Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1908, Image 4

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    - ;
" ' '
JJ 11 'tl r
; ugtar Oounty aopuhlioan
. " . Where IIlIttter 18 set or , , , oUd btRe clectrotypes
. . . a OM price uf U Cellta per IIIChRlnlrl CullllUlI ,
" fur each IIIRcrtluII. two ur lUorc InMurtiolls.
I SpcclalluslllulI , slllllie IIIHt'rtlulI. 15 CClltS Ier
, ; Inch. Melal base eJcctro , t\Vuor lUorc tlmcR.
. 10 cCllta pcr Illch. Paymellt. tu be made 1st 01
.t each lUonlli.
. " ' 1 Lucal ad"crtlRIIIIl 5 celltll pcr line each luaer.
" . . lOll.
Cardll on I1tst pnllc W centK per Illch per
tv 1I10ntllo
' Notice of chllrch fnlrs , lIociahles nud enler.
f talnlucnts where lUonoy I. cbarllell. one-"aH
" \ , . - - . - -
' - -
' , D. M. AMsnnHRY , - Publisher
t ; , . ClIAS. K. BAssH'r'r , - - Editor
. ( J Thursday , Feb. 27 ] 908.
" 1 , ' . "I .
: '
. i , 'fhe constitutional convention
lately held in Michigan decided
'I that male citizens only shall be
I qualified to exercise the elective
franchise. It now seems probable -
; able that the advocates of equal
' , ' suffrage will insist upon submit-
ing the matter to the election in
; 4 November. The adage that
,1 Dame Nature bestowed upon
'I woman the art of chit-chat by
, way of consoling her for having
, . ! to endure so much of man's pon-
( I derous wisdom , would appear to
: \ be especially applicable to the
Wolverine statesmen , judging
from the weight of the oratorkal
broadsides indulged in immediately -
, ately preceding the taking of
the vote.
There is necessity today for. .
action in congress. Conditions
demand it , the people insist on
it and cong'ress cannot ignore it
I without disaster to the countrv.
Warnings may fall on deaf ears
and promises are not wanted , because -
cause today is the day for action.
It is the only way that confidence
I can be restored in the countr ) ' as
to the concl1tion of the financial
, institutions. Without faith the
busin ss and tl1c political world
becomcs chaos , and the present
session must legi late on the
financial qucstion or confidence
will remain unsatisfied.
It is becoming more aud more
I '
, . apparent that , with the large
and still increasing population
of the country and the generally
active linterest taken by all in
congressional atIairs , there
should be a change in the datc
for the opening of congress in
order tl1at the views expressed bV
the people at the ballot box ma'y
not be unnecessarily delayed 01
being enacted into lcgislation ,
nor subject to practical nullifica.
tion at the hands of a holdovel
and possibly repudiated house.
There is said to have come up'
on Wall street a moral awaken.
ing , as a result of the financial
flurry last October , which ha
changed it from a Juggernaut 01
irresponsible and ambitious pow.
er to a modestlmart of commerce
with a full and lasting realizatiot
that defiance of public opinion is
not the best business policy , anl
that hereafter there will be n (
winkingl at reckless finance ant
condonihg of fraud. This bit 0
news is clearly to be classed a !
"important it true. "
One of the leading banks 0
the country has recently com
municated to its employes ,
eries of rules to govern thei :
conduct , and which all youn !
men starting out in life would d4
well to seriously consider.IIYOI
must not enter a saloon , gambl
ing house , pool room or bucke
shop ; frequent race tracks , attene
prize figh ts nor visit questionabll
resorts of any l < nd , nor mak4
companions of the viciously in
clined. "
The railroads are up againsl
a hard problem , concerning sum
mer excursion r ttes. If the'
make a rate of two cents per miler
or less it will be an aclmowledge
ment that the two cent rate i :
reasonable. If they don't makl
the excursion rate a low one the'
will antagonize some state ;
which have not adopted this lov
rate and the managers seem tc
be between the devil and tIll
deep sea.
Everywhere in the east mel
are being put to work again ane
the tide seems turning there
Under these circumstance8 con
fidence is prosperity , and pro
gress should be greater in thi
section of the Union than in Ull
east , as the depression did no
strike this state as it did in tIll
mannfacturing states-and Wal
A well known writer says tha
if he understands the Critics 0
President Roosevelt aright the
would have been better pleasel
. had he been born about a cen
tury later. They will have harl
work to convince the people tha
be this would haveen best ,
. . ,
< " " '
. .
= - . . : : - . . . . . . . . . .
An itcm of cOI1 iderable
gCl1eral interest is notcd in thc I
conchtsiol1 of successfully conducted -
ducted experiments on the part
of the Northwestern railroad to .
bu rit crude petroleu 111 in its
engllles in place of coal in .
Wyontin" . In a fairly large district -
trict in Wyoming , through which
the Northwestern runs , oil ma- .
be had for the drilling , while I
coal has to b ( : transported about
900 miles.
- - - - - -
Why should this country talk
a b 0 u t depression ? Not withstanding -
standing the recent alleged flurry
in the stock market down cast ,
and an effort to pull all the cur-
rencyof the country into Wall
street for the purposc of speculation -
tion , the business of the country
is g0111g right along , as usual
-so far as legitimate lines are
- - - - - - - - -
It seems rather strange that
Anderw Carnegie should make
the statement that 111.'his country
has th worst money system in
the world , " when tl1e funds are' '
coming in to him so fast that he
can't find a way to spend them.
It is the poor men who would be
supposed to mal < e such complaint.
'rhe report is current that
there are some men in tl1is state
who have claimed to be strong
friends ot the l ouseveH policies
who are doing all in their power
to have delegates elected to the
National convention who IIcan
be handled" in some other way.
Opposed to Third Term.
It is pretty generally believed
now by the people , sincc President -
dent Hoosevelt supports the
Oe : > rge Washington idea , that
oflice holders who seek election
for the third term arc overreaching -
reaching their claims upon the
voters , and that in so doing they
seem to think they are the whole
thing and that no one else can
properly perform the duties 01
the office for which they have
twice asked and been given the
suffrage of their constituents.
' { 'he feeling that a third-termer
is not to be tolerated is spreading -
ing rapidly and not only in connection -
nection with the ) residency , but
that it should also apply to state
and county ofiices.
During the county conveution
in this city last week the writeI
, heard a number of delegates dis.
cussing the question and the
, were all of the same opinion. .
One deleFate said that some
might consider him too par.
, ticular , but he couldn't help iti
he never did fancy a hog of th <
two-legged variety and when a
. fellow had two served two terms
it was time to back away from
the pie bench and give the others
a chance. Of course , if no otheI
capable and worthy individua1
desires any pie and t hc voten
I clamor for the would-be third.
, termer it isn't so bad , but for iI
man having servcd two terms t (
seek a third term is asking om
too many.
Congressman Pollard was inter'
s viewed in Washington a fe
days ago and made the followin !
statement , which will gain man )
friends for President Roosevel' '
_ because of the stand he takes or
this question in his talk win
Mr. Pollard :
"I have talked with the presi
dent a great many times abou' '
the presidential situation , an <
_ he has invariably and repeated 1) )
said that his published statemen
immediately after his elcctiol
three years ago , which was re ,
cently repeated , expresses hi !
posi tion clearl y and honestly an <
that he trusted the party wouh
accept his statement withalI' '
question. From my conversa
_ tion with the president I an
convinced that under no circum
stances will he accept a renomin ,
ation for a third term. Ile i
very strongly of the opinion tha'
the precedcnt established bJ
George Washington at the ex
pi ration of l1is second term ougl1
not to be set aside. "
Soutb Omaba Market Report.
Clay , Hobinson & Co. , liv4
stock commission. South Omaha
issued the following report unde
date of ycsterday :
'l'here has been but a 1ll0deratl
- run of cattle here this week
- 'fhe trade started out Monda'
s strong and active to a dimi
higher on killers. Since thel
the market has held fully stead'
on the desirable kinds ; feede ;
steady to strong for the week
Good to choice beeves are quot
able at $5.00 @ $5.50 ; fair t4
good $4.50 @ $5.00.
1.'he hog trade opened up
cents higher today but c10sec
weak. 'l'he bulk sold at $4.05 Cc. !
$4.20 ; top $4.30. Look for mod
crate receipts the balance of thl
week and a still further advanc4
in value9.
r'1. , . . . . - . ,
r' .
Farmer Friend , How'd V-iike wl-
1.'hc editor of the Cozad Local
seems to be of the opinion that
if farmcrs who are delinquent
subscribers would do unto the
editor as they would have others
do unto them , there would be less
financially embarras ed printing
offices. What farmer would ell-
joy a case like this ? Ruppose
you bad five hundred bushcls of
corn for s'lle and five hundred
men came at different times , each
one being trusted because ) 'ou
did not want to appear "small"
and not trust a neighbor for such
a small amount. And in thi
manlier J'ou disposed of all the
corn. You have an obligation
to pay and it must be mct and if
those. who bought the corn woulel
eacb pay the 50 cents they OW ( ' ,
you woulc'l have $250 and could
pay the creditor who is pressing'
you-and still have money left.
But these five hundred mcn
each say unto himself that ) ' 011
are not in any hurry for the 50
cents they owe you-anyhow
such a small amount wouldn't
help very mucb-not realizing
that you have let out five hundred -
dred bushels in single bushel lots
and all on time and that vou are
badly in need of funds.
Those who neglect to pay
their dollar on subscription not
only one year , but year after
year , are requested to consider
the foregoing illustration , which
is almost identical with the position -
ition in which the newspaper
publisher is placed when his subscribers -
scribers do not pay.
The RltPUDLICAN has over a
thousand neighbors , each of
whom owe a small amount and
they mistakenly think-if they
do think-it is not needed , because -
cause it is , and if they respond
bearty thanl < s will be sent with
each receipt. . _ _ _
J. H. Edmisten Forfeits Bonds.
Charged with being a participant -
pant in Government land fraud
cases anp under bonds of $10.000
to appear in court in Omaha on
Monday , J. II. Edmisten forfdted
his bon < 1s by lion-appearance
either in person or by attorney.
Mr. Edmisten was formerly a
resident of this county , residing
in the vicinity of Lomax and
served as a member of the board
of supervisors and is quite well
remembered by many of our
residen ts.
In regard to the case the
Omaha Bea of Tuesday contained
the following :
J ames I-I. l dmisten of Lincpln ,
former chairman of the populist
state committee and state oil inspector -
specter under the last populist
regime In Nebraska , failed to appear -
pear in United States district
court Monday morning in answer
, to indictments charging him
with frauds in severallanrt transactions -
sactions and Judge W. H. Mun-
ger declared his bonds of $10-
I 000 forfeited. These were two
bonds of $5,000 each on which
John A. Edmisten , his brother ,
si ned his name as surey.
'l'he whercabouts of Edmisten
is a matter of conjecture. That
. is the reason for the forfeiture of
his bond. Last week a rumor
was circulated that he had left
for Mexico after having cleverly
disposed of all hi property amounting -
mounting to some $30,000.
Friends of Edmisten denied
this rumor and said he was in
_ North Platte , npar which place
he was arrangin g to enga e x-
tensively in the ranch business ,
but the secret service ofiicials
could not veri fy tins report , nor
could they even learn that he
_ was anywhere near North Platte
and Bignell ,
When the secret sen'ice became
satisfied he was not in the state
the governmen t decided to take
_ drastic measures. The fact
1 that W. W. Summers of Omaha
_ and J. B. Strode of Lincoln , Ed-
_ misten's attorneys , also failed to
appear in court , quickened the
determination for action.
'l'hree indictmcnts arc pending
_ against Mr. Edmisten. One is
t for conspiracy to defraud the
government out of use , title and
possession to large tracts of land
In the North Platte land district
by means of false , fraudulent and
ficti tious en tries. Another is
for perjury and subornation of
perjury in securing witnesses to
final proof entries in the case of
Olin W. Ilendee , a former Omaha
. newspaper man and one Brown.
The third indictment is for forgery -
gery in an application to enter
public lands and for the transmission -
mission of such forged papers to
the land office.
. In the conspiracy to dcfraud
indictment , Olin W. Hendee and
J William H. Keefer are jointly indicted -
dicted with Mr. Edmisten. The
total amount of land involved in
the alleged fraudulent transactions -
tions will closely approximate
- 10,000 acres.
Let us be your printer , The
2'ood kind of printing enl , .
. .
7'- . . " . . . . . . " ' - _ . . '
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Coughs I
Dangerous coughs. Extremely
perilous coughs. Coughs that
r sp and tear the thront and
lungs. Coughs that shake the
whole body. You need a regular -
lar medicine , a doctor's medicine -
cine , for such a cough. Ask
your doctor about Aye r' s
Cherry Pectoral.
We Ublla rormulu
. . We banish ataohol
A ' from o , ! ! edlolnu
We urge you to
oonlult your
Any good doctor will tell you thnt n medicine -
cine like Ayer's Cherry Pectornl cnnnot
do its best work If the bowels are con-
stipaled. Ask your doctor If he knows
anything betler than Ayer's Pills for cor-
reclin this sluggishness of the liver.
-Made br : the J. O. Ayer Co. . Lowell. M.-
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
Another National Monument.
'rhe President has just signed
a proclamation criating the Jewel -
el Cave National Monument within -
in the Black Hills National Forest -
est , South Dakota. 'rhis remarkable -
markable cave , which is located
13 miles west and south of Cus-
ter , the county seat of Custer
County , in a limestone fonna-
tion and is believed by geo-
Foists to be an extinct geyser
channel. 'rh ( ! National Monument -
ment will embrace an area of
1,280 acres.
'fhis cave , which was explored
as late as 1900 , has been found
to consist of a series of chambers
connected by narrow passages
with numerous galleries , the
walls of which are encrusted with
a magnificent layer of calcite
crystal. 'l'he opening of the cave
is situated in Hell Canyon , the
walls of which are high and
preci pi to us.
' { 'he surface of the country in
which the cave IS located consists
of a high rolling plateau about
6,000 feet above sea level. 1.'he
area is almost entirely co\'ercd b ) '
a forest of bulJ pinc , a consider.
able portion of which is mer.
chantable , while the remaindeI
consists of a vigorous young
growth ,
Edison Discusses Cement Houses.
'I'homas A. Edison , in a letteI
to the Chicago Tribune , says 01
his latest inventIOn : III am it ]
eceipt of many letters reg rd.
Ing newspaper articles deSDcrib111g
a cement house which I am about
to erect The writers of most of
the letters have misread the articles -
ticles , and I take this occasion
to explain just what I purpose to
do. I now have a model , one-
fourth the si e of the house , du.
signed by the New York archi.
tects. 1.'his winter I shall con.
struct the molds and devise
machinery , whereby a full sized
house can be cast in twelve hour
after the molds lare in position.
At the end of six days the iron
molds are removed and the house
will be complete , including stairs ,
partitions , mantels , bath , etc. ,
and after drying six days wil1
probably be ready for occupancy.
' 1'0 build this house for UOOO it
is essential that it be erected 011
sandy soils , as the material ex.
. . ,
' " - ' - . - . - " ' - - '
" ; - r
cllvated for the cellar is all tbat
is required to build the house , except -
cept , of course , the cement. The
cost of the iron molds will be
about $25,000 , the cost of the
01 her machinery about $15,000.
" this outliit an unlimited
; lIumbcr of houses can be erected.
- - - - - - - - - -
Zumbrota Zephyn.
A. I Houth sold some calves to
E. U Barber , last week.
Geo. BartH'r had his ankle burt
1ig-ht1y while playing on the
l'c last week.
One evening last week about
t \Venly five pe ple gathered at
Callen's lagoon to enjoy skating.
FI'OItI all reports everyone I .
seemcd to havc a good timc.
On last Fridaylevening Charles
Sands was a victim whom about
twenty five young folks surprised
in the good old fashioned way.
Various games were played after
which refreshment ! : were served
and in the wee hours of the
morning the guests departed , declaring -
claring that they had spent a
very enjoyable evening.
Wm. Barrett and wife Sun-
dayed wit.h Nine McComas and
M. D. Callen and wife visited
Mr. and Mrs. 'fooley in the Bow ,
Miss Katherine Moore spent a
few days last week with Miss
Zee Bishop.
Miss Pearl Pershall , of the
Bow , vi ited her sister , Mrs. B.
B. Sands , a few days last week.
Mrs. Rilla Pershall returned
last week from Iowa where she
had been called by tl1e fatal illness -
ness of her grandmother.
David Dewey expects to move
from the Adams farm , this
week , into the IISnake Run"
A. 1. Routh and wife were
pleasantly surprised on last
Tuesday evening. A very nice
tillle is reported by those in at-
J. T. Cole shi ppecl 444 sheep
the first of the week to South
Marriage Licenses Issued.
Geo. M. Booth , Broken Bow. . .22
Marie Spooner , Anselmo. . . . . . 18
LeRo ) ' Probert , Sargent. . . . . . 25
Carrie E. Hartley , Sargent. . . .23
Ira L. Spratt , Arnold. . . . . . . . .25
. Athel R. Blowers , Arnold. . . . .21
O. I. C. Hogs at Pqblic Auction.
Leslie R. Clay will sell ten
head of pedigreed Ohio Imported
Chester White hogs at his sale
11 miles south of Ansley on
March 2nd. White King , his
herd boar , is one of the best ever
I brought to Custer county. He
weighed 275 pounds at 9 months
in breeding condition. All SOWg ,
nine head , are bred to him.
Montlay , March 2nd.
, ,
Sell Your Hogs to Russom.
i G. R. Hussom is now buying
and shipping- hogs and requcsts
I all who havc sWine to ell to call
on him and get his prices which
, will alw ys be the highest com-
, mesurate with the market. He
I is making his headquarters at
the Bruee Lumber yard where he
can be interviewed every day.
I Better see him if you have hogs
. for sale.
_ . , , . ' - .
. . , , .
, - . . -
Fairview Filicities.
' . .
War'ren Smith , of Rochester'p ,
N. Y. , has bought two cars of
horses which he ships to N. Y.
state. His l1ephew , W. J. Wincl- .
nagle goes with them. i
W. J. Windnagle's public sale I
last Monday was a success. I
Miss Milldred Windnagle bade .
Broken Bow aud friends adieu
II Tuesday , and went to Lincoln to
reside with her tnother.
Mr. Monahan bas movcd to
the Ryno ta ble.
Mrs. Baken is quite sick , but
report says she is better.
Mr. anc1l\lrs. ' 1' . B. Morris cn-
tertaincd thc Country Club at !
high fivc , at their home MOl1day I
night. Ji'ruit punch was served I
between games and a very delicious -
licious lunch was served at mid-
mght. Mr. E. W. Simmons and
Mrs. J. II. Anderson won the two
first prizes. ,
. . . . .
Mrs. E.V. . Simmons en ter- , . T" " " ; '
tained a nUlhber of friends at r
dinner last Sunday.
. .
- -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - =
Z M m *
m m Y '
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck - :
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
An elegant line of boys and
children's clothes , just received I
at Snyder Bros. & Co. ;
For all kinds of good coal go II I
to tl1e West Elevator. 14tf . I
- - - -
Money to loan on choice , farms. :
W. B. EAs'l'HAl\1.
- - - - -
-l1'urnished and unfurnishel
rooms for rent in Reneau block
. . " , .
We take orders for ladies' tailor
made sui ts , guaran tee a fi l.
34tf SNYDItH BHOS. & Co ,
Go to J. W. Scott's for unadulterated - I
adulterated flour-pure , just s. '
the wheat growed. , ,
An elegant line of boys and
children's clothes , just received ' . '
at Snyder Bros. & Co. 34tf _ ) t'
'fry our Rex Lump Coal , now I
87.00 per ton at Dierks Lumber
& Coal Company , Broken Bow ,
FOll SALn-A bargain-a six
octave organ costing $100.00 can
be had for about half price. I
Might consider trade for milch
cows. Call at this office.
We take orders for ladies' tailor
made suits , guarantee a fit.
. . . . . . . . . .
Dr. Bass , Dentist. Over McComaS : . , ,1" " :
An elegant line of boys and
children's clothes , just received
at Snyder Bros. & Co.
- - - .
Money to loan on choice farms.
. .
- - - - - - - -
Edward Dodd , physician and
surgeon. Office with Dr. Cl1ris-
tcnson in Reality block. Ofiice
phone No. 260 ; residence phone . . , .
No. 248. All cal1s promptly at- " \
te nded. 32-tf
We take orders for ladies' tailor
made suits , guarantee a Jit.
Money to loan on choice farms.
\Y. B. l As'rlIAl\I.
Clean Seed Rye for sale a t the :
West Elevator 14tf.
, .
And This Paper Both One Year I ;
- .
This is just a BARGAIN RATE and is not good after March 28 ,
'fhe Lincoln N evs is a Big , Bright , Snappy ncvspaper , printed i I
at the Capital. PrInts t he truth about things and prints them
plUin1y. It tales a hig' part , in doing things for the public good.
The Regular Price of the News alone is $3.00
so you are fretUm ! : this paper FREE a whole year
Bring Your Iolley in Eurly so Yon Can Get this Bnrgnin llate. ;
The Custer County Republican
Broken Bow , Nebraska. I
.J.- ' .1 "
f ) ' "
- I. . . . _ ' " .
. t