Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 26, 1908, Image 3

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Writing Crom Saslentoon , Saslcntcho.
wnn , Canada , W. 11. Ellwanger , who
Was Cormerly I resident oC Green
1\1oulltnlll , Iowa , sa's : "Tho cllmato
In sumuwr Is Ideal Cor growlllg gmln.
Long , clenr da's of sun hlue , no hud
storms , Wo uever need to guard
agalust c'cloues : I novel' saw a helter
cllmato lu my IlCo , Wo made moro
_ money dlll'lng the season of 1906 thau
auy previous five : rears In central
Iown-ono of the hest districts In the
stnto. " n'ut 1\11' \ . Ellwunger WI1S a. res I.
deut of the town , I1nd It might ho moro
Interesting to read whnt a Carmor haste
to aay nhout Westem Cauada , I r0111
hundreds of 10ltCl's nil filled with
words of prnlse , recouutlng success In
\Vestem Canada there has heen ono
lSelected. It Is as follows :
Pa 'uton , Sl1sle" Canada ,
Dec. 10th , 1J07. !
. To Whom This 1\to ' Concern :
I moved to this address I < 'ohruary 3 ,
1907 , Crom 1'10utgomor ' , Iowa , and
took Q. 1I0mesteati 3j ( miles l1. rth oC
Pa 'nton , It was cold when I moved
here hut It did not stay cold long : it
hroleo up the 8th of February , aud was
not so cold aftel' that but the Slrlng
was late on account oC the heavy suow
fal1 , but In splto of the Into sprlllg I
saw hott ( > r grain thau I ov r saw In
the states , ralsell this 'ear. I holpoll
a man finish sowing oats the ,1th of
July and the ' made fall' oats , In a
good year lJ d will go 100 hushels to
the acre aud wheat 2j ( to 50 : all root
crops do well here , I saw tUl'l1hJS weigh
7 and 8 pounds , I raised } Jotatoes this
'ear that measured ll1h Inches
ono WO ' and 181h the ether In clr.
cumCer6uco , 'I'hls Is a l1no stock co un.
tr ' : hay In abunllance , gooll water ,
plenty of fuel , free an IJlont . of
bulIlllng matcrlal-tho govCl'nment
tlves us Umber to saw Into lumber
and wo can get it sawed for about
$6,00 per thousand. All small fruit
" grows wlId here , then there nt'o dueles ,
geese , grouse , pheasants , deor. moose ,
, _ clk aud fish In abundance. I was over
: - ' : to Turtle LalH ! ) 'ostorllay where there
i , , Is lots of l1shlng being done this win.
_ ' tel' . I saw about 11 carload of whlto
, I
fish In ono plio , I gave 25 cents fol'
. S6 pounds of fish. What do 'ou think
- : ; of that , Brother Yanlcco ? I think this
Is a fine place both to malee mane ) '
\ and to lIve , 'rhoro was an old 1I1an up
, . here visiting his hrother.ln-Iaw , Now
f1 ' this man owns laud close to Des
\ 1\1olnos , Iowa. anll Is In good circum.
. stances , hut ho took a homestead and
\1 1
, sa 's ho will bo contented If ho can
" ouly IJllt In the rest of his days In
, " Canada , lIe would get Ull In the morn.
' - . anll look out of the cloor anll say :
' " \Vell , who woullln't lIve In Canada ? "
Now I have been In 13 dlfferont states
_ , r In the Unltod States , and I never saw
' the chance that there Is hero for a
: man that has a lIttle muscle and a
. : J lIttle hralns , 'I'hreo cheers for Cana.
; . . lla ! ( Slgnell , )
' ; : W. A , SPICE , "
4 : " This 10 the temperature through
, _ . . Novombor. I took It m'self so I
, Inow It Is right , In the shade :
MornIng" nt
01\10 ! Io.i'iln At _ Vatu lolng : ; : At
SlIlIrlo Suuot Sllllrl.o 1\JIhat
1 27 37 16 28 35
2 36 40 17 12 20
3 2G 37 13 12 : W
4 2J ! 34 19 20 33
27 36 20 12 2.1
6 30 38 21 ] 8 27
7 ] 2 30 22 16 28
"I 8 28 34 23 15 27
\ ' . 9 17 IG 24 18 22
' , f 10 2 1a 25 8 20
11 r ; " ( j "G " ' " " ' 8
r 12 28 20 7 16
3 7 11 28 8 1-1
I : 14 21 18 29 1S 20
: . 15 2Jn { : 30 IS 27
" No Chance to Klcl' ,
Ostend-Does money talle , pa ? "
1 Pa-No , my son , If 111011(1) ' could
'talk the new ten dollar gold pieces
would let out 11 wall about the eagle
In lJUjamas and the ShakeslJCaroan
I Indian.
5100 Rewnrd. $100.
The reader. ot tbl [ laper will ho IllcuC1 to learn
tllJL Ibero hat JeaiL UII6 dro\ted dl ea e Ihl\t etenco
. hol beeu ulJle to curt ! 111 nil ILd .ta > : e , lIu\1 thllL I
Catarrh , 111111'8 Calarrh Cllre Is the oul ) ' Ih.llIfU
, cure IltHf klluwn 10 the lIIelllcal trateroHy , CltJrrh
.J . . helo ; : 1colI IHutI"ual d'.cllse ' , rellulrn. u e' ' ' ' tltu'
. 'Iulul troutmellt , 11'\11'8 ' C.1tarrh Cure I Il\kell 10'
f terol1l1y , aetlll dIrectly U\'UII \ the h'"o.1811.1 ' . IIIUCOll8
.ureKe , , oC the _ rat"m. " thJrohy , le.lrOrlll ; : the
" tllU",1.llIou " , lit the ,1I,0a , , , , IIIIlI 1II'Inl : th [ liitlent
J tNOlh ; lIy hllll1l1nl : 11(1 ( the con.Ututiun nnt ! a. I.t ,
In > : niliure III dllln. ( Iti work , The I'NPrielur8 11111'0
eu much Calth In 118 curntll'o [ luwer. Ihat tiler orrnc
Olle lIuUllre.1 . Uullar. ellr UIIY ca.e ttU1L It t.1lh to
Cun ! , Hend cor Itot nt tC'I1tnulIll\l .
A.ldre. I" . , I. CllrSI\.t CU" Tuled. . , 0 ,
Hohilly all UrnI..t. , iic : ,
. . . . . 'l'a e l1all' . l"awlly 1'1118 cor constlpatlou ,
lIe who gives pleasure meets with
it : Ihulness Is the bond of fl'lonushllJ ,
and the haole of love : he who sows
not , reaps not.-SmlloR ,
_ _ _ no _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Any 12 Ycar Old Girl
Can make these df'llclolls [ .c/Ilon , Choco.
Into nnll CutuI'I1 ! pic ! ; II ! ! well us the //Ioro
CXIICrllll'e cool , If Mhe IICS ! "OUH.I'll "
, JI'cllltrutlon , which Is now sold r nearh'
ull ! ; roccril at 10 centN ller paela ! : ! ! , , Iut !
Iho IlrolI' Inrelllcnlll : In cach laeILllc ] ,
" 1'lIt up r D-Zerta Co. . Uochcstcr , N , Yo"
- - - - - - - '
- -
To rofnso to rlehl to others when
reason at' a speelal canso reqnlro It Is
a mark of prldo and stlffness-Thom.
as a KemlJls.
Public land Opening ,
1rrigatt'II unllel' "Carer Act , " Low cost
ea ' \ ' paYllImt ( , \\'rite for lIato of IIraw
in ! ; mill full infut'ma t iun , ItTigation De
Ilartment , 400 1I0me Ins , Bill ! ; " Chicago
- - - - - - - -
A wlCo Is either the malting oC a
I man or the unmaldng of him.
\ - - -
- -
OI.OE : , : "UU\IO ; ( : ' \ : ' \ '
Th."t lalAX fl\'rJ Jmu'IO lf IU1\I\W' : for
Ih'J .I " "turl ! ot I , W , liIlOUbU < 1 tl10 World
over to Curl ! n C < > I < 1111 Ouo UIlY , 25c.
- - - - - - - - -
GralCS ) are sqllcezell ! ! i times In
makln chall1lJa lw , 'Icl lng wino of
dlfferont ClInllUca. }
. ,
The Funny Things On ! ! Seen
Smiling Round the World
Cop 'rlcht , by Jusellh B. Buwlcs , )
Jal1l1n compels u moro rlgorolls ex.
amlnatlon lit her \:1I'lous : IIOl'tll oC
( 'ntry than an ) ' othOl' cOllntrr. Chinn
mal\Os examination \\'hatovOl' \ .
\ 110 \ , II r.
halJs on the prlnchllo that It Is tlllll ,
cult to swceten a batl egl ,
All holders of ollIclal positions In
.1allan are ohllged to weal' gll1'olcm :
lIross , anti the IIttlo , laps who homlletl
0111' steamer 1001\011 , In their long ,
reen coats. olabm'atol ) ' ol'lUllncnlctl ,
111 < 0 schoolbors In tholr fathel's'
clothe , 'rhe ' ' ' ' ' IIttlo
! ! 11'0'Ol' ImlOrtant
} Jooplo , ) ' 011 11\IISt l\IIow ; bllt one of
these came to grleC In a manner
speed ' as It was unexpccted ,
If < :0 :
E\'ol' 'thlng Is so lIeat and clean lu
Jap'.1Il , It looks as If sOlllebod ' had got
lip bpfol'o brcaltfast to S\\'Cell and dust
the whole countrr. Pl'lnco lIasobt : , In
. .
Clutching at the Bunch of Chains.
an artor.dlnnor speech at Spolcane ,
said : "If 'Oll should \'Islt a , lapallcso
hOllso rOil wOIIIll bo obliged to romo\'o
YOllr shoes at the doorway , , Tavaneso
11001'5 are IJCautifllllr Iwpl. I know or
some hOllses where : :0 : 01' 40 13C1'\'ants
I have 110 other llutr than the 110IIshing
of the 1I00rs , "
And JalJan is the land of IInroalities ,
'rhe whole coun tr ) ' Is a tor shOIJ ,
l'vel'ythlng ; Is small , 1'he horses al'o
all ponies ; the chlclcens lJantams ; the
dogs small anll shr-wIth apologotlc
manners-thoy wOllltln't presume to
hark at 'OIl1' heels without first ask.
Ing pormlsslon ; the o'stcrs are abollt
as large as a ' } lIartor ; clams no Int'gol'
than II. lllmo : bananas not mol'o than
fOllr or fIve Inches long ; anll oranges
abollt the size of ladr-apples , Yes ,
o\'orythlng Is small , I never fell so
much at homc in my lifo ,
III (0 .
Japmese : art has had many allmlr-
ers and many lletrnctors , 'I'ho latter
have 1I1cenell their china , sprawling
with dragons and alive with grinning
faces , to a fit of the jlm.jams ; their
snnflowers to jellyfish and their elu'ys-
antholllllms to cllrtwheels ,
Its admlrors claim that all you ha\'o
to do It ; to study III ) its symhols , and
then go ahead , But It strilwH mo that
b ' the time ) 'OIl'VO Icamed the sym ,
bols It wOllld bo tlmo to die , I or Instance -
stance , when a JalJUneso artist dra's
a plctmc of an April o\'enlng , a d's.
llOlltiC moon , a nightingale and 11 cou-
IJlo of plllm trees , and a81s ) ' 011 Its
meaning , I'll wagul' that If 'OU stooll
111'st on ono foot and then on the othol'
fOl' two 1I1OI'tal hours rOil cOllldn't gh'e
the fellow an answOl' , It's dollars to
doughnuts 'ou coullln't tell the night.
Ingalo from It l1shhawl ; , and ) 'Olt
couldn't tell what ho was dulng on the
plum treo. ot' on the moon-It llon't
matter which-If they ga\'o ) 'OU the
whole business-tho hawk , the IJlllm
tree , tIto lIIoon and the ' \111'11 e\'ollln
-to take homo to YOIII' wlCo for a
birtilllay III'esont. r'OI' , m ) ' dNU' Cel.
lowman , that pletm'o means ImIIIJI.
neSH ! 'os , hallJluess ! , Anll Ii JOU call't
see the artist's meanln , and-what's
mal'O to the } lolnt-get your wlfo to
see it , 'ou'd better Hta ' right In the
artist's studio and-
Bllt you won't ! YOII'II rush straight
hqmo with the IJlctlll'o untlol' ) 'Ollt' arm ,
and 'ou'll rllsh up to ) 'our wlfo lI.nll , In
an Illsano olldoavol' to oxpatlato on the
cOmlJlex beautlos of lho thing , ) 'ou'll
say :
"Lool"al'la ! just see this ! A IJres.
ent Cor yo hh'thda-dllln't fot'get
you , dill I ? 1IoI'e 'ou are-groat !
Look at the willow ) ' moon , IlIHI the
nlghtlngalo sly , anll the IJtII11.hawl ! < - "
And then sho'll hurst Into t'al's , and
cry : "I know It ! I Iwew It ! I've seen
it comng ! ! Oh , I Imo\V It ! "
"Know what , fOl' heaven's sake ? "
"That 'ou'li bogln to see thing : ; !
6tolJlling off at that cOl'Jlor nights has
do no Il-I ImoIt woulll-A ! IlIum ,
hawk ! Oh , ArchllJl\III' \ ' that you
should como to this ! Oh , oh- ! "
Anti tilero you aro-h'storlc5 ! : the
telephone : the doctol' ; anti , let us
hope , a "quick c\II'taln , " au the ' 1m ) '
at the theator.
. . .
You PI'OI ) the casus ! Jelll on 'our
lowe anll thus ape : > lrollhlzQ It :
" 'Vou call ) 'oursclC a mOOll , do ) 'ou ?
, - ,
Wit ) ' . a. . haIr bakcd soda hlst.'ult Is n
fJllc'n 10 'olll Anll ) 'OIl'\'O \ a night.
Inl:1Il' : , art' ' 011 ? Wh ' , 'Oll s\llayCoot. \
l'd , wrnet'k , honowback. shnrk.noso
nightlllllre ! a sl'ttlng' h'n with the
wlnclcurklca Is a hlrd of 11\I'11I1IBO : to
'Oll ! What did tlmt Idiotic BllltlnB ,
with hlB Infcrlllli ' 8)'l11bols' melln 11
lettln 11I ( , III $21i Cm' thls1 Ycs , $2GI
anll what's t hc'csult 1 1'1arllthrow. .
Ing fits , IInd the tloctOI's : bill another
tWl'lIt ' .lh't > , l\llli nothing to show for
the 11ft ) ' hilt this IllImbnstcd .JaiJaneso
brain storlll !
. .
A s 'l11hol of hallllllleBs , eh 1 " 'ell ,
It hasll't IlI'ollght milch hnllllneBs ) to
m ) ' hOlllol A } Jlllm trool Lools 11101'0
IIlo gooseborl' ' bush , I'll het the
1IIII\ns \ ou It. wOllld sour a banel or
molllsses !
" 'Patl'lotlsm , ' said thnt aSB or a
Bllklns , 'Is sometimes Intllcatoll hr 1\
slll'n ) ' oC chel'l'r blpssol11s. ' Well , 1'\0
se < , n It Imllcatod rOlllltl the 17th of
l\lal'ch by a Slrlg ) of shamrock , anll
moro times rOlllld the } , 'olll'th of Jul ) '
b ' a rcd , whlto alld hluo'osctto , hill
noJod ! ' neecled an Into\'eter } ) In olthcr
case to toll whllt the ' wOl'e thc 's 'Ilt.
bol' oC ,
"GI'aco nnd quietness al'o IlIdlcated
hr the \\'Illow ' tree UlIII the swallow ,
eh' ! \01' ) ' well ; I atll11lt the willow
trel' . 1"01' graceCuhlosH she's all to the
good , But the swallow fOI' quletllcss !
Well , I'vo see II some s\\'nllows that
\\'oultlll't go In thllt class-not fo\ '
nlclwls , Ono swallow don't ma\eo \ Il
sUllJnwl' , but two will got I\\\'ar with It
wlilsk"stt'l\lght : In a soconll nlld 1\ half ;
al111 three In ere will malto 11 mlUt't ,
tOllguo go 11\\0 \ mlll.claJIIOI' ! , while
three more will bust \III all the I\ulet \ ,
ness left O\'l'r fl'ollt a gonoratlon or
countr ) ' Sabbaths ,
"Anti this IIttlo r-amo cock IOrcllOll )
on dl'l1m signifieR gooll gov01'l\\ . Ont ?
Well , that's a stretch of Imuglnation
wllh a vcngeanco ! 1.001\1'1 ' mOl'o 1I1co 1\
spano\\ ' Oil a Imnra w.grlddl ( ' , Good
govel'l1ment , eh'l I recIn ) the ) ' don't
nocll Ilny O\'O\ " tl1 < 'rc , 01' the "d get
something blggel' than his dl'umJtielcs !
fOl' 1s 'mho1. Ills 1)1\1'1110 nibs h\1'll '
1001s equal to the job , I . should l3a ) '
sCl'atchlng worms In tho. back 'aJ'll
was mO\'o \ In his line ,
"Woll , 1'\0 had un alcoholic sul11-
cleney of , TalJllueSo art : m ) ' I'oputatlon
fa I' sobriety with m ' wlfo Is gene to
the foul' willi ! ! ; ; I'm I1fty out of Ioclcct ) ,
and nothlng-absohltel ) ' nothing-to
show for It but 'ou ! rou bl'aln.twlstod ,
collc\r \ , ja\ll\lllcoll IHll'anolac !
"ll's the flll'lUlCO lIre for ) 'Ollt's ! "
I ) III .
On the othel' hand , no style oC al't Is
so fascinating to occIdental minds ,
'rho daintiness of conception , the
clml'm of colol' . the spl'lng.tlmo fl'esh.
ness of atmoSIJhl'I' ( ' that IJCI'vad's ellch
and everr 1.11'01'1 of thc oriental wOI'I , .
man possesses a charm.
'As 1 have salel , the 8'home 1I1USt ho
stlldled , the symbols I ea1'led : hut to
the dlleltante this Is OVI' a we1l811rlng
of pleasure , Ilnd ono that will novol'
go dr ) ' ,
" 'rho s 'stem of thr ( es" or of "ones , "
nnco lea1'l\ed , capth'atos the fancy-
fol' thing ! ! al'tlstlc are nothing If not
fanciful In thl : : ; ol'lontallnnd-and holds
the Imagination In SIJlto or oneselC ,
'rho nrtotlquette , so to speak , oC a
Japnneso interiOIs \ onchantlng , whcn
0110 lem'ne,1 It. There Is 0111) ' 0110
IJllllch of ! lowors-somctlmes olll ' r.
slllgle oxpI'esslvo blossom-In a room.
'rhero Is but ono Vll'tul'o , But this
oneness ml1to t he at just such a. tlmo
and In just such a place , Can 'ou not
understand whr ? Love Is not al'a's
responslvo to lovo's demands , Solitude -
tudo , at times , Is sweotOl' anll more to
bo desired , So the plcturo Is hung :
the 110wol' } Jlnced ,
Ever ) ' fiower has a meaning , Cel"
taln flowers must no\'or bo seen to-
gether. Cel'taln others lIIust never ! Jo
' hen I ' ; : t : : : ; ' ' ' : : I
seen apart. Then , again , e\'er 'thlng
goes In threm-blossoms , boughs , or
SPI'll'S , Even fUl'llltu1'l ! has a m'an-
lng , The details of this etlquotto are
endless anll , to the occidental mind ,
bowiltlm'lng unless ono "has Imagination -
tion , " 01' Ilt least Iln esthotlc senst' to
which Its Ilootic features cl\n ppeal.
In the mattei' of colol'lng alone Jail-
anc > so Ilr Il'llIls the world ; the secl'I.t
Is tholl' own , 'I'helt' slides , etc" nota-
blr these b ) ' Klmhel , Jl\pan' ! ! greatl'st
colot'lst , I\re unslll'passed hy an ) ' hel'e-
toforo attomlJted ,
Though .Jallan Is the land of beautl ,
ful hl'lc.a.brae , none IR IVOI' dlsplu'otl ,
'rho 1)l'eclou ) ! ! vase , rich with gorgeous
lacquer ; the Illctul'e , beuutlCul with
lJOetic srmhols ; the car\'lng. that has
taken ) 'earH of llathmt cunning tl1
el'elltt' , these 1\1'0 ncver dls\llayeti \ 011
wall or cablnot , but loclcc away In
safe 01' Htoreloom to 110 brought out
as a slleclal honor to guest 01' visUOI'
whoso coming their host wishes to
col < 1brato with the hlgheut rites of
onstel'll hosliitallt ' ,
"If wo lUlIl OUI' Ilroclolls treasures
I\I\\'a8 ! JeCOI'o our o 'es. " they say ,
"the ) ' wonlll then hecomo too COl11mOIl.
alil wo should tire of thom , und that
' ' be ! "
must ne\'ol'
. . '
. . . ,
This la rall . Hhoumatlsm of tbo
Muscles of the I..olns and fa chnrnctor.
hed : b ) ' se\'cre , at times , a-onlzlng ,
I1I11n In the smnll of the hack , nllow.
Ing the sucror scarcel ) ' I 1I10111l1t'g
rest , whllo the I\lhnont. Is at Its worst.
It clln como fl'om cold , l'XIIlJS\II'o to
tlmft , fl'om getting w t fl''t. or WOII\ " I
Ing wet or dnm\J \ clothing' , It CI\US S I
acute sUI'f01'lng , antI If IIllowcl1 to ho.
como chronic It mor Ill'l'mnJH'ntl ' I\lS' \
nblo the suorol' . 1'ho war to secure
quickest rollef Is to rl'lhlen the skin
ovcr the 1IIIIIIfui Ilart b ' I'uhhln with
a flesh brush 01' .llleco of IIlInnol l'II ,
and then nIJIII ) ' ST. , IACOBS 011. hy
gentle friction with the hanl\ \ .
_ _ _ _ _ _
0' - - - -
The Only Way.
CaBsldr-Ah ! well , no wan kin pr ( ! '
\'Int w'at's Pl\st an' gono.
Case ' -Yo conll1 tr 'O anI ) ' actol1
quick onoulh.
Cassltl-Oo 'long , mon I 1I0w
coull1 ) 'or ?
Casor-StOll It , before It hapIenO-
Phlladolphla Press ,
- - - -
Something New Under the Sun.
A huh' in llIinoisJcnt u12e ! 1'ar nRo
for ollr'rcmarlahl ! ! ( 'ullcetion \"cletahle (
nntl lIowel' Iect ! ! nnll ! lolIl $ ; 17.0
thercfrom , 01' mati ! ! 314 % . That'll ncw.
, Just ! lentl this nntie ! ! with 12e anti re'
ecive the mo t. ori iual Icctl anti lilant
eatnln ! ; ! , uhli hcII nllli
I pkJ ; , Quick Qllick" ( ' . 'rrot. . . . . . , , $ .10
I 111 , , Earlic8t Hipe Cahba e. " . . . , . .10
I pk , E.\1'liest. Ememhl Cllcumber.Ii \
1 pl : . La ( 'rot ; e Mal'kd Iettuee , . , . ,15
I Ilkg. Earl ) ' Dinnlt' ! Ollion , . . . . . . . . . .10
1 pkl ( . Rtl'awhcrn' ] .hIRlwlclon. . . . . . . . .11i
I pl. , 'l'hirtcltl ! l > ay ! tallish. . . . . . . . . . .10
1,000 ICI'nelIloriouslr ! ( benutiful
1I0\\'cl' sccll" . " . " . . . . , . . . . . . . . , . . , . .15
Tolal " . " . . . . , . . " . " , . , . , . . . . . . . . I.IX )
Abo\'c is I'unieient 1'1'11 to JI'OW ; : I.i hll '
of l'Itpest Vt' ctahl ( ' ! ! allli tholl8atlllt ! of ril.
liant lIower ! ! ItJIII 1111 it ! mailed to 'O\l
l'OS'I'I'1\1II rOlt 12c ,
or if 'O\l FCIIII We , we will I\tIti II packa c
of Berlinct' Earlil'st Caulillower. .John A.
Salzcr : : : cc Co. , La Crotlsc , Wis , K , & W.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Hen Was Above Reproach.
Lollgor-'I'hls egg Is stale ,
Landhul-lmllosslblo , sir , Why , I
would stalco m ) ' oxlstenco on that hen ,
-I.'lIegondo Dlattor.
"Brown's BronchIal Troches"
have n direct Influence on the throat ,
rollevln Coughs , Hoarsoncss and
'rhroat troubles , l"l'eo from opiates ,
- - - - -
A Man of the Times.
A youn fellow \I"cil \ In Sqllc llnlc.
" 'ho Hall1 : "LICo In these tlmcs b punlt ;
Quito ) ) Illnl ' I Hen
'l'hey'vo walt ! ' < < l fot' tIIO
To Sl"o them of wls om n chunk. "
- - - - - - -
Pettit's Eye Salvo 100 Years Old ,
relie\'e : ! tirell eyl' , ' 1lIicldy curcs e 'e acheA ,
inllamed , sore , watcn' ( ) \ ' IIlcm'ntcII1'11 ,
All ruglistt : ! or Howlit'll BrollBIIITaloN.Y ,
- - - - - - - - -
"Llvo nnd loarn" Is a good motto ,
hut at the ago of 30 the average 111an
begins to IIvo and unloal'll ,
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1'IJES CU1U.l > 1N CJ TO U nAYS.
l'AZO OIN'1'IIKN'.r la IlltIrnnteNl tl ) cure unr C\S
ot ltchlnlf , Hllud , 11I1'"Uul ( or l'rutrudlna l'nea In
I ) to U rerunded , We ,
dar' or moner
, _ _ _ _ _ _
- - - - - - - - -
A man's judgment onallles him to
do S011l0 things ahnost as well us 0.
woman can do thom without an ) ' .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
A oed way to kccp well is to takc Gar.
fielll Tea frequl'ntlq it Jlllrificl ! the blood ,
insUl'es goo jgc tlOn and goo hcalth !
- - - - -
1\Ion mnlco houses , but WOlUon maLee
It'I ! the jutlgml'nt uf matly smokcrs that
Lewis' Single Binder 51' cigar equals in
quality the best. JOe cigar.
Many aman secms to ha vo the cour.
ago of a crawfish. '
- - - - - - - -
1IIr. . . . Winslow' . . Soothlnll' S.JTOP ,
Vor chlldreo teetblui : , ottelll thalUlu. raduco In ,
Itammatlou : , allayslalu. curcs wlnd collu , a botUa ,
Mallco SUPIJles ! the want of ago.
- -
- - - -
Never rubs orf when tbeVnU Is wIped
Alnbastlne colors nro sort. beautiful nnd
velvcty ; never flde nnd ne\'cr f1ale orf
Alnbastlne Is thoroughly slnllnry. never
moulds nor mildews on the wall.
AlabMtino is carcCully packed. propcr-
ly labelcd nnd is made in sixteen dlITorcnt.
tints. also whito. Each package will cover
Crom 300 to .150 square fcet of surfaco.
\Vritc for SpecIal
Color Schemes for
'I.'our rooms Th. , . . lOr.
" FI\.E.I
A.1e your denIer , If hn docs not have Abbl1lltlne
wrlto for cautiful color cnrue free to
- , - -
- - -
. '
. t ,
Out to De Some Special Place. I
On thlWII ' 1H.\"U811 the St .x 1dls. .
Pllt111 to III'l'C'll'IIC(1 ! 111'08 ( ' ,
" 1 tiRed to Ilut III it'on Into IICo
In'osuI'vors , " declnrell 0110 shalle.
"I mallo rottoll flro hoso1 Hnld the
othor. '
"Dull1tJ 'e1l1 both ovorhoarll , Chlu'on , "
yelled 811tUII. "I don't'Int ' 0111.- "
Loulsvlllo Courler..Jout'nnl.
- - , - _ . , . _ - , - - -
IrIsh Proverb ,
A nolghbor's testimony Is the tcst
of o\'or'h llr.
( ! : ' " 'hlt..t '
rell.r. III IIUtI'I.r : CUIIP : .
. . at dru III'lr hY mall.
PI LESAHAIIBII'I"tU " , id. . " ,
Tribune IlIdl : , . 'p"1''Ok1 [ .
- - - - - - -
WANTED : l1t'f\ , , , . .I \\1I1I1f1ll tolc rn "alch.
" ' klnolll'lt : OIInl1'II1Jt , Atter tour
nlnl1lh will III'r II ) l1'f WI'I'II : . 1I"tr < 1 oluue < 1 "hU.
Irllrnll1jnallrnnd taro I.nlll , J'.nclolO atanlp"
. . . . . , . . ! 'hl.b..U.SI" " , " l. lI.b. . . . . "w. .
- - - , - - . - - -
- ' ,
. t .
- - _ , - _ _ _ , - , . " I
_ . -
. , . - -
Promotcs DigestionCheerful-
ness and Rest.Contains neither
Opiumoforphinc nor Nincral I
Jyp , tI' ( } l IJrJ. flElIrnif ! 1
; SuJ- . :
I ' -
.IlxJ''ft. - I , . .
IIIx"r/l" S " ' 1.1 - ,
J , # 'IIH . , Sit" " , ; "l . . . . , } ,
R'.C"rlMaf4SJ. . . . n
, ' ,
,11) J'"J -
C ( " , "d J'1.- ' ' . ,
, ' , .
It lfkrym" 'F ( " ' r. .
Apcrfccl nCt 'edy for nsti"j > . U S e
lion I Sour Slomach , l rrhoc 1 ,
ncssl\ndLOs OFSLEEIV. F 0
, or ver
F C Similc si naturc 01
Thirty Years
-rl , ! ;
. .
THe CeN1'AUn OOMPAN" Hew \0' ' ' ' OITY.
J. - ( _ I _ _ _ , - - . - _ - - - _ ' ' . : ' " - , .
- - - - - - - -
Purest or the ! { C
25 Ounces for 25 Cents
Is the result of modem ideas. Costs
less. Does bettcr work. You must
try it to see. Get a can on trial.
The baldngwill be vastly better ,
lighter and tastier or we pay
for the can.
Jaques Mfg. Co.
- - - -
' "
- - -
Color moro Goods h/ohler / and luler color. Ihan an , other re. Onl ! tOc o3Ck3QO colors 311 OJer ! , . They dIe In cold " ' 3ler beller Ih3ntn , IIlher dll. You C3n d , .
anI gatmont wlthoul ripging IIpUt. : Wtilo tor ireD booklol-110W to
Uro. Ulc3ch IIltd NIX Colon ,
M 0 N no E 0 RUG co. , QuIna v.IInor. . .