Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 8

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    1 > . . . J _ _ , , , ' . - , . - - -
, -
r. (
) "Ollt.o'.douf/I" ' with STUVINS" !
.it. , beat thlnlt'or n Itrowlnlt boy I
l.enrnln" tolhoot wtll .lIId
ncqulrlnlt IllInlJllellllf ,
" " , , ,11.111" 10 RU'USlUAmIH : / : IWUf'\TION ,
ARk 'ollr n "ll'r for RIHl'lI1I IlIlIo -
HhnlUllllfI 1'11110111. IlIfll011 ' Oil" . frill"
I 1111I 0 "PI ! 11111111' , If ) ' 011 1'11111101 011111111 ,
wo fillIp 1111'1'1'1 , I' III''AA ' " , " , " 11C11I
recl'lpl , III' elltlllo l'I'II't' .
lv."lhllllt : I " " ' ' ' ' "I I" II"1f "I.t , tI , , , H'fJ\'ISII : :
I , t.,1 , . " 110 1'ftJ. " IIIlIolI.ll'"I , , , ! : . 11I1I..1
rOf r"r . . . .nt. In olllln" . , , , " ' 1 I'o.t 'Il" 1I""lItI.
r , I T" " ( ' "J"r " " " "llor-n" . .I'on"o" rr 10llr
" , y. . . or. 10 , , , f"-II'h,1 ' , , , f"f n. . nl. In 'Intnl"
P. O. lint 40')7
Chlcopte PolIlI , II1I1SII. , U. S. A
u _ _ . _
0. . ; ,
. . . . . .UI''lorln. ' . . . .
l'nmp' , Wlml , MUI ! , T. lk P'lttlIlK ' . OUllolI" ,
' .
Itn lncr. , etO. c'c. "
/lfolrnn / now , Nohr "kn.
- - - -
- - - - - -
. ,
. . ' 1 " .
. . . ,
. . " - - - - "
- - - - -
l ' N osc''l'hront
Eye , al' , ,
uHl ( Jhronic ] ) iRcascso
J..itlin # { of ( Hasscs ,
Onicc in l call > , block ,
J A , AHMOUh : ,
AUorncy at Law ,
Orokon Bow , NolJr.
I/avlllif / JII 1 halllJllthl 'eIrH Itracllcal eXIr . !
lellCu a CUllllly Ju.llle. wlllilive HIIl'dal allt.u
lIulilo IhlJ .Irawhllor allil I.ruhallull uf wlllH allli
Ihe adutllllMlralluu uf u'lalt. ' ! IIf .Iccea"d : I"'f.
ROIIHlHllulllurfl. . Write ur IIholl" lIIe. IlIIay
wave YOU IIlrlt. ,
. . . . . - . -
- ' - - - - - - - - -
Practical Undertaker
f' Licnsed Embahner
Busillcss tholle , 301. Rcsillcllcc 334 B
Jholl0" : " "w , Neb ,
- . -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Consult him If you wnnt Wntor.
Phone 112 , - Urol < clI Bow.
- - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -
Send yO'ur Abstract Orders to
, (
Bonded. Abstracter
Office In Security State Bank B'ld'ng
arhe ! i.Tes1 ; E1eva'tor
- DgAf4EH IN - .
[ , 'ccd in large and small quantities at both wholesale R 8
an retail. b
Special attention. given to filing ! ordcrs for coal
In any quanhty. ii
Bl'ohcn : Bov , - - Nebraska
ilL 'I _ -u fet. ' 1 1T
' ' ! 'it.lcs .I xamined.
'B rkoen
Abstracts Furnished.
Bow enxes , Paicl for Jl9n-1es. :
Heal state bought' .
A b
stract '
Heal Estate for sale' .
CO. . . Bundedll al Estate Loans.
] He Inshrance.
Secretary. N otal'Y Public.
l.JUit - .L. nL I5t
" . . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
, I '
. here by purchasing
, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
" " " " " " ' " " ' " " ' " " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " " " " ' ' ' " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
_ . 1" , .Paints , Oils , . . I' . .
, ' . Hard ware , '
Furnitur , i
i I'-lour ' , I'-eed ' i
and Secd , i
I , , . , , , , , , , , , , , i
" " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " " ' " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " " " 0" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ' ' ' ' ' " " " ' ' " ' ' ' " " ' ' ' " " " " " 'II" ' " " " " ,11I
South SidclSquare , Broken Bow.
- - - - - - - . . . .
+ - - - - - -
C. " ' V" . Be > :
Successor to BOWMAN & ANOgRSON.
At the OLD STAN D.
Real Estate , City Lots an" < 1 Property bought and'sold.
Farms rented.Il'axcs paid for non.residents.
Will bny some good paper.
Call and 'sce mc. ,
" ' - -
11 _ 1 - ' ' 1 .1t
.1 L E R Formcrly the Gtobe hotel has
1 bCG:1 throughly rcno\'ated and
, relaired , is now open to the
. C R A N D publiclun le.r new management
11 and sohcI ts pat r 0 nag e . ,
I g.uaranteeing entire satisfac.
" \ ttOn.
f ) HOTEL Hatcs $1.00 per day , single
.l meals 25 ccnts.
. . ,
j J. SNELL , Propr.
\ 1 BROKEN ROW o W. Price , Manager.
L h - ,
UC - . - , - _ . . _ . - .
- - - - - - -
. , ,
. . . ,
. - . ! . . , . - . ' - . I un 1 . . . .tooI. .
- - - - -
ncflectlv Man Points Out r-ault of the
. ' People of
" 1'/11 / lIot Ko Hllrl. . . . OhKeI'Vlt ! Iho dnc.
ICII' l'plll' < , lIvl'ly , 1111 ho'lItclwll the
HIJ10lw cllrl IIpwllrd frolll hiI' ! cl lIr.
. .
, hUI Wo A/IImlnlllll / ! 111'0 1I0t lIe/oI.lIlI / :
olle of the IIIORt l/IIpOl'IuIII / of Iho llI'IH
--Iho IIrt or IIInklllg frlollelH , Il
wOlllelll' , elo IIl1ylJOelY II hit of hlll'lII 10
lilliI' hlllr 1111 hOllr 01T IlIIII sll ( IOWII 10
go IIV'I' I hu IICCel1HlulIS to his fl'pllela !
wllhlll the IIIIHI yIII' or so. Inclell'lIl
IIl1y. hn IIIlghl rellcct on whllt he hllll
, leHlD In thu way of lOoplllg UII olel
frll'llClI'hlplI. ! It SCOIIIS to 11I0 that p'o-
pll' drift IIpart vCl'Y ellllJltl ' nowlldllrH.I I
A IIHll'ptioll III hllahlpHH 11'1 OIl ( ! faelOl'
IlIlIklllg01' / IhlH 1'IIIIj IIIIOlhpI' 11'1 Ihl' :
growlll ! ; CIlHIII'lIlIlIllolI to Iwop 1111 IIny
' of ' ' ' mill thll'll IR
1'101'1 C'OI'I'ORPOlIIIO/1tu / , Il
II IUIICII'II'Y , IlIcl'I'aHIII UR tile' ylarH
go hy , 10 Ilt OIlU'H 111'1'1'1011111 Inll''I'oIt ( !
"I'COIIII'IIore / ( 'UlIlUI'pd. A II of I hp ! , ! ,
Ihllll H 1IIIIIIatu , iglllJlHt lhn IIlIlltlng of
IIOW 1'1'11'11111'1. liS. wulI IIR Ill'lplllg to
IOOHOII thl' hOlldH hnhll/ll / tl1l' ole ! OIII' ! ! .
'I'hl' fill/II / , " hn c'ollcltlfle'e ! , "IIIII't 111 till !
J'opll' ) wholll WIJ IIl1wl ; WH III 01/1" /
1'101\01'1. IIl1d wo mlghl liS wull I'ellll u
It Lot 111'1 look for IIImhlo ClIl1l1l1oa ) ,
allel not UIO l'OVCI'He. There la RIICh 1\ \
thillg' aR Iwlllg too cautious ahout nul'
ucqullllllallcuH. and thull IIhuttillg our-
HelveH off frolll much pleasure und
Much the Same Idea as That of the
North American Indian.
" 'Ve Chlnoso , " Raid the law stndent ,
"glvo our chlldron ( InCer JIIunos , Our
glrlH , for Instance lire not called
1\11I1Iel , .Tonny or 1\Inl\ldu \ , but Cloudy
I\loon , Celestial lTuIIIllness , Spring
Peach or Castet ) or Perfumes. Our
1I0YH get lesll delicious names. Boys
lire made for worl < an\ \ ! , wisdom , rather
lImll for dancing ancf plellslll'c , find
llleir nallles show lhls , as Practical
Industry. Ancestral Inowledge , Complete -
plete Virtue , Ancestral Piety , DIscreet
Valor. 'ro our slaves we give stili IIn.
other set of nallles , Yes , those dear ,
pathcLJc little sluves or ours , SOIllO
glrill. some hoys , who do a l undred
various little tasks about the house ,
Ihese lowly creatures have nallles 1\Ite \
Not For 1\Ie , Joy to Serve , Your Happiness -
piness and Hnmble Devotion. "
U l.aundress.
Users or the telephone are becom.
Ing so nUlllorous that It Is not surprls.
Ing to find one Instal1ed in IlhilOst
every horne , but It did seem rather IIn affair ror a negress to have
ono In the back room that comprised
her "apartlllents. " A woman who
wanted IIn extra bit of washing done
h a hurry had gene Into the slllllll aI ,
ley In search or . her. " 0 , 1\1lss
Brown , " said the ) VashOl'w01\mn. "you
needn't to have cOllie clear down here
tor me. I've got a teIOIhone. ) " And.
sure enough , there sat one besldo her
tubs , The astonished patron said :
"Uut Lizzie , I though you didn't wash
for hut three IlerRons ; do you need
lolephone'ell , Miss Brown , " said
Lizzie , modestly , "I ain't got but three
women to wash ror , but I got a pretty
ty daughler.-Phlladelphla Hecol'd.
The Face and the Emotions.
Habitual worry showH Ilflelf In the
action of the racial nerve-the nerve
of expression , as anatomists can It-
producing lines which In course ot
tlmo become perlllanent. 'rhe same
Is true of many ether emotions and
stales of IIIlnd ; and these which are
dominant In the lIfo of tllO IndlvhluaJ
will ere long produce Ilermanent
changes In the face , "rhe " secret of the
henuty which age cannot wither IR to
possmS a beautlrul mind , chin-straps
and dellilatories and electricity and
massage and cosmetics are poor make
shirts compared with this.
Family Life In France.
Modern France Is the stronghold 01
the tamlly systom. See a French fam
By at dinner In a restaurant , or , tOI
tl\at \ matter , at home. You will nevO !
see a gnyer , 1Ive1ler tunctlon. 'rherf
Is such u rrank nd unassumed sonsl
of community about the whole thin ! ;
The boys adore their mother , the girl :
their father , the parents lalw sucl
a whole-hearted delight In UH'lr child
ren , and the children are so happ
and respecUuJ. It is a sIght or whlcl
every Frenchman may be proud.
"Cash" and Domestic Rows.
Thnt money Is the "root or a1l evil' '
Is a maxim we a1l learned In our COJl
book days. And 80 per cent. or newh
made wlvos discover to tholr astonlsll
ment that money worries , dispute
over bllls , and accusntlons of "m
travaganco" agaInst the lady or th
house are at the bottom or the clO\/I\ \ / \
and thunder storms whIch reuse th
honeymooners to the tact that "Ute I
reat , tlfe Is earnest , " and not anIt
ending chapter or connublat bllsi
courting and kisses.
. . An Unimportant Matter.
Rellorter-Was the operation a SUI
cess , doctor ? Emlnont Sclontlst-OJ
comilletely sol I demonstrated he ' ( )11
dlsputo exactly what I contended n
along , Heporter-'rhen the patlellt
a1l right ? Eminent Scientist-The II
tlentl 'rhe patient died , But wh ' I
the tace of my trhlmllll1lnt "Indlcatlo
do you want these unlwlJOrtl\.J1t d
tails ?
A Different Medium.
Hugglns-Thnt pretty lIttle scul
tress I met at 'our recelltlon the oth4
. , enlnl ; comlllctely turned wy bea
Miss Peachley-Indeedl I knew sl
modeled In clay , but 1 wau.'t awa :
t.b&t aha worke In wood.
. I'
_ a.'T . n..r-
- -
r-ather Wanted to Start Him at Once
on Ctlreer of Usefulness , ,
"Chlletl'l'/I / KGI'll ! lu ho consleloJ'(1 ! ( n
/luhmnc'o / IlIllOn the rich ' 1IIwllllnol : , "
1'l'lIIaJ'wd ' ) n wull Iwo\\11 busllwss IlIlIn
who IlIlH n large fll III lIy , "allll to the
' 1001' they lire n ItIXUI' ' , HO hot WI.I'II the
I wo uxttl1mlS ( It Is U IIttlo III'llrI hll ;
IlIlIt the I/lfllnt / IHllllllntlo/l / Itl'elIH up to
Its ref'orll , 111 the oldeu daYII It WIIS
IIIITI'I'/l1. / g\'ery 1111111 IInll ov < > ry WOIII'
UII hplluvml It II duty to lhulr Gull nnd
10 tholl' country to raise 1\ large famIly -
Ily , II/HI / Ihey fullllled the obligation
with n good gmce. But lIlIps ! hllve
chnll ed. The IllOneyel ) mall of.
hils10 / limo for C1hlltll'uu. lie has hlA
hUHI/II'HR / to look nrtel' alld his rOllts
10 ( 'ollecl , whllo hlH wlfo Is C'OUtlIlU'
nll ' Oil Iho go with social ellgllgemellt
11/111 / IlPllullltm lllB with her mCHliste.
Ho I hu IIlm'lt IH left to Rhh'ct' III the
( ' 0)11. ) Bul Ihe pOOl' mall Is ometllllus
lIa guilty IlS the rIch In this mlllter , lie
has II family of children. but ho has
no tllIIO 1'01' them. I hearll this III liS'
II'a'ed hyl / IIlllo stOl'y the olhol' day ,
A worltnJ ! ; man who JIves In olle of the
poorer dllllricts of the clly has seven
C'lllIll'en ! , the YOllngest of wholll roe
( 'l'ntJ ' Jmduated fl'OIll the creeiling J
Hlngo of Its existence. 'rho fathel' WIlS
HlttJn In the Ittchen ! when he heard'
the voice of one of his daughters who
WIIS In another room. 'Papa , ' Bhe Sllld ,
'lhp baby can walk. ' 'Can ho ? Well ,
! wnll him arollnd the corner fOl' a pint , '
roplled the IJIlront , nnd rosullled his
I'calllng-N. Y. Presll.
Lawyer Objected to "Conversation"
Between Witness and Horse.
At 1l tOl'lll of the clrcllit cOllrt in. .
Ohio not long ugol / "horse caso" was
on trial , and Il well.known "hOl'SOmUl"
was called as a wltlless. " 'Veil , sir ,
you saw this horse ? " aHIed counsel
for the defendant , "Yos , sir , 1- "
"What did ) 'ou do ? " "I just opened
his 1II0uth to find out how 01cl he was ;
an' I says to him , I says. 'Old sport ,
I guess you're pretl . good yet. ' ' ' At
this jUllcture counsel for the opposln
Bide entered u violent objection ,
"Stop ! " ho crted , "Your honor , Job.
ject to uny convel'satlon mirrled on he.
tween the witness and the horse when
the plaintiff was not present ! " -Hal'-
por's Weeltly ,
Miner's Peculiar Will.
William Johll Watson emigrated a
half conlury ago from POI'tadown ,
County Armagh , Ireland , to Australia ,
where he made a fortune of over .c 10 , .
000. A few yeUl-s ago he returned to
his native tOWII and hUH since Jlv d
lhe life of It miser in a small three
roomcd house , where ho was found
dead several days ago , lly his will he
leaves the whole of his property to
POI'tadown , for the purpose of providing -
ing healthy recreation for the people.
but he bars football 01' race rowing.
The wl11 further provides thllt the
lIrlJaIl coullcl ! shall , out of the Interest -
est , ha\'e a dinner ever ' five years ,
the expense 1I0t to exceed .c 1 per
head. At euch of these dhmol's the wllI
Js to he read ) H1bllclY.
Interesting Use of Gas.
A ver ' Intct'I'Htln HSC fOl' producer
gas Is made In a factory III Jersey
Clt ' , whore tempel'lng of metal to be
made IQto curtain springs Is snccess.
fu1ly and oconomlcally done with Its
heat , Colto fires wore formerl ' HtIJ.
Jzed for the purpose , but the temper ,
ature varied to such an extent that
a great deal or the material was
spolled. With producer gas an abso
lutely conslant temperature is se
< Jured and the work Is done in n more
< Jleanly manner , with no possibility 01
{ ) rror as to the degree of heat. Con
sequently the waste heretofore en
countered has been reduced to [
minimum nnd the qUl lty or 'the prod
uct Is absolutely uniform.
A Diamond In the Dark.
It Is said thnt some diamonds wit'
shine by their OW11 light when placet
In a dark room. Prof. CrooltCs , 01
T ondon , says that when' diamonds arf
ptaced In a yacuum and expose to (
< Jurrent or electrIcity , they shine w\t1 \
different colored lights , He has sem
'them emit b\'lght \ blue , pale blue , aprl
< Jot , red , , palo greel
and orange rays. One beautiful grem
dlamOllt1 In his possession , when phos
phol'bsclng In a good vacuum , gave
almost as much light as 11 candle. Thl
light . was palo green.
' .
Too Much Tee.
' .
Ho was a solicitor or more or les
to Tepute , und his Saturda ' arternoon'
s . pursllit was goU and whlsk ' and Rode
On this particular Saturday , howevel
a 1le had heen detained In town. 0 :
s Teaching homo he was met bv his wlf
o and lIttle daughter. "No ga o to.duJ
s my deal' , " he said to bls wife , as h
I. llcked up his little gIrl an kissed hel
Then his daughter snIffed the all' all
said. "Well , daddy , you do swetI 11\1
lul1y of golf.-Tit. Jts.
Makl1:19 : It Plain.
Little Rastus-But Ah kaln't ondal
stan' 'bout do yarth 1Ul' do sun. UncI
Mose-Lemmo 'splain 111t tel' you' al
Now s'llosen , lis lantern am do SUI
an' mah hnld nm de yarth. Ah swln ! ;
de Jantorn roun' an' run' an' It don
sbed light on de Inhabitants or mD
baJd. Now docs o' ondahstan' ?
The Dummy In the Cloudl ,
She had been Invited to join a bl
p. 1oonln ( ; pnrty. "How man ) ' are goll !
r up ? " ! lhe US ) < CII. "Three , " the ) ' to :
d. her. She looked dlllUllllolnted. "Whl
10 Is wrong ? " tbey asked her , ' 'It thol
re wre four , " she answered , "we cou
l , brl e.-levetand Pla1.D Dcalc
- . . . . .
t "
, . ' . '
OJ' I .
She's Cured Thousands
Given up to Die.
- - - - - - - -
- ' -
Procliclnjl Aleopalhy , Homeopathy ,
Electl c and Generl\l Medicine.
- -
By rellul.1 will , \lrufcRRlallaliv \
Gand Central Hotel ,
Broken Bow , Feb. 13
relllrllllll ( e"eo' fOllr weckR. COIIAIII her whell
Ihe 1I0tlnttunll".IK al hhlllll
DR. CAI.DWgr.J. 11m III' her practice 10 Ihe
R\lecialirealmeuillf , lIseaRcR of the Eye , I ar ,
Nose. Throat , Luulrs. Pemale DlscaRcH.
DIReaRcR of Chllllrell1111 all Chmlllc , NervolIR
and SlIrlorlcal DIAeaseH ot a curablc uaturIJ.
) arly cOII\Umplloll ! , BrouchltlM. Brouchlal
: urah , Chroulc Cotlarrah , lllJII.Ache. COli.
Rtlpallln , Siomache and Bowel 'l'rllublcI. !
qheumaliRm. Neuralila , Sclollca. Brllhts'H
UIRea c. Killney UIReaseR , DIReases of U.IC
I.lver and Bladder. Dlzzilless. NervousllesH.
1IIIIIIrestlon , Obesity , IIUerupled Nutrition.
Slow Growth In Children , aud all waHllnlr
DlSCaSI'R In adulls. Defllrll111les. Cluh.fccl ,
CurvUllllrc of thc Solue. Dlseascs of tbe Brain ,
1'aralvwls , Elllteo'lV. lleart Disease. Dropsy ,
8welllnll' of the 1.1mb' ! . Slrlclure , Opeu Sores ,
Pain In the Boues. Grauular I ularllemeulB and
all lonlr-standhur dlseaseB property trealed.
PllIlPleB , Blolches , Eruptlou' ! , Liver Spots
I'allllll ( of the lIalr. Iad Complexion. I czel1la ,
'l'hroat Ulcers. BOlle PaIlIM. Bladder ' .rrouhles ,
Weak Back. Burnlllll' Urine , Passlul ( Ullue
100 oClen. 'l'he cffeclB of conslltutlonal sick-
ne > ; s or the laklull of 100 much InjurlouH melli-
cine recel\"es fuarchll1l ( treatmelU , prOlupl
relief and a cure.forlfe / ,
DI cnses \VolUen. . Irreanlar MenBlratlon ,
I'alllnl ( of IheVomb , Bearlnll DowlI P3lns.
1'el1lale Dlsplaccmenls I.ack of Sexual Tonc.
I.eucorrhea. Slerl/ilY / or Barrenne H , consult
Ur. Caldwell atlll she will show Ihelll lhe cause
of their lrouble an < llho woy Itl bccome cured.
a till clllarll.1I1 Ilamls lreated with the sub ,
culaneouti IlIjectlon melhod. absohlllly wllh.
enl l'alll alld wilhout Ihe 10SH of a drop 01
bloOll , is OIlC of her 011'11 dlscoverleH and IH
rea II } ' Ihe most sclenillic all < l cerlalnly _ nre
curc mclhod of this an vanced alte , Ur. Cad.
wlJII ha practlce,1 her llrofesslou III hOllle 01
lhe largest hospllale > ; lhroughollt the connlry ,
She has 110 sllilerior III treallllir aud dlagllos.
nl ( of diseases. deformities. eiC. Rhe has
ialeopene \ < l all onice III Omaha. Nebraska ,
wherc shc will Hllcl1ll a pOfllon of each wecJj
treallu ! : ' her mall } ' patlenls. NO IIIcurahll
caseM accepte,1 for trealmenl , Consultatlou
IJxamluatioll :11111 ad'ice. oue < lollar In thos.
IlIlercsled ,
Dr. Ora Caldwell & Co. ,
Omaha , Neb. ChlGa o , .n . ,
Adllress all mall 10 104 nlJc DulldhllZ' , Omau3
- - -
- - - - -
Winter Tours :
To the South and Gulf rc
sorts until April 30th.
Homeseekers' Rates :
1st and 3rd Tuesda.ys t ,
cJColorado , BigHorn Basin
c..l\lontana and Northwest.1
One Way Colonist :
March and April , to MOI1
tana , W shington , Oregon
California and Utah.
To Farm Renters :
_ - - Write D. C I e m Deavel
I.JatHlseckers' Imiormatio
Bureau , Omaha , for list c
farms to rent in Big Her
- = - Basin Do it now ; they al
going fast.
Business Openings :
We have a list of exccller
busincss chances in n e '
growing towns on BurlinJ
ton cxtensions ; get cstal
lished ear1yahea.d of tl1
coming population. Wri1
the undersigne .
( Ticket Agent )
I. . W. WAKEI.EY , G. P. A. ,
(01118111Nehraska. ( . )
NO'I'ICI' OP 1'1 'I'I'l'ION ,
I' state of Allen P. .Iarrcil dcceasedln Colin
Cuurt of I'lIhll'r ( 'ollnly , Nchrahka ,
l. 'I'he tate of Nehraska. ' 1'0 all Ilerhonk I
tcn'stclln salll cs'ale , tak , ' noUcc , Umt
IIt'UUon ' has hCl'n IIIl'll for the al1110lnlllle
I of A. M. ltnllll'ry as .uhnlnbtratur of b:1 :
I\t ( ' ta'e. which has \lc.'n \ he' for hcarln hel
III. on 1IIarch 10th. 1\ \ . at IU o'clock a. III.
ro Ualelllo'eb. . . 1M ,
Id A. H. II UA"'IIIU\ : ' ,
County Jud e
II' . Finit PulJ. l"eb 'It.
. - -
- - - - - . . . . - -
' 1'0 Wlllla\1l \ 11. Morrow.Irs : _ William II ,
Morrow. IIrst naillI' IIl1known , but wbo I' . . , .
the wife of ! ! altl William U. Monow :11)1 ] "
Ueorge H. Morruw ,
YOII will takl' notlcl' that \In the 30 1.\:1) \ " Qf
.Janual' } . . Hili ! ! , Willis Vadwell. attonley. 1I1tc1
a petlUon a alnst YOIl anlll'ach of YOII , In thc
UI trlc' Court of GlIltl'r ! cOllnty. Nebraska.
III an action whcreln J" A , Wight I plalnUtf ,
:11111 William U , 1\Iorrow. 1\II'S , William II.
: \Iorrow and Oeol' l' II. Morrow arc defcn-
danis , UIC objel't anll prayer of which tltJtI.
tlonls to forel'lo l' a certain lax lien upon
Hit' north-ealll ' of lhe south.west
' of sect \ UII se\'entcell In towlIhlp !
I neell , north r.\lJge se\'elltl'ull west III Cllster
cOllllty , Nebraka : , eIlstlllg : 1111111'1' a tax sale
of saltllanll dilly malic un the : . ' 0 Ila } ' of
I'cbruary , 1Iij1. } lur the taxcs ulon : mld lanl.\ \
fo\ ' the years , 11J 1 \ , IH\l7 \ , 1 IIM , I \I\I \ , IIlOOanIWOOI.
Haiti ccrtillca'e amollllls , with Hllbsl"luent
'axc . Interell anll co ts , to the sum f : IJ.HJ ,
for which amOllm , to ctltl'r wllh Intel'd't ,
co'ts uf suit anl allomey's fccs a : ! by I.l\\ '
allowell , plalnUff prays jUtlgemcllt : Htat
" b ' dt'c\'ec,1 to be IIrst lien
! lame ma ) ( \ a Upoll
ahove descl'lI11 ) preml ell , and fot' a tlecrcc
of forecoslll'l' ! allll sale of said real , 'state.
You arc rlf\III1'ell : \ to aIlSWCl' salll pelllloll
011 or hefore M\lnday , lhe I llt "a . of March ,
looil. tJI. said peUtion will he takclI as trlle anl.\ \
jll.lgemenl rendered ac'ol'llIlIgly.
lJah 11 Jallllar ' : I. II"IK.
T. . . \ . WmIl'i' , 1'lalntllr.
By'I1.I.IS OADWI'I.I. : , her Allorney ,
. \Ltesl : (11':0.11. : MAIn. Clerk Dlllt. COlIl'l.
J"lrsll'ub. , Iall. : J.Il.
- - - - - - - - - -
COUIlt } ' COllrl , CU'lllJr COlllltNehra'lka. .
' 1'1111 Crellitors of Ihe I BIMecf Man' P.r I.ellley ,
decl'asc < l.
' 1'ake lIotlce. that I will fill al Ihe COUIII '
Cnllrt roUll1 , hI IIwken Bow , In Raid conul } ' . on
the lilh da ) ' of March , I'JIIS ' , and Oil Ule Otll day
AIiIorIlIlI. I"I ( . each aiiO o'ch.k a. 111. . of CoIC' ' "
Ila ' , 10 rl"cclve allll exaulllc all clalll1 ! ! alaillst
salel " 'Ilalc , with a view 10 Ihelr atjuslIneut
alld allowance : : Ind Ihal Oil Ihe I1rsl dall ! aho-e
lht ! "lJtltlUIIH of widow wllhe / heald fur hUll1c-
slea.I , CXell1pllllll > ; , all owaIlC ( ! allil tither fllalll-
cnr } ' rlllhis. . . .
' 1'hn Ilnll1 IImllt11 fur Ihe l'ncllialloll of " '
c1all1l : lImlnHI Ralll elale ! Is six month : ! frot' ! ,
Ihe 30lh day of Jannar } ' , IIJUi : , a 11I1 Ihe Illne I
I1lI1ltl'.1 for Ihu laYlIIlJllt of , le"ls 18 OIl'J year f
fnull said dale.
l > all',1 January 30. 11) ( ) j.A. .
A. n.lJUl\1PJlHI Y.
1.'lrslIII" \ Jail 30.41 CoUnl } ' Jmhrc.
N01'JCg-i"Olt l'Um.lCNVIO : - - , \
Jeparlmell' of lhe Interior , Land Otllce at
1.llIcolll , Nebralka ! , Jallllary. 111008
Notlcc Is hereby gl\'clI Uta' l"rancls M. '
Mason or GeorgetowlI , Nebraska , has tiled
lIotice of his 11l1elltlol ) t l1Iake IInal nun.
I1Il1lallon proof III slIpport 01 his claIm , \1.1 : :
lIomesleatl J lItr.r No. 111151 ma c August 29 ,
1\100. \ for tile nwJ { seU sectlolllU. townshlpln. : !
rangc : ! Ow. anti tlmt salLl prool will IJe mall. . ,
IJcfore the County Jtulge of Cusler COUll' " a' :
Broken Bow , Nebralka , on FelJruary 22 , 11I011. '
lIe nameli tile following wltnclses ! to prove
his continuous resilIence upon , a 1111 cultl 'a. t
UOII of , the land , vlz : '
Samuel S. McConnell , of GeorgelowlI. Neb.
lIarry WCOllru ( ( , of Georgetown , Nell ,
lIenr ) ' Clollse , of Georgelown , Neh. ' 1'h 0 IOp'OIl , of Geor elown. Neb ,
elIAS. I" . SlIgUI > . Heglwtcr. I
First Pllb. Jan. 10.
III DIltrlcl ! Court of CUster Countv , NelJraMka
Corllellull ' . ' 1'lerlle ' '
I' ) , I'lalntlll ,
\I ! , .
Alice G , Bemis , et aI , Defendants.
'l'he llefenLlants , Alice G. BemI. ! ! Alhert G.
Uemls , Horace B. King and John Doc ( who > ; e
other and true name Is unknown ) Wllllllklt
notice Hlat on Decemher IlIlh 1\I 7 the Plain-
tIIf CornclluI" . 'I'lernc ' lIleLl
Corncllu\ ; ) his peUtlolI In
lhe Dlstrlc' Court of Custer county. Nebrask < \
against ) ' 011 allIl each of YOIl. as tI'fenden ,
the object a1lllpra'er of which arc to fore ) , If '
close a certain lax : certlllcate Issued b ) ' the
said 'J'reasurer of salLl ' '
CUsicI' COU11l ) o .
September 20tll , 1l1O : ; , of which the plallltlff i : !
now owner allli holiler for the sum of 1111,10 : ; 1
anll co\'erlllg the following llescrlbeLl pre-
ml'es sllualeLlln Cu'ter count ) ' , NellraMka '
to wit : '
'l'he W , of the S. W. of hlock' II of the
Lewis aLlLlltlon 10 Broken Bow , anLl UpOll / '
which has bcell palLl slIlJselluent tax as
follows : j {
On Sel.tember 20th , IlIU : ; , Ii : ; cenls for tile
) 'ear IlI0 : > . , rOn
On Ma ) ' ISI , 1l100 , iii celHs for the : year 1\1 ( ' "
On May l th , 1l1 7. 03 cenls for the year 1\100. \ ' ,
gach or which amounls Ilraws 2u per cent.
Inl.'rest for their re llectl\'e llales. all et' ,
. which Is due and ullpaltl.
1'IalllWf llrays a tlecre of foreclosure of ,
said certlllca'e and recelpllI and sale of "aill J
prcmlHes 10 satisfy the amount found dlle
anll for such olher and furthel- relief as
may be just a1ll1 ' .
You are rCllulrel to answer salLl petitio/ !
on or hdore MOIulay. HIe .OtlJ Llay of Pebru-
ar,10OS ,
Datell Decl mher III. 1007 ,
COHNm 1 US I , ' . ' 1'1 gItNr' Y ,
By SmoN C.UllmON , Auomey ,
Dellartmelll of the Interior , t
. UlliteLl States I.and Ot1lce. f
Notice of l'ulJlIcatlon ( lholatell 'I'racI )
l'11I1Ile SAI.t : .
Brokell Bow , Nellr. . Jan. 2. Iun ! !
Noticcls herehy given that. as Ilireclcd lIr
the Commissioner or the l.Ienerall.and Ont.1i
unLler provisions of the Act of March 2 , I II Of ,
( : U Stats. . 1221) ) we will oICer at public Htll I.
lhe highest bll1Ller. at 2 o'clock , Ill. . on th"
20tll da ) ' of pcbruary next , a' HI \1 \ s ol1lce , HIt :
following tracls of land. lo-wlt : SYs N-W Sec.
22. 'l'wp. 17 N. Hauge IIIV. .
Any person clallllln ad\'erscly the aho\'c . . .I. .
Ilescnllell lanl1s arc :1I\\'lsell to lIle Ihelr ' " ' . '
claim or objections 011 or belore lhe time
abo\'e desl naled for sale ,
.IOIIN HCI Ht : , Iteglster.
DAHIUS \MsmllItY. . Hccel\'er.
First pull Jan. 2:1 :
Department of the Interior. t
Unllel Stales r.antl Ol1lcI : . I
Notice or l'uhll : > aUOII ( J olalell 'I'ract )
I1roken Bow Lantl Ol1lce , Jan. 22 , Hlot' ' ! .
Nollce Is hereby gl\'en HHlt , as LllreCled b ) '
the Commlslloner ! of thcGeneral I.anll Otfice
untlcr provisions of lhe Act of March 2. 1\1111.
( : U Stats. , 12'.J1) we will olfC ! " a' public ! I.lle hI
the hlghcst bhlder , at 2 o'clock II. m. . on the
20HI day of I ebruar ) ' next. at till ! ! olllce , Hlc
following lraCI ! ! of land , to.wlt : N.\V .S-l' .
N-g SoW. Sec. r , . 'l'wp , 20 N , Hange 2U W ,
An ) ' person claiming .1I1\'ersely the ahove "
Lleiicrlhed lands arc advised 10 lIle Hlelr J.
claims or olJjections on or lIefore Ihe time . , \
above de.lgnated for sale. . : ,
I , .JoIIN H tSK , Heglsler. .1
DAII1UH 1\1. AMsumlltHecclvcr. .
I.'lrsl pull Jan. 2:1 :
- Dcpartment of UIC Inlerlnr. rand Otn e at
. Broken Uow. N'hraska , .January.J71h : , 1I1O ! : ! ,
I. Nollce 111 herehy given that garnes' Kleeh. I
of Hound Valle ) ' , NellI' , has tlIednulice of his '
I , Int lIlInIJ to make Hnal r. ) 'ear proof In sup. .
port of his claim.17. : lIomeste.ul I.nlry No ,
21:1:1. : : made 1\Iarch'2th\\IUI. \ \ ! for lhe h\ot \ , n\l' 4.
SecUonll , 'ownshl1l III n. rall e HI1' . anll that
said proof will be lIIade before rc lsler a 1111
rccelvl'r"at Broken Bnll' , Neb. , on March IIlh.
10011.He name the following wllnell es ' 0 prove I
his conllnuous rellhlence upon. and luIU"a-
Uon at , th land. vlz : Josel'h Ileaumonl.
Broken Bow , Nebr. ; Ole Ole.on , HOURI
Valle ) ' , Nebr , ; Jullul ! Johnson. HOUIII } ValleJ.
Nehr. ; Carl ltoullIl ValleI NellI' . '
JOlIN HBBSI. : , Heglster. ,
P rst Pub , Jail. : IU-H
NO'I'IC1 OF I'B'I'l'I'ION , .
l blatc of Charles N. Baker , dl'ceasell. III . ' ; ' ,
County conrl of CUSlel' cOlllny. Nebra kl ;
'rhe State of Nebraska. ' 1'0 all pe\'son III- -.I.
It leres'ellin haltl ch'all'ke : noUce , lhat a ,
pelilion has hel'nlllel ! for the apllolnUuent
\ " of W. N. Bray as administrator of liall !
r. estate which has bcen bel for hearln ! ; her
, In , onl"elly , Olh , 111011 , a' 10 o'clock a , m.
I ) . UaH'd January 21.t. H .
Ie " . H. HUMI'IIIl&Y.
le COutny Iludge ,
Jr : . . -
r .c-r1 .
_ . . ,
J ewe1er and Optician I
West Side S(1uare ,
"I Broken Bow , I !
1:1 : Nebraslca. ti
n' f\
ti b