Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 4

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\ \ t r ' ( ) unt1. ' .napublioan.
- - - - - -
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --I
- - - - - - V\Z't'I'IH'r. \ ' ' ; ItAT' ' ! : i.
'Vhert' nulIlcr III "I or wIIII,1 bas" el'clrUI\le8
n fiat Ilrlcof Uloi rClIlIII'Cr IIICh.llllllllccollllllll.
fur each IIiRcrtlllll. twu ur nlllrt ! III erthlllll.
S\'clal llloli. IIIIIltlo IIIIIOrllllll. 15 Cent' ! lIer
luch. " , , 'al ha'tJ electru. . . tll'uur lIIuru tll1lell.
IU I.Ullt" } . r Ilicli. l'a'lIlCnt. . to b. , I1In.lo Isl uf
each lIIulilh.
IlIcal a.1 vertl"lnu 5 celltll lIer IlIle each IlIlIer.
tloll.Cartls 011 nllliItlle 60 celltll tIer Illchlor
11I1111 I 11. '
Notice IIf church falrll. IIlIclableM a 11I1 elltor.
tallllllilltll where. ! IIWIIOY I" charlled. olle.lalf :
rnt" ' ! .
. . .
- - - - - - - - -
D. M. AtSlIItHY ! , - Publishcr
CHAS. K. BAS\WI"I' ! \ , - - I d i tor
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thursday , ( 'eb. 13 ] lJ08.
- - - -
rhe excessive use of cigarettes
proves that men'willnot do without -
out tobacco in sIJme form. In
spi tc of legislation and moral
crus tdes against it , it is quite
r obable that the world will nevcr
use less tob ICCO than at present.
'l'wo dccades ago there were
many mc't who ncver used tobac-
co. Now It is rare to fi nd them.
' 1'he "tobacco hcart" and thc
"tobacco eyes , " the cramped
chest and the irritated throat
may all be real blood money-
wroug from theUl as part of the
price thcy pay-but Ulcn will
still woo the fairy spirit of the
smoke rings. 'l'he doctors may
tcll that her lips are stained with
poison , and others warn that she
is sinful , but thcy will not give
her up. Here is thc spell of one
they love and will perish with
rather than deny. Such is the
attitude of the confirmed smoker
and statistic3 show that his
na me is legion. It is q uile probable -
able that hc is in the wrong. It
is absolutely true that he spends
too much m ney on his weak-
ness. But is it possible to wean
him away from his affection bV
legislative prohibi tion ?
' 1'he prohibition leaders arc
making a hard elTort to sccure
the enactmen t of a law to prevent -
vent the sale of liquor in the Dis.
trict nf Columbia. 'l'his move.
ment should be as easy as killing
off thc canteen. 'rhe District of
Columbia is governed by congres
and man ) ' members will vote
against thcir personal view
when placed under the lime-light ,
The only opposing feature is that
if , prohibition is est blished ir
Washington the congressmer
will have more trouble securin
ther ! personl supplies of b oze
' 1'hlS may cause some to hcsltat !
-though it is only a shor
distance across the bridge tc
Alexandria , Virginia-and Uti
vo.lluc ot their vote as a campaigl1
document may be sufficient com'
pensation for thc discomfort the
national solons will experience.
- - - -
On londay Scnator Burnham
of New Hampshire , introducet
into congress a measure to estab
lish a parccls post system wl1cl }
has been endorsed by Prcsiden
Roosevelt and Postmaster Gener
al Meyer. 'l'his measure , a syn
opsis of which is published 01
to the tirst page of this edition 0
the I 1U'unLIcAN , is constructe !
so as to prohibit any but bona
, fidc residents on a route beinl
eligible to its use-which mean
: that the catalogue houses in th ,
cities arc not in it.
. . .
- - - - - -
' 1'he proposal of the Daughter
\ of the Confederacy to erect
monument to Wirz , thc bruh
:1 : comm ndant of the notoriol !
: ' . Andersonville prison during th
: civil war , is arousing a lot CJ
, bitterness in the north. Wir
was the man responsiblc for th
horrors , of thal tcrriblc hole an
1 the attendant deaths of thos
imprison d t1 erc.
_ _ _
A scicntist says the brain cel' '
of a human being contain thre
million nerves-hut still Uti'
don't explain thc kind displaye
, by some of the would-b ( ' politi
" ians oC uhraslm.
- -
" 'l'he seating capacity of t1
auditorium-now huilding i
Denver in which the democro.l
arc to hold their national conve
tion will hc 1-3,000 , but Bry ,
doesn't coltstruc thc figures j
- - - -
If Bob Evans can make ti
Japs takc water-what's wrol
with making hun vicc-prcsidcn
'Vith Evans the Presiding Of
ccr of the senate the 'l'illma
and the Jeff Davises of the se
ate wonld havc to be good.
Some of the Nebraskans wI
allowed their whiskers to gro
to protect their faccs froUl t :
severity of the winter-feel tIll
have been buncoed this time.
'l'hcre is a movement in mal
cities-since the Boyerton dis
ster-to malce moving pichI
shows pay higher licenses th ;
ordinary shows.
. _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ h
Doesn't Want Much.
'l'hoHe who are disposed to rc.
gard M1' Bryan a hOg'gih !
shond note that he declinc ! ; to
namc a 1I1an for secOlIII place 011 "
the ticket. All Mr. Urvan pro.
poses to do IS to naml' 'ih lI1an
for tirsl place , dictate the plat.
form , choose the campaign COIl1-
mlttee aud make the race. He
leaves all . the rcst to the part ) . .
McKee P. Emplield was horn
in Indiana cOllnty , Penna. , Sept.
27 , 1865 , and died 1It ( i'remont ,
Nebr. , February 7. 1908 , at the
.Igc of 42 years , 4 months and 10
lIe was the 3rd. child of a fam.
ily of 10 born to J aclcson and
Jane Inmpf eld. ' 1'he fa't1lCr died
" years ago hut the mother and
the rest of the children are still
The family camc to Custer
County in 1887 and settled near
Callaway , but M. P. Empfield
camc in 1138 ( , and has resided here
ever since. He was married to
Miss Hose Dass , Novembcr 16 ,
1'J04 , and to this union 2 children
have been given-Paul McKec
and LiI1i Huth.
He had been fclling bad for
some little time but tinally became -
came so bad that he had to takc
to his bed and a consultation of
Doctors was called Saturday ,
Jan. 25 , and they decided that
it was best to take hll11 to a hospital -
pital for :1n : operation for appendicitis -
dicitis , accordingly he was taken
to the li'r ( > mont Hospital , on Jan.
2 ( " where the operation was performed -
formed on Monday , li'ebruary 3nr.
A fter the operation it was found
that he was al11icted with a com.
plication of diseascs to which he
succumbed February 7th. , at 5
a. tn.
Mr. Empfi ld was a carpenter
by tradc , a good mechanic and
leaves a large num er of lasting
tributes to his memory over Cus.
tcr county and especially in An-
selmo. He and his good wifc .
had dccided to move onto their
farm near Callaway and were
preparing to move there the 1st
of March. Funcral services were
conductelI'-cb. ' 9,1908 , under the
I auspices of the 1. O. O. II' . lodge.
Rev. 1-1. S. I'-cnch ' preached the
funeral sermon after which the
, lodge took chargc amI accompanied -
panied the remains to Broken
Bow whcre the 1. O. O. F. met
the train and took charge of the
services and the remains were
. interred in the Broken Bow cem-
ctery. About 60 ot the bereaved
relatives and fricnds accompan.
icd the remains to their jast
resting placc. '
I Mr. Emplield leaves a wife and
2 chihlren , a mother , 5 brothers
and 4 sisters and a host of other
relatives and friends to mourn
his loss
, 'l'he bcreaved family have thc
1 . sympathy of the entire commun-
itv. He was a mcmber of the
I A-nselmo M. E. church and is
t now a nlembcr of the church tri-
: umphant.
Weissert Warbles.
Quite a number of people
_ of this vicinity took hogs to
Broken Bow last Saturday.
' 1'he li terary at Elton will be
discontinued for a while on account -
count of so much sickness in that
coummuni ly.
' 1'he sick childrcn of Shurm
Pracht , arc reported better at this
writing. Miss Mina Pernie , who
has becn workingtherc returned
homc Saturday evening.
Mr. li'red and Jim Goiner were
putting up ice last wcck.
Quite a number have the
I e whooping cough in thisD\icinity.
Arthur II. Cooksle.r and wife
made a visit at his parents last
Mr. and MrM. Leonard II ilto 11
madc a business trip to BrokcI1
Bow last I'-riday. '
Jame ! > Davis has been making
his mother a visit.
IC 1. A. ohns.on and f mi1y whc
have resulcd In our nelghborhoo (
tl1 f r t hc past two years , left fOI
h.ansas. . last Monday . morninu'
n- ' ' b
1'1 ICy .111 ) e greatly n11ssed frol1
\t 1
our midst.
1S 1\Irs. McArthur , who has beet
sick , died 'l'uesday , the 11th
tIC leaving eight lit tic childrel
tgo motherless and many friends tl
mourn hcr loss.
t ?
Ii. . .
ns arrlage Icenses I ssued.
n- John J. Rourke , Merna , . . . . . . 2
Lauretta Edwards , 1\Ierna , . . . 1 < ,
John S. Kcnnedy , Mason City , 2
:10 : l'-anny ' Jelenek , Mason City-
, Samuel 1 . I'-read ' , 14itchfield , . . 2
e Charlottc I ayle , Litchficld , . . . 1
For Rent or Sale.
tty St.ock farm consisting of 011
lasechon of land near West Uniol
re For further infonnatio'l see E. {
iln House , Broken Bow , Neb. , (
G. Guyle on farm.
. . . .
- . , - . . . , , . -
'C oughs Of
. Chiidren
Especinlly niRht coughs. Nature -
ture needs n little help to quiet
the irritation , control the inflammation -
flammation , check the progress
of the disease. Our advice is
-give the children Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral. Ask your
docror if this is his advice also. I
He knows best. Do as he says.
Wa 1 > 1I1J1I"h ollr ! ormul. .
'Vn lJ nllh Rleohot
A , ! rOIn ollr lIIelJlelnea
\Vo r ; - , to
lJersVo dootor " your
If you think conslipallon Is or trifling
consequence , just nsk your doctor. He
will disnbusl , . : you of th:1t : nollon In short
ordcr. Correct It , 31 oncc 1" hc will
Bay. TIII' ! ! :1ck ; him oboUI Aycr's Pills.
A mild I \ ( r I'ill. : . ! ! " " ( ! ; clblc. :
-ntRtl"'I " ' , " ' - " A" ' . - > awoll.Z'4I1U. _
. . _ . _
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Electric Lights
for' Broke Bow
- - - - -
A New York Gentleman is Desirou ! i
of Putting an Eectric Ligltt
Plant in This City.
- -
Mr. d. Bennett , of Pulasld ,
New York , has bcen in the city
several days looking over alH !
considering the prospects atH1
fcasibility of establishing al :
elcctric lighting plant in Broker
Bow and last night appeared be ,
forc the city council and outline ( '
plans and lilade a verable propo'
sition for thc granting of a fran'
ch ise , and t hc mcmbers of the
council seem quite favorably im.
prcssed , several having so ex'
pressed thcmsclves. The mattel
was referred to a committee com'
posed of Alderman Taylor , Roel"
well and Squires with instruc ,
tions to rcport at the next meet ,
ing of the council.
This matter of insufficient strcel
lighting has been a draw back 1 <
the betterment of Broken Bo\\
and now that an opportunity at ,
reasonable price is offered i
should be embraced. In this da1
and age every town of from 150t
to 2000 population that 110es no
possess an elcctric ligh t plant i :
considercd a decidely back num
ber , and peoplc whl
havc money and arc willing tc
invest do not invade any suc1
towns with their capital. Cit : .
zeus who are progressivc an < :
who desire to see thcir hOI11 !
town grow and bc spoken :
favorably by visitor , ; from abroa (
will assist the project-anyho\ '
not be "knockers. "
Zumbrota Zephyrll.
'l'here has scarcely been a per
SOI1 in this neighborhood bu
what has had the lagrippe.
Miss King , of Broken Bow , ha
bcen sewing for Mrs. W. W
Mrs. Norah Guyton , of Edd ) '
ville , made J. L. Kom cr's a shor
visit last week.
Belle and Frank Sauds hav
been absenl from school a fe ,
days , Bellc beingll ; of lagripp
while Frank has been sutTerinl
from car troublc.
J. . D. H.eam , of I eam V\lle : )
I bough t a milch cow of W. W
Bishop reccntly.
One of J. ' 1' . Cole's horses die
last week onccount of a barl
wire cut about a 1I10nth ago.
A few of thc young people e
this conlluunity attcnded the pn
gram and o 'ster supper at HSna
l un" last Saturday night.
Mrs. I illa Pershall , has gen
to Iowa in response to the neVi
of one of her near relati ves bein
seriously ill.
Mrs. 1\1. D. Callen has the I ;
grippe. We wish her a spee(1
Miss Zee Bishop visitcd at (
H. I ussom's , near Ormsbv . , fro
. Saturday untill\1ouday.
Mrs. Henry J oh nson and cltil ,
ren spent last wcek with l allJ
I Johnson's " in ' '
fami1) 1'appi :
A few of the young folks gat
ered at the lagoon , last Sund ;
aftcrnoon , to enjo ) ' the pleasu
of skating. .
li'rank Callcn , of Callaway , h
been spending a few davs . wi
his brother.
Miss Madge Bishop has bel
- absent from school ( or a numb
of days owing to a severe sa
We are very sorry to relc
thatl\lr. Oscar ' 1'appan is qui
Ie sick. 'rhe elector has made sc
l' cral trips to his home this wee
. We arc informed that E.
) r Barber has made arrangct1ter
to put up ice out of M. D. C ;
, . " ,
- - - - - -
- - - - - - -
I'u'li lagoon. 'rho.p that havl'
IJcC'tI skating- will be ! ladly diqp.
pOll1tcc11 bul cJil11 that thcy wIll
patroni c homc industry ncxt
< ; umll1cr , especially when the ) ' arc
r'al hungry for iCl cream.
1' lmira McComlt : spcnt Satur-
da ) ' and SUl1llaj' at hOll1e , returnIng -
Ing to hcr school work in the
Bow l\lolHlay lIlorning. .
. . _
- - - - - - - - - - -
Real Estate Transfers.
John Finch , to Maxson , lot to ,
1'iuch's , add. to Arnold , $100.0U.
Nelli H. Applin aud hush. , to
Adda J. Applcgaith , g J ; { : SW M'
4.15-lH , $3400.00.
Nellie A. Codaylingle ! , to
, Charlc1 ! H. Coday , 440 acres in
I 23.20-le ) , $1500.00.
l obert A. lWiston , to William
J. EI listen , 40 acres in 22-14-24 ,
Warren D. Copewnd , to JOl1l1
lIutchinson , . .0 . acres in 14-17-24 ,
$ fJOO.OO.
Lowelll\1. Wade , to Cassius E.
Varney , 80 acres in 10.18.21 ,
I obert A. gllistott , to Albert
S. J lliston , 40 acres in 22.14.24 ,
Lincoln 14alHl Co. , to M. J.
J oh nson , parcel in lot 7 in block
3 , 8200.00.
Charlct ; C. Gardner , to Probst
& Smith. lot ( , in block 8 in Sar-
gcnt , $250.00.
O. S. Pulliam , to Harry G.
Stewart , 240 acres in 33-20.19 ,
: 85600.00.
I4eona E. Black and husb. , to
James Lindley , 160 in sec. 15&22.
11).22 , $2200.00.
State of Nebr. , to Harvey B.
. Andrews , 80 acres in 16-19-21 ,
W. E. Warren , to Leona E.
. Black , 160 acres in sec. 15&22-19.
22 , SlOO.OO.
Stella O. Miller and husb. , to
_ glizabeth Kennedy. EJ ; { : lots 6&
r 7 in ( i' . Reyners add. to Broken
. Bow , $700.00.
Lincoln Land Co. , to School
_ District No. 15 , lots 1 to 10 , in
_ block 2&3 add. to Merna , S400.00.
Asa If. Ballah , to Albert F.
Smith , SW , 5-13.22 , "ex. parcel -
cel , " $2200.00.
Daniel W. Wilson , widower , to
Erank C. Pinch , p rcel in 32.18.
21 , S600.00.
Alvaretta Petitt , et aI , to
George E. McCaulcy , 80 acres
in 18-13-23 , S400.00. I
James W. ' 1'hompson , to F. M.
_ Skillman , lot 5 , in Block 74 , R.
l . add. to Broken Bow , S100.00.
Charles G. Anderson , to John
Bcshaler , 160 acres in 32-17.24 ,
_ $2200.00.
' 1'homas J. Barrott , to John
Beshalcr , ' 160 acrcs in sec. 32&33.
17.24 , $ eJOO.OO.
F. M. Skillman to First Pres.
'I ' byterian Church , Brokcn Bow ,
lot 5 , in Block 74 , R. R. add. tCJ
Broken Bow , $100.00.
Stock Shipments.
- During the past scven da's the
following shipmcnts of live stod
have been made from Broker
s Bow :
Sam Bctts , 2 cars of hogs t (
' 1'ierncy , Bros. , 1 car of horsci
to I ast St. Louis.
.The following to South Omaha
G. R. Russom , 3 cars of hogs
P. J. Simonson , 1 car of cattll
and 1 car of hogs ; Geo. Bush , : .
cars of cattle ; Tierney Bros. ,
car of hogs ; J. F. Bryson , 1 ca
of hogs.
District Court Proceedings.
d District court in and for Custe
) - county convcned 1\Ionday of las
week and cases on dockct havi
) f been disposed of as follows :
) - Charles Robertson vs Mary Arp , ela :
c Sale of rcallstatc confirmcd anll dee ,
ordercel. V. I. . Gullerson allowed $15
00 fce as I unrcliln au litem. J. A. AI
Ie mour allowed $60.00 for allorneys fee
IS C. II. Holcomu allowed $40.00 as referct
Ig Daisy J McQuiston vs Marion It Me
Quiston. Dcfendant defaulted in ope
court. AlIe ntions of petition foun
1true. . Cnstody of minor child. Hazel. I
I ) ' ware1eel to plnintilT. Dccree of elivon
as lua'cd.
. . Aela B pfrhem vs August W pfrchen
T. Dcfelulant defaullcel in open court. D
U1 vorce grantcl111prayeel. : .
Mllrtha Westralle vs Vntherene . Court fil1l1s due plaintilT on tl1
ccrllficnte $16t.2S. 7 per ccnt Interes
Ih $16.40 nllornc ) ' fce. Dccree of forec1o
ltt 'Ire liS prnycel. Order of sale Tit :
quicted in Muscatine ! tUg & Trust Cc
except as to lien of pllllntifT.
Rosn V Gift \'S G H pennington. Ca :
1Y continucel O\'L'T the tcrm on applicatic
re of , Vests of term taxed 1
pIn ntiIT.
W S Kenucdy etal vs I.uther Mille
atls This WIIS a casc in which I.uther Iin
I solei to W S Kenncd ) ' , Frank Ward.
14 Hickmllnltlll Roy Wehh , a stal1ie
for $600. The defcnl'e c1aimell that U
en horse was not as representeel. The jUI
Icr founel for thc defense in thc emu of S4
Ire Snllivan. Squires 1t1I11l01comu ! wcre
torneys for lhe plaintilTs. 111111 Dean I
Wnn reprcsentellthe elcfense.
Irt Petcr I.iucwlher V6 .T C Wehliu
: te Trial hy ngreemcnt. Court fitl s dl
: vplalntilT : s 0(1. J m1gmentaccunllngl
: k. G W McKce Hrwin Goodrich. (
trial court fine1s for dcfcnelnnt and CII
B .
dismisscd nUllelcfcnelanl in error to I
I ts cover costs tnn'd. 40 days give
llCor bill of exceptions.
. " . ' . . . . . . ,
- .
I-I , Johnsou5 Glenn , Jol1u50u.
Default of defend nut In open court.
Court fiutls allcglllions or petition truc.
CU'Ilolly of miller chllel , Ul11el. awarded
to plnilltlff. Dccrec of divorce ns prayed.
Notlollal IOlltl & Pro. L'ulon vs Scott
E Whlll l.t al. Clerk tllrcded to reI case
-I'coIIII ' virtue f elccrce
' - 1II0l'tgn e hy ( .
h"l'ctofol'C relldercd in thlq cllse.
A PIlication of H\'It Har cr. uarclilln.
to sell rcal cstllie. Court fintls for nppll-
cnlli. l.iccllsc grnutceltoJcll rlal cs-
tllil' .
Nchraska Ce.tral B & I4 Assoclallon.
Dcfclldnnts to show eausc why sale
shonld tlot hc confirlllce1.
Prank HIIHerlllatl vs Cctlllruerg et aI ,
Pn'scnt shcrllT elirecte to makc deetl to
( II il nlll purchaser.
n. PrctlMiller "S C. B. & Q. R. R.
This WIIS a cnse in which plaiutilT suetl
till' clefelle111nt for clamngc ! ! cnused by thc
tlenth of 1It1 important rtallion he was
, tlg Crom Iowa hut whlr.h was
kit \ cd hy rcasou of the cf\rin front of him
clltchln Otl fire which throu h suIToca-
tion and excitement clluse his dcath.
The jury returned II vcrdict for $ [ 315.60.
, James McMillian vs Heaps & Pretty-
man verclic of jury rentlereel in fa\'or of
plaintilT in the sum of $2f3.22
Martha I . Glcr's I.ot C. Morris.
Cas pusse(1 ( for this silling hy agreement -
ment of purtics. ,
Simmon ! ! Hanlware Company J. M.
Philips continneel for 5ervicc.
Frcl W. Hays \'S J. 1\1. Adamson , casc
dismissed at plain tilT's cost. Completc
record waived.
Martha F. Gicr vs C. U. Richardson.
Case continuee1 h ) ' agreemcnt ,
I1rokt-n Bow Abstract Co. vs J. S ,
Kirkpatrick. Casc continucd over term.
Costs of term taxed to plaiutifT.
14utherIiller vs C. B. & Q. R. R. Co.
Casc settled and dismissed. Dcfendant
to pay costs.
Jolll1 Young ale V ! ! J. W. Snetlj Plain.
tilT to file suhstituted petition uy Monday.
Gustav II. Lindall VB John Fiscus. Jury
returncd verdict finding Cor defen ant.
Charles W. Woody vs Hester Moody.
Case dismisscd at plain tifT's cost.
l dwin S. Updike vs Ida Updike. Case
elismisse at plaintiIT's cost.
Johanna W. Neilson vs Central Nebraska -
ka Lan & Investment Co. Defendant's
to answer in .w days.
I. A. Reneau vs MuscatineMortgage ; &
Trust Co. Dismissed at plaintiIT's costs.
In the maller of lhe application of
Mahel Waters to sell real estate license
was grante to setl an bond fixed at
$500.Wm. . Gleason vs Mutual Beneficial
I.ife A5sociation. Default of all defend-
ants. Trial ha . Court found allegations -
tions of petition true. Decree as praycd.
Costs taxed to plaintilT.
Central Nebraska National Banks vs
A. A. Catlen. PlaintifT given leave to
file amended affidavit. .
Stark & Mosher vs H. 1\1. Brownetl.
Continued for service.
W. J. Pilant vs ] . II. Dewein. Ou-
jections to jurisdiction overruled. Defendant -
fendant excepts Defendant to answer
hy Tuesday morning.
C. 14. Burretl vs A. N. Dann , et a1.
Default of atl defel1l1ants. Allegations
of petition foun truc. Decree as prayed.
Costs taxed to plaintiff.
I. A. Reneau vs Noah Clineuell. De-
feudant to answer by Tuesday.
O. T. Pu11iam vs Ethan Shaw. AIIe-
ations of petition true. Decree as
praycd. Costs taxellto plaintilT.
l\Iauel Gleim vs l\ltlcller & Golz. ! tIo-
tion to dismiss appeal suslainell. Plain-
tilT exccpls.
Daniel Plymale vs 1' . J. Plymale.
Coutinucd over this term by agreement.
Silas HulTman F. 14. BulTman.
Leave riven to amclld pelition hy inter-
lincation uy sclling out firstnalJlc a 11I1
sunlmuns to issue.
E. Spencer l\Ii11er vs B. M. Su11iviln.
Jury waivcI } . H. G. Shocmaker II1nlle
party elefellllant on his own motion.
Omaha Firc Insurance Co. vs O. J. and
Ella Smith. Case sellIed and ismissed.
J. II. Mclvi11e vs Custer County. Jury
J. S. Kirkpatrick V5 Custer County.
Jury waived.
Lyon & Stan ITer vs Custer County.
Jury return vcnliel into court finding for
plall1lifI in the sum of $60.00.
Frank Wetls v. Custer County. Appeal -
peal dismissed for want of prosecution
at the cost of appetlant. Appellant cx-
Elizaheth Ketley vs Custer County.
Case continue pending settlement.
Paulinc W. Stuckey vs S. S. McCon.
nell. PasscIl pending settlement.
Nancy 1t Clinehetl vs C. B. & Q. R. R.
Co. Jury impannetlelland sworn. Evi.
elence taken 'U1 jury are instructeel to
return verdict for defendant.
Republican County Convcntion.
Notice is hereby given that a
: . ; delegate convention of the repub.
lican votcrs of Custer county , Nc.
braska , will be held in the court
house in the city of Brokcn Bow ,
on February 18 , 1908 , for the pur.
pose of selecting eigh tl'en delc.
gates to the l epublican State
convention , to be held in Omaha ,
which convention will elect dele.
gates to the National Republical1
convention to be held in the cit ) '
of Chicago , Junc 16 , 1908.
Also. for the purpose of elect.
ing eighteen delegatcs to the
Congressional convention for the
Sixth district for thc purpose : oj
placing in nomination a membel
of congrcss , which conventior.
will be held in Omaha on Marc1 :
12th , 1908.
Also for the purpose of tran'
sacting any business that may be
presented and deemed' advisable ,
ry It is recommended that towr
6. caucuses be held on Saturday ,
Lti ( , 'ebruary 15 for the purpose 01
selecting delegates to the sai < '
g. count ) : c nv ntion. ' 1'he repre'
Ut' sental10n IS based on one delegate
) ' . for each tcn votes cast for Su ,
) n preme court judge at the lasl
: c clection and entitles l'ach lrecincj
cn to thc number of delegates a !
shown in the following :
: , . . ' , . . . . . . _ , .
. . .
> < 4 ' - ; " - ' " t. J . : : ' 1 : ; , ' " " " _ ( . . -
. I
- - - - - - - - - - -
Al crnon. . . . .t5 GranL..s
Ansle } ' . . . . . . . . . .1 ; Haycs..4 '
Amnlel..1) Rilfoil. . . . . . . . . . 14 t1
Bcrwyn , , . . . . . ,10 I.illlan. . . . . . . . . .7 . ,
Brokcn \ \ ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ClIlT . . . . . . . . . . . . .s lyrtle..6 r
Custer. . . . . . . . . . .9 Sargent : . . . . . . , , [ 8 .
Comltock..5 ! Trlump. . . . . . . . . . 4 oj
Delight. . . . . . . . . .16 Vidorla..8 t
Dougla ! ! Grove. . . .8 \Va'ne..6
Hlim..5 Wcsterville. . . . , .1 r
HI ! : Crcck , . . . . . . . 7 West Union. . . . . . 7
Gnrfiel11. . . . . . . . . .6 Woo < l R \.cr..14
Datcl ! Jail. 28 , [ 9d ,
JUt.ltS I1AU\IUN'I' : , Chnirlllan.
A. J. VANANTWIUU' , Sccretary.
The Rcpuhlican CAUCUS of Broken Bow i
township ( and city ) will ue held at the '
Court house 011 Satun1ny , Feh. lIs , 1908 ,
at 2 oclock p. 111. ,
A caucus of the RcpuhlicRn votcrs of
Garfielcl precinct will be held ! It the Swiss
Vallcy school house ou Saturclay , Feb.
15 , 1908 , at 2 o'clock p. III. , for the purpose -
pose of clectin six dlllgutes to thc
county convcntlOn to be held in the
court housc at Broken Bo , 011 : Feh. J 8th.
The Republicau caucus in I.i1lia t pre. .
duct Cor the purpose of electiug se\'en . .
1'\ .
dclcgatcs to thc count ) ' convention , will he - Irr'I " .
heldalthc Oxford school house lit 2 I 1
o'clock , p. 111. , on Sallmla ) ' , Pcb. 15 , 1908.
The Rcpuulican q of Myrtlc town- 1
I1hip " , Ill lIIect a the Knight school
house Saturday , Flh. IS , at 2 p. III. , for
thc purpose of elcctiug six dclcgntes to
the Couuty convcntlon to he helll in '
Broken Bow , Fcb. 18th , and to transnct 'I
such other husiuess.itS . lIIa ) : propclly
cOllie before the lIIeetlll .
} ? E. DmANo ,
Thc Republicans of CIiIT , township , , lrC
herchy notificd that there will be a cacus
of the Republican voters , h 1c1 Itt the
I1ick-school : housc 111 CliIT , township ,
Feh. thc 15th , 1908 , at 2 p. III. for the
purpose of clccliu 8 ddc ates to nlte1\l1
thc Republican convention to ue helel at
Brokeu Bow , Fch.I8 , to eleel delegates
to allend thc state convenl on at Omaha.
By order of COMMITTmt.
A caucus of the Republican voters of
Loup precinct will be he1c1 at the Welch
house ou Saturday , Fch. IS , 19uR. at 2 \
o'clock p. III. , for Ihe purpose of elcc- ,
ling six dclegates to thc county convcn- ;
lion to be held ill thc court house at
Broken Bow on Feb. 18th.
\VIJr. 1' . TRUH. Com. : : '
A caucus of the repuhlican votcrs of ' .
Custer precinct wil11le held ou Saturday , )
Feb. 15th at 2 o'clock p. III. at Succcss ,
scllool house , ou Ryno tahle , for thc pur- " ,
} 'lose of electing dele ates to the county
convcnlion , and to trausact such other
uusiness as the electors lIIay deam nCC- \ .
essary. .Jos. HAItI/Ilt , COlli. \ . . .
The Weigh of "
the Coal Dealers
( p .
/ r " :
does not always IIIcan "all coal , " cven if
it h full weight. 1'his is a joke in the " " ' J.
trad , uut it's no joke to the consulller it
who pays for it "all coal" alld ets teu to '
twcnty per CCllt dirt 11I1 rubbIsh lIIixe '
ill. If you buy your coal from us you
getal1 coal , fun weight uuel the hest ,
well.screcned coal outainaule without
payiug fancy priccs.
& CO. ) .
Lumber & Coal "
South side : ' '
. . . . . .
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