Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 3

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    r- : -
Effects of the Tr de. I
' 'A shoemalter Is n POOl' sorl or ! :
't "turf' , "
' " "
. "Why so ?
. "Becauso bo Is by trade a. beeler ,
; t\nd there Is not n. tlmo when he Is not
willing to sell his sale. " ,
"Dut ) 'ou must ndmlt ho has one
virtue. "
"What Is It 7"
"He w1l1 slick to the lasle"
$100 Reward , $100.
The reader ! of tb ! paper will bo pleasell to loam
.thaI I here Io.t lel" ono dreaded dhooue that lelooel !
hat beea IIblo to cur" lu "lIllt elaKelllud that I.
< : al"rrh. 111111'8 Collarrh Cure h the only po'ltl\'o
.cure IIlIIV knuva to tllO mo.lleal fratemlty. Catarrh
belolf a cue tltullon'l d1s0383. requlros n conilltu.
11uaal treatmeal. JlIIII'8 C.ltarrh Cllm h IlIlten la.
ternally. acllag dlreclly Up"l1 the bled IInd IIIneoua
lurlace ! of Ibo .I'81em , thereby deltroyln ; ; the
fouollItloo of the dl.oa. . , . Rod glvln , ; the Iatlont
-elrcolh lJy bulldlog UI Iho conotltulloa nod Rulsl.
InK nature 10 dolog Its work. 'l'bo proprletur. bRVO
eo lIIurh ( alth 10 Its curLtlve puwou tha they otter
{ Iuc lIundred Hollars ( or ROY C 80 thll It fall. to
curr , Bend ( or.llot ot teatllnunal. ! .
A.I . < lrru I , ' , .J. U1I1m : \ " . CO , . Tuledo , O.
. . . foIolJ bv all Hrul1hl ; , 75e.
'l'allc iIaU's Fawlly I'm. for coolttpatloa.
She W s In No Hurry.
He , ' , Dr. Wallace , new pnstor ot the ,
] nst End Baptist church , brought a.
11ew one to Cleveland wllh him.
AccordIng to the stor ' , a , Boston
gIrl got on the street car one da ' car-
' '
r' 1' 'lng ono ot these muffs the slzo of an
ordlnarr hassock. She had onlr ono I ,
I hand in the muff. A ) 'oung man sitting -
ting next to her took advantnge of the
o'lIortunlt ' to slip his hand into the
unoccupied end of the muff ,
The Boston gIrl turned upon him
sevcrel ' . "I could have ) 'ou arrested
for such a. famlllm'lty , " said she.
"But. " she added , "I'm from Bostol'J
nd I purllOse to Imcp calm. Now , I'll
just give you ten minutes to let go ot
, my hand.-Cleveland Plain Dealer ,
A Remedy for Ncuralgl or PaIn In
the Nerves.
For neuralgia and sciatica. Sloan's
Liniment has no equal. It has a pow-
orfuilr sedative effect on the nerves
-penetrates wllhout rubbing and
Iv's immediate relief from pain-
fJulclwns the circulation of the blood
and gives a pleasant sensation of com. I
ort and warmth. '
"For three rears I sufCered wllh I ,
neuralgIa in the head and jaws. "
writes J. P. IIubl.lI1rd , of Marietta , S.
C" "and had almost decided to have
three of my teeth pulled , when a
friend recommended mo to buy a. 26
cent bottle of Slom'8 Liniment. I did
110 and experienced immediate relief ,
and I lmpt on using it until the neu.
. entlrel ' cured. I will '
.ralgla was . nevel'
, } ' \ \1C without a bottle of Sloan's Lini-
- ll1l'nt in my ho'uso ngaln. I use it als
for insect bites and sore throat , and 1.
can chcerfuIly recommend it to any
/ " one who suffers from any of the ills
, I have mentioned , "
" ' . " , , "
' 7. .
, . '
, She-I wouldn't cry for the best
it . man living , so there !
\ " Hc-You don't have to crr : for hl111 ,
\ - 1earou'vo got him.
Sorrowing Widow /-lad / to Have Pic.
ture by Which to Remember Hubby.
To be exhumed after ho had heen
buricd for 20 dars and told to sit UII
and "look Illcasant" was the tough
luck that befell n C01'llse out at 'Vood.
lawn ' ' r\ew YOI'k
cemetcr'j' , , the other
da : , . . Henry Brown , a. train dispatcher
on the Ono lIundrotl and Twenty.
ninth street elevated road , die(1 Dc.
cember G of rhellmallc gout and was
burled decentlr and in ordCl' . Some
two wcelm after the fune\'al \ it occurred -
curred to 1\11'3. Drown that she would
like a photograllh of hel' husband ,
having none that ( } i'd ' him justice. 1m ,
mediately she petitioned the Hl'onx
health dejJartmont for pel'mlssion to
exhume Henry and snapshot him ,
'rl1c health dOl1l1rtl11ent was somewhat -
what dazed. but granted the request.
and so , with a Ilhotographer and an
. . undertalwr , 1\Irs , Brown went to
\Voodlawn and had the three weeks'
corpse dug UI ) . Brown was takcl.
both profile and full face.
A Way som eoPle Have.
) .A doctor sald- :
"Bt.foro marriage my wife observed
" in summer and country homes , comlna
in touch willi fnmllies of mrled means ,
culture , tastes and discriminating ten.
( } C'ncies , that the families usIng Pos"
tllm seemed to avel'ago better than
those using coffoe.
"When wo were married two ) 'ear8
ago , Postum was among our first order
of grocories. 'Ve also Intt in some cof.
fee nnd tea for gnsts ! , but aCtel' both
had stood nround tbo } Ian try about a
j'ear untouched , the ' were thrown
away , and Postum used enl ' .
"Up to the ago of 28 I had been ac-
( 'us1nmed to dl'inlcoffce as a routlno
haJt ! ! and Buffered contJtantlr from In.
LlJestion ! and nIl ils relatlvo lsorderd.
81n0 uslnr ; P05tum all the old com.
plaln\s \ ha\3 comliletel ' left mo and I
60metlnws wondel' if I ovel' had thorn"
Name given b ' PostUIl1 Co. , Battle
CrN'I" 1\1ich. H'ud , "The Head to
Wcl1vllJe. " In 111(113. "There's a Henson. "
- - -
' - - -
Tcndcncy of 011 Conccrn to "Over.
Awe , Crush and DIGdaln Public , "
Proves Warm Theme In Chlcf's
I'rt"sl ent nOo e\'cll'i Rlz7.lIn 1 I11S-
sa o to congresll nlkll1 ! thl ! ellllclml'lIt
oC n flllr I'lIIplorcr1lIahllllY In\\ ' , moro
for the lnlerllalo Commercl !
omllllssloll , nllll lho exeellll\'o nfuln ;
called to the nltl'lIlIon of the law-
nmlers hIs call1)nltn n1alllat lho " 8I1c-
clnll : , ' 1l1'lvlll' ell rich , " Heg'al'IHllg the
I'mlorerl ! ' 1111 bUlly ncl. reeelltly de-
( ' \al'ell \ ulI'ollstjlllllonal hy lhe lIupremo
cOIIl'l , lho IH'eslllent IIltlll :
"AR rer-nrllR lho cmlo'erll' : lIahlllty
Inw , I nll\'ol'nlc Itll 1I1III11'IIInle reennel-
IIIl'nt. limiting lis s'ollO 110 thllt Illlhnl1
nPlJolllY lo the ( ' \1I1\S \ oC cnsell nil to
whl h th COllrt lIa ' 1Il call eOIlRtlllI-
tlollnl1y nllph' . Ullt slrenr'lhonlllA' IlII
provislollll wllhln tllllI IICOIIl' , Interlllnle
emplo 'rnent hl'lng' thlls CO1'(1 by nn
nlleqllato IIntlonal In w. tile lIelll oC In-
trastalo emlloyrnelll will bo left to lho
nctloll of the lIeveml Klnlell , 'Vllh lhls
clenr ollnltlon of l'e1\IIOn8lhllllY the
HinteR will ull ouuleilly glvo to lhe
) ICI'formnlleo of theIr 11uty wlthlll lhclr
111'111 the cOlIll eralloll the Impol'lanco
of lhe lIuuject demnlldlt ,
"I also very urgenll ' n'IIIO thal n COI11-
prehonsl ve act be pnsse Jlro\'l lllg' for
compcnsatlon b ' the go\'ol'nmNlt to nl1
employeR IlIjllrl'l1 In the /fOVel'nmllllt
Hen'lcl' , Unller lho preHcnl law nil 111-
jllrcd WOl'I(1111111 In lhe cmloyment of
the ' ' ' 11:111 , nnll
g'o\'ernm'lIt : no remolly
the entire blll'dcn of the nccl ont falls
on thl ! IJ'lplcsl1 man. hlR wlfl' , nnl1 hIs
I : "Ollllg chlll1rell , 'fhls III an ollll'lIgp.
It II ! U lI1ulter or humlliatloll to lhe IIn-
tlon that lh're IIhOllll1 not bo 011 Ollr
'I Htatlll , ' uools provlllon lo lI1'ct ! lnd
} llIl'lIlIlIy IIlono for cl'uel mlNCol'lune
wlll'1I Il ( 'oml's 1Ilon n mun throug-lt 110
fa II It or hili OWII whl10 fullhflllly servIng -
Ing the public"
Assalla I njunctlon Abuse.
Ahuso of thl' mm of the Injnncllon
III Inbor caSC1p1'0'll1f'11 nnolhel' lhemo
for the exeelltlve , lIe l1eclnred there
In lIomo lIeed for acllon I'I'g'nr lng' the
rlg'ht8 IIl1d wrOIlg'R of lahor from hlack-
IIl1l1l1g to bo 'coltlng. Continuillg. ho
sal :
"A8 reg'ar R Injuncl1on ! ' , I can do lIl-
tle but repeat whnt 1 ho.vo lIall1 In m "
Insl mcsJng'e to congl'ess , Even lhough
it werc posslhlc , I IIhould cOlIlldl'r ! It
most unwlso lo nhoHsh the use oC lhe
proee1of Injunction , It III nlceslan' !
In ordl'I' lhat the courtll mn ' l11alnlaln
their own I1lgnlty nnd In order thnt
the ' mu. : , ' In offeell\'o mnnner chcol (
disorder ! lnd violence. 'rho jUI1g'o who
uses It Co.utlouHly IIlId COIIRcl'vatlvely ,
hut who , when lhe n'ed nrls's , uses It
fenrlc1\sly. conf'rs t.ho g'reale'lt ! ' sel'-
Ylce upon ollr IIcop1e , and his ) Jreernl-
nNlt uscfull1esJ n a pllhlle SCl'\'ant
should be henrlily recog'nlzC'll , But
thcro Is no question In my 11I11111 that
It hns somellmes b'n used he'el1C'SRly
nnd unjulIlnnd \ that some of the In-
jun'lIonl ! 1Jllued 1IIIIII't grl\ve and oe-
' Irl'epnrablo wrong upon
those CII olnc , "
'fhat the Sanla J C' railroad 111'lIllent
had [ .uilly Inowledgo or relmtllg 11an
nSllcrllon which the ( ' 0
execulv 11I1
with ( fCct , 111 hl1mesla e II 111-
( osNl IC'lter1of corrcspollh'lI'e , which
ho deelnrcd polnl to the truth of his
slatl'lentll ( are , : Ils wor l in this 1011-
"In ( 'ncloRe hel'ewlth a Rlalemlnt Is-
SUN ] b : , ' the ehllf of the hurpau of cor-
pOI'ntlonll In nnswcr to certain Btate-
nHnll ! ( which 1 also cnc\ISI' ) , matn h '
and on bohnl of the npentll or lhq
Stanl1ard 01 Corporll tlon nnl a l'tC'
of the - ( '
nlorney-general 'onlalllilg In
to certain ,
nnswpr Ilatcnwntll also 11-
( 'Iosl' . mn o hy the relldlIt ! of the
Sai to Fe nalwn ' ) COmlllY , 'rho
Slnnl1nrd 01 Corporaton and lh ( ' railway -
way company have both henn founl
gu 1 l , ' by lho ' oC criminal ml1\-
eondlcl : hoth have heen lIentpn'el ] lo
) ay henv ' lnes ; nnl ] each hal ! Issued
nnl1 pUblRheel hrond'asl tISO slate-
Il'lItll. asserting thlr InnocplIl' ( , nnd
Ilmolnclug all InproIH'r tlC n'tlon of
Ihe courts and juries In convlctlllg them
oC g'lIll , Th'so IIlntpm'nl1nre very
elaborale , arc very IIIg'onloulI. lnl1 nre
111'uthCul In Impol'tanl arll llnrll ,
'rhe ' ) fl'om .
leter nll IIIClolll'O "fr.
Hl'ney '
sufelCnth' IJustralo Iho m'lh-
ods of the hlgh olclalll of lhe Sontn
l o nnd Ihow tw ultet' fah.lly or lhell'
pIca or Ignornlce , lhe slmlnl' pI ( 'a of
the Stnnl1nrd 01 being equall ' -
out foundallon. "
Would See Trafc Associations.
'nfol'ml ( ' of rlroall rt's wnl ! an-
otlrr one of the ox'uth'e's th'mes
which Is or Intel'l'st to thl ! J I1l'nl puh-
le and PrClIld'nl nOO1\p\'l ) IIvlscl1 !
pool o ( lramc IIRlloelnlons for lhe pur-
lJSO oC cOllfct'll Oi rnlC's , III that
COIII'ctlon he ( ' \ :
conlll'd ni folow1\
" .
"I deslro to rCI''al my rc.eonlHIHln-
lion that ralwaYH b ! ) ) ermlll'll to fm"J
Il'ale aHsoclntons for tl PII'OIf of
cOllfCrrllg' Iholt nll ] lg'rllllg' "pon
ratcs , rl uln tlonll , Ind pr:1tClf nf'l-
11g Inlel'stale huslnlsl ! In whlC the
' ' of the tlon '
IllhC'1'1 aRlolla al'c -
" ' Intcresled , ' dOH not
t"al 1hlH ( lln
that Ihe ' 1\holl ] hI g'1\\1I Iho rlg'ht
to IJool thC'lr Carnlnt1 or thll' ,
' 'ho law l'qllr'H lhllt rtC1 11111 tmlc
10 adjlsllll lS 10t to Ilf'rlmllatl he-
t\\'etn Indl'lhmll. 10111 IIs , or " -
, dlf"r-
( 'ul rIII'R of tl'lml Oldlnnll ' " rnll'l hy
ll1 ' Il'lhl' ,
competng' IIIH mlst lIaml
As to
Ilpled pmctcal cOlldltlons , lho
raiway oplratons oC tlil counll'
can he ' ' ' '
10t COIll'tl'd 10
, 1l'oI'IHn Ilw
what 11\
WJhout liIUI\IIClIt lo -
\ eonflr-
( ' ' ' ' , _
Ih'o Inll ngl'el'll'lt ' 11 nrlcllB 11
Iler whleh sudl nllo'lnt lOls '
] he , ' \ ' hy ' commlHslon
Iholhe n1P'o\l tl' :
ni thlll' 011ratollR sholld hI opn to
puhle InsJelol : 111 ] the rate1rl'tl
latons , and prct(1IPOII which they
ngr'o should II' suhjeet to I1lsnpproval
by the commIssion , "
' 'hen folowel ] I "roalll" on lhe " ' \ '
rIch , " The )1'sldelt lold of thl' -
palg'n whleh the wC'alh ' lawhl'ell clr-
conductld and s't forlh remlllnl le llI-
latol : Ils IIlnlemell II lhat rcgard
ColowlI , ,
"Under no clrclmstals wOlld wo
counl'nunee (
aUncl(1 Ipon Inw-ahll1lnf ;
propel'ly , or do al ht hUl cOIII mn
tholo who hold lp r'l'h men nH beln
ovl mel hlcauso of thei' rll'hfs , On
thl ! conlrary , our whole ( rorl II to In-
.lit Ipon Condul't , anel Iwlthpr wlllh 1I0r
prolllty 1,01' In ' otll'r IOIS elsllnl10l ,
18 hfln lhl prol'l'r ' Htarllanl hy whleh to
JUIgo ] the nltoll of Iwn , For the hon-
( 'Hl I11lm of : l'llt w'ulh wo have I
hlart ' re"nrl just nl1'1 hnve n hlarl '
' for th '
roml'd ( honsl 1IIIIIdal 111 ] hon-
cst ) , Hut ' oC Ilw '
nOWIIIIfr pa't mo\'I-
lent to uplllel hOICRly IIHt hu n \ ' -
ment to ' '
ft'lwlI on ' , "
IIhol1sl 0 lt-
Inclt onh' ( orrupt lell oC , ' who
Ihl1 In the Illrdlnsf11 w'nlh
Iloltdln 10sl
Ilcllnl InstrllnHnt oC '
I'orrlllllon II
Iho ' ' anl
1ll''hllRld " ' the
n"wRpllII' mnlt ! -
clll c1'CI.1d'r oC l'OITUIJtOI OUI' .1-
Cllnrrci la 10t wi h the th"f ntl'lIls ulII
leprsclllth'IR Inll'rl1\I : The '
dl'rh'o their chl'C powlr the
sinister ' who stand grlal
. Ihem , ' hut hollllll
1lwy Ire \ ' "
I ni the stlhl"s nro IHI IHPIl18 I In 10\ thl
' ) ( . hut th. , ( 'unnlll
Ih" strrJg len
I for '
nnf rlghtr wOIJdn
h'hln Inel , thl ! 1'\1
whol WI have to If11 " ' 1IIIIIItll t'o wih (011-
Irol law-III'Crlng WI'Ilh : III the
to II'l'\lnt Ita ' . 1'\ Inlt ,
doing 11' 1'1 thl rc-
, .
pulit nn.1 In thl n'Xl , pl:1Q : to
thl1)11lvo : an drea Cul radIcalsm Ivoll
whl'h. Ir \lronlrol"l , It I : ) c.'rllln
II lho l'IHI hI 11'019" , "
elO Corporatlono Arc Hi.
n ' ( 'nlr Itnlc" thl IlrPII"lt IIw l'nr
to ' 0 ' ' oC
thl Hll\lllu'll ; I'oul ! n Rhlrt
tllIl nll. 1111 tllI IH lolt oC nlPI
IwthollM CC thl HOl'la'C'll'r N 'I.Ihllt to
" ' ' ' ' , '
\ olll
"O\'l'IWe ( lllon 1'lIrrll' ! ( 'rllh
l\'I'I' ' ( OI\llllf' \ m\1 1101 10WII 111011 the
' ' ' which
IJ'oll I
! wl 1 l'Olllll\l lhl publo
' ' ' It 1\uch
( \
1'II'VI'8 ni 10nR 11 \11111 IIl
to ncl wih hlllllll ' , " \ I wnR nt thnl
) ) olll m\l II 1'0 II II ( , Itn II'llh lh , 119ur-
' nllel ' thnl
111'1 fhl'lI/w / & Aloll feulcnll
' , \ ' , lool lho , '
" 1' Hln9\'I,1 hPI'IIIl Cnl ell
oC \ \ ' ' ' ' ( ' '
\\'I'alhY 1'lrpCll0l9 whih 1\\1' h'e'l
lo ' hy ' , 'fhe
hell II'rOllt ' : tht ! OVel'lIlelll
1IAagc l'olllnUl'el
1hl 1I'Ylotc of 11 th ( ' o nlncks Ipon
th ( ' fCorl In ' '
( IHI'U' hOlleRI\ II hllll'lf
1\1 III IIUlll'1 hI wel ( xllrl'"sl11 III Iln-
( t prolC'sls 1\IIISl 1U I'I0rl Cor the
mornl ( ' of ' \ .
rCfell'rnllon tll hUllll'S1wOIII.
lhe n ' lhnl It II ! . -
Oi 1'01 1)1 . \ I Ill I 11. tl-
wannllNI 111 IIJlrlolR. IUII hUII-
' the ' Cor
10lS 1IIII' II IHCeSnrr plnnl
to ' ' ' .
Ilch elnrl leell'O ullle'f hOIORl
The lorlly of slch a 11111\ 11rcllsoly
ns Ircnl ns If made Oi uml CC lho
lel cnll/hl III U IIUIIUII l'llnhlshmcll
wh ll lhat ' ' II
gnlhllll 1'ltahlfhll'lIt
Inll1 h ' t1 polce , I Rueh'orlls 1\1
ea thal lhoso
Ilrlhlnl Iwy I I
wheRe lel/lllllls th ( ' ' IIPI'l'lIell
! lnll n lhll lho ( 'CCorl to hrll
nbnlt a 1111 , re/I'IIN'nloll oC hlRllelR
which wi 1I'\ll n rl'llllolI oC lho III-
' ' ' . '
111'11'1' hnll(111 nHI Itrlll rnll'onl
s'lnllll In Nuw YOl'le n rColllon of
the Chll'nn & AlolI l'al : a ) IIPI'lllon
of lhe ( 'omhhmtnl b'twef1 I''rtnln lJO-
, ' ' (
fefslonal poltcals ce'lall !
InlO' l'n lr1 111 l''rlnln bl Inllch'rs.
fll thl disgrace oC whl'h Sai FllelH-
' ' rescued '
co : a
hal jlsl hl'e'l rl'plltolI
of the slccessCII cro't I ' lho Slnlll\rl
01 IJ'oplo lo crlsh ell e\lr ' I'um\llur.
to ' the I ' , IIn 10
ovel'a\1 1011011 Il r lI' !
' ' lho
( 'sllhlRh n monopoly whl(1 U''ats
! n ' which thl'
llllc wih cOltC'IIJl publc
' Il of
dlslr\'el ! so 10111 I perllR 101
such II'lnlpl s 111 lu'h Il'nlhlhmll to
nvow Ind Iwt on lhel wllh Ilpunly ,
' 'he oUlel'Y I/Ullll Rtoppillg dlhollest
' wrollgdOl'rs -
pmclll'el UIOII whd Ilp-
to ( ' ' Ilrl'I'ls'ly
IJel 1elllh 3111ar
' ' '
to C\'l'ry
oltlr ralsld lgallsl erort
for elenlllhll'SI 1\1 11'l'IIY III dty go v-
II'nlllIt. lecluse , fOl'soolh. Il wi 'hurl
buahlcRs. Tels of Crltclslng Judgcs.
"Our opponells hn\'o re'cnly u'n hit
t rly ( 'rlldslllg lho lwo jllll es rcC < TNI
to II Ihe IIcllmpllnylng l'ollunieallons
from the ' " nlle1
Sllndnl'd Oi COllI lh/
Salln 10 , Hall'oad for hnvll Ilposed
' these two ;
hel\'y InR 011 corpomlon !
and 'el these sume l'rllcR of lhesn lwo
jllgcl exhnusl themse'es II enoulc-
IIA the most retP'cCul nll caulous
which slol nC the oldlll Iclol lo of n jllle
rlslllI II 1IIImll wenlhY
nnll powerful wl'on/dolrl Most ( ' ( 'rlaln-
h' Il behoo\'es us / Il to ll'al wlh Iho
ulmosl reSIJ'I't the high ole of jlll e' :
Ind our jl gCI. IS n whole , ' uravo
, ' ' ' the
IlId ul1rlghl IIIl H'lpcl'l fo' Ilw
must o halld III 11111 with 1''Sllcl fo'
the jndg'R : II . ns 1 wholl I Is trlo
now all II lho 111Sl llnl lhe jlles 1\1te1 :
II chl'/'l'r 1111 1\l'rvlco Iho\'o ni oth1
men lheh' - ' \ ' or t hn
1l0llH fclow-se'\'lltll
pUllc , The jnd 1 who dOI'3 hl1\ ful
duly wel Rtllll1 hl hC' , nll rClllerN I
b'lor lIen'lce lo the jJIOPle. than ! n '
olher uhle l't'vnnl : 1 11011111 to
g-reller rl'spccl : Ind If hI' Is I true sor-
vunl or the pNJplo. If hI' II ! uprlht , wlfo
mil fl'arles ! . he wi unh'Rltllnly 111-
regard cven lho wlsh,11 oC the ) ) , 'oplo
If lhe ' the ell'rnal ' -
cOllct wih 11'ln-
dples oC rlht , Ho
ni I/alnst Wlong
Ilsl 8Ir\'C' : the P'Opl' ( ; hit II l11ust
8C'r\1' his own 10ns'lpllcl Il's1 Al hOller
lo 8ueh a jUIIe ; nne1 ni honor cln not
he rllered hi. If I IR rlndere oqualY
to his hrothren who fal Ill aRumhl
below the h"h 1l'nls ] fOl' whl'h hc
IItnndR , Unlrulhfu1 crllcsm Is wllwl nl
ni thil'S , 111 whoe\'r nH ho the ob-
jecl : bul I Is n pl'culally In rnnl In-
Iqull " whll n judge Is the oblelt , No
mnn shollld Ihhlly crllcise n jlHIe ; no
shoul . evell 11 hiI OWI IIII , condemn -
demn n 1111'ss ho 11\ Burt of lhe
facts , jUII/o Is nssalell fol' IItallll-
I !
11g uAnlnRl POllul/r ! foly.nl1 lbovo , al
for Btn ndll"lnlnst lob vlolCICl' ni
honornblo Ilhuulel rnl ' Inslanty to
hlR sUIIPorl , Ne\crtllcss If ho dearly
falR 10 do hl1Iluly h ' the publl' II
" with lawhl'C/I orpoI'utlonll ,
dcalll" / < Ig (
lawhrenkllA ml'n of w'nlh , II must I'X-
10 f'pl lho wel/hl of pUblc opll-
flce : nlld this Is hul rlghl , fO''xccpt In
oxlrllp I'als thIs Is the only wuy In
which hI ( 'ni he rencheel nl al No sl'r-
of thl' hns n to ' ( '
"all plolo rlAht IXI'l
to be free f'ol jusl nHl hOlest ctlc Si
"An Ethical Movement. "
"Th ( ' oppolll'nlll of tH l'nsurCs W'I
( ' oul onn : uII now
'hullon toW
a lother Ilnm re for esp'cll ( nUndt , ulII
speal ; ns If the 10\l'menl II whll'h we
url' englgC'd W/1 purP ' economll' , I h/s
' , hut It Is -
n 1 ( 'olllmic Rllo f111a-
nlltnlI I'lhlcal 10vllCnt I IllOt
n mclemcnt to ho l'ompC'II'I ! ] II 0110 year ,
' : Il III n
or two ycarll or lhlfe YI'arH
' ' lit h ( ' " ' \ ' ]
\ 1"'rSp\'plel II
10\'pmllIt whl'h 1 I
Inl tl' nph'll whl'h IIR hlhlli It Ilnls
' 11110 h I'l the "
" ( 1111
Il eOllsc"lIco
1" ) ho tl 1'opl ( ' , I IN nl war ! 11-
orlanl lo lhoo o I ho Ilghl tPUU ! to
) " , hut Is ' \ '
Ichlevp ollr III"POS" I l'\'el
tore ImpolllInt to ) ( I'II ) thIs pUlpose
clearh' Icfolp un : / nl ] this purpoRe II
to P'l'e latouo I 101Ply In llRhwRi
In , 'Ve elo 10l RuhsCII ) to
anl O' llc(1 helP thnl e1Rhonestr ald
' ' ! to
unCah' ( are IRlentl1 hIRluP !
SUCl''RS , and arc to bo condon Il whou the
RUCl'I'18 IR 101I'nte IInd Illplaudel ] whln
lhcUI'e ! 11I'I1 The lothohl h '
/UI'e ! ! ,
the Slnndal'11 01 1C'ollI Ind theRe
en agcll In the Otll'l' comhlllatonR of
whl"h I have IIIIOIC'u a\o\'O mve
' - ' cnn ouh' bo' -
nlhlp\'Nl g-roul fOl'lul\1 JUI-
" ' ' of ' of
h thn nl\'ocH'r I 'WllN1
nlso juatlh' '
whl(1 woull OVII )
morlty (
of on to art of u
fOlm ( llmllalty ! )
laho' unloll , nul f\'en' f011 \lol'nee ,
' , fl'om mUII'r to
cOl'rupton ! ll ClnuI ]
hrlhel ) 1111 halol-hox alullIg III pol-
tics , " 'I nlo tryhl ! lo SICUII equalty
of opporlulliy fO' ni : nHI the ItrugGlo
for hOUClly IR lho ROI1hnthor Il II
] on hphllf of ono fll of mCI or
anothll mlle TI the 11I11'111\l of the 1111
sCltlls nnl ] Inlro\llrl ! , nll ] agalnst the
plhll"lpII OPlloslllol of WN11hy 0\1111
, ' of
or hugp \I'Hlpllng lolks sI1ep o'
' IhJflrlnl to roh the IJeopl )
IOrpol'atouR thllel' , WI 8trl\1 to ) Ul UI
to thc lhpr of Illhlc Illel II the
lnl ' lhls , and '
" 'hcn WI 11'ollSt
\pst 10
thl' ' oC al U1II , whethCr
alalnst m'lol In pl'aln lCe , who
pllhle Ifo
I'lth ' parl In 01' 1''fIS ( ' to tl' ' to
( tlw
I10p Rllh lHCt , we Irl r.aly IngagIII
' WI' ]
In thl lal pollY ni whC1 IIHIlvor
to ut a Ilop to l'plHt"l ! ( to pre\'ent
) ' ,
of uncontl'olPII mnlopololl
tl ul1rrowlh I'fO't 111m ply to pnCurco thl' Iwln-
I'lplf1 oC common hnu'lty nai l'Oml0n
leURC ! J wnllid In lfd ho 1 fOI' the
e'oUnll'Y , " Hhoul1 tlcro ho nnr hnlt II our
wOII ;
State Government Must Ald.
' . . the slnlo 01' national g'0\-
Elt' u't must uudl'rtall tl lellla-
101 , of which tl II'pIIIlut 11101(1 111
til PXC'Clt\1' n31pII tw eommon-
' to \ or
wl'nlhH 1\hnlo tl re8ponlllhlty
' thollI , which nre
cUlhlng' corporlloul
accu1of evl-toin , "or coursl III
! lY ( , vl'ul holh the latonal Ind Hlat.
' ' ' ' do Itl ! ) '
g'O\'el'nnlltll tlKt l'afh II't
111 ] 11'111111 t HOOSl'\I1'1 1 CHil g'c' .
nlld II'h cal 110 cerlaln amount
' do , the
lhlt the olwl' clluol whlo
oul " rlulh' slllCaetol'Y Il'SUl1IUst
hn ohtalnpel hy the rpIl'ClIlltltlvmi oC
the lalollll 1111 Ilnto gO\'I'I'UmOll1\
worltillg hcartly tog.thl'r wihin lhel'
IIHpPfth' , ' Hlh'I'e's , ! ul II 1 ' jut -
' '
l11enl thorouAh-g'olng ulII 1\atllCnctol'Y !
coutl'ol CII In tll' lnd enl ' 1) ohtalnl }
h ' of lhe ' \ -
t\ allen 1'\tlonnl govern-
l\nl , fol almolt nl the COl'pOlatonl of
elormOUI wealh-thl t II tll ( orno-
whleh I t ' \ ' ( ' '
r tonN 1'1\llpclal el'II'ahl !
to control-ar ( , In \
(1glel Inter1\tlto
' , ' ' '
I'olnmercl 1111 dlrl\1 tlll POWI'I' Inll
' ' ImplrlaucI not from that
thl'l' porton
or thl'l' hUIIUC11 whkh Inll'aslall
hul from thnlntc'l'lntf ' huslu,1\I , I 11\ not
InlY alwIL ' 1to 1 11' lI 0 JUBl whcl'o lho 110
of cI'HarClllol hct WN'n lho t wn 1llId"
o ( \ , ' ' 110 must -
hllllnl81 fnl1'l'hll ] ull-
math' bn 1 I'aw I hy the (1'11'I'al
CUrtl : Iuh ( f thp ofnl'l to 1\'cllro
11lluale ] coltl'ol or Iho g'loat COI'lra- )
h ' ' hn1\ WIRO
UIIS Hlntl n'lll hn1hlpl
anl ( fceth' ( ' , hit much of Il hal heNI
Illtl\l' : for whel the c1OI't 11mRelo
to ( ' ( ' ) . h ' thl n'lol of the ! late
whnt (11 cmlr ho nCI'lnplshNI hr the
n'tloll nC the , Iho ' '
Inlol 1'llt enl olh'
II dllll'IllllIIlt , nlld In the clII thl'
II w wil II'o'ahlv : hI' l1ecll'el UlCOI-
So ( the
Iltuton31 11wlso II lltollal
11'1'11 , WI' whl hll"\1 In the 11'LSUrCI
hll',11 1c\'olah , I 11'0 hl\11el'l'll ulld
10l all1le ] h ) ' Ihe . : cll''mhetB who Ilvo-
( . lt"llon ' < I \1.11'111 lhlll I would
I.lthlr hI " or ( 'Iso '
UI"RA woull l'nUIO
moro mlllhl. than It woulll l'Utc y.
Points to the Future.
"rho 11\\5 must . . II Ih. futuro' h , ) 11-
mllhlrpl nR t. ) ( I' " now h"lt a -
minlslered , 10 thal I I" , lcvartu1nl of
. . .
. t
\lst ( ' l11a ' contnuC to hC whnt I now
lA , II'IIY CII'l the dlllrlm'lIt oC jus.
' ' . whl'ro ' .
tt'l' 111 CII' 1M 011 nhily 1'1.
mlll jUBII' ( 11 Il'h'd Ill wih ni'en
IHUII totrlll nlHI .1'lul. rllt nlel 11101
wl'al l ' ' ,
; 1\11 ! ro I I 1101'00\111 lhero
Rllulll 10 dlln II IHlllllolIlntlnJ
IlwR IOW Oi the staluto uook ! Uy the
t'nal'tlllll or furth'r IpllsllllolI nK
outlllll In the 11t ln 1 I selt In the
101/rl' ! ! Oi I" IIoethll . l'nller the
1'h.tlI la ws IUll , VI'I' ' lI1ulh. hnl
hl'l I'lul I 1' acol\111111 durIng the
{ lll Nix 'l'\ ( ! 1\11 1 hllH helIhO1
IY Adul1 I'xII'rIN\ ( ' thlll 111' ' l'an bo
( 'lfnrl'cl l 1 I nsl I hI Wl'lIll hlll cor-
\0l'Iton nll the rlchl'lllll 10sl IIOW-
1'1C11 lattger or 1llIlllUllln' oC lhnt
COI''aton. lS 1'Iorou1\ IIHI fl'lrlllll-
! ,
h- lhn ( .
hlS nlnllfl hUlhl,8t 01 < 1101.
Abo\'I' , ' '
ni ll hl\ ( l < l1 olforced
nrn Illl ! I ho \ ' ( ' \\'rollJlol'rs 1\11
/ oC ' Cor
A/Wltll WI'ollgloHs wlo hn\o
so ' ' ' '
many 'eu'f ( 010 f1'ol-fl'0 nlli
10utli tll IIWH wlh IllIlly ,
' 1 In ' ' ' '
l nlllll g'ren W-III'h'llg' COI'llora-
lolls of Imll'lso wC'all ) , which , untl
lho . '
wlhtl hll 1107.11 'elrl hl\O
' " hl\\'o
U'pntll thl'll1el"IH 111 eprctcl
trell th(1 11 hlll herOIHI
l\ll Ihov ( 11 IOllhlo chld ( frol law.
18 ' ' ' ' ' '
I I'RII'claly 1'll'llal' to lcuro to
the 1''lrelllltlth'I'1 oC lho Iltlollnl gO\-
I'rlllelll ( ul 111\11 lo 1111 wllh the
I'Tenl I'orl'ornllllll lll lgel II Inl'r-
lto Ie' COlIlf'l 111 above 11 wih lho
gI'lat IlIh'rsllle ( ' 01101 cllrlcrs. OUI'
IIl'Olo ' '
) shoull llealll" 1'og'lIlzo thnt
whll ther. Ir" 1 llullel In an '
101'8 ( ' oC eOIHluc lo bn folowel1 II
wllh theRe ' ( ' ' .
elcnlll1 I'lll
thcse' ' ' 'ul'\11ratOnl. \
1111'111C'1 mlsl 10 Clcel 1111 011
or ' ' ' . 'l'ho
' Inl'II'1 fnlhllld. frst
com'1\e Is to Ihllldnl ni efol'l to over-
10 I1e1 ( ' 11rol ! th'h' 11/018 In lho In-
ll'I'CRl oC ' ' ' ' to ' -
tl' HII'I'nl Illhll' 1\11 IICI'-
' . ' ' hu'l oC
Ill I rlllllI IC tl' Uf.'I' < con-
tl'll whllh wOIII ollnln If lhey WCI'O
lef lo thl' l'Ollonn \ ' , I 110 nol for
one IOlIl'lIl hl'll\'o thnt 0\1 lwOlllo
wOII ] toll'l'lll' IhlH 11011on. The ox-
' ' ry ' h of ' -
t'lwl'lHIII JI'nwl 10ell'rl Illhll-
tllllll hall 11'11'11'11 the 1'0 I I on Il\ ' .
whlCh \ \ ' ) ( ' ' ' -
gTI1)1 11111' 'Itel Wll nllpt-
I'd to 1111 wllh ' ' -
totll IlfN'olt cIIIII-
. ' ' to
II Ilny I'ISpeCh1 Ilul'lluntn
11 11 h ' , '
t '
< wi hI IC'W 0111 tOI 'Phcsl
' ' '
( It lo
lew 10111tols 111(0 IIl'l'III lr
RI\I1I' l'UIIIIIg U In the palll WI hl\1
Ihl 1')1 Iel fo'l'e , ' 1ho1 1 1 111\11111
nlll l'ol'llorltl forllllcl the \'allt CII-
hillutioua of cllltal. whIch hnvo l\rled
the devcllpnHl oC 011 hlluHlrlnl S 'II-
, ' ' . ' ' ' . '
tll l'I'Plt. II''OIHIloIIS. Itl 10l'el-
' lho old
Illlle n Ihnnl O CI'OI 11lllelo
of the ItltO nnl the 11101 townl'd lho
rules r ( lIlnlllg the ICIIUlslllol nld
UlIllallll'll " "llleAI Ino IC 11'011-
' ! Il ' , II order holh lhlt Il'operh' 1\\Y
ho I I'qlltll'ly plolecle ( ! , nlli lhlt nt
the 81mo tllo lhoso who hold It mllY
UO ' ' .
pro\'ellell f'um wrongdoing.
Tal < s of Financial Strcss.
" " ' " ha0 jlsl pased throlg'h two
lonlhs or nClllo Illncl\l Ilrl'll At
al : " IUII lIlo Il II I snl1 fl'l lhnt 011-
' '
IllIocell Ileoplo Illel' frol 10
faul of lhel r OWI j 1111 every ono Ilst
rC'el th. Itlnll sYIalhy fol' the
1II'g' ( "n1 ' or honl1\t hl1\lneRII m'n , of
hOlcsl 11I\'slo's , of honelll wagoworl-
1'11. who flf1' II'callso hlol\ed II n
el'lh for whlll tle ' nro II 10 way
l'e1\llnnNlbt' , Al Ilch n lllo th'ro II
I I I II 1 I tl'nllplr ' 011 lhe Ill't oC IIIIY
lel 10 fe1 loolY 111 flllhlenNI nt
lhe ; lhero 110 -
olllnlt bil Ii jlllcn-
tloll fi' thlll Cecllg' , 'l'hl'I'O II 110 11-
so ' ' oC -
lIol Ihllolull'I lure ullllllto 811-
ours. Of l'ourso wo -
CSI 111
IIhll IIle-
cced , Is or
011 ! 1 Inlon IIHtcrCul
1'll'rg'Y. wllh a rOlllllnl fOl' 11domlln ,
nn It f'pl : . wllhln 11 vel lS lho lhrll
whleh COllIII to thm ! who 1lIoW thlt
lhe ' pOSICS1lhl fullre , " ' 0 nlo lnt
Clsl dowl h\ the { llr oC Cllllre , ' \0
nl'o liY'lhl' of
IphPd conldnlll hO\o 11-
, ' \ .
lImltl triulph 'rl WIOIgS thlt ox.
Isl 11 ! to he COr'clted ; hut they In 10
wa " hltlCy douht ns lo lho IlIal oll-
' , to lho
eOl1' dOlbl II Flcal Inlellll
' ' ' , of the
II'OIlly If tl' flllrl' or lofy
splrluol lfe which Is to ho hllt UOI
lhat ) Irosp'rlly ni a fonnl1nllon , No
Ils eedl dOle In lhe Jlres'll IIAt ho
IJlrllltel to shrOl1 fro I olr eyes the
/ lorlou8 flll'o oC lho lalol : hut be.
cluse of thlll ver ' 1nll Il lJhoovos U8
10\'er lo IIwen'o flol olr resolltn ) ur-
lsl' to cul ell wrolAdollg' nlel upho\1
whlt III rlg'ht I do 10l for n Ilmplt
h'II\1' thnt th ( . nctoll1oC lhls luhnln-
hn\'c ' ( ' -
IlIlraton brolg'hl Oi hISI1'SII ll-
lre1\ ; fur s lhlll lo
! 10 ! II cilO 101:1 Ild
10t worll-wlo eaUII'I. ! lli lo lhn ! c-
tol1of any pallllIlar IlIdl\'h111lH , It
Is ( lue to lho nlld -
ApeclIll\o foly In-
gl'aul dlHhoneslY oC n few 11111 or g'rl't
wellh , who lC'el ( to IIhll'ld thOIROl'l'1
the ' ' of I ' '
1101 I'fC'etH hol' 011 wrollg'-
IOIIg b ' Illlrlbllll IH Ielllll to the
nltolIlI of theRe whn 11 VI BOI ht to
f"lt n sllto Iho w l'oIH.Iol ] IIBul If
\ . II/
t were llle thal II l'Ut ell 1'0111'SII
the bed ' '
frol Iloltle ml'alt I mo-
mellary clll to In tlhCnlhY
' ,
Heomilg' prosperlly I IhOll1 1I0l for
01 ( ' lomlnt hlRlato to Illt lhe Itnlfo
to the corrupton , On hlhnlf of nl
olr peopl ( ' , Oi "ehnl no 11'11 of lho
man or ' of lh '
hOllst ml'alll thll ( hOI-
I'st mlll who 1'/I'nll I'/cl en111 ]
hnol ] h ' lhe '
111\ : 1\\\'cal of hl1hrow , It
II nl'ee1\Hnry to hlllisl UOI hOlcsl ' In
husilesll nll1 II IlolteH all ( ( III nl
of . In ' lhln
walts Ifl. hlg' 1 ! lli In Illl
thllgH ; upon jllll 111 fall el'nlll/r ! l
hd wet'n mll nll mal 'fhollo who
1IIILHl lhl1nro Ilrlvlnr Cor lho
In the IIplrll of Ahrahalll Lllleo1n sull
lhe Iu'csldenl II COnCllllol. ,
Ecccntrlclty on the Part of Those
Building and Furnishing Houset.
Instances of eccentricltr 01 the part
of these buiding and furnishing
houses arc common enough in every
comm\nl . . ' 'he folowing instances
of frealdshness In that regard may bo
cied in lustrton of certain phases.
A Husslan genteman has erected at
a cost of 8,000 rubles on his country
cstate at Savlnowka , in Podola , a. lG-
room house made entrely of paper.
Thfs house , which wus constructed In
Kow York. is calculated by Is archl-
tot to last longer than would a stone
hnlhlng. 'rhe whole of the fU\ltu1
too , is made from the fame matorial.
In Connty " 'cstmeath , Ireland. I
hOlSC has een bui whereof al the
windows arc made to resemhle in out.
1no the baclts of of easy chairs , beIng
tIS COIltructed hy is eccentrIc own-
eel tn match the bucks of u set ot
chain ; in the dining-room.
In COllctcut a ccrtah lanl ownQr ,
thinking that the ylew from his house
lackld a church , Ilroceeded to '
Is place hy Ooctng a row or cotages
so dsigned us to resemble , from his
sldo , the edllco required. ApIl'oachod
from the other directon , however , the
sham il at on co manIfest.
SClne rears ago a man or scientfc
atlalnmenls , as wel as of consldemble
1 < anR , elected to 1vo in a tree in 1
suIurh of WashIngton-that Is , he en ,
joyed hIs leisure moments in the
brnches or the tree Iself , where he
had caused to ho a pI
bui ate 11
l1go enough to accommodate easy
chal : and such other fl'nituo as he
de81rlII to mult nse of ( luring the da ' .
At the haso of the tree. howovel' ,
nnd Imrroundlng It was bui a struc
tuo of hrlck and stone inclosing the
sllophl { . apartments of this eccontrlc
Inlivldual Fa I' manj' years thif
unique resldenco was ono ot the
sights of the nltonnl CaIlal
OnC' of the
oddest houses e\'or con
stl'ucted WI ! the fruit of 1 Pronch
man's Inventvo rlncy , 'lhls was th-
"rovolvln ! hOlse , " a structuo nctual.
Ij' hulltpon casters , so to Sllak. l
ordC'r that t1 occupant might by
mcan ; nf an 111"llous merhnnlsm at
any tmo roi i about , , obtaining what
ever lght amI a I 11& fancy dictate.
rnos. GALE , OF ALASKA , 1
- - -
11I'loW' l'u , ll " 01 , "rdlt. lilt 11'c , o . { . ll'jt. SI. lis ,
, \ ' . 1 , 1.slnglol 1,13911
lon. 'I'hos , Cale , who WiS cloclell to ,
Cong'cls f'om Altslm , Is "c1lmo"l Ol
the Pncilo slope , whcro ho JIlS rcsldet.
luhh'l'SS is St.t
Ils Wlshlnltnn UI2 tth
N. W'I Washington , D. C.
n'lsllngton. I. C.
Pcrunn Drug Co. Columbus , 0110.
Ocntcmen I en" c/ccrfutJ rcom-
mcnd Permn ns n "cr ) ' el/cclt rem-
cd ) ' for cOlgIs am ! .
col !
Thomns Clle.
lon C. Slemp. CongresRllt flOI
Vh'ginla , writes : "I ha\'o uscd 'oulnl -
\t lo , 'emelly , Perlnl , with heneHcll1
resuls , and can 1lhei tnlnlly ICCOI'
mend ' ' ' '
'Oromcdy an
'O\ lS
tonic lnd an und ' '
cfeclvo I'l'1lmclt
em'o fOl' caturll. " }
- - the Ideal .
Man-a-ln , . Laxatve.
- - - - - - - - - " -
CARTERS PosUh'clvcurelly 1'ls.
I Th- also rele\'e Dl'
tress fro I n'l\l la. In.
IYLI dlllstllluul ' 'UI Henrly
I V I n Eltng. A pcrCl'et I'CI'
I cd ' for , '
ru ) DI11lncsl NII'
I I LL . Icn , DrOWllel , .ael .
'fllc In the MUllh , Cunt.
e.1 ' 'on/ue. 1111 II the
S I e1 c , 'OIn'ID J'El.
They regulate the Ulwcls. lulely Veetable.
I -
- - - - -
i GARTER'S Genuinc lust Bear
' - Signature
I Fnc-Simic
, IVER d .
PILLS.t e,6G
Suiable for any room , uever
molds , midevG or of the
wal. Comes in dry drp . Add
cold water. Brsh on wal wih 7
inch fat ursh.
I Alnbastne is in pnckngc9 , cor.
r c c t y labeled ALABASTI ,
I Each packnre cover from 300 to
I 450 squnre feet of wal.
Alabastnc is absolutely snitar
nud thoroughly ueautful. Try it
this fnl. Your dealer has i if
10t , wrte to
New Yort Ciy . Omni Rnplds. ldl .
Ham , ' oC thl ehoI'lt ( Illd" ( I' 'lln rOWII. '
Etode tntllnr 111ImllII fll'll/11 tl npIel"
I trll'll o ( HaHlmlhewll al ] Alhl'l'll hl1'0
beel for undl'r th"
enly Opned Settemeat
I Rcvlsed Homestead Regulatons
Iltn' mn ' IOW ho Inel : II ) ' ) Iroxy ( on l''rtlin
I coutldOUH , ) , hy thl' (1lllrIUlhol' , , " " 1. III/h- )
I ler , IJ'olh'r ur HIII'I' ot 11 1111'"II'1 ' hCm "
al'llh'r , 'lhCIIIII , or IIIUlleacl , Ct IO 1I'I'I
' ' ' ' ' III . .
ellh 1'1' Ihlf , 111' o'I1lv II'ulllle . ll.
I ' , ' ' mhed ;
/ /lalll/I'lwlnJ btlc'k'l'liblll UI.I
, ' 111'0 ) ' 01 . , wil nll he'llhfll ellulll , , , goo.1
' ' ' ' ' ( ' " ' wor ' "
111/'hlll'l. 'hl'I'h"fl' flmly hl\I'IOII"
. fur ) 'Clr chlll"'I. . ! U' ' ' IIW" , HIll'ldl1 cro ) " ,
' ' ' ' to ' '
e'lll'Ullllt mll'Jel'\
. ,
1 ( e'o III ' ' " ' $ ] 'or : '
I'h l'a"I'11
llry . ( $1.0 p:11)I'
! I't , " ) .IKt , JI..t " 'l'KI , " ) I I t C' I I 11'1 I" 1111U' ' , ,
' tu U IUI where to
I rUII'I tme !
' 1'111) 10
! , W. V. BENNCTT ,
_ ' I New York Lle Duldlo , . Om.h3 , Nebrukl
- - - -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -
. HAIR . .nd lllulUleJ BALSAM the hr.
Ccan. . . !
! ulol. a . pawl !
N.vcr to Ora
to Ha . IctorC Ctlor. )
Hall . Youthl\lt
, . ollp dl. . . . r
C , and flll
$ .
. Jry/I. .
- - - - - - - -
HaG Glvcn Much to Chnrly.
119. Themes II' . I'an , wlfo or the
Now Yorlt trncton 1110nnlro , han no
luch churly worlt on hand thnt aho
has 1 lrlvato ) omce nnd stnff or clerlu1
nnd ftonogrphor/ She hM glvon
lWly ahout ' ' ,000,000 In hultlng hOB'
Ilala , convents , schools nnll churches.
- - - - - -
Could Girdle the Earth.
The Is now
startng cnlculnton
mndo that the world's Methodists '
su nume1'OU8 that , h ' joining hnnds.
the ' coul gl'dlo the carth. ' ! 'hoy
1umber :0,000,000 - , , .
Noble Examplc.
'rho 10blo "Solmporo , 'rrlad"-
'Cnrey. Marshman - \ '
. I\ul Wnrd-\vfh'
thol. famlosII'c(1 together nt n cost
of $ OO a 'enr , 111 durIng their term
of mlaslUHU'j' Ben'le contributed their
( omblncII earnlngn , Imountng lo nenr. '
I ' hal a milon dalaIl to the o\angol-
of .
17atlou lHla.
Necesnlty for Acton.
Nan-I Was astonished to learn that
Il Bllwlult hld gene and marrlcl
that Sprlglna boy. Why , she n good
tt'n ' Is.
'elrs ohlCr thln 1\
t"m'-I Imow I , blt It hrul narrowed
down to a dlolco hotwceu him his
father , nnd she had to dcchlo qulcl\ .
Malay Cocoanut Ectatco.
' 10 cocoanut eBtatC'H In the federt.
ell ! ulay stutCB nro worth nbout $ :0-
000.000 , Im 'H L. C. BI'own , the olclnl
In ' the .
chl\'go of llnntllon
Mal < cs " Difference.
A girl who used to malt ni sorts of
fln of these who were 11001 spelors Is
now receiving three fat leters I weele
frm a 1UI who cal't spoi correctly
. '
"Now , " snld tlo teacher. "SIPPOSO
you had n dlmo and lost three cents , '
how mich wOlld 'ou Im\'o- "
" ' me. " Ilt0111)led the pre- '
clso Boston boy , "hut If It wns n
dlmo I Ihoul 1m" " had to get it
chanEed frst. " ,
Dead Man Gulden Into Wreck.
Dead ut tlo throtlo , Cah'ln 1'rIer.
iclt. un englneol' anI tlo LehIgh Vnloy
mll'oad , 1n his locomotve llst a dln ,
gel' signal IHI caused a wreck in
which lchrml ! IleI 111 Cyrus
. hl'alwmon ,
Young. were dalgerolslY
ncahlel !
"Ahout the slest way to malt n
mnn uncomCnrlnble , " said a matron ,
"hi to have his wife cll him en.
dearlng names In IHbUe , ' 'hat treat.
ment Is InvarIably dallgorola. I frst
ombarasses , then It Inlate8 , and
Ihmly It exasperate !
Omaha Directory
. .
Write for 01' ncI IIH'II ( nnd 81n.
mer st 'lo heels for men and women.
Heady Februlry l , lDS.
- - e-t .
15th and F rnam StG.
Omaha , Nebroska.
Auclon every Thunca1 aUI IrllBY for the cnUro ) c :
Union Stock Yardo , So. Omaha.
Carload Consignments Solcited.
Wester Electrical Company
'Vo eomploto at nn.1
" Ino telephons tele
phonf . eOlotrucUollaorllll , , AI.o Iolonlcnorntors .
Inran.laC"lt 1011'01 , In flCt , JVEIYTIING EItC. ;
, . ,
TItCAL from doorll. to power 1Iant complot
COMPANY. 41-413 Bouth Tenth Street ,
Omaha , Nebrooka.
Wlnt 1,0 Mu.krts In.1 . 1,0 Ilnk at once , No , t
. . , , ,
7c. I .
. 1,7
lorlo latM II2r XI. , . :0 14ro .
for ' I. '
Wrle r'llly , 'rBl0lU1 I.rlu 10t tlllltorlllUol Oi hil BIII ebel'rtnlly flrlobe.I n'JI ,
Ofloo nnd Wnrolouoo. :13 60. 13th Street
. ,
: OIBlmNnlulullln" OMAHA
lorurence. Cnllcrelll.\IClclcH Nohr.
'I B ' hn\ll lhem cxperllenle on bv lmv-
olng' flll'rs , ( ' 010 to us for Free Examl-
1itan. H. J. PENFOLD & CO" Ieldll
llne _ , ldulI 108 Faral , Omaha.
I :
, ml ! ! ' DENTST !
curer YOT Ieth II Ulnha . " 11111111.110. , ch. 108 1001 4 , 118hll1 leel. Uock . ! , , N Iohl , I :
f , ' . I l Tli ; ; ,11 : . 1 , \ 1\ \ : : I I " \ \ Iclll\'f \ ) I i !
A TKrU \ \ IIH. : Urlng thload"erl"lelt wih you
- - - - -
- - - - - - -
. 1111 Wholc"alcr ot Plotures.
Fromos , Portrais. Ar Noveltost and GIOSD
Agelt wllnle1 ovorywhcwo. 60S S.13tb SI , . OMAHA , /ES'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. Formers ! fblpyour
GRAlfl COUMISSIO.I Irall Ilret rur . .Ie II
the ronual . Ilar\ct AIII bl"C . e ' to "CO I.r "rio. . .
to.lay tor .Shll'l , . Uuhlc tul dlrc
Wrlc , Ilvll ;
, " , TUt : ' UnAlN ' ,
Aldrro" t'AmnIH CO.1'ANY
17 1,2 JTuJll' . mi , ; , . Ollhll. SelJ"
T.utcmnrka anl . .pyrlhll OUAtASTtl
I'\onc-r : ) olr hlclM tcnel tor tru lklct ,
. . , . .
( lulIIIl "CB" o..lhlloh.'I O/"bl , NcIJf. ) Ulrll a , AllUl08 , l N. Y. Lt.
Do You Drink Coffee
Why . put thu . ehcII , r"lk. blterllnor.,1 colel In .
rour.lolach .bolllurl GERMAN-AMERICAN
COFFEE C08t' 10 10rol Inlatoab&vlnlt YOU
It or can It.
sols &ot
&rocer &
Tonls , Jwnlnf. ell Iargest west oC
' " . ' ! for l'I'lces '
Cht'u"o. 'Vrlo 1111 eslmnl 1
ueforo bu 'llIg. Cor. 1h Harney St5.
I : o-d
JOSEPU R. lEHMER , 1218 Faram , Omaha
r n l
Hooms from $ tl } SII lc , 750 Ul 10ullo.
, .