. NEBRASKA IN BRIEf . NEWS NOTES OF INTEREST FROM VARIOUS SECTION . AU. SUBJECTS TOUCliED UPON Rcllglous , Social , Agricultural , Pollt. Ical and Other Matters Given Due Consideration. Charles W. Pierce , ono of Otoo county's first settlers , l11ed Inst weel. . Harlow Goff , Dodge county's oldest citizen , died Inst wcelt at the age of ! H. Charles Kemp , a stranger , was ar. rested for lifting articles exposed h ) ' the mel'chants of Burtlngton fOl' ad. \'erllslng purposes. ' : rho Beatrice Board of Education h.jd a ll1eellng and decided to call n special elotlon on March 10 to votG honds In the sum of $80,000 for the erection of a new high school hulld , Ing. Ing.The The farmhouse occupied by 1\11'8. Herzberg and son , southwest of Plall ! ! . mouth , was destro'ed by fire , to. gethor with ail the furniture , housc. hold goods and clothing , whllo the famll ) ' were awny. South Omana IS to have a mer. chants' exchange , and arllcles of in. corporation were filed with the sec. retary of state. The capital stocle umountg to $10,000 , the sum being dl. vlded Into $50 shares. Word hag been received at 'l'ablo Rocle of the death at Colorado Springs January 19 , of Elisha Stover , who was born nnd reared In that vicinity. lie was a son of the late mder M. 1\1. \ Stover , a 1)loneer settler. 'fho llurllngton's well boring car , containing engine and Il1achhlCl'Y sta. tloned at Utica , bUl'ned. It Is not Imown how the fil'o started. The car was nearly hurned when the Utica fire department began worle on It. The smail son of W1II Van Paller of Nellgh foil from a tree at the school homrc grounds recently and was se. rlously Injured. He strucle on the bacle of his hend and the concussion to rendel' him . was severe enough un. I conscious for a. time. I MrS' . Richard Vltto of Nebraslm City left home a few days ago and left her grandson , Albert Howe , a { j.yenl" old boy at home with the other chll. dren and when she retu1'l1ed found the child had fallen upon the steve and was fatally burnod. A Japanese worleman named Iole. awa WfiS severely Injured at G1'I\nd Island by the hrealdng of a wire while some l1eavy Iron was being transferred In the local freight yards , from ono car to another. One arm was broken In two places and a severe gash cut In the head. The Injury is not fatal. The Ashland lloard of Education la spending- several hundred donat'S In hulldlng a dyke along the north bank of Salt creele to gave 11. portlo1 of the high school from being washed lute tbo stream. 'fhe undercurreut has heen cutting at that point very rapidly and sovel'al hundred yards of earth have disappeared. 'rile Nohraska State Rlfio assocla. tlon was organized at Lincoln by the election of Charles Schwarz , presl. dent ; Major E. H. Phelps , treasmer , and Major J. M. Blrlcner , secretar ) ' and executive officer. The object of the association Is to promote marls. manshh ) among the peol11e of the state , hoth guardsmen and citizens. The Hlcles & Galloway five.weele reo vlval meetings at 1\IInden \ came to an end with the biggest audience ever In attendance. 'l'he total numben of con. verts numherod 512. Financially the meetings have been an unllsual SIlC' cess. One of the result ! : of the meet. Ings Is the heglnnlng of a : novemont for n. Youllg 1\Ien's Christian assocla. tlon building. The police of Nebrnslm City ac. companied hy a 1)08tal official. searched the home of Joe .Tones , the olored man arrested on the charge o robbing mall sacls at the Missouri Pacltlc dellot. found a leather pocl\Ot. bool , which had been talwn from the Seventh street mall hex when It was bl'Oken open and rohbed In December , Two In'lll hoxl's were hrolwn 011C1I and robbed that night. \1' ' IIIlam Kemplin , hold on a charge of entel'lng aud robbing the Oshlwsh dl'ug sloro at Oshtwsh on the nlghl . of Sopll'mhl'r 27 , ID07 , Illeade1 ! gullt hefore COllnty Attorney IJ , 0 , Pfeiffer , \\'hon a search was 111ado a few days ago almost all the stolen goods wore fOllnd In 1\:0mlllln's : chest In his room where it had heen IWllt since the night It was taken. 'l'he goods , consisted 01 watches , chains , etc. Satmday was "Tag day" In David CIl ) ' und It proved n. "red lelter day. " The citizens are contemplating the . erection oC a $20,000 lib 1'1I' ) ' ! lnd 1n'm. , naslum hllllding and to this end over $11,600 Imd 110011 subscribed. ' } 'ho King's Daughters , to boost the move. ment , fixed Saturday as "rag day" and Installed tag stations In all the bUBlnes houses In the city to recelvo free.wlll offerings for the henefit of the en torprlse , Pather Mm'lhy has allpealed to the supreme COllrt from the I'ecent de. clslon of the Scward county district cOllrt , which enjoined him from Illter. fel'lng wllh Falher F'1'I\ncl3 A. O'nrlen , who has hl'l'n apiloillted to succeed him by Bishop nonncum , h's. Sarah Baldwin of Plattsmonlh celehrated hl'r nlnetx.fil'st bll'thda anniversary In hel' homo In III11tln , Ill. She WIlS born In Clal' ) , county , Ken tuclty. She Is the mothel' of olghteen chlli1ren-twel\'e girls amI six hors- mill fifteen or them l\1'O stl\1 \ living , Shu hils 68 Irllndchlldron , Hi8 great , grandchildren , I URE CURE FOR HOG CHOLERA I Tell-- ; ; ; Dr. Melvin TellPollard He Ci1n , . Save Afflicted Herd. J I Washington dispatch to the Omahn I Dee : DlIl'lng the hearings before the acrlcultll1'nl commltteo reccntl ) . DI. . 1\Ielvln \ of the bureau of IInlmal Indus. tr ) ' made the statement that they had discovered a cure for hog chole1'a. Mr. PolinI'd aslccd DI' . Melvin : "Aro ) 'our ! rclenllsts able to go Into a lot of hogs that are Infected with this maladr anll by appl'lng this remedy Ill'event the contlnuel ! mortality of the herd ? " "Yes , sh' , " was the repl > ' , "they have done that. " "Aftel' It has b1'OI'n out ? " 'Yos , sil' ; not only our own mcn , but In some of lhe stutes. " "What percentage can 'ou ! J\\'e : In a herd of that Idnd 1" "I do not Imow definlteh' , I thlnle \ would be safe In sn'lng D8 lIeI' cent. We have gone Into herds where the dlseaso was prevalent and treated one. half of the hl'l'd and left the othel' halt I untreated , undnearly all the untreatcd I hogs would die nnd the othel's would : sur\'lve. 'l'hat was done In a number' ' of Instances. " i Upon learning that no cO'OIeralive wOI'I , along this line hlld heenilliteI" talton In connection with the Nehraslm station , ! 'Ill' . Pollard tool , the 'maHer up with Pmf. E , A. BllI'nott of Lincoln and has just recelvel ! word that Dr. 1\Ielvln has recenll ) ' been In L ncoln and dlscuSSNt the mattt'r with Prof. DUl'l1ett und DI' . Peters of the No. braslm slatlon. 'rhe method rl'qulres an expert to administer It , but It Is hoped that a system can he lIl'1'anged whereby It w1l1 he possible fOl' the farmel' to handle It himself. MI' . Pollard says that If tllOl'o lOt' " any eilldcmlcs of hog cholera oxlstlng In the First district he will ho glad to talcc the matter up with the depart. ment with the view of having IIn ex. pert sent to the nolghhOl'hood who wll ! be prepared to administer the treatment to the diseased herds If the existence of such eilideruic IS brought o his attention , Stock Shippers Complain. n. W. Halston has com pial nod to the State Railway commission about the way stock shhlpers arc treated hy the Union Pacific at Gran Island , referI" Ing particullll'ly to the through ship. 1101'S. He wrote that the through stocl , trains are stollped two miles from the depot. and the ) 'al'ds are not lIghtod. That If the shtlper ! had to go to the town for something to cat ho fre. quentl ) . returned to find the train gone , and he always has to run the risk of being Injured by Durllngton trains In crossing tracls. - Sunk Savings in Zion. Yorl-G. C. FIshel' , who a few ) 'eUl'S ago wns one of YOl'le countY'i ! most prosperous and woll.to.do farm. CI'S , a stocld101del' In ono of Yorle'R national bnnls and ownel' of ono of the best Imllroved 1GO.acro farms In York county , has all winter been wOl'lcing with his son at the carpenter trade. A few years ago FIsher with others sold theh' holdings and per. sonal propCl't . amounting to thousands of dollars and moved to Zion , Ill. , glv. Ing all to that Institution and losing the same. Students Must Be Vaccinated. Chancellor E. llenjamln Andrew has directed that all students of the state university ho vaccinated. Sev. eml ha vo contracted smallpox reo contl ' . Horhert llopp was sent to the Isolatlol1 hospital , He allended morn' Ing classt's. His roommate toole the disease and ROPII refused to he vac. clnated , deal'illg ] his hellef in Chris. tlan science. Kalm Begins Prison Term. Beatrice-\I. 'r. Kalm. convlcte some time ago anll sentenced to twcI ) 'ears and six months In lho penlton. tlar ) ' for obtalnln 1110ney under false pretenses , was talwn to Lincoln. Kahn sold a stallion and subslilutl'l ! the pedl. gree of another animal. Ho is a resl. dent of Osl\l\loosa , la" and has a wife and children living at that placc. Ticket of Lc-ave for Mrs. Barnhart. Norfolle-The prosecution of 1\Irs , II F , narnhart , who shot her huehanll. A ttorne ) ' H. F , Barnhart , In this clt ) ' Christmas e\"o , has been Buspend d on I he promise of11'5. . nal'11harl to lea vo : \lndlson \ count ) ' , Barnhart , BtllI limp , Ing from his wounll , aplleared In court at Madison and pleaded In his wife's hehalf. Mastodon Skeleton Found. Hastings-A fossil sleleton , S'up , posed to ho that of a mastodon or some othel' animal , has been dlscov. ered In a sand pit near Dluo Hill , The hones seem to form an Intact slwletoll , an : : although It Is not tin' co\"ored ) 'et , about sixteen feet arc ex , posed. Strikes Vein of Gold. Weston-James Dalczlli. south 0 : this 111ace , whllo lgglng n. cellar , stmcle a small vein of gold. He II greatJ ) ' excited o\'er the strll\O and will Investlgale further , GOLD BRICKS PROVE BOGUS. Pacific Express Company Admits It Bit on the Old Game. Slclne-'fho two golll hrlcks which were fOUlul In the rllins of the 'I'ohln building and sent 10 Sl. Louis hy Sup. erlnteudent Georg Patterson of the Pacific gXlll'eSs comllUn ) ' , under the Imlll'cssion that thl3se golll hrlclts wore slolen lu the rohhel' ) ' of the OXlll'C6& ol11co In March , J 880 , were returne here and have bec'n ' IlI'onounced bogus. J 'rho whole 11I'oceelling Is 110W 1001\011 upon us a huge jolw. - . ' . , J' . . . . Onions , Onions , Onlono. I r OO bu , oC alzer'l ! Red OJohc Onion , per nere nt SOc n bll. brings lS0oo. That pa > " . W50oo Crom a nere ! ! 8nlzl'l"9 [ ornlng Slnr Cucumbcr j" well wort h tnking nlonjt. I' ' tHO bu. Sal7.er's 12 POlltlcr Enrlic t al\l ( I Best Pen t'old In t he reen IItnte n t $1.l O 1bu. . mate ! ! $900,00 Iel' ncre. Such ) 'ieJlls SalEer's Iledigree'egetnbles stand for. , Fen 12c : nnd this notice the John A. Salzer Seclt : Co. . J.n CroSl'e'i " in ordel' to gain 2.501000 new clIstomel'S during IOO will I } nnll ) 'OU free their great ) llnnt nnd Ieed ; , cAtalog together with I 1 pkg. "Quid. Quick" Carrot. . . . . . . . $ .10 I 1 I'kg. Earlil , t Hille Cahhage. . . . . . . . .10 , 1 pl < l ; . Earliest Emernld Cucumber , . . 1 llkg. 1.1Cl'O e Market Lettuce. . . . .Il 1 pl < i : . E\rl ' Dinnrr Onion. . . , . . . . . . .10 , 1 pkg. Strnwhern' Mmkmelon , . . . . . . . .15 I 1 pkg. 'l'hil'teen 1 > a ' Hallish. . . . . . . . . . .10 1,000 kcrnels glol ou81) ' beautiful I flower ! > cell. . , . . " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 : ; ' - Total . " . , . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ -1 Above is sufficient FI'ell to grow :15 : hu. of rarest \'egetable9 nnd thnll a1\lls of brio ! I linnt tlower nnd all is mailrd to ) 'oU l'OSTl'\m 1'0n 12c , I or if "ou scml 10e , wo will add a packnge oC Bc 'liner Enrlicl > t Caulifiowcr. , John A. Salzer Seed Co" La CI'0 8e , Wis. K. & W. - - - OF COURSE NOT. . , . , . . . , . . . Clerk-A blind mnn to see rou , sir. Master-Can't see me ! - - - - The Old Lady Was Willing. The delinquent subscriber who had been "dunned" be ' 01HI all endurance wrote the assistant editor : "Do let me know when I 1ln leotch 'er edltor.ln.chlef In his ol11co. I orY time I stop thaI' they tell me he's out. What I want to do Is to beat bell outen him ! " The asslslant editor replied : "Como right awar. Ills wlfo sa 's he's got both the devf1 and the ether plnce In 111m , and she wants ) 'ou to keep ) 'our word and beat 'em out or him. Come on. " Their One Meeting. They met by chnnce : , he11 ne\'r met beCore ; They met but once , And she wns Amllt'n sore. They lIe\'er lIlet nsnln- Don't-cnre to , I nllow ; They lIlet but once- The auto and the cow. - - - - - This life Is full of gladness , and mn 'hal ) It Is .the gate war to another ; nnd to IIvo well hero Is surel ) ' the best preparation for a mo to como.- 1\Iaclwr. Do You Eat Pie ? It not you arc missIng halt the plensure of liCe , Just order from your srQer n Cew pnckaes of "OUn.PIE" and lenrn how easy It Is to make Lemon , Chocolate nnl1 Custard pies that will pleaAe } 'ou. Ie YOllr rocer won't supply you , so to one who will. The man who pars his coal bills alwa's has mone ) ' to burn. rILES cunED IN a TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMENT Is gl1nronto'd to curn nnr CI\.8O 4'11' ' Itching. Hllnd. JIIcl'dlnjl or l'rotru < llDIr 1'11011 In G to U da1B or ! DOnel refunded. 6Oc. A rural melodrama should at lenst have a grass plot. ONI.Y ONE "unoJ\lo QUININE" That Is I.AXA'I'1\'FJ Illtut1O t1fNINI . I ) ( ) k for the sllnutllrll . .f 1i : . W , UnO\ : , Used thu WJrht onr to Cure Cold In 0110 ! Jul. 25 < : . Once In a reat while a man uctunl. 1) ' heeds Ills wlfe's advice. I.ewis' Sin lc millIeI' " ; fie. YOII pa ' IOe for cIgars lIot 1'0 gooe. Your deal , er or Lewib' Hletol' ' , Peoria. III. Some men wear good clothes be. enuse the ) ' can't af'ford not to. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ . " . I . . , , - - HIS ONE AVAILAJL "eJ E" . Mr. Johnson Willing to Give Well.Wrlt. ten Note of Hand. The financial Ilrospccts or [ r , Wash. ington Lafa'etto Johnson WNt' decld. edl ) ' clonded , but ho stili IIl'el1l'l'\'ed a sangulno spirit , which his friends did not alwa's alllreclato. ) "I'd IIIto to horrow jes' n IIttio DIOnC ) ' ob ) 'ou , " suht11' . .10hnson , ( 'on. fidentlall ' , to a frlcnl } . " 1-1 wouhln't ax ) 'OU CO' It , but lain' got a slnglo cent lefl In do worl' . " "Whnt Recu'ltr call ) 'OU Ib. me ? " asked his friend , without an ) ' enthusl. asm. "Whr , I glb ) 'oU 111) ' note ob hand I" 1\1111 Mr. Johllsoll looked )1alned ) and amazed at such n question. "I reelOn ) ' 011 don' Imow what 1(1od. . clear handwrll1n I got In do ebenlng school.-Youth's COI11I1Unlon , DABY CRIED AND SCRATCHED All the Time-Covered with Tortur. Ing Eczema-Doctor Said SoreD Would Last for Years-Per' : fect Cure by Cutlcur\l. r. _ " y baby nl co was suffering Crom that terrlblo torluro , eczema. It was all ovel' her hod ) ' but the worsl was on her face and hands. She cried and scratched all the tlmo nnd cou1l1 not sleep night or da ) ' frol11 the scratch. ing. I had her under the doctor's care fOI' a. 'CI1.1' Ilul a hnlf nnd ho seemed to do her no good. 1 toole her to the best doctol' In the eft ) ' and ho said that she would hll vo t he soreR untH she was six ) 'ears old. Dut If I had dellcnded on the doctor m ' bnb ) ' ' \\'ould have lost her mind 1\1111 dlod frolll the want or ald. Dut I used Cutlcurn SOal ) nnd Cullcma Ointment a.nlt she was cmed In three 1110nths. Alice IJ. Dowoll , 47G9 Easton A ' " 0" St. Louis , 1\10. \ , May 2 anl1 20 , 1907. " - - - - - - - - - - His Elevating Occupation. "You ought to be Rat1sllcd , 'fhough ' stm'\'ed In . arrol. " a 11Ol't , rou never \ a. "No j hilt getting the job oC running the ClevatOl' was all that sa"ed me. " - - - - SICK HEADACHE " Positive I ) ' cured by CARTERS these LUCie PJlls. Thl'Y nlllo relleve DIe- I17LE treHHfrom D 'HIJt'JlMII\ln' dlgestlolll\lulTooJIel\rty I VER Entlll ! : . A perfect r'm' fOl' Dlzzilless NI\I\ ' edy , \ \ P I L L S. flell , Drowslncss , 11 .u\ TUMte In the ! llouth. Coat. ell 'rOIl l1e , 1'ullI In tbo SIde , 'rOnI'ID LI\'EH. 1'hey regulate the IIfl\vels. l'urcly'ellet ble. SMAll PILl. SMAll DOSE , SMAll PRICE. - - Genuine Must Bear CARJ ERS Fac.Simile Signature I , aVER L ? liTTLE . / REfUSIE SUBSTITUTES. I - - - - A' ' - - - - - - - - - - - l.iurc Wholesome Those who believe in quality use KCBAKING . 25 Ounces , for 25 Cent Made from pure , carefully tcsted materials. Get a can on trial. You never saw such cakes and biscuit. They'll open your eyes. . . - - - - - WEAR SHIELD BRAND SHOES The Countcu Potocka { or ladies. } 'crect stj'lc- 0 perfect comfort. Pntent J.cather 1\1111 fine kid. I Price , $2.50 and $3.00. If not nt dcnlcrslIsk tis. ELLET-KENDALL SHOE CO. MFGS. Knnsns City , Mo. ; ; : ' ' ' ' ' , * , - . - - - - - _ . _ . - . _ _ . - . - . _ _ . _ ' < L. . . _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. I : - Capsicum-Vaseline. - EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE i PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE DON'T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES-ltEEP A TUBE HANDY QUICK. SURE , SAFI ! AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN-PRICE tCe. -IN COLLAPSIBLE TUDES MADE : OF PURE TIN-AT ALL DRUCGISTS AND DEALERS , OR BY MAtL ON RECIIPT OF 15c. IN POSTACE STAMPS , A substitute for : md superior to mustard or any other pl:1ser : , and will not blister the mosl delicate skin. The pain.allaylng and curative qualities of the article are wonderful. It will sop : the toothache at once , nnd rellevo Headache - ache nnd Sciatica We recommend 11 as the best and safest external counterIrritant - Irritant known , , also as an external remedy for pains In the chest and stomach and all Rhcumatlc , Neuralclc nnd Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for It , and It will be found to be invaluable In the household nnd for children. Once used no family will be wlthoulll. Many people say "It Is the best of nil your preparations. " Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label , as otherwise It Is not cenulne. Sand your oddras. IInd we will moll ou" VII.ollne Dooklat deGcrlblng our proporatlona whIch will Intarast you. . I . _ . : . . . . ' : ' . - : : . .C . : . : : : . _ I - - - . ' . - - - . - RKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clean. . . 1.11 < 1 beauun. . Ule hair. 1'ulllul. . . . IUluI.,1 ltTowO , . Nnvor Fan. to Jlutoro UrAJ' Jlolr to 1Is Youthful Color. CUet Icalp < II. . . . . . lit hair falling. We. and .1110 a , lIru ' 11 . . - - - - - - - - - - I'IU'I ' ! : ItI I'ItT. WrltMor PATE . TS parlll'ullrs. : W..l.lIl1I.\CU ' : , . CClltury 1I1dll" Wu.II , . IJ. C. . . . - - - ' - - - - , - - - - - ANAIEBIBRh..lnltanr reltor , III" IIUIl' ' ' ' : cum II M clrul\'gllt. or by mall. PI LES BaIllIlo , l'IIIHlIlIr. . . . . uANAKESIS" TrlllUllo 111 < 1" " NEw \'OIlIC. , . - - ' - - - - 1t.fr' ' ; s I Thompson's Eye Water . - - - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO , 8 , 1908. . - - - - ! : : ! ! d ! ! ? ! I . . . . ' ' . " " ' . o , , , n T I " " " I ' ' ' W11 ! Jannen1jlhout fir-ping upart. Wrllo IOf Ireo booklot-I ow to DJo , UloDel ! and MIx Colors. M 0 N n 0 E D II U Q 0 U. . QuIncy. IIIIno/a . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - I If you are in pain , you should remember that there is a remedy , especially adapted to womanly ills , and should take Cardui. , Cardui is composed of vegetable I f drugs that act in a medicinal manner upon the womanly constitution. It will relieve womanly pain , and prevent its recurrence. in Wine of Cardui . 8 has been found to build strength , to revitalize , and restore to health , weak , sick , mis erable women of all ages. Mary Bagguley , of Syracuse , N. Y. , wrote : HI had a.ln been very sick , until I took Cardui. Now I am a strong woman. " Try it. . . . Write for Free ( ; 4.pl12e Doole for Women. . . ulvlnlr oYtnptom , eDana. bome treatment a.nd WRITE FOR FREE BOOK valuable . hlnla on dIet , exerclae. . . , de. Dent Crec on requeat In . plain wrapper'rbY DIAll . 23 preprJd. Ladles' . dvlsory DtPt. The ChattaDoo , B MedIcIne Co. ChatUDOOI : : & elO. - - - --1- - - - - - - , . VI " . - . . . . t The discrimanatinq farmer keeps Q supply' ' 'of SLOAN'S LINIMENT for spavin , curb , splint. S\fl/eeny. capped hock , foundero strained tendons. wind puffs end all lameness n horses - II for thrush , fee rot and garget on cattle and sheep' " I for hog disl'emper , hoq cholerai thumps and scours in hogs- for 'diarrhoea , canker and roup in poultry. . AT ALt. DEAL.ERS - - - PRICE 2.5 , 50 G $ 1.00 Send for free book . Oh . Hor-'es. CaHleliogs . . . and Poultry . - . . -Addr . ss . Dr. . . . . Earl . 5.5100n , Boston Mas3. _ - - . ' : _ - - - . _ " - - ' _ M - _ 7 " , ; . - - - , , , . - - . . . - . . . . . . ; 0. ; . : _ _ .w.- : : : : _ - I -