, Q\ ' . L\Utat\e.U \e.\e U\a\ \ . " # , ' > ' ' USTER OUNTY - . . EPUBLIOAN. \ . * ' _ _ _ VOL. _ n _ _ _ _ n XXVI. _ _ _ BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , APRIL 9 , 1908. NO' 44. - II I I II I They're In The Dark Who go to huy Diamonds without understolllling the business. Oue can 'Qe easily fooled in the pur. chase'of ' gems tlowdays-so tuany stones with unseen , flows are being placed itpon the Ulflrket. And 1\ \ single flow will mar the whole , value mulapp arnnce of a stone. . " We handle uonc but the flawless : ' Diamonds- those of pure water I only-positively perfect g mn. We iuvite you to gh'e them inspection. : 'j ' Prescription Economy Does not mean to buy mcdicincs where you can get them the cheapest-un- less you can be sure of absolute - lute purity , freshness and medicine activity. Bring your prescriptions to us and } cnow that you will get the best and not pay toomuch ; for it either. This is Prescription Economy. , JIS & J.FaBaisch . DRUGGISTS. Broken Bow - Neb. , - . . . . : w _ I i , ? . - _ - A _ _ : ( ' I - -v u L PI ! , / . Commerical Hote it. .1 11 J. E. ISZARD. Prop'r. . Brohen : Bow , - - Nebraslu - j' , Free Bus to and from Depot. y. -f < : L , - t . - . ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' r' 'R'd' : ; ; ; ; ' CUT PRICES EVERY WEEK : Jo D.o"t : nLiss : "t. f ! . - Evaporatcl1 Ap\ ' cots , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f. 25 i Evapor ted Appes : , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IS i Evaporated Peaches , pcr pOU'.UllSC anl1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 ; ! " ' Evaporate Prunes , pu pound , 18M , I2 and. . . . . . . . . . 15 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Can Corn , pcr cau , 81 : c , IOC , I2 e amI. 15 : I Can 'fomatoes , per cmf. I2 C , ISC an . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is i' , : Herbatelle Soap , 32 bars. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 00 ; ' _ .Gool1 Coffee , per pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . IS : Better CofTee , per pound , 18c , 20C , 25C , 30C find. . . . . . . . . .15 " : Navel Orauges , per elOl.en , 25c , 30c , 3Sc an'1. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 ' > . Plake Hominy , l > er Pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 I" 1 i l.'ea Iear Braud Tell , 'Vorth 60c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 -j. 1 ell : : : : c : ; ; : : i : ' 's. 15 j ; A ne' lot of be nti.ful house plants. We get f - : you anythIng you wIsh In plants. : ( 1 : J. c. : BC > 'VVEJXr , PHONE No.5. NOltTH SIDE. BROKEN BOW , NEBR. i i t - 'l'HADE , Pure Old Cider Vinoarar , MAlt1\ : ! J , mrr1""IJr.1"'I'Ir.I''IIJP'f.'Ir.11 : : ' ' . ' ' ' ' ' : , ' ! . . ! ' ' . . ' ' ! I"n''IJP''h'W.'Ir.II''IJP''r.f1' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ] ' ' ' . " . , , ; ! A Splendid Line \ ' ( You often hear people talk about good goods and low \r I prices. 'l'hat is no new f ature here-not since the ( day of opening this store two years ago-but since . , then we have increased the stock until now , those who trade , hl'rc never fear but that they will always meet up with a splendid line of everything classed in the grocery and provision list , and they know , also , . that the , ) ' can secure just what they want-our assortment - sortment is so varied-without having to "trot around I town" hunting for it. Givc us an opportunity to sen'e you , if you never ' . - " . . , havc. anft reali e , tor once in your life , how pleasant , it is to beservcd sati factori1y. , , Slleppard & Burk Phone 125. South Side Square ' - "MORE CROOKED THAN A SNAKE. " That is tbe Description Given New Lines for County Division by Editor Pinch WHO HAS ADVOCATED DIVISION. - - Now He is Against the Proposition As He Considers New Lines Unfairly Drawn. A convention was held at Merna , in December , to draw new , lines upon which to wage war for a division of Custer county. The lines agreed upon by a mere handfull of Custer- county tax payers at that meeting - ing met with hearty disapproval , not only by those opposed to division - vision , bu t by a large majori ty of I those who favor it , so Bulldozer ! Brega conceived new lines "nd called another conventwn to meet at Ansley on Tuesday of last week. , A less number of adherents of division were present than at the Merna convention , and the new 1ines conceived by Brega with a view to getting votes fet division - -regardless of the hooles and crooks in the borders of the four proposed new counties-was carried - ried , the Brega lines being submitted - mitted to the convention by a minority report of the com- mittee. ii' . C. Pinch , editor of the Merna Postal Card , who has been one of the staunch supporters of county division , was in attendance - ance at the Ansley convention' ' and argued in favor of fair play land. ' against the gerrymander schemes of Brega , but a majority of the fellows in attendance want the lines fixe so they , personally - ly , will be benefitted regardless of the welfare of the other residents of the proposed uew counties , a large number of those present being - ing real 'estate dealers and owners - ers of town lots in the anticipated - ed county scats of the new coun- ties. 'l'he report of the Ansley convention - vention , written by Editor Pinch and published in the Post Card last week , is undoubtedly just what occurred at the convention and as such is unbtased , therefore - fore it is published in full herewith - with , as follows : 'l'ucsday morning we made a trip to Ansley where we expected i to attend a county convention' ' to be for , and presided over by , the county divisionists , and the rest of the delegation came down on the afternoon train. When we arrived at Ansley we found Dick Brega was on hanc1 to take charge of affairs havinf ! brought along with him in his vest poc1et the outlines of the map that is to be the future (7) ( ) cut of the county. After arriving at Ans- ley we found the boys down there had not taken enough interest in the question to even have a caucus - cus , and Dick got holt of a page out of a tablet and after dodging about secured enough names on , the same to provide for a full ' representation of delegates from : the southeast quarter , after t'is ! was done , Dick and his fellows rested easy until the convention was called , and as the other pre. cincts of this quarter did not see fit to come out , why , Dick had us "skun" on votes , and was able to retard the division of the county another year. 'l'he ( ' .onvention was then called - ed to order , with Mr. Sargent in the chair , and a committee of one I roUl each quarter was selected for the purpose of conferring (7) ( ) on lines to present to the convention - tion (7)-we ) should have said to Dick-for acceptance. Now , we want it understood that Dick did not care what lines were accepted - ed (7) ) by Ule convention. Oh , no. 'rhe committee ( ? ) then retired - tired to the basement room of I the convention hall and just got I nicely to work when Dick rather I I thought things were not g-oing . n he wanted them to go and broke down stairs to see what wns the matter-in the mean- timc Dic1's outline of the lincs wanted , and th ( utap had , presto , changed : from Dicls vcst'poclet , to their reprcscntativcs ( ? ) hand. : As soon as thcy found thc lines they s nt to the conlltlittee room was doomed to distruction , then his followels from the southcast kcpt thcir man busy a 1111 inter. ferred with the committee to such an extcnt that as one of the committee we proposed getting . into another room lnd locldng I the door so that we could get to work and in about five minutes th.e straight lineR as voted upon last ycar , with the exception of conceding to thc northeast quarter , the west portion of west Union precinct , was voted upon. 'l'his was accepted by the committee - mittee by a vote of three to enc -the one of course being Dick's man of the southeast who bro't in a minority report. As thc committee camc uPJ stairs they found that Dick-no , rather his man Frida ) ' , had drawn thelsame hnes on a map-that we paid for -that Dick banded to that man who was put 011 that committee. What the committce wondered at was that Dick , li'riday and the man on the committee , bad the same tho't and why was the committee - mittee was 5\l1t out ? .No one rcgrets that Dicl { and his fellows over there have made it impossible for us and our pco. pIc over hcre to support county division-we stated to the con. vcntion thcre at Ansley , we have stated it to our readers , and wc say 3gain , it IS not the question of county scat with us-but the queition of gctting lines tbat are favorable to the masses of our people. The vote of last year demonstrated the fact that our people and the people throughout the county wanted straight lines , and tt they werc takcn that way this year , thcrc is no doubt as to what the out. .fom would be , but when two or .t1h c land men , aud enc r two others get together and attempt to cut us out a county that a snake could not get into as many crooked shapes as they outlined , then , we want to be connted out of it. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Marriage Licenses Issued. Since 'l'hursday of last wcek licenses to wcd in Custcr county have been issued as follows : ' Albert JD. Howell , Mason. . . . .32 Josie Bull , Mason..2 ( ) Walter A. Bryan , Merna. . . . . .2' ) Mamie D. Gift , Mcrna. . . . . . . .25 George A. Neve , Merna. . . . . . .21 li'lora Conley , Merna. . . . . . . . . .1 'J Chas. S. Corothers , Calla way. . 28 Ammie B. Pierce , Callaway. . .18 C. S. Chesley , Milc1ale. . . . . . . . 24 Maggie Whipple , Callaway. . .18 Ernest M. Briiltol , Ansley. . . . . 21 Stella Phillips , Ansley. . . . . . . .IC ) Mr. Bryan's Surprise. Mr. Bryan admits that he is surprised that the New York National Dc'mocratic club refused to invitc him to be one of its spealers at the Jeffcrson banquet on April 13 , and that it did not invite him to be presct ! t as a guest Ulltil after several meetings - ings of the committee at which the question was debatcd at somc length. It is difficult to sec why M ( ' . Bryan should be surprised at the actiol1 of the New York demo- crats. 'rhey have donc nothing to indicate a changc sincc thev opposed him in 18 % , in 1')00 anf ) kept l1im out of the race in lC)04. They do not talc kindly to what they arc pleased to term "Bryan- ism" and have determincd to oppose his nomination at the cOIvention at Dcnvcr in July. although they rcali e they arc undertaking an almost hopeless task. If Mr. Bryan IS nominated at Denver , It is not probable that the New York dcmocrats will make anj. extraordinary efTort to insure his victory in their state. lIe has practicall y noti ficd t hcm that he wants all his encmies in front of him and they have , hou. . estly fat .least , ' eclined to face about. 'I'uere is really nothinl' surprisil14' in the fact that th New York democrats did not in- vitc Mr. Bryan to speak at their banquet. The only surprising feature is that he should care to talk to them , realizing their I feeling toward hi ro.-Omaha Bee. Advance in Wood Preservation. "Timber thoroughly treated with proper prcservatives witt last almost indclinitel , } ' , " says a governmcn t expert who is an authority on wood prescn'ation. "Engineers have known for years that this is true , " he ( 'ontinucs , "but up to the present timc , at lcast in Amcrica , complicatcd and cxpcnsivc plants ha\'c hecn necessary tor thc wol'1 { , and wood presen' . ion has often been too expensive an operation to allow treated timber to come into general - eral use. " ' Methods 1.1 wood preservation Ita vc uudergone a marked change in thc last' fcw years , however , and the worl ! which a few j'eurs ago was limitcd to a few experi- mcnts ; carried on in scattcred . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NECESSARY IN THE SPRH G GI Disinfectants co t little alllI < 1(1 much to prc\'cnt tltc man ) ' i11nesRcs which owc thcir oriloin ( to crllls. Rc ulnrl } ' c1isinrect sink ! ! , haRins , 11 mins , toilets , garhnge cnns. musty curhomll' ( lnll other sllspicious spots 1\\011I111 the houce. "Housecleaning Time" shon1l\ \ witness the tihcmlnsc of n goo , ! cHsinfeclnnt for spring Icls - - - - - - - . . . . . . - - - - - - - : : loosc c.I\IIt1ess \ , gerllls whIch coli ! wcnthcr hilS , kept in suhjection. 1\11. \ McColllas olTen. ; yon thesc Good I Disinfectants Chlorilc of I.iIllC , Chloro Nnptho. ICIIIII , Cnrholic Aci.l . , Crullc Cnr- holic Ac tl , Porllllllilchyclc , Sui. ' ph ur ClIIllles. Ed. M Colnas . ' . . Druggist II . nn. ' OKEN - - OW' - - . parts of the ! United\IStates \ , has grown with such. rapidity that wood preservation has become it business which figureg 1110st promincn tly in t hcindustriallifc : of this country. . gach1\'car railroads are treating - ing an i creasiug portion of their cross tics , mincrs their mine props , farmcrs their fcnce posts and the mcn of mhny other industries - dustries arc bringmg prescrva- tives intoplay ; to close the pores and prepareJhe timber they use to rcsist the fungi whidt causc decay. The work points the way to one of the chief means of the conservation of thc natIon's forest resources , for , as the length of the Ilfe of timber is increased , thc drain upon thc forests is lcs- sened , and more wood mude available - able for us. . . . - - - - - - - - - - rORDERDR GS1 BY PHONE r-.Vost people don't know any morc ahot drugs after they : ee thcm than beforc. . . : - - - - - - - - - : Call.u up by I phone and" tell us what"drugs-or 'any- thing elsc-you want and we will deliver thcm in half the time you coul come to the storc for them. I veryt1l1ng will be salis- t . , 'Iactors-wclwill ' malle tt so. . . . . - - - S. , : FI..a : r. . . The' Busy Druggist " ' _ _ _ \\oUII7- _ 1 - . . . . . . ' " - - . - - _ _ . - 10 Per Cent Drop - - IIll : .A..11 Farln Machinery . . . , - - - - - - - - - .j lIst stop 'an consi er what this means to yon. , I F-or In.s'tan..ce : A Gang Plow with tongne , that WH sold before the drop -for $58.50 , YOll can now purchase at $52.85 - . .A.r J [ : > .A. . . , $57.00 dang Plow . ; . . . . . . . . now $51.30 38.50 Sulky Plow. . . . . . . . . . .now 34.65 . 37.00 Sulky Plow. . . . . . . . . . .now 33.50 1,00 Walldn Plow. . . . . . . . now 14.40 14.00V alking Plow. . . . . . . . now 12.60 10.00 BrcakingPlow. . . . . . . . . now ( ) .OO 45.00 Clima [ ister. . . . . . . .now 40.50 45.00 'I'd Uell Ustcr. . . . . . . . now 40.50 35.00 Cor n Planter. . . . . . . . . now 31.50 42.00 Corn Planter ' . . . . . . . . .now 37,0 15.00 I.lister Disc Cultivator , now 13.50 17.00 New Western " . . . now 15.30 29.00 Pi votal Dand ) ' " . . . now 2.1 ( ) 2'.00 14x l ( ) Disc Harrow. . . . now 2.10 31.00 } ( , x1 ( , Disc Harrow. . . .now 27.90 16.50 3 Sec. Pipc Harrow. . . now 14.85 . . - , - . . _ _ - . - _ " - . - . - - - - - - - . . . . . - - , . - . - - - . . . . . . . . . . - - - , otlll'l' fat'lll tools that I ' 1. have many am giving' the same discount as on the above , which will make them a great bargain. All of the above discount - count Jrices must be Rpot cash. G. W. pple llroren Bow . . N ebrnska.