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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1908)
. . . ( USTR [ COUNT' ( REPUBUCAri I Dy D. M. AMGBERRY I1ROI\EN : now , . . NED RASKA I - I l I LANGFORD of the THREE , BARS ? I 7JJ' KATE AND VIRGIL D. BOYLES ( COI' > rlllhl hl A , c , 3Il'1lurlC'\ 1\1117 \ , ) SYNOPSIS , Georgc 'V1I1I9tOIl , U poor rlllll'hll1f\n , hlKh-lIIlmlell UIIII CIJIlIII'I'II , IJI'al'chcK fOl' ntllomlsslllgfroll1 hlH l'IlIII'II-lhc"Itl1.Y ! -I , " On IL woodl'lI Hpot III the rlVl'l"1I hml ( hnt wo1I111 hll\'l' heN ! IlII IHIIlIIII hall thl ! 1\11 I1H 011 1'1 hoell ILl hl h wntl'l' , Ill' IJlII- covert4 IL hanll of horHl' thll'v , , ! ! ( 'a Il I'11 In worllln U\'l'I' hl'nllulJ 1111 I'nlll. . , J 10 I'rel'HI neur c.moll h to IIOIe. ' 11\(1 \ ( 'Imn - IIIK of Ilin " 'J'hreu Bill' ! ! " 111'0 III ) Oil IIIII , ! Htecr to the "J , n , " IlI'allll. Paul Iall- roru , thu rich OWIIUI' or thl' " ' 1'111'1'0 HarK , " IH Inrorll1ell or the IIpcrulloaH or tllu Hang ur callio tlll"\'II--a halll ) of outlawH hcauI'd h ) ' JeHl1l' IIhll'll , who 10llg hllc.lul1ou thl' hlw anll aullll > l'l- tiel ! or Kenmh I'ouul ) ' , Houlh Dalwln , ) , ullgrord III HU'lWk wllh 1111I IJI'IIUIY of .l\lury , cOllllllOllly kllOWII \\'IIIIHtoll'lI IUtiu KII'I. " LualHu nale , 1111 eXpcl't , court HlenoKralllwl' , whll hull ( IIIIIIWI'II her Ullcle , JUIgu ) lIulIIlI1ol1ll Dale , (1'1111I the eRllt to tllo "DalwlahH , " 111111 , who 19 IIvlllg wllh hllll at \\11111 ( Ily , IH 1'lHlueRtel1 hy the cOUllt ) ' altm'lIey , Hlcharll GOI'llolI , tll COIIIO 10 Kl'lIIah 111111 tlLko tClIlIlIIOIlY In thll llreJlmllllll'y l1lJnrlllg or JOIIUO Bluc1t , .Jlm 1\l1l11l1on , III wnlllllK nt the trulll fill' ) , oIlIHC , looltll ut II 'hel'lI or clltllu helll ! ; ' Hhlpl1fHI hy Bill Brown 1I1It ! there tlelcclH 0111 . 'Mag , " n. wclI Itnown "ol'nel'Y" Hlt'f'r hc- 1ullI\'lng \ to hili clllploycr of lilt ! ' ' 'rhl'ct' Baril" rallch , MUllllon III III LOIIIso atart tor Kcmllh. CrowtPI ! tllIlIClllhlc III , JlIstiec , JlLmcII H , 1\lcAlIllltdr'lI cOllrt for the prellllllllnry hcul'lng' , , Jellllo BIllclt Hprlllg' ! ! the I1r/Jt / of mnny I > rl'nt HIII'- JlrlllclI , wnlvlrll > t'Xnllllnllllon , ThrollKh Jllltu Snllderllon , n IIIcll1hl'r of the tJllt- ] I\W 1,1'1\111 > , he hnt ! learrllJI ) thllt the iltoOl' "Mo. . ! ; ' ' ' hntl hcoll rcco\'erl'(1 111111 thull Haw the uIII'lc/l11I'IIH of l1J.t'htlll nglllllllt IwlllK hOllnd OVI'I' , HI'hnrll lIol'- dUll , the CIIII II I ) ' nltm'nt ! ) ' , whll I I 1111- popular hecl\I1/Jo / of hili 1II1111Y flllllll'l' ' ' to IIceuro eOllvlclionH III cOllrt , Wl1l9 the lulmll'rLtlolI of LlIlIlse , whl < ' 11 III 11I11- 1Iml. COllnty Allorney 001'11\111 tlCI'OIll- ] lnllle ! ! IlIuIIIO Dnlll IIn lIel' rt'llIrn to 'Wlnll City. lIe t'I111 hel' of the 11111- nppolntmentH IIr hlH I1I11I'C , or wltnl'lIHIA thnt Ctlll ho IIrlhetl nnd IIr thll HYlltCII1 : : Ir tnll1perllln- with jllHlIco which 111'0- I "entll 111m fl'oOl IIccurlllJ. ; ' II. eon\'I'lIoll , Ill ! hnH thu Klrl'lI SYll111111hy11110 Williston IIt\\IIdll \ In the lIn-ht III hlA 11001' n.t nlKht , n Khot III flrell lit hllll , l'ho houllo III nltllcltlJll alll ) a hnttlo ell- sues between " 'l1l1l1tlln 1I11t1 hlH tllluJ.'h- tlJr , 1111 0110 IIlde , tllIlI thu uuthtWI ! 1111 thu othel' , , CHAPTER IX-Contlnued , As her strained sight stul'od out In. to the darlmess It was bomo to her intultivol ) ' , It may be , thut somethlllg 'was CreOIlng UII on her , She could HOO nothing Ilnd yet lenow It to bo , true , Every lIlJer of hOl' Iwlllg tlllgied with the certainty of It. It WIlH COlli' Ing closer and closer , She felt It 111(0 an actual IlroBonpe. lieI' 0)011 shlftoll here , thero-swept her hlllf.cll'cio lJearchlngly-stared and stared , Still nothing moved , And ) 'et the nOl\l'ness at SOIllO unseen thl g gl'ow moro and maI'o llIllpable. If she cuuhl not see It soon she must scream aloud , She breathed In lIttio ! [ ulclwnoll , gasps , Soon , very soon , she would scream , Ah I A shudow down by the biggest coltonwomll It bodl ) ' sought a nearer and amalieI' trulllt , Another slink. ing shadow glided lJehlllll the \'acatetl position , It was a ghustl ) ' presenta. tlon ot "puss.wunts.a.comer" pla'ed : in nightmare , But lit last It was aomethlng tangllJle-somethlng to do away with that fl'ightful sensation of thut crawling , creellln , t wlatln , . ; worming : Inslnuatlng-nenrer and nearer , so nenr now that it b'cat upon hor-ll11soen 11I'esence , She Ilrcssed her finger to the trlgor , to shoot at the tangllJlo shadow and IIIBIWI that onveloplng , choltlng , blanlwt hOl'\'or \ , when GOtI Imows whnt stayed thu nctlon of her fIngers , Call It 'Instinct , what YOll will , hel' hllnd was stll'OI ] oven befol'o her physical eye was caught and held by a II10t dnrl\Ol' stilI than the night , over to her right , fu\'th , est from ho spring , It la ) ' 1100'fectl ) ' still , It came to hel' , tho' wll ) ' 1111In , with startlln" " , cleul'Uess , 'I'ho blot was waiting for hel' to 111'0 futllel ) ' al grinning shadowa among the tl'ees and , under cover of hol' engrossed at tentlon Inslnuato Ils treachol'oi s lJod the farther forwa , ' 1'hen the IIa ] ) would go IllerI'll ) ' on till-tho end , Shl turned the lJart'el of her 1'1110 slowl ) and dellboratel ) ' away from the mov ing shapes among the cotton WOOl clump , sighted trul ) ' the lI1otlonle3 ! blur to her right and fired. once , twlco three times , The comilleteness of the S 11I'111'1 sc seemed to Inspll'o the attaclwrs wltl a hellish fur ) ' . 'rho ) ' I'etlll'ned the 111'1 rapldl ) ' and at will , remaining unde cover the while , Shrinking low a her window , her e'es glued on the sUI blacle mass out ) 'onder , l\tar ' wonder cd tr It were dead , She lI\1\'CtI 11118 slonatel ) ' that it might be , and ) 'et- It Is a dreadful thing to Itl II , Onci maI'O the wild fIring ceased , 1\1 a 1' ) ' rc sponded once or twlco just to Iwell till 11eadly chill from I'eturnlng-tr tllIl were possible , Under cover of the desllerndoes fil'O , at obtuse angles with the 111'8 attemllt , a second blot began Ils tOt tuous twlsUng , It nccolllplisholl I SIlace , stopped : pulled ItseIr Its lengtll stopped , waited , watchful o'es on th , window whence came 1\1UI'"S scattm cd llrlng sUlI Into the Chllllil of t\'eCE 'i'hey hall drawn her close regurd U last. Would it hold out' ! Jo'ova \ 1" ' 1galn , crawling lIat 011 the grounl . ' advancing , slowlr vel' ' slowl fn'er - - - . , ) . . ' 0 : " ------4 ; : 'W' ! " : , , 'X" ' : ! . : : ; , , h'll ' , [ V's'y , ; ' ' ' 'lly , ( 'I'\ ( plnl ! , ( ' ( ' / ' ( ' ' ! Inl : . ( 'I't'PJ1II1IIOW ! ; 1loPlllllg , IIOW I ( 'I'pl'llllIl. ; , IJlllpplll's'pl'pillg / , All III 011 ( ' ( ' thl' /1111 / piny hl'KlI1I IIgalll , IIhlll'I' ' , ( illicit , fl'OIll lhu MPI'III/ / ( , fl'olll I ho Kh'lh , 'I'hl' hJol Iny IHH'foct. ! I ) ' RII1I fill' II 1I\lIIfHll-waltlll \ ) , waloh. In , 'I'll ( ' plucly IIl1h' 1'1111' WII14 sllollt. 11111 : UI II IlIlIl hl'1'1I hofm'p , Otlarlt'r 11'11J. 1 h , half , \\'holt' It'II lh , ( 'III1t1I1I1I1I ' i wllh 1'1 1'1(111'111 ( IltIll , 1' ' ( ' 8 MO Hll'l'ly , HO I 11111'111 --1'011111 il hI' llOBKlhlu Ihnl IhlK I ' ' KIII'IWI'II-otll ( If I hI' 1.\1111 \ \ I\I ! I'l'nllr ' ' do 10 tl'lI1l ! too l'l\t'f \ , 11 woulcl not III lII'h , 'I'hu hlol. waltell , IIcarcelr 1II''aIIH'II , on'lIt flJl'warel again , A sllllllull hrlght light lltMhOII ! up thl'oll ! h lhe lIarO\I'IIH ] \ tllllior the III1IH'O' leeted willi III 1\luI'Y'H Il'fl. Ah\lost Blmllllalloousl ' 1L 1IHIl'ed ( light BIII'UIII ; 11110 1I/'llIg fl'olll Ihl' I'l'gloll of thl' ( lal. IIl"BlwllH , 'J'lw IIII'll clowlI Ih'IJ ) hall 111.1'11 walllllg 1'01' lhlH Blgllul. It IIII'Ullt lhal 1'01' HOIlIt' rl'ason thIJ ' I'ffOl't 10 I'I'I'P 1111 1I110JfWI'V11 ! 10 IIn ! till' hOlHH ! hull heen HllccOBUl'lI1. 'J'ho flnn' re\/ 111111 sllrlIl , It Iwcallle a gin J' ( ! , When lhe whole cuhlll IJoellloll to be III flames Have the dOM-the dl' ) ' , I'udo hoal'lIll1g hall callght alld blll'lwtl IIlw Impor-wholl the heat hacl bocolllo UII' bearable , WIIIIHtoll held Ollt hlB hUlld 10 his tlaughlel' , Hllelltly , AIJ Hllently Hhu IllIt hel' halld , hOl' Il'fl halltl , III hlH ; nOl' Illtl WIIIIstoll notlco that It was her loft , nOl' how 1I111111y hl'l' I'lght arllhUllg to her Hide. ] 11 the glal'o , hOl' face aholle colorloBs , hilt her dal'l < O'OS wOl'e ! : ! IIlI'R , 111.1' heud waH held high , With 111'111 SII'I' ' , WllllslolI ud. vllllcetl 10 the dOOl' , DelllJomtely ho IInba\'J'ed \ Il , us dolluel'lltel ) ' thl'ew II. 011011 allli Blollilcd O\\ ! \ ' th ! ! threshold , 'I'hoy WOI'O co\'ered Oil the Illstant hy fOlll' 1'I110s , "Drop your gIlIlS ! " calletl the chief , rOllghly , 'rhen the tlesllCradoos 1I\0vell \ 1111 , "I tlllw It thlll 1 1111I the OliO wlllltod , " salll Wlillstoll. Ill'olco ! ! WIIS culm 111\11 sl'holurly . OIlCO 1I\0re \ , III the IIselossness of . ftll'lher atl'uggle , It had loat the shUr/l / I IlIclsl\'elloss thllt hatl beell the call to , . . . . . . , ' . / \ ! : : - - ' . . - - . . : - - - = - - - - - 6'1 - - - . ! ( : ; - : . . . :0 - ' I \I . , . - . They Were Covcrcd on the Instant , action , If one mllst Ille It Is good to 1110 II fter a bra \'e 1\gh \ I. Ono lci : novel' a cowal'll then , " 'lIl1ston's face were IIn almost exalt cd Icol" " : \Iy tlaughter Is free 10 go ? " he a ! > ked , his Ilt'at wOl'lls ha\'lng met I , with no resllonse , Bettor , IIIlIch het. : tel' . for the malof a man 111 < 0 Wlllln. I ton to die In the dignity of silence , IlJllt for Inr's sl\lo : lw IInl'le'ell. : j "I guess not ! " resllondod the leader , I curtly. "If a Ilulln' Idiot hadn't missed i the broad side of you-as ) Irotty a , marlt this sd ! ( ' hea\'en as man coultl wunt-Ihen we mlht , tal1 < abollt the girl. She's showed 1111 100 damned much III\ ( ! a man now 10 let hcr 100lJC : ' His big , shllmln form 10llnged In his Blultlle , 110 ralsl'd his 1'1110 with e\"er ) ' al111lI\I'l\nco of lazy Indlfforcnce , The ) ' WOI'O 10 bo shot down where , the ) ' stooll , now , right on the thr03' I hold of tlll'lt' hurnln homeslolul.11 , , IIslon howell IIh heall to the Ino\'lt , alJlo for a moment ; then ralsell II , pro\llIy \ 10 moet the Inovltahle. A rille shot \'ang \ out sllll'lllngl clear. At t ho'el' ' momon t I he Ieud Ol" hawl , eye had swellt the sl ht , hh ' ' had twltchell ' ' , 1'1110 al'lu IInel'l'lalnly thell fallell nOI'\'eloss to his : cilde'hlll his hullet , 11111)1111 ; a fl1ltel'ln a lit ! dlscordallt socolld to Ihe 1\I'8t \ tl'lIl shot , 101'0 1111 the groulld III frollt 01 him ami swol'\'cil hlu'lIIlessly to enl , side , Instantly the wildest confusiOI' relgnod-shouls , CUrses , the IIlungln of hOl'ses mlngloll with the shal' ) scmcl , of 1I1'0-I1I'1I1S , The shooting wa ! wlltl. ' 1'ho Sll\'llI'lso \ was 100 com 1II0le fOl' the outlaws 10 reco\'er III , OIlCO , ' 1'h ( ' ) ' hud heul'd no sOllnd of all Ilroaching hoof-boals , The \'oal'ln ! 1I1\11ll's Ilcltlng 1111 lilt ! dl'y tlmlHI' III\ ! ronderlng the surrounding durimesl the blllcl\Or for the eontmst hlld beol of sa'Ing gl'l1ce 10 the IJeslcgel's afte all , In a momellt the doslICmtloes ' . Ilell. ' 1'he ) " closed in and IIUlloscl1 'I clI\8lng \ , mall lItlllt willi bet ween tIll - rcscnel' ! IInd the blazing doO ! ' of thl [ ) shllnt ) ' Ulld what stood alld la : . ' lJefOl'1 i' It. 1\Ial' ) ' lu\ll sunl , down ut hOl' fnlhel" feet alld had no cognlz:1I\co : of th , 1I01'co thollgh lJrlof t'onllIet that ell sued , Preselltl ) ' she was Ilt'agged I'ollghl ; to hel' feel. A big , mllsculur al'ln hal hou \ ' ) ' grUSl ) of hor. " : \Ialo SIlI'O of the gl1'l , Hed ! " COli : manded a Shlll'l'olco \ 1101\1' , and It WII o gone out Illto the nlghl. AftorwlIl'Il she helll'tl--oh , 1111111) 111 an ) ' tl1I1es III the IIlght watchos- the eorlo galloping of hOl'ses' hoofl growing failltol' und o\'el' falntol heard It ubo\'o the mocllo ) ' ot t\'ll1l11 \ illig1ol'ses \ and yelling men , and Imo\ . . . . . . - - - . , . . - - - . . \ - - - . - . . , I . . . Y 11 fOl' whllt Il tIIC'lInlj hilt to-nlr.hl- 1111 < : l'vll nlJ"htsll \ I\VO but ono 1)1111'1. ) , hl'wi1cll'l'C'11 llInl'u 11110 the slnlsll' " flll' ( ' 111111\1' 1\1'1' \ nrlll III n HOrt , sllllrlrlC'l'llIg010 hl'l'1I1hccl , " 1)loaso clon'I , " II/HI fnilltell. CHAPTER X , In Which the X Y Z Flgul'cs Some. wh 1t Mysteriously , ,11111 MUIISOII , I'lrllll hlH 11(11) ' over OJ [ ' hOlllo tI'll II lit a Hlow wallt , ( lJ'oClIICII Hlol'llIy ! 111 hlA IUIIIr II 1' , ] t Wllfl lIot a wt'lI'clly Inll' hPIIIItI ) ! ! , haf'llIIst ] tOil. 11I11)110 , hut ho would hll\'o Iwell slee" , BOIIIICIl ' hOlll' ' ' hnd IlIg a good 01' 11\01'0 \ IhlH 1101. Iwoll hlB IIlght to go to tOWII -If ho lJhoso , 110 hlld chosen , Ho wOllld not hllvo missed his challco for II good d01l1. Hut his dlsHIIII1t1ol1 had 11(111 light. 'I'he hess lIeVl'r tolerutell IIIlIl'h alolll ; Ihnt lilli' , 110 hlld drun ] , wHh HOlIIo cOllgl'lIlnl cl'olllo ! ! fro\ll \ the l'II'plp I , : onllll cOlII\llllllolltUl'y \ to Oil' 1'111.11I'0 woll.I(11111 ; IInll Increasing weallh of lhls 111\0:1(1) : ( ' well-Imowll and lIoUl'lshlllg catllo I'ullch , Of COIII'SO ho 11lIlst dl'llI ] ( n return ( : omlllhnent 10 the HU\IIO \ rosecolored Ilrosperll ) ' fol' lho 'I'hl'oo HIli'S , which he did and slghod fol'1101'0 \ , 'I'hut made two , and two WOI'O the limit , IInd hol'O waH the limit OVCl'I'I'IICIHHI IIlt'ealh' ; fOI' there had nlwa's to bo 11 last 1Itt10 comforter - forter to Iwcp hl\ll \ fro III 1I0dding In his S.dlllo : : , It was Il sl'e\ly ! \ nlghl , cool alld 130ft und HIIII , lie could wallt hlH hOl'8e all the WII ) ' If ho wllnled 10 , 'l'here was no haste , 'I'ho hoys wOllld all ho III hed , 'I'ho ) ' woultl IIOt evell walt \\\1 \ for the mall. 100owlll his. , JlII1'B , humle l1\'el'HlolI 10 hUI'l'Y , Ilad he IIOt heell so drows ) ' , Ill' wOllll1 IIIw to have ! HlIII ; a hit ; hill It l'eC1l1lrod IL IIttlo too much offorl. 110 would jllst plod alollg , 1\lust all ho III bed at WIIlIston's- 110 lI ht all'whl'l'l' , A 1Itt10 short of where the Wlillstoll bl'ullch left the main tl'all ho half \lalllJed \ , If It were not so late ho would I'ltlo U\I \ and gl0 thom a hall , Hut or COUrse they were afllooll , \'CI''thlJ\g \ seemed stili nnd dal'k ahollt the IIl'ell1lsoH. 110 would jllst plod along , "Hello , thol'o"hore'd ! 'ou como fl'om ? " ho cried of a sudden , and bo- fol'O he had had time to carr ) ' his resolve - solve 11110 actloll , - A mun Oil horseback had drawn rein dll'eelly In fl'ont ot him , .Jlm bllnlwd wllh the slliidenllesfi of the shock , " ; \I1 lIt IIsl < 'Oll the sumo question , " rt'HIHllldell the othel' wllh an easy laugh , "I'm fOl' town to see the doc , tOI' uhoul my little gll'1. lIeon 111111) ' for n weelL" "Oil'hero ! ) ' 011 from 1" aslwd , Tim , with the COllrteollS Intcr st or his Idnll. "New man on the X Y Z , " answered the other , IIghtl ) . , "Must he glttln' on. Wonlod ubollt my hah ) ' girl. " 110 tOllchod SI\Jrs ) to his horse and was off with a friendly "So long , " over hili shouldel' . .lIm rode 011 thollghtfull ) ' . " 1'ow dOIl't it beat the devil , " he was thlnltlng , "how that there CO\l. : ' 1IIlllchm' strucl. this j J'l\1I comln' from X Y Z-wllh the X Y Z clean t' other slrln 0' town'l Yell. It beats the devil. flH' a fae' . lie lIIust bo 11. rllIn' for hi ! ! heallh , It hl'ats the dovll. " This IUf't was long drawn ont. He rode a llltlo fllrlhl'l' , "It beats lho dovll , " bo 1IlCmht ! again-tho won dol' of It WUH waldng hllll up-"how that bbmed fool eou1 ! n' struclt this here trail a golu' for doc : ' . \1 the bl'l\ncll 1'0\11 : he stOl1110d ir. resolutely. ern BJ CON'l'Ir-UI D , ) WAS A LESSON FOR "AB'AHAM , " Good Old Uncle Job Felt Called Upon to Rebuke Sinner. "Yas , slIh , " bognn Uncle Job , snl" ' "oylng his hoarel'1 ! wllh I1n eXl1ressiou \'Irtnous Radness ; "yas , slIh , I sholy glb Ilat tl'lllln Ab'aham a lesson ho no\'oh fohgot ! " Thm , seeing an In. Inlrlnl ; look In the eyes of Homo of his hoal'CI's , and heal'lng a Iuostlon fl'om the 1I11S of ono of them , ho decldell to go moro 11110 details about lho nature of the lesson he had 1I11II1\1'toll. "What'd 1 do tuh him 1 I's gwlno tuh toll 'on ails. Ab'aham fall' dmwed de Ilghtnln on hlssolr w'cn ho hed do 'duclt ) ' tuh'lto me tuh ho house tuh cat 1.1' tuhkl' ) ' dinner , 'I'uhkey , " I'e. , pt'ated : UncIo JolJ , artCl' a telllng I IlI\nHo , "w'l'n dnt lI\'erashons rascul , ne\'h ralsell an ' tnhlwy In ho lite : 'collt offon some w'llo man's I'oost. lilt nho was CI' flllo tnhke ) ' , hut I , . lihowed : dat . \ lJ'aham tlat slolen goods pro1\tolh \ Ilttlo , Dat tuhkcy was er big gobblch , an' deI'U was nobody lJut I mo Hn' Ab'aham dore ; an' I seasoned dat bll'd wlf admonitions tuh be good all' wuhnlllgs f'om de wrath to come , lilt shol ) ' would hov tasted good ef hit hodn't IlCo(1 stole , But do sanco ob a del'cl well clill nn' IL slnneh 1'0- bnkld almos' made hit relish , an' , " conctul11 ! Unelo , Job , with Illons sat. IAfacllon , "lhough hit was er hallli \111I \ , I's bounll to say I holll out to do end an' IInlshcd clat tnhkl' ' , S11l1o ob Ab'ahum's hint ( hit ho s\lerted \ hit luh laR' him ( J ) ' week-Youth's Com. IJUnlon , House Eleven Hundred Years Old , St. Albans possesses the oldest In. hablted hOllso In the country , 'rhls IlIsUnction Is said 10 belong to the old HOlllhl honsc , now Iho Fighting Coclts Inn , which slands close to the Hlvor VOl" It Is a curious stl'uctUI'e-ot oclngonul Shallc-of earl ) ' Saxoa 01'1. r gill , ha'Ing llOon llUllt as a boathonse II to the anclont mOlla.ltory : fonnded at St. Albans b ) ' King Ofra about the L' ycar 795 , and Is thus ovel' 1,100 ) 'ears 13 ohl. A sulJtol'\'I\nean lIussage , now bloclwd UII , I'uns ft'om the basement to the ruills of the monastor ) ' , 1Ills. . - tanco of about : :00 : ) 'al'ds. ' 1'hero Is a shell at the uacl , of the house , where It Is said Oll\'e/ ' Cromwell stabled his 1. 110rso , hlmsolf once sleeillug under Its , v , ' , 'of duriu ! ; the clvll war-Collecting , . . " . . . , . - NEBRASIA ( POINTERS - - - - - - STATE NEWS AND NOTES IN CON. DENSED FORM. - - - - - - - THE PRESS , PULPIT AND PUBUG What la Going on Here i1nd There That In of Intercst tl ) the Readers Throughout Nebraska , , - ' 1'he Seward ole\'atol' hils hewn sold to ] . ' , I I. UIcltfol'd ! fot. $ , IOUO , ' 1'110 NehraHlm City hanle COI/IIH\II : " Ile'hlr ( d II. rllvldend of ] H'I' C'l'/tt , ' ' ' ' ' In 'rho Xl'hawlm 1111111'1'10 RaI'O ugllill opC'I'nUon uftel' sl : . wCOltH HUsIlnHlolI ) , If , p , 1IooPlhau lieI'lL I'o.elocloll IIIIIHI'lntenllollt ! of the schools of 1IIuo 11111 , l\lrs. C. E , JlobluHon , IIn old rCHhlt'nt or Bancrort , commlttcd IIlIlcldo , tnl.- Ing ca\'lJolle IIcld , - 'rho Burllnglon has cOJllletl'l1- ) telephone IIno 1'l'om Lincoln to W ) " morc , for ( 'om pan ) ' use , The Yonll WOlllcm't } Chrlntlllu IISHO' dutlon of Omaha. have slnrtctl It cain. IHJ Ig11 for aoo II1l'mhcl'B , ' ' ' ' ills Itllto 'I'ho Plel'ce connty farmers' : lIPid a I wo da"n scsslon with Il largo IIl.tcJlldlllJee IUIII II1l1ch InLcl'ol1t. TlteToman's clllh or Omaha has gOllo on'ecOl'd hi fa01' or complete ellmlnallon of the Christmas tl'oe , 'I'ho WOllll'U of St. 1\11\\'Y'u Ca.thollc ehllrch , NelJraslm Cltr. ( 'Ioucd 0110 or the 1I10st RII'cessflll fnlm o\'er held , 'fhe mlnlstl'rs of Ueatl'icl1 held 11. mootlu and 1l1'l'augl'I1 fOI' the CI\IU- Imlgn thel'o I galnst Lho sal0011 lI1en tlt12 IIprlllg , , Iohn BrOW11 of YOI'I. cOlin I : , ' , a Hus. Hlan , 3f Yl'ars of ago , haH heen I'xall1' IUl'd by lhe lJoard of Ins\IIlt : ) " and 3ent to the IIIlstlng3 ( In'llIm , 'I'he Sunda ) " closing ordinance hI to he stl'lctl ' cnfol'ced III Lillroill here. after , accordlll to 11 declaratloll lI1ado b ) " Chief or PolI'e Co011e\ ' . : \lcPhcl'son post ot Iho Graml Anll ) ' , F\'emont , cololJrated the thlrt.secolIll anlll\'er8111' ) " of lho 0\'gl1IIzatioll of the ) lost with Il ha11I1\1l't atlasolllc : hall. C , H , St11'11 \1\11 t or Chlrago alld A. a Smll h ha'e matle al'llcatl911 to the city board of Oxfol'd for a f\\l1chlse to IlIlt III all l'loctrll' lIghtln s'stOIl1. Washill/toll / Smith , who has lJeell foreman of the Bllrllngtoll coach shOllS 111 Pluttsmollth for thltt "Clsht : . 'ears , has tendered his resguatlon ! , to tl\lo : el1e't AIII'Ii 1. At a lI1eeting of the directors oi the : \lcCool. Dl'i\'lllg' Park nssoclalon : it was dechled to holtl 1'11.1'0 : ; ill : \lcCool , .Jllly 3 alld 4. Purses ag reatlng : $1.500 will lJe hllng up. Craclsmen last wcelt entered the ) loslolllce of the town of Hickman. wreclwd the safe " 'Ith all explosive anti secured $400 in cl1.:5h : and stamps , ' 1'he ' escaped 011 a llurllltoll : : hand. CI1\ \ ' , Secrelm' ' Hoyse of the state lJmk , Inb board has aslwd for a smtement of Ill ( ' condition of the slate hanks , The reports nl'e to be hased on the zll' uatlon at the close of huslness Feb. rllal'Y : ! s. 'fho First Christian church III Platt ; ; . 1I10llth 11m ; extt'llIled II call 10 He1 I. D , 'I'holllas of COl'\'allis , 1\1011t. He has acceptell , alltl wlll I'cmo\'c to thctt city anti becoll1e IHlstor of the church March Hi , Paullna 'rl'mpest .Johnson hils ! ! lIed I lieI' 11I01her-ln-Iaw , l\IIII'Y A , .10hnson , 1'01' $1iOOO [ cltU\lIl O . She allege(1 ( that the mothorln-law allenatod the affec. tlonof her husband , dll'los G. ,1ohn. son or Lincoln. Chlll'les FOrdanll .101ln K\lhl , sOI'ng : nlnctr Ilaj's each in the cOllnly jail at He\lrlco : for rclstln 1111 o1 icer , es- eaIll't ! fl'OI1l DC'jll\ly Shel'lff Burlw whlll ! they wem at worl , In Ihe ranI. The ) ' w'ro nil rCNI111I\1'11. lk , C , D , E\'ans and DI' , D. ' 1'lar : , tyn of Colul1Iblw , 11.1'0 holll11111 1' hOIHn ] for theil' appearance In IlIstl'ict court 10 ullswor to the chal'ge of violating the antl-ll11S3 Inw by a'cepllng Ims ps fl'om the Union Paclf1c , Swan YOllngqillst , a reRJCctel1 [ clU en of lIamlllon counly , haug11 hlmselr III the haymow of hlH hal'll , YOllng- Iul'sl hall I1I''n In a clespollllc'lIt mooll 1\1111 fOl' le\01'l1 : : " 1.11.1'8 his menIal fa- ( 'uUIt's hall seemed to he Imvall'oll. ShllloutH of animal husbandry at lhl' stale fal'm maclo a lrlp to South Omaha to visit the IIncltlng hou : > es IInll stoel. yarlls , n\lltles Wl'l'O 1'III'IIIshell by v 1'OIlS ; lIacltlllg hOllsC's to } ] lIow I ho stllllt'nts the more Inpol'tant ! olwra- Uons , Se\'l'ral Slll'cllllens WOl'I' IIho\\'n to the RhlllentJ , anll parllclliar Inlel'l'st was shown In the jllllging of HIII.'l'p , 'I'll ( > Unlloll Slates a1 ! tmslee or Blnclhll'll Shm'ldan , an Omaha hullan , has IJrOlllht suit agalnHt Albert Krldl'r , Predm'lcl , Corsden anll Otto G , Hess 10 rI'CO\1'1' about $450 fOI' lease mOIlC' ) " . Shol'ltlan Is all Indlall allo ! tee and lcasoll hl3 lands to Kriller nLout 1111'00'oarS ago anti the t rl\1G relJlllrl'll that Krllll'r IIhoull1 hlliltl a sultahlo hOUSl' on the III'cl\1hCs and malw other l1npl'o\'onwnts , whl11 he has fulloll to do anll Shorlllnn claims lhat ho has 1)l'n Ilamag11 $ ,150 wOl'th , lIol'man BOl'ill' tcstl1ell ! in hlty own behalf In hlB I\1l1\'dl'l'trlal atlalllsoll : anll 1t1l'lng ! his testimony thrt'o times Ilramutlcall ) ' aclell out the dl'uth sh'ug. gle In whloh ho sahl he wn : ; : engaged I just Ill'fol'o he ullot IInll ItllIl'll .1armel' , 110 was found gllllt } ' of l\1urller In thc kJ cOlIII dOll'el' , \ : "leutenallt.\l' h\ll' G , Kllvanagh aI" nycd In 'rCcllntlt'h Oil n shol't visit tc his 1)\I'ents [ , 1\11. . 1111111'11 : , , lohn 1\:11' : " IInl\gh , lIe has llOon cngagell Ill.tal' . got 11I'lIctico on the 'I'O\HlC'SSOO lit : 'tlag Ilalina hay. He l'njOj's thll dlstinctlOl : of ha\'llIg llCcn with Dewer In tllo bat. . tlo orlanlla : lJa ) ' , - - - . , J' . , - . , , . , - - MUCH GASH IG IN TREAGURY. Failure o ( 801101'3 to Deliver Bond9 Calices It to Plio Up , 1.llIcolnSlate ' 1'I'ea311r0l' Urllln'H rOe port fol' the l1Ionlh of ] "ehrllal' " ) ' showb I hat hI' Im hlllancoH on hl1l1l1 ( ; orh. I'IIIH' ' I of $1' 1 8,401i.S'CH'pIIIIH : ! ; \ , n:18" : SS1.H ; IHl 'IIIenl ! ! , $ \ ,84I.f 8 ; blI- 1I/10NI 1"l'bl'II111'Y : W , $ iII' , HJIiH : , ( , lw'lI ! ' I'llsh IIl1cl 1'1I h ! It'I ; : , $ IiI' ,281.J ! I ; ( 'ullh Oil (1l'lloslt , $ jjjl1 , liB ,11 1. , ] , ho ( 'ush Oil cleposlt \I/1l1sually IIlI'I o III It I In I'X ) lllIlnOII h ) ' tht ! fllct lhllt nearly $201) ) , ( IUD of ! Jonda hOllght were not dl'lI\ ' , 01'011 and conHclluently the cash Is atlll on hand , ' ] 'ho hlddo/ ' was not compelled to deponlt It bond to clell\'el lilt' IlIu'ehlllle , therefore the Atate cm : olll'orco 110 IH/Ullty ! fot. the fnlllll'o h , dl'lh'OI' , 'rlw IrPlumrPl' I- ' 1)\'l'llIIrlng ! ) \ tt. 11I111 , a big 1lIIl''hal\o : of bonll ! ! 30011 'I'hl' HI'III of $1 ; ,281 In ( 'IH'cks , cflRh IIwl ( 'nllh Hl'm ! ; Is an IInuHllal 0111'It ; , Bl'lan IH holtllnl ; the ( 'I\I'I \ < s bl'CIIIIHe lho limit of the stale fnnds III dl'pos lIorlt'so'el'11l'd / lJy the all10unt or hOtItI ! ! HI ven hy dl'llosl tOl'll's hns hnen I'eached , l\llIny lJanlu ; ha\'o 1l11plled to lJo nHule dop08110rlos , hut lIavo been rofuHed becallso these eheclts 1\1111 l'ash HOllis IlI'olll1.bly will ho In the lroll81\1'0r's \ lutlHls only Il Bhort tlmo and no 11101'0 dl'llosltorles 111'0 nl'oded , BAND WAGON FOR CORN SHOW. One Sta e Aftcl' Another F.lIs In Line for Exhibit , Omnha-Onl' state after another ifj lining liP to lI1al\O the National Corn pxpos1I10n , whleh is to be heM III Omaha In Docell1lJl'l' , one of the greatest - est shows In hlstol' ) ' . ; \101'0 thall flfleen states lire now III edged to its SUPIJOl't , whllo comlllOI" c/al / cluhs and chamlJors of cOll1merco in 1111 IlIlI'h ; of the eountry are laldng IIn IlIll'rest In the big entcrprlso. President G , W. WnUleB of the Corll l'xosilioll ) ) , who Is vlsltlng In Callfor- nlll , tell'gmllhcd liS follows ; , \\'IlIws , lones , Mllnagel' Natlonal COl'll Exposltlon , Omaha , Neb , : Los Angeles ChamlJer of Commerce will lI1alw Im'ge l'xhllJlt at Corn I'Xllosltlon , Please rl.'se\'e ! ample space , G , \ \VNI"l'LES , GO\'OrnOl' Frank ,1. Hanly of Indlnnll. has wrH I en to the managol's of the &l1OW conll111'11I11ng it find offering any asslstanco which is needed froll1 In. diana , I VALUE OF LOUP RIVER , Dlschargcs More Water Than Any Stream In the State , Lincoln-The Lonl ! riveI' Is a val. lIaulo stl'eall1. According 10 figurl.'s complle'l b : . ' the In'lgalion dearlment ) ) the tlow of lhl' stream Is more IInlform thall that of : my othel' rl\'el' , Of all the I'I\'ers the LOllp tlows with thl' slightest variation , 'l'he Platte I'X- ceeds the dlschar1' ; of the Loup at ( 'ertaln seasons of the "e:1r above the moulh of the Loup , but its variation Is so wide that its value from 11. power and irrigation standpoint is not so gl'eat ne ; the smaller northern stream. Mind Reader on Olsen Case , Pender-Sheriff Dorcey , Olaf Olsen nnd Connty Attorney Chase , accompa. nled hy 11. woman II1lnd 1'I'ador from Snx ! Clt ) ' , left PenIleI' for Hosalle for thc. 1111I')00 ) ) : of locatln the hotly or Lllllo Olson , ' 1'he shel'll ! and the ( ' ] 11.11'- voyall t rctlll'\led In the ovenlllg from t hI ! farm On which Olson fornwrly 1'1'- sided. SIll ! tool , the officers to n gravl' on the fal'm , bnt It was onn madn ovC'r a year ago nnd with whl'h thl' tll'lgh. 11111'11 wel'o all faTIIlllar , ' 1'0 Hat Isfy all clI\'loslly the hody was dlsl\llt ( l'rl'd tinll fOllnd , as Olsen slnt/II , to hI' that of a hallo which dil'll at hlrlh , 'I'ho sl'al'ch was con tinned ( Inrlng thc Ilay , hnt nothing devolollCrl. Boomln\ ( , the Corn Show , LIII'olnlernhol'lI of thl' Stall' Bourd of Agl'll'ullnro and lhl ! BoaI'll ot Hortlcnltllre TIIl't 1101'0 to Inlw a'lIan towal'd holtllng 1I101l tllo COI'II show to 110 hl'1I1 In Omaha /'xl' fall. 'rho IH'O' jeel IUIII tllo IIna1l1l1l01l11 1llllll'0val or those IH'eHollt 11\111 \ the Board of Agrl. cllltmo voled $ riOI ) to bofwd \ In 111'0' l11oIn : the t'lIll'I'lrhH' ] , A commlttl'o war nine allllollltl'll hy the joint boaI'll 10 hol)1 ) lIoost lhl' ( OI\II'I'III'lsl' \ , Slll'l''hcs Wl'1'1' mltlo : h ' 00\01'1101' Sheldon anti Prof. ,101les. Hastlng3 Clcrgymen Thl'cltencd , llastings-NuUlel'oll } ! IInslgned Jet. t l'u ha0 lJ ell l'ecel\'l'd h ) ' the varlolls mlnlslel's throalulling their lives Ir Ihl'Y IIld lIot IlIlt ( tllo fIght against the saloom ; . 'I'ho city of Bnstlllgs'ls stirred 10 II. whllo heat over tlw salooll IIII'S' ) tlon nlld In a men's masA moetlng 1'1'S' oilltions wore IInanlmollsly adolllC'd which will 1)alw ) the 1Ight at tilt' ' lI'xt spring I.'lcclion ono or IIconse or 110 II. cellse. Bonds for County High School , Bl'own county Is the first connly In the stute to notify the state treasul'l'l' that It is going to . . . .ote on lhe III'Ollosl. 'tlon to Issue bonds for tlto IJlII'lIoS0 ot el'cctlng a cOllnt ) ' high school h'.llld- lng , HERMAN BOCHE GUILTY. Jury Finds That He Killed Saloon. Keeper Frnnk Jarmer , : \luI1l80n-IIol'lI1un 110cho , u 1\I1\1l1l1on ( , ollnt ) ' I'I1I'nHJr , who haB 1101'11 on tl'lul fOI' tIto Idllln of 10'1'1I111 , Jal'lI1ol' , uNoI" fall. Huloonlwl'lol' ) , on111) : ' 1 , 19Yj ( , lit NOl'foll < was 1'01\1111 \ guilty of man , , slullghler , alld w1l1 hu\'o to servo 1'1'0111 , ' ' 1n thl' penltentlar ' , 0110 to ten ) 'OU\8 ) . 'I'ho verdict Is considered IL . . . .Ictol' ) . for L the defanllunt , In thut IlIIlJlIl' scntlmcnt . I has ut nil tlmos lJ'lJll 11I1'0nlly alalnsl Doche , 81nc9 cQlI1l11lsslon of the crlllie FACTS f' FOR SICK I WOMEI " Q j I I ! i , I , , I , , ' . - I . . . , ' " ' _ _ _ d - - - - - lOW " " ' ONE.WAY RATES FROM 'issouri ' Ri1JCH' Terminals ( KANSAS CITYTO COUNCIL BLUFFS , INCLUSIVE ) EVERY DAY i March I to April 30 , 1908 to San Francisco , Los I $30 Angeles ) San Diego ) and 1 many otlwr California I points , To E\"erett ) Bellingham ) $30 Vancouver and Victoria ) via. Spokane , - To Porllan an Asloria. $30 n 'l o 'lacoma' : and Seattle ) $ U VIa. Spokane , ' & To Ashland , Roseburg , ; : 30 'Eu cnc , A 1 h a 11 y and Salem , incl u ingSo , Pac. branch lines in Or'gon. To ? polmne a ld inter- $30 points. medmte O. h. . & N. VIA UnifJ 1 Pacific For full information inquire of E. L. LOl\nAX , G. P. A. OMAHA. NEB. . ' - - - - , , I' I'I \ 160 Acr. . . GroinGrowing Land FREE. 201040 BUlhel.Vh..Dt 10 Ihe Acre , 40 to 90 BUlh..l. Oal. 10 th. . Acre , 35 to 50 nUlhola Uarl..y 10 the Acrfl. 1'imb..r for Fencio IInd Uuildinll. FREE. , Good I.awl willa Low 1'a"alioll. I Splendid Hailroad F'ncililiel an" Low RaIn _ School I and Church" . Mnrl "h for nil Produclion. . Satlafaclory < " Good Climal. . and Perfect lI..lIh. Chance. for Prof.lablelnve.lmenh. I Olll ( , of Ih10 \ 1 < ' ( 'lit ra'ill'1ro.1l1clnR I a(1 R 111 fa In\l'IIt'\\'all alHIllI'l'tn \ ilia ) ' 1I0W lie I\C' ' 11111'1'.1 III ttl"M'II" , t hcaltllll1laud IJro } ICrOIlR ; ; ccllunli Ulldl'l' tile Revised tlomcstcad Regulations I.y "hl'h ( , lItl'Y ! UnyH' 1I\t' h ' IJI'OX ) ' Ion < ' ( 'I" lalll ( 'lIlIIlItlllll" ) ' loy Iliu fa lilt' r , Ilwlllm' , RUII , , dnl1 IIIl'I' , 111'011",1' Ul' " " , Ic.'r uf lulcn llll : hUlllc' lt'i\lh'I' 1-n\l' : , ' . , ( co In cI\1I ( ' 1\ , , ( ' " . $ \0 \ 00 , For (11\1II1111"1 } , " 1,1\.1 lICal WI'HI , " 11111'1 II'IIIIII''IUI 10 l'ah'l'uutc" . lIeal Hille 10:0 1111I1 wlll'I'o 10 luculC , 11(1l1) ' 10 W , V , IIENNETT. fi 101 New York Llle 8ulldlo& , Ollllbl , Nebrub ,