Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 05, 1908, Image 7

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Religious , Social , Agricultural , Pollt.
leal and Other Matters Given
Due Consideration.
'I'ho Union Pacific haH stored 1,200
tons or Ice at Colnmhus.
Fl'e1110nt Is to ha\'e another commo ,
dlous hall fOl' ledge IJlII'poses.
'fho farmers' Inutltuto and corn show ,
at Blair was It great succeRS. I
The friends of W. , J. DI' 'an at
Alliance ha\'e formed Iln organization.
'I'ho state moetlng 01' the Knights of
Columhus at Hastings WIlS well nt-
The landlord or the \larhlo \ hotel at
' 1'ahlo Hocl , wm ; tal\On to Omaha ror
all operation.
Oxford Is reco\'erlng from IIH late
11re and will he husy with hulllllng In
Iho near futuro.
\la \ 'or Wolz und wlfo of l'rel11ont ;
last weol , celebraled Ihelr Iwont . .
Hflh marrlago 1\11111\'orsary.
An accident occured In Ihe lahora.
tory of the David Cily high school , In
which \lIss \ Ada llIgger was se\'erely
The Evonlng News at Lincoln ha
been stucl , hy 11 jllrY or $10,000
damages In a suit brought by Elhel
The city jail at Auhu1'1l was set on
111'0 IW a tram1 > Ilrlsoner who was.
fparrnll ' hmned before helng rescue .
'fho hulldlng was not damaged.
'I'he clly conncll of Icarne ' Imssell
. an OI'llInance that all visiting ph 'sl-
clans shollld Imy the city a IIcenso
fOl' the IlI'actlclng or their 1 > rofesslon. ,
The Cat hollc Or er of Foresters wl\1 \
h01l1 Its annual meeting In Fremont I
1\Yay 24 a11l1 In connection with It wl\1 \ I ,
celebrate tllll twenty-fifth annl\'ersary
of the foundling of the lodge.
While George Rlcl\Cy of H 'annls was
riding the ran go his saddle t11l'nod ,
, . throwing him to the ground , Ho was
, fOllnd unconscious and hleedillg' , No
serlouG reslllts are apIU'l'hended ,
nev , Edwin Bode , aged 78 , a retired
minister who wont to Los Angeles ,
Cal. , from Seward some time ago ,
was strucl , and almost Instantly Idlled
hy a car on the West Temllle street
In the latter clly.
At an Illformal conference of local
11l'ohlbltlonlsts , It has llOen decided to
ask the city cOllncll of Deatrlcu to
ltbmlt the qllestion of IIcenso or no
license to a yote of the IIcollle at the
coming city election.
I < 'ranl , B\'Olmw , the YOllng man who
was a1'1'ested In Plorce coltnt ' , aftOl'
a long chase , and hroltght to 'Vest
Point , charged with deserting his wife
amI rOllng haby ; was l\l'l'alngned In
comt but not ) lrosecuted.
Deputy Secretary Addison Walt ex ,
] 1lalnell to some of the state officers
the Illan of rnl lng $25,000 hy IIrivato
anll state subserlptlons fOl' the erection -
tion of a monument to Abraham Lincoln -
coln on the slatu honse grounds.
Governor Sheldol1 ha alllOlnte(1 ) (
1\rs. A. I . Call of Oalland 11 delegate
to the international con gross of mothers -
ers to lJO held 111 Washlllgton D , C"
" " " : 'I1arch 10 to 17. 'rhe con gross will
dlscltss the wllfare ! of the child.
1.'lIltoll & SOli , marble dealers of
" 'rmore , are oXllerlmentlllg with the
g1'l\nlto boulllers which abol1nll on the
hl\1s \ near thoro. 'fhe ' thlnl , these big
roclm may he used for bases for monuments -
uments and oUlel' Idlldrcd IHU'11Oses.
1\lrs. 1\1arla Cool" mother of County
'I'reasl1rer P. H. Cool , of Otoe , died at
the home of hur son , 111 Nobraslm City ,
ag-od 90 years. She was an early
settler in this country maldng her
home In the western ) larl of the
count ' . lIer hushand , who was fJO
'earS' of age , died some flvo years
D. P. FalrolJ , county attorney of
Colfax cOllnty , Is one of the first
officials to signify his Intontlon of goIng -
Ing after Union Paclnc IHlssl1olclers ,
He aslwll the state ralllY conlin Is-
Blon to glvo him a cortlflcate to the
eeffel that DI' . James 'Voolls waH one
of the IIIH18holilers namell IIi the lsts
flied by the Union Pacll1e mlll'oal ! .
At the meeting held in the COlll't
1I0llso at Nellgh 1'01' the IIn1'lJOse of
canyasslng the lIuestion of holdl1lg a
county fall' , hy-Ia ws were adolltell fillIl
a commltteo apllolnted to solicit suh.
scrlptlons to the stocl , of the society
nnd .1. W. Gelcholl Hnd Allen HOI- )
l\1ns were alll10lnted a C'olllmilteo 011
grounds. 'l'he ' ha vo llractleally oh-
talned c9nt1'l\ct to land In eloso IIrox-
hnlly to Nellgh.
l < 'ed C. Kohlhacl { haH hrollght suit
, In the 111 strict eOllrt of Otoe Coltnty
ngalnst John Slefl\ln for $2,8:7,75 : :
damages. The defendant was altacl\Cd
hy the lattOl' In a saloon nt S ' 1'aCIl5l' ,
.1uno S , last , and cIIl tiO hadly that
for a tlmo he was not expect < . > d to
live. .1olm Sleflln wont Into the , lis.
trlct cOllrt and IIleaded guilty to assault -
sault IInd was 11nel1 $25 , Nov , , the In.
jured man hat ! brought suit fOl'
l1amages for Injurle : > rl'cel\'l'd.
A few l1a 'ri ago a lettt'r WIIB rl' .
col\'od hr his IJarents fl'0111 Charles
B\'uns , n Blall' ho ' 1I0W ! H'I'\'ln on the
battieshll ) Ohio. with Allmlral gVl\lIS'
flcet. YO\lns g\'ans 1 1I0W on hlH
! WCOlHI enlllt111ent , and Is ratl'l aR
fla captain on hit ! shill ,
\Inhlontllll'11 \ mlln was Rtl'ucl , h ) '
1Iurllngton 'IHlssen OI' No , : W. from
I\'arne ' 10 Hastings , abe It 111I''l' :
miles west of ,111nlata anll . . .t.'I ! ly
Jdllell. 110 WIIS ahout 1i'I'1 \ I 1:1 ' ' : :
Inches tal1 , drl'sbell hI lahoi , II- , I . : ' 1'-
< 'I 0 tlH' : > , lI ht mUlitllchl' IIn.1 . \ \ Ol'l' n
hads" of th" l'nltl'llIlnl' : Wor1\'I'I1'
Allsociallon ofl11erl'll ,
- - -
What 10 Required of Owners Under
the New Law.
The lasl automohlle registered In Iho
of11ce of the sccretan' of tHatI' wan
n\ll11h\r 2.224. Heglstratlolannuall '
Is now rell\llrod br the Htato luw. This
IUlII the ImrchaseoC manr lIOW mil.
chines dl1'lntl1l' / past 'enl' or two has
1'\11) the 11I \ 1I1b l' I' lip b\Y01I11 the oXPJ { "
tatlolls or dpulers. 1t Is feared that
11\ the 'cars to como when It mlllIs
1'1111 O\'l'r h ' a\ltol11ohllo he lIlay
1001 , Ul ) and hlll'1'lelllr get 11 gllmllse of
the nllmher thllt lIla ' rOHomhlo IhIH.
" 22222222222 Nob. " rot the lIlutilatoll
1I1an cOllld not bo cN'taln about the
IOllg row oC figtll'es rC\'l'alell to him.
The nm01111011 law rcqllircs reglstru.
tlon unl\lIal1r for 1\ fee of $1 ehaug's
the let tor following t:1O l\ul11ber \ fr01l1
"Na. " to "Neh , " 'fho old law required
thl' firs ! al\d last letter of the slatl' to
follow the nllmbOl' , but "Nn. " Is not
the 111'0\1\1' \ ahhl'o\'lation for Nebraslm
ul\d hllM ' ' been used ' '
\ 1\0\01' nXC'l'llt Ullon
alltomoblle nll1l1bors. ' 1'ho "Na , " has
heen of conf'ldol'abll'
a sOllret ! : sllecllla-
tlon br Neb1'llslmns who ha\'o Sl'l'1I It
011 the back end of 1110101' carB. Aulo.
mobllos that ha\'o hCl'1I registered ae.
cording to the new law mar he dll : ; .
tlnglllshcd hy the proper abbreviation
oC the nllme of the state , provltlln { ;
the ownel's ha\'o followed the law : . All
machines bought Hillco last , lanllarr
must ho reglslored for the 'oar 1908.
Records of Sales In Nebraska Broken
for Duroc-Jerseys.
1I01lIrege-1'ho "Kant-Be-Beat" clr-
clIl t of Duroc-,1 erwy brell sows , the
last sale of which was made here Sati i
lIrday , brolw several records and Is
no doubt the groatcst circuit of the
season. On 'VedneRday \ . Gllhert
Vlin Patten sold at Sulton , Neb" thll't ) '
head at the Joml qvC'ragC' of $143,2C ,
Ihe top 111'Ico holng $780 , Imld b ' n. n.
Steele oC Wood nl\-er , and 0 , G.
Smith & Son oC Kearner. On Thursday -
day George Driggs & Son , at Clay Ccn-
tel' , hl'Olw all 11I'cvious world's records
for hreed sows. selling thl1ty head at
an \'rage of $250G5 pel' head. ' 1'hC'
top 111'ieo was $1,500 for thoI'cat /
sweepstal\Os sow , Clay Centol' Delle.
What Is Shown in the Booka of Ne-
braaka's Auditor.
The hool.s In the auditor's oJ1lce
showing the rec'lpts aud expendltllres
for the 'eal'R 1905 filHI 1fJOG , show that
the total amollnt spent fOl' all pllrposes ,
maintaining the state InRlIlutions , ( 'x'
COllt the nnl\'OI'slty , the supr mo court
and district cOI\1'Ls \ , and legislatlvo ex.
penolCS , amollnted to $3SUu14.tiG. : For
the malntenanco of the IIlIlvorslt '
$8 ,7j5 ( , u was eXllonded , or almost
2.1 : Ill' I' cent of the tolal amount spent
for the entire Htate. Deput ' Audllor
Cool , belle\'es this justll1es him In lIe'
mandlng the filing of university elahnH
with Ihe atll1lt0l' , that they may he
checlwd over.
Mrs. Tillie Smith AslG S15OOO for
Death of Husband.
Lincoln-A $ luOOO damage suit waH
filed against the Hock Island rallroall
hyII'S , 'rlllle Smith , whose hllsband
was Idted ! at Earl8boro , Olda. , Feh-
ruat' ' 2 by Iho OXIIloslon of Ow holler
of his loeomotlnl'ivo \ ; chlldron , rang-
IlIg from 7 to 17 years , are left hesldes
the wlfolrs. \ . Smith alleges that It
was the fuult of the company that hol'
hllsbal1ll. who was a cltJmblo enghHH' ! ' ,
was gi\'en "an old , antlquat'd , out-of-
date ongln ( ' , " the boiler of which was
rnstod , the firehox hl\1'lIed \ out , the In-
jectol's no ! worldng and supporllng
rods weal. .
eoy Shoots Himself.
1\earnoy-Ollvel' : DucIworlh , an
elghtecn 'ear-olll hey , shot himself
while Ilt worl , ahout fOlll' miles west
of town. where wllh ono COml1tlnlon ,
Iw was loalling Imy. The ) 'OIlllg man
was standing on the hay rack anll
was Ipanlng 011 the gllll barrcl. with
the slocl , rl'stlng 111101\ the WaOIl ,
\\'hen il slipped , ' 1'he hamlllCl' sl1'uek
Ullon the wagon and the gUll wa Ills-
( 'harged , young Ducl. fa11ing to the
groulld ,
Ben Gossard Is Set Free.
\TcCool-Aftol' \ '
- twontr-thl'eo hours
of dollberatlon , the jlll'y In the case
of ox-Treasurol' Ben G. Gossll'l1 ! 1'e-
tUl'llell \'ol'dlct of not gul1t . , 'rho
fil'st hallol Htood eight fOl' con\'lctioll
a 1111 f01l1' 1'01' acqllittal. Uossal'll waH
on tl'lal 1'01' the omlwzzlcment of some
$ GOOO of Hed Willow cOllnty funds
and the fppllng o\'er the r05nlt of the
trial Is Intenso.
Grntiflcatlon at Appointment Ex.
pressed In Home Town.
Fromont-1'ho action of tho0 ; ,
hraslm 1101'gatlon In recomlllonding
Hess L. llammond for I'P\'enIlO col.
I'ctol' mepts with the approval of Fro.
mont lICOlllu of all political amllatlons ,
gxprebslonR oC gratillcaton : ullon the
rcslllt of the contro\'crs ' wel'o frc < > I '
made whcro\'OI' the mattel' WfiS dls.
Hardwal'e Dealers' Convention.
The Hardware Dealel's' assoclfiton !
will meet in Omaha Ilext 'eal' , 'l'ho as.
toclatlon oleetell the following officl'rs :
Pl'esltl < > nt , Dan Ka\'anaugh , Fall' .
hUl'y ; \'ll'e-ll1'l'hldpnt : , Hohel't Ic ,
AllIstl'r , Grand IHlllnll ; ICOIIII'leo
) :1'eshlellt. I" , W , AI'IHII , 131:111' ; thll'll
"Icepresldl'nt , W. C , 1\ lie , Hub hard ;
I mE-mhcr : ; oxecutl\'o comlllittoo to 1111
I \ .lc.4a : ( ' ' . AIl'xlc : 'cI' of lIUStlilgH.1. ' .
\ , II al'gl.j"oull " of Hoistelll : s'cI''tal'Y.
, J. 1'ranlDa1'1' ; treasurcr. H , J , lIaH ot
Llm'oln : dt.'ll'gato t.o Ilutlonal POll \pn.
tlonIn : } , l'hJl ! ot Iloldn'gl : ' .
, " . .
- -
One oE the Twol. . . . StorIe. or Solomen.
'Cop'rlltlll ' , 1\1\ ) . ' , " 1111011I110" " . \\,11 , . "uu , )
8crillturoutltol'llrl KIlI/ / : ; : '
2G..l0 ,
"Lifted up his hand < lgalnst
the klng.-Jereboam had gained
the fnvorable regard of 1lng
Solomon by his ability , Industry
and br < lvery and had been'gener. .
ously rewarded with high posl.
tlon and great authority , being
made chief over the most power.
ful tribe of the nation of Israel.
But like many another his great
success and the favoro shown
him only turned him from loyal
service to the king to the servlnrJ
of personal ambition.
Selfish ambition Is always
ready \0 offer up the friendships
of life upon the altar of personal
Jereboam was not the first
man nor Is he the last man to
let ambition dull his moral perceptions -
ceptions and blind him to the obligations -
ligations he has taken upon him.
Place side by side the pic.
tures of the bright nusplclous beginning -
ginning and the gloomy , dismal
ending of Jereboam's life and we
can read the rtory ; of cause and
effect ; the sowing and the reap-
Ing. God gave to this promising
young man great opportunities
ano great gifts , he sent his prophet -
I et to him to plead that righteous.
ness : and truth and devotion to
God might control his life , but
he turned a deaf ear to God's
voice and he prostituted his
sacred trusts to the realization
of personal gain , and .lust as he
oitcrlficed the friendship of the
Itlng DO he forfeited the favor of
i God. He was afrnld to do right ,
thlnllng to lose all , and in dolnD
wrong he found ultimately that
he had lost all and brought disaster -
I aster and disgrace upon his
hous hold.
. Ambition needs the checlreln
of devotion to God and loyalty
to friends.
Jereboam owed much , very
much , to his friend King Solomon -
mon , and then used the place
and power thus conferred upon
him to the hurting of his friend.
ThuG find Jel'eboam
we repny-
Ing Solomon's ' Indncss In the
world's coin of Ingratitude.
A trust Incurred should not
become the open door of oppor- ' ;
tunlty for the securing of personal -
sonal gain.
A false friend I How repul ,
sive the thouDht ! How unworthy !
any membel' of the human fnm-
lIy. And yet how oftcn arc auch .
met with. There Is nothing
which so wrecl < s one's faith In
human nature as to have those
from whom we would naturally
expect the mot prove fnlse , and
not only uce the favors which
have been shown them for personal -
sonal gain , but to the positive
hUl't of the former friend.
"Every man ID a friend to him
that giveth gifts , " says Solomon ,
but It Is .not the kind of friendship -
ship thnt sticks , but Is of thilt
quality which chal'acterlzed Jer-
. . . . , . . . .
"T 110 U art early , hut I m al WI1)'H
moro thun gluII to see t hoe ! "
and as the Idng elltl'l'od the 1'00 III he
extended hlH hand to the ' 1IIIIIwl1rt
roung man bowing hel'ol'e him amI
' \"armly CluS11C11 him 111 a 1IIolllentary
( 'mllraco , lIe had talwl1 a wonllI'ful
fallcy t'l this I'UOl'gCtil' official. IlIld
wl'lconll'd his comings as hI ! dill no
othl'I' Jlrlncu of tll ( ' realll1 , 'I'hol'O was
a faselnatioll ahont the Btrollg Ilel'-
sonl1l1l ' of the young mllll whleh IlI'ld
the man of nUltnl'l'r 'ea1'H , Il tool , thl'
lilng hack to the dll ' 11 of full st I'
of hlH own ' 0\11Ig lIIal1hood IInd iliad ! !
him feel again 111 the I1I111h 1111,1 , Im-
erg ) ' anI ! Iwon ahlllt ) ' of .J el'Ohol1m
tlw thl'lII of the oltl amhltloll fOl' the
accomvllshmont of great ento1"\rlsoH \ ) ,
1"1'0111 " the 1II0nlOllt that ho had flrsl
11Isco\'erlHl the YOllng 1I1an at ( 'reda
ho had roallzod that ho hall gullII'll II
1I1ustor hand which wOIIIII ml1\o ] 1I0s-
slblo the ca1'1'ylllg out of sOllie vlans
ho Inul concolved fOl' the hcantll' 'lnj :
anI ! strcngthenlll of J orllslllom , And
so ho had eagerly admltto .Jerehoam
to his confldonces anI ! flnully had COlli-
mlttod to his hanlls the wOI'I , of IHllld-
In [ . ; the beuutlful1I110 \ anI ! 1'0111111'111/0 / ;
the (1lmcult hreaches of Iho ro 'al
'l'hus hrought Into allllost dat1 ' con-
tl1ct with the I\III \ ! ; the ncqualntlllH't'
had gl'own ulltl1 1strollg IlItllllac'
exlstcd het woem the two , The aI-
tOlldants In the valnoo riOOIl Icarnpd
thut of all the Idllg's guests .J ol"obonm
was the 1II0st welcome and uJllerstolJl1
that the IIII ! ; WIlS 110\01' too busy to rt' ,
'clvo hllll , T this ' '
( or l'l'jlSOn on thl- !
mornlllg on whleh 011I' foltOl'y bllgill"
the ' hall hnstcI1ell off to the alll1l't'
monts of the Iilng In I'C'SIJUllse to tilt'
relll1est 01' .h'I'eboum , who hilI ! 1)0 ) ,
! .j.lItc..1 ( hlnuwl [ at so III1UIJIlI1.l1y I'al'h'
. : n h01l1' 111111 had aslwll 1'01' the Illn ; . : ,
. \1111 In reSllol1SI' to thl' Idn/-'s / ; \\ar.I : ,
( ordlal greeting , Jereboaul ball !
It Is the l'IIIS's hllslnl" IJ wnll'h
IJ1'lu mo ll1ltht'l" , else would I 1I0t
. . . -
. . .
. ' . ,
have lltdu1'1lcll ! theo nt 110 IIl1l\c mly
1111 hOIll , . "
"WfllI do [ Imow whut tl1\ ' ' zeal Is
h1'1n lng to lIIlS8 , " oxclnlnH'l ! 'HO\OIllIJII \ ,
npllro\'I11r.h' ,
" 'l'h ' wOI'ls , of 11\1\180 \ 111'0 rofrl8h. :
hl ! , hilt Wl' hnvo not tlllIo to IINto11 to
811'h fall' ' thl" ' " nnd
( slll'ceh " 11\01'lIilll ; ,
till' 'ouIIg 1lIl\1I illlmolliatelr 1111I1I/e(1 / (
Inlo till' hllShwSH which 111\11 hl'ollr-ht
h\1II \ to the Imltlcl' . It waH hhl hahlt.
to I'l'ach an ohjpct".o llOlnt In tlw
qnlclPHt anll hest wl\y lIoslJlhll" I\nll 110
wlthoul WI\HtO of wOl'II hn lIoon hllll
hlH ( ' 1\110 hl'fOl'll the Idng111111 1'0'
C'l\ll ' his an8WOl' 11111nllilitiounl \ In :
IItl'UC'tlOIIH fOl' tl1l' cal'1' 'ln ont or hlH
wOI'I , . 111111 was ponp.
"A I'C'1I11l1'1Ulblo 'ollng I1Il1n , " ox-
l llIhlll'll I\ln Solomoll , l'lIthllslllstlC'
I\II - , I\H the lIuol' l'\osl'd \ OIi .101'eboal1l
111111 the l'cho of his IItlll'll ' foolHtollfi
on thl' 1I1nl'hln tllln dlcll I\WII ' in the
dIHtanCl' . "I 11I1111e no III 1st II 1\0 whml
1 1If1l'1l hl1l1 fl'01I1 t he obscll1'lI ' and
IImltntions of the little town of Zere-
l1a 111111 plncell him whol'o his 110WOI'II
allil nhllltll'8 ml ht ha\'o full pIa ) ' . 1
Hhall not fOl'gl't till' hltt01"1lPHH IInll 01) '
position of some of till' 1)l'lnce8 ) at the
'oultg ml\n's IIII\'anCl'nll'nt , bllt. surely
tlmo has "Inlilcatoll the wlsllom of
Ill ) ' cholcp , And whel'c cOIIIII the Idng
IInli II 11101'0 ahle Ul' lo 'al nOI'\'ant thnn
is .10rehoa1l1' ! S 111'0,1 y , though of humble -
blo birth. ho Is II 1II'Ince among mon ,
IInll the honors of a ) II'lnco shall ho he.
stowell IIllon him. 110 shall be secOlIII
Iml ) ' to 111) ' son Hehohol1m In the Idnl-
d01l1 , "
'l'hls 1111\n , although nevOl' a8 'et
hroaclll'll to 1sln lo 1100'son , no ! . o\'en
the 1II0St confidential all\'lser oC his
] ( \ngIl01l1 \ , waB ono of the \'orllo
drounts hl' hold for the fntnl'e. A 1I1an
of snch I1Ilght ) ' valor I\nd strllln [ ; ahll.
Itles , a con)1111111lel' of men , anll C01l1'
Ing fro III the gl'eat trlhe of I phl'ailll ,
the strongest of the nl\t lon , ho of all
others woulll malco II lOwel'flll lIellten.
ant anll hellI' for hlH son when ho
shoultl cOllie to the throno. AmI soS
this thollght had grown upon him ho
hall 1111\110 lIIorn anll 1II0l'e of J erc.
beam anll no'lsItOl' at the
, no \ IHllnco , as
wo ha"o sulIl , was mol'o welcolllo
than hl' , .
And Jerchol\l1I , cOI1SelOIlH of the l'S'
tel'1I1 In which he was held : tI1I1 rea liz-
in ! . ; his Incl'pl1slng ) IOWOI' amI Inllll'
enco , mallo free use of hlH ollllOrlllnl-
ties , At IIrst thpl"O wus a scnso of IlII-
11reclatlon of the fa'OI'S and all vnnce-
1110nt which had heen bestowed upon
him , and loyalty In thollght as well
a8 dl'ell mnrl\lll his sor\'lces , hut tHI
time Ilrogressed , anll ho hecanw IIl'In-
W establlshod In hln Illaco , and ho
hUll pro\'ell the powers which la '
within hllll anll became conscious of
them , self-estpem hegan to IIlsplaco
the sense of loyally to th < > Idng , 11.1111
self-Inter'sts came IIIOl'e anll mOl'o to
dlctato anll formulate hts 1)lIcll's , 1
So It wa ! : ! that long' hefore thCl'o
hall IICen auy m'lI't act against King
Sololllon there hact he'n smouldOl'lng
the slow 111'e of hlBIII'I'ol'tlon In his
hl'al't. Bnt not nntll aftel' that last
' Inlm'\'low hall the thought ,
CJOIl1' atHl dlstlnet , of deflnito II10t
ogulns ! the Idnp ; eOlllo 10 hllll , lIe hull
talcn his 111IIC ( ' In his charlot Ilnll was
bolng rapldy ] drl\'en along the high"
way tOWill'll11110 : , where OIIlIH1rato
plans wore Iwlag carrlell ont for the
fortilication of the dty , when a ( 'om-
IHIllY of ( 'ourtlOI'M CIlI their wa ' to the
palace salntod hllll amI cried : " 111111 to
the mighty .JC'I'ohoam. " 1"01' " they
1wI'w the great. work OVOI' which ho
had chal'go and the favor In which ho
was hold hy the Idn ! ; ,
Lila ! a lIash caJllo the thought to
, I ( , l'eboalU : I
' ' 'l'ho ' how , not fOl' m ) ' falw , hnt
hecauso I Hm frll'IIlI of the Idng' , Why
not homngo for 1II 'self alone ? "
Oncl' thlH though I had fixed llsolf
I upon his mind anll 11 lal'gen' amhltion
tool , POBll'sslon of hllll. Why Ihe unl'-
, 'ant of It ] dng when ho felt within
hllll the IIOWlI'H of dominion anll au-
IhOl'lt ) " ! Comlllotl'ly alHorhed ) hy thu
. t hOIl\ht [ \ ho 11111 nol ohsOl'\'o that ho
I hllll reached 1I110 IIlltl the II river hnll
stopped the horHI'H 111\11 \ wan stalllllng
I deferontlally aWllltlng hlH 1IIIasIII'I' ,
lIastll - Hteppln fl'OlII thp I'CllIlva e ho
lsmlHHoll the drl\'el' alld , holn ! . ; In no ,
lIIoHI lit. thl' preslmt lIIoment to lal , ! !
1111 thl ! WOI'I , of t II < ! dllY , ho tlll'lIl'd allli
wllndurod ofl' Into till' Hed ] : ; ,
: SlIllIlonly tllCJ'P appollr tl hefOl'f' hllll
a 1'01'111 Wl'apIII' compll'll'l ' from head
I 10 foot In a new lIIanlll' . anll hofol'o
: ho l'ollill sponl , Iho ITIIIII hall HI I'ipl'P11 '
hll1lllolf of thl' gnrllll'nt IInd with fiwlft.
I 1I1'I'co mo\'onH'nt hall tOI'll It Into 1.J :
: pleeoll , thrllstlng 1011 of th ( > 1II Into .Jer-
I ohoa111's autonhJlwl1 hand , IInd ox.
elaIJ1lln :
! "Tnlw theo tl'1I 1locps , : 10'01' thul1
: saHh the 1.01'11 , the God of hlnlOl : Bo.
hell ( , 1 will 1'1111 the Idngdo111 ollt of
thhllnll of So oinon. ! lIltl will give ten
I trllll's to theL' , "
A t \'ol1lonth I'olled 1..1) ' a 11I1 II11' \ ,
Ing the time Joreholllll hall not IlCon
. From the hem of his Into1'\'lew
. . . . .Ith the prophet In the 1I01d ho had
I not eeasod fo\'erlsh , ongor plotting
: IIgalnst the 1lng , for Eald ho , "what 1
i 1\111 to have , I will secure at once ; "
whllo at the 8a1110 h11e ho sought to
I maintain n. semblaucC' of lo'alty to
I King Solomon. lIut Inllllng of the fal.
i Blly of , J orohoam I''achlng tl1l' ours of
, SOIOIllOI1 , ho nought to 11111 him , and
II JOI'ehollm fled Into gg'tlt to USCltl10
. him.
' Sitllors Outwitted Pirates.
I' PI01'I'O Lol1'llt , n. rotlrod BOn. captalll ,
has jU t 11Iod lieUI' Bordeaux at the
I ago of lOa. 110 was only II when ho
: w\nt to tPaB : ! ! II cahill ho ' , 111111 lI\t ( > I' ,
, \\'hllo toj\I'\'ln- ! : III French hllrl. , ho
\\'IIS tal\C11 call1lve h ' SpalllHh JIlI'ates ,
110 allll hi ! ! ! follow III'iHOl1lJI'H fillceecllell
III ' ' ' ' ' ' rlwll' ' ' , tukln
lI\'l'I'IIO\\'I'I'III : C'll\ltOI'H \
( 'ulI'mun' ' III t hi''l sd : : ( llId IJlllIgllI
It pafl'l Inlll LI FI'C'IIl'\I \ litH" wllNO
till' l'lt'a ' ' ( 't ! WNl' hnnd'd 0\1' to the
'III\\ ' ' .
- -
, W < < ilnn nnll@ o 1Qn" ) ) .
- . , - . . . . . . . . . - - . . .
The first c09tUl1l0 Is 11 ver ' pl'l'tty l.1reA5 In IH\Htcl \ hluo face cloth ; the
81\1rt haH 1Illeat olC : h Rldo front HWchell neal'h' the whole lellgth : from thlR
two rOWf ! of nlllt orion tal Ol1lhl'oldel' ' nro ca1'1'oll ( Cluito round. 'I'ho bo(1Ice has
omhroillory up each side , IIIltl a lJOlnted vcst of white aliI , ombrolilorod wllh
hI no and golt ] t Insol t hreall 'rho tight Httln 111111111' IHlrt of sleeve Is tuclted :
th UPIJer part , which Is full , IH tuclOlhOl'lzolltnl1 \ ' on Iho front. lIat of
lfilo hluo felt t rlm111cll with IHIWH or hrown velvet nnll osll'lch fenthOl's.
Matm'lals 1'l'quh'I'INino \ : Yll'dfl ! , W inches wide , nine : rards omhrohlory ,
so\'en 'I\1"lIs satcon fOI' IInhl ! .
'rho sceOllll hllH 11 slell't of gmy plalll elol1l wllh 1I0llnco of Illnln cloth at
Coot , ahove whlp-h Is olle of IlIa 111 , 'I'ho eoat In of t hI ! plain cloth with revort.
and 1II111el' SIl'O\'C'H of 11111111. AH will ho twon I ho Cllt 13 IIl1lto now : the front.
helng olllr fnRll'IIl'11 on hllst , RhoWfI a S111I\1'1 hlolHJO beneath. lIat of gray
stl'llW trl111111011 wllh lilli , ruches anll lIamasl < roseH ,
\latorlals \ rl'lJlllrell : Flvo 'III'1\f.I \ Illalll , \j \ ( Incho6 wiele , four 'I\1'lIs Illnln
cloth , Hi Inches whlo , six 'Il1'lls nlll < fOl' IInhl/ / ; coat ,
. . - - Y- n - _ _ - - - . . . . . . n - . . . .
Iiuclmbacl. Is again as IIOpul1.l' . If
not moro so , thHII 0\\1' hefOl'o with Iho
faner neol\lo \ WOI'IH'I'S , No wonIlOl' ,
after olle spes the 100'lI ' hllR of fancy
wOI'k malic with hllclwhacl { ! 1.IHI tinsel.
S01110 YOl'y III'ott ' hllgs arl1 mallo hy
using sllvl'l' OJ' golll threall to interlace - I
lace the IIttlo huclwhack thl''mls find
often the worl , IH moro arliHlIc'al1 ' out.
lined with go1I ] 01' SI\\'l'I' \ heads threaded - i
od whl\o \ lho wOI'IOI' Is oulllnill/ / ; the
pattol'll. E\'I'I'y 8tylo Imaglnahlo IH
seen In this worl , anll J\Hln \ ' oriental
Jlattel'1ls show \'al'loly of co's \ ( ! with
golll pll'ntlfullr uRed In out1fneH. A
IIl'essl'I' scarf WIlH mlHlo with three
tabs at each end. each elld huttollholo
stltchell with 1Hllo hluo Hllk anll
wOl'lwll with eyelot. A IJvo thin waH It
slx-Illch hanll of 111I0 ] hluo mOHale lIe-
fllgn , outllnell with golt ! . III the contcl'
waH a t1'il\nglo of oltl and hlllo. Pin-
clIBhlons , chilli' cuahlons Ilnd IlI'UC'
tlcally evol' 'thlllg In Il eovor lIeslgn
can be fashlonell thlH way. Llltlo
opem bags are wo\'cn with ullver
threads mill Imn/ / ; with long llOnllant
Bllvor threallB alld golll In tc\\ovo ) 11 ,
wllh golll throalls 111111 golll headl : ! , 01'
hlack thrcall allil gold berulH. 'rho
heavr sl\k-IIlw \ floGS Is hctt ; fa I' the
1IIII'jlOHO 111111 can IJO thremled with
finer golll thrcalls.
. . .
Oll'llIes are emJll1'e at the hael"
'I'ho 8111'11Ig' tllll0l'1I111110 113 III'oltler
t.han for years.
Coats 111'0 shOl't and fit the form' '
closolr In th ( ' IIcwoHt lIulis.
Sleeves , 1I0spito'aI'latiolls , gonor'
allr fire uIln ( .1l1pllnosu lilies.
Metal II'ck1 ! e\'olling HCnl'ffi are Ills-
thwtlr gg 'lltiall 111 n ppearanco.
Cretonne Jlattprlls applHII' on ( 'yor "
thillg , fro111 lII'gl\lllllo to 11IIIIO { ,
Skh'ts al1110Bt without nxcollllon lire
IllallclI In 0110 Wll ' 01' Ilnothor.
The plain coat slecyo Is the enl ' ono
used fOl' the now short , tight skll'ts ,
'J'ho tOllch of gl'l'on Is chic jllst now ,
and Incllldes the l < id slillperB of rich
laurnl green ,
Chip stl'll w lUltS , ills : mll1 , again will
bJosuolll out. .Just now loghol'lIs loall.
Coarse sl1'a Ws 111'0 1l1oro 1II'01l11nont
than formel'ly.
A glorilled rajah sill , jllst oul , seolt-
tng sJlrln favOl' , han a fialln Hnlsh alld
Is In a tWo-tono woa\'u.
French Girdles.
The no11,1105 , sOllt OVOI' fr0111 the
contol' of fllshlon al'O narl'Ostrll18
of rlhbon or \ ' < , I\'ot , 'J'ho ' go ul'OlIIlIl
the waltt fr01l1 the eontol' of the
front , ( 'r08S In the Imel. , rolllrn , find
lIe n IIttlo to 0110 side in a Imol ,
whence the euds hnng to the Imues.
It 18 a gl'HcC'ful style , hilt It w1l1 no\'el'
suit wOlllon who show an ' signs of bo.
( ,01l11ng stollt. 1'01' the IInos In fl'Ont
! enl ' acc < . > nlllnto IIIC' size of the hillS.
- - - - - - - - - - -
Velvet Coats with Cloth Collars.
Nothing Is PI'otllel' than the Iloth !
, RIll't : "Urlllolllltell lJy a 10llg velvet eoat
I the suml' color. 'J'hIJ tiklrt will ha\'o
I n t wo-Illch l.lIuJi ( of'el'l't : lit thl' NIIO ,
For ) 'oun gll'lu lIalnt ' pallteS'.1UdCH \ '
I nro 111uch Hought v.ftel\
Htlr : : Must Be Kept In Perfect Condl.
.tlon-Arrnr\ge \ It to Best Advll1tagc.
The secret of heautlful hall' Is In
Imowlng' how to 111alO Iho mOllt of it ,
how to cohx 111\11 \ cOlldlo It Illto gmw.
ill , aliI ! to 1I1'1'I\n0 It to the best 1108.
slhlo Iltlvalltage ,
It In the nat.ural frame for the face ,
111111 whet hel' 01' 110t this frame Is bo.
cOlllln ! ; remains with the WOm&D her.
self ,
A hOI'r\d \ , untllly , sllpshol ! wn ' or
twisting lip onO'f ! CI'O\\'II of glory will
111111w the 1II0st adomhlo wOlllan loolc
IIIw It cm'toon.
AI'I'IIIIO ; It In flllfrr , prott - , neat
coils aliI ! It will change tho' carl0011
Illto a pletnl'o wOI'th Ilhotogmllhiug' .
It Is woudOl'fll1 what t01'l'Ihlo things
a wonllln { 'IIU Io with hOI' own head.
YOII think this when 'Oll go to n.
mntllleo Ullil view the fICa of mllsflY
/OJIIIUliloll1's / ! anll cl'l1olcol ! 11111'Is and
wlHpy locIs npl'olltl out hoforu you ,
liah'lllns 111'0 flllllug , hall' I'lbhonfi
111'0 IlIsty ! all(1 ( sOlloll , stmggly omlR
01' hah' are looldngOllt to see what
they clln oh13ol'\'o , whllo hero IIHI there
Is dlHplllrod lhu IJI1Hllless enl ! of n.
Bwltch thllt has not hoen Iu'ollel'ly can-
C01l1hs 111'0 set In croolcl ! , and In
many e\flen \ a heud of hall' looks moro
1I1w a blrd'H nest than a colffuro.
' 1'0 have Ilrolly hall' 'OU l1rst of all
11111Sl hllvo elean hiliI' .
' 1'hls moans that 'Oll shollld sham.
pee It o\'el' ' two weol < s.
'rho hllll' catches o\'en moro dust
than the faeo , . .
It hUH IL thousand 1Itt10 arms rench.
Ing' out ( or it.
The Bordered Gown.
An ol'lglnul whlto fl'ocl , ' of the
"youthful sllullllelty" 01'1101' struck anew
now note the ollwI' dny , Illlng ! worn
hy II goden-halrcd ] girl In Hllght 1I10\11'n. \
In , It was a soft flImlnesH of very fine
whtu ! not I'esomhllng tulle , anll hoth
the UPIIOI' skirt ( short to the knees In
front aUII IlJlIHll'ent1 ' cllught up at t.ho
back of the wnlst to fall 111 h'l'oHularlY
olged ! hex 1leats , ) anI ! the lower ono
WOl'O bordl\l'ell with It deep hem or.
hlacl. vol vet , above which was em-
hroldOl'l,1 , III It jet l'unnlng design of
round garlanlls IInl ! rlhhons" looping
OVOl' anI ! 1I1111el' It band of sliver tllSUO : !
111.111 hmlOllth the not.
'l'hl8 Irlett coull ! ho val'led and cllr.
riel ! out In all sorts of colors , or 111
one 01' two IJhades c01l1blnod with n
whlto 01''OI'y ! gown , 01' all In ono
IUllo 11110.
The cllfToronco In material Is often
sufl\clout \ contrast ; vol\'ot on chiffon
or crepe clo chlue , fOl' Instance.
Lace Gowns.
'i'lw majority of lace gowns are car
1'1011 out lu whto ! , for ! \ great deal oJ
whitu III worn at the southern resorts
hath In regll1'll to toilettes and mlllll1
el' ' , with I\'ol' ' liS its ohlef rl"ll { , bl11
Iho lace gown Is nlso conspicuous It
colOl's sItch as l'I1.sllberr ' pink fine
1Il0h hrown , It frocl , of the latter car
rlell ont Inluuched \ Illcu having beneath
noath It 1131111 \ of Ivor ' tatlu ,
Serge Cutaway Coat.
A ' ' ' to the
SUl'l'CHHOl' covert coat.
whkh loug ago hal ! Its dcathblow lid
1'111' at ! smart dressmaking Is COil'
cel'ul'd , Is It sel'go cutaway with lonl ]
hllHfjUeR , fastening with three bnt
I1nd 111 oithul' black ' ' '
tOllS , 01' blllo. 'l'hlll
Is II. sOIHlruto coat and will be dl8t1ncll
I ) " modish with 01U101' tub trocks or
t W Jd6 lIud cheviots.