Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 19, 1908, Image 1

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    BlatQ lIIlIt LIlJrRflnu octd , ,
. . .
. , . .
While Ie
II true
I b2t . ooJ
pen "III
not leak
kt' ,
If lrol'erIT
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p- for. It il
, elm
,1 It ! J
f nut ohuya
, r l'o"I I"
. lurlbe
'I Inot care-
I ful to
1\ 1f f .
i For sale by
_ n. . . . . _ _
oOIItJ. . . . . , . . . . " . . _ _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ _ _
Docs' not mean to buy
medicines where you can
get t.hem the cheapest-un-
less you can be sure of absolute -
lute purity , freshness and
medicine activity.
Bring your prescriptions
to us and know that JOu
will get the best and not
paJ toomuch ; : for it either.
This is
Prescription Economy.
JIS' & J.F.Baisch
Broken Bow , - - Neb.
- - _ . - -
_ _ . , C = - - _ _
. . : lb . ! : I1" ! " " ' ' ' . . , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . . :
' ' !
. . t.fw ' ' ' ' ' ' ' llu IWIIIu : : : : : : law. : " : : ! " " " ! ! : ' ! ! " ! uJJ : : : : " ! \ . .
. , ; J Carclell Seccls of Be .t Varielies
I. lour Seeds of al1 I\.lndB } lH07 U rown
' / Onion Sets-'White and Hed and P ac I w d l' \
t .
: Read This List. :
Herba tellc Soap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ " . . . . . . . . . . . . .32 bars , S I , 00 it
) . Coal Oil. . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per . gallon , .15
I L ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per lvc ga 11 ons , . , , . .0 f " .
, \ Tea r. eaf Brand of 'l'ea-elegant drink. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per lb. , .50 { :
1 \ Sir 'I'homas T iptan Tea-always good. . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . per lb. , .75 :
King's Self l ising Buckwheat Flour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 I ! ;
Jill / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 for .25 }
1 [ Jvcn Pancake Flour . . .
' a large sack for .25 b\
. } Imporated ' Mararoni-none better . . per lb. , .15 \ .
1i ; ft'ull Cream Cheese-the finest grad ( ' ' . per lb. , .20 {
Our CoITees arc the fillest at 18c , 20c , 25c , 30 and 3C'
I :
. . Bl'eakfast li'oocs ] , Htock ] 'oods , OhICken ] oods (
< .A..11 in..ds : ;
" iT. . , o. : J3cQ-VV-JE ! ] , {
Pure Food Products
- -
: ' '
' 'I'HAm ; "
Pure Old Cider Vinegar
MAH\ : '
: " ' " , " "toIII1 j"'IIJ j.i . "rr , , r. : : : IIIIr.rr" : : : . : : : : , : : ; : : " "r.r.:1IIt.rr.r.n : ; : : , . : . 'IJr.1JII' ' : T. . 'III11:1"r'lP''IJ'I' ' ! : " ' : ; ' ' ' , ' ' ! ' " ' ' ' ' " .J' , >
- .
- -
You of let ! hear peoplc talk about good goods and low
prices. 'rhat is no new feature here-not since the
day of opcning this store two years ago-1ut ? since
then we have increas d the stock until now , those
who trade here never fcar but that they will always
mect up with a splendid liue of everything classed in
the groccry and provision list , and they know , also , I ,
that thcy can secure just what
( they want-our as-
0" sorlmen is \'aried-without having to "trot around
town" hunting for it.
Givc us an opportun t.v to serve you , if you never
ha\'e , and rea1iz. : ' , for once in .your life , huw pleasant
it is to bsen'ed satisfactorily.
= -
. . Sheppard & Burk
l > hol1o 125. SoutJ Side Square
By paying subscription to the
REMEMBER HEPUllLIOAN one year in advance -
vance you will receive ] 'REE
How to Get the Most Out of the Sunday -
day School Hour.
L ll > ' n vote of the Sunelny school con-
venlton recently helel ill Broken lIow It
was requested thntthe followln . papcr
read by Prof. COfllelt , he pllbllsheel ] :
'rhe aim of thc Sunda.r school
is threefold ; the promotion of
spiritual growth among thosc
who love God , the communication -
tion of truth to the ignorant an
young , and thc carrying of the
gospel to regions heyong the
present reach of the church.
Upon the Sunday school su-
pcrintcndcnt and his tcachcr de-
pcnds the succe s of thc Sunday
school. A true supcrintendent
is in charge of his school sc\'cn
days of the week. He has it on
his mind and consciencc cont1l1u- i
ay. ] ] He has it upon his heart
in his place of secret pray'r , at
his work and in his drcams. lIe
is praying , planning and practic-
ing. He is a man whom every
body respects ; can obtain order
by a few gentle words , has everv
teacher obeying his Wi ] ] and
loscs not a single moment during-
the precious hour of the Sunday
school. He does not organizc
his Sunday school to death , but
he chooses a plan and with a
fixcd p-urpose aims at some deHn-
ate which he accomplishes.
Our true superintendcnt is a
man ot progress. He believcs
there is always room for him to
advance ; hc attends convcntions ,
. , subscribes for numerous religious -
ous papers , which he studics ,
and is always ready to listcn to
another's experience with a view
to improving his own school.
Yet he is not a fanatic , he does
not accept every new theory ,
docs not change thc old established -
lished order cxcept for good
rcasons ; bu t is always conscrva-
ti v ( ; , active and en t h usiastic.
He secures for his teachers , onli ,
those who are devotcd Chris-
tians. He is al ways ready to
confcr with his teachcrs , encouraging -
couraging the discouraged and
congratulating the successful.
' 1'0 gct the most out of thc
Sunday school hour evcry tcach-
er must bc a religious person.
He must helieve in God with all
his heart , he is neither weakly ,
credulous 1101' skeptical. He
hatcs sin and loves righteous- I
ness. His example is right , for
bc knows what is not well for
his pupils is not bccoming in I
himself. 'rhe good Sunday school
tcacher knows that therc i ! :
nothing that pleases Satan more
than to get an un-holy or non-
praying person to teach a Sun- '
da y school class. Such teachcrs
are but eating cancer : > at the
vitals of Christianity. 'I'hc good
Sunda y school tcachcr is not a
bigot. He is glad to stand side
by side with other denominations
in union mcetings and sing and 1
pray _ He ne\'er saY5 a word that
would lead a pupil to suppose he
did not have faith in all who
lovc God , rcgardless of their
church preference. He is found
among the old recciving counsel
and among thc young giving.
Hc carrics a notc book contain-
ing the lesson. He takes advantage -
vantage of his spare moments
through the week and jots down
his random thoughts on the
lesson and ponders thcm until he
has such a "head" of knowledge
that his words arc inspiring.
A teacher will dcvelop bis class \ '
in proportion to the cnthusiasm ,
tact , and love givcn to his class.
' { hc teacher of our public schools
must meet the requirements of
the law. Before bp.coming a
Sunday school teacher our hearts
should pass , satsfactorily : befor ( ;
God , the examination of the 'I'cn
Commandments. Such a teacher
does much toward promoting
unity in the church , which in
turn promotes spiritual grlJwth ,
bible study and missionary zeal-
the three aims of the Sundav
school. "
Our Sunday schools
arc suffer- '
ing for the want of teachers endowed -
dewed with the power of God.
Before we can successfully teach
a class so that evcry heart will
bc light and they will smile with
jO.r while their souls are drink1l1g
at the fountain which 110ws from
Heaven-I say before we can . . . .
teach the power of Go , we must IP
quit out committing sin and our a !
hearts must be made pure. t ]
Where can we preparc ourb ,
selves for Sunday school teacha
ing ? Upon our knces. How ? / 1
By giving ourselves entirely to d
God and letting him rule in our s (
hearts. When we have accome' I '
plished this we are ready to begin u
the prcparation : If the Sunday
school lesson. When a tcacher
has thus harmonized himself
with God he will think of C\'C1'\ '
one of his students and pray f r
their salva.tion c'cndny , and on
Sunday morning hew will appcar
bcfore his class with 'a countcn-
ance illuminated with the spirit
of Jesus so decply that it is
caught by thc class and the
wholc atmosphere is pre\'aded b ) '
the spirit of God.
As much as the school dcpends
\1pon the teacher , so much does
e"crything in the teachcr depend
upon his aims. He may aim at
cntertaining his pupils , plcasiug I
the fane- , quicting thc COI1-
scicnce , cxciting humor , kindling -
ling and gratifying curiosity ,
and g1\'i ng h is precious h aIf
hour intended for class recitation
to parl01' chat and funny
storics , or ,
He may aim at winning the
personal regard of his pupils-
thcir lovc and adnllrahon-he
may aim at mpldug Ius pupil "a
good scholar" having him rccite
titlcs , golden texts , commit cat.
echisms , or ,
Hc ma ) ' aim at church training -
ing . .training thc
pupil to ap-
preciatc and lo\'c bcyond all
others his own church ; but therc
arc higher aims than all these ,
the highest possible aims-con-
vcrsion , spintual culture and
formation of good charactcr.
On1)- with thcse grcat aims will
the Sunday school tcachcr
Teacher , does your SU1 day
school class look at yoU as a Jolly
compani n with wh m they can
have a pack of fun or as a tcnder
friend with a heart madc purc by
the blood of Jesus ? Do the ) '
really know that you love them
Have they enough conJidence in
your rcligion to follow whcrc YOlt
lead them. Have you so prc-
scnted ) 'oursclf to them that you
can lead them to the aBar of God
and there upon your knees , b ) '
l : ir side , help them wcep away
the last dark clouds of sin ?
A teacher who is teaching for
eternity asks himsclf thesc qucs.
tlons. lIe knows that God has
made every soul natu.rally to hc I
longing for knowledge. If you
do not fecd thcm on the bread of I
Heaven , thcy will gloat 011 the
bread of wicicdness. 'l'hc stud-
nt will , as a rulc , eagerl ) '
grasp whatevcr you givc him
but he is too cunning to receivc
lI1ything which his tcachcr , him-
; dr , docs not posscss. Beforc
we can tcach Jesus and Him on
the cross of Calvary , pouring
f-lis precious blood for our atonc-
ncnt , we must he washed in that
Jlood and know the love and
: ) ewer that scnt Him.
I have , no certain form b ) '
, vhich a Sunday school should be
: onducted other than thc obser-
lance of the gcncral rules of
) edagogy _ ' 'l'is said "Ordcr is
leavcn's first law" , 50 ; wc must (
lave our school properly c1assi-
ied , with the ofiicers and teach-
rs prompt and rcgular in attcnd-
mce. Much time is often lost
) y having tardy or abscnt om-
: crs and teachcrs. As soon as
.he . bell rings for thc teacher to
akc charge f the class , the
'lass treasurcr should take th
: ollection and get it rcady for
he Sunday school treasurer ,
'Ihile the class
sccretary rcords ;
he attendance , giving thc
eacher a few minutes to enquire
.hout absent mcmbcrs and wel-
omc new ones. 'l'hen in a min-
Ite the class is scttled down and
las no interruptions. 'rile tcach-
r should losc no timc in brin -
ng beforc the class a remindcr
f the last lesson , and Icading to
he present one. His thorough
Ircparation enables him to pre-
ent this with
so much en-
husiasm that the pupils Jmow
othing of what is goin on c
utside of his ' "
own' class : He a
omplctes the lesson in time to
Illroduce such featurcs of the
ext lcsson as will arous { . in'estl -
'ation. ' Special subjccts may bc
ssigned for prcparation.
Insist upon outsidc
tion. Expect it , bc disappoined
: you do not get it , and pleasecl
'h ' n the class have a well pre-
ared lesson. 'rhrow form aside
s much as possible and get to
: le heart ! ' ! of Jour stulcnts. r
elieve the method used to teach 21
class should dcpend
upon thc n
Itcl1ectual and spiritual -
ition of the class
and the con-I
mality of the teacher. HowB
ver , I thoroughly believe inI f1
sing some modern Cass : organiz- t B
j ation method , and thc teacher
I should choosc thc most adapted
to himsclf and clasS. ! Morc
depends uP.on quality uf rcsults
than q 'anht.r. As to how much
talldng should bc donc by
thc tcacher , hc alonc knows
bcst , but thin1c twice lest you
talk too much ; at lcast the tclch-
cr should not tcll the student
what he has had a chancc to
lcarn for himsclf. Do not
burdcn your studcnts by hashing'
over the idcntical cxplanations
in the Sund ay School Quarter-
lics , but bc so full of the Ics ! >
you can tactfullbl' ng it to the
class in a ncw and i terestillg
manner. Ncver force studcnts
to say something goo ( I whcn
they do not fecI likc it. bul
hri ig the spirit of Jcsus to thcm
, utll all t henecd is a ch ance to
cxpress thc dccp joy of their
Whcn the thirty minutes
allotted to the class recitation is
up , stop tcaching at once and
give hecd to the lcsson rcview
and Sunday school rcport. Be-
licving that wc cannot in one
hour on Sabbath do the whole
work of instruction dCl11ancled of
the Sunda ) ' school , a oed paper
should supplcmcnt a gOOlllcsson.
l cligious books should he on
hand for cverr pupil. , A good
library is as 1111portant a factor
in character forming' as thc Sunday -
day school lcsson and should
havc as important a placc.
'l'hc Sunday school should in-
crcase th : power of thc pulpit.
I think pcrlmps not cnough cn-
couragement is givcn in thh cla.r
to thc Sunday school pupils to
attcnd thc church scrviccs.
Most children scamper oiT home
at thc end of thc Sunday school
hour without a thought of attending -
tending thc church sen' ice.
'l'his is wrong. If he docs not
form the habit of church attendance -
ance while young , it will bc hard
to form whcn he grows older.
Parcnts and teachcrs do wrol1g
in excusing this on tht : grouud
of their inability to understand
the se1'l11on. Whcn will tlICbc
ahle to understand , pray , if they
ne'ler lr ) ' ? A child has a grcat
Ileal more undcrstanding than he
is usually givcn credit for. With
this cnd in view , thc Sunlay
; ci-ool should do morc to en-
: ourage church attcndance. 1-4ct
lhc supcrintcndent announce thc
Ircach i ng scrv ice , call for a
lJUblic rccitation of the last tcxt
IJrcached on and tcach thc school
lo pray for the pastor.
With all of its duties , cares
1nd anxietics thc Sunday school
.5 . not a burdcn but a blessed
) vilege.
It should be the happicst"and
Jest hour in God's holy dny for
'oung and old. What is the
.tsc of putting our minds and
.lcarts into our SundaJ school
Nork ? God lmows this best.
Vhen we shall have finished our
:011fSe : and God has given us a
Jlace among his angels , whcn we
: an witncss the gathering 111 of
.hc goldcn sheavcs of thc scccI
.hat wc sowcd on carth ; as we
ook down through the ages and
.vitness . thc coming of those
.vholl1 . the influence of our lives
s bringing hOl11c to sing with us
he sweet mclodies of the soul ,
hcn , wc shalllmow enl ) ' in part ,
Jut not until Time hcrc shall
la\'e vanished , and the world
hall havc yiclded up her living ,
md those wc have hclpcd are
rathered around us In Glory , not
! 11tH then , will wc know fully
he valuc of our prcscnt Sunday
chool hour.
Proceedings of County Supervisors.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
March 10th IIJOH.
Persuanl to adjournment of
anuary 20th l'OH , the County
loard of Supervisors met at the
ourt housc , at I ) o'clock , a. m. ,
nd was called to order hy the
: hairman.
'i'he roll was thcn calleel and
hc following mcmbers an werccl
Ircsen t :
District No. 1. . / . g. Grint.
District No.2 , Jamcs Lec.
District No.3 , 140 Cushman.
District No.4 , gd. Foley , Sr.
District No.5 , J. n. Gilmorc.
District No. ( ) , Gco. Headley.
District No.7 , Ben P. Morris.
'l'he minutes of the January
Dth , l'OS , meeting was then
ad by the Clerk and the same
'ere approved by the Boarel ,
Mr. Grin t , chairman of thc
ridge committee read a letter
: om the Secretary of the State
oard of Irrigation , in reply to
a letter from the County Clerk in
rcgard to making plans and
speifications : for a bridgc , known
as thc Sargent bridge in section
10 , town IIJ , range 18.
'l'hc mattcr was discusscd
gcncrallby the Board and it
was moved by 14cc and seconded
by Grint. that the County clerk
write to the State Board of
Irrigation , directingthcm to
make a survc ) " of said bridge and
to makc plans and specifications
'l'he Yca and Na- vote bC1l1g
called for the vote wa as follows :
Grint Yca , T4ce Yca , Cushman
Yca , li'oley Yea , Gilmore Yea ,
I Hcaene } ' Yea ;
I . 'i'hc Chairman declared the
motion carricd.
'l'hc balance of the forcnoon
was spcnt in conlllliUee work
and at 12 a. m. , thc Board adjourned -
journed till 1 o'clock , p. 111.
Board met at 1:00 : p. m. , with prescnt.
' { 'he matter of purchasing two
\wIt doors for usc in bascmcnt
of the court house was then
taken up by the Boar , and a
motiou waR made and carried
that the Court house and Jail
Committce bc instructcd to pur- .
chasc two vaults doors of the
Dicbold Safe & 1-4ock Co. , of
Dayton Ohio , at a stipulated
price of $145.00 , Ii' . O. B. Broken
E. P. Kettleborough , b- his
a tto eC. . II.
rn e- . Holcomb , app -
p arcd before the Board and
askcd that the action of the
Board taken on the IMh day of
January , 1')08 , rclative to the
establishment of thc R G. .
li'crri tor road in town I I ) , range
21 , c re-considered.
( CUUtlIlUt. UII laHl tlilll' ! . )
Still Th.e
Ever sillce lillle was-that is to
sa ) ' , as far as the ohltst Inhibltnllt
of Custcr coullt ) ' cau rClllelllher-
the lI'stclII , iu the sprlll , frolll a
spell of lether ) ' in the wiuter ,
nectlcltonln up aud there was
uothin so good for that purpose os
Anel It is stili the sallie 1l0W as
whcn gmndma declared , by the
great ham spoon , that to tone up
thc system 1\1\(1 ( purif ) ' the hlood
thcrc's Ilothing like Sassafras Tca.
You CIIIl lIIake the tOIlIIl ' \1p nu
purlf'ill kilHl of tea after procuring -
ing the sllssafras here at
35 cents a pound
- . .
S. : Fl. . Laee
I The Busy Druggist
l _ . . _ _ _
- - - -
- - - - - - -
.h. . _ _
Uru ! !
Hayc you evcr bought a
drug at an ordiuary drug
storc and aftcrwards bought
the ! ; amc drug at McComas' .
Don't ) 'ou notice a great
dilT\rcnce in that ) ' 011 got a
bcttcr qnality herc while the
price was thc same or less ?
Ed. McComas
" "