Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 27, 1908, Image 1

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    dtald 111' 1.I.JrMI ! 11 l.uuIIrt :
p I , . . . . .
- M
. .
A watch tall , ? \V ll no ,
< for my master forgot to put
. . a mouth in my face when
\ he made me. Although he
pu t ] ife in me , he did not
make my hands sufficiently
strong to strike you when
you abuse mc ; conscquently
you can smash my face or
take my life any time.
Then you may punish me
still more by taking me to
some unsldlled watchmaker
to revive me-some fellow
who promiscs to put a spring
of life in me for 50 cents-
give me a physic and
throughly purge me for 50
cents more , but who docs
not evcn take me apart. I'll
talk right for you if you
will take me to
. I
Where Will Yon
Take It ?
'I'his question often arises
aftcr you havc consulted the
bcst ( not the cheapest )
physican you know , and
have recei vcd hi 'j prescri p-
It should go to the bcst
drug-giRt you know-o n e
who will use only the right
Idnd of Drugs and will not
try to fill it if he hasn't the
right kind.
It should go to thc druggist -
gist who will exercise the
grcatcst care in getting the
right drug and the quantity
and will go over his work
scveral times to be sure he
is right.
We conduct our prcscrip-
tion business as the best
druggist should , and this is
an answcr to th qucstion ,
"whcre will you take it ? "
J.8. & J.F. Baisch
Broken Bow , - - Neb.
' " ' ' I''tltIlJh''tiJlll''tIlJ'1IiD.J1'4IWI ! ' ' ' ' ' ' ! ' : IIIIII . . ' ' ' ' ' ' 'nJJnJl'"tIl"'tIlJ ' ' ' : ! ! " ' ! " i.II : : : : , .
I t''I '
, MARCH 4th. :
. All Kinds of Fish for Lent.
Lobster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pcr can , 30c , Shrimps. . . . . . . . . . . .per can , 15c
) Sardincs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per can , 5c , 10c , 15c and 20c
1 Salmon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per can , 12.Vzc , 15c 20c and 25c
: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per ca , 20c
{ } I E..Fis
. ; ' ' .
- , Full Cream Cheese. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a pound , 20c [ [ i
. Fancy Navel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dozen , 25c , 30 , 35c and 45c .
, White Clcar Honey in Comb and Extracted
Fancy Large Grape Fruit : "
Pure Olive Oil . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a bottlc , 35c and 65c }
Our Coffics are Strickly High Grade )
A pound , l8c , 20c , 25c , 30c and 35c. ! ;
< \
' Pure Food Products t
, ,
! !
J. c. E3CVV.E ] ,
Pure Old Cider VinellDr :
MAIm : & .
L , , , . , . . . . , , , , , , , ,
, ' " 1'iJriITf ' , ! r.1' ' ' ' ' ' 'rr..nrtIm1l11i11r.1r."Ir.r.n.pIi : ' : : , ; ' ; ! : : ! ! ! : ; ; : : : : : ' ; ; P""IJPU"Ip' " ; ; ' " " ' ' ' ' 'rrrI'1I1rr"r'lf.1I" ' , : ' , : ; '
- . .
By this sta.tcment you my think wc arc previous ,
, but not so , bccause there js every indication to bear
us out in making the a scration.
. We have already reccived a large anc.1 well selected -
ed stock of grocerics especially for spring trade
and have placed an order for garden truck , lettuce ,
, - radishcs , ctc. , which You will find herc on display
upon arri val.
" 1400k to ns for everthing that's good in the line
, : ' of groceries and lrovisions.
. ' ' , ; '
, , . Sheppai cl & Burk
Phone 125. South Side Square
By paying subscription to the
, vance you will receive , h'REE
1 the AMERIOAN FARMER 1 year.
. .
/ q.1 , . .
An Interesting Letter From a Formcr
Rcsident of Custcr County Now
in the California Home.
Perhaps very few Rm'ulII.lcAN
rcadcrs cver hcard of the discipline -
pline in a Soldiers Ilome and
havc absolutcly no idea of how
the men who fought to prevent
the dissolution of the United
Statcs in thc early 60's pass the
time as inmatcs of a homc.
'fhose who may dcsire to learn of
the inside workings of thcse institutions -
stitutions will find an intcresting
account thereof in the following ,
written by one of thcm , Mr. P.
T. Oliphant-an uncl ( ' of Roy
Barnard , editor of the Callaway
Queen-from the Home at Saw-
telle , California :
Thcre is no cxception to the
rule as to blowing the whistle at
this time of the ycar at 5:45 : in
the morning for cvcrybody to
roll out of their cots and drcss
thcmselves , and shake up their
bcd clothes , sweep up the little
floor space assigncd each man
'and prcpare for breakfast. 'rhc
first mess goes in at ( , :45 : , and
each successive mcss entcr the
dining room 30 minutcs latcr. !
At prescnt we havc thrce mcsses , I
I or tables , thcre bcing 2,485 m < : n
in camp. Our brealdast consisted -
sisted of boilcd eggs with ham ,
boiled potatocs with thcir skins
on , bread , buttcr and correCt
After breakfast we rcturn to our
quartcrs , make up our bcds , and
then we are at liberty to go
where we plcase. Many of us
attenel church in the Homc
Chapel , a building of two com-
partmcnts , one for the Protcs-
tants and one for Catholics.
The scrvice closcs at 11:30. : Af-
tcr this the first mess repairs to
UIC mess hall for dinner , which
today consistcd of beef and brown
gravy , boiled potatoes , bread ,
pie , chcese and coffee. After the
meal a few of the men go to their
quarters to write letters to their
friends , and others. rcad books
and magazines taken from the Ii-
brary , and the newspapers taken
by many of the boys. Many of
thcm sit around the grounds on
benchcs placed wherever thcy
think the men might wish to sit ,
some in the sun , others in the
shadc , while by far the greatcr
numbcr sauntcr off to Sawtelle ,
or to the beach at Santa Monica
or Ocean Park , all aiming to get
back to thc mcss hall to their
corrce , cakc , tea and orangcs at
5 o'clock p. m.
This is thc kind of a morning
that makcs a man wish he was
with his wife or childrcn , when
hc has to roll out of 1115 warm
bcd at a quarter to six o'clock
and gc out in a cold rain about
40 rods away , wherc hc , with
scvcn or eight hundrcd othcr
mcn , stand huddled on three big
, . porches with thcir faccs toward
the doors of the dining ball ,
which th'y arc permitted to enter -
ter at ( , :45 : , where they find 5h
tables , cach : me spread with 14
- - - _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ --0
.Spring is herc , and spring
W11lds are not the most
soothing thing in the world
for delicate I , skin. Can't
hurt them much though , if
he uscd as a protection.
Twcnty fi\'e ccnts bu\'s a
largcr bottle than you would
We also have a fresh stock
of the following' drugs for
prevcntation of deases :
Assafoetida , C rea 111 of
Tartcr , Sa safras Barks ,
Sulphur , etc.
S. R. Lee
The Busy Druggist
plates and bcside each plate a
bowl of corrcc , and on either end
a big tureen of beef and potatocs ,
ot which the men male their
mCItI , andlcave the room in fil-
teen minutes and go bac1e to thcir
quarters and make up their beds.
By this time the morning papcrs
are delivcred. Some of the men
curse thcir luck for being here ,
while others are vcr , ) ' thankful
thc- , } are so comfortably situated.
Thc rest of the day is passed in
rea.ding , tallcing politics , religion
I and.cver . > ' subject under the sun ,
taltlng tltne for two at her meals.
'l'UI\SDJ\ .
I 'l'his morning we went to
breakfast under a clcar ky.
! 1I.tIwcre \ , } as happy as is possible -
sible undcr thc circumstances ,
bcing abscnt from their loved
oncs , and not knowing how they
arc ; A few are saddened because
thr e of their comrades havc
crosscd "the chilly watcrs" and
will be takcn out on thc hill and
placcd in their long resting
place where thc ) ' will await the
sound of the revcllle in the morn-
it g of r'surrection.
'l'his morning , as we arc shale-
ing np our beel clothes , we have ,
to throw our lowcr shcct and pillow -
low slip on the floor to be takcn
to thc laundr ) ' . After brcakfast
we are givcn clean ones and wc
make up uur bcds.Vc , bcin
tircd of hearing the growling of
thc chronics for the last few days
of rainy weathcr , took a walk
down to the bcach to hcar "what
thc wild waVcs were saying' . " I
found thcm looking almost as
angry as the boys 1 had Icft in
. 'I'hc ' - in
camp. ) came rushingin
as if to tcar up the sand and
carry it back into the sca , breale
themsclvcs to picces , fall flat ,
running back under others which
follow them.
'Phis morning we learn lha t
onr govcrnor , O. II. LaGrangc ,
has resigncd , anel this causcs
considerable excitemcnt. Many
who have been chronic grumblers
at his"managcmcnt now change
thcir tunc , and fcar we may gct
a worse one , and are getting
ready to find fault with the ncxt
one. As we have no complaint
to make , we wander a way in
the hills to wear away the tcdium
of the day , and to listen to thc
mocking bird , the meadow lark
and the faraway trill of the bce-
bird , and think of our boyhood
days on the othcr side of thc
We wcre fceling good in re-
mcmbcrance of the good concert
last night , , . given by the "Homc
Orchcstra , whcn we were star-
tlcd by a rumor that enc of the
boys had bccn giveu his papcrs ,
and ordcrcd to turn in all of the
lIome property he had in his passion -
sion and leave thc camp , as he
was dishonorably dischargcd for
using his pcn in writing disparaging -
ging lctters to the board of gcn-
eralmanagers concerning one of
the ofiiccrs of this Homc.
'I'hls is the morning whcn wc
mop au tour q u artcrs and gc t OUl'
clothing ready for inspcction ,
and thc wcather is threatening ,
gO it is ordcred to be inside the
barracks , and in fatiguc uniform ,
with the rcst of our clothing on
the bed. At 2 o'clocle p. m. we
have everything in rcadincss ,
and hear the command "Atten-
tionl" We all spring to our fcct
and look as military as possible
while our captain and scrgeant
and the acting govcrnor march
around and look at us , and march
out again dismissing us. We
finish up thc work at 5 o'c1oclc
with a frugal meal of hread ,
mush and milk.
Blanket Your Horses.
Any shcriff , constable , village
marshal or policE > officcr may rc-
movc , sheltcr and care for any
horse or animal found exposed to
the weather and not propcrly
blanketet or remaining two suc-
ccssive hours without attcnding
in cold , inclcmcnt wcathcr and
when neccssary mar deli vcr Ruch
animal to anothcr pcrson to be
sheltered and cared for , bu t in all
cascs the owncr , if known , shall
be inltnediately notified and such
O' ccr or person ha\'ing possession -
sion of such animal shall have a
licn thtreon for its care and
kceping and thc expensc of t hc
notice , if not redecmcd by paying -
ing the expcnses incured as afor -
I said , it may be treatcd as ( 'stray ,
I and bc dealt with as such.
Real Estate Transfers
Jonathan 11'amuliner , to Geo.
Stephcnson , parcel in HJI22 ,
S80.00. I
li'red 1\ [ , Hand , to li'rank Do-
bcsh , 120 ncres in 12-14-19 ,
Charles D. Brewer , to Harry
M. Bentley , 80 acres . in 32-20-17 ,
I Derton C. l mpficld , to l ldon n.
' { 'odd 200 in
, acres 34-20'22 ,
I IIacl Wi11iams , to Al bcrt
Springstube , 20 acres in 20-1'-21 ,
Sarah g. lIacker and husband ,
to W. S. Kenncdy , parcel in lot
( " Ii' . RCJncrs add. to Broltcn
Bow , SI000.00.
Albert 'l'hompson to Chas.I. .
li'clkner , 160 acres in 15-101-21 ,
$3000 00.
\Villiam A. 'l'ooley , to Aurella
'rohl , lot 1 in block 30 uf P. J.
' . Gandy's add. to Brokcn Bow.
Aurella 'l'odd and husband , to
B. C. J mpfiehl , lot I block 30 , J.
P. G. add. to Brolecn llow , S800.
Lcwis P. Squires , to David g.
Squires , 160 acrcs in 33-l-17 } ,
Wm. II. Baird , to B. C. l mp-
Hcld , 200 acres in 34-20-22 ,
C. U. I ichardson , to Arm-
stead l ichardson , lots 4-5 and ( "
block 20 in Broken Bow , $500.00.
Grant C. Dralec , to C. U. l ich-
ardson , lots .1-5 and ( " block 20
Brolecn Bow , $ -150.00. ' I I
Allison II. Stuclecy , to Arm-
stcad l ichdrdson , parccl in block
20 in original town of llrolecn
Bow , S400.00.
Armstcad l ichardson , to II.
Lomax , trustce , 200 acres in sections -
tions 7-5 and S , tuwnship 17-20 ,
S5000.00. .
J4atta W. Smith al".1 husband ,
to Fred Schrincr , lots 8-1) and 10
in block ( ,0 , Railroad Addition
to Callaway , $130.00.
Co"nclious C. Cu.yler amf .
Graham , to Clarcnce Mackey ,
1,0 acrcs in 17-1l1-17 , $1200.00.
Dora Ccc Johnson , et. a1. to
Flora A. Crumcl ) ' , 1,0 acres in-
17-19 , $2400.00.
Dora Lce Johnson , to Miriam
C. nartholomcw , 160 acrcs in I-
18-19 , $2400.00.
.1 amcs W. 14estcr , to Pctcr Anderson -
derson , J 60 acr's in 10-14-25 ,
Ii' . S. Payne , to G. C. Gilbcrt ,
160 acres in 17-1-25 , $2,00.00.
Joseph McClurc , to Jcnnic 1\1.
Braunen , lots 4 and 5 in block 31) ,
R. R add. to Callaway , $750.00.
Mcrit g , Gordon , to Quincy .
li'odgc , 80 acres in 33-18-21 ,
C. n. Holcomb , to S. K. War-
rick , 1,0 acres in 28-18-25 , : filOOO'
Joshua Brink , to Harvard Lo-
max , 802 acrcs in scc. 21-28-20
and 17-14-21 , $500.
'l'he Union Laud Co. , , to Clara
Ii' . Vang-recn , lot 10 in block 48 ,
R. H. adl. ( to Callaway , S225.
B. A. Darrow , to J amcs S.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - -
- -
- -
- - - - - - -
Its likc pic1cinl { up money
whcn you , buy your paper
herc considcringsomc of
the bargain offers we are
making just now.
I Our Spring stacie is just
now arriving and in ordcr
to makc room for it wc hn'c :
to do somc'cry sc\'er price
cutting to cleao out rcmn-
, ants , odd rolls and SOIUC
lcft lines , but nut one roll is
more than six 1II0ilths old. I
Every roll WtiS ncw last
fall. We make the sallIe I
tock dcaning cyer ) ' spring
and fall that wc are making
1I0W , ) 'ou can riele up somc
nicc bargains just now.
I Ed. McComas
I Druggist
i , BROKEN - - BOW
- -
Huu'an , , 80 acres . in 25-15-18 ,
'I'he Union Land Co. , to Clara.
Ii' . Vangreen , lot 7 iu block 30 ,
1 . l . add. to Callaway , S65.
Lincoln Land Co. , to Village
of Ausley , lol 13 block 16. Original -
inal 'l'own of Ausley , $50.
Jamcs Mach , to John Mach ,
200 acrcs in scc. 13 , 14 and 24 ,
tp. 20 rge. 17 , $4000.
gldworth W. D. Davis , to J.
D. Uearnlln , 1,0 acrcs iu scc. 13
it nd 12 , t p. 1 I ) rg-e. 18 , $4000.
William Moore , to J. W.
Moorc. 1,0 acres in fJ-1S-22 ,
1 . IT. Gaincs and Daniel Ha-
gin , to'l'he Villag-e of Ansh j' ,
parcel in block J , lIagin's add. to
Ansle ) ' , $400.
li'red Mills , to William .llurk ,
lot 11 in block 5 in Auslcy ,
Jessie Parkison , singlc , to
JamcsJudge , lot 17 in block 20 ,
Olginnl 'l'own of Ansclmo , $100.
John Doran , to 'l'homas II.
Doran , undivided 0 int. in 30-
20-17 , $2000.
Susan B. Copsey and husband ,
to James Williams , parcel in 5--
13-2 t , $2450.
John C. Ycc1c , to Alvah H.
Titman , 440 acres iu 31-18-22 ,
C. A. Anderson , to Olaf G.
Anderson , 1,0 acres in 3-13-25 ,
1\1. Mathicsen , ' to Mathias
Bc'er , 700 acres in 28H25 ,
Jo tU II. Aufderheide , to Henry
H. Strnrc , undivided 0 iuterest
III nw. M of 28-13-22. $2400.
J amcs g. Walton. to Walter and H.obert G. Isdel1 ,
1 ( ,0 acrcs in 27 and 3'-13-20 ( ,
Union Pacific R. R. Co. to
Olof G. Anderson , 160 acrcs ill
' 27-11-25 , S640.
Carey J. Pope , to Soren S.
Kuhn , HO acres in 4-14-24 ,
$3200. , .
A Bid for Union-Labor Support.
Union labor support , to combat
the tcmperance movement , in rc-
turn for the exclusive use of liquors -
uors which bcar the union label
is the proffer made in a circular
rcccntly mailed to each and cvery
Chicago dcalcr in intoxicants.
l'Unless the organizcd labor
movcmcnt , " rcads this letter , "is
rallied to your support and assists
in dri ving back this attempt to
wipe out your right to do busi-
ncss , thc enemics of personal
libcry and the saloon will dcstroy
you. " 'l'he significant feature
of this communication , howevcr ,
pertains not tu its proposed deal
loolcing to thc combatting of the
"cnemics of personal libcrty" in
Chicago , but is to be found in
the tone of sympathetic and
friendly alliance assumcd to exist -
ist , as a mattcr of coursc , betwecn
the ranks of organizcd labor and
thosc of organizcd nUll-selling ,
in thc bid for a trifling vantage-
point of tcmporary power at the
cxpensc of manhood and the bartering -
tering of honor. It is not believed -
lieved that union labor in this
country will generally approve
this attcmpted alliance.
- ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
( No. 50'J5. )
' ' ' . ' ' ' '
1t1'I'UH'L' : OJ. 1'111' ; CONUI'rlO
OP 'fill' :
Custer National Bank
01 IIrown ! 110In the State of NcIJl"aska. at
thl' I I ( ) e of IJII lne , I"ehruar ) " 11th. Willi
1U 'i"UIICJS. :
r.o.ln an\1 tll'i'ount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : t151015.J :
U. S Hond. . to . .t'cnre circulation. . . . 2 JIUJ1I (
Hanklug : IIIIU51' , furniture. I1xturc , ; . . : JO\.O.W
Uu. . I rom State Hank anll Hankers. 50.00
UUc I roUl approvell reserve "gents. . 51110.53
Chc'k. . anel other cash Itelll . . . . . . . . . 3601.00
Notl' ' ; of other N.ltlonallanks. . . . . . . . 1300.00
PractlUnal pallcr cUI'renc ) " , nlckle' !
and cents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 < < 1130
La II I ul Iont. ) " Heberve Inllank , vlz :
Slll''Ie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 1r.830.80
Lcg.ll.tellllcl' notes. . . . . . . . . M 5.oo 21355.80
Hetell1ption ! funt ! with V. S. 'l'rcas"
Ilrcr , ( : 'Iller ccnt of circulation ) . . . . 120.00 : ;
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 1261686.8S
/IAD1L1'1'/W ! .
Capital stock palu In. . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . $ 2000.00 : ;
SUI'plus funtl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25000.00
( 'nuII'ldet ! } lrol1ts. les'i eXllenscs and
taxes paid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45.9.31
N.ltlunaillank notes outstanding. . . . 25WIJ.00
Uue tu uther National Banks , . . . . . . . . &to"J.J5 !
UUt' to Slate Llank aud Hankers. . . . . 25110.13
111111vluu.llllepuslts subject to check 12iW.5.111
Ul'nlulIl ; cl'rtillcatt1 of ueposlt. . . . . . . 2 ! j5.11
Tune ccrtll1cates of ucposlt. . . . . . . . 7 OJ.00
- - -
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , $ 168t1.88
S'un1 O ' NIUnAS.\ : . , . .
} Ss.
' ' ' '
COUN'ry Ob' S'l'llI. :
1. 11. LOAX ! , cashier of the above.named
hank. uo solclllnl ) " SII tha the above
"tatclI1ent is true tn the hest 01 111) " know.
ledge an.1 beller.
II. f.oy.u : , Cashier.
COIUlW'J'-Attest :
AM'IIA MuItO.\N } Directors.
I.\u " YOUNG
Subscribed anll , "worn to before me
lhl : : ! : . ! 5th liar of l cbruar.r. IW .
( SlALj J. s. lI1Cl1IUW1
Notary Publ c.
: 'Ir Comulli : : lol1 expires Aug. III , IWi : ! .