Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 7

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l\Ian \ ' simple and effective valentine
I hints are gh'cn U9 from Paris , a Cew
of which are shown In the slcetches.
'l'hey may be used as luncheon favors ,
cotlllon favors or as valentines , as
their usefulness as well as daintiness
Is their stro recommendation. Fig.
ure0. . 1 Is heart.shaped sachet of
silk co\'ered with sheer linen and n
narrow rumo of lace. A buttern ' Is
emlJ1'oldered In the center. A heart
Is lIrst eut out of absorbent cotton ,
Iseven Inches br 7 4 , the saehet pow.
del' being laid In betweQn the two
larers of cotton. Orris an violet , or
heliotrope and violet , malte a good
combination. 'I'hen cover this with a
prett ' shade of plnl ; : or blue china
sllle , cut out a trille larger than the
cotton , an baste firmly around the
: ( edge.
After the linen has been embrold'i
ered , malelng sure the bultern ' Is ex. !
aetlr In the center , press on the wrong
side and cut out the same size as the
- slIIe heart. Daste over sill. on both
, ( " sides-that Is , plain linen on ono side
fJ- and the embroldm'ed Illece on the oth.
er. Bind neatlr with a half.lnch satin
ribbon the color of the silk. This Is
1 : : done br : hemming the ribbon first on
. 't/ ' 'one side , then on the other , just far
" enough Cram the edge to fasten the
q linen. It must be sllghtlr fulled over
. t the rounded portions of- the heart ,
'I'hen the half.lnch valenciennes lace :
Is whipped on.
1. Figure No. 2 enables the linen cover
to be taken off , as the ribbon Is run
through erelets made In the linen for
, the IHll'llOSe ,
, A cotton heart Is made as before ,
_ then a sllle slip Is made , leaving the
f largest part open , In which to put the
cotton. Sew the edges oC the sUle to.
gether , turn on the right side , Imt In
" the cotton and overcast the edges left
open. Care must be talon ; : t Iccep the
cotton perfectlr smooth.
I Marie out on a piece oC handkerchleC
linen two hearts with scalloped edges ,
l one slightly larger than the other , the
'it. .
, This novel jaclcet Is one that hus
' ' latelr been ver ' popular ; It Is ( 'am-
,1. . t posed of six handlccrchlefs , which
should not be less than 19 Inches
Equare , Those may be of white cam.
brlc , simply hemstitched , or may have
embroidered borders and corners , or
1/ / I , " . '
colored stripes ; In fact , any 1lnd of
handlcerchlef may be used. 'rhe ma. I I
) elng up Is qulto slmllle , as will be seen
from the illustration ; one falls over
each abouhler ; one forms each side
front. Rnd two the bacle , which falls In
a pretty triple plait. The corners at
the necle turn o\'er 111 Ilolnts , which
mar be edged with lace to form a little
collar ; the fronts are connected h '
rluuon tied In bows.
Bands of Cluny.
Bands of ChillY d 'ed In all the fash ,
lonahle culm's nnd combined with
whlto net maleo cOmltnratlvely Inex.
Ilensl\'e bllluses , which , however , ure
extremel ' smart. The hcnvr 1I0ss
silks ure sometimes dlplaced ! h ' IuCl. ; .
chtno rl bens when the loco or net
Is embroidered , and handsome effects
uro gained b ' using the rlh ons that
como already shaded.
smallest being about half un Inch
larger than the sllle heat.
Duttonhole the edges of both with
white mercerized colton and maleo the
e 'elets large enough to allow baby rIb.
bon , the color of the sllle , to be run
through. The e 'elets on both pieces
of linen must corresllond , as the rl .
bon Is run through both sides at once.
just outside of the sllle heart.
Figure No.3 Is a. heart-shaped satin
covered box , with an embroidered linen
and lace frilled top and a gathered
chiffon rume , edged with narrow rib.
bon , for the sides. The Inside Is
quilted satin. Cut out two heart-
shaped pieces of cardboard and a strip
of cardboard four Inches wide and long
enough to go around the edge of the
heart. Cover one sldo of one heart
with satin the desired color , and do
the same with the long strIp of card.
board. Then , after' quilting enough
satin to COV01' both hearts and the
sides , cover the other side of the first
heart. This Is for th bottom of the
box , Cover the other side of the long
s 'lp amI sew neatly one edge to the
covered heart , leaving the quilted
sides Inside.
Care must be taleen not to break the
cardboard when bending Into the heart
shape. 'fhe chiffon rumo Is now
sewed around the upper edge. The
cover Is made br sllghtlr pa'ddlng the
outside before covering with the satin ,
the Inside being the quilting. Then , !
after pressing the linen carefullr ,
which has been alreadr embroidered ,
haste to the edge of the Imdded slat ! .
'I'hls Is then bound with half.lnch satin
rlbhon , the narrow lace Crill being put
on last. 'I'he quilting Is done by talelng
a single layer of wool wadding and
hasting to the wrong side of the satin.
then. ellher by machine or hand ,
stttching across. If the box Is to be
used for handkerchiefs 0. suggestion of
sachet 110wder Is pleasant. The em.
broidery Is very simple , the bow lenot
In the center being the 1\tadelm stitch ,
which Is slmplr a succession of over.
hand stitches. made In mercerized cot-
The melhod of trimming nearl ) ' all
Indoor gowns with net emllroldery In
soutache has given rise to a IlI'etty
fashion for trimming the new shirt.
IIeawhlto net Is used In cotton
wcave and on this Is a rug design , liS
the new eastern work Is culled , done
In white or colored soutache. 'fhls Is
used as 'oke an stock. as 11anels , as
wi do cuffs.
If. for Instance. ) 'OU are making a
blouse of cotton lIatiste , which Is bet.
tel' than handkerchief linen , and want
to Icop ; : It stullle ! , put It In pin tucks
from shoulders to waist on each sldo
of a front punel four Inches wIde , of
net nnd lace.
Corm' this net with a dl'slgn uf IIluo
soutache and on each side of thIs Rtrlp
Imt il row of Clunr , then one of Val.
Inscl.tlon. Whip the edges of this pauC'1
to the fine tucle8 on each side. Fasten
down back with whlto linen buttons ,
: \lalO stacie of the C'mbrohlered net.
wllh two Idnds of Inco Insertion nt
each edge. Have slC'eves rathel' small ,
tucl\Oll ut shoulder line and helow el ,
bow und finished with a two-Inch cuff
of emllroldorell net , edged on each
side WIUl rumes of narrow Cluny lace.
You coule ! have nothing IlI'otlier Cor
afternoon weur under a coat suit.
White not with whlto soutucho Is
\'or ' dalntr and It Is used In a deep
V.shapedoke back anll front , quite
narrow on shouldct's-rcmember thut
-anll alllllled to the muslin on eaeh
sille with Val. laco.
'fhe sleeves are loug , with a pnnel
of net down hacle and a wi do tlII'nov ( > I'
the net edged with two rumes of
Val. lace ,
Colored Satin Linings Preferrlld.
White satin linings , either for
muffs or jaclcls or clonls , havc h ( > .
COIIIO entlrolr IInclen jou-ther 111'0
replacell hy rich colOl'ed I.llIort ' silks
In contrast to the garment , reseda
grc1l lining 11111'1110 01' gray /ul'lnents / ,
ro 'ul blue lining lehal" color. whllo
maroon Is Ilnell with /lallling / geranium ,
ntHI auherglno with "ol'dlgrIa , For
o\'enln ; ; cianis this vlrlll IInln IS of
chIlTon , full. ( > tuched from the gal"
ment , so that It blows frolll the alien
fl'onts I. . e IImol' scurfs-Vogue.
. .
"Do .ou belle\'e In art Cor arl's
snko ? "
"No : I sell m ' Illctures I"
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Body Raw with Eczema-Discharged
from Hospitals as Hopeless-Cutl.
cura Remedies Cured Him.
- \
"From the ngo of thrco months untIL
fifteen 'cars old , my son 'Owen's lIfu
was made Intolernble by eczema In Its
worst Corm. In splto of treatments the
disease graduullr spreall until ncarly
every part of his bed ' was quite l'tlW.
Ho used to teur himself dreadfull ' In
his sleep and the ngony ho went
through Is qulto berond warda. 'I'he
regimental doctor pronounced the case
hopeles. : We had him In hospitals
tour times nnd ho wan } lrOnO\1I1Ced one
of the worst cases ever admitted.
From each ho was dlschnrged as In.
curable. We kept tr 'Ing remedy
after remedr , but bad gotten almost
past hoping for a cure. Six months
ago we purchased a set of Cutlcura
Remedies. The reoult was trlll ' mar.
"elous and to-day lie Is perfectly cured.
] , [ 1'0 , Lily Hedge , Camblewell Green ,
England , Jan. 12 , 1907. "
Unapprcclted : Prowen. :
The athletic 'Gon wrote homo Cram
college as follows :
"Dear Pop : Watch the papers.
Next week I distinguish mysclr b '
throwing the hammer. "
And the Irate old gentleman stamped
bis gout . foot and replied :
"I don't care to read any such din.
graceCul antics In the paper. If you
break any windows 'ou'll have to pay
for them 'ourself. "
Brown's Bronchial Troches
bave a world.wlde reputation for our.
Ing coughs , SOl'O throatn und relievIng
bronchitis and asthma.
Beware of Dcbt.
Raleigh : Borrowing Is the canIcer
and death of every Ulan's estate ,
Jilt c , , "ondI" that Garfield Tea meetR
with approval C\'crrwherc-it iH the Ideal
Laxative ; pllre. mild. health'giving ! It regulates -
ulates the livcl" and overcomcs constipation.
Some finished orators don't seem to
know when to quit.
H'II the judgment of many smokers that
J.ewit ! ' inglc Bin cIlie igal' elluls ) in
Ijualitr the best 10c cigar.
A , 'lrt\10\18 deed should ne"er be
delayed.-Alexander Dow.
THIRTY YEARS Otf , . , ' .
- - I .
A FClrfully Long Slego of Dally Pilln
t'nd Mlnery.
Charl's Von 80'hnon of 210 A St. ,
( 'oUa" . Waub. . says : "For at least
thh't . 'ear8 1 sur.
fer'd with leldnl' '
troubles , aud the at.
tncle8 laid mo U\1 \ fa I'
dars at a tlmo with
IJf1.ln In the bacl ( uud
rheumatism , Whcn
I Wus Ul1 ntHl uro\ll\l
shn1'l1 twln l's cl\ught I
me , uud for fIfteen 'UI\I'S 1Ill' fl'cqucnt i
pansageR o ( lc1duc ' accrctlons nu.I I
nO 'c(1 ( me. Hut Doan's Kldl1l'Y Pilla
have given 1110 nlmosl entlro freedom
from this trouble and 1 canuot sllcnl.
too high ! ) ' In their llrnlsl' . "
Sohl by ul1 denIm's. GO ceuts 1\
box. li"ostor. [ lIbu1'll Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
Rapid Rise.
"Pa , " said Mrs. llm'cInll1l1l' , as she
opened the lottm' , "tho lIIan who \'IIn
' ' old with his
OVOl' 0\11' crllll1led cow
uutolllobllo wunts to Imow how much
cho wus worth. "
" 'roll him about six dollars. "
drawled 1IIrum 11lmlallllle. "Lot mo
scc , It was that 11001''lIIago doctor ,
wasn't It 7"
"No , lIIrnm ; it was a eltr feller. "
" \Vas , eh ? Well. br heel ( , tell him
oho was ! \ first-clnss el'lUel' nnd'OI'th
O\'er ' cent of $50. "
"Aud como to thluk of It , Hiram ,
his automobllo was ulmost as long us
a steamboat. with glass wlndow8 , six
lights and n hol'l1 thut 'ou could heul'
five miles. "
"Whti. ? Then wrlto and tell him
the cow he lellled " 'fiG a gcnllino 1m
) lOI'teli ) lrlzowlnnlng 1I01atein and
worth $500 , and If he doesn't settle \III
o\'er ' cent hi cash I'll put the law on
1\lm. \ " 'I '
For 12c
llnel this notice the John A. Salzer Seed
( ' 0" La CrOHI'C'i . , inIl'llcr ! to gajn
: ! 50OOO , new cUHlomcrl ! Ihu'lII.t [ IOS. ! ) will
I 11I\11 ; 'ou frl'e their ! I'ellt plant ami eed
c.ttalol , ; to ethcr with
I pll , ; . "Quick Quick" Carrol. . . . . . . . $ .10
1 pl.t. [ Enrlicst. Hipe Cabbage. . . . . . . . .10
1 Jlkg. Earlicst Elllemltl Cucumher ; . .Hi
I plq . La Cros8e l\1arket Lettuce. . . . .II ;
1 III : ! : . Eadr Di IIIIC I' Ouion. . . . . . . . . . .W
t p1lg. Strnwhcl'l'l1ulkmelon. . . . . . . . . .I
I plg. 'fhilteeu ja ' Rndish. . . . . . . . . . .1
1,000 Jcrnels rlorloullr ! hcautiful
Jowcr ! beel ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . :
Total . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1. "
A o\'e i'i l1f1 cicnt secd to row :15 : 1 > 1'
of l'al'Ct ; wgctl\ble > l nmlthol1 ands of hi.
liant flowers nn 1111 iR mailell to 'ou
l'OSTl'AlD 1,011 12c ,
01' if rO\l 8elHl IGc. we will IIdd a paekaf , ( '
of Bedinel' Eurlic.t : Cnuliflowcl' . .10hn
Salzcr Seed Co" La Cr081C , Wis. K. & : \ \ '
Generally Donc.
"Did 'OImow that the Downto\\'T-
Merchants' banle had closed Its doors ? '
"Good heavens ! I that so ? "
"Cortalnlr. It alwa 's docs when
cool weather comes.-Dallimore
O HY OS "UItO\10 ; ( } UISISI , "
Thnt I IAXNI'I\'I" Il\tUMO ( , ltlINI\Jo : , "Otlk to !
I Ih" blf1I11t11l11 lit N , W. 11110\10 : . Ubcll the World
IIvcrlo ( ; urolColli In Ono Jill ) ' . : : : ie.
Mosl Ilcopic who talk too milch get
It whore 'fesslo got the beads , sooner
or later.
PII.I'S CUnBI > 10. . ; ( J 'ro 1.1 1)\1'1' .
1'\7.0 OIN'I'M FN' ! ' IR Illnralllf'l' < I' " eliI'll ' nny rase
If Hehln ! : . Jllln1111",11101 \ / or I'rtllrudlDi : l'l1cij In
llo It lIayij or mOllcy r'fulillcli. We ,
. , . _
- - - - - - -
Some men just can't foot a bill wltb.
out Iclclclng.
- - - - -
is economical-not Cheap. Try
it. The best at any price or
your money back.
Pure and
Starch , like eVl'r .thlng elso. Is he.
Ing constantl ' Improved , the putr'nt
Starches put on the marlwt 2 : > y'al's
ago are ver ' different and Inferior to
those or the prcsent da ' . In the latest -
est dlseo'erDefiance Starch-.nll In.
I jurlous chemlcnls arc omitted , while
th addition of another Ingredient , In.
vented byIS , gives to the Stnrch a
strength and stnoothness nevcl' ap ,
preached b ' otber rands.
- - -
I r'lhrI"Jl111 AtIAKESIGIfIe'" , \ ta. \ ' eu ICtH :
PI LES , , II , ' . : ' "f. t'i.orIJ ! I
I TrllJuDu lIIdl ( , . li LV0111
: - .
- - - - - - - - - -
I W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. G , 1909.
Hard Worked Woman Not Ready to
FMC Hired Girl Problem.
A lasl'l\chl\setll1 \ mnn , whoso busl.
ness frel\lIcntl \ ' taltes him O\'l'r tho'
IIno Into Vel'JIIOnt , aa 'a thl\t 0110 C\'II' :
IlIg ho wn n. guest at 1f'm hUIISl1 III I
thut stutl' when ho oham'vl'd that tho. .
wlfo of the ownl'l'-U 11001' , wan 1I1l10 I
' ' ' IJIL of the
woman-wos dolllg o\'el'
wOl'k urollntl the houst' .
. \u he hlmaelr IIIIL It , she did an I
amo\lI\t \ of WOl'le thal'olllll ha\'l' IIIIL I
I\n ol'lInnl' ( ' luB l\chllst'lta hol'so to i I
shu11\e filltl he I'call ' felt II1w n. vII. ,
lain sllling thcl'o wl\tchlng hl'I' .
Ii"celln conshll'l'alJlo COIIIIH\s:3lon : fOl'
the \\'oml\n , who 1001Cd I\S If Icud ) ' to , i
droll fl'om O\'l'I'wol'I. , the \'Isltor
asked : I I
"Whr don't 'Olget \ helt ) hOl'o ?
. . I i
SlIre ! ) ' 'OltI'e \ \ nol going to t1. to 11\111 \ I
thl'ollgh the long wlntel' wlthollt tL
hll'ed girl. " I
A slclelr smile ca11\O to the ) lallld :
face of the womun. "WI\I\I , 1 1Il1nno , " I
she soill. "I dOIl't fecI 1\5 If I cOllhl
just 'It ; bllt ) I'I'nlls ef I I\hould got to
fcelln' 1IIUlu hclIl' unll slrong l' I :
mlght.-1II\1stl'o te(1 ( ll\gnzhll' .
- -
\tohitual \
Nay be IC\\\\I\clt\ \ avc\'comc k p\'OC1" (
\ H5 l\at'lsHU , uc dfsYnc \ ( ' ,
bf UIC on truly' b ueJicit'lXn1Ivc \ (
\ 'ccd > " S'l'lip oJ iC and r\h\r : \ \ n4j
. . . } \ \ h CI\ tCf , 0\\ ( ' to fonn'c 'uC1r
I\nb\tft c\nHy \ So llinl' ( \SI t\l\rd f un-
lnrc tuny be rnu\Hr } Ji P.\1ScaWm \ ,
\\\CII \ 1\0 longer " ( 'c ( t ( \ Hb st of
i'C01N\ics\"hcn \ vc u'rC(1 ' , ate to I\st > ist
"Ct'(1 tlottoun1n"t thc hahn' .
a ) fu\\ tlo\1S \ , which h\Ufit dcpcnJ uUi-
mqtc U H pro\\\ \ , ' \omi : ! n1\-'nt ,
n\\rcr CffO\t An"rt titht Ih il1 "tt\lIr.
To ct it : ; bl.tH.'ficiC\l c.'ff l's , ntwals
bdc. ' gctm\uc \
5yrllp rfig5 " El Ixi r1 Scntll (
I ( ) \ \ SltC only , reJ:111 .r pticc bOh r ottle
- - - - - - -
_ " ' , I ' . ' , , , "i' , . . ' . ; : " : ' 2'9,1 ' . " : ' " ' . . ' . ' : ' 1
, _ , . . . , , po ' _ . , , . .
For Infanta and Ohildren.
. .
: , The Kind You Have
. - " Always BouGht
Bears the
Promotes DigestionCheerful-
nCf.-3andRcst.Conlains neither I of
OpiulI1Nol'(1hinc ( nor Mincrlll
: I " 'mp' r/OId DrS,1'/ElI'ITCIIGN .
I ! ; .rlll ( _
1k"I '
. .
Alx J'mnn
I 1I'Pr1r 1I , S.rll.I . I"
, ll1l ' s"r .
&I'.l' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . } I
BU"rJ/lflftS" ' , , .
/I ; " " . . Swi -
, ' , , . .
Cla"l . J'
I l1 irtrtn. , 'FIlIl'Or.
I Aperfccl ne dy rorConslip.\ . U S
lion , Sour SlomachDiarrhoclI ,
I' Worms , Convulsions , feverish-
I ! less nd Los.OF SLEEP F 0
I . . ' . 0 r ve r
fllc SmilIe Signature 0 f
! TI 'Y'I I Thirty Years
Quar. : : ' : : : : "OOd"l CASTO RIA
Exact of . . .
Copy The CU. "un COM""N'I' , NIW ' 1'0/1" CITY.
' : . ' _ _ . . . , : , . .11"J : , ( t".Ii- ; . . ! , - . " ; ' ' : " d , ' ' ' , , - , ' ' - - - - : . - - - ' ' - ,
. ,
. . _ . - - . _ - - - - _ . - _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _
" < < = ' - ' ' ' - ' - ' ' - ' ' - - ' - ' - ' ' '
I -
i Capsicum-Vaseline.-
; - ;
substitute for and sUJerlor ; to mustard or a:1Y other pl:1ser : : , and will not
blister the most delicate skin. The . paln-allayln ! : and curative qualities of the
article are Vol : erfl:1. It will : ; op the toothache at oncc , and relieve Headache -
ache and Sciatica. We recommend It a : > the best : lnd : ; afest external counler-
Irritant known , ale as : m external remedy for palni In the chesl and stomach
and all Rheumltlc , Neuralelc and Gouty complaints. A trial will prove what
we claim for It , and It will be found 10 be Invaluable In Ihe household and for
children. Once used no family will be without It. Many people saj' "It I : >
the best of all your preparations. " Accept no preparation of vaselln ! ' unlesJ :
the same carrie : > our labcl , as otherwise It I : : nol genuine.
Send yo. . ' oddrcl and wo will moll our Vascllno Dooklct deocrlblna .
our proparlltlons which will Interel t you.
17StatoSt. CH SEBROUGH MFG. CO. Now York City
, . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . I .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
( ,
I. .
I . ! ! , ! , . . ! J : ! "Ih"'O . ! ? , , , ! T I II" ' ' ! ' I
I anJOlrmcnt without rj plng IlPIIfL Write lor Ireo booklel-Ho'IJ to Ore , IJleach and MIX CgICf. . MO flRO E : DRUG , 00. , Qrllncy ' , IIllno/a " .
- - - - - -
I " . . . ' ' - . , " . . . . . " , : . " " , ' . ! : ti' " . . ' . , . 1'\\0. : , :1y't : . ! & , : ' ! . . . . . . . ( " . . . . ( . . ' : ' : ) . . . - ' . " " oa''Ji ; ' ' . ' \ ' \ l 11 , . " " . ' 4:1L' : , : , " t. " ' , . ! : , " . - . . _
' . . Ct.dui , the woman s remedy , has been known'- for many years as "Woman's
'T .II Relief , " because of its great value in the treatment of female diseases.
WI 'Twill help you , if you are a sufferer from any of the ilI peculiar to women ;
which can be reached by medicine. _ Why ? Because it has helped other sick women.
, Help Wine of Cardui '
for headache , backache , pressing-down pains , nervousness , irritablity , and other
Y on symptoms of general female weakness. Mrs. R. L. Denney , of Huntsville ; Ala. ,
writes : "Cardui does me more good than any medicine I have ever taken.U Try.
D 21 WRiT I FOR FREE BOOK WrlteforFrce6f.plsreDookfor valuable , hint. . eu diet , Wemen . Bent alvlDIf Cree symptoms.causta.bomo on rc ucst In plain wrappuJ. tre:1tment . by 01&11 anll
prepaid Ll.dlel' dvilory Dept. . Thc ChlnlnoOlf" Medlclnc Co. Chattn.1ooca , ' .rcnn.
. , , .
, . . ,