Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 05, 1908, Image 1

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    ) . . , . . , I . . . . . . . - . .
' . , :
1 . . , .
" : - t30o\e'1 \
< L\\Hl\tU\U \ \ .
I ' 1L \
. . . I 6La\tI
- - -
. .
I ,
There's No
Time to Loose
If you want to secure one or
more of our handsome' Jewelry
bargains , We are offering positive
sacrifices this week , and it is your
opportunity to secure c e r t a i n
money-savers in Dinmond and
other Gem Rings , Gold and Silver
Watches , nngagemeuts and Wedding -
ding Rings , Scarf.Pins , Lockets ,
Chnrms , Chains , Brooches. Studs ,
Neck-I.nces , Sleeve Links , $ il\'c4
ware , Clocks , Opera.Glasscs , etc.
Where Will Yon
Take It ?
This question often arises
after you have consulted the
best ( not the cheapest )
physic an you know , and
have received hie ; prescrip-
It should go to the best
drug-gist you know-o n e
who will use only the right
kind of Drugs and will not
try to fill it if he hasn't the
rigb t kind.
It should go to the druggist -
gist who will exercise the
greatest care in getting the
right drug and the quantity
and will go over his work
several times to be sure he
is right.
We conduct our prescription -
tion business as the best
druggist should , and this is
an answer to the question , .
"where will you take it ? " '
J.8 , & J.F I Baisch
Broken Bow , - - Neb.
" r r
' ' . . . " . . . . . . . . , . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , , , . ; . . . . . , , , , . . . , ,4' , , ' . . . - . . . . . . . , " . . " , , , . . , , . . . . . .
, f' : ,
" All Kinds of Fish f r Lent.
" Lobster. . . . . . . . . per can , 30c , Shrimps. . . . . . per can , l " c
i Sardines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per can , 5e , 10c , 15c and 20c \ :
Salmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per can , 12 c , 15c 20c and 25c
Full Cream Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pound 'l'ROUT , 20c
, Fancy Navel Oranges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per dozen , 25c , 39 , 35c and 45c it
White Clear Honey in Comb and Extracted ;
Fancy Large Grape Fruit ;
Pure Olive Oil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a bottle , 35c and 65c /
\ Our Coffies arc Strickly High Grade ;
j c A pound , 1Sc , 20c , 25c , 30c and 35c. .
Pure Food product
! .
iT. c. : E3C > VVE : ,
'I'HADI. :
, Pure Old Cider Vinegar
MAJtI ( l
L" , , , , , . . . , , . , , . J ; .
. . . . .
" IIIiJ1i'"IiIr.1"I'Jr.1I1" ! ' ' : " ' ' ' ' ' ' . . . . ! IJf1II'IJr.I"1Jr.I' ; ' ' ' ' ' . : r.r.r.m'Jr.1lill' : : ' ' : PillllJr.IIIIII f.1" " ' '
In this store will be found the grea1est variety
-qualities-of groceries to be found in Custer
county. They arc all good goods and conform to the
, j ; . ! Pure J'ood ! laws , but of each article we have several
: ' : ) J . , ' qualities so that we may be able to meet the demanrls
. of patrons.
. . ' ' Take canned pear , for instance. . , Ve have a
i ; quality similar to those used by the Montgomery
I' Ward patrons , only they are better and we sell 'em at
. the same price. We have another quality at 5 cents
" \ higher per can , and another quality l cents higher.
And it is thus through the Jong hst of articles we
have in stock , enabling us to meet the wants of every-
onc. Come in and we'n show you.
. . -
: - -
. ' Sllepparcl & BurN :
, .
' . Phone 125. South Side Square
By paying subscription to th (
. vance you wil1 receive FREE
the AMERI.OAN : B'AUMER 1 year ,
"Heavenly Twins"
Held Conventions
The Democrats end Populists Held Mass
County Conventions and Elected
Delegates to State Conventions
- -
' ' ' ' ' .
'l'Iut POl'ULIS'l'S.
The populist mass convention
held in the court house last
Thursday afternoon was callcd
to order by C.T. . Beal who stat-
cd the object as being to elect
delegates to a state convention
to be held at Omaha on the 5th ,
which convention would elect
delegates to the National convention -
tion to be held in St. Louis for :
the purpose of placing in nomination -
nation candidates for president
and vice presideht ,
A temporary organhmtion was
effected by electing J. J. 'l'ooley
as chairman and J. G. Lconard ,
secretary , and a motion followed
and carried to make the temporary -
rary orgamzation a pern1anent
'one.C. . W. Beal , James Stockham ,
Geo. Greenwalt , C. II. Jeffords. .
and C. T. Holliday were appointed -
pointed a committee on resolu-
tions. While this committee
were considering the resolutions
that had been prepared a dela-
gation of twenty-two to the state
convention was selected , as
follows :
M. I. . 1.\lub C. W. W11I1'I
C. ' 1' . Holliday M.O'Urlen
Jesse Gaudy C. W. Layton
V. Alleu C. ' 1' . Orr
C. II. JetIordi W. I . Warreu
James Stockham Georlfe Greeuwalt
Alvin Dall ) ' John I'lrn'lt
J. H. Brown ' 1'011I Hyers
John l\1I1rra ) ' J. C. I\'anll
W. H. l.ewl8 John Conley
her Johusou Jc.e Wilson
The convention adopted the
resolutions reported , as follows :
We , the Populists of Custer County iu
mass conveutiou nssemhled , herehy reo
new our faith in the doctrines of the
party as declared in the Omnhn Plntform
of 1892 and re-affinned in each suhse-
quent National Platform.
We call the peoples attention to the
fnct that subsequent events have proven
the correctness of positions taken by the
party on all public guestions.
We demand the llnmedinte reductiou
of the tariff , aud the removal of all tariff
duties on all necessaries of life.
We demand the free nlll ] unlimited
coinage of both gold nnd silver at the Ie-
al ration of 16 to I supplemented by the
Issuance of government paper money iu
sufficient volume to meet all the demnnds
of trade , nll money to be a full legal ten.
der , and we demnnd a Government Pos.
tal Saving's Dnnk.
We demand thnt the Government
shall own and operate all public utilities ,
but until this CAU be accomplished we
dem nd that all dividends declared hy
railroads and other corporations shnll he
based on actual value aud no more
fraudulent stocks shnll be issued.
We favor the election of the United
Stntes Senntors hy a direct vote of the
We cOlllmend the last legislnture ill I
enacting into lnw the Populistic princi.
pIe : ! of a 2 p r mile passenger farc ,
the abolition of the iniquitous free pnss
s'stem and ull other measures thnt
have redo\\1111ed to the good of the peoplc
and we demlllll ] the immediate and rad.
icnl reduction of freight RIll ] express
rates.We rejoic in the fact that the seel1
sown hy. the People's party have fnlleu
ou good ground aUlI are sllringing up nu
hundred foh ! . The so ca lcI ] vagaries of
the Populists have he en espoused as
sound doctrine hy men in all political
parties and we ca 11 u ] > on all good men to
join us in one supreme efTort to rescuc
the government froul the hnnds of its
dispoilers nnd restore it to the people ,
There being 110 further busi.
ness the convention adjourned.
'l'Hl { DU1\10CRA'l'S.
The emocratic county conventiol1
met in the county judge's of1ice allt
organize by electing ] . J. Boblitts
chairman , and J. W. Haney secmtary ,
M. U. Warringtoll and 1\1. \ S. Edd )
were appointed commiUl'e 011 or er 0 :
R. G. Moore , W. B. Eastham aUl
Daniel Buckley were appointed the
committee on resolutions.
After the report of the eornmitte (
on order of business was l\lIlde Dnl
adopted , the committee on resolu
tions reported the following resolutiolll
which were adopte :
" 'l'no dOlllocrutic purty 01 tilt ! COUllt ) ' ( )
OU8tor ronfllrlllB It II 1I1I01ln1lCO to thl
tUIIO honored prlnciplull ( If .loffor80lllul
dOlllocruc ) ' IInd doelnroll Its ulldyllli
hOIiUllty to the 111111111 IIlId hnJOcrlllY 0
ropubllclln natlol1nl udmlnlHtratlollll.
"It chnrloll thnt the IIppnllllll : IIbuIH !
dillcl080d 111 rocol1t 1II0811nlUH 01 th ,
pr08iJon t uru the direct l'OIiUltll 01 th ,
101l1.conlinued rulll1 01 the rupubllcnl
pnrty In nntlonl\1 uffulrs. 'l'ho people C I
no lonlor doubt thu Inherent perlldy ( J
the 818tOlll 01 1:0Vornlllunt 10Rturod unl
mnlntnlnod by the rcpuilllclU1 purt )
I1ll1cO the republlcnll proilidont hlmliOl
hU8 lurnlHhod the ovldence u1ulnllt It
Ita ronlolnctorll , couvlcted and uneol1vle1
- ud , arc but the IIhl1l1l010811 product8 01
6YlltcIII 01 public plunder and debauehor
too lonl : ol1dur"d by a patient and lIuffol
lul : flcoplo.
"Wo reenrd wIth prillo ul1d udllliratioll
t.h6t. tnlenl Alllorleull. thnt mutchl088
lo/ulor. / hUH blazed thl ! WilY to wholollolnu
public oll1lon ) 1\1111 80 uil ! ) ' ohllmplonod
tHe ell\l80 of the ) ) ooplu. HIR zen I ulHllIlI.
dylll ! : Ollore ) ' . his wilio 1\1111 fur HUOltll :
IItnt081111\118htp stnmp hllll , nil thu Iront. .
0111. 11\'ln1 : AUIIJrlcnl1 IItntoRlllnl1 nl1d 011.
dour him to nil thollo who bollovo III oqllnl
rllhtll to 1\11 IInd Roclnl \ p'lvllelulI ; to
IlOnl ! .
"We thorlloro declnro tlUlt WI ! III'U
Ull1\11lr110\l81y III luvor 01 thut Irout COlli.
11101191' . Wllllnm J. Bryul1 nil the next
dOll1oorntlc eundlllnt.o lor the pruHldoIlC ) '
01 thu Ullitud t3tntoli , nlld wo hOI'ub ) ' III.
IItruct ullr dulolutoH to the next I1l1ti0I1I\1
tlomocrlltlc conVOl1t1ollllt DOII\'UI' to vote
lor WlIlInll1 J. Bryun U8 tbo domooratlo
nomilloo lor president , IIl'st. hUlt IInd III
the tlmu. "
Delegates und alternates to the
8tato cJnvention wern then elected 1\8 \
1\1 \ C Wurrington I . B. Hichmh :
11\1. \ S. Eddy Clarence Mackey
J. T. Bridges Jumes Decker
Diah Woodruff HoberL Flemming
Ed. ScoU d. McComas
W. B. Easthum .J. W. Hancy
B. .1. 'lierney : I . J. Boblitt8
, T. 'r. Arthur .John Moran
Geo. Williams Geo. Marsh
L. C. Morris Carl 'rnsier
A rlsolutioll was alollled , mcom.
mending the nomination of CluroncJ
Mackey as state trcllS lrol' und A. C.
Shnllenbarger for overnor.
\Consistency. \
J ] ) J'l'OI { l nl'UI1J.lcAN :
"Consistancy is a jewel" when
used in channels of right , hut a
oftcn employed it is not a jewel
of the first water-it cven hc-
comes vice-versa and hould hc
prefaced with a large In.
For illustration I copy an article -
ticle from Worlds Events :
"lu IIamiltou County , Ohio , a mlln
was engnged in the grocery husiuess. lIe
enjoycd a very sntisfactory trade R ! ; he
wa ! ; supplying the cOInllluuity with
needed nrticles at satisfactory prices. .
There was not the slightest friction hc.1
t cen him mill his clientele , and the I
fulure seemed bright from a bllsiucss
"One day a representativc of the
Stnndnnl Oil company clime into his
place of business and suggestell that il
might he to his advantnge to hnmlle
, theil' ' oil. 'fhe Ilealer replied that under
ordinary circmnstnuces he would he lJuite
wi1liug to 110 so , but for t1ll' present his
customers were sntisfiel , aud his relntions
with the producers were very friendly ,
and he snw uo reason for IIl11king a
chnlJge unless he could get an clJunlly
geOl ] grade of oil at a lower ligure. I
"With this : retired hut
tie ngent , reo I
turned in a few dnys RlIII renewed his
proposition. lIe met with the fiame re-
sistnuce as before. Six weeks later the
ngent again appearell determined to use
forceful persunsion , which is chnracter-
istic of the Stnndard Oil compnny , ntll ]
informed the grocer that unless he discontinued -
continued the sale of competing oils 1111 I }
bought solely of the Stnndnnl Oil company -
pany , a new grocery would hc startcl1
aro\\1111 the corner.
"The grocer , having a m lIIl he cnllell
his own , and a 1mck-hone . that hr\ll alwnys
heen sufficient for relJuiremenLc ; .
laughed at the thrent am ] continued to
sell oil of the competing company. lu
clue time the uew grocery was startetl ,
and inste31 } of selling oil at theolrl price ,
they mlHle a cut of three ceuts on thc
gallon , ' 1'0 the utter amazcment of thc
grocer , his customers , on learniug of the
price of oil at the uew storc , deseltcd him
at once aud uot only purchascllthcir oil
hut their other goods of his competitor. "
Thus for the paltry sum of
about six cents per month , they
went back on the one who had
carricd them along through sickness -
ness and hard times.
I 'l'hat grocer is now solid ti ng
insurance for one of the big in-
I surance companies with headquarters -
quarters in Cincinnati , and it is
but fair to say that his ungrateful -
ful customers are now rewarding
( No. 5m. )
ImpOIl' ! ' 01" ' 1'111' : CONDl'l'ON
0 ( , ' 'I'll 1
, Broken Bow State Bank
of IIrokcn 1I0w. CUMter Coullty. Nehraska ,
Cllarter No. r.lU. 111Iurjlol'ateli. : III till'tatc 01
NclJraska. at till' 1'loSI' of hll llIes 1"dJl'lIaI'Y
tll. 1\1)1 \ ) : ! .
I.oallsaa 1IIscounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'It ! .18 .7f
ovcrdrafts , sccured allli I1I1 Cl'lIrcti jl.5 : ! :
lIank.llIg 1I0n e , furniture , Ilxtllres 100.01
1 > ue Irom lIat'l. state anti jll'l.
vate lJallks an lJankcrs..1W.8(1 . { J1
"hecks allil Itcms 01 ex-
change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " ) ( ) .j ;
. I'asll J Curcrnc ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .
J I Coin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1I.lItJ.UI : : tJJ. tJO.7 (
- - -
'I'otal casll on lIallll. . . . . . . . . . .121.'ino : : :
. . . ' '
nll.I'I'ItS :
" : aliital tock jlaltllll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .t : JO.\JUO.lM \
SlIrl'lnM btock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1U\JUO.lM \
l'llI 1\'lullal lid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1i\I8.t \
111I1I\'luual I elll ( lt ! > III ) .
JI'CtM to clwck. . . . . . . . . . . . . 'II:1.WI.W :
Urmand cCl'tlllcalt.s of Ilc.
jloslt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r,1 :175.j : ;
UUI' to lIat'l. statc allli 111'1.
vatc lJallk allli hankl'l' ! > . . 1:1-.0,31 : : : 'JIO.U':3C. !
'l'olal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 jl ,7U : :
H'1'A'I'y' Ol' NIWUAIiKA. l . .
COUNTY ' ' . SS.
01' CIIWI'Y.JI , r
I..J. M. l'I"lIlml.INo.'Icc ! > hlcnt of Ill ,
II alJo\'c nallll'll hallk.uo hcre \Irc \ tJWear lilat tll ,
LJ .lho\'I' ' stall'mellt 1M a curl'cct a 1111 truc Call' '
" the rcpllrt mauc to thl' Slatc lIanklllj
" lIoal'u. J. J\I. "Ul1ItIIIINU. :
II NI'I'I1'1'
I"I' : : :
. H.JC. W AnnWK l , .
L. J. M. KIMlllml.INu f DI reC t or : ; .
SuhscrllJed anu tJworn to hclon' 11I1
this 4tll da } ' of Marcil. IIII ) : !
y [ SJAI. : ! W. 11. gAH'fIlAM
r- . Notary l'ulJl { c
My COlIllIl15ilon : cxplrci May : : J. . I U.
the Standard Oil company by
pa'ing live centH a gallon advance -
vance price for 011 , or two cents
above the old pricc.
' 1'his incidcnt would he uscd by
many to show th ( dcstructiv
methods of the Standard Oil
company , but unfortunatcly
thcre is another side to the
argument. 'rhe Standard Oil
company could never have attained -
tained the position it holds today
had not the people all over the
land , in their anxiety to save a
a few paltry pennies , forgot how
little it meant to them-and how
Hutch it' meant to thcir dealcr.
'rhe Standard Oil com pan ) ' ,
understanding the cupidity of'
the peoplc , saw thc chance to
profit by it and in so doing justly
fell under the ban of the criminal
law. Now , this is not written
to palliate the evil deeds of the
Standard Oil company , but to
point out where we , in our penny-
wise and pound fooli hness , open
wide the Q'ate for rascality to
enter and get in its unlawful
work. Business men should also
be honest with cach olhcl' , a 11(1
work for the intercst of thcir
clientelc , which is not always the
case. For instance , Smith is
doing a gOOl ! business , as also is
Jones on the ncxt street , but
Jones is not satisfied to let Smith
do as paying a busincss as he
s ems to bc. So hr , lihe the
Standard Oil company remcm-
bers thc cupidit ) ' of customers ,
and puts out a leader to draw
suckcrs , and if he succecds in
drawing to himself somc of
Smith's custom he has only suc-
ceedcd in doing Smith an injury
and an injustice.
A few years ago a good friend
of mine purchased of a ccrtain
firm a suit of clothes for which
hc paid fifteen dollars. 'l'his
suit had becn selcctcd by thc I
proprietor , as the purchaser was I
not a judge of clothes. My friend
was well pleased with thc suit ,
until one day a month or so
later , in passing the store his
amaz mcnt ca l be imagined when
hc ! > 'aw strcch d oV'cr a dummy a
fac ; III ile of his su it and on it a
card rcading thus : 'l'his suit for
No one would ever be able to
make my friend believe but what
he was badly swindled on the
price of that suit.
Can it be possible that of all
that dwell upon the carth. only
man IS vile. Oh that the day
may dawn whcn all may recognize -
nize the "fatherhood of God ,
and the brotherhood of man , "
when all will iollow the g-olllcn
rulc. Can il be that the time
will come whcn all will deal
justly and love mcrey ? Yes ! 0 ,
yes , "When Satan hics himself
to regions down below , Wherr
fcc and Coal trusts stand no
carthly show , Where votary's for
grecd find ample room , And all
dishonest combincs mect their
doom. Whcre hobby-horses with
their riders tal to night , Like
some wcird phantom swiftly passing -
sing in the night , When all disgraceful -
graceful dealings , perverse ways ,
All viciousness that human heart
displays Start down the Shoot
where all othcr cri mcs have gone ,
WIIA'J' 'l'lIItN IS r.H1I'1' lIIay look
for thc millcnial dawn.
1\1. G. 1\1.
' 1\ > , the I Itl'UHT.1CAN otl ce for
fine Job printing.
( No. Hi )
HI'I'OH'l'.IJo' ! ' 1'111' ; enNUI'PION ( > Jo'
The Security State Bank
of Brokcn lIuII. NI'IJI'a ka , ( 'hartl.1' Nu iii' !
1IIl'tIl1Hl'atl'd III the 'Hatl' ul Nl'hra ! > ka al
thc \\tI \ I' 01 hu lne ! > s 1"clJl'lIal' ) ' H. I\K \ ) .
JltuU/lct ; / ; " :
I.oalls alllillblount : ! > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f mu.lI.I : :
UI'crrlralb. M'IUre : ; 11111 ulI ccurell lj.)1 '
lou ! ! > , ! > tuck" . securities , Ju gmcnt' >
clalllls. l.tC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I j.jl
Banklllg hou e , IUl'llltlll" ( ' . IIx url'l > . . r..UUO.lM
I > ue frulllllal'l , htate allllliri.
vato : lJank ! > allli lJankcl's. . 2 ,1I3J.11 : .
Oa II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 .laI.211 3.OtH.tJ.
- - -
'rota I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f IIU.IO'.I : !
I ' : ajlltal block palllln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f 16OO..W
SUfjllu ! > 1'111111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a.r.uo.lM
UIIIII\1111'lll'l'ullt ! > . net. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! .7Ia.I' '
' lts Muh
111I1I\'lIlual Ilejlu
Ject to . . . . . . . . . . . . .if 7I.BI .ltJ
I > clllallli C\'l'tlllcat. . of 110'
jlOi\t. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1,1:111.11I : :
; l'lnll' cel'tIIlt'atCI > oluel'lIslt. 1.8:11.1kl ! :
IJcrtillel1 dll'cks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700.01/ /
I > uc tllllat' ! . ! > tatl' anll Ilrl.
vate IJanks allti hankUl'fi.MU : ! \ ! ! bll,5IJH.b'
'l'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If'.1
S''NI'I' ! : UI" NI'l1ltASI : . \ .
} h .
' ' ' ' .
COUN'I'01" GUs'I'lm.
1. It. 1 > . I'lckett. l'a lIlcr of the abo\ ' ,
lIalllell hallk. 110 hcrehy s\\'ear that tll
alJovc slatl'lIIcnt b a ClIl'I'l'Ct anll truc cOil
of thc rCIort , nHl l' tll thc Statc lJankllll
hoal'lI. 11. U. I'OjI 'I"I' .
. \tll' t : W. A. Uco1'c. ! ; l UlrcctorJ .
.lull'S Haulllont , r
SIlIJ 1 rlJcl0111I1 Mworn to IJclorc 11\
I tllb Hh ria } ' 01' MLrch. IOUS.
, L JAI.I : 1. . \ . HJNIMU. : Notary l'ubill. .
M ) ' towulll > loll cXlll ! Ci : : Marchi : : . jl10.
Scll Your Hogs to RUllom.
G. H. Huss01l1 is now buying
and shipping- hogs and requests
all who have sw1t1e to 'ell to call
on him and gct his prices which
will alwtys be the highest com-
mcsnrate with the market. He
is making' his headquarters at
the D1'IIce Lumber J'ard where he
cau be interviewed every day.
Detter see him if you have hogs
for sale.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - -
Still The
Hv r since time wlls-thnt is to
SIl } ' , 119 fur as.the oldcst inhibitnnt
of Cusler couuty cau rcmem1Jer-
the syslcm , in the.spriu , from a
spcll'ofJ : Icthcr } ' in : the wiuter ,
lIecIeltouiugtup } ] 'aud there was
1I0thill so gOOlIfor thllt purpose as
AUII it is stil1 the Sllllle now as
when grnnl1I\1I \ declnred , h } ' the
grcnt horn SpOO1l , that to tone up
the systcm aUI } ] Jurif } ' the hlood
thcre's nthiu ) like Snssafrns 'fell.
Vou cnll IlIlIke the tOlling.up IUIIl
purif'illg killd of teafter procuring -
ing the snssllfrns here at
36 cents a pound
S. Fl. . : : L.e > e
The Busy : Druggist
Its like picking up money
when you Ibuy your paper
hcre considcring some of
the bargain oITers we are
making just now.
Our Spring' stock is just
now arriving and in order
to make room for it we have
to do somc very sever price
cutting to dcalt out remnants -
ants , odd rolls and some
left lincs , but not enc roll is
more than six months old.
l verJ' roll was ncw last
fall. We make the samc
stock deaning eyery spring
and fall that we are making
now , ) 'ou can pick up some
nicc bargains'just now.
Ed. McConlas
- - - - - -
( No. W.I. . )
1II.i'Olt'l' : Ol 'l'In ; CONDI'l'ION
' 1'111'
01" ;
Custer National Bank
of I1rllKl'lI BoIn thc itatl' of Nehraska. at
tile ( ' 111'11' III' husilles . ( < 'I'brual' ) ' IHh. 100M
II1S0Ullrys. : :
( , lIanoo ! 011111 Iliscounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115IUt5.35
P. S HUIIIto \ ! SI CIl1'I' clrclliatioll. . . . : :5000.00
UallklllH : hOIlM . fUl'l1ltUl'c. IhtIlI'C" : . . :1U : U.IO
Duc I'rulII Statc Balik an l1allkcr . . r..o.uo
1 > 111' 11'011I ajljlruvcll 1'I' CJ'l'C agclltoo. . Ci171U.53
Chclk : alld IIthl'r I'asll Ill'lIIs. . . . . . . . . : ! W7.oo
NOtl'S III utileI' National lIanks. . . . . . . 1:11)0.110 : )
1"l'actlunal " Iiallcr clIl'I'cnc ) ' . IIlckle ! !
:11111 : 1'1'11 t ! > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :101 : SO
I.all lul MOllc } ' HC I'I'\'I'llIl1ank , vlt. : :
SPI'elC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Ir ! ! 30.10 !
lcgaHl'llIlcr lIotC ! > . . . . . . . . . M.IJII : : : 213 .tjU
lIeUl'lIIptlulI fllllil wllh IJ. H. 'Preas.
lireI' . (6 jlUI' cent clrculatloll ) . . . . I .IIO
'I'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . tJltJStJ.1II
1.1.11 II.I'I'UJ'I.
Vailltal ltJl'k pall1 III. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . : \I : :5000.110
HurJllu 1'111111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! : AAJO.t'O
1111111\'ltleII1'1'IItlt ' ! > , h' " expcnscs allli
laxes ( lalll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'V. : : I
Nattullaillallk IlIItI.'I lIutitanl1lng. . . . ; ) WI/U.IIO /
line 10 nthcr Natiollaillankll. . . . . . . . . r,1I"J.
IIUl' tu Stat I. ' lIallk allli lIankl rs. . . . . : : mo.ja
1IIIIIv111uailleilOsltli subjcct Iu chctk ; IW.1ll ; , :
Ul'lIIalll1 ccrt1llcate ! > lit'tlcllU ! > lt. . . . . . ; ) J'J 5.11
' ! ' 1I11" cl'rtltlcatcs of rlcllo ! > lt. . . . . . . . . 7i < UJ.1IO :
_ 'l'otal- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ : MltJ8IJ.8d
' ' . ' ' ' . . .
I 8'1'\'I'U Ot' Nf.lII1AIII'A. .
} M
VUUO'I'It' ; CUS'1'tat.
I. n. IU1IAX. ca ! > hlcr of thc alJovc.nalUel1
hank. 110 bOICIllIII ) ' M\\' that the alJo\'l
statcmcnlls truc to the IJc ! > t of my know.
Icl1lt : : allli IJcllcl.
c c II. LOY.U : , Casl1hr.
) ' COIllItc'I'-Attc ! > t :
, Jo'IiANK n , YOUNG
5 ALI'IIA MOIIUAN } Directors.
: ; ulJscrllJe1111 sworn to IJcfore lIlt :
t : this 25th ua ) ' of l"cbruarU' llAA ! .
[ stal.1 J. S. Me
Nolar } ' ItAW\ \ c.
1) ' CoulIul ! > slol1 cXlltrcll AUI : . III , lOO .