Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 09, 1908, Image 2

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JJROKmN now , . . NE RASIC
' " I
I of the
BARS ? ] )
\ ( Cop'rIKhl b ) ' A. C. J\1cClur ; ; & Co. , 1:107. : )
Ol'orJo 'VII1I8101l. It poor fIIlIl'lullnll ,
hhh.mhHII'II 111111 cllltllrl'd , R'lIrl'lll' " for
( , l1ttlo mlllHlnK' from hlB rUII'h-tho "Lnz ) '
1 S , " On n wool111 Kllot 111 the rh'cr'K bpd
1 tlmt wo1l111 IIIWII llenn 1\11 IlIlulld hUll tlw
, i 1IIIH50uri hccn lit hh h wnt'r. ho dill'
I coveI'll n Imlld of hor80 thlo,1CIIIIJf'd !
, i I In workln. . : over brnnl1l1 011 cIIUI , . . 110
: 1 l'rl'Cpll nenr I'nollRh to nnto the dtnllA" '
1 i Ing of thl' ' ' 'l'hrce Unrll" hrl\lHI 111I Onl !
: tcer to the "J. n , " brnnl1 , 1'lIul I.nll/ / ; '
I , 101'11. the rich owner IIf the "Three
HnrK. " Is Inforllll'd of the olll'mtlonn of
j the gnn ! ; ' of ( nUlc thll'\'CII-1I hnnll nf
. outlaws hcnl10tl b ) ' J'RRO Dlnl'k. who
long hnvn l1ellcll thc IlIw nnll nuthorl.
UI'II of Jomllh count ) . . South Dnkotll.
. : I.nnKford II ! f\trlwk with the bl'lIl1t ) ' of
1 Mnry. commonl ) ' known all " \Vllllllton'lI
Ilttlo , ; 11'1. " 1.0ulllO ] ) nlc , nil . . , .pcrt
j court BhmOKrllPherj who hnd followel1
her uncI ! ! . Judge 1 nnllnond On Ie. frolll
the cnllt to the " [ ) nkotnhll. " und who
I III living with him at WIIIII City. 18
reQucltel1 by the coullty nUorl\l ! ) ' .
j nlchnrd Oordon. to 1'011111 to Kl'lnuh IInd
J take tClUmon ) ' In the prllhlllllllry
\ honrln" of JellRo HIIlc ) " .lIm : .I 11 11110 n. In
walUnlt nt the tmln for 1.01lIRII. 10nkK
J at hl'rd of cattle belliI ; ' IIhl1111ed hy
< < Bill Brown and thl'ro 111'lectK old
"Moff. " n w1t Inown " 0111'1' ) ' " IIt'er bo-
10n nK to hlA cmployer of the "Thr ( ,
HarR" ranch , Munson nnll 1.0uiRn Bturt
tor K'mnll. Crowdll n/lllclllhiu In , JU/ltI , , "
, Inrnell H , l\tcAJllnter'/I court for the
prlImlnnr ! ) ' henrln . JeRKI ! Bln'k IIprlnm !
" the fJrfit or muny Krent nUrpl'lRcA. wnl\'ln
( \xnml/mUon. 'I'hrouHh Jnlcu HIUII.Jerllon. It
ntflmhor of the oUllnw ! ; 1I11 ! ; , hu hllli
lonrnrll thnt tllo nleOl' " ! If/I ! ; " hnll hpen re-
coverel1 nnl1 t1l11n Anw the l1Rolelll/IIJHH of
thrhUn" I1cnlllllt h'ln ! ; IUII/1I1 ever , COUllt ) '
Altornoy Oorl1on IlCeOl1lllnnlplI 1.0111110
Dnlo on h'r rl'tlll'n toVlnl1 City. Whllo
\ 'Vllllllion Htaullfl 111 the lI ht In hIli door
. nt night n Ahot III 111'1'11 nl him , 'j'ho 1I0uHu
In nUnckcll nnll It h'i\ttllJ ' I1naul'S hotweon
Wlllinton uncI hili I1l1u htor. ( In OIlU "hh' .
11nll the olltlnwon the ether , The hllllHO
18 Kut 011 111'1' , All nn nuthlw rlllKell hlH 1'11111
to KhoolVIIlIKlolI /l "hot frollllU UII'
ImowlIlouree 1III'rcell hili armlllllli the
rlflo fllto to the JTOl1l1d , AlII hllll cumo to
'Wllllllton , bllt ho anll hlo dnu hter nre
InpturC'l1 : nud berne /lwny hy the ullthlW/I ,
.Tlm Munllon Into at nlh ! hl'nrll thnlhotl. .
:1Isco\'crcl1 the ultael , on WlJlllllon'lI hou/lc.
hllrrll'd to the Three Dnrll l'nllt'lllud RUI/I-
. . 11I001I'd l.ungforl1lnd hiM hruvo mon to the
rl'flCuo. It wna l.ulIJtrorli ; who fired the Bhot
< which tlnvcelVllilaton's lifo , I.ungfllrll
.TI''Cl1CII Mnry frol1l lieI' cuplor , l.unJforll
tnkes Mary to the hOlllo or Mrll. 'Vhlt ! ! ,
lIor urlll hUH been 1Jroken by u IIhot. Bho
, 11'1'0\\11 dellrioua nllli recel\'ell medicul ut-
tt'nUOII ,
CHAPTER XI.-Contlnued.
The long day wore nlong. Mother
White wus bnldng. 'I'he men would
be ravenous when they came Imcl , .
Many would stol ) tiQI'j , for something
' . to eat herore going on to theIr homes ,
It might be to-nIght , It might be to.
morrow , It mIght not bo unt\1 \ the dll ) '
aHer. but wl1onover the time did como ,
ImoWlng the men of the I'I\ngo coun.
try , she must have somethIng "b ) '
I , hor. "
At last came the doctor and Gordon.
dl'lvlng UI ) In the doctor's top-bugS ) , .
weat1lCrstalnod , mlHIbeduubed with
the mud of Inst spring. of 111 an ) '
springs. The doctor was a Imdl ) '
I droslod. ! pleusunt.e'ed mnn , past mIddle -
dle age , with u frlngo or grny whisk.
ers. He WIlS a UOI't or jOI\l'l1e'man
doetlr. , and he had drifted hither OI1Q
\ day t\o ) : summers ugo from the Lalm
Andes : countr ) ' in this solCrsame trav-
el.worn conve'nnco with Its sumo
. bony sorrel. Ho had found good
I plcltlng , l1e l1ad of ton jovlnl1) ' romnrl.-
cd since. chewing IIQronel ) ' awn ) ' on
I R brand of vile 1)lug the wh\1e. \ Ho
j had elected to remaIn. 110 was 11I1rt
I and parcel of the cattle countr ) ' now.
He was un estnbllshed condition. People -
ple had learned to accellt hllll I1S l1e
was and ' be ! ; mtefu1. Haste WIlS a
menta ! atlli Ilh'slcal '
) Imposslblllt ) to
111m. Ho tool , his own tlnto. AI1 must
perforce acqulesco.
"You have worltcd ) 'oUt'selC Into a
I1lgh fever , Miss Williston. that's whllt
you've done. " he saId , with Ilrofe8slon.
al mournfulness.
"I Imow It , " slle smllml wnul ) ' , "I
couldn't helll It. I'm SOl'1' ) ' , "
Got'don ( It'ew UII a chnlr and sat
down by het' , sn'ln ! ; with gr:1\'O dnd-
ness , "You are frettlnVo ! must not
let you. I am goIng to stn ' with you
al1 night and shoo the goblins nWI1) ' . "
"You are I\lnd , " suld Mar ) ' , grnteful-
] ) ' , "May I tell ) 'OU when tlwy t ome ?
If some one spoals to mo the ) ' go
away. "
"Indoed ) 'OU mny , denr child , " he
exclaimed. heartily. Ho hud been haIr
Joking when he slolo ( of Icoplng
things away. Ho now percolved that
these things wore mor6 serlouo than
J1e knew.
The doctor adminIstered modlclne to
reduce the fuvor , dressed the wounded
arm , with Gordon's ready asslstnnce ,
and then called In MothCl' White to
Ilrepare the bed ror his llatlent ; but
he paused nonpluuBod before the
Vo'elght of entreat ) ' In Mur"s e'es nnd
"Please don't , " she cried out , In nc ,
tual terror. "Oh , MI' . Gordon , don't
lot him ! I 800 such awful thlllgs when
I 110 dpwn. Please ! Please ! 'And
: Mr. Langford suld I might sit UII till
he came. Mr. Gordon , ) 'OU will not
Jet him put me to bed , will you ' ! "
"I thlnlt It would bo hotte ) ' to lot her
ha"o hfi way. I.oclthnrt , " salt ! Gor on
In low voice.
a .
, " . . .
"Maybe It wOllld , Dicit , " said the
doctor. with suuprlslng meeknoss.
. " "I ! stay all Igh au.d I'll tuke oed
. . . . _ . . .
a'ioli/iti / nr--- " " " . : : .
" -
care of lieI' , J.oclhnrt. 'l'hero's Moth.
( 't. Whlto bl'clwnlng to slipper. You'JI
t'lIl heforo ' ( ) U o ? No , I wou't tnlw
nllY SlIllllet' 1I0thnlll , ) ' 011 , 1I10thol' , I
wJlI Rtny with MIII'Y. " .
And ho did stny with h\I' nil thrnugh
the IOIlJ ; wn tcholl of thut 10llg nhht. i
110 ne\'er ( ' 10/11 hIli l''OIl In aloop ,
Sometlmos IIII' ' would droll 01T Into
UnCHM ) ' slumhI'-alwH'S of ahort du.
ratlou , When she \\'alwlIl'd ! lIlIld'n\ \ ) '
III wldt"o'od fl'lght , he soothed her
with nit tenderness , Sonwlltncs when
ho thouJht Hhe was IIII'IIIII . IIho
woulll clutch his nrn ! dI'RII'rnteIllld \
CI'y out thllt thol'e wus HOIIII' one ho-
hlud the bIg cottonwood. "Knln It
would bo to nlll. hllll In a tcnll1ed
whlsller If he dlel 1101 hOllr hoof.beatl ! .
nllol1lng. galloping , galloping. nnd
hegged him to lIall'lJ. 110 coulel nl.
ways Ilull't Ill'r. and she 11'lml hllrd to
I.eep from wandl'rillg ; but after a
IIhort. hroltl'n l'CIt. she . . . . .ould 1.1' ) ' out
nglllu III ( 'ndlf'lIs I'elletltloll of the ter.
I'OI'S of thllt awful nlgh ( .
Mrs , White amI Ro\'ernl of her smnll
Ilrogenr hrollihed loud I ) ' from an ad ,
jolnln room , A hUll II hurned dInt\ \ ) '
011 the tnble , It grl'w IlItc-l o'clock
nnd IIflor. At IlIlIt she I'ested , She
11/I118ell / fl'om light. hrok'n ilium bel' to
de ll sh1CII without crylng out nnd
thu ! ! I1wnlwnlng horclf. ; Gordon was
tired nnd snd , othnt the flush of
fo\'l'I' Wl18 gono. he IIn w how white and
mlsorablo uho reall ) ' looked , The clr.
cleR under her OS were so dark
the ) ' were like hrulses , The IIIUntle
of his misfortune WII ! ! sprelldlng to
bl'lng othel's besides hlmsolf Into Its
so 111 bcr folds.
'fho 1I10n were comIng back. But
they wen. ! cOll1lng quieti ) ' , In grim sl.
lenco. Ill' dared not awaken : \Iar ) '
for the news he Ime , . , . the ) ' must carr ) ' .
110 stopped nolselcsRly to the door to
warn them to a ) 'et grentor stillness
ulld met I.ungford on the threshold.
'fhe t\\'o sur\'eyed each othel' grnve-
I ) ' wIth cluSllcll hands ,
"You tell hor. Dlel. . I-I can't , " said
Langford. His bll { shouldel's drooped
all under a hea'y burden.
"l\Iust I ? " uslod Gordon ,
"Dlcl. . I-I can't , " II a Itl Langford.
hrokenl ) ' . "Don't ) 'OU seo-If 1 hnd
been just u mlnutu lIooner-and I
Ilromlsed : '
"Yes , J see , Pl1ul , " salll Gordon ,
qllletl ) ' . "I will tell her , "
"You neell not , " said 11 sweet clear
\'olco. . from ucrosll the 1'00111. " 1 Imow.
I heai'll. 1 thlnl ( I Imew alltlte tlme-
. .
- 1J. -
\t \ ' - . . . '
, '
. . . - - . - - - ,
- J ' . . ,
- . . . " ' 7 . - . - -
0' " , . . .
The Sheriff and His Deputies Made a
DIligent Search for Williston.
hut ) 'OU were nil so good to mnlto me
hOIIO. Dou't worr ) ' about me any
more. deur frlenlls , I alii all right
now. . It Is milch hottet' to Imow. I
h011 ( ! the ) ' dIdn't hang hllll. You thlnle
the ) ' shot hIm , don't ) 'ou ? "
"Llttlo gIrl , 1Il110 girl , " crlell Lang-
fo I'll , on his Imees besldo hcr , "It Is not
thnt ! It Is enl ) ' thnt wo have not
found him. nlltno IWWH Is good news ,
'l'hnt wo ha0 fOllnd no trace } H'O\'es
thilt thor have to gun I'd hIm well he- .
( 'nuso he Is alive.Vo 1\1'0 going on IL
now track to-morrow. Belhn'o mo.
IIttlo girl , alld go to bed now , won't
) 'ou. nnd rest'l"
"Yes , " Hho said , wearllr. as one In
wholl1 no hOllo was left. "I will ro. 1 i
will mind-tho boss , "
As ho lahl her gentlr on the bell.
whllo 1\Irs. White. arollsocl fl'om sleell ,
lIuttercd nllllleslll ) ' nnd drowsl1r about ,
ho whIspered. his breath cnrresslnr ;
her c1wolt :
"You will go to Hloel ) right awn ) ' ,
won't ) 'Oll ? "
"I will trr , You al'o the hoss. "
The 1111111 fOllnel'eleud the night the
Laz ) ' S wus bnl'llod out was not l'nsl.
Ir hlenlUlod. 110 wus Il halt.breed ,
bllt hlllfbroeliH were mun ) ' west of the
rl\'er , amI the Illaces whore the ) ' lalll
their heuls lit nIght were us shifting i
as the sands or that 1'I\pld , ominous ,
changing strtam of theirs , whIch ever
cut them off from the world of theIr
fathers and 1\OIlt tlwm bound , hut restless -
less , dml\n \ , ; , In thut snmo Innd where
thelt. mothol'lI had stllrod stolldl ) ' at n
strange little boutloull tugglllg UI ) the
1'1\'ot. that wall the fororullllol' of the
ultimate destln ) ' or this hroad north.
west coulltr ) ' . but which hrollght III-
Incldentall-all do all big destinies In
the creat scheme brIng sorrow to
some one-wrong. mlslllHlerstumllllg ,
forgetflllness. to a ollee 111'01111 , free
IWOlllo now In subjection ,
At Inst the uuthorltles rounel h'uce
ot 111m far awa ) ' at Stundlng Hocle ,
through the agollt there , who Imow
him as of nil ugl ) ' 1'el\Jtalion-a dls.
shmted. ro\'lng Ilrulllgate , who hnll
long sillco sqllundered his go\'ol'lllnol1t
1I1\trh11011) ' . 110 hllll been mbOlI up In
snndr ) ' hud nffulrs In the IHlst. ulld
hlld 'beell nn h1\'oterate gamblel' . So
much 0111) ' were tilt' Kcmllh county
" , .
, . . "
nuthorltll'H IIble to IInco\'er of the wn ) ' ,
wllrt ! ellrthl ) ' Carl'l'r ( If the dl'ud man.
Of 11111 hUUllhl I\lId cronlr.s of the
IlOrlJ(1 ( hllnll'lIatel ( ) ' Ilrrccdlng hIs
death. the IIHont could tl,1I lIothlng.
Ho had not hel'n S(1(111 nt the arl'IU' ) '
Cor nIlI'I ) ' II ) ' 'ur , 'fho l'l'llrohnh' hAUlI
hnd ( 'o\'l'l'ed It s t I'llcks well , Th1'\ !
wus IlOthln ! ; to do hut In - the ( 'Nlll '
bed ) ' I1wn ) ' nncl sho"ol ohlh'lon 0"\1'
Itl < Be'r ! ! ! .
In the ( 'arb' tnomln ancr thl' tl"-
turn of the 1IJI1 frolll UIl'lr UI1SUCl'l'l8'
fill mnn hUllt. Gonion. ra ) ' ntlll lm -
rnrd from IONS of 1.111'1'11 atlll from ha,1
Ihollrht. Etl'pllell Ollt Into the kltehl'n
to at rutch his crnlllpcd limbs. 110
stumhled o\r the flgllro of I.\t1 ford
( lrolle npon t hu floOl' . dend nsh' ( ' I' In
nttl'r I'xhnustlon. 110 "lIIlIcdtiller' -
stnndlnrlr nnd olenl'd the outl'r'l.'oor '
qUlotl ) ' . hoplnH ho ha(1 1I0t nrollsCll tbo
wornout basil , ThQ nlr wfrt''b nnd
conI. with n hlut of autumn ! 'bl\1'l\t\l'I ,
and prcmature Indian summer hall' ,
that ! loftelled the Jnuntnelg of thQ
lanlllcnpe. and made the dlstnnct'S
hluo and rest.rh'lng , He Cl'lt thlnl'l def
of In\'lgorntion nfter Ills nl hl's " ,
und struck err do\\'n the road with
loug strldl's. In Illeasant nntlcllntlon
of It com In ! ; nlll1l'tltl' ror brookfast.
'rhu ! ! It wns that Lungord. strug.
Jlng to 1\ slttllposture. . rubbln ! ; his
hea'r e'CS with a dim consclousns
thnt ho had been disturbed. anti won.
derlng llrowlIy wh - he was o stu lld ,
felt somethln ! : seeping throu h his
sonse8 thnt told him he dId not tlo
well to sleep , So he decided he woultl
tnke R plunge Into the cold arteslnn
Ilond. and with such drastic mcasures
banIsh once nnd for nll the elusheet ; ,
all.pel'\'I1dlng cobwebs whIch clung to
hllll. JUslng to his feet with unusual
RwkwnrdnE'ss. he looked with scorn
\Ilon the bare 11001' and accused It
blindly nnd bltterl ) ' as the direct
c \lse of the strange sOl'eness that beset -
set hIs whole ana tom ) " . The 11of the
floor had changed In a nIght. Where
was he ? He glanced helplessly
ubout. Then he know.
TillIS It was , that when : \Inrr lan-
guldl ) ' opened her eres a little later
It Was the boss who sat beside her
and smiled reassurIng I ) ' .
"You ha\'e not slept a wlnl. , " she
crold , accusingly ,
"Indeed I have. " he saill. "Three
whole hours , I feci "
"You are-fibbing. " she said , "Your
c'es 1001 , so tired , and ) 'our face Is all
worn : '
1IIs heart leaped with the jO ) ' of her
"You are wrong. " he laughed.
teasingly. "I slellt on the 11001' ; and a
Eood hed It'ns , too , No , Miss Willis-
ton , I am not 'all In' ret. by anr
menns. "
In his new consciousness , a new
formalltr crellt Into his war of addressing -
dressing hel' . She dId not seem to
notice it.
"Forglvo me for forteUlng , last
night , " she : mlll. earnestl ) ' . "I was
verr Rell\sh. I forgot that rou had not
slept for nenrl- two dll's anll were
riding al1 the while In-our behalf. I
forgot. I was th'ed. and I went to
aleep. 1 wnnt , ) 'OU to forglvo me. I
want , ) 'ou to bello\'o thnt I do nPilre-
clate what ) 'OU have done. 1\1 , ) ' father -
"Don't. don't. little girl , " crlell
I..angrord. forgetting hIs new aWe ot
her mnldenhood In hIs pll ) ' ror the
strlcl.en child ,
" 1\Iy. fn.ther. " she went on stelldll ) ' ,
"would thank ) 'OU If ho were here. I
thank ) 'ou , too , e\'en If I dill forcet to
thInk whether or no you and nil the
men had 1m ) ' sleep 01' an'thlng to cat
Inst nIght. Will ) 'OU try to bellevo
that I did not forgot wittingly ? I wus
so tired , "
\Vhon I.angfo\l \ answered hel' ,
whIch was not hmnedlatelr , his fnce
WIlS white anll ho spol\O quietly with
11 touch of Injurell III' Ide.
"If ) 'Ou want to hurt \IS , 1\I\IIS \ Wil-
liston. thut Is tlto wnr to tullt. We
cowmen do not 110 things for thanks. "
She looked at hIm wonderIngly a
moment , then said. : ; Imlll ) ' . "ForgIve
me , " but her lips were trembling and
she turned to the wall to hIde the
tears thut would cOllie. After all ,
IIltO was only a woman-with nel'\'I'S
-Iml the reuctlon had come.
'l'ho Hhel'lff anti hIli llIlrtr of depu-
tics malll' a tlllIgent search fOl' Willis.
ton that dn ) ' and for 1\1 an , ) ' dars to
come , It Wits of no \'nil , He hall
( lIslllllH'nred. and all trace with hllll.
us COll1lllotel ) ' as If ho had heen 1311\1' \ ,
Itod awny In the night to another
world-bod ) ' anti soul. 'I'hnt the
soul of him hnd r'ally ono to IInothor
world cllmo to he generally helloved
-\Inrr : heltl no hOllo after the retlll'll
of the l1rHt uXlledltlon ; hut whr could
the ) ' l1ud no tmco ur his hody' ! Whol'o
\\'all It' ? Where hnd It fouud a restIng -
Ing place ? Wus It Isslble ) ) fol' a man.
qulcl , or dend , e\'en west of the rl\'er
In an oal'l ) ' day of Its cl\'lIIzation when
the luw had u wlnl < lng e'e , to fnll
nwa ) ' from hIs wonted hnunts In a
nIght and len \0 no 11I'lnt , neither a
bono 1101' a ru nor a memory : , to glvo
mute wltnoss that this wa ) ' he IHlused.
that Wll ) ' ho rellted a bit , here he took
horse , there he slellt , with thIs man ho
hnd converse , thnt mlln saw his stili
bOd- berne heuco ? Could such u thIng
be ? Jt : ! cl1lt1ed 110 ,
( 'fo Be Continued , )
Trend 01 Civilization.
I hall thouht ! that cIvilization
meant the nttalnment of peace nnd
order aud frceelom , of good will be.
t weon man nud mnn. of tlto 10\0 ot
truth , nnd the hatred of Injustlco , and
b ) ' cOllsoquenco the nttalnnent } or'tho
good life whIch these things brood , a
life free from cm'en fear , but full ot
Incident ; that Will ! whnt I thought It
meant , not moro stulTOII ChiliI'II and
more cushions , and 11I01'0 cnrlots } nnd
gas , anti more dalnt ) ' meat and drlnle
--and therewithal mol'o nnd shnrlCr (
dlfferunco het01.11 class ant ! cla8s.-
WlIllnm Morl'lu.
. H ' . .
- - -
Wh.t Is Going on Here and There That
II 01 Interest to the Readers
Throughout Nebr lllk" .
HIh'I tu thl' Pac\f1l' \ coast this Rum.
tuN , It Is lIald , will ho l'11l'allOr Hllm
for HHue tln1l' .
Till' l'Illt\ uf sltlullpox nt GI'etua
hn" ( ' llllal1Pcllt'l'rI 111\11 no nllw de\'ol-
OI\nwllt ! 111'0 rcool'rled ,
l\'llImbutl hlld I1Ul'eu Haloons 1I\1t
'I'l\r , Nnll allpllcntlontl arc In fot. the I
" \l'I' numbl'r thiN 'eal' ,
Ir . AlltuL llIxwoll for thlrt 'onl. !
Yl'fl nmtron lIf the Xl.'mahu count ) '
11 < ' < ' 1' ( arm ( lied last wel'I. .
The } 1altlo'k hotl'1 blocl , In Beat.
rll'lIns hl'l'n Holtl to 'l'elfol'd'nt. .
l'on. two ChIcago capltnllst8 ,
With mumlH ; IInll cenl'latltlll Pl'ott ) '
mudl out of the WIGI lo Hoele II !
now havln a tussel with ehlcliClI Imx.
SlIthl'rlal\ll haN for sometlmo been
nd\X'atln a water worles system.
3ntl now the nuthol'llles l\J'e abont to
favornhl ) ' act.
A pre\clwr at Utica who denounced
wonten who nttend kentllngtons wns
ponnl.'l'll111011 b ) ' three Irate hus-
b.\nds and bndlr beaten.
A potltlon III In\'oltll\tar ) ' bnnl. .
I\lptcr has been fIlerl In federnl court
Ialnst f'nuglel' \lunneliO. : . a dr ) '
goods merchant ot Pawnee CIt ) ' .
The Indies' auxlllnr ) ' soclet ) ' to thQ
YOllngIon's : Chrlstlnu assocIation of
Fremont has swelled the membership
to 500 and expects to soon Incrcase It
to 1,000.
DanIel Freeman. the first home-
st'ader In Nebraska. was brought to
his home In Gage count ) ' from Okla.
homa on a stretchcr. He Is quite slel. .
but his conditIon Is not serious ,
A I'l'f..lgerJtln . plant to cost ahout
$1.600 will be bought ltr tbe board of
public lands nnd blllldings for the
penltf'ntlar - , This cost will not In.
I clude } lowel' or a motor to operate
it ,
At a regular meeting of the town
board the petition of T. A , Clements
to cOn\'rt the vlllaso of Wilber Into
u clt ) ' of the second clnss was laid on
the table. Nothing further will he
done In the mntter.
, Jennie Draf of Leigh has been I'e-
reported b ) ' the deput ' Rtate food com-
mlsslonor for prosecution on a. charge
of selling unbranded cheese , Cheese
In paclmges Is subject to the same
brnndlng regulations ns paclcage but-
I .
. . \ leak In the gasolltle tank of an
l utomobllo owned b ) ' Dr. E , F. Ste.
wart of Beatrlco caused the machIne
to blow up on the hlghwar fom' miles '
southwest of Deatrlce , The machine
caught flro and was pt'actlcall ) ' de-
sh'o'ed. ,
At Nebraslm Cllr a. clly bnseball
lengue has heen organized with : \1. H.
Thorp , presldont ; .John C. Miller. sec-
retll1' ' , aud Rlchnrd Schanot , officIal
umpire ; P. H.lnrnell. : . H. , Swa1Jer
and George : \1. 'I'homuR as IL boaI'll of
mnnagers ,
The student ! > of Pel'll will enjor a
Hhort vacation from April 2 to Gin-
clusl\'o , 'I'hls Is the time of meet.
Ing of the majority or the district
teachers' assocIations In whIch mnll\ '
uf the members of the facult ) ' wliI
pa r cl pate.
Stnnton E. l\tnsfleld [ or York has
heen reported to Count ) ' . . \tlOl'ne ) ' R.
ill , Handan for Ilrosecutlon on a
charge of selling adulterated crenm of
tllrtar. An anal 'sls of a sample hy
Stnte ChemIst Hec1fern , 'ovealed the
presence of phosphate of lime ,
Arranguments fol' the bo's' COI'II
growing contest In Gage count ' to lw
hold next fall. are ahout completed.
Seeds hu\'l' heen purchased from two
of the best corn growers In thaI. IlIlrt
of the Rtate , aUd It Is 111anned to maim
the contest e"en lar el' thun the ono
held last ) 'oar.
The Commel'clal ( 'hIli of Central
City hns decided to. . go aHer the
UnIon Pacific rallrond anll Induce It.
If II00 ; lble. to reRelull Its onlOl' com-
IlCllIng aU ptlsH'ngcrs ! on westbouncl
train 10 get Oil and eff tlJI carll 011
the north ship of the trlwJ ; . AI. the
Inst I1Icc.tlng of the ( 'Iuh IL resolution
WIlH adolltl'd "l'ttlng forth the Illsad ,
\'antages alld harelshllS ) Imposed lIpon
IHlssonEl'rs b ) ' thll ; reulatlon. !
'rho town hoard or Valentine ,
througb theIr l'llalt'man , W. S , Bar.
Iwr. applllHI to Congressman ; . P.
Klnlnld laRt 1)1.(1111 bor fOl' the north-
we t quarter Itnd the north hnlf of
the southwest quartcr of 30-34-27 , tlH'n
a pnrt or the f'ort NlobmrJ military
reservation. to he grunted to Valen.
tlno for the purpole ! of usIng the land
as a site for 11 reser\'olr and IL ( hun
for water to ! urullh Ilower to pump
water and run electrIc light lIystelll ,
Mr. arlwr hils n'ccl"ed u messnge
that congress hils granted his requellt
nnd that the lend (2.10 ( ncres ) comeH
to Valtmtlne without the Itn'lIIent of
a dollar.
The foundntlon for the now Catho ,
Ill' church lit ! -'alrhury hnll heen com.
ploted , nnd now the rotllalndl'r of the
worl , will go brlaltly forwnt'll
The Guthrie hUYi ! . who farm UIO
land l'lng to the north IInd west uf
Jo xeter eemoter ) ' . hnd put out Rome
flro to help c\mn \ tilT Homo of the
traHh whl'h lIad acculUulated. 'I'he
wind w'nt IIIlIhlenl ) ' ( rom lIouth-
weut to not'th nUtI blew IL gnle , 'rho
I1re took up acrORII the corn atubblo
and from there to the cometury. go.
111\0 a rnco hot'llo IIud bm'nlllg
o\'on'thlll ! ; cll'nn all If went , doing
much dnmnge.
! ,
Contract Signed With Llher ltl's MIll.
tary Band and Opera Company.
Seeretrny Mellor nnd Chairmnn
Cook , on behnlf of the State Doard
or Agt'\culture \ , sIgned up conlructH
for I..lbemtl's Military Dnnd and Opera
COllcert compnny of New York City
ns Uw main musical nUI'ncUon for
the state fnlr , August 31 to September
.f. This band cOlIslsts or sixty people.
eIghteen of whom nro opern singers
from the 1\letl'opollt\11 Grund Operl\
com pliny ,
Llberntl was Ihe OI'lglnalor of 11re-
sontlng to the IHlhllc HOHslni's "Stabat
Mlltor" a 11I1 otllOl' operas with fult
"ocnl NCOt'O and will preNeul : , this
wonlforfnl production wllh solos.
duots. qunrlets ulld chorus numhers
with hlN bnnt ! at the full' .
' ' 'fho se'urlng of this attl'llctlon has
hrought , fOl'th tlto neceslllt ) ' for an
nUI1\torltnn \ 01' lIIuslc 111\11 on the fall'
gl'oundR. " said a Hlllte of11cel' , "nnd
wo ( mnl1dontl . eXlloct from the pro-
t'l'sHh'o mllJlnget's of our Htate fall'
thnt some sot't of building calmblo
of sentlng 4.000 or 5,000 Ieople w1ll
be erected In time for usc when the
nteN Ollen to the pUblic on August
31. A mnnllgement whIch can put
$33,000 out of funda made b ' the as.
soclatlon Into permanent Impr vo.
ments on these fnlr grounds In ono
, ) 'eal' can hulll.l 1good. . comfortable
plnce to cnjo ' such medllOl'lous at.
tractions as this , "
Omaha Man Will Do the Work for
Llncolu.-Xnvler Stadler of Oma.
ha has offered to outlllle the Lincoln
statue. His ooffer Is as follows :
"Concerning the Lincoln statue to
be erected on the capitol grounds I
wish to state thnt I could fnrnlsh th
model and cnrve the statne out of
one of the blocls of Tennessee
marble whIch 1)'lng On the
grounds for the sum of $12,000.
"Abo\lt eight ) 'ears ago I proposed
to carY the statue at my own ex.
penso Imd rlsle , beIng satisfied that
the leglslnlul'e would ooner or Inter
approye and accept my worl , and pny
me the prlco It was worth , I was
nnable to obtaIn the permission to
\ISO the mnrble. however , nobolly
. seeming to be willing to tale the
I'esponslblllt ) ' anl.l Jet me go on with
the worl. , "
Farmers of County Perfect Organlza.
tion for ExhIbIts.
Gt'etna.-Sl1rpy county fat'mers are
pel'fectlng an organization for the
pnrpose of t'ept'esentlng thIs connt ) '
In the Nation Corn show at Omaha
ThIs has always been one or the best
agricultural counties In the state , nnd
It will not talcc a second place this
year. Desldes the farmers entering
Int6 the dttrer'nt C'ontestR , there will
he not less than 500 hays and girls
entering Into the junior contests ,
Daughters of A. Hoff 01 Shlckley Die
In Burning Barn.
Shlclley.-After mallng ; desperate
efforts to rescue her two danghters
from a bnrnlng harn 1\1rs , A. Hoff.
wife of a fal'met' living near this
place. was compelled to IIslen to their
agonized screains as they were burned
to death , 'fhe t\\'o ; ; ; Irls alteml1ted to
light the cat'rlllge lamps. It Is SUII ,
posed thnt one df the lamps l'xploded.
Students Suspended.
Eight students , two or them ) 'otmg
women , were pet'emlltorllsuspcnded
from Wesleyan unlversltr on Thm's
d1nfternool1 b ) ' Curator Moore ,
who IR also treasurer of thl' Institu-
tion. because the ) ' did not heed his
orders to vncate u tennlll COlII't on the
colll'se campuJ ! , 1'he tenniS' players
claIm that they ot permission lust
fall from the Wesh''an , facult ) ' to nse
a pllrt of the cnmpus for a court.
Prosecutions of Retailers.
Dcput ' Food CommIssioner .1011n-
son haR oJ'f.lered pl'oseeutions as fol.
lows fol' selling unbranded and short.
weight hutter. At ChaIllICII , against.
C. 0 , Swanson and I..oeten l\lm'clUO
tile ; LIncoln county. agnlnst A. I ; ' ,
Beeler and G W , Brown of IIerslw ) ' ;
Kim hall count ) ' . W. .J , Davis. Ii'1. .
\Voolhrldrt' , B , K BUHhee and , T. S ,
Prosperous Yorl < .
Contraetors report more bulllttng
contractR for Yorl , thlg spring than
for yoarH pallt 'I'ho IIrlcl , yard III
IlIItllng III a new atoel ; I1nd lellll and
oUwrwlso Impt'ovhl ! ; the III ant to
nll1lte a capnclt ' of 30,000 brlcls a
day alul the new pOHtotIlce and I IIs'
hulldlng wl1J mulw great actl\'It ) ' In
York buildIng tradeH.
Was Nurse In Civil War.
Peru-MI's. , Julin. A , Prout ) ' who
died he\ \ , ( ' . came to NolH'luiln. with her
husband , In 1847 , ' 1'hu ) ' were IImong
the earllellt aetllerH ot Pl'I'U. When
the cl\11 Will' hrol.e out , 1\lrs , Prout ) '
went with her husband to the t'ront
and sen'ed h ) ' hlH Rldo In the ( 'apucll ) '
of an nrmy nursl' .
- - - - - - - -
Nebraska Banks All R11ht.
Llncoln-Nehraslm hnnl.R have
nmergod from the 11:1111 : ( ' sounder than
o\'er , So dt'elareH Sl'ct'etlll' ) ' I
Ho'uo of the Hlnto bllnltlnl { houl'lI In
the monthl ) ' t'IIIJOI't. Thol'o hua heen
un h1C1'CUHO of a l'eI' ' cent In the legal
rosor\'o anll a IIl't'reuHO III hills 11tI-
- . _ - - -
Old SoldIer < llIed on Track.
y , p , MurtN ] , II IHlroled hlJUalO or
the HolcHel'l ! ' hOlllo lit lIIrort1 , Wnll
1 < 111011 IWl\r DIIMlham h ' l1urllQgton
IItIHIWlIlOr traIn No , 2. J 1 ( ' WtlS nt-
tewtJtln to crOSR lite tracl. .
_ : . - - - . ; . . : : -
- f ,
One of the :4'
E.s'.s'enti alaS'
"f the happy homes of to-day is valt !
{ und of iuformation as to the best. methods.
of promoting henlth and happincs. nnd
right li\'ing and knowlC7 ge of the world'g
lJt'st. products.
Pro ucts of actunl exceUenco nnd
rensomlblo claims h uthCully presentcd
and which ha\'e nttaine to world.wido
nceeptance through the approval of the
WeU-Informed of the Worl ; not. of indi.
\'i uuls only. but. of the mnny who Jlave
the hnppy faculty of selecting nnd obtl in ,
ing the best the world nffords.
One oC the products of that class , 0'
known component parts , an Ethical
remed- , approved by physicians nOO com.
mended by the Well.lnCormed of the
World as a valuable and wholesome family
laxative is the well. known Syrup of Figs
and Elixir oC Senna. ' 1'0 get its bencficial
effects alwa 's lmy the genuine , manu-
fl\cture by the CnliCornin Fig Syrup Co"
only , and Cor uale by all leading druggists.
Huh ! Your mother takes in wash-
. . .
In. .
"You didn't Suppos she' leave it
hanging out forever did you ? "
245.000 acres of irrigated govern. .
mont r nd In DIg Horn Dasin , Wyom.
Ing. w1ll be thrown open tor settlement
May 12 , under the Carey Act. afford.
Ing an opportunity to secure an .Irrl-
gated farm at low cost on cas ) ' pay-
ments. Onl ) ' 30 da's residence Is rL'-
qulred , A report containing official notice -
tice of the drawing , maps , plats. and
full Inforll1utlon has been pub\lsh \ d
b ) - the Irrigation Department , 40ii
llome Ins , Dldg" Chicago. An ) ' one interested -
terested mar ohtaln a free copy byap. - - "
pl'lng to the Department ,
A Popular Game.
" \Vhero huy yez been thIs e\'enln' ? "
nsked O'Rlle- O''I'oole.
"Sure , I huv been pla'lng 'Brillget
whist , ' II said O'Toole.
"Drldget whist ? nn' how do ) 'ez play
thot ? "
"I sit In the kitchen wid Bridget , r.n'
nte plo nn. cake an' chicken. an'
whln Brldgot the mlssus comln'
she ' ' ' '
says 'whist.
J..ewi , , ' Single Bin er straight fie rirar ;
mnde or rirh , mcllow tohal'l'o , Your deal-
CI' or Lew f ; ' Fadorr. Peorin. J1l.
- - - - - - -
It Isn't easy to fool the man who
knows himself.
! ,
. ' \
, Positively cured by
CARTERS these Uttle Pills.
I They nl..o rellc'l'o DIB-
. I TillE : tressroUl I > YRpepflla , III'
tloll nllll. Too
dlge Hearty
. II " V E it Entili/C. / A perfect rem'
cd ) ' for DI2zllle8 . Nail'
PI LLS. 81'11. Drowllilless , lIncl
TUBte In the rnllih. COllt.
cd TOIlt\'lIe. Pain In the
Sldc , TORPID U\'lm.
They rcguillto the Dowels. PUI'ely'cgetnJle. .
- , I
GenulIlc Must Bear ,
Faa.Simile Signature
bt ) [ 7 - ' J ,
' I
_ t' " . - . 'f.o' " . . . . ' "I' . ' .rr. . - . . . . , . . ; . : . - ? . . . " . - . ?
Typical Farm Scene. Showln. . Stock RaWnc l
Soml' 0' the cholel'Rt Inlld" tor IO'aln growlll
Blewl ( rnlsllll\ lid mlxell farrnlll ln tbe lIew dll , :
trh'lH uf Hn"kl11l'hewnn .
BIIII. AI rt 1 Im\'o recently -
cently beell Opened tor Settlement nnder tbe
nevtsed lIomestead negulatlons
, Entry may now ho 11I1\110 b ) ' prox ' ( on 1'1.1'11\111
( OlldII\OIlIl \ ) , 11) ' thr.
) fllther , 1II0tllt'r. 111111. IIU'lCh'
ter , brotller . . .
ur .IAtl.'r uf nn 1111"11111111 : hUllle'
IIt'ader , ' ' .
( 1'11011"11111111 ur lIumelll..allll
uf It1111'1'1'1'
ench 111'0 ( hllll nnw ( ' 111111) 1\\1\1I1\1011J III Ihl. . . .
/rel\t RrJlllI'jl'Owlui : , block'TUlhlll/
/ : mlxe
'urmln. : . . ( 'ctlollll.
Thl're ) 'UII will fin. ) hl'nlthfnl cllmnle , 1:00'
nl'lhoorH ! , ( 'hnreheR for fll m II ) ' wOI' IIIJ1. helllOUt.
for ) ' 0111' d.lhlrl'nUOI . ) IIIWll , 8111endlrl crop" .
111111 .
rnllrollll.'l ' ' '
COII\'cllh'nl tlllllnrkct ,
J.nlry : fl'e In I'1l'h ( ' 1\81. Is flO 00 , 1.'oJr . 1'l1mlh.
ICI"rllfit . 11\ W\t. " IlnrllcnlnrH IoS 11I1.alt. . . .
. . . . . ,
.t'lI. ! Jest I bUIJ 10U IIntl. w4ere tu locllle
ILI'P. . ) ' to ' j
w. V. BENNETT. '
10J New Yor.lie DIIIUlct. . Oarlb. , f rllh. , \ ,
. .
, . . .