Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 5

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. I
i Condensed Local and Personal Paragraph.s I
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
- - - - -
JOhl1 Jacobson , of Dunning ,
was among the count ) . scat visitors -
ors Monday.
B. C. I mptield , of Anselmo ,
was transacting business in this
city. Monday.
" [ "lorence Oldfield , of Anselmo , .
' was transacting business at the ;
' . . U. S. land yfiice , Monday. I
I ; " , " ' \
' , . . \ ; ' . . , > . . C. S. Waldron , of the south
'N . . : ' ' . west part of the county , was a
. ; ri" counly scat visitor Monday ;
; _ , . . ' 1' . II. C. BaerhotTer , who has
- , been easl for somctimc , returned
to the counl ) ' yestcrday morning.
Mrs. W. D. Grant is able to be
up again after a c\'cre attac1 < of
. la grippe which held on fol' three
J. weelts.
. ' : ! - > " < ,
I' Mrs. O. B. J.i ester , of Ansley ,
i is visIting her daughter , Mrs ,
Leo Dean , and Mrs. Geo. E. .
George ytitewan , and son
H rrv - , of Dunning , were look ng
after- land matters in Broken
\ . Bow , Monday.
R. J. Fox , of Myrtle precinct ,
ooked upon Broken . all
1 ts glory-and seemed to be enjoying -
' "
joying himself-'l'uesday ,
Perry Oldfield , of Clark. South
Dakota , was in the city Monday ,
to file on a section of government -
ment land near Anselmo.
Judge Hostetler excus" " d the
jury yesterday until next term.
" 'l'he court is still in session in
order to dispose of equity cases.
S. C. Waldron , a prominent
citi en of the county , residing in
the southwest part of the county ,
associated with Broken Bow
fricnds on ' 1'uesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. F. 'l'ownley ,
who have been visiting her
} paren ts , J ud ge and Mrs. J. S.
Benjamin , the past month , left
ycstcrday for a visit at 'Mr.
'l'ownley's old home , IIartville ,
\ A mumber 'of citi ens who
ha ve been laboring to recover
from an attack of la grippe have
finally succeeded and they all
appear as though 'twere nice to
again be in their accustomcd
Mrs. L. H. Lilly , f Kimball ;
, Nebr. , visitcd a couple of days in
the city last week with her sister-
in-law. Mrs. W. B. Eastham.
She had becn visiting in Illinois
and stopped here enroute home.
'I'he municipal election will occur -
cur in a couplc of months. There
will be a mayor , clerk , treasurer ,
cngineer , ju tice and aldermen.
It isn't any too early for candi.
. " dates to begin grooming them.
selves for the fray.
. . . .J. J. O. Jackson , of Mason Cit ) "
\v . who has been serving as a jurOl
-faithfully and well-was re ,
" lieved of further duty yesterda )
and , before returning home , wa
, i a pleasant caller and dcc1are < ]
allegiance to the REl'UDIICAN.
. Frank Birkcmier of this citJ
has received a clipping from .
Piqua , Ohio. , paper which state
that George Priller. the purchase
of Mr. Birkemicr's farm in Ohio
has opened a free soup house it
that city as a relicf to severa
r thousand men who arc out 0
. cmployment because of a temper
ary suspension of the factories.
Geo. IIcrsh , who lcft here j
few years a o and wcnt to takl
care of his aged fathcr who re .
; sided near St. J e , 1\10" write
: that his father died Sunda"
morning at the age of 1)1 years
He had lived on thc farm wher ,
he died for sixty-nine years a11l
04 ; " is said to have been the oldes
, resident in that county.
Early last week Lawrcnc
Hogahoom and hride-who wa
\ Miss Elva Rains prior to 1m
Christmas-returncd from it wp <
ding trip and anli'riday was take
i sick with small pox , as < liag-nose
' ; ' 11 ( by the attending physician , LI
. ' the. home of ! 'tlr. IIog-aboon
about 5ix miles west of Brol\C
Bow , and a quarantine cstahlisl
cd. It might be stated for t1 :
henefit of those not posted th ; :
therc's no danger of OIcatchin
it" over thc tclcphonc.
Leonanl Hersh , who resilll
cast of Broltcn Bow , as an 01
timer in thi- ; neck 0' woolls all
has kept tah 011 the styles I
wealhcr that Ita\ : pr'ailcd he
about c\'cr since 'l'igc was a VCI
small pup. and he says that
the prcsent atmospheric cOIHl
lions prevail much longer the
will be no fruit grown 111 Cust
county this ycar he cause the bUI
will come out and bloom and thl
along a frost will comc and
good by fruit crop in l'JO .
Mrs. I . A. Hunter went to
Omaha last It'riday and will remain -
main for a couple of weeks.
Brolmn Bow's growth and development -
velopment is steady. United
etTort will secure grcater things
tor the city.
W. II. IIarrison , of Maysville ,
M . , was in the city 'l'uesday ,
Ion a land contest case in McPherson -
Pherson county.
Charlie Britt , agcnt for the
Dicrks 1-4umuer and Coal Co. , at
Ansle ) ' , visited with friends in
this city last Sunday.
J. ' 1' . Morrow , of Lena , McPherson -
Pherson County , \vas in the cit ) .
'l'uesday , transacting business
bp.fore thc . land ofl , oe.
Attornc ) ' John II. 1'ans , John
S. and Chas. II. Eatinger , of
'l'hedford , were in the city 'l'ues-
day , on it contest case before thc
U. S. land ofi ce.
1-4ocal carpen tel'S are not complaining -
plaining of being over-workcd
just at present , but all have work
in sight and seem to think there
will be plenty when the spring
season blooms.
Special services are being held
at the Baptist church , commencing -
ing last Sunday night , by l van-
gelist Baker of Michigan. ' ! 'he
meeting-s are well attended , hoth
afternoon and evening.
'l'he newspapers of thc county
are just now throwll1g boquets
( of thorns ) to Attorney Sullivan ,
president of the Custer County
11'air association , because of his
rccent attempt to break in as a !
puhlisher--with nothing investe < } ,
Saturday next weC'k , the 22nd
inst. , thebirlhday - of Gcorge
I Washington , is a national boli-
iday. 'l'he Banks in Broken Bow
will , therefore not be opened for
I transaction of husiness on that
day. Patrons should bear this
in mind if they have . nj' important -
tant business to transact on , that' '
day-and do it thc preceding' '
Rev. H. M. Pinckney went to
Ansley last Sunday and conducted -
ed services at the funeral of Miss
Ellcn Rcch tmcyer. a neice of
Georgc Hechtmeyer. 'rhe de-
cea5ed died at the home of her
sister , Mrs. Willard Keller , at
Columbus , Nebraska , the rcmains
being bronght to Ansley for in-
tCrtl1ent beside other members of
the family.
F. \\Tooters and family , who
have occupied the Walter Doyle
farm , 3.0 miles west of Broken
ow th ( ' past five years , moved
last week to a place 12 miles this
sidc of Comstock. Walter Doyle ,
who has resided at Friend , Nebraska -
aska , during Mr. Wooters oc-
I cupancy of the farm , has returncd
to it and will hercafter give it
hIS personal attention.
Miss Nannic Robertson , who is
engaged in the millincry business -
ness ' \-t \ Boise , Idaho , arflve < l in
the city last SatulC1ay and has
been a guest of Mrs. C. U.
l ichardson , stopping here en-
route to Kansas City and St.
l' Louis where she gQes to purchase
. goods. , With her parents she
moved from Broken Bow to Boise
about 111nc years ago and casily
notes the man ) ' improvements '
- here during that time.
Harry Woodruff , residing 3
miles from Georgetown , who has
. been serving as a juror in the
District court , was summoncd
S home Tuesday night on account
of the illness of his wife and
child. On'I'uesday he received
a letter imforming him of their
illness and that night , while < 1
jury of which he was a membel
was considering a r.ase , a phone
message stated that a physicial1
had been attending the family
all day and he was advised to come
home , whereupon Judge IIostetlel
ex caused him from further dut )
and he startcd immec1iatelv fo
Supt. Pinckney , for the firs
time in his life- even thougl
when a young man he served ;
term as constable-is engaged il
a case at law. 'l'his has beel
t" O' > brought about by the re f usa 1 0
John Bcshaler , moderator 0
: ! R school district 102 , ( , milen nortl
III of Callaway , rcfusing to countel
II ] sign warrants in payltC'nt 0
Df teachers salary amI for fnel put
1'chased. . It is stated that th
ry modcrator is not In s'lI1path
it with the teacher is the cause fa
lihis refusal to sign. Consequen1
rc I ) ' Supt. Pincknc ) ' has instltute
er mandamus proceedings agaim
: ls eshaler and the chance5 arc h ,
: 'n illnot only be compelled t ,
- sIgn up , bpt have some COUI
costs to pay.
The prices of hogs in South
Omaha ye5terda ' , were $4.15 to
$4.30 ; top at $4.42.
'l'he weather is a tfll1e crimpy ,
but it is enjoyed after the long
stretchof , summer-this winter.
W. n. Thompson , of Grand
Island , is in the city tbis week
looking after business before the
district court.
Manag-er Great of the Opera
house informs us he has booked
for t' c night of the 26th , CIA
Bachelor's Honc'moon , " particulars -
lars of which will be published
in these columns next week.
' 1'he Custer block in this city
has been account
quarantined on I
of a case of small pox and bv this
prompt action it is believecfthere
will be no spread of the disease.
Citi ens are not at all alarmed ,
Chas. E. li'ord , of Chicago ,
presidcnt of the Brokcn Bow
State llank , was in the city yesterday -
terday in consultation with VIce-
President Kimberling and Cash-
icr Warrick , on bank atTairs 111
connection with this sohd financial -
cial i nstit u tion.
' 1'he republican county convention -
tion to elect delegates to the
state convention will be held in
the court house in this city next
Tuesday aftcrnoon. Tbe ofi cial
call , together with calls for a
t1lunber of precinct caucus , are
prin ted on the opposi te page of
For several ) 'ears the RHl'UBU-
CAN has urged residents to improve -
prove their prope rties and thereby -
by enchance the value as well as
beautifying the city and it is
indecd gratifying to have our
esteemed contemporary the Cnief
rally to our assistance. "In
union there is strengtb. "
Dr. W. V. Beck went to Omaha
last Ii'riday and on the following
da ) ' was operated on for appendicitis -
citis with which he has been
troubled for six or seven months.
Word has becn received that the
operation was an unusually successful -
cessful one and that he w1ll be detained -
tained in the hospital but a short
Dr. and Mrs. H. B. Mullins left
Monday morning for Galveston ,
'l'exas , and from there go to other
points of historic intcrest , expecting -
pecting to be absent from the
city until about April 1st. TblS
trip is not exat1y for pleasure ,
but was occasioned by a deterioration -
ation of the doctor's health occasioned -
casioned by an attac1 { of lagrippe
several weel < s ago from which he
had not fully recovered before re.
suming work in his dental parlors.
IIis throat was affected and refused -
fused to yield to medical treat-
mcnt so a change of climate for a
time was deemed advisable.
During his absence Dr. li'arns-
worth is prcscribing for his
John Sanderson informs us of
a strange performance on the
part of a boar of the llerkshire
breed , two years old , in his vicino
ity last Thursday. A span of
mules , weighing 1200 cach , be.
longing to Al Juker , I mile souU
of Berwyn , were in a corral , and
just outside the fence stood the
boar which weighs about 300
pounds. One of the mule
reached over the fence and nip' '
ped the hog which madly crush.
ed through the fence and attack.
ed the mules. Mr. Juker , arme < :
with a pitchfork and assisted b )
two dogs , had han1 work in dri v
'ing otT the infuriated boar whicl
had sunk its fangs into a forI
I leg of each one of the mules auc'
ripped the skin and 11esh fron
the knee to the ankle , severinlJ
a blood vessel on one of them.
Sunday School Convention.
' 'Phe District Sunday Schoe
Convention held iol Broken Bm
last Saturdav and Sunciav wa
pronounced grand success by th
Sunday school workers of th
Prof. Steadley , of Lincoln , 'Na
present Sunday afternoon an
evening and delivered two vel'
, helpful addresses. 'rhe rest e
l' the program was made up of loc ; :
talent. Many helpful paper
and talks were given on varion
subjcts of interest and importanc
to Sunday school ; workers. 1'11
reports irom the various schoo :
show a very marked progress i
the schools represented , alon
the line of cradle :1'011 : , home dl
partment , organiu.d c I ass e :
11 primary work , and better methol
in all departments of Sund 1
school work.
'l'he following oflicers wel
e elected for the ensuing- yea
-John 'l'urner , pres. j Miss MarUI
11' l odg'e , sec. and treas. ; Mr
l- Willis Cadwell , sup1. IIoll
d dept. j Mrs. A. A. Mitchal , sup
it 'remperance dept. . Miss Gral
e Pinckney , supt. Primary dep1.
rt Let us ue your printer. Tl
goo < 1 kind of printing only.
. . ,
, Obituary-Cook. ,
John W. Cook. who suffered a I
stroke of paralysis 011 the 2nd
of last month dlcd at IJ:30 : a. m. ,
Feu. 7 , 11)08 ; uorn March 13 , 1834.
in Perry count ) . , Penn.
Whcn a ) 'ollng man , in comp-
an\ ' wIth his brother Da\'id CtJolt ,
he'located at Morris , Illinois , and
engaged in the g'roccry bU5iness
lit which he was < illite prosperous.
In 1853 he was united in mar-
ri3e , with gli abeth Hamp , to
WhICh union were born thrcc
daughters , two of whom arc living -
ing and attended him constantl ) '
during his illness , doing' all in
their power to make his last da's
of IllS life peaceful. In 18)4 his
wife died and he moved to Yates
City , Ills. , where he was again
married and to them a son was
born. While residing at Yates
City he united with the MetllO-
dist church and was au earnest
worker and liberal supporter of
the church.
About ten years ago he came
to llrolten Bow and has been en-
g'aged in business here since that
timc. He was actively engag-ed \
in the grocery business for fifty-
four years and known as a careful
business man aud very prompt in II
mceting his obligations.
'l'he childr..n who survive him
are : Mrs. L. I4. Sharp , Mrs.
Jennie BiggerstatT and W. G.
'I'he li'uueral services were held
at the M. E. church , Sunday
afternoon , Feb.Ith , at 2 o'clO\I < ,
conducted by l ev. ' 1'hompson
and attended by a largc number
of friends and acq uain tances.
Sell Your Hogs to R\lssom. \ ;
G. R. Hussom is now buying
and shipping' hogs and requcsts
all who have SW1Ue to cll to call .
on him and get his prices which _
will alwtys be the highcst com-
mesurate with the marl < et. He. .
is making his headquarters at }
the Bruee Lumber yard where he
can be interviewcd every day , J
Better see him if you have hogs :
for salc.
- - - - -
B . . mmmm mm i
m m I
Drs. Farnsworth & Beck -
Dentists. .
An elegant line of boys and 1
I children's clothes , just received .
at Snyder Bros. & Co.
, For all kinds of good coal go
to the West Elevator. 14tf
: - I
: Money to loan on choice farms , :
- Furnished and unfurnishea
rool11s for rent in Reneau block
Wc take orders for ladies' tailor
made suits , guarantee a fit.
34tf SNYDHH BHOS. & Co.
Go to J. W. Scott's for unadulterated -
adulterated 11our-pure , just as
le wheat growed. I
An elegant line. of boys and I
children's clothes , just received
at Snyder Bros. & Co. 34tf I
Try our Rex Lump Coal , now I
57.00 per ton at Dierks Lumber I
& Coal Company , Broken Bow , I
I Nebraska. I
Fen SAT.n-A bargain-a six I
octave organ costing $100.00 can
be had for about half price.
Might consider trade for milch
cows. Call at this ofiice.
\Ve take orders for ladics' tailor
1 made suits , guarantee a fit.
SNYDl.tR BIWS. & Co.
Dr. Bass , Dentist. OverMcColllas'
:1 :
An elegant line of boys and
children's clothes , just received
at Snyder Bros. & Co.
1 Money to loan on choice farms.
Edward Dodd , physIcian and
surgeon. Ofi ce with Dr. Christensen -
tenson in Reality block. Oflice
s phone No. 260 ; residence phonc
1 No. 248. All cal1s promptly at-
tended. 32-tf
We take orders for ladies' t TI r
made suits , guarantee a fit.
s SNYDHH BHos. & Co.
e Money to loan on choice farms.
e W. . EAS'l'IIAJ\I.
Clean Seed l ye for sale a t the
West Elevator l4te.
B. & M. Train Schedule
I 1 coasl pa" Clllrcr , , lalh'.lcavlJ. . . . 7:5J : : a III
l ) ' 43coallllaHIiClIlCcr.llally lt a\'c..J2:55a : III
7 local frchhl , arrh'c 1:00 : ( I m Iv : ( JO P 111
rc 42 coast PlHHClIlCcr. : Ica\1J , . . . . . . . . .1:37\1111
, . . . . . . . . . .
1' : 4 . Ica VIJ. .5r ) a III
41ilueal / rclll'hl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \ ' III
Schedule of Broken Bow Mail. .
Ite Schcdule of arrival a 11I1 dellarlure of lIIail&
. from BrukclI Buw poSlomec
PoucheR for callt cluse all fullows :
. .e 'i'raln Nu , 2 , 1:00 I ) 11I1 Nu 4. 7:30 : I' . III ,
Pouche8 for wesl clu o as follow8 :
'l'raln No , J. 7:30 : P. III , : No , l , 7:30 a. III ,
omclI hours. 7 a. III. lo 7:30 : II. III ,
1 e Office open SuudaY8 frulII 1):10 : : to IOJ\J : a , m.
I. . 11. J UWUT'r. I' . 101.
- - _ . " - - - _ : : I . . ' - _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ -
Ib. _ --J" ' - . - _ - _
and people on all sides Hre rlHpll'sted to ( 'all and
see our large n1Hl handsome line of
\Ve art' headquarters in Broken Bow for
HAHD A Bli , II A IN I HS , .
I _ III - q ! l _ 'I'
'I'll IGIH LMl\IENS.l1j S I'OO1. ( l us r Bl
NO\V'S YOUH r1'I.MI r1'O G.WI' BA ] UA1.NS.
. . .
.LI7Ktl L VI J -irL
! . . . d . It' 't:6i. : : ' < ; ' " " t . " ! : " ; rr . . . . . : . w'If.tIi1 : , ( ; ! "J" ; ' ' ' , " ' ' . vlS"r.'I . . " . ' . " . . ' . . ; . . . , I" " ' " . : . . . ; . , . . , ! ' . ; : ) . ' : ' . ) I - 'f.1 ; 'I\ , .v.a"rJ , , , , . ' . - . . _ . ' , ; . ; rr.'I . , : . : : . . . ' ! : . , : ' : : : . . fr'I" : a..r/ ' ; : ' , . " : . . ; . : . : . " ' , : . : . . , . .j" ' "J "
Hi : : ; : :7 : : : : ; : ) lct--
iT" . . & . : r. . . assortmcnt liS follows. on ! IRncl . . .
! i.BA4DWIN [ 14UMP MAI'I'I4AND . " 'rS
RmX LUMP 1-4um } > , Nut and Pea
i ] AS'l'IDl N HARD COHltEY h. !
Nut and Stove Lump and Nut ! ti
'I J COKING COAL for yonI' Und rfeec1 Eurnaces. Phollc'79
C. . L. Turner Lumber Co. ti
I . : : ' : " " ' . ; . : , : v.1'bi . ! I 'rri : : 'I' . : t" : . : ! : ' T , . ' ; i : : . mttr : ntt . . : , . : . rr:1t . . : : JIiIIlI ! " . ! . : : .1.
: r.rl6i : ! : tii ! rJ1 liT. : : ; ! iiti.rJL6i'frf. ! : ! : : ; [ i.tbLaY ! : TJLiitd'.i.t1 ! : m.L. ! ItI JILet : \ \
. . .
. ' " -
'If 1 h PIFI
rl'lel"e's }
, I - .
] j1oolery
. .
a.bout our furnitlu'e , either in its make
01' in its selling. We handle on ly the
kind that is above suspicion as regard and fashioning. 'N e have
every piece or suite in the newest
style and the prices we ask-consider-
ing quality-shame allrivalR.
' - - -
1 151'--
At This Writing
YOUI' attention is ' nested
I'cq to a consideration -
sideration of a subjeet of great importance -
portance to every fa.mily in Oust-er
county who-instcad of living' to eat--
Eat To J i'Te
and in order to accomplish this without -
out endangcring' health a.nd lifc secnre
foi' food necl'ssities those Hrticles
which are permiRsih1e to be sold under
the ) 'estl'ictions of the pure food In ws.
The Cash ( : l'Ol'eI'y Htore carries
in stoCIL only the pure , full weight
Hrticles , whether in bulk 01' can , and
YOUI' inspection is cordially courted.
. ' J. N. Peal
Broken now , Nebraska.