunucr I ) \vnrtlvtl flir IK cent * In n > iiin . J. STEVENS AltMH & TOOL CO I' . O. llox 4007 Chlcopoo Fallu , U.S.A. lo ro tncn 0. r