ONK DOLLAR PKK VKAK. Al > ViKTl3IN(5 KATUS. Wlicro matter Is net or wood bane electrotypes a llatprlrcof U14 cents per Inchsltiirlccolmnn , for each Insertion , two or morn hmrrlltiiiH. Special position , slimlo Insertion , I * COIIIH per Inch. Metal b.iHorli'ClroM , two or moro time * . 10 cuutH per Inch. I'ayniciits to be iniule 1st of cacti month. Local advcrtltilnir 5 cent t > rr line each Inner- lon , Cards on first pnge W ) cents per Inch pur month. Notion of church fa I re , sociables and cnlcr- talniiientH ulirru money IB charged , oiic-i'nlf rate * . Death nollccH free , half ' f r imhllfthlnir obituary noikcs. Card of Thanks , fOc < . Lcif.il notices at r.v provided by statutes of NelrasUa. Society nollccxnitii i ioliitliHiRoiiuli.i.ues : \WddliiK nollcoH fice , half prlcu for j-m o prLHCIItH. Kutcred at llrnkeil Dow , Nebraska , for transmission - mission in the Unltud .Stales nulls at nccund clastt rates. D. M. AMSHKKKY , Publisher CIIAS. K. BASSKTT , - Editor Thursday , April 23 , 1908. The business depression that has prevailed in some sections of the country for a fnw mouths lias , seemingly , entirely passed. There is an optimistic Iceling in the air ; the average eye is brighter , the grass is greener and the sky is bluer for everybody. The sHvcr lining of the ominous cloud is apparent. The prohibition movement is gaining strength everywhere except in Wisconsin , where the sturdy German insists on his right to drink beer without official interference. The liquor men are comforting themselves with the belief that there will be a reaction in a year or two. There will be more Nebraskans attempt strawberry growing this year than ever before. The suc cess with which so many people have met has encouraged others to make the effort. There are many possibilities for the crop in this state , and its advantages should not be overlooked. For the presidential nomina tion Governor Johnson , of Minnesota seta , has the backing of Parker who "also ran" bul from the way Parker ran his endorsement may not prove to be much of a boost. What man would want his wife to act as do some of the women at whom he makes goo- goo eyes ? Of course this does not refer to any Broken Bow citizen , but a fellow in Jerusalem. If the damaged reputation of Evelyn Thaw for being ousted from a New York hotel is worth $50,000,00 as claimed by her what price should a real , true , pure woman seek ? With two divorces in the family at one time , the children of Jay Gould seem to show their liking for keeping the name in the lime-light. Bryanphobia is the diagnosis of cases where men are or seem to be mentally sound upon all but one question. Has Always Made Good. Never before in the history of American politics has there been such an expression of choice di rect from the masses of any party as has been shown in the candi dacy of Secretary Taft , especial ly when one considers the power ful and secret forces that have been arrayed against him. But that has been to a large degree the secret of his strength. The opposition may say that benefic iaries and office holders are re sponsible for his prominence and the showing he has made. This is mere demegogic twaddle and falsehood. For an answer or for proof go and ask the great masses who care nothing for offices and very little for politics except as a means of securing good govern ment ; As a matter of fact the politicians have bowed unerring ly to the demands of the masses of the party in every state that has declared for William H. Taft for president. Why is this so ? Chieily be cause he stands for the Roosevelt velt policies and will carry on the great work to its full fruition if elected President But he will do it in his own way , in a man ner fair and just to all. But Taft is nobody's man. He is big , brainy , strong physically intelectually and morally. He L the peer of any "man in the nation in all the essentials that go to make a great president. Whai is more , he has had a wide range of experience in public life ant has always made good. He is rotund and jolly , warm-heartec and sympathetic , a big Americai with veins filled with good warm blood. The Message on Anarchy. Nothing more generally popu lar in the form of a presidential message has come from the White house within recent months than Mr. Kooscvolt's clear , fearless and emphatic recommendation to congress for special consideration of the anarchistic tendencies of the times. The president ap pears awakened to the urgency af the situation , and closely follows - lows his suppression of the Pat ( terson anarchist newspaper he' now presents the danger squarely I to congress. Only political trepidation on the part of senators and ropresen- .attves has presented drastic leg islation against this cult of mur- ler The dilatory course of con gress in the matter has been dis- ippointing and irritating to those .houghtless persons who saw in .he rising tide of anarchy a dead- y menace to our civilisation. Althougour national lawmakers lave been urged to enact rigid restrictive legislation , they have gnorcd the subject until the inarchists have become embold ened to commit most startling outrages. President Roosevelt speaks ruly when he says that "corn ered with the suppression of anarchy every other question sinks into insignificance , " why o palpable a demand upon con gress should not meet with a ead1 and effective response is > cyond rational speculation. There are , of course , representa- ivcs in congress from districts lumbering an almost overwhclm- ng foreign population , and , per- laps , from a mistaken sense of nistaken obligation to such con stituency these members oppose neasures of suppression. But nembers of congress who thus retreat in the face of undeniable luty are cowards and little bet ter than anarchists themselves. A Widows Pension Law. A dispatch from Washington , lated April 19th , says : Maioj .housand widows of old veterans n Nebraska will share the beje- Its of a bill which has passed )0th houses of congress and will be approved by President Roosevelt velt within a few days. After lis signature has been afli/ad : the aw will become effective imme- liately. Beneficiaries will get $12 monthly. Those drawing : under the dependent widows' law- will be increased S4 monthly , andl have the dependent limitation ! removed. The only widows ex cluded arc those who married ! veterans since June 27 , 1890i. The act will increase the income of 181,833 widows of soldwra o the civil war , 6,880 widows of , the Mexican war , 3,081 widows , of Indian wars , 172 widows off Spanish war soldiers , and 4,32 * ninor and helpless children now on the rolls. In addition to these it is esti mated that there are 1 000 > widows of civil war soldiers who- are not now on tha rolls who may' apply for a pension. They are-1 the widows of honorably dis charged soldiers who Carved ! ninety days or more , who have \ died , or may hereafter < le. It ' will not be necessary to prove ' that the soldier's death was the ' result of his army or na v * service. Altogether it is estimated that ! the new bill will increase the : pension rolls by $12,021,264. Rents May Be Lower. The real estate men in the city , say that they expect that rents | will be cheaper thca summer thun they have been m the past , es pecially cottage tents. One thing is certain , they will not be any higher. There are many new cottagts being , built inj tbc city and a large numbsr are also contem plated , whichis a. rea son for real estate men making tine statement that rents will be somewhat less. In no case is this rc-duction due to a falling off. in the price or value of property , as it is higher than it has eveir bcec , and there is every reason to bel ievc that it will go higher eacl i year. All dealers look upon Mroken Bow cuy property as the best invest ment that can be m& de , and real estate dealers are ke pt busy mak ing transfers. Ryno Rnmlifii igs. A. J. Reeves.has been tearing around doing twiMinc ns' work lor several weeks bhis-sjp ring , but he will have to Tat mp for awhile. Last Tuesday white unloading a new disc trom ; tftic wagon , he slipped and the diwc fell on him breaking one-of hitsribs. ; < Mr. Henderson cat nc near los ing his bouse bjfire recently. Sparks from a burai. ng straw pile set fire to the grs iss near the house and it made them hustle tor awhile to sve t , i ) Not a drop L * \ A 1 M Doctors prescribe very little , if any , alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera I tives. This is all in keeping ( with modern medical science. It explains why Ayer's Sar- sapariila is now made entirely 1 free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. ; We publlih our formulas i Wa bMllnti alcohol A from our medicines We urffe you to i/ers oonoilt doctor your Unless there is daily action of the bow els , poisonous products are absorbed , causing headache , biliousness , nausea , dyspepsia. We wish you would ask your doctor about correcting your constipation by taJ.ing laxative doses of Aycr's Pillo. Mmlou ? thc-J. O. AycrCo. , I.owoll , Mum Pinch Punches Brega The Editor of the Merna Postal Card Pokes Bulldozer Brcga is an Effective Manner. A writer " " signing "Hopeful" nown , however , to be "Dick" FJrega had published in the allaway Courier-Tribune the ol.lowing : The editor of the Merna Postal Card cccns to take the action of the county i vision real hard and says rather dis- grtieable things iii > out the Cnllawny cliigntes , ami we want to say to brother 'inch ' we are real sorry for him and a utnber who did take their coats off last 'nil and work hard for the cause of nty division , but there were many vho live in the territory of the N. W. juarter who did not wake up to their ) wn interest till after election , and as .he N. W. quarter as a whole did the xwrest of any quarter in the county , it is nly natural to leave Broken Bow in that uiarter , and knowing that this would iinke her sore as it really did for her men , that is some of her men , did go lowu to Broken Bow after the Merna convention was held , and what did they lo > Well , what they didn't do would be easier to tell and that being the case , they being sore and not likely to give us any votes at all for division , we had to : lo the next very best thing , and that was to make as many votes as possible in the other quarters of the county which could be done by cutting dozens of voters into our quarter from north of Arnold and Milldale , and these people are rejoicing in the good work done. The Merna people will likely get another chance next year , and if they do not behave entirely too naughtily I am sure they will get a better deal on lines. Yes they may get the straight lines once more , and if the } ' ever do , we wonder if they will wake up and help themselves. We think the vote around Broken Bow will take advantage of these lines which are very favorably to city , but we can't tell yet , we do know one thing quite certain , and that isIf they do not help themselves while they have the opportun ity they will get a lemon in the eye next time , and it will he the sourest lemon in the country. So , Mr. Pinch be patient , and perhaps this move on lines will in the end prove a great benefit to the noi thwest quarter , and particular to the Merna people , for whom the Callaway people have the prot'oundest respect. Yes , brother , b good , and you be happy. Hopeful. In reply to the effusion of "Hopeful" Editor Pinch of the Merua Postal Card made the following remarks : The above is the way that Dick Brega comes back at us for what we said about the convention held at Ansley. There ire many more things that could have been said but that's the use he says he is real sorry for those who did take their coats off and that this self appointed 'Pa" of the northwest wants to spank those who did not take their coats off for being naughty and then says to you people of the northwest that if you are good little children and do not soil your aprons this good and great father of yours will probably see that you are given a bigger piece of pie next time in other words , let me , the "I" set down hard "I" and if upon you as as want to 'I" can't win my ends this time then ' ! " will permit a change the next time. It takes quite awhile sometimes to think we have "the people be dimmed" spirit tied up in this division fight but from the looks and the talk made by one or two who want to l > e the "Hopeful" dictators of all lines it being u fact. No kick was made as to Dick , or rather "Hopeful1 drawing the lines for their own quarter but our people reserve the privilege o doing likewise with their quarter bu our peop.'e reserve the privilege of doing likewise with tlusir quarter that belong 1o them of cour.se if they want to break away from harmony of this kind th sooner they find they -cannot do so th better will they and all "concerned be o no Dick , we will be just as good t our interests over here as you want tote to yours there and no man can serve tw .masters at the satne ( time for tha1 reason you want to look out for the northwest when tho.se long strips me counted next fall but as you say it will be n good investment for you and some of your other land men to keep the nuitalijii up and we * suppose you 'will do it. _ Marriage Licenses Issued. Since Thursday of last week licenses to wed in Custcr county have been issued as follows : Clifford Marquiss , Broken B. . .21 Anna Oilkison , Broken B - 21 lArden Cook , Mason . 21 Berthy Jlouck , Mason . 20 Local. FOK SAI.K OK TKADK. One single harness , and one second hand double harness. One No. 5 , new Olive type writer. One new house , and two lots , in course of construction. 120 acres of land to .trade for citv property. 320 acres of land located four miles from railroad , for sale. Price , $2,700.00. 390 acres of land lying north of Wai worth to trade for city prop erty.One One 5 room dwelling with one acre of ground just outside of the city limit , for" sale at a bargain. One 4 room dwelling with one corner lot , nicely located. Two blocks from the square. Price , $1,200.00. One two room dwelling , with three quarters of a block with fruit trees and shade trees , and nicely located. For sale erin trade. Yours for bargains in real estate. 45-46 E. C. HOUSK. For Rent. Two rooms in theCuster block. Inquire at the REPUBLICAN office. 0 STATION AT F , C , MAULIC'S MEAT MARKET UIIOKKN HOW , NBIWASICA DR. CHRISTENSON , EyeEarNoseThroat and Chronic Diseases. Fitting af Glasses , Office in Realty block. IN CAMP OR FIELD-AT MOUNTAIN OR SHORE There is always a chance to enjoy some shooting TO SHOOT WELL YOU MUST DE EQUIPPED WITH A RELIABLE HREAI1M : the only kind we have been making for upwards of fifty years. Our Line : RIFLES , PISTOLS , SHOTGUNS , RIFLE TELESCOPES , ETC. AhU your Dtmlrr , mill liixict on the STUVIINS. WIHTO not Hold by JCo- talliTH , MO hhlp illrrH , i-ir < - ) . ' < | ir < - pitlil , upon receipt of Catalog price. Nfnil lor I SO t'auti lllniiiiMitfil entilingAit luilliii-iii | > .ililu imitU ul reaitly refVr Mii o tor mall anil h iv tlumti-n. Malleil lorI rciil * In lumpli c * ri1 pollur i * . ISeiiiitiriil 'IVit 4'itloi * Ilii'iutM * lln * ariloil lor kl * fM'lllA III IIIIM * . J. STUVINS Aims .V TOOL ( O. 1 > . O. Itox . Clilcupi'o 1'nlU , MUSH. HIGH GRADE Lumber , a large assortment and complete stock for Builders to choose from. Let us estimate on your contracts. We always try to please. H. T.B RUCE & CO. Lumber & Coal South side. BANGS STUDIO East Side of Suqare Photographs , Ijdison and Columbia 1'hotiogriiphs and records. Agents for Chickeriug , Ivers nnd Pond and Star Pianos. We can save you money. HARRY KIMBALL , Practical Undertaker & < * Licnsed Embalmer Business phone , 301. Residence 3348 Hrulcoaiiavr , ttcb. A. ARMOUR , I.A. Attorney at Law. Broken Bow.lNebr. Havhur just had el lit yc.-xra practical cxpcr leiice as County Jmitre , will jrlve special atten tlon to the ilrawlntr and probating of wills and the administration of estates of deceased per sons and minors. Write or phone me. I may Rave you p trip. II. CONRAD , Dealer In 1'ampi.Wlnd , Mllln , Tunkn. Flttlngo , Qnsolln * EnyluoB.oto. etc. Ilrokon Bow. Nohweka. 'Hm on Scull No. 71703 ? . J.G.HRHNlZiK , breeder oi Pure Scotch and Scotch Topped Short Horn Cattle. My herd numbers 40 cows. Will com pare In brcrtllnir and quality with any west of Chlcauo My experience has taught me that to iflve uoodxatlsfactlou , breeding cattle must be rxltu'lln KlilN Mltlluiie. I expect to nilMCtliviii liur ; the cqiinl of anythlnir railed lu'he U. S. I now h.iTe25 bulls suitable for title and next year's service. My cows neltfh from 1400 to 2UOo pounds. Come and RCO tben . THE Black Percheron , DOCTOR W. Age , Coming 6 ; Weight , I7OO Ibs. , Will Make the Season of 1908 as Follows. Mondays , Tuesdays and Wednesdays , at R. T. BAKIJR'S , on Clear creek. Thursdays , Fridays and Saturdays at TOOLKY'S Barn , Broken Bow. TERMS : SS to insure ; * 10 for sucking colt. . A. TOOLEY , Owner. before you deciilo upon the RHFLKCT purchase of any new piece of I'limi" ture ; the'cheapcst Is often very e.\- pensive.tlii.lihu end. It Is'always wise to buy thoroughly , WiU < MAIi : I-'URNI- 'rUKU'.iicli as > e t.ell. , . All our desltrus arc very attractive , Some h.iimsomu models are offered uxcluslvely.tiy us. S D. C. KONKEL THE FURNATURE MAN. Send your Abstract Orders to J. G. LE03STAED , Bonded Abstracter Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng Tlie RAS ANDERSON _ DEALER IN q GRAIN AND COAL : 8 Feed in large and small quantities at both wholesale K and retail. K Special attention given to filling orders for coal S in any quantity. k Broken Bow , - - Nebraska Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON. At the OLD STAND. Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold. Farms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents. Will buy some good paper. Call and see me.