Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 09, 1908, Image 3

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. .
t\ . I A Condition Common with Kidney
1 Trouble nnd Dackachlt.
Mrs , Marlc Sipfle , 41G 1\1Il1er St. ,
Ielena , 1I10nt. , SO'S : "Tltreo ) 'eIUS ago
my bnek grow weak
nnll lomo anll I
. , coulll not a too
, without n a h n r p
pain. It was just
. , as bad when I tried
to got UI ) trom n
chair. I wna Inn-
guld nnd lIatless
nnd had much pain
null trouble with the kidney accretions ,
'I'hls was my state when I began with
, . ] ) oon's Jldnoy PlJls. They helped mo
" , from the flrBt and four boxes made
: - , COmllete , laaUn cure. "
. Sold 11) ' all llealers , 60 cents n
box , Io"oster.Mllburn Co , . nuffalo , N , y ,
,1 . "
: " _
' 41'
Jolmny-I'm gla I didn't live In the
. . time when George Washington wus a.
bo ' .
) . ,
' .
, . l..nther- ) ' not , my son ?
.Johnnr-Why , his dad didn't wear
( llug hat lor him to throw snowballs -
balls at.
: After Other Treatment Failed-Raw
, Eczema on Baby's Face Had
Lasted Three Months-At Last
Doctor d Cure.
, " ' . "Our baby bor broke out with ec.
, zoma on his face when ono month old ,
, : One pace ] on the side of his face the .
size or a nlclte ] was raw 111m beefsteak
, for three months , nnd he would cry
' out w1Cn ] I bathed the parts that were '
/ sore and broken out. I gave him
; three months' treatment from n. good
doctor , but at the end or that time the
child was no better. Then my doctor
recommended Cutlcura. After using
a caito of Cuticura Soap , a third of
box of Cuticurn Ointment , and half a.
, ' L _ bottle of Cutlcura Resolvent ho was
( 'Po'ell an his face was as smooth as any
bab"s , He Is now two years and n.
half old and no eczema has reappeared ,
Mrs , M , L , Harris , Alton , Kan" May
14 and Juu 01 , "
12l. !
. . ,
The Spring Opening.
The dazzling creation of birds and
h'e In the mll1lnery department was
mar\Cd ] $15 ,
The clrce ] of shoppers gazed In enyy
but not one stirred ,
Suddenly the clerk reversed the card
nnd dlspayed ] the figures $14,49 ,
_ Then there was a small riot. Shop-
lel'S fought like amuzons to rench the
\ounter ,
"Ah , " laughed the tall fioorwallel' ,
"those ] adles remind me of olden
Jmlghts , "
"In what way ? " asled the meek man
who was waiting for his wife to
emerge from the crush ,
"Why , they fight at the drop of a.
hat. "
And before the meek man could appreciate -
preciate the point of the jolw his wlCe
came out minus a comb and two locIS !
of hair.
How Her Life Wac Saved When Bitten -
" ten By a Large Snake.
lIow few people there are who are
, not afraid of snakes , Not long ago a
hal'mlc6s little garter snake fell on
the wheel of an automobile which was
being drh'en by a. woman. The woman
promptly fainted and the car , left to
its own resources , ran Into a. . stone .
wall and caused n. serious accident.
'rhe bite of a. poisonous snake needs
] Jtompt attention. 1\Irs , K , 1\1. Fishel ,
Route No , I , Box 40 , Dlllsburg , Pa"
tells how she suved her life when bitten -
ten by a largo snake ,
"On August 29 , 190G , I 'Was bitten
on the hand twice by a largo COPller-
head snake , HAlng a distance from
any medical old , as a last resort I
used Sloan's Liniment , and to my as.
tonlshment lound it kll1ed all pain and
was Ule means of swlng ! myfe \ , I
am the mother of four children and
am never without your Liniment , "
- - - - - - - -
I Mother's Modest Demands.
, ' 'Lawvers " will take almost any case ,
I and c"hlcago ] aw'ers , It seems , will
, take anything , A Chicago woman put
: her son In a children's homo therc , ;
' ; and Is now bringing suit because the ) '
t' cut ocr the bo"s curls , "Ever ) ' curl
. .vas worth $1,000 to me , " she sa's ,
. 'and the- gave him n. bath , too ,
against my wishes , He Is n dollcato
child and bathing makes him sick , I
. haven't given him n. bath since n. ) 'ear
i It ago Christmas , " She will ask $ HiOOO
I because of the curls and bath.
! - - - - - - - - -
Class Favoritism.
I , "Tho lndlan appropriation bill puts
, an end to the relaUons of the five
J tribes , I notice , " remarled Reedo ; ' ,
\ I 100ltlng up tram his paller ,
"Humph ! " growled Grump , whoso
'wfo's : cousin Is making a protracted -
ed visit at hi ! ! 11 erne , "I wish wo
were Indlans-Kansas City 'l'hnes ,
, , - - - - - - - - - -
Important to Mothors.
Examine car full ) ' evol'y bottle of
CAS'l'OHIA 11 safe and SUI'O remedy for
infants und chlldron , nnd see that It
Dears the
Signature Of
In Use For Over an Years.
The 1lnd You Hayo Always Bou ht.
- - - - - - - -
I This Is undoubtedly a dlrty-looldnR
. old world to the man who Is too lazy
.to cl. . . his spcctncl. . .
J " _
, it ,
- , \
ElIJAh the Prophet Carried Inlo HeAven.
SCI'lpturo Authorlt-2 Kings 2 : 1-11.
, . . " . . - . " . , . < " - . . . . .
If one Were disposed to doubt
the reality of the translation of
Enoch concerning whom Scripture -
ture salth "that he walked with
God and God took him , " we have
In thIs Incident of the translation -
tion of Elijah undisputable evl.
dence of the supernatural e-
odus of the prophet from thIs
life to the life beyond , for Elisha
was not only an eye witness to
the glorious event , but the 50
strong men oent out by the sonll
of the prop.hets at Jericho
searched carefully for three
days and Were unable to find the
least trace of the missing
This Incident offera clear and
satisfactory evldel1'ee of three
wonderful truths taught by God's
word : : I
First. That heaven Is a real
place , more real and enduring .
than the earth upon whIch man
lives llnd moves , for a body of
flesh and blood such as Elijah
took with him out of this life
Into the life beyond must occupy -
cupy space and must have a
realm In which to continue Ih
life nd activIty.
, Second. That this life does
not end all but that beyond th
span of the human life there Is
a glorified existence with God
which Is without end , for over
GOO years after Elijah wall
caught up Into heaven we find
him coming with Moses to the
mount of transfiguration there
to talk with Jesue the Christ
concernIng the supreme sacrifice -
fice which he was to make for
the sIn of the world.
Third , That the resurrection
of the body taught so positively
by ScrIpture Is to be literal ,
There are at least three In
! heaven who have theIr
glorified bodies , Enoch , Elijah
and Jesus. Enoch and Elijah
never tasted death nor passed
through the grave , which was . .
miraculous exception to the nat.
ural processes of the human life.
But In Jesus we find one who
has gone down Into the grave
and has come up out of the
grave , having the body of flesh
and blood transformed and glorl.
fied for entrance to the realm of
the blessed of God. And that
it was the same body which he
had had before death , only
changed , was proven over and
over again during those 40 days
In which Jesus walked , and
talked , and ate wIth hIs dis. I
Let us hold to these three precious -
cious truths. Let us In faith
rejoice In theJr most blessed
reality , and let us live as though
we really believed that heaven
la our home , that we are to live
In God's presence eternally and
that for that heavenly existence
we are to have the changed and
glorified bodies of this life.
. . ' - < " - . . "
" gYOND , Tor an will T meet thop.
and take thee from earth to
heaven , "
Elijah started UI ) and looked about
to seb from whence the , "olce came ,
an than as his spiritual Ilorceptions
asserted themselves and he reallzerl
the Import of that volco , he Bani , back
Into his seat , and listened eagerly ,
e"er ' faculty qulckenell Into nervous
expectaucy ,
Again came the voice , repeating the
mesRage :
"Berond , Tordun will T meet the
and take thee from earth to heaven , "
Then all was stili and to thl !
sturtlpd prophet's car there ca1l10 no
further word , As the tenseness of
his facultieB relaxed , he bowed hili
head and whispered :
"It Is the Hame VOICA which spoke
to mo on Mount Horeb , "
" 'Barond , Tordan will I meet thee
und tulw thee from earth to heaven , ' ' '
I sortly repeated Elijah , struggling to
JrUHp the meaning of the words , At
last after all the 'eal's of waltln
since GOll had said thut his mission
.hould enll and ] lIs11lshollid be
,1I'0phet lu his 1'00111 the final sum.
mons had come ,
] 10 was going to moet his God ,
earlj ten 'eat'S h:1d pasHed now
since In discouragement and doubt
and fear he had tied Into the wlldol"
ness and thell been led b ) ' God to the
lIlount where God had spoken with
him , Never for a moment slnee then
had the consclousnc : > s left him of the
Immanence of God and of the IIn-
certulnt ) ' and tomllorulltr of his position -
tion as prophet In Ismel. It wus as
though he had I'ecelved notlcn of the
ermlnutlon or his mission und was
Nlly waiting fOI' the final transfel' of I
allthorit ) ' to the one who IihOU11 ] become -
come his SllCCe8S0l' , And to : In BIICh
IIplrlt of OXllectancr ho hOd wnltoll ,
whllo the faithful BlIslm hall followell
him whlthorsoever ho went and minis.
tered unto him ,
That duy they hall com I ) to Gllga ]
anll ' o ry wll ! th _ long , JollrnO ) '
. . -
. '
Elisha 11n,1 fn lI'n Into ' '
( n < ( ( S1O 1
whllo J lIjah , tired though ht' was ,
had felt no Inclination to sleep , So ,
'lehllnJ ; to tht' spirit IIC modltntlon , ho
lI't meni01' ' hayfrce rein nl1l1 In
1'I\pld kolehluticoplo ml\nl1er the fltlr.
1'In eVl'nts oC hiM lIf" pl\ssed bofol'o
hll11 ,
] low wonderfull ' ( led had kl'IIt him
und carl'd for hl1l1 nnd uMcd hllll , And
) 'ot , ho thought , how IIttio ho hllll ac-
COl11ll lshcd , liow lIttle 1111PI'CSB Ii' ; '
hud 1I11\de 011 the 1'eligloull IIfo of the
nutlon. Oh , thnt thc ) ' might Imow
thl\t hili God WIUI the tI'uo IUIII onb-
Godl Oh , that l'hhte01ISneHft nnd
truth mlgh l 11I'l'vl\lI thl'ou houl the nl\ '
tlon ! Whnt mOl'o WUft there thnt he
coulll do to urOU8e the lIeoplo to n
roallzutlon of their condition nnd tholr
nced' :
He hllli reached this point In his
thqu ht und rl'lIsonlng und a great
yoarnlng for revival of religion In
the nation swept OVl 1' him , when out
of the darkl\lHJK cal110 the volcc , 1\1\11
speaking the words with which 0111'
ntOl' ' Olcns ,
"Be 'ond , Jordan will I mool theo
nnd take thou Cram earth to henven : '
He wus going to meet his God ,
, Tust whnt that 1\11 meant he Imow
not. All he know was thut Gol1 had
summoned hll11 ovel' the , Jordan ther
to take his delHlIture fOl' heaven ,
Would It be with him aa It wus with
Moses , God buryln him In n lonol ) '
SIot , or would ho be cuught up to be
with God as was Enoch ?
' ] hose quolltlons came to him , 8ml
then ho prnred :
"Oh Lord , that m ) ' going might bo
a besslng' ] to lame ] , let the Ileople
who Imow not thee HIIII who doubt the
roalltlos of th ) ' dwelling IIlaco ] mown
that thou dwellest In the henvens and
that It Is to thee to whom thy children -
dren go when the yeurs of the earthl ) '
pllgl'lmago uro ended , "
As he ended hln ) II'arer there cam"
1\ faint cr ' from the C01'l101' where
Ellshlla ) ' on his cOllch and ho tU1'l1ed
to see his Calthful follower and son'-
ant rise to his feet , auddonl ) ' ex-
clalmln as ho did 80 :
" 1\1) ' mastol' ! Oh , m ) ' 111U11ter' ! "
" 1 am hero , " Hpoke UII Elijah.
"Whut t1'ollhleth thee ? " he udded as
ho saw the agitated condition of
Elisha ,
"Ah , thouut sllll here. " cried
Elisha , In a relieved volco , coming
hllStily towards Elijah and claspln
him In ulTectlonate emhraco , 1'01' the
) 'ounger man luul come to love the
saintly man liS u son ml ht a fathOl' .
"It must have he'n vision , " ho continued -
tinued , ruhblng' hili hl11\1) ) 0\(11' his e'os
In a dazed sort of wa ) ' , "an II ) 'ot It
was so real. "
"AnI ! th ) ' vision ? " a81ed glljah ,
art'I' a sllencp ,
. .
.It was 01' theo , " slowl ) ' spolw
Elisha , "I thought I heard "olceM
calling thee , and thcn It 8eel11od ns
though a pathwa ' of light ollened UII
from above fl'OllI the IJh'ection In
which the volco had conH' , aud when
next I loolted thou had gOllO , anll _
way by which thou hnd gone falled
fl'om 111) ' vision , But thou al't stili
horc , " he exclaimed , earllestly. "But
verily 1 hellevc that the I..ord woulll
take thee froll1 1110 , "
"Yell , " sarti ) ' I'eplled the ngod
. .
IJruphet , .this night ho hath culled 1I1e ,
and 1 am golllg' , "
A half sob elCaped fl'Om the llIlrled
lips of ElI8ha , but , he spo1m 110 word.
The occasion senll'd too sacred Cor utterance -
terance from him. He would IIBten
for the words which his beloved 1I1as.
tet. . who WUR so SOOU to ] eave 111m.
might Slenk , All throllgh thl ) fI'-
malnder or thnt night he lIat at hi ; ;
1I1aster's feet dl"lnklng In with feverIsh -
Ish eagcl'llesR all that the ] attcr felt
movell to Sleak , and then when the
first. fulnt stre k ! : ! of gray beg'an to up-
pear 111 the eantel'll sky J < Jlljah urosl'
and glrdod himself a8 though for : \
Without Hpeaklllg n word , JoJUshn
11rose r.IHo , anll did likewise , Inwl1rdlr
lesolvln a8 he d 1 so tat whlthel'
I Jlljah went he would go until GOll
should ta ' ' :0 him ,
" 'I'urt'Y hem , " urroll 1 lIjah , ns hA
took hlH ! : italY 111 his hand and stm.t11 (
. . . .
towards Iho dOOl' , .1..0l. the Lord huth
Rent me to lleth(1I , "
"As the Lord 1I\'uth , anrt as thy soul
1I\'eth , I will not leuvo thee , "
A gllul light or ] ovlng apPl'eclation
shollo In the face of the uged prophet ,
and the two wellt on togothol' , and In
the course of the dlca1l1e to Bethel.
As the ) ' drew neul' to the place thc ) '
were HIIJ11rhwd to sea a C01l1pUII ) ' of
the Hms cf tit : ! prophets comh ! ! ; to
meet tho1l1 , With a revorentlul awe
tllO ) ' looked upon 1 lIjah , nnd wh'n
the ) ' founll opportunity the ' whll : ! '
pored In r lIsha's ear :
"Kllowest thou that the Lord will
take th ) ' master from thy head to.
da ) ' ? "
"lIow knowest then this ? " ex-
calmed ] J IIHha , almost hnpl\tJcntl . .
"The Lord Hhowed Us this In a
vision ] nst night , " was the relll ) ' ,
"Yea , aud the 1.01'11 hath I'eyealed It
unto me , " almost curtly rellll't !
1 lIshn , "lIold ) ' 0 ) 'our II'acC' , "
And when Elijah would go on froll1
Bethel to , ] orlcho , he again un lI ! )
1 IIHhlto tarr ) ' , hut ho would not , but I
clung the 1I1ore to him ,
Ah , the Intense eager ) 'earnlm ; of
that jonrno ) ' to Jericho and tJwn
aCI'OHI : ! Jordan , 1 lljah shoulll not go
without loavlng him the bleslll ! he
needed I\S prophet to ] srael. Alld ,
with the vllolI ! of the chal'lot or tlro
and his cr ) ' us I lIjah was parted t'1'01I1
him , ho kllow that he had prevailed ,
and thnt the hll'sslng : waR hl8 ,
] t's the dishonorable parents aR
much as the IITevel'ollt chlllll'cn whu
hreak the fuurth COmll1tllllltl1ent.
WIHII a 1I1an 1I0allts of being the
mastel' of his allpotitus ho Is att to
be mal't'l' to tbom.
. .
- . . : . . . . " .00..8..11.0..0..0. . . . : . .
- . . -
. 0
. .
. : By Bailey Millm-d . :
. .
. . : . . . . . : . .
. .
( Cop'rhht , by J0801lh D. Dowloll , )
A bright UllI'lIsh or elcllll , whltn
plgeoll wln 1J followell Oil the 11181111\t
the bal1 of the bllrll'lIrd glltO.
"Whnt 110 I thlnl , 0' woml'n ralwh
bossus' ! " WIlS the wI'uthlul I1IHlh of
1.eko Stuhbs , 1\ldl'eS801l to the 11\11"
r'ln iJh'lIl1 , "I thlnl , the ) ' ought to
kecl ) to the 1llehon UII' not go to
snoolllll' 3roulI' h1 III n' roweduJl mOll
how to tuke the shoe ! ! oWn hor6e ,
An' she 1J.'earohl ! g'u1 ! Did IIhu
larn nhollt hOl'A09' feet at that. Salt
Lake 8emh\l\1' ' ? I'll IIko to knuw !
Ir her muw nnll 1111\\ ' I1nl ) ' WUl ; ull\'e ! "
"Oh , don't take on , Zclw , " l1ulll Url
Wi gll1 , c01l1lnl around u curncr of the
bnrn. " Iar Windom Jot a few extra
fl'lIIs at the ! ! omlnur ) ' , but she uln't
Blllled , not. b ' a jug.Cull. An' Hho
Imows nil ubollt horaes , "
Url wus the hired man on the Win.
dom raneh u1111 Zclw WUB hlK hclllOl' .
"An' Rho uln't HO drcl\dful stucl\1I\
as ) ' 011 think , " udlled UI'I , "If Hho Wus
! ! ho wouldn't be a.goln' out with the
sheop. "
"Goln' out wllh the Rheolll Great
sl1nkeal or ull the rum-butted Idcos !
Au' all alone among them mOI1 ?
GuesB you clln count mo out this time.
I Ilon't want no womun bOKS on the
1'I1ngo , ' ] ho Ideo ! A woman ahcOl ) '
herdCl' ! "
"She ain't a' oln' I\lone , " said Url ,
"lIow then'l"
"Wal , ; ) 'OU Imow Sandy Hamn's
Gel'l\o \ , thut ml\l'rled Huss Bricker ?
She's a.goln' along , tooIay's : ot
HUSB to look out fer thln a fer hel' ,
an' Gct'tlo's a' oin' to do t ho l ookln' ,
An' ] 'm u.goln' I\n' HO al'o YOU-'OU
can't glt out oC It. "
"What 1I0es Huss BrlclOI' ] mow
about sheell' ! " uskOl ) 1.el < o contemlltu'
ously , "Beel1 a Crclghtln' nil his lifo , "
"Oh , HUBs won't have much tel' aa ) ' ,
1\IIS6 Windom's goln' to run the hull
shootln' mlltch hOl'selC. " .
"Great guus ! 'l'hey'll glt slet ] 'nough
0' women bosses ! " snorted Zelw.
"When dol's thll ! ] 1l'l'0 fool QXllodltion
stUl't out ? "
" \\'cHk fl'om nex' ' 1'hul'slla ) ' , Snow'lI
be pooty well ofrn the 1'Ilnge by thut
tlmo , Wo'll hit SIy-l\Iellllm' ubout the
IIfth do ) ' out , If we have ! > oed luck.
Trollblo Is tho'll HO dunJed : mlln ) ' out.
IIts that'll hu heallell that WII ) ' , an' the ) '
may glt In ahead , We 1I0n'l dllst Hturt
uny Hoonel' for that's the oarllest uny-
hody e"el' oes : hut wo'll he In ] uclt
If 60me lange : snealt ! ! don't glt In
ahead of mi. "
PI'eclstI ! ) ' thlll It was that wOl'l'loli
I\IIS \ 1\1ay Windom , Huss hml told
her that It woulll he a mco for the
Sltl1cadow country-tho uost rangc
In the WaRuich mOllntalnll-and she
was Intensely eager to get In first
with her band , She had been out. on
the range Heverul tlnws beCoro her
father dlert-once ns ] ollg liS u month ,
'l'hls time Rho wunted , to stay the
whole season , The Hcmlnary , with Its
stlltod diction anll Its stlrf rule or
thlngR generally , had Irked hol' . She
had gOlle thel'o hecause .It wus her
Ilead fltthOl"s wish , NVolI now thnt It
WRS all bohlnd her , the somlnar-
oe1J1ed to he cllnglnJ ; to her skirts ,
She wanted to get awny to the moun.
tulns. She loyed the wild IIfc and she
loved the SlICOP , Above nil things she
was engor to get to the range ahead
of r ew Ma.dden , who drove a ] nrgo
herd of his own sheal'ing UII that WilY
ever - sllrlng us soon as the Henson
opened. Low was objectlonablo to her
In no other way than that ho hud trlod
to malto himself IIarticularly agreeahle
to her , with the result that she had
sent him ahout his busl1wHR , She
coulll hard ! ) ' have told whr she hud
done thlR , lor Lew WI\S hlg and strong
and loolted l1uor lu hlH saddle than
any ether lIIan In , Juah count ) ' . PI'oll.
Rblr Hho had refused him hecauHo he
Jmd tuken her for Irantud , Beln ta-
kOll fOL' granted wur. very odlom ; to
bel' .
Sing IlCr fOl' the range ! Thl ! slll'lng
WitS In 1\lar Wlndom'u blood whcn she
et out lIIounted 011 Fidget , her cow-
bo ) ' hat flapping III the wind that hlow
down frolll the cool ulIands ] 111111 her
gray eyes allvl' with the lI\rlll \ oC the
start. Silo rodc helllio the Brickel's.
while UI'I and eke drove In the camp
wngons COl' the nst fe. . . . . tame milcH I
along the lane from ZOllhl , the meek
sheell truttlng IIasslvel ) ' ahead ,
Br even lug the ) ' WNe well 111' Into
the foothills , having forced the sheell
forwnnl at IJ. vel'y good ) lace ,
ext morning Url dcclded to take
the trail ever the rltlgo , Whllo it WIIS
steell anll rough It Cllt ocr about olr ht
miles of the juuruor to the Skrlnad. .
" .v countl" ) ' und whell they made oamll
J,1I1t night 1.oke del'illed Low l\luddon
wus n good I1vo miles behlud ,
"Cooeo ! Coo.eo ! " yelled Url ustuy
joined him. "Thofudrlon : olltllt l11ust
a.found another cut.olT. But the " 11
never got In ahend 0' us , Hco tlwm
smokes , lie pointed to where two curl- .
In I ; colllmrui rOKO all the far 111110 of tho' '
rid go , "Wo'ldl'ivc \ ' 0111 to the tOJ ! ,
hot-foot , uu' tholl ulong IIJ ! the ho .
back to the nwtlllel' , The ) ' wou't Hit
1/1 uhead 0' UR , "
The sllll'\I \ of the ranHO was Rtrong In
: \Iay , lieI' blood mounted wal'ml ) ' , and
her 110l'SO IlI'essed ahnrJly Ullon till'
sheoll , whllo her volco rang 10lld anti
cl\lar ,
Hut when the rallIlIy ) noYlng lUass
of whlto hackR sC\11'l'lud through the
scrulJ vines lIeUI' the tall , uot balf a
mile uwa ) ' o\'el' the hili , aha Iwarll
fain t HOUllIlIn "Coo.oeal" that were
gl'Uwllll ; nOlll'el' allil 1:01\\1IIg \ UII the
1'111 go ,
" : \1111111011'1 ; hl'I'dul'S , for 1110/lC ) ' ! " she
hCltrd lll'l ) ' 011. "But. wo'll glt 11\
uhoall , 'I'hl' ' wnll't dust com" much
ncal'ol'-thC'r WOII't rlak 1\ mlx'III ) .
'I'he " "e ot IIvn thollsl\nd In that bl\nll ,
ntlll If t hl' ' 1'lIn Into 01\1' fOllr thollsand
Il wonlll hI ! the lIol'llllest mcss In nine
cOllntlnH , "
'rho "W's" were hOllndlnJ : up the
olOInllli ) the ILllvnncl ! IIno wail nil bllt
topping the l'lllge ,
SllIill'nlr IIhe IlI'n\'ll n great rustllllg
umong t hl' trcca unll hrullh on the wellt.
side of the rillge , opposite thnt 01\
which the first ! ; I'ent billow of "W's"
Willi hl'glnnlng to UPlleal' .
I.'rom below cnmo whoopll'oll / ,
the barllnl ; of Ilo g , willi blents nnll
n low rOllI' aft 20,000 IIttio flohl'ut \ the
1l'Ounli IllI , OOO little rounll hralls
were IICk"d out fl'om nnllmg the pincH.
A 1l'Out WIIVO or "M's" luonwll for 1\
moment Crom ever the WU ) ' , roull ' to
1'u8h In Itnll l.wcomo OliO w.lth the bll.
low of "W's" which hall chlll'god11)
the eUlIl Iddo uC the ridge juslln time
to meet It ,
"Sloll 'em ! Stop 'om ! lIend 'em ortl
CUI\'t ) 'OU Htop 'em ! " Was May's fl'UII'
tie appoal.
Whcn Rhe .Ioolwd agnln the two
( treat tllleli of rhcell hnll mot und I
mingled , 'l'ho "W'II" 'woro SCI\1l11101'-
In wlllll ' about lI1110ng the "M'8 , " unll
the " I'II" WIII'O thl'euliing through
anll thl'ourh the " 'V's , " so thllt , as
It Hl'oml'lI , 111 OliO willi momlmt , the
IIrellllcll , the t rugle , mlx.up Willi as
cOlllpeto ] tla the mlx.up of 1woll -
8hullloll Imelt of cal'lIs ,
Lew 1\I1\1'11len rulle over to whol'o
1\111) ' atooll lennlng agnlnst a ] llno , cry.
By Evening They Were Welt Up tnto
the Foot-Hilla.
In ! { , 'l'he rest had all run up the rhlgo
chaHlng the Hhoop townrll the moudow.
Lew got ort hlH h'rse und waH clole : ! to
her before Hhe HUW him.
"Oh , It WtlH mean of ) 'OU , " Rhe do-
clurell , with wut. cheeks und flaminG
O'CII , "mean , nwnn ! "
, ,
" ] hIB mlx-uI ] ? " he said , smiling AOft.
] y , "Oh , I don't IUluw. They elln stay
mlxell for nil I care , It's nil right. "
" \Vh ) ' , what nlllklJS you Rny tlU\t ? "
she cde ; } , dnbhlng ut hol' c'es with 11
handkel'chlel , "Wo lun't : IIcllurato
thelll until the end of the Ol1son. Un-
leHR , " she added 11Itt10 moro hOllO-
fully , "we coulll rig UII a. . cOl'ral and
IL fool-Jnte here somowhere. I wonder -
derC \ wo could ? "
"But I don't. wllnt , " said hI : , "It
would take n moulh's work , and It
Iljn't wOI'th whllo anyway , "
" \Veil , " Rho salll , with forcell firmness -
ness , "I'll 110 It then , "
"nllt you Iion't want to either : '
"Why don't I wunt to' ! "
"Becuuso you're going to marry me- .
I.lttlo Bopeup hasn't lost her 8h(6) ) ) ,
They'vo jnst strayed In mong her
] OVOl"S , Alii ! the ' ure going to Htay
there IInd nm'er 110 selmratclJ. Come !
I tl.m ) ' 0111'11 and so 111'0 all 111Y tlhoop ! "
110 hold uut hili nrrns to her , Nuvor
hall IIho Kecnwd so weak In the face
of the Ihw , strong , Inslstont mastery
of h\i \ ; prejenco , But she sU111moned
the Ilrotostirl/- / word ut last though It
came out fulntly.
" : -o ! "
. .
"Como !
"I won't 110 IU"
110 Cl\1110 nearer and put his great
111'11111 ablIt ( her ,
I "You're tuklnr ; mo Cor granted after
all , YOU'I'O just a ! ! menn aH- "
"No ; I'm takln011 / for a dear , uu-
gollc IIUlo creuture , who loves mo very
much , "
"Thero YOIl lire ! You salll it ! I'll
not bo taken for ranted that WB ) . . . .
She utl'ulged ] to fl'oo herself ,
"lIow will ) ' 011 bo talton , then ? "
"rot at nil , You Iion't lIuderlltand-
) 'OU lIon't 1l0sen'o-'ou'I'0 just as moan
But he stoPICtI her wOI'ds with a
I IdsH , anll , aftl'I' a little Htl'ugHle hCI'
' nostlerl down upon hit ; shoulder ,
Hr ! , hlllJUng fOl' his mlstl'ess , espied
hel' sHUn ! ; on II rock beside Lew , an
SCl'l\l11hled hncl , to 1.oke ,
' ' 'I'hero's Illlothel' mlx'\1I ) over there , "
ho ! mld , gl'lnnln and IJolnting toward
lito Jlhlllll , "Gucss them shoel1'l1 all bo
n.\\'onrlu' ' I's' uext senson : '
. . . .
The Evolution of
H0U13ehold Remedies.
' 1ho modcil'Il pntont mcdicine busIness -
ness is the nntnral outgrowth of the
old-tImo hotUJohold r.emedies.
In the early JUl\tory of this country ,
bitters , lnxntives and tonics , were to be
founlin almost every house , compounded -
ed by the housewife , sometimesl188istcd
by the npothccnry or the family doctor.
Duoh romedics no pid 'n , whIch wns
alocs and qunssia , dissolved in apple
brnndy. Sometimes a hop tonic , made
of whiskey , hops amI bitter barks. A
score or more of popular , homc-mn .o
remedics were thus compounded , the
formulae for w1 ch wcro pnssod nlonE ;
from house to house , sometimcs writt
& motimes verbnlly communicated. lit
The pntent medicine business ia a.
nnturnl outgrowth from tIus whole. .
some , old-time custom , In the begin.
ning , some enterpr1ning doctor , impressed -
pressed by the usefulness of ono of
thcso home-made remedies , would take
it up , improve it in mlUlY wayS ; . mnnu.
fnoture it on a largo senlo , advertise it
mninly through nlmnna.cs for the home ,
nnd thus it would beoomo used over n
Peruna wns originally ono of thes6
old-timo remodies. It wns used by the
Mennonites , of PennsylvM1n , before it
WRS offered to the public for snlo. Dr.
POUNDER OF PERUNA , is of Mennonite -
nonito origin. First , ho prescribed it
for his neighbors and his patients.
The sale of it increased , and at wthe
established n manufactery and fur. .
niahed it to the genernl drug trade.
Peruna is useful in n great mnny
olimatio ailments , such as coughD , colds ,
Bore throat , bronchitis , amI entarrhal
disell8es genernlly. THOUSANDS OF
USE OF PERUNA and its voluo in tho'
trea.tment of these ailments. They
have lcnrncd to trust and believe in
Dr. ! Iartman's judgment , nnd to rely
on hio remcly , Poruna. .
in decorating the walls of
your home , can be most
surely cffected by using
tI ) .
IF'ho SanitmJr.Wal1 : tlting
Tlte soft , velvety Alabns-
tine tints produce tbe most
artistic effects , and make the
home li hter and brighter.
Sold by Pnlnt. Dmr. Uardwareand
General Siores to carelully lealed
IInd properly labeled paekalCJ. at
We the packale lor white and
Me the pllckaljc for tlnll , Sea
L'Jat the nll 'AlabaUlnc" is 00
ellch packlllo before It Is opened
eiWe by , ourself ( II' the worltmCD.
The A1n.bastino Company
Grand Rapids , Mich.
Baaten10fflcc. 11I5 : WaterStIfJCt.
- - - - - - -
FRO. . . . ,
Misso r River Terminals
to April 30 , 1908
to San Francisco , Los
$30 Angeles , San Diego , and
many other California
points _
To Everett , Bellingham ,
$30 y'ancouver and Victoria ,
VICI. Spokane.
To Portland"ndAstori. .
o 'lacoma : and Seattle ,
$30 Via Spokane ,
To Ashland , Roseburg ,
$30 Eugene , A 1 h Il n y and
Salem , inc1 uding So , Pac.
branch lines in Oregn.
To polmnc and nter-
$30 points. mediate O. R. & N.
Union Pacific
For full information incptire of
E. L. LOMAX , G. P. A.