Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1908, Image 6

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' ! ! y. :
II'o. II' . . . .s . . . .
I ' ( C"'I'Yt'l1ht.I\I\R ' \ ) , Loy thr Alllhoa' , " , .a OIl' )
, fjcrlplure Aulhorlt1 Klngll 11 :
I 11:21' ; . . . '
I . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . : . . " . . . . . . [ . . , . \\\.O\ . . . . .1. . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . , . ) . " . . . . .I"'J'J..1. . . . , . . . . " . . . . . . . ' . 1" . , : , : 7\ . \1
I ' . : " 7't
; : ; ' SERMONETTE. : :
I . : * . "And the Lord sllrred up :111
I ; : :1dVerD:1ry unto Solol11on , " Miln 3
I Is consciously or unconGclouoly : : i
\ g worl < lnfl , out the purpoGcG and
, : : piano of God. The { Jood : : ro the *
) : ' . "osltlve forces. the evil the neJa' { ,
, tlve forcee ; the one IG construc.
I , : ; ' : tlve , thc other destructive , ;
. ' ! co.operatlcn with the good and" :
i ; In Gplte of the evil God Is work.
I ; ,1 ( Ing out his will In the world , ; . ' :
I i. : tven : : the wr:1th of m:1I1 lt : m:1de * ' :
I * to prah.e God. ,1 : .
, ; ! : I !
I ; : : TI 1e p I Ir:1se w hi c h we I lilVC *
, l quoted above Is a singular one :
, and presents a mystery concern. ;
, ' , God'a which oHers
. Ing ways a
I , : : ' : difficulty to some people. Out *
: : this difficulty dhappelrs when
' : we rcalloe : that It Is a doclal'a. 'iF
I ' ? tlon from God's point of view ,
: , From God' & point of view his Is ik
, ; , : : the l11 1ster hlnd which directs 3t
i ? e:1ch move on the chess board
! ' : of human life , to that the cvll :
I ? , , forces are but working out their ; :
, ' : ' : : own defeat and aiding In the
I : final triumph which Is to be hlG ,
I , From the hUn1:1n point of vew ! *
; ; : only the aurface flcts are app:1r. : ' :
; : ent , and It would seem 1S though
; { : eventa transph'cd Independent of : . ' :
; God's will and In spite of his
' : : : best purposes , 31. :
j , : There Is a sense In which man :
. . : % t11 1Y be Independent of God , :1nd
g choose a way which Is contrary
I " to God's will , but he who knowe ; , : I .
the end from the beginning sees k : :
, ; : a thousand and one ways In :
I ; ) . ; which the very energies of evil ; 1
, : may be harnessed to the work. i
.j' : Ing out ef the Divine will. 1 :
So In these troubles which
; ; ' : arose to threaten Solomon and ; , "t
: " . endanger his kingdom we find 0/ / :
: / : that It was God who was oper. . , . ' :
: atlng to the punishment of Israel ? " :
; { : and her king because of their'
I 1f. sin and wickedness , : k
\ * But God used the human ' :
! . ; fcrces as his rod of chastise. ; . :
. : f : ment , and events followed only *
their n:1tural development. Seeds
* had been sown In the past which ; \ :
; In the course of the years ger.
mlnated 1nct then bore fruit as *
* -
: the Iniquity of Solomon pro. : ,
: tf vlded the favorable soil and con. :
; ' : ' dltlono. * :
And yet It was the Lord who *
: tlrred up these adversarles ;
; against Solomon , and while Ha. @
* dad the Edomlte and Rezon the : t
son of Eliadah and the other ad. p
* versarles conspired against Solo.
mon and sought to accomplish
: their own selfish alms and work
out their own revenge , they : It
: , ' : , were but executing the judg. 'I !
x : ment of God to the purln ( ] [ ) of if
his people from their sins 1nd
: the bringing to pass of the ult ! . : \t
mate triumph of his righteous. . :
; 1. .
, i : ness I n th e ear tt 1. . :
What a long process It Is and 'I1t
: how untlrln ( ] and faithful God
: i , : { so To the finite mind It some. :
; times seemo almost
: : , : . struggle. As we contemplate ; - { :
: / the powers of evil and the weak. ; ; ;
, .if ness and sin of those who pro. : , ' : .
'I : ; /
I ' fess to be God's
: . : people playing if
, 1 , : : ' Into the hando of the evil forces , : ' : .
* It. looks as though everything ; :
: ! ! . was going wrong , but we need to :
, ; get the vision of David which
: enabled him to exclaim hope.
k fully and joyfully : "I had fainted ;
: unless I had believed to see the
; goodness of the Lord In the land 3
' : of the living. " :1.
' - . ' . . ' - , ' - ,
i : ; ' 'f. ; 'H"A . : JAt ' , t ; t ' , : r , : ; ' . * ' , t\\ \ ' ; ' , : ji
WIIA'I' dlstrcss nllIlul\I'el > l thc gllllt '
heart .nows II ! ! the occllslonll ]
rnmhllll H oC Ilresenl trollble tell 01
the gathering storm , How of Ion 011
II slimmer's day wlwn t he l < ' IIII
Icen , hrlght and the all' I1IIl'd with the
t10ngs or birds und all seoull'd so ful ]
oC joy und pel1CO , lhere hils cOllie the
SIHcl < or n clond In the 11IBtallc ( " there
hns l1ashcd out rOl' nn Instnnt till' l1er
longuo of the lI htnll1g , 1\1111 the 10\\
faint 1'lIl11blo or thlll1l111r hns COIIIC tl
t he car , ull lelllng or a gnthlwllll
litOI'm , hut as one hall tllntcd his racl
Hllwanl lownrds lhe Hun al1l1 again ha :
llstoned lo the Bongs of tllf. ' hlrds , till
thollgM or lho coming slOl'm has bcel
fOI'l otlen In lho delight whll'h Is roune
In the heauly nnd the hl'l htness 0
the momenl , 'l'hen again ( 'ollie : ; lhl
IIghtllllll ; l1aah It IIttio 1II0rc vivid thl\l
Itcforo aud lhe volce : or tlw thuudo
IIccomes 11I01'0 Insistent , UIIII agall
wllh slartlml vision one Bee1 ! tllal th ,
1ICllld ! slleck hus grown , I1nl It sl'om
50 rar away aClcr all , anll It Is 13' '
hl'hht. and cheery all aboul that 011
IJersnudcs himself thal the storm wl1
not. C ; 1II0 lhllhcl' , nnl ! so aruln th
cloml and lho lightning aud the tllln :
11c I' are rorgotten II ! ! uno hecollles al
Ol'bClI In the Jlleaauro or lho monwnl
So was it wllh Sololllon. 'l'he I'lche
and jllondorn or his Itlngdolll were III
flIrtmssod by all ) ' or the lIutiont ; abOll1
Itlld as lho ) 'ears hull come alld gen
the l < lng hud ( ; Ivcn hhllselC 1111 mor
IU1Il 11Iore to lho ease allli dellghls an
luxuries w1lh which he was tlUI
founded. b ' hCl hnd 'leI
SlOl1 ) aloll ) .e
to the onervntlng IIIt1ut'ncl's of Imlac
and hlll'em , und 11101'0 allli mol'O had h
. -
como lo JIve on Ihnt Honslml JlI:1I1" :
whol'O the IllelHIIII'o oC lho nllllllent Is
or ' ' ' lhnn ' rewllI'Cl
I 11I01'0 conol'l'II : 11I1)
whll'h IICIC'lll'nlal IIIIhl : ( 'Iulln 1:1 : thl'
I I'lealllll' ( ' Is OIWI'\'IIUng , IInll offl'l'l1
IH'Otlllctl\'t ! Hell In which lho tweds oC
I ' ' ' ' , Solo with hili
tl'OlIlIle 11I11) gl'U\\ mOil
! JI'owlng 10\0 fot' tlw 1':11'10 : ' IInel III pat !
ures oC IIfo IICcnlne III 0 I'C ! und III 0 I'l'
Iwllllnnt 11I111 eXllctln wllh thusI' lI)1on )
I whOIll 1'1'81011 tll ( ! IIllmlnlstrnUon of the
alTnlts oC Iho 1lngtlol11. 'l'hc'I"I' WIIH n
constantly Incrt'asln I'xtrnva lInl't ) In
I11nlnlalnlnJ , ; 1111rO ' 111 hOI1Hl'hold , Cor
with the 1II111t1)1lylng- ) II hl h-plll'H
lo the { tOIls of the IIIIIIIY ) lrln8sI'8 of
, the harem , hl1ll eOl11o Ihl' Il1xul'lal11'
volttlt , 1101111111'811 nlll'ndnnl 1III0n
till ! c'relllonll'lI /11111 / f"lItlvlllC'H. Till' !
"Inl'cd IIn IlIldlllonlll b1ll'cll'II l1J1(1n till'
pcoplo , fOl' fl'OlII Ihom IIIUt h'O 1 alil/'I !
Ihe hlcl'ellslng 1I1110l1nls Iwol'fl ! Ity I h'O
Ilng , 'I'ho collectol's oC 1111. ' Il'Ihlll , '
' COI'cell IJ ' anll
WOI'O to 11101'0 exacting ,
nil IIIlUlllel' or COl'I'1I lit methods WI'I''O
c0l1nlellnncol1 so lon 1111 thl' ' ( ' ' (
1I1110llnt wnH forthcoming' , 'l'hls 11I11111
nlllllrally loul : to dlsconlent on tllP
' or lho 1"OIlo , anll IIndercUl'l'l'ntH
of 1II111'1II111'1I1 ! ; hl'gnn 10 ho heard ullOn
o\'CI" - hnne1.
WllolhOl' Iheao lIIurlllnl'lnll ; of IIIH'
c'ontcnt renched lho cars oC lho lhH
or nol cerlaln It Is thnt lhey sprf'Hl :
10 1111' ullrrollnlllng nlltlonll no 1 hat
IIHlad the I dolllilo hoard of It In
ggypt whllhol' ho had lied 'Crll'S he.
Core lo eAl'ape the llI1l'elenlln ven.
geance1I1'h JOllh. the cuplnltl of
na\'hl'fI arlllY. hall Inl1lcl11 IIpon his
Calher's hOllse and hili fnther's )100pll' ) ,
AIIII WHY 10 lho IIl11'lh 10 Ihe l'It . oC
DnlllnSCIIA calllc tidings of these lhl:1gs
unll werc all 8\\'eet ltIuHlc In the oar'i
oC Hozon , lho son of mlndah , fol' said
II ( ' :
"Now , perchance I will he ahln lo
I''PIIY Sololllon rOl' 1111 thc 0\11 which
hili ralltol' David did unto lilY IIIlultel'
lIadndczel' whcn he deslro 'cll
olJlh 111111 Itilloll lhe 1le0Ilic thereof ! '
Sccl'cll ' , thm'orore , Hczon Sl'nt
l'lIIlsSIUlcs Into the land of IRruel , and
Ihey found no dlf11culty In reaching-
lho very hearl or the royal city oC
.Jol'usalolll , rol' the open relations
which Sololllon had estaullshed wllh
nil thl' nutlons abolll hud lIIade oC
.Jol'llsnlom IIOI'reel thoroughral'c ror
these or olllOr Iunds , and UR one actOl'
anolher lho high IIlucolI WCI'C set 1111
and the Iods or all the natlolls auout
wel'e openl ) ' honOl'ed and servcd , lhosc .
rorelgners came 10 Ccel qullo at hOllie ,
'I'hus Il wus lhat the spies or Hezon
round Il an CIIS ) ' lnsk lo rcmaln at
, Jertllmlom and 10 Collow the trend of
alTlllrs , IInd onaulo lheh' king lo II1l\lw
Incursions Into the northern lIurt or
lhc kingdom , And whcn the arln ) ' or
lSl'/lol WI19 sent to Inlercellt and IIUI1'
lah lhoso lIIarnudlug bands , thcso
8UII1e sillml In Jcrusalem wcro able lo
Iwell Hewn InCormed or every move
or lho I\dvanclng army.
1'hus Il WIIS thllt Hezon became a
sharjl lhorn In the lIesh to Solomon ,
and hrought. lo him da 's IInd nights or
: mxlct ' IUIII dlstrcss , And well Il
would hnve hoon If thcso 1I0riods of
I ronble hud drlvon Iho Idng from his
slnrnl Illeallures 11IId lho rollowlng or
thc slrange gods hack lo lhe true God ;
bul , inslcllIl , Solomon songht to dl'lvo
a\\'II ) ' his It'oublcd thoughts and lo
stll10 his l1Ilellsy consclenco hy IIlung.
Ing yet deellol' Into the whirl or Ces.
tlvltles and 1110nsures which marked
lhls lIerlod of his reign , Not a da ) '
bul what. some one of the many , mnny
high 1.lnces . wus lho sccno or agoI"
geous and ga ' assomulage , and ortcn
lhero Were half a dozen restlval oc.
caslons In rull ilIa ) ' slmult.anl.'Ously ,
and lo lheso hioiatroull celobrallons
Solomon sulTored hllllself to uc drawlI
b ' his wlvoll.
So It camc to IHISS tbat lho sins or
Solomon olTered the opporlunll ) ' to
his cncmles or troubling the Icing.
dom und hl'inglng dlHtrcss upon lho
Ileoplo. And while Hezon sorvcd ns a
menllclug hmlll at the north , Hadad
rollll'ning rl'om 1 ! n'llt , where he had
won great. III'esllclnd / IIOWOI' wllh
Pharaoh , hl\vlng millTled the slslcl' oC
lhe wife of Phl\raoh , came inlo th ( '
soulh counll'r und waH not lonr ; In
slitTing 1111 tl'ollhle Cot' lho 1lng Uwre.
"Who III I his lIadHl thut would
dare to nll'l'Olho bot'ders or Isruel ? "
: dCllluIIIIClI lho Icing ono da ' , Iwtllluul-
I ) ' , as rOllOrl I'l'achcd hili eUl's of lhc
Increllslllg IIOWOI' or Il band of mou
who had come Inlo lho sOlllh cOlIIIII' ) '
und were exlendlllg lhelr Inllllencc
o\'l'l' the Ileople lIwr ( ' ,
I And whell the Icing was lold thnt he
I WUII lho son of the Edomllo king whom
Joub lho caltaln ( of his rathol"a arm ) '
I hud slain , ho was lrollulcd , and when
1 ho lea1'l1ed rlll'lhel' lhal ho had jusl
) como rroll1 Egr\ll \ und was In slecll\l (
CUVUl' wllh Phal'aoh , the powel'ful
rilleI' or l gnll , he reared greatly , sn ) ' .
) In ; ; :
"Shall wo IndcrJd HulTel' lho losl > oC
011I' kln/dom / to the soulh ? Now Iii
coming to III\SS that which the pl'ophot
Ahljah declarcd ahoulll ue , "
"Yell , hul dill not he any lhat It
shoulll not ho durinUl / ' dars , but
during lhe days of th ' son when he
should como to lho lhronc ? " aal < cel ono
or Solomon's udvlsors , roussurlngl - ,
"Vol'II ' 1 bellovo thou urt rlghl , " ox.
claimcd the 1llIg , with a ulgh of l'e.
lIuf , and ut lhl\t monll'nt u courtlOl'
annollllced the depurturo or lho com.
pan ' for lho fesllvltles 10 lho god Che ,
1I10sh , nndIng ] Sololl1ol1 arose UIH\ \
wont. wllh them.
Once a Corporal , Now a Minister.
1\1. Praschol < , who now enters till !
Austrian cuhlnet II ! ! 1I111118tl'I' In the !
: .I Illaco or Coullt Au'rsllorg , III ! \ farmol
III 1I1lI1nll wa ) ' who Ilerl\"es Il pOl'tlon
or his Incolllo fl'OIll the rotall Halo 01
the IIIl1k or his cows , having n farll1
or nbout GO ncros ,
110 Jlut In three ) 'cars III the nl'lIlY ,
-not aH nn ol1lcOI' , hul ns a bughH' ,
und figured ns such In the rosern
rorcos III lho arlll ' wllh lho ruuk j
OPEN Am mil ON
I - - - , - . . . . . . . " " . " " . " ,
QRE ? A. 11 -.4mz.WS2)OIf2V'
Thal Cresh all' Is lhe best kind of
medlclno fOl' almost evcl' ' Idnd of
disease which In aur way alTects lhe
rpsplralOl' ) ' organs Is com lug morc
and 1II01'C to he realized , Years ngo
Ilorsons sulTcrlng rl'om bronchi lis ,
IlIIellllwnla and Itlndred aliments were
guarded wllh the 1II0st zealous care
Icsl the lenst whtrf of rrcsh , cool ulr
should slrllw tholll 01' ovell cnlol' lho
1'0011I where the I > atlenl was cont1ned ,
And lo lhc common mind evcn to.da '
IH1eumonla Is nHsoclnled with warm I
1'0011I11 proleclell rl'OIll every draught ,
with efrorts lo keep the lempcraturc
equable , But such methods no longer
reclilvo lhe Indorsement of the pro.
rcsslonal men whose huslness It Is to
I < oop pnce with the lalest develop.
mcnts of medical and surgical sclonce.
It Is no longcr lho close room wherc
the IJ11eumonla patlcnt Is kel1t shel.
terell but In the npartmeut. where the
greatest amount ot rresh all' can be
secul'cd , Perhaps the Presbyterian
hospital or New York has takcn lhe
most alvanced ! Hlops In respect. to
this opell ah' lrealment Cor Imeumo.
nla , and a visit. lo lhelr roof ward
would come as a shock and a revcla-
tlon lo man ' who stili hold to lhe old
IIIclhod of lrealment.
1'hol'e on thnt high. cXl > osml place ,
wllh only canvas awnings lo sheller
fl'om snow or rain arc to be scen a
score 01' It101'C of patlcnls on Iron ucd.
steads , lholr IJ lI\d \ faces upturned to
the wlnlcl' 51 < ) ' , tholr breath froslcd by
the keen wind , and the failing light or
the bleak wlntel' day giving an , nspcct
or uttcr dreariness to lho wlnd.swcpt
Sllace ,
"Thesc , " Raid the doctor In altend.
ance. wllh a comllrehenslvo swcep of
arm OVOl' the RtllI , white faces , "aro
our pnoumonla patlenls , 'Ve have now
nuout 45 In all. Here Is where wo
bring lhem lo combat the disease , Sce
this ono-hlgh rover , delirious when
brought In , now rcsUng comparative-
\ ) . easy-asleell , as ; rOil mar ; seo. This
olhet' , a child rour 'cars old-here ,
Il11t 'Ollt' arms undcr the covor-lhoro ,
now , keep sllll nnd go lo sloCII , Afraid
or the dnrl < ? It. won't hurt. you , Go
to slcell now , You'll wake UII rcellng
ftll right. "
Yet here were Imoumonla pallenls ,
many ot tendoI' 'cars , exposcd to
OVCl' ' wlntOl' blast that hlew ; no roof
o\'crhcad , onlr ; an uwnlng that could
bo slid O\'CI' rods In case or rain or
sleet or snow. It. seemed harharlc.
'I'he doctor salel lhnt It was only l'evo.
lulloI1l1r ' ,
Hcro Is Dr. William p , Northrup of
tlw'Isillng slaff of the Preshytcrlan
hoapllnl , 11nd It waa duo to his slrong
CnUh In thlll radical Idea. nnd to his
Inslslcncc In lhe vhtue ! ) oC I he ollen.
ah' treatmcnt. rOl' all suffering rrom
11II011l110nlu. and aoule InCccllous dls ,
eascs. such ns lYlhlod. ) scarlel fcvor ,
dhlhlherla , olc" thal tills ollOn.all' '
wnrel waa ostabllshed on the roof 01
the hosllllal.
"In ono scnso Il Is an oXllCrlment , "
Dr. NOl'thrulI said , "mid In anolhcr Il
Is not. I have emlllo 'ed lhe trenlment
In prlvnlo 1II'IIctice and have ueen
moro limn satlst1ell wllh the result ,
It. Is an mqll'rlmenl only In lhe sense
that lhls Is the first time Il Is being
tried out In a hosilital and on a large
acale , It was only al the beglnnlnl !
of this wlntcl' that the ward WitA madc
I'cadr ; Cor the rocollt1on of IJI1oumonl
lmtlonts , 'l'hal Is the only l'lJO 01
dlseaso thnt we are It'callng lu It now
"Tho resull has becn satisfactory
It has heen concluslve\ \ ) ' shown lha' '
no hnrm hus followcd till' sending 0
the Imtlonts dlrcclly Into the oller
all' , and conspicuous henot1ts havi
been noted. 'I'ho IHltlcnts are 10Si
/tOI'VOUS , thclr Aleoll Is hottcl' , nnel lhl :
conserves their slrcngth ; lhey arf
altle to take moro nourishment , ane
once l\Rt. the cl'llIls : theh' recover ' I :
moro rallh1.
" 1l Is not claimed thnt lho oIJC/
trealmont kills bacteria , Il is no
cven 13uro that 1l Bhorlcns lho IICrlol
or the dlsenso , Bul Il Is 811I'0 thut I
enableR the lIi\thmt to bellI' Ull aralns
the )1olson ) , holll ! ! him throw It olT , rot
deI's urenthi/tJ ; lesf ! dllllcult , Induce
restful sleel > , Incronses n\'lilutlte \ , aid
the assimilation or rooll-In shol'l
contl'luutes In C\'CI' ' wa ' to his hel
tormcnl and hl\rms him In no , war ; u
' all , "
'I .r. It 'rho eslabllahmelll o the ollon.1\1
ward wa5 the l'C'sull ot Or , Nortbrull'
recommendallons and lho ll1unlfi ence
orlrs : , W , K. Vanderbilt , who bol'o
the eX\Jenses \ of the underlaklng , nnd
who hns show/t much Inlercst In the
( 'xperlmonl , bel/tg a frcquent vlsllor to
tl1 ( ' Inslllullon.
What led to lhe adopllon or the
ollen-alr ward was thc successful out.
como of an experlmcnt which 11Irectly
preceded thc permanent Instnllatlon or
the ward ,
"A Ilortlon or the rooC , " DI' . Norlh.
rUII cxplalncd , "was extemporized Into
1\ roof gardcn fOl' lhe benofit. of the
slclc children who were sent. to the
hosllll.1l ror ll'cntment. A framework
or Iron 1IIIIIng , covorcd wllh canvas
was made lo lean.lo , around the sides
of which canvas curtains wcre ad-
jusled , The arrangement was crude ,
but. did good work In summer and
early fall. What was pronounced 1\
\'er ' cozy place for a family picnic
parly In Septcmbor or October was by
lhc same persons denominated dcso.
late In Novcmuer and December.
HOWOVOl' , It was alr ' , well sunned , and
endurahle , 'I'hc children spcnt. six
hours a day there all winter , the en.
lire ward bolng cmplled out. upon the
1'00r , whllc lheir ward uclow on the
first fioor was well 'blown out' lhrough
lho wlde.opcn windows ,
"What kind of cases were sent lo
lhe roof ? All cases , On many da 's
ever ' case In lho children's ward was
sent lo the roor. Exce11l1onally , wbel'o
lhe case was considered unfit ror re.
moval , such as one having a weak
hcart , 01' ono just recovering from an
opemllon , 01' when an cxlenslon appa'
ratus was aUached to thc bed , a chllcl
or two rcmalncd In thc ward , This was
regl'ettablo , hecause the ward could
not then be adequately aired through windows , By nil cases 1
mean ll11emnonla In all stages , ap.
pcndlcltls , mcnlngltls , burns , fraclures ,
"Most onlookcrs have wished to
know delalls about pncumonla cascs
taken oul of doors on the roof. All
IlIIeumonla cases In the height or
Ce\'cr , while the stimulating ofrect or
the 11Ilcumoloxin was full on , were
I'cgulal'lr on lho list lo go to the roO < ! '
, Cor six hours on plensant days. 'I'hat
li\d \ not mcan avoiding winds or cold
wllh sunllghl , uut avoiding rain 01'
snow ,
"Il has Iwen noled by lhe nurscs
thal lho children on rain ) ' da's , after
Iwlng conllned to lhc ward all daj' ,
heconw rcstless and pecvlsh toward
ovenln , When I'cturned from a ( : oocl
alrlu on lhc 1'00r lher are hungry and
I > lccN' . At night theh' sleel ) Is quiet ,
proCound , unhrolwn.
"This 'roor ward' enl ' lIIu3tralos
lhe greater emllhasls now Lelng laid
hr the mcdlcal prorcsslon on frosh-alt'
Prove In Some Cases Very Harmful
to Motor Occupants.
A clII'loul > and Inlereatlng ract 1'0 ,
gardlng what mar be called "automo ,
I bllo Iloisouing" has becn recently com ,
munlcatl'd to the Pat'la Soclely or Lc.
gal Mcdlclno by : 'Ill' . Marcel Briand ,
as rellol'led to La Naturc. Saj's this
pallor :
"The waslc gases 111'0 cnpable , IC lhe
journoj' Is a long one , or producing
real sj'mlltoms of poisoning , Some
automohlllsts ha0 actually bcon
. oullgcd to glvo UII thclr ra vorllo sporl
uecauso or the gascs which , Ileno'
tl'atln In small quantities ovcn to the
Intcrlm' or the vchlcle , cause them
proslstcnl lrouble , 'rho waste gasef
not Iwlng adapt'll ror contacl with OUI
hronchial tubes , It Is prollel' to nollC )
the automobllo lI1ulwrs that the lIoon
of theh' machlues al10ulrl ho made a1
light nt ! l1Osslhle , In order that Ims
songel's may ho protected from thes (
Ilroducts. which ma ' , al the vcry least
cause dlstl'l'sslng hoadachcs , "
Where They Went ,
A husln < > ss conc'm In Park 1'0\\
which runs about 1111 night had mlasel
Sl'ort > s of Inealll1l'scont gloues lalel ) '
Since these glohcs Ilre Calrl ) ' oxponslve
and the Item of loss 111111 Lecunte Ilrotl
slzabl ( ' , Ilefectivo WIIS IllIt on tht
job , It look him jusl 2. ' hours to 1hll
tl1l\t the globeA were 115 good as casl
o\'cr the bnrs or the Pnrlc row unl
Uowor ) ' glnmllls-ollo glube , OUI
lI"IIII. or \ \ 'hlskcw \'ol'k SUIl.
. , - ' . . . - It . . ' ' . . . , .
; '
. . ,
- _ . . & . - - 'il _
. . .
Wllllllm A , Nash , president of lho Corn Ex- . "
chaugo bank , IJI'obably did as much a ! ! nny man ,
In Now Yorlc lo put a stop to lhe recent l)1\nle , :
,1. PleT\1Onl \ Morgall alone oxccpted. When the . ;
IItItTY came on ho was ladc chalrmnn of the }
clearing house commillee , and It CeU ma.lnly to " "
him to IIUS ! ! UllOn the securilles offered hy banks '
In ueell of assistance , to dcclde which should bo
aided anll which suspended , 110 was regarded by
lho olhcl' balll < crs as the halance whecl of the
Wall slreet. slluatlon , NOI' 13 this his t1rst ox. "
pcrlellce of It panic , Cor In 1903 he was one of
five mon who , UII oxecullvo commltteo of lhe
clem'lng house , hall that 11I1nlc In charge. 11 hI
wUlld common Honse , his keen buslnoss molh.
ods and his ral'.slghted menlal vision in each
case savcd him rrom mnklng an ) ' very grave
iJlunders , and ho came through bolh ol'llcalll with l1ylng colors.
1\11' , Nash commenc'd life as messengel' ! Joy In lho bank of which he Is
now president. lIe won his advllncement. slep hr step , through his own _ . . . . ,
( 'Crorls , and 2 years rrom the Ila ' he enlcred the bank he was Its president. .I
It lhen had a capital or $1,000,000 ; now It has $8,000,000. He was the rathel'
of the branch s 'stem and the Com Exchange was tlto fil'st bank to open
bmnchcl ! when lhe law was lJassed aulltorl lng It lo do so , It has .
22 branchcs and minor lIel1JHltorlcs throughout. lhe clly of New York.
MI' , Nash holds the 1110a Ihat hard wOI'I < , no matter how Inlel1lgcnt , will
never raise a man \'l'rj' much IIbove his rellows , unless it Is combined with ,
lho 110Wl'r or lhlnklng' for ono's self and allIIn ! ; his superiors with sugges.
lions , A man who can do lllis can pmcLlcally dictate his own lerms In lho
bnnl\lng world ,
Chanccllol' von Buelow , finding that It re. 1
Iulrs It man of moro than the avcrago attain.
ments to fill lhe shoes of lho late Prlnco Dls.
. ,
marclc and to conduct the alTalrs of the Gcnnan
emJlre ) , Is said to be on the point of reUrlng to
) Jrlvate lICe. Ills uncompromising attitude to.
wards lho socialists , who are rapidly gaining In
strength , has becn the means of blocking many of
lhe cmperor's schemes and has cnnsed Ule ut.
most dlmcu1t ' In his gclllng the mone ) ' he wanls
for an Immense nrmy , He has won ror himself
lhe hostlllly of some of the court favorites , because -
cause he has denounccd their scandalous be.
havlor , and he has even made enemies In the
Imiser's own household by his opposillon to the
marriage or the crown prince to the beautiful
Cecllle , hecausc she was the daughter of It Rus. I
sian grand duchess whose escapades wcre lhe talk of all Europe. All this :
has reminded German ' that Von Buelow was not so very Impeccable hlmseU ' .
when he was Ii young man , and that his marriage to lhe lovely Princess 4.
Camporealo was achlovcd enl ' after she had run away from Count Charlcs
von Doenhofr , her rich but aged husband.
The princess round the rambling old Romnn palace loncl ) ' wllh only
her husband , a man old cnough to be her grandCather , for company , and she . . . .
was attracled U ) ' tho''oung attache or the German cmbassy. ,
Wilhout any prclense at secrecy the princess left her husband and fied "
from Romc with her young lover. That. of coursc terminated Von Buelow's
connection with the ( 'muass ) ' , and Cew people would have given much for
hls chanccs of advancement In diplomatic life , The appealing charm of his
wlCe , oven lhen IIltlc more limn It child , hcr rare ueauly and thclr fidelity ,
coupled with Yon 13ueIO\.s own undoubled talcnls , I < cpt him In the imperial
favol' , nnd he was sent from one emuass ' to another unlll ho rclurned t.o
RomQ as Gcrman amuassadol' ,
Roman soclely convenlenlly forgot tbe lopemcnl , and Von Buelow bav-
ing married the lady whcn her husband 11ad divorced hcr 11 : rears arter the i.
elopement , they wel'e received Into lhe most excluslve circles , The Incident . .
Is now being recalled In Berlin soclet ) ' , hOwcvCI' , and strong pressure Is ? ' 1
being brought 1.0 b < > III' 11110n thc empel'or to Induce him to dismiss his chan. . 1
celioI' .
'Vl1rner Miller , formerl ' United Slates sona.
tor rrom Ncw York and once prominent In Re.
l1uullcan politics as leadcr of tllo "HaICbrceds , "
has failed as a result of the Martlnlquc disaster
scvoml 'cllrs ago , "bankrupled by the acts of
God and W1\IIam \ Nelson Cromwcll , " as ono of
his rriends expressed It ,
Ilo did nol own a foot of land in Martinique ,
nol' did ho havc a dollar Invested there , yct the
terrible explosion of natural rorces that blow off
the lop or tbe mountain , wipcd a clly rrom the
face of the earth , laid wasle the fields and causell
lI1uch deslructlon among lho shlpl1lng ca sed his
ruin years laler. Decpl ) ' Inlercsled In the Nlca.
ragua canal ) Jroject , 1\1IlIer had Invested much of
bls moncy In It. The Unlled Slalcs had vlrlually
decldcd to undcrtakc the worlc. l\Uller slood to
makc n forlun ( ' , 'l'hen came thc dl5astOl' , which brought wllh it the fcar of
slmllnl' outbreaks in Nicaragua , 'rhe Panama canal Ilcopic hl1d momtlmo :
come to theil' scnsl's and were I1reparing lo make an eqllllablo bargain , ' 1'ho I
Nicaragua cannl Pl'ojl'ct was dropped and 1\I11Ier was decply Involved , To
meet his obllgallons 1)dlslwsed of his l1ulp mill and lumber holdings and ;
lllnncd his faith to the Sierra Consolidated Gold Mining Co" a Wcst. Vlrglnln
corpora lion , lIc held nuout one-lhlrd or Ils tolal stock oC $3,000,000 , hoping ,
to recover hlH Rtandlng through tltat , hul the mines ncver became producing :
IIl"Operlles , allhough hc hold on for 12 'ears , and 111 the end It came to crash , .
bringing : \I1\1l'I' \ down with it. 1
1\Iler \ firsl came Into 1I1'0mlnent notlcc when Senatol' Roscoe Conkling
and Thomas C , PIaU resigned theh' seals In the senale , to appeal to the peo. .
)110 ) ror tlwh' Itulorsoment , The ) ' Cnlled lo recclvo the indorsemcnt they
sought , and : \ll11er became senulor to succeed Conl < lIng , 110 nevOl' did any-
thhg remarkable in the senute. and rctlt'ed almost as obscurc a personage f I
as when he entered.
- '
Lord' Elgin , secrclar ' of state of lhe colonies ,
Is accused b ) ' the British press of bolng res11on-
sible for lho latest ferment In lhe Transvaal uy I
allowing the colonial leglslaluro to trcat nrltlsh
Indians as criminals and send lhom to jail I ! they
rcruse to rcglsler their fingcr IIrlnts and olhor " )
marks or Idenlillcaton ! , Many of the l > roud.splrit.
cd high caste Indians have gene to jail rathel'
than suhmlt to such an indlgnlly , and In n rew
clays lhclr "mart 'I'dom" wllbo \ Imown all ovcr
India , ' "
, Just rlS the stories sent home b ) ' Indian resl.
denls or the Tranavunl berore lhe Boel' war or
the IIOWcl'lcssness of the BrlUsh there brought
on sevol'I\l UllI'lslngs IlItll two rulllCr serious WI\I'S
I on lho nOI.thwesl Cronllcr , so Ihe story or the
trealment or these Indians now mabo the !
. - . - - - - - - - - -
of BlIlI morc serious troublcs ,
Lord Elgin Is said to have eXllllllncd Ihat. ho was rorced to consont. 10
the reglstrnton ! law of lho Transaal on lhreat or a rebclllon , but Ir ho
: rloldcd III such a threal he shows himself to ho n much wcakol' man than
ho WIIS tcn ' ( 'arll agn when he was \'Il'ero ' or Indlu. 'I'he rrontler was lhcn
In n 11Isltll'bcIl slain 11I111 the Afghans , slll'red UI > hr Hussln'oro committing
outrages , LOI'II Elgin took upon hlmsolf lho rcsl10nslbilltr of seudlng an
ur1l1) ' to bl'lng lho ( llsttll'bcrs In terms , which ho did In short order ,
Lorll Elgin , IIlthllUgh n Scoleh noblcman and a descendnllt or an uncIa
of King Hobert the Bruce , Was born \lonllulllll : , ncar : 'Ilonlreal , whllo his
I father was governol' genernl of Canadn. 'I'he lallor dicil In Canada when the
I ) I III'l'sent. 1.01'11 1'lgllI : WriS a lad or H. 'I'he famllr hnd Iwell In the Brillah dill'
r lumatic servlco tor generations , nnd UIO name was known all ever the cast. \ "
. .