Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 05, 1908, Image 2

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    , , .
- ' - -
- a--
The Funny Things One Scea
1 m ,
J Smilin Round the World
-I In OIlahorna W(1 WI'I'I' ntallell for a
! < ta ' In n tOWII C'allell ShawJwl' , 'I'ho
sUllllly on OUI' I1lnera'e / ; out a1l(1 ( at
I thlH tOWII WO hnl1 0111' IInt ; OXIl 1'Il'nco
with local l'l'sta1l1'1llltR , 'Vo Wl'nt to
the " ! ' : ow gnglanl1 Homo Il'staul'ltnt , "
:1 : socalWo ! ! ! , \ Ilhln't Ilm'o Hit down , for
fenr wo'll lIover got loose a/nln / , 'rho
' sanllwic'hcs WOI'O mal10 of hrl'all at
, I least two and a halC IIIChl'lI thick with
a Illeco of cold fried lwefstoak ho ,
tweon ,
Wo toolt a chance at the real thIng
In hot tOlllalos ono Ilay , A 1IL110 hey
; was lellln , ; tholll at 0110 o ( the sta-
I . tlons , Well , after the Omt hlto , IIIlno
I fell out of the whuloA lean IUIlI
melancholy dOl ; mlulo a dlvo for It ,
gave a sniff anl1 , with a dllJapllolntctl
loole , fJllCnlwd away , and I didn't)1I1mo \
hIm , lIe loolted hungr ' , too"
. . . . . .
At pno oC these 1It1Ic 1II'ItIrio towns
that seem to actually leap out of
space , they COIIIO so sUddenly Into
vIew , wo fOllntl 0111' cow In n shotl hy
the stal1on , Wo made lJulto a atol )
here and ever 'ono got Ollt. Sc\'oral
of the paflsongcrfl wIshed to follow 0111'
cllstom and \IIY \ some milk , und SOIIIO
I advonturolls ones even oS I1Yl'tl the IIn.
aCCllstomod Ceat of mlllting IH'r them-
olve , I waf ! offorotl the chanr" tory
-ry , but rousel1. having Roro rOI'olll'c ,
tlons of my first and lant aUl'lIIllt to
milk ,
It was on my unclo' farm up In
NO\'I' Yorlt state , and I , wIshIng to 110
over 'thlng that a 1'0111 farmer nhollld ,
doslrod to 011\011 milking aIl1on lilY
accorn)1l1shmon ) tll , Bolli ! ; of tenllel'
'ears , antl with the conftlollco ) that
l1suall ' nccolIIlJlllles : that stage of life ,
I , cntc'red the ha1'l1 for III ' Omt INson ! ,
with the l1tmmlt nonchalance , anll i
gaily hummIng 1\ dairy tune , I don't
remember how I came out , hut I thllllt
It was hy the elevated , When I first
looked at the cow nho was all llOaco
and contentment , but when she saw
mo Bho looked dlssatlnfied , and I Imow
thel'o was a klcll : cOllllng , She slOll110d
( 'howln hcr clld 111)(1 ) ( lot It rlln down
the 10011-thon , aCtoI' a few mlnlltes ,
she rang It111 agalll , havln docillctl
\1pon her 11110 of actloll , Lalm' I din.
covered that I was Oil the IIno , and
vor ' ncal' the tramlJllltLor ,
. . oJ . .
At the nforo1l10nLlonod Shawnco wo
bog an to got SOIllO entertalnllll'nt fr0111
0\11' IIIlsfortunos , A 'OUIII man ( rom
Callro I'll I a , ono of these lIel'lolls follows -
lows , with a face I\Iw \ a dearoll , but a
( und of hlllllor wllhln , Wl'oto Ollt tolo.
grams containing the mont airy flights
of Imagination , and Rhowell thcm to
the anxious and . ' '
IH.I'IJIIll'ln IHu songor3 ,
who IIllont their tlmo Ilret t ' olJually bo.
tween swoal'ln at the management of
the road and nml\lIg \ lho )1001' ) contluc ,
tor's lIfo mlsol'lbll' ,
Ono of these tl'legrnn1 was hewn
to mo , It IItated that the honl of 010'
1)lu\llls belonging to Hlngllllg Bros. '
I I' , ' Wrote Telegr&lms : Containing Air ) '
Flights of Imagination ,
circus , that wus IIlallod , to miles a wa ) ' ,
were to bo brought OVOl' and talw the
passellgors on , tholr baclts across the
washouts , where allother traIn woul
mcet thom ,
Looking around to dlscovcr the uu ,
thoI' of thl' ) d ( > lIclous flcLlolI I was mot
b ' a Pl'otol'lllltlll'l\lIy solemn glance
and n CO\l1lll'ehonslvo WillI. ,
Actol' that wo Iloolod 0111' onorglos ,
and when I thllllt of what wo made
that trulnful of IHlssongors hellon ,
not to mention the sovornl ether tl'alm
wo were alwu's mooting , for wo were
genel'l\lIy stalled lIovelland eight del'p ,
I am astonlahed at the cl''lllIl\t \ ' 01
bumun nature ,
I We devised ono tolegrum abollt
number oC prall'lo Schoollor8 that wer <
to como lJ\'or the hlllB ami taltc1K h
'Jld Spanish trails far from the wilsh
outa , 1\1y \ sOl'lo\1s frlolld IIhowod tlu
mellllaso , vOI'Y aecrotlr , to IIn oxclta
blEl U t1o Oormlll1 , who o\\clontly \ belonged
longed to the Ulloetla : Child umllUu '
( or o hlld about a bl\l ; r's dozen 0
smal ! ' cbltdl in , und a [ ; C'ntll' , chlldllkl
faith that WUII tl'lily touchll1 ! ; ,
We UIJIirc _ him that UIO conducto :
. .
. . . " .
" . . ,
I Ollllt let ollh' a few In on this oxcep.
t lonal opportllnlty , aR It wOllld ho hn ,
1108111"10 to talO 11) ) ) the pllBsongors , It
wOlIlII bo lJ'rOSfSary to 8'Cllro tickets
In 01'1101' to Jl't plac ( > f ! . nnll ho'd helter
110 It lIuw-untl not I.t the conductor
Pllt hll1l Orr--JURt InslRL
In zrcat ; l'xcltoll1ont the IIttlo man
lIow to Iho IHlor , ( lIstrnotod conductor ,
IInll al1)11 ) ; hlll1 IIIYSfNlolISly for tlbk.
elf ! for hlllllwlf and flll1llly ,
"Tlcl ( ( > tR-what tlelwts 7" demanded
that 101llIuIT01'Ing II1l1n ,
"Ah , ) ' 011 lI1ow'OIl Iccndt fool mo
-I Iwow all alloull It , mlno frendt , "
wllr. ln a lnowln flngor In front or
hlR 1I0RI' ,
"I Iwow thllt 'Oll 1I111st " 0 crazy , I
tlnn't Imow anything IIhollt uny extra
tI'ltl'lH , "
" ! 1ot'g nil I'lght. ' YOII don't wnnt to
1 < ' 11 Oil , "wI I har IIC0n tolllt , I wlAh to
ged tlgl'ds for dose hralrlo mggons-
VII t ? "
"YIJII'I'O craz ) ' ! " hello wed the oxas.
IJI'rnlfll ! cOlIllIelor ! , to 0111' unholy joy ,
"Whu'll Ham 1I111 talc ! ) 'OU anythln
a hOlll IIl'all'lo wllgon ! ! 7 YOII'VO hoon Ollt
III I ho SIIII tou lOll ! ; , DlIlch ' ; 10 to bed
IUIII lIut Ice on YOIII' h ( > ad , "
. . . . .
'I'1ll' lIIonolon ) ' of 0111' trip WI1S 1111"
lh'r varlod h ' the a 1'1'1 val at ono sta ,
"Covered Her Head with a Blanle
When I Pointed My Camera at Her.
tlon o ( a Iud ) ' of the peroxhlo tint of
hlonde , who s1I1uggh.'t ! In 1sma ) )
monlQy ant ! a Iurgn-slzed flask , 'rho
monkey was hhl l'n beneath the berth ,
so Bhe wOllld not have to Ill1t him In
the haggago car ,
' 1'ho groatcnt I'cltomont : onslled ;
IIlghtgoar Ilnd IIl1gerlo (1 ( trust I mo !
lho rIght WOI'II ) were In gl'cat ovl-
donco , B\'or'unc aRIQtl everyone else
what UI" trouble waB , but none seemed
to Iwow ,
Finally the mystery was solved ,
'rho blonde IlId ) ' JlloatlClI 011 her
Imoos In Vl'y muudlln accents 'that
lhl' hard'1C'arl'd conlluctor wOllld not
Bent ! hOl' pI'l'clous pet to the huggugo
( 'ar ; bllt ho'IIS obdurate , and 11001'
Chl'o Wllf. ! ballinhed to the ncco1l1l1unl.
IIll'nt of his milltress' sobs ,
. . . . .
At m Paso wo were stalled 11) ) ) 0110
Sunday ; hilt with the mqlCctntion oC
ICII\'lng O'y ! momollt. A hull fight
was on , 0\1' In 1\loxlco , just HCI'OSR
the 1'1\01' , hilt wo dared not so fOl' fear
, of helng left by 0111' train ,
I"l'om m Puso we 1OIIt north across
the IIl'ld tahle IUllds , the low hilllJ , like
CI'1I1Ull10d , I'usl ) ' till. lying alollg the
hOl'lzon , 'I'hl' ' ' ' '
) are tl'l'UII1'e ! hOllsos of
COIIlll'r , these hills , lUul , o\'el' ) ' few
1I11l0s , 1mlno ollolllllg IIIU ) ' 110 Roon
Ilol'chell high up 011 a hlllsillo , n short
1311111' of the railway I ( > adlng to It.
CI'Oslng ! ; the tl'Ol't ! b ( > tweon ' 1'lIoson
ant ! I"OIt YU1l1U , wo ran Into a sUIHI
stOl'l1'rllt. ! flllo SlUul sIfted Illto O\'Ol'y
alllllll'st ollonlng unt ! 1I1udo hl'l'alhlng
well-nigh 111\,08slhlo : , I"ol'tunuteh' It
did not last long , Wo hllll only I'Uh
Into cOlnor of It , IInd W1'O SOOIl out.
'rho desert showoII un BO\'l'ral If her
calu'ldollB moodfJ , fOl' prnsontly wo
wontl'culell lo 11 m08t 11l'l'foct mlrago ,
AlllHll'ently a lulw (1hl'uall 1'1\1'1' ill
the Ile ; t'rt , with 'IIttlo Islols lUul roclm
ml1'I'ol'l't ! 111 the most beautlflll , C'onl
aUll WI'Uost lool\pg ! watel' I1l1uJ.lnatllo ,
I"ol't Yuma clalnm the dhtlnctloll ; of
h'lng the hottest Illaco III tbo lInlon ,
story Is tolt ! of IL sohlll'1' who 1I\'tl
thel'l' , alld Illeti. 'I'ho night after his
tl'ath ! his spirit alllwlu'cd to some ot
hh ! COIIII'IHIl's at thl'h' CIIIIlII lire , 'fhly
asltl'll him what ho walltod , tUltl 1\0
salt ! Hadon was no lUuch coltlol' thall
Yllllla 110 had como back for his
It cortallllY lived UII to lls rOlllltation
the day wo WOl'O there ,
A numbCl' of Indians WOI'O soatl'll by
the IlluHorm tlslllaylng ! IIrtlrlcs 01
bl'lHlwol'k Cor lIalo , 'rhoy obJect strcn ,
uously to tlelllg Ilhologl'allhell-thllll"
III lIw ( 'ulllom htH ! the evil n'l' , 111111
while It talws theil' IHlI'tralt will ulsc
stoul a war thl'lI' ROllI.
1I0WOVOI' , tlwso SCI'III1Il'S ( 'au b (
ovol'como at the I'ato of IiO COlltS II
SCI'IIIIII' , Who sa 's the commercial In
Rtlnet 1111'1s nut In the hrellst of the
Jndlall ?
0110 0111 WOlllall , who was saltl to bl
R hllllllrol ! 111111 1'0\11' roars ohl , rU\lI'OI
1101' hcal ! with hel' hlnnl'l't wh'n
IlOlntetl m ' call10l't ut hl'l' , 101' hel
ontOl'talllml'nt 1 11I1 ! a IIttlo slolghto !
hantl work , malln ; ; the 1111118 with 1
IllIal'tl'l' , IlI'ctolllllug to sWlIllow It
then Illol\lIg \ it off hel' blanket , fll1all :
I'lIbbotl It Into mr tI'OIlS ( > 1' log IInl
IIIlulo It tllS11111WI\I' l'IIt1l'ol ' ,
I ollly slIccel'dcd III frightening thl
IlCJor 0111 croutllro IIhllolit to lIeatll
She clasllell hOl' 111111118 III fear , mlHI ,
the slgll oe the ( , I'oss. ol'oolted he
IIl1gers to IIV(1l't the ovll 0)0. anll
IIOllltlllg to lIIe. IHit hOl' IIngol's to ho
head IIIto hol'lls , IndlcatillI ; that I wa
a gontlollllln oxtl'omelr wolJ.mowl !
bllt of II11Sa'OI'Y'l'putatlon ,
Ll'a\'III these IlItol'esting rOl1l1lnnt
of tlw grr Ilt ruro that oneo owned th ,
IlInll , \ \ ' ' eontl1luNl uIlon our 111111 ; ;
Intorru1ted lourncy ,
I >
. . '
, _
' , .
" , . . .
WIIJJD r- _ .11 _ eN . : . )
- - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. . . . . . ' -
L r. ; : . .
_ . .
1'IJl : CO/'fNON .l1ROWN RA'1 T./PQN I
WHICH ! 111NClor .lJ.IA7'H ,
l.lA Jl.'l-N ! PA 1CD..8 i
+ , _ { " 4-t ;
. .
- - - -
j"'OR Z'HJ1 RF.Z'c5.ze I
'I'h. . . I'IIt mllst go , DOllmar ] { IW8 hoen
the IIl'st lIalloll tll IHlsn It rat oxtor-
1II11111th ! law anl1 to hogln the lIystc.
mullc wOl'lt of IlcstroylllJ , ; thn IlOsts
whl'h scJelltitn ! : cl'o < 1lt with helng tlio
gt'l'atcst agonls 111 Rprca < 1ll1 doallly
dlr.l'aSI'H alllOIlJ. ; lIIallllIul. gn 11l1111 Is
l'I'PPIII'III ' lo follow the eXllmlllo thus
I't :11111 Amol'lca allll othe ! ' nations al'e
, lIlIly wlliting to ho aroufloll to < 1eflIlte ) ,
l'oncel'tl'll aclloll , 111 San F'mllclsco
1III'I'IIIIy111' han heC'1I made on the
Hll , for It Is no 10n C1' a lIIaltor of
Ilouht thllt the throatonell scourgc of
huholllC' Illaglw In that city \\'IIS duo
to the wOI'I , of I'lIts ,
En'I' since last : \Ia ' when the IIl'st
( 'I\HI'H of whnt. was Iloclarotl to
1) ( ' hllhollio Illagllo mad their
1II'l ( IlI'HIIeO lit Sail Fl'Hnclsco It
waR \lI'O\'CII \ hy the lTnlL tl Slntos
: \Imille I1oR\lltlll \ sC'I'\'lc'o Ihut. thn
the lalB WNI' I'l'sponslhlo fOl' the
Hrolll'gl' , t hl' war hllR hl'ell ( ' 111'1'1011 011
rflll'IIt1I'RHly agalllRl the roclPlltB , "Tho
ratR IIII1Rt,0 / \ , " han belll Iho IIlogl111
of Ihe health allthol'ltieB allll all Iho
11\1'1 hlJlI ; ; Imown rOl' the ( 'xl l'l'lIIll1atioll
of the IIPsts havIJ hl'l'lI olllllloYl'l1 , allil
11 IR only II Ilill'stlon of tlllll' whl'n
olhel' CItIOH of thin COlllltl'Y , 01' lho na-
tlollal gove1'1uI10llt Itself , will take \III
lhln 1\lIl'nlloll \ nnll Illallgllrale a cuncol't.
011 ralllllUlglI agaillst SII' Uodolll.
I II yl w of the gl'owlll III'ejlllllc ( >
agalnRt lho rat , the history of th ( '
HIILI'l'IIt 1II0\01ll01lt 1111111'1' the Dallish
rat law ll'l'Bl'nts an Intercstlllg c11l1l1-
tel' 111 econolllic zoology l11ul h 'gll'lIo , I
'I'ho \ ) ( ' ( . ' I'lits off thl' tllll of ( , l\l'h
rr to 1I\'oh\ \ tlolI"mYl1lenl. \ } . 'l'Ill' hlllll-
" 111'1'0'mTIt's 1I11'-t1ghl 1''plal'lI'H fur
t hI' "olllcs ,
It also 8erveH to show how a lIIan ,
ha\11I1 ! ' tal\OlI holll of a truth lint ! \lOS \
ReHsillg IIlIholllltlcd el1l'I'gyllltl / ! 'lIthll-
Rlaslll , IIII1Y , singlo-hllllded , nght tllP
1II0st IIIt'1'clll'sS rllllclllo , all alllll1l1lng
IPlhargy , 111111 It IINcl' anl1 )10 ) wl'l'fll I
oPPoRltlou , anll ) 'l't 111 the end 1'1II0rAI'
\'iclOl'lollnly with the whole cl\'lIIzptl
wOl'hl rallylll to hh : ! , ; nV\lorl. \
That Is , 111 soliI'I' tl'lIth , what ha ; !
happl'lIl'tl to Jollschla : , till ! DalllHh
cl\11 ellgillol'r , who Is till' allthor , cllll' [
II \HHlIh' \ , anll 1\11111f1pllted "gom'I'allH'
1111110" 01' the worlll'R crusade agaluHt
thl' rat. Whl'lI first , 11'11 ) 'oars ago , hI'
l'alHI't ! hltl'olc ( ' , " ( 'all1n hlR ( 'Ollnll'Y-
IIII'll to al'lIIs" anll 11cJ1nl\lItling I ho 1111'
1II1'I1Iall' 11I\RRIIIg of It law 1'01' the
wholormh' I'xtol'lIIll1atioll of lhe rat ,
.thl'l'o " 'IIR lIIuch lIIel'l'lmollt 111 I ho
; llIlo of Dnlllllllrlc 11111. III'CSl'lIt1y % 1If1ch.
lag IlIlhlhhetl a hoole : "Tho Hat alltl
Civilization. " Jt cOlltlllnl'tl It tOl'l'lhlo
Inlllc ! IIIl'nt of the hl'owII I'HI , 111111 gl'llIl.
lIall ' hl'Onght ahonl a 1'IIIIIcal ( 'hllllgO
III t hI' IllIhlle Oplllioll , 10'01' % l1scllll1g
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1'\'lIlPnco
hatl III'o\'l'11 hy O\'I'I'\\'lwlllllllg' \
thaI the ral flllllllH' 110 IIRof1l1 flluc-
tlolI , thut I'al'll I'llt eOHln at the lowest
I'Rlllllllto 0110 flll'lhln allllY "to IWI'II. "
Hllll UH tlll'l'o WCI'O at Il'uRt III ! IIH1I1) '
1'IIIH In 1)1'1111I111'11 : as 11001110 , thl' IIcel1-
) PHI' 10HH 111 fOCHI IIlonl'-lo suy 1I0lhing
of t hI' lIIat'l'llIl 110Rt I'o'ell b ' t helll-
wlIlltl 111 0111' 'car IIIIIOUllt to SOIllI'
, C HlOOOO , frl' fml hOl' showetl ( 'oncln ,
, I\'l'ly I hat I h ( ' 1'111. IH till' chll'f a l'nt
-IIII'cal1ln ! t rJcohlnosls-lt I1lsea o 1\l. \
t II' Imown In 1' n lanll 111111 Anll'l'lca ,
hilt a VI'I'r I'l'al tlang'I' In DOIl1l1al'I-
allll with ralfl lilt nit Ion ho saw that
1 hI' ml Is also 1II'Imal'IIy I'esllonslhlo
fOl' t hI' fl'l\l'flll I1l\'agos of the bll ollic
Illngll ! ' In Inilla anll othol' cOllntl'll's
\\'lthlll thl' ) lln lIC' l'lI , hCCIHH1' : ! It
fOl'ms IIII''l'hl'lo hr whll'h the Illagllo.
111'11 IR u'ansfl'I'I'l'11 fro1l1 a ) llngllo ,
stl'kkl'n nlltl\'o to a healthy ono ,
'l'hlH InLtC'I' state1l1ent IIPl10nled to
thc ! Wlltllllllnt of the Danish IJ'Olllc ;
thl' 1'1'01111 flll't'IIS 111 wllll' 1'I1''ll's a
1111\\'Nflll ar lIIl1..nt . 1111 homlnl'lII , hilt
Pl'l'\'l'tJ allo > to 111'01180 a hit tel' hatl'ol1
a1l1ong Ihuso IntNl'stel1 111 the Danish
1I00'It I'XIIOI't 1I'IIIlt1 , who dill lIut SOl'U'
1110 tll 11l'1I01lnCO Jollschln : as IIn ene1l1) '
to his lI\\'n cUllnll' ' ; hilt the "tl1l1llle
6111n" ( , lIlIlal1wll In' the 1I1'6t ( , Ollllt oj
IIII' 1IIIIII'11I1l'nl I.\'I\\ \ ' ! ' Ihl thl'lftr DallN
"flll'hlllHlr ' Iu thlnl , , " , A 1111 % 1I ( 'hla
111'\1'1' II1',1 \ , of 110111 LIng ollt , "II' ) ' 0\ :
will tall' till' trollhlo to IHISS 1law
t h 1'0 II Ah YUill' rOllroRulltal1ves , I'lIlItllI
I : \11 \ 1'111111111 01' 0111' Ilellll ) ' to e\'l'I'rOlI (
whll 1I\'IIIgII \ a IlI'ad rat , rOll \\\11 \ sav (
( 'oIlI'Nlvl'I ' l'\'OIi shllllllgs allll nve
IIl'lICfI 011 thai l'at fOl' I'a'h YI'II1' n
lit > IIIHIII'al ' lIt'l' YOIIIrollt It froll
11lillo : , . \1111-1\1111 thIs Is II'l'IT h
' 1I1111''un will IIlso Have It l1ulllhel' a
111'01111" 1I111 ' 110 ) 'UI\I'S \ 0 it' a 1I10llg them
fl'UII1 Ih'llIg of tl'lchlllOlls ! , Xow , I
lho rnhl 110 11111. ( ! IIIHiO ) ' 011 IIBI'soliall :
1\11 ' IOHh , 1II'I'halll'l ) 'OU will till 111101'
Iho mO\'lHlIl'nt Oil 1I11' gl'OlIIlIh. III' lili1 ;
1\1' \ IItllllr , Ir the 1IIIIIIIc IlIlol'mil It > 111
( , OIl'I'I'li IIf VOlin ; , thl'II1l'l'haI1H \ , th
d 1\11 I-\C \ I' tn11111' twalth a\l1 ; IItl' wll
( , OI\\'II1tl' yoU ( I [ till' IIcrll : \ fl'l' hl
. .
, fur..I ) '
The1'1'0 . 111 I'feet Jollschlag's : a 1"
g'1I11H'lItR , a 1111 lhY' lll'O\1 ! ! fOl'cl lo
enongh to convelt gradually the whole
l\lngd01l1 to his vlows , A 111'Ivate bill
was hl'onght 111 parlll\lI1ont , but shelved :
for pollLlcal roasonn , When , hOWOVOI' , I
a IIl'W cahlnot hall CO.1I0 Into oJco ) ) the
11111111' 80Cl'etar ' hl'OlIght In II. measure I
which lJulcltly passed both houseR , and
ra11l0 illto force on the first of last
, lilly , It lll'Ovldos fOl' the \111 \ 'ment of n
' ( ' of 1I0t less than n hafllOnn ) ' ,
ItIIII not 11101'0 than \1(1111) \ " , accordhlb
to thn dlst 1'Icln , for ollch I'Ht handed
III , the money to ho RnJlpllod lIy a slatl'
l'1lllt of .c 1,101) 1101' annU1l1 , and by a
le\'y 10 ho mallo hy the 10cllI authol'l.
tit's at the I'ato 01' Ihl'eo shillings 1101'
anll1l1l1 1'1)1' each hlllllll'cd Inhahltants ,
'It IH Intol'oJLlng to nolo that the
whole anll solo IIIl111111istmllon of the
rut law Is In lho IIl'st clause of the
law gl\'l'n to Jollschlag : allll his Incor'
pOl'atel1 Socll'ty for Iho Systolllatic Do-
l-otl'IIC'tOIl ! of Hatli , to glvo It Its full
t IIII' , It gl\'cs I1lh'lce on all matiNs
IlIpOl'talnlll ; to thl' law , and l' ( > col\'R
from ( 'ach locnl allthol'lty l'ach Illlal'ler
a rl'lHllt 8howlllg whl\t \ fllnllH ha\'o
lieI'll rocI'I'ed I\nl1 \ huw l hl' ) ' ha0 hCl'l1
PXIIl'llIled ,
Fl'Om tltl' ropOl'ls to hallil It Is clcar
Ihat the rat law haH , so fahocII un
IInqllalific'l snecoss , ' 1'111' promlum
sYRIl'm has enllst1 ! the sll'vlces of the
IJOorC'I' lil'rtlon of the Ill'Ollll' , as Jollsch. :
III ! ; IJ1'CllIrted that It wOllll1 , allli con-
r ;
I Danish I nspector of the Rat.Exterml.
nation Soclcty Collecting and
Checking Dead Rats ,
sldol'lltion of the \\I\lIc \ ) \ \ weal has so.
cmed the I'lIthlllllastic SlIlIllOrt of the
OtllOl' clnsses , At the l1epots 111 the
towns hllgo "hngs" are hanlletl In
O'Oday , anl1 the "traveling l1epots"
In the I'llral districts report slmllu\ '
RIlc ( l'SIlRIen : , W0I11011 anl1 chlhlren
all comp witlt tlll'lhooly. . which has
been sc1l1'ctl h ) ' trallpln , Hhootillg.
IlohiOnln , hy fl'1'I'l't , dog 01' cat , anll
not IlIt'l'\\II'lIlly \ hy a woll'llIroctod haU
JJI'Ick , On half-holltlnyn It Is no UII'
IIsllal 81ght to eo a llal'ly of olm'lts
mnl'chlng 0111 10 a rat.shootlng eXIlC'
dltion , fell Jwel1 h ) ' a few mon Hllll
I hoys , who ather 11) ) ) the 1'Iltn that
111\\0 1I0'n Hlaln "h ' net or parllamont , "
to ( ' : changl' thom afte1'\\'I\I'ds at tlto
dOllots 1'01' coin of the realm ,
\\11l'1I a rat Is glvon lIP , ItR tall IH
Cllt off thl' carcass anll tallll are IHlt
Illto 8l'pllrall' ah'-tight I'eceptacles ,
Elich nlghl , Iho talis , which f : > OI'\O as
1'oc ( > llll and chocl" are cOllntol1 and
thell hlll'l\11 with the oarcassos at the
local ullworts ) , In the \'lIIagos they
ur hmlet ! ulldcl" the sllllOr\'lslon of
lho loral h'alth allthol'lt ' , 'l'ho ex.
nmlilo of Denl11al'll : hnt ! now hoell fol-
luwol h ) ' I' nglatul , and II sl ( 'loty 1'01'
the oxtor1111nntion of rats Lllls ! Joon
fornll'd Imll'r the chal1'111anshlp of SI1'
1.1\11111' Bl'nnlol1 ,
110w Roon will America follow Rlllt ?
What Struck Him Most ,
All InlJllll'in Ind ) ' , Imown lo a
I wrlto1' In Blnckwooll'sIagllzlno ; , 1'0 ,
oontlr IIsl' < :11 IL 1II'Ivllto 80ldl01' to toll
her S0111e of his oXllorlollCos In war ,
'l'ummy , wlto waf ! 1I'lsh , trlod to gel
lOll\ \ . pf It h ) ' sa'llIg that nothing had
, 0\01' haIIIH'III'1\ \ him , hilt the Inl\y \
Wfit ! IIcl'slstent.
"S0111olhlng 111nst have happencII. "
she doclal''II , "XO\\ toll n\(1 , In all
'our ( lXIIl'1'II'nces 111 SOlllh Afl'lcaVhal
wits It thllt sl1'lIcl , 'Oll most ? "
" \\011. 11111'11111. " said 'l'om1l1Y. aCtol
130nw eogltlltlon , "th' thIns thai
IItl1l'IIC ) , mo most WIIS th' nllmhol' 0
uullot : ; thnt III1S5011 11I0 , "
' Johnny Was Wise.
t "Now , , Johllll ) ' , " salll the tel\chOl' \ , a :
, . tih cloltull lho lJlI ; utl1o\s \ , "whut call WI
[ ) Ond In Cullfomla 7"
o "PI'1I110S , S'I1 1I0l1s allil ) lrlzo figh !
II I Pni , " l'l'plll'll , Johllny , w\thollt \ looltlw
Ii ,1111 I'n'ln h'ii ' 11'101 , - C'hlI-O ! ; Dall' '
I : \P\\I' ; .
- - - - - -
, . . " - f . , . . .
/ I
. . , . , . I
- '
r- - . . . . . . , , . . I
r.wo. ; 6U& " " ! : .UmlI .W1" J4t ; < ' " " II
- - - , . . . .
'rhls hostility to Beckham arono from hl9 " " --"T-i
conduct as govornOl' , IIo was It 'Olll1g man , II'SS than ao , IIlId It had novol'
IJcl'n Intemlod thllt he shoult ! 1m thl' chlor cxecutlvo of the slate , As It com-
) llImont ho'IIS placoll 011 the tlclOt ) : af : ! cll\lIl1tal \ ! ( ) for lIeutonllnt.go\'ol'nol' ,
with Goolll'l fOl' governor , The rotm'ns Rhowod the Democrats to have been
defeated , hut they allllOalod to the Domocl'llllc leglslaturo ant ! 1I0foro the
mattCl' was decldod OOl'bol hud \eon \ shol. 'rho legislature declared him gov.
(1rnor while ho IllY on his dOl1th.botl. In a few ho\\l's ho was dead and DocIe. :
ham was governor ,
The latter OIItI'ed the onlco 11'clal'lnl that he would he n. "straight
awa ' " gO\'OI'nOl' , hut some of the Inlluclltlal Democratic leaders laughed In I
tholl' sleeves ut the 1l1InOUncement. 'I'hoy SOOIl fOlln ! ! , however , that tholr I
llOwer was to bo C\1l' ud , In 1II'0secutlng the assassins of Goohol , Beclham
took stre'nuo\1s stollS , lie has shown himself most I1n\1laca lo towards all
suspecled of the murd 1' of his chl'f. '
! ' : o partlculur llI1lns were taltcll to dlscrodlt Bocl < , liS the law 111'0'
"Ides fOl' only ono term of fOllr 'ears 119 govor lOl' of IContucl , ' , Becltham ,
malntalnod , hOWO\'OI' , that filling out IInothor man's term ! ! Id not count aB ;
one for hll11self , ' 1'h19 was just the o\lllosite \ of the \'Iow tlllton h ' Prosldent '
HOOlOvolt us to the ) Jresltlency , ] 3ccl'.hllm rail himself again IIntl was ref I'
l'Iect.ed ,
sllfl' , ( 'ontalnlng U\C fOl'mula , a IlIIcltet that Is to
bo opened onlr after Lomolno's 11eath , Then It Is to become the prollorty
of Sir , Iullus , who hils nll' ( > , : uly llI1ld $ G5OOO for It. If It Is a genuine formula
and h ' Its helll SII' , Jl1l1us can produce diamonds 1111 IIhltum , ho will bo ono
of the most IHI\\'crful mun In the worl ! ! , for ho will abs lutol ' control the
full1l'c of SOlltll AfrIca , If he chocseR to turn out diamonds oC the artificial
kin ! ! the mineR of South , Urlca will have to close Ilown , the Doors shares
w111 t'all to ncxt to nothillg and Sit' , ) UIlUfl can Illck thorn \1\1 \ at his own price ,
Ho will ho the dlamonll kln of the \\01'111 and will ha\'o It In his power to
make them as cheap 01' as dl'lIr liS he 1\IIOS \ : , That he had this In'Iow when
he mallo the deal Is nSHcI'ted hy Lemoino ,
Whatovol' WOl'11h'r may ha\'o hellovod at first , ho hils little faith In the
formula now , IInd ho Is seoklng to havc It ollOned , Ilrodleting that only It
ploco of blank \11I111'1' \ will he found ,
There Is something In thl8 cnso'ory closely rcsomhllng the JIumhert
affair in which a safe said to contain millions fooled the poo\llo \ of ParIs for
a long time , and when it wus 011PI1ed It was found to contain a collar button
an a few ether trlflen of the Iind , Them Is no ether way of dls\1rovlng \
WC1'I1hor's charge thall lIy oponlng the llUckot.
Lcmolno Is ao ) 'eam 0111 , with an aggresslvo blllck heard and s\1arltllng \
( 'yos , lIe was horn 111 Tl'ie < ; to when his falhor was French consul there , lIe
has serv ( ' ! ! ill thl' Hrmy and traveled all over J I1I'OVO alld In South Arl'ica , ,
Dam :1\1 : a 1\\ ) ( > I II" the now Idng of Portugal ,
Is the secolld SOli of the late ruler , King Carlos ,
IIo Is said to ho n : . 'oung mall of conshlorablo
forrl' character , IIl1d , unlllo his ol er broLhor ,
is 110lllllar with the masses , lIe 18 18 roars and
two months olt ! .
PrlnC'o l\lllnuel , 111 hlH earl ' 'toons , was sent
to the nllval 8chool at Llahon , where he showcd a
mill'l < cd UIJllullo ! for marilimo affairs , 110 bo.
came a sldlled yachtsman unci owns a IIno sail.
Ing vessel which he manages hlmsolf. The YOllllg
Ilrlnco was It 111'0mlnont flguro In the most not-
ahle of the regattas along the : \IelllLOI'l'HnOan ,
nnd laHt ) 'ear he won the Idng's CU\1. \ offoro ! ! hy
King Etl wunl of Ul'oat Britain In the 'nchllng
conte8t3 off \lursolllos ,
Pl'inco 1\lunuol hears the lILle of dule or
Beja"as as'ell as his herOlUll\ry tllIo of duw ) of SaxolI , Ho Is the own or
of ] 4 Chrhtlall ; names , h ) ' one of which he Ifl knowlI as 1\11\111101.
The ) 'Ollng so\'orl'lgII's ) lersonalltr Is doscrllH'd hy those who Imow him
as vel'Y wInning , As It In < ! l he dlsplayoll flllemalllytraits , 110 hall consldcr.
able artistic talent , ospeclally 1'01' lIIusic , and 1II < e his fatllor was oxcol.llln ! l ) '
fonll of olltdoor sports , ' HIICh I\R t'nnl8 , I'hllllg' anll shooting , 110 was roared
with grl'at carey \ the IlovotClt 1\1In \ ! , who tooll : the Wa1'1I1ollt Inll'rost In the _ '
( "Illcatlon of the IlrhlC ( > 8 , hoth 01' who 111 sllol\O gngllsh , Frcnch , SpanIsh alld
Hallan IlCl'fectly ,
. - : : : : : -
- '
, Iohn CY , lIC'chhnm , fOl'lIIer g'o\'crllOI' 01
I\cntucly : , Is nt IlrpsPIII. l'n l\gl'd 111 the 1I0rceBt
1\lId \ of a fnC'tlonnl light I'm' the 1 Tultell States
sOllatOl'phll ) for I1ls statl' , 110 lacl(9 two ai' three
votes , hilt whllo Dl'lIIoC'rats hold thcm they 1'ofllsO
to glvo thclII 1I1 to Bockhnlll , and a. dO\llIoelt' ! Is
all , fOl' there Is no olhor olllldhiato 1I)10U ) whom
they call ng-roo , 'Vlillam J , nl'11 ! wOllt to Kon.
tllclty a few woolts ago to l'CstOl'O harmony In the
IHlrt ' , 110 mallo a sllecch to the 10glslaturo be.
hilld closoll 1I001'S , 1Il'glng' the DOmOCl'lltR to close
"I' ' their rl1Ilts rathol' than run the dallgl'l' of
lettIng the olllco go to a Hl'IHlbllcall , hilt It was 111
val. " ' ) 'he fnctlons , rm' from IInttillg , IIcl\l'h' c\mo !
to hlows. 118 the 1'eslllt 01' the well 11I0ant attomllt8
of the wOllld-ho pellCel1akOl'I
Henri Lomoino , Who Is IInlle1' arrest III Paris
on a chal'go of swindllnJ. ; Sir , IIIIIIIS 'Vernhel' .
anI' of till' H\-YHllrnte that controls the diamond
oUtPllt of SOIl'I Afl'Ica , iB elth1' a IInlshed rascal.
01' a wcndcl'I'1I1 ( mhIR , and the sciontlflc world
It' at Il 108s to decldo which , In vlow of the lie.
rllliar ell'rllmstallcor111111' which the money ,
soml' $ (15,000 ( , was oxtraetod from Wornhor , ono
wOllld set him down liS It I'IInk fralltl , but there ,
al'o dlstlngulshod scion\lstB who declare that they ,
hav ( > sef'n Lomolno malilng IlIa1l10nllfl , that they
watrhed till' cr1lclble fro 111 lJeglnnlng to elld of
Ihl' olwratlon , and that It was uttol'ly impossible
for hl1l1 to IIla ' 'Shlll11 amo 1I110n thom ,
One or tlw myslorles which 10lld a Ilecllllal' , ,
faHclnalion to the case Is It sealed ) lacket In a.
Barrctt WOllllell , ) ll'Ofensol' of guglmll al
Harvard 1I111\'el'slty , who recently 8tarllod ChIcago
\ \ Hh his 1I 'stl'rl'al dOllllnclation of lho wOl'klllg'- )
ml\n , Is chiI'll ) ' Imown to fame liS the father oC
Bundt Wcndl'll , II' " tllo athlete , Some of the
state1l1ents attrlhllted to him al'o lho followlng :
"One of the most Ilolllllar cal'lcatl\l'os \ In the
( 'omic 111II ( 'rs to'day rOl1rosonts a blg.bolll ( l ,
hald.hl'all"d. thlll-whl lwl' d , b1'1ltal , Sl'lnlllllg 1111111
trampllllg on hIs wOl'lh ' fl'lIow oltlzon , and ho Is
SUII\losl'd tu Ilel'sonJf ' wealth alld rash lon , the
Ulliler cln l's , If there I : ' \n 'thlng on efirlh IIko
the hlg-I.1OlIied 1I10nllter 1 hll\'o 61101\011 o [ It Is tl1I'
la burlng' ml\lI with hIs vall , who lisurps 1I1 ' Il1'lvll
I'l"es , "
AguIn :
' ' ' '
'l'hhi 111'1\'lIegod I1l1l1vll1l11\1 wllh the tin (1111' (
1101' } IIIalto \ \ l'olllllllle8 with hIs 1\11111 to crowd Ollt 1\11 compotltlon , nnd to do
It'OSOI't8 to the 1110st hl'lltlll antl Intense ll1)'Dloal force , Ho tJostroY com.
\lCtitlon alltl lel'llR nil IlI'lcl's hy'lollnco , '
"I hl\vo saltl ollollgh 10 show t hnt I am not In IltIbUe 1Ifl'0 \ bo in ) llIh ,
110 lIfo In nn ' natloll 0110 lIIust show III'ollOlioforonco allll ndulatlon to the
80\0I'elgn , whothl'l' the 80\'el'elg1l ho Il t > hllh , a Oznl' III' tl\o 11001110 , ' 1'ho II 0 fl'\ "
OIlCO shown to \\'OI'ltlnll11al1 had ne'ohooll eJnnlor ] In ubjoctwSS } before
unr 11rlvllegoll cluRs IIIP wo\'ltl IIHR I'Vf'r Imown , "
PI'Of.'endl'lI wns the Ill'stIIII''lran III'of ( > ssor to 11111'0 Ilt th ( ' SOl'-
onno uncll'l' the Inll'I'natiunal W'I'II'1\I1'IIt Ic'r nil PXI'WII1' ! ; or III'ufl'HlJR : , f
Whllo In } i'1'1\uro III' IUndl' a alI'l"I.11 ( llIlIl ( If IIII' 1 > ' , tu. } lit I ! ' ( ' ( UIIIIII' ) HIIII
Ilt Koclal j ; ' 8t,1II Ilnt ! bill > IHI1.IlIrlll'1I sen'l al .IUlliol l ( 4 1 \ \Vu. J. . , ( In lbe f > UU' \
jcct. , ' ,
\ !
. { ,
" " . , , - - - ,
' \D !