Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 09, 1908, Image 8

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    , I ' _ 1r ; 7 : > > . .C-2. . _ T
\ ' Th usands
She's Cured I
t. ,
I Given up to Die. r
. .
- - - - - -
- - - - - - -
\ i ,
'I. \ ,
' I of CHICAGO. ,
t. .
. " Practicing Aleopnthy , IIomeopRt I IY ,
I" I
- : Electric nnd Ceneral Medicine.
, . . .
lIy request will VIAltlrOfeR lanl\lIy
, Grand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow , MAY 7
retnrnl IIII' every ftJllr week II. Cllnfllll her when
the Ol1\1urtulIlI v. III at hallll
; 1
DR. CA1.DWET.L 1111I1111 Iler practice to the
J ( Apeclal treatmellt of dlllealll'lI of the I ye , Ear.
. NOlie , ' 1'hroat. 1.uIIICII. I'emale , Ulfleallell ,
Dlflealleq of Children nlld all Chwnlc. NervouA
' amI Snnlcal. UlseaRoS or n curahle lIaturo ,
' . \ . I ' : : uly cunflnnwtlon. IIronchltls. IIroncltlal
. CntMra11 , Chronic Catarrah. lIeall-Ache , Con.
I IItitlatlon , SlOnmclte ami Uowel 'l'rouhleH.
. r qhenJllatlHIII , Neuralilla. Sclotlca. Brlllhtfl'I
I i Ulfleahe. Kltluey J > 1t1CJheH , lJlReaseK of thl !
; I , 1lvcr and Bladder. I > lzzlneRH , NllrvonflncKII.
IlIdl&'elltlun. , Obus\t \ ) . , IIJterullu-d NutritiOn.
" . J Slow Growth In Children. aud all wastllill
; Jseasf's ( In adultll. Ucfurmltles , Clnb.feut ,
II , Curvallturo of tllo Splru. UlieaHell o ( the 1)ralll ) ,
' 1' I'aral'slll , Epilepsy. Heart IllIealle. Dr psy.
" ' welllllR' o ( the 1.lIlIb" . Stricture , Ollel1 Sorell.
I ' I'alll III tlte Hone9. Grallular I nlanrnmentll nd
' all lonll.lltalldlull dlseaReR property treafed.
, :
' " 1II.OOI > , ANU SKIN IHEASES ! : ! ,
' . I'lmplell. JIIotche ! ! , l ruptlon . LIver Spots
I'allllllr o ( the Hair. Hall COIIIPlexion. J czema.
'I'broat Ulcera. Hone l'alull. Bladder 'rroubleR.
, Weak Hack. lIurnlnlf Urlue. PaRRIllII' Urine
too orton. The effectK o ( coustltutlollal Kick.
ne81 or tbe taklllil of too lIIuchlllJurlous lIIedl.
i cine recelvel ! RI..ucltllllf treatment , prompt
relief and 3 cure for lIe.
DIReaseA o ( Womcn. I rrelfulal' MClIstratloll ,
] , ' 31111I1l of tlto Womb , lIearlllll VOW II l'alus.
} o'emale Displacements Lack of Sexual Tone.
1.encorrhea. Sterility or lIarreuness. cunllult
Dr. Caldwell and she wllilihow lIlo/llthe cause
of their trouble an(1 the woy tn become cured.
CANCERS. GOI'l'gR. lo'IS'rU1.A. l'I1.I S.
) ' and enlarlred Illal..IK treatell with the lIub.
) cutaneous InJe tlon method. absolutpl ) ' with.
out pain nud without the Ins" o ( a drOI ) o (
} . blood. Is one o ( her OWII dlKcoverlell alld Is
rcly the most scleltlllc allll certainly Kure
. _ \ . . I cure metbod of thIs all vanced : lIre. Dr. Cad.
" 'j well b 8 practiced her l.rofcI'iloll In ! lome o (
t ; . the larlleMt 1I081111ales throulfhout the couutry.
' " " , j- Sbe has no superior In treallnlf and dlal'nos.
. ' 1 " ; nit of diseases. deformities. etC. She haR
, " lately opeued all office III Omaha. NebraKka.
' . , ' where she will liP end a portion of each wf ck
, , I treatlnlt her many patlellts. NO Incurable
" i cases accepted for treatmellt. CousnltBllon.
, \ \ examination , and advlce.ol1e dollar to those
. 1
, _ Drs Ora Caldwell'Co. . ,
I i Omaha , Neb. Chicago , III.
, tn Addres'l all JtI.aU'to 104 Dee Dulhllnlt. Om bn
, ' . Pi Nebraska.
f , ,1 !
H'1 '
, .
. -
' : i !
" , t
" ; ,1 .
, 'I ' .
: i , : ; ; " APRIL SPECIALS.
: ; t. ;
: " 1'0 the.ac1flc Coas
, : \ the. .
I >
" ' , .Ver } ' favorublc excursion rates tote
to the Pacific Const durin the
Stlt lIl1er season of 1908 , including
. : : 'sp cial tlates in April to Califor-
Juia as follows : April 25th and
,26th. I11ustrntiou. enl } ' $60 { ound
trip. The Coast tour is the fincst
. ' rnilronll journc } ' in the world.
Mnke it this sltttllner. Also low
. one way rntes during April.
To Colorado and
Rockt Mountains :
PIau now for } 'our summcr'ltca. .
tion in Colorado , W'o\l1iug , the
mack II ills , or Ycllowstoue Park ,
Very low atlll attracti\'e SU\l1mel
tourist ratcs to the cool mouuta lI
res 'rts-rafter Juue 1st.
Homeseekers' Rates : . '
First and third Tuesdays to tlu
west geuernll } ' .
81g i Horn Basi. . . . . :
Auction Bile Her cholco of the lIewl' '
Irrillated land II under tbe Orelloll Uall !
or1Vlley ditch. lIear Cody. Olenlult II
Mar. ; I'JOS. Ailio splendId chance. ) 'ct (0
homsteadldll' Goernment Irrlltated land
l1 nr GnrlandV'y , Write D , Clel :
, Deaver. I.ant1Beeker. ' Information IlL
, rea" , Olllaba. lie will pcr oJO ilh' c r
du t L ndKeekerli excursions 10 the 111
. , ' IJorn 'I1asln first and third TuesdaYIl C
each month throulll1 the .urumer.
ExceJleJ1t busillesii chauces lu ne'
"rowIng townl on lIurllnlrtbu exteusioul
WrIte Mr. !
Hs L. ORMSBY , -
( Ticket Agent )
14. W. WAKEI.EY. G. P. A. ,
. , ( Omaha. Nebraska. )
. . . . n , , . . . "
. . _ .
- - - - - -
. 1lR"- ; - _ . - - -
_ , _ - =
. , ' . .
. .
. " ; " " : " ' : ' " - : " " ' : " \ ' ' "W1MIit I.IIV'L' _ Hi If . ,
' - - - - - <
Li oln'i ' Firat S lth ! ,
In 1832 Abraham J"incoht WiI ! )
tl canc1idnte for the Illinois legis-
lahue. His opponent was Peter
Cartwright , the famous pioneer
Methodist preacher.
In that campaign Lincoln made
his first political speech. It was
delivered from a wagon in the
street of the village of P pps-
ville , in Sangamon county. 'l'he
speech was very shortj but like
all of Lincoln's speeches , it was
incere and direct.
'I'his is what Lincoln said :
Gentlelllcn antI Pellow Clti7. n9 : I
presullle yon all know who I alii. I aUl
humhle Alwhnlll , J.incoln. J have heen
solicited by lilY lIIany frlcnds to hecollle
a candidnt for the legislature' . My 1'01-
ilks arc short nutl sweet. I alii in fa\'or
of a uatlonal 'hank. I 011I in favor of the
Intcrnational illlpro\'cment Rystem and
II high prolective tariff. These are lilY
Rcnt lncnts anll III } ' political priuclples.
If elccted I ! Ihnll he thallkful ; if uot , It
will he 1111 the same.
Lincoln was defeated. Ref r-
ring in his autobiography to thid
campaign , J4incoln said : III ran
for the legislature the same yeal'
(1832) ( ) , and wag beaten-thc only
tune I have ever been beaten by
the people. "
But Lincoln's exp.crieltce proved
that the "so her second sense" of
the people can be trusted. In
the following four campaigng he
was elected to the legislafurc ,
after which he declined to be a
candidate any longer. In 1846
Lincoln was clected t congress ,
defeating- old'opponent , Peter
Cartwright. : '
. .
- - - -
Real Estate Transfers. .
William Nelson " to' . Sercna A.
Ward , 80 acres in sec. 26 , 14-18 . ,
Hans O. Hahde'to William 'L.
Cald well , 320 acresn sec. 19 and
20,17-11) , $1,120.00.
Andrew J. Hull to John C.
Hutt , 160 acres in sec ' 22 , 18-231
'I'homas J. McCance to Rosella
Hickey , parcel in sec. 16) 19-221
J. E. Bonman to Oscar M.
Blircus , 160 acres in sec. 5 , 13-18 ,
Melia Sterner , a widow , to
[ i'lora Johnson , north lot 6 , and
S j6 of 7 in block 1'4 J. P.
Gandy's add. to Broken Bow ,
S. C. Wineman , widower , to
Richard Hall , 80 acres in sec. 10 ,
15-18 , $3,000.00.
Charles S. Carothers to John
D. Broo er" lots 14 and. 13 , 16
and 17 , in block 54 , , R. R. add. to
Callaway , $2,000.00.
Henry C. FJorence to James G.
Brenizer , parcel in sec. 5 , 1-22 ,
James G. Brenizer to Warren
R. Johnson , 1,0 acres in sec. 5 ,
16-221 $2,700.00.
Anna D. Fretz and husband to
Herbert M. Cummtnsl lot 12 , in
block 14 , in Berwyn , $1,000.00.
Charles T. Robinson to Pet r
n. Morrison , 80 acres in sec. 32 ,
16-25 , $1,800.00.
Isabelle Krkpatrick : and husband -
band to Ira Russell , 80 acr s in
sec. 14 , 16-19 , $1,600.00.
Mary [ ( lapal. a' widow , to
lj'rantiska Matousek , parcel n
sec. 21 and 22. 20-17 , $1,100,00.
Isabellc Kirpatrick and husband -
band to Elias Hussell , 80 acres . in
sec. 14 , 16-19 , 1.600.00.
Francis M , Danforth to Joseph
and Benjamin Kellenbargerl
parcel - in sec. 3. and 33 , 18-24 ,
G. W. Estes to E. E. Robinson ,
160 acres in sec. 12 , 13-11) , $1,000.
Thomas E. Cole to Fred Hauck
6-11 interest in N. E. sec. 19 ,
14-17 , $1,500.00.
C. C. Cugler and Beig Graham
to Charles Ii' . Harper , 160 acres in
sec. 23 , 15-23 , $ I , OO.OO.
. , lobert C. Chumbley to Joh11
B , Samuels , 200 acres in sec. 81
14-21 , $41250.00.
l M. E. Schafer to Marya Colel
lots 9 , in block 1 ( , in Mason City !
* 900.00.
Alexander McKinney to Olive1
Kolbo , 35 acres , in sec. 4 , 14-22
George E. Carr to Emiliat
Knoll , 318 acres in sec. 16 and 17
19-211 $11300.00.
Emilian Knoll to Amos W
r Young , 160 acres in sec. 131 19-21
I. $6,000.00.
l 'rank Kelley to Warren S
Wellsi lot 15 , in block 6 , il
Mernal $1,100.00. ,
Alfred H. Pierce to Robert C
Chumbley , 80 acres in sec. 3C
14-21 , $4,500.00.
'P'h New ngland Mortgag
\ \ . Se unt ) ' Co. . to J. G. Urenizel
160 acres 111 sec. 11 , 17-2
Albert C. Bunge to Dorothe
Bunge parcel in sec. 35 , 13-2 :
Somuel E. B lcher to Tillie E
_ Chambers , 160 acres in sec. :
. 16-25 , $850.00.
- -
_ " _ . . . . . . . . " , . . " * " .JIK.'IIWi . . . "I L wLI n r J Ib.IfUl I II I . .1,11I
ttil _ ! 'to- ; ' 'd. rl'-\I' _ _ _ - ' ' ' ' 1t llril'\'hl' . . . . . . . . . . - ; . _ ' . ' . ' . . ' - . = - . ' . ' - ' - , ( r r , Wo' _ . A. , ' > .I. .n ' . _ - .Jr.i'I'r. _ _ , _ , _ . " " ' _ ' ' . ' ' ' ' 'I'r _ _ _ _ _ _ . R" y'J J II" , ' _ u . . . . _ : . . . . . --.n. ' , . - , - . . ' - it -
Scott's Spr ne : Cree tine :
Swift's Digestive Tankage ,
pure beef scraps lor swine , is sold only in
llrol < cn Bow at this store.
Wln-cu-ba StOck Remedy ,
a compound for horses , hogs and cattle that
ncver fails to give satisfactory results. It is
Hupcrior to any stock food.
Garden and Flcld Seeds.
Our g-anlcl1 al t field Hceds are in and ready for
distributiotl. We have every kind of s ed in
. hutl < , all I rcstJ , newly grown and especially
adapted to thi climate.
- Tills ! ; ; ' I : : Iteml'- : We always hllvc 1111
F-I our qunrter. ; for . Iteml'F F e e d kinds. Grol1lul flax
\l1 Milson flour keep in quantiticl !
-r-r. South Side Square Broken Bow.
J. . SCerr. . ,
Emma B. Avery , widow , to :
Mary A. Pickett , lot 4 , block 2 , I
Robert A. Hunter add. to Broken
Bow , $700.00.
Frank J. Kulla to John II.
Weber , 160 aqQs in sec. 30 , 15-17
and 80 acres in sec. 24 , 15-18 ,
$9,00.00. -
Irvin A. Farrell to Laura J. \
Farrell , parcel in sec. 4 , 15-18 , :
Chas. F. Hassey to James A.
Kirk , lots 3 and 4 , in block 14 , in
Merna , :111,500.00. :
Walter S. Westfall t Charles
Ji' . Hassey , lots 3 and 4 , block 14 ,
in Merna , $1,400.00.
Lincoln Land Co. to Catherine
Hoebert , lot 9 , block 11 Lincoln'
add. to Ansley , fit 75.00.
Albert D. Quigley toV iIliam
E. Robinson , lots 24 and 25 , in
block I , l . A. Hunter add. to
Broken Bow , $175.00.
Maud Robinson and husband I
to Albert D. Quigley , lot' 1 , in
block 3 , J. P. Gandy's addition
to Broken Bow , $150.00.
- - - - - - -
Republican National Convention Del-
Up to the present time conventions -
tions have been held in states as
shows in the following table.
Where votes are not shown for
Taft , that state has a candidate
for president and the delegates
were instructed for the "favorite
u . . . rn t-:1
" ' ' " II > . 0
" ' : : ;
State ! ! "e
n " 8
g" " ! l" ,
. . ; : '
Alab.\llIa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . 22 ( , to
lo'lorlda. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 M S
1II1nolll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 o 2
ll1dlalla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 30 3 1
Iowa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . 26 2 2
Kanslll. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 211
Kcnlucky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 2 2
I.oulslalla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 4
Marvland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . 16 -I 4
1\lIchlllall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2M 4 2
1\lIsslppl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2 2
Mls80url. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 30 30
Nebraska. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 16 10
New MexIco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 .z
New york. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . j : ; 4
North Carolln i. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 2 2
Ohio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 J,1j
Oklahoma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 14 14
Pbllllpllles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 2
I'orto Hlco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2
Rhode Islallll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S M
' 1'011 nellsee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 IS I ! !
Vlnlllla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 16 ( ,
'Vest Vlrltlllla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2 2
- - - " -
SilO 300 202
For Rent.
Two rooms in the Custer block. I
Inquire at the RItPUDLICAN office.
Black Percheron.
I Age , Coming 6 ; Weight ,
.700 . Ibs. , Will Make the
$ eason of 1908 ae
Mondays ,
Tuesdays and
at R. T. BAKItR'S , on Clear-creek.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _
Thursdays )
Frida's and
at TOOLUY'S Barnl Brpken Bow.
TERMS-S : to insurej $10 for
sucking col t.
W. . A. TOOLEY , Owner.
- -
Consult him If you want Water.
Phonc 112 , - Broken Bow.
I N C AMP 0 R FIE I _ D - AT
There la : tlways a chance
10 enjoy tome shooting
A RELIABLE FII1EAnM : the only kind we have
been making for upwards of flfly years ,
AMle 'nur mr1tr. ! Illill IIIHlllt. 0/1 t 110
S'I'BVJ X4.'hc'I'u ! 1I..t. s..ll 1I ' J-
tllllerH. " ' 0 "hI. . IUn' ' ' ' . : , : .t" " ' H } ) r , ' .
J.1 ! ! ! ! u..n r'c"lpt , . .f t lllllln ; ; Jlrke.
. _
" " . . . ,1 111I' 1.I.t k'u - . , III htr..h' .
, . . . . , , . . . . , , .
'at"lnJr. . n 11..11,1 , < ' 1..101. u'
rr"tI , 'eler.'r. . ' . . In. ' " , .It Cllul , . . . .
.hnni. . . . . . . . " 111111.,1 . . . . . .j cc. " . . . III
. .11I1U1. . . . u..I".I" " . , U"11Ut.C'"I
'l'clI ( 'ulur II . II PI 111'1'l"C' < I " . . .
. . . . , . .
.1" "C'II' " III " "
_ _
J. S'l'E"JXS AID ] : , ; . ' \ : ' 1'001. l , ) .
I' . O. nux 41107 .
ChlcuJlc'o I"IIr ; , !
\ . . . . - -
: \II1SII. , U. S. A. "
g 1iJ - ! . ' " : , . i .c : ' , * Jij I
' - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . , . . . -
- - -
. - .
Practioal Undertaker
q' : Lionsed
Business phone , 301. Residcnce 334B
U"OkOIl , now , Nob.
East Side of Suqare
Photogrnphs , Edison nn Coll11ubia
Photlogruphs and records.
Agents for' Chickering , Ivers and Pond
and Star Pianos.
We can save you money.
I , I
Prlm.nn ftrv't Nt > . 717035.
j.t.BRENIZ ; iR , HreeUel I
Pure Scotch allll Scotcb Topped Short 1I0rn
Cat lie. My herd IIl1mbers 40 cows. Will com.
pare In breelInll' alld quality with any wcat of
Chlc.\llo My cXIerlence hall taushtlllc that to
IClve 1C00"lIatlsfactI01l. breedhlll' catlle ! II II at be
rul..c.tlu thlH . .nUlltle. I expect to
rntHcthclU IIcrc the celll..1 of auythlnll'
raIsed Inth. . U. S. I now hcve25bull\ ; suitable
for tblll al1d ! lext year's service. My cows
welltl1 from 1400 to 2000 pounds. Come alld Bee
- - - - - -
- -
. L - _ L III
Just contemplntc the' exceptionally .1
high charactcr of our l1urtliture , and the
sesu1t wfl1 couvince ) 'OU that here is the I I
right place for YOlt.lo bu } ' . If .Iyolt are I
iu.uecd of a 'No. , I ! 'urkish , tRocker , I
Davenport , Couch or tlu ) ' thing in this
line it wi11 heo our' costotllcrs interest I
to figure wilhuI : ! before pm chasing. I
We honestly bclie\'c that our stock of I
Carpets IInd Rugs cau not he duplicated I
in this 10ca1it ) ' . tlml of course. you : kuow I I
that we cujoy a great reputation for fair I
priccs and honorablc dealiugs. a . I
. . I I
Send your Abstract Orders to
J. ct. LEONARD ,
Bonded Abstracter
Office in Security State Bank B'ld'ng
. . . . . . . ' . : . . . . : r.r..r.r..Q. : : o--.r.r .xr..ocr..o : : .o'
6 - Fhevest : E:1eva1or ; S
8 " -
- DEAI-4ER IN - .
[ i'eed in large and small quautities at both wholesale
fi andlretail. fi
R Special attention. given to fi 1ing orders for coal 8
In any quantItr. 8
8 Bl'OCn } Bov , - - r ebraska
J''O : .4O' ' ' 'O ' : jO .occ : . .cr..r..r..rJ'.r./.Y./'J'.r..r..r..r.rJ'.JOI'd
. - -
c. . . : J3o" ' : :
Successor to BOWMAN & ANDERSON.
Real Estate. City Lots and Property bought and sold.
l 'arms rented. Taxes paid for non-residents.
Will buy some good paper.
Call and see me.
- - - '
- - .
: - ' 1 mtIJ1i il ifmlY. .
Nt mJ nl'j lJ , .
, . . , . - . , , , . ' 'f1
, - "
" , . .t p"
- .
O U.OONRAD , . ,
. ,
. . . . .IJoalerln. . . .
[ 'amp. . Wtnd , Mill ! , Tank ! , FIttings. GaBotlne
n lne" . eta , etc.
Drolton Dow. Nebrulla.
Eye , EarN ese , Throat
nnd Chronic Diseases.
Fitting of Glasses ,
Ofl ce in Realty block.
_ .
- - -
Attorney at La"r.
Broken Bow , Nobr.
lIavlnll' Just had cllfht years Ilractical exper
1 lIce al Coullty Judlre. wlllilive Rpeclal aUou
tlou to the drawllllC alld probatJtl1l' o ( wlllR aud
tlte adntlulstratlon of e tates o ( decea ed ler-
suu" alldlllluorB. Write or piton" lIIe. I way
1Il\'e : VOl , I'trlp.
. - . . . - . "
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'rhc State of Nebraska , lls
CUHter county. f" !
'l'u aU tlte devIsees and legalee amI all per.
Hans InterestelIln tlte estate 01 William M.
coats , deceased :
Whereas. clara C. Mlllerby N. ' 1' . Oalh1 h.Il'
attorney. o ( said county. has lIled In my
IIlIIce a duly auth ntlcated : copy of anll1slru.
ment purporting to be the last will and
testament of WillIam 1\1. coats , dcceased.
allli of the probate of the same In dIstrict
cuurt of Wills county , Iowa , aUlI a Ilellllon
1J1-J.ylng to have the same admItted to } Iro'
bate. whIch will relates to both real an" IIIr.
sonal cstate , whereupon I have appoInted
Saturday the'IBth day at , April , \\lot ! . at 10
o'clock In the forenoon. at my oOlce In saId
county , as the time and place } 'ou aUlI all
concerned , may contest , the. pro.
bate of the same. Ills further ordered th M
: " , Id lIelllloner gIve nollce to aU personH In.
terested In saId estate of the Ilendenc } ' of
the petlllon , and the time and place set for
hearIng the same , by caui1lng a copy of thl : > l
order to be published In the Custer county
He ubllcan , 'a ' - newspaper subllshe(1 In
lll'oken Uow , saId state , for four consecullvlI
weekH prlor'to the day set for hearing. ,
- - In tesllmony whereof , 1 have
H AJ. , > hereunto set my hand and anlxed :
-yo- my ontclai ! leal. thIs 25th day of
1\Iarch , lOOt ! .
A , ft. HUMl'ItH \ .
.Aprl.2'2:1 : county Jlllge.
I'ROllA'1'E 01" WltL ,
In the count } . court of Custer County Nebr.
' 1'0 all persons Interested In the Estah : of
Chlrles A. Clark , deceascd :
W'hereasOharles K. clark , as executor.
and LewIs J , Clark , ali trustelt , of the
estate of the salli ChJ.rles : A. < .lark. dcceased ,
have lIled theIr lellllon , with a duiv
authenllcate copy uf an Instrument , an l
the probate thereof , attached to ! laid pellllon
pUI1)orllng to Ill' the last will of the saId
Charles A. Clark , decealed , duly allowed and
probatell hy the Surrogate court of Oswe o
county , New York , on the 11th day oflay ! ,
11101. after 11ue nollce , therefor , and praylrtg
that the same lie allowed and prollateil In
thIs court as the last wlU , and codIcil , of the
saId Charles A. Clark. deceased :
'rake no lice , 'I'hat a hctrlng : on said pell.
tlon will be had at the county court 1'00111 In .
the City of llroken llow. In Custer count } ,
NeLraska. on the 25thlla } " of Aprlll , at 1\1
o'clock a. m , . when aU persous Interested hI
sald1l1atter , , Ill be heard ,
Dated March 30th , lee ! ! .
[ S I > : A Lj A. It. HU 1 > lIIt&Y. county Jud .
April : ; 1.10.
DCllart1l1ent of the Interior , Land Ol1lce : t.l
North Plattc , Nebraska , J\larch 10. lee ! ! .
Notice 111 lIerell" gl\'cn thltAI : on C. Whlh"
01 Bruken Bow , eur. . has lIled 1I01lce of hili
Intention to make Unal Uve } 'ear , ) lroof I.
Hupport of hIs claIm. vlz : Ilomestea,1 Entry
Nu. 111130 , made Oct 7. 1001 , for the lIW sw
of section IS , townshIp Hi 11. . rangc 21 w. , au.1Ii
tllit Hald Proof will bc made uefore " , , '
H. Humphre ) ' . Count ) ' Judge. at hI ! ! omll : ; 21
Brokun Bow , Nebr. on A11r1l25 , 1\109. \
He names the followIng wltnesiess to IlroVct
his conllnuous reildence upon. and cultlva.-
lion of the land , vlz. Charles L. Droww- .
1Ienr ) ' 'rhomas , C. O. Huff. WIlliam Henman ,
all of 1Iroken Uow. Nebr. .
J. E. EVANS , Heglster.
pUbMarch HI.l1t.
_ _ _ . _
County Court , Custer County , Nebraska.
'rile creilltors of the estate of McKee I. .
ltmpl1eld , deceased. . . . .
'I'ake notice. that 1 will sit at the Count } " " 'It. '
Court room , In Urokcn Bow , In sahl county. ,
on the 10th , day of April , lOOt ! and on the 1 3rd
} ' of Sept. 1008. each at 10 a. m. ofeach day.
to receive and examlnc aU claIms agaln'L
saId eHtate. with a vIew to theIr adjustment
amI allo\vaucc : and that on the Ifrst : ttr
above tllc lletlllons of wIdow will be heard
for homestead , exemptions , allowance anl1
and other Statutory right.
'l'he time limIted for the presentation of
claims agaInst said eHtate I sIx month. . ; trolll
the 14th day of March. lOOt ! , and the time
lImlte for paymcnt of ebts Is une ycar
from saId date.
Dated March H. lOOt ! .
A. H. Ilmtl'ulIlCY , County judf.te.
.Pirst pub. March IIIIt ,
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