Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 13, 1908, Image 2

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- _ _ a -
of the
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- -
lCul.yrlht . by,1' , .IIL'I'lurl.t Co" JI'J7J :
I ,
001'10 " 'IIII/llon , n IJOor rltn pit In It II ,
hiIIIlnlll'lI Ilwl l'ulllII'l'll , IINlI'clll'1 ! for
cn1tlo IIIlflstn frolll 11111 1'/11I I' It1111' " 1.lIY
H , " On n wntHlel111101 In t 110 rlvpl"1hl'll
tltnt wOIII,1 , Itnvo 1 > 1''u nil IIlInlill Itoll till'
MIIIwllrl lieI'll nl hllII wnll'l' , III ! t1lsl'o\'I'I'ft
a hnllll oC horllt ) thle\'clI ( ' 1IfIIHl',1 In worll-
Inl : OVI'I' hrnrlll/l on I'll I III' , II 0 ' '
IIPllr nnolllII 10 11010 the l'Ill1l1JllIf ( of I 11)
"TIIreo HllI'lI" hranll on 0110 IIICCl' 10 till !
"J , H , " 1 > l'nnl ] , I'nlll LIIII fortl , tllo rll,1t
ownel' of tile ' ' 'fhl''o Bnl'lI" r/lIll'h. 1/1 HI'1I1
fOl' hy1II11110n IInli III InfOl'lnl'l1 of Iho
ollernllollll of tllo gllllf ( of 1'lIllIn tlll\'I'II-
n hand of olltlnwlI II"lull'll " lIy , Jelo Hilii'll.
who long hll\'e delled lho Inw nllli Illllllm' .
llIell of K'Il1llh cOllnly. Soulll Dnlwln ,
wllh Iml1l1nll ' , hill wllo , IlIJl'uloCorl' , hlll
1101 lIal'l'll 10 lIIoh'1 rillY of tllo IIro } ( II'IY
of tlto Irl'at " 'fhrl'o Baril" rllnch , \ \ 11I111-
Ion ahowII hlA reltlclnl1l'Y In OIIIlOIlJrII
Imlld ! ! O lIoworful III IwllliellLilli /lU lirnatl-
I'll hy 1111 lho COll1l11Ulllty , 1.nll fortI
pledgp/I 'Vl1l1l1lon hili frlIIIIAltlp If IIn
will nfl/lillt 111 hrlll'lng "JcIIAL ! llllll'l' " fillll
his gnll to JUIIUce , I.nll I ; Co I'll IA IIlrllclt
wIth the IIIIIII ' or Mnry , l'olllll1only
Imown mlVIIIIon' ! " 1Il1lo Irl , " LOIIIo
DILle , nn CXII"I'1 1'011I'1 nlt'no rn\lh'r , wlln
hnll rollowell lieI' ullcle , , Tlllll ; " \ ! nllllllollll
lJl\l < " frolll the elll to Iho "nalwlllllll , "
111111 who III IIvllI wllh 111111 nt " ' 111.1 . Cll ' ,
II ! reqllclltcll hy tllo l'Ollllty nllorlloy.
nlcharll 001'.1011 . , to 1'01110 In 111I1111 111111
IlIko 1'lIthIlOIl ' III Iho 11l'llIlIllIar ) ' ht'III' .
In or JeRRo Bllll'lt , She IICCl'lItH 1110 IlIvl-
Intloll 111111 IlIull'1\ her 11.111 trIp 11110 the
wIllI IlIIlIlLlI cOlllllr ' . AI'I'I\'III ILt V'IlIl'lI
nerOll1l the rlvlJJ' fl'OIll 1(1'1111I11 , 11110 III lIIel
hy Jim MIIIIOIl , II 1101 heml11 ( 'owhoy ur
1110 " ' 1'111'110 BllrR" 1'1\111'11 , III'lIllIlI Cor
Iho tralll 1\IUll8011 100111I otllOIl1\1 l'attlo 111
tllo stoclt IICII. III thn henl 111'111' ' " slllllpcd
to Slollx Clly by Hilt IruWII II" eletl'cls
nltl "l\hll ; " II well IUICIWII "unury" IIll'er
lIeloll 11 II I ; ' 10 hili elll\llo \ 'er ur tllo ' ' 'fllreo
UnI' " rllllch ,
CHAPTER V-Contlnued ,
"What'll 'Oll ha0 7" ho aslell ; : , hose -
o IIllubly , the falllllIar all' of the Don
Ami bringing hIm buck to hIs nccus.
tomed self-conlldent HwaggCl' ,
"Might I have some ton IInd toast ,
1I1eas07" said L01l180 , slnldng Into a
chair nt the neal'est tahlo , with two
startling yet amusing' thoughts rulll'
lIant In her braIn. Ono was , that she
wished Aunt Helen could have seen
her swinging along In the wal\O of this
t 'Ilcal "bold and IIcontlons" man ,
1U1Il calmly and comfortably sitting
down to a COz ) ' 1Itt10 SUIlPCl' fol' two
nt a lIuhllc eatln [ ; honso ; the olher
st\.I'tllnr : ; thought was to the efrect
that the Invitation was redolent wllh
suggestiveness , and she wondl'etl lC
she was not eXlIected to sa ) " , "A whls.
, ltey for me , 111 case. "
"Gucss YOII Idn , " answered .1Im ,
wonder In hIs voice nL the exceeding
barrenness of the ardor , "I\I\'s , Hlg.
gins , hello there , Mrs. lIIgglns ! 1 na ) " ,
there , bring on SOIllO tea anll tOllst
for the lall ) ' ! "
"Whel'o Is the 'rhl'ee Bus" ' " IIsld
LOlllse , hel' tholl/hts / strayIng to the
torrOl's of a 15-mllo dl'iyo tllrou1h a
/ltrango anll uncann ) ' cOllntr ) ' with II
/ltranger anll 'et moro uncann ) ' man.
' She had accolltoll hIm wilhollt lIues ,
tlon. lIe WIIS IIart and lIarcel with the
I strangeness of hm' new 1I0sltlon , But
the slldJenness of the t\tnslllon from
I Idle conjectllro to startling I'eallt ' hllll
raised hel' 1I1'0lld heall anll she loolwll
this new dovelollmon t slluaro ! ) ' In the
face wilhuut outwarll hInt of illwal'l1
.1 pertllbatlon.
: ' \ "Say , where was ) ' 011 mlsed ? " asl < cd
, Tim , wHh tolerant scorn , hotween
hugo mOllthfllls of hollod Ilorle anll
cabbage , Intol'sllol'sed wIth halted 110-
tatoes , hot rolls and sogg ) ' dllllllll1nga ,
she eled III wIth Imlfe , forle 01' Slloon ,
110 occasionally anUcllll\teli dessert
1 > y a sulldon sortlo Into the
IIl1arter of an hllluenso cllstal'd 1110 ,
hastening the end hy menna of noisy
dmughts of steaming coffee. ' 1'1'lIly ,
the 'I'hreo Bars cOllnecUon had the fat
of the land nt the Bon Ami ,
"Wh ) ' , It's the 'I'hrco Bal's that's
brhlln' YOII hero. Didn't ) ' 011 Imow
that ? 'rhOl'o's nal' ) ' a man in th < ;
hun country wIth l.I\cl\llono : onollgh tc
Ieel ) off all.follrs 'cellUn' Puui Lang
fonl , Um. YOII jllst tl' ' once to walli
ovel' the hess , will 'ou 7 Lord ! Whal
a gl'easo SIQt 'oll'd malto ! "
" 1\11' . Gordon Isn't behlg wancel
over , is he ? " asleod l..oul8e , llnlshel
wHh her tea and toast and Im\latlen \
to be a II ,
"Oh , Gordon ? Pl'ett ) ' decent sort 0
chap. night idoos , Don't Imo"
much ahout handlin' hess thloves ani
sieh , AIn't smooth enollgh , Ach 1
lclnd 0' IIko a chlclten with Its heul
Cllt ofC till the boss got Into the 1'0llnd
Ul , "
"Oh ! " suld LouIse , whoso concoll
tlon of the ) 'ollng counsel fOl' the statl
did not tally wHh thIs delineation.
"Yel ) , 1\1iss , thIs hero's the boss'
I tloln's. Yei ) , 1.ol'd ! What'll tlm
. \ gang loole U\to \ when wo Ure throllg ]
I wHh 'em , SlIondln' the rest 0' thol
1 tla 's down thcl'o in SOIlX 1.'QJJs , modi
taUn' on the advlsahllHy 0' wallhl
cleal' 0' the tees 0' the 'l'hl'eo lIal's 11
the future and cllssln' their stllilend :
fled stullidlt ) ' In foolln' o\'en once wIt :
the Three Bars. YOII , ' - ) ' , ma'an
I meall-Jesso Blacle nnd hla gan
have acted jllst 111(0 poslc ) ' , lIttle IIll1m
fool mosltCotors , and wo'ro goln' t
" '
\ slal ) 'in. The cJICel , of 'cnb I ghth
on th 'rllreo nars ! Lord ! " '
. f
" . -
, . . : \ft. , WIIII tolt Infm'lIIed , dId hl
nol ? " ,
"Williston ? Oh , ) ' ( 'S , 110 Infol'JI\HI \ ,
hilt hc'd ncvel' ' 1.Iono It If I hl\lln't
'II' hpl'n COI' the I JOfoIS , 'l'h 01' jpll'IIMh
wOllldn't / 111111' the nOl'\o to InfOl'1\1
II without hllclln' , ns NilI'll Ilfol It Mtone
wall , 'I'ho hOBII II ! 1Iioln' thlH , f tl'1I
I you , lhJK. Hnt Williston ' 1'1 ' a goltl' on
( ' HI 111111 to'1II0\\01' ull l'lght , IInll HO
1111I I. "
The two cowho'g lit the coruor tllhlo
hllil 10llg slnco I1nlshell thell' IInJlllUl' : .
Thpy 1I0W lighted' hall'foIlllolJltl dglll'H
nnll left the I'oom. ' 1'0 LOlIlso'tl rollt
I'pll'f llIlIflOII rOfoll" too , IJe WIIS hacl ,
\I'Y uoon with a Iwnt IIttlo 1'IIIIIIbollt
IIncl a hlgh-splrltell tl'lIlII or hl1)-H ,
"BosA's 1ll'lvnll' , " t'xplllltioll .JlIII wllh
\ll'lfle \ , "Nothlll' 100 goo II fOl' n 1l\1I ' ,
HO the hess SPill thIs IIl1d 1110 to tnla !
lweI' 0' II. AIIII 0' ) ' 011 , too , lIss , " he
IIdllell , liS nn aftel'thollght.
He helll the IInoH III hI ! ! hl'o\\'n , mllll-
CII I III' hlllldH , 10\'lngl ) ' , whllo ht ! stowell
aWIlY Jolllsc'lI helollglngs ancl hllllself
fllIlIglr III the Hent , 111111 then the hioOlI
hlll'nell hot 111111 Htlllglug thl'ollgh hIs
hl'ollzell , tongh shIn , 1'01' Hllllllt'llly In
hIs hlg' , hOlwHt , IIl1tralllOlI IItllslhllittps
WIIS hol'll the consclonSIIOSH thllt thc
hess \\011111 IIl1vo stowcll awar the ludy
IIl'st. . it Willi nn ell\hnt'l'aflsln ! ; 11I0-
ment. LOIIIso tHl\'t'lI the Ilay hy clltnh ,
IlIg \lIIconecl'Ill'flly after hlln 111111
tlleldllg the II110n 1'(1)0 ) OVOl' hOI' sldrl.
"It will 110 n III1Hty 1lI'lve , won't it ? "
she lIalted , simply.
"MIss , 'oll'l'e II-cluul : ) ' , " said .1111I
ns Slllllll ) ' ,
. ! ! they dove UpOIl the ) Ion tOOIl
hl'ldge , Louise loolwc1 hach at the IIttlo
town on the hluffs IIncl felt a 11I0 III on.
tnt'Y C'holdllJ ; III hel' throat. It wall a'
Htl'lIngo Illnco , rot It had tondl'lIn
reachlllg hOIlIO\\'I\I'11. \ The trail he.
'olld wns a ImclII'ely 11I111'1,011 mill nol
ensy to cllscUl'n. She tlll'lIetl to het'
com pan lion alld aslccd lIulckl ) ' : "Why
dllln't 1\1111' ' COIIIO ? "
"Grcat gUlls ! DIll I fOl'glt to tull
' ( ) \I ? Wl1Ilston'A got the Htomach-
IIche to hcat the hllnll nnd l\lnt'Y's got
to Ilh 'slc hll1UII \ 'gin tol1orrel'Vo''e \
got to glt him on that stanll Ir It tlllces
the hull ' 1'111'00 Burs to hol' hlllllp 111111
the gal II poul'ln' Ilhysic Ilown hllll he-
tweon tlllles. Yep , lIol 11'11 III. Ho was
, /
"Where Is the Three Bars ? "
1117.t'ned. YOII see , o\'or'hollr that att )
any mOllt IUHt night WIlS tool. slcle
\\'lIh l'lllln' Cl'allllls , yell ; bnt WlIlls-
tOil ho was wOl'se'll all , he heln' a
hearty ( 'atel' . lIe WIIH a sta'III' ill
towlI 0\01' night on thIs III'cllmItHII'Y
huslness , und Dlcl , GOl'don he was
tool" too , but not so had , IlOln' what
) .ou might call a light eatel' . The boss
und 11I0 Wo dro\'e homo aCtoI' all ,
though wo'd ' to ' fOl'
expectl'1 ! Etay' Sllll-
IICI' . 'rho Ilesly co 'otes gut fooled
thnt time. YOII , nHl'm'l1 , no doubt about
It In the world. Ii'l'londs o' Josse's
that wo nln't ahlo lo lar hands on ) 'Jt
IIlzened that thel'O lI\eat. Yel ) , no
dOllbt uhout it. Dlcl , W/HI In un n wful
sweat ahout 'ou.Vns hound ho was
a com In' aftCl' 'Oll hhisolf , Mlck us ho
wus , when wo found ; ' .Ial' ) ' was off the
count. So then the bOIlS was a com in'
und they lit und Hflullbhled fOI' un houl'
who could hu hcst sjlll'ed , when I ,
comln' In , settled It In Il jlff ' by
of'fel'ln' III ) ' sel'vlce , whIch WIlS ghully
accellted , When thero's Ilizonlll' golll'
on , why , the hOlIS'S 1)laco ) Is hUI\I , Ami
nothln' woulll do but the hoss's own
IHtrtlculal' olltfit. He no\'el' does things
b ) ' halves , tllo hOSR don't. So I hllccs
homo afll I' It and then hl1\Os hel' ( . "
"I am vel' ' grateful to him , I alii
sme , " mUl'lIl11l'ed l..oulse , Sill 111 ng.
And .l1m , darIng to 1001 , \ llOn her
smiling fact" CIOlIl' ( ! 'cs and seCt halt'
undol' the ' ' '
jaunt 1i'l'ollch sailor hat ,
found himself \\'OIHlcl'lng why therc
\\'as no woman at the 'I'hl'oo Bars ,
Wllh the IIwlft , hllif-Intultive thought ,
the tlCl'llOllt entel'ell I den.
"Nothing but a HoslI Thief , Anyway. '
'rho IHIIl\1l1 teemed with ear ! ) ' sun
fiowol's and hints oC goldenrod 'et t (
come. 'rho IIno , white , II \111) ' sol
deadelled the soulld of the horses
hoofs. 'rho ) ' seemell to bo slllnnhll
through. spaco. Undel' the cottOIl
wOOlls It grew dllslnud RtllI.
At the toll hOllso Il dIngy hucleboal'l
ill n stllte of weIrd dlh\llldatioll , with I
team or shaggy huclslln Ilollles , stOOl
. .l1m drew ' '
waiting. UII. 'I'wo 11I01
were loungllll ; In fl'ont of the shallt '
chatting to the tollmall.
"lIollo , , IIIcnlled ! uno of thelll , I
I' tall , slouchhll ; Collow wIt : , slllldy co :
"Now , how the do\11 dill ) ' 011 gl
so falllillal' wHh m ) ' nlllllo ? " gl'uwle ,
" ' 1'ho 'l'hreo Bars is gottln' hilS ,
these dl\s : , " siioico uv the second 11I1\\
wllh an insolent gl'ln ,
"You bet it la , " brngged JIm , "Who
the orr'cOl's 0' the Inw glt to sleelllr
wit h hess tJ lo\'u nnd rllstlol's , all'
tale two weols to arl'est a bllnch c
I ; I
. .
' ,
- -
- -
' ( ' 111 , wltPII they IwOIre.a lIy w11ero
tlwy IwolI thlrso\'ps ! , IIl1d hnve to. .
.llllvo H\Ifclrtl \ dt'llIltle 1\1111'llItoli ovel"
'om fI\'o 01' Afx 1111I014 ntHI then let I
lI10Ht 0' thfJ hllnnh HIIII through their
flngel'lI , It'K tlmo fOl' Homo one to glt ,
hUK ) ' . And whell .JI'HHe Hlnel , nnd his' '
gl\lll are 1'111 dellll'l'It U\ty ! lllzcn the I
chIne wltlleKK M- " i
A "Clltlo jll'08Mllro on 1118 arm ;
Htoppefl hllll , He turned lIululrlnglY ,
" 1 wouldll't sny IIny 1II00'e , " whlsller. ,
od ) .ollll'Je ' , " ) .col's get on , "
The hint Wll8 Hlltllclont , IInd wIth the
\\'Ol'dH , "Hight 'Oll III'C , lIss Hepol'ter ,
wo'll he glUln' on , " .11t1l Imld hIs toll
! lnd flpolw to hlfl toalll.
" .rllHt , wlllt. a. hit , wl\l \ 'ou7" spoke I
u ) ! the sundy 1111111.
"Whllt for ? "
"Wo'l'e not jlHoIt read > , . " .
" \ \ ' 01Wu \ 111'0 , " Hhol'tI . ,
" \Ve al'll't , Ill1fl Wo don't care to bo
IHlSHCI ( , 'Oll Imow. "
Ho HIJlto ) IIl1l1ffel'ontl ) ' . In defm- .
cuce to LOll ( fc ; , ,1111I wlllted. 'I'ho men
HIIIIICII ] Oil cUl'e'lessl ) ' . 'rho toll'lI1l1n
" ' 1'011 go tll hol'I'he \ ! 'l'hl'eo Dars
nln't wllltln' 011 no dllllllletl hess
thlo\'cs , " said .JI III , sUlldonlr.
With a hlll'nlll : ; ' oath , JlIII , lweplng to
the HIde of the stocp IlIclllle till the
1'1\01' 11I11'0 Cllt him ol'f , Ilellberatel '
tUl'lIell hl8 Htanch JIltlo team sfuarol } > ,
IIl1d tH'owd ll them fOl'wnl'll IIgalnst
the Hhllgg ) " hllclsldns. It WIIS teum
against tuum. Louise , clluglug tlghtl .
to the sent , IIIIS IlI'essed tthCl' to
Iwop bacl , any ROUIllI , felt ) I Vlld , 111-
expllcllhlo thl'lll or ( 'ontldcn o ill the
stl'cngth of 1 ho mlln hoslde l'cr. .
The haYH WCl'e IlltlfulI ' . cl'uelly
lashed h ) " the t'ul'aged o\\'nor of the
hllolsldns. bllt t rue as stcel to the fa-
IIIll1al' volco that hnd guldod thcm
HO often and HO Iltllll > ' , tlley gave not
1101' fultul'ed , 'I'hel'e'US a Snapllng
of , hrolcuu wood , a wl'onch , Il glvlu
way , a III I the I'lIlIahollt RIll'ang over
dchrls of hl'olcen wlwol aud wagon-box
to the IUU'I'conllnos of the Ilontoon
" 'I'hc 'I'hl'c ( ) Bal's Is geUln' bus ) ' ! "
gilled , JIm o\'el' his sholllllel' .
"It's a AIII'I'Y dUy for you allil 'ours , "
I'l'led the othCl' , In hluck and ugly
"We 1IIII't IIfmld. Ynu'ro 1I0thln' hut
a hess thlol' , any\\'ay ! " l'esllOlllled JIm ,
gleerllllj' , us a llUrtlllg shot.
"Now what do : " 011 SUIIIOSO was
tlwlr gllmo ? " ho aslccd of the gIrl at
hIt ! shlo.
"I don't. Imo\\ ' , " answered Louise ,
thollghtCIIlly. "Bllt I thought it not
wise to aay too much to them. 1011
111'0 a wltne3s , I believe 'Oll saId , "
"Then 'Oll thlnl , the ) " uro llart 0' the
gang ? "
"I cOllsldOl' them at least S'mlJa-
thlzel's , don't 'Oll 'f ' 1'he ) " seemed < .IOWII
on the l1'hrco Bal's , "
In the Indlall cOllntry at last. l\1II0
aftm' mile of level , barren stretches
after the hl1\ \ regIon had heen 10ft be-
hInd. Was there no ellli to the thirst-
hlBlllrlng , monotonolls , lonely I'each of
cacti 'f Pmh'lo Ilogs , perched In fl'ont
of tholr holes , ohallered and scolded
at thcm. The slIn wont down and a
refreshing coolness CI'Cpt ovm' the
hard , balced earth. Stili , there was
nothing bllt dtstanco anywhel'u In all
the land , and a feeling of desolation
swept ovel' the gIrl.
'rhe moon camc up. Then there were
miles of white moonlight and lonel ) '
plaIn. Bllt fOl' some time now thel'D
hns been a light In f\'Ont of them. It
Is ns if It 11IUSt bo a wlll-o'.the-wlsp.
They ne\"el' see11l to ! ; et to it. But at
Illst they are there. 'rho doOl' Is wide
ullen. A plcumnt : odor of bacon Ilnd
coffee is wafted out to the tired tm. v-
"Como right In , " says the cheer '
volco of 1111"Ilow tired 'ou 11IUst
ho , l\tlsa Dalo. ' 1'10Ill , JIm , and como
In and cat somethIng befol'o rou go.
Wel1 , 'ou can cat again-two SUIIIOr8
won't hlll't you. I have l\Opt things
warm fOI' 'ou , YOUI' trnln must have
been Inte. les , dad Is hettor , than I ,
-ou. lIo'll bo al1 right In the 11101'11'
Man's Prejudice for Black Clothes ,
In olWnlng un artistic dress exhibl.
tlon Mr , Louis N , 1'111'1\01' , master of
the recent Warwlcl , pageant , said
there could bo no doubt UlI1t the
clothes mon were were fooll8h , sa's
the Pall ! \Iall Gazette. Ho clalmClI
that as woman could al'l'ay herself in
' colol's and folds
s'mpllthotlc flowing ,
the tlmo hlld al'rlved when mun should
bo placed on ellunHt ) ' wIth her , Instead
of the having to army himself In blncl ,
for dlnnol' , the thellterfunerals IInd
weddIngs. Ho bello\'e IUlIl hoped that
his Imgoants would do somethlnJ ; to
, sweep I1WU ) ' the prcjlldlco for blllcle ,
I fOI' It was a horrid custom on the PUl't
of clvllIzatioll.
Correct Interpretation Es entlnl ,
: 'Ilany of the most hellutlful Illecos of
Iloetry In H1oratllro would seem unln.
, terestlng and flat If relld b ' a bad
. reeltor. In the same wa ) ' , Il good 1'0'
) citeI' will mlll\O nttrllctlvo n poem
I whose beauties are nut so apllaront.
, ; V I\no 11l\Inter wm light UII ollch IIttlo
benut ) ' In hIs ) llctul'es until the small ,
est ( .tall Is uttractlvo and strll\Os the
e 'e , It is ani ) ' the lIIedlocrlt ) ' whose
work Is chllrl1ctol'lzed 1 > ) ' sameness
I\nd laclt of Interest.
Hypnotic Sunstroke ,
" A Gorman ' : - . who hlld
Ilh's-ian a 1)1\ '
tlunt who could not alToI'd to go to 11
It warm climate , thought ho would ac' '
I. comllllsh the anlO I'esult h ) ' means 01
h'lmotlsm , 'I'ho 1I0ctOl' challwd n pIc
t\lrO of the sun on the collinIInd / b
sugestlun ! In.luced . the Imtlent to be
111)\0 it 1'(1\11) : ' \\'ns the sun IInd thai
It would CUI'O hIm , But the Imtlenl
! eon died , When the doctor's friendr
gUll ! him nbout the no\'ol tt'eatmonl
n he inlllg\1lmlJy oXlllalnod thllt the l1a
I' tlent was Hottla ; ulong nlcel ) ' 1111I
wuultl hll0 gut well hl\ll he not uuex
It Ilectodl ) ' < .lIed of suustrolw. .
, . I
. . , '
I -
Religious , Social , Agricultural , Pollt.
leal and Other Mattern GIven
Due Concldcratlon ,
The dIstrict court of Sarpy county
conveneA Ii'ehruary 11th.
A great deal of slclmeM ) lrovalls In
and ahout Ouldo Hocl"
Pawncd CIty's public lIIJ1'ary bultd.
Ing 11.1 nearl > , ready for occllpancy.
In. a light In n 11001 hall lit OIltner
Rohort Wolcott lrllled Frank McNoff.
'wm I\lcCuhberson , a confosed hlg-
nmlst with ono wlfo in Kansns IInd
one In Platte Center , this state , was
arrested at Norfoll , .
PlI'o starting , in the Idtchen or
Coosle's restaurantllt Hard ) ' de8tl'0)'ell
severnl hulldlngl- : and cuused a loss
estimated at $20,000.
Sneak thieves entered the Second
Congregational ch\lrch of Norfolk and
stele lW : 1IennleR that had been 'col.
lected to IlIIrchaso a 1)lclure.
Grace Lambert , daughter of a
fal'Jl1el' Hvlng south of Eagle , tool , a
large fluantlt ' of carbolic acid. Prompt
medlcnl attendance saved her me ,
The Hooper HIgh school , a twostor '
hrlck buildIng. wa ! ! totally destroyed
hy fire. A defective flue Is sUPIQsed
to IJeen the cause of the lire.
DurIng the year of 1907 thel'e was
shlpled ) from lIcrmun to Omalm 3,342
cans of cream by eXIII'ess. 'I'hero was
also furwarded lliOO cnses of cggs.
'rhe 8co\-lI\e \ meetings being held
nt the Christian church In Deatrlco
are drawIng large crowds fl'om night
to nIght. Up to date 15,1 have ben
In another column of this 11alJer wlr.
he fOllnd a list of'reresentative ) Ne-
hl'l1slm buslncss houses.Vhen YOIl
write 01' caIJ on them Illease mention
thIs paper.
Bert Shoemalm' , accused or holdln
U\1 \ WillIam : i\Wler of OalcJn:1I1 , in an
allcr In Wcst Point nnd robbing him
of $8 was hound over to dstrlct ! cOUl'l
In 1$100 honds.
A call for $ :13,000 : In general fund
yarrants has been Issued by State
TreasureI' Brian. This is In addition
to the reccnt call for $94,000 of war-
mnts from the same fUl1dr
While C'rosslng the railroad tracIs
in the outsldl'ts of Bancroft Charles
Tighe nnd his son F I'I1n 1" were strucle
by the Omaha road through freIght
! \o. 20 , Neither were 1 > adl ' hurt.
At a shooting match on the farm of
B , P. Garrison , easl of Cozarl , l' ent
\'aspy was shot and almost Instantly
Idlled by the } 1rematurtJ dIscharge ot
a gun In the hantls of lIarry Hess.
York county farmel's will realize
from $18 to $35 per ncre on thell' tamc
grasaes. 'fhe clo"er , timothy and aI ,
falfa seell crall made It tine 'Icld and
, I : ; coman(1in rl'munerative pl'ices.
Ii'ranl { O. EJls : of Grant township ,
Gage cOllnt ) " , sold hIs farm of a fluar ,
tel' section to WillIam Sherman for
$12,000. : 'III' . E11I bought. the came ,
pIece or land loss thau a 'elll' ngo for
$ ! ) , GOO.
'rhe Hastings company of the ! \a.
tlonal guard will be ellulpped with the
new UnIted States maguzlne rlflo
after Fehl'lIar ) ' 1G , accorllln to tn-
structlons received from the war tie-
i. S , Yose , a wldo\\'cl' . of Beavpr
Clt ' , was bombunletl with eggs of
dOllbtful "Intl\ge , thrown at him b '
three woml'U , on the IlI\bllc streets ,
Mr. Yose was accuscd of InslllUng one
of the thrce ,
'fhe republican congl''S'slon:1 I con.
ventlon to select deegltes : ! to the na.
tlonal con\'entlon from the Pourth district -
trict has becn called for Wllbe : ' : 'II arch
4. ' 1'he convention wl1l have IG7 dele-
gntes from eleven count leG.
The um of $20,000 IH awalllng
ErneHt lnhlmnnn if he oan he fOHnd ,
Atto\'l\cy Ch\I'les : A , Love of Aurora ,
Ill. , hits hel'n emplo 'clt'hy the I'ela-
ti\'es to locatc the mIssIng mall , an
haH I'cn III Lincoln to 1001 , him HII.
Pranl , nolava was altnost IlIstllnll : , '
ldlled nlld W. 1. .folles , L. Keller 1\1\11 .1.
il. 1l0l'nhul'gel' hurt hy the 1.I\1'sting
of a circular saw near Octavia. The
mf1\ were at worl , tmwlll : ulI cotton ,
wood logs whE'n the acchlcnt occllrred ,
Patronle a Nehrnsm : Lifo Innllr ,
nnco Comllllnr. You cau get as good
old line 11ft > itlsul'nnce und nt ns low
a cost In the : 'IJldwest Life as 'ou can
an .whel'e In the Unltod States. Write
to the homo ofilce , 1007 " 0" Strcet ,
Lincoln , for 111lrtlculul's as to the now
low cost ) lollcles which the : 'IJldwest
Llfc is now Is uln .
I.Y. . 'fhomus , a homesteader Ih'ln
ele\'en mlles southwest of NOl'th
IIaUe , 103t hIs lIfo whllo tl''lng to
tbaw III pes In a well. A I > cal' WitS
found on hl head. .Tust how hu mot
denth Is not Imown , It Is surmised he
I '
cllmhe ( ] down Into the well , lJ hted
S0ll10 ! 'ags und then sOIne hoal'd from
n wlndmlll strucl. him IIlIII l'cl\ll red
hIm \lnconscloIlH.
Chargcll wIth fraudulcntJr obtaInIng
, $115 on a HIght dmft I\t the Union
State banI , or Beatrlcc , drawn on Rl s.
, b ' BroR , of l\l1uat 11'0.Oub" : L. 1. . 'I'res.
sl ( > I' , agent fOl' the NUl'th Platte I.nnd
, . I compan ) ' , wm.l lodgcd in jnll ut Bent.
. rice.
: 'IlcCook'fr Rillendhi new high school
hullllln hacl n nal'rOesoapo from
destruction br fire reccntJ . . 'rhe IJIlint.
CI'S WCI'O flnlshhlg the Illterlur worl ,
1\1)11 8nontanl'ou:3 : ( ! omh\Utlon In some
i oiled ags used h ) ' the wOI'Imon came
. Ileal' bolnr ; the UIILlollI' : : or n hulldlni ;
l costhll : $40,000 ,
Review of thc Contlltlon $ In the P st
Year ,
Secretar ) ' Mellor ot thc atate hoard
of ngl'lcultul'o said In his anl\\lnl 1't.
1lOrt :
Nebraslcn , as nn a rlctlltul'al stnte ,
I conll11nndlng the nttentlon of the
mnrlccts or tlte wor1l1 to n greater tic.
gl'CO wIth ench succeedIng 'coar , A
new state whIch slcessfuhold ) ) ! : ! the
Jlosltlon In tJ o fl'ont ranI , r the agrl.
cultural column Is doscrvlng or the
eonstllntly Incrcaslng fll\'orable call.
slderatlon II ) ' the comparIsOlw with ,
which wo Itre fa\'orod , Only two 01' ,
thrcfJ Htate ! : ! of tho'1111011 can now
Hhow gl'cater lIuanltios of production
In IIny oC the leading staple crops
gl'O1in thla latitude , thall can No.
' 1'he real' of 1 ! l07 ho\ever , hns not
heclI Il hanllCl' ) 'car In crop production
owing to unseasonable raln.fall in the
enotern , and lacl , of ralll.full In the
WCitel'n and central parts of our stute ,
; hut this condItion beIng ; neral ovm'
, the enth'e agl'lculturlll llOrtion of the
cl'ntral west , has caused a genernl
( J1'01) reduction with . sllltant high
As ustlal. cOl'n has been our ) ll'e.
domInant. crOJl and nlthough the 1)07 ! )
CI'OIl is fu ) ) ) ' 25 lieI' cent less in num.
her of bushels thnn thnt or 110G ! , still
ItH commercial vahll' is greater , 'rho
'Iold for 1907 as guthel'ed b ' our state
litatlstlclan aH to our IIractlcal crops
are :
Cl'rl1 . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , IG,792SSr. [ ) hush11I
Whenl . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 4G,207Gr.H Itushelq
Oatil . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aG22.2G2 hUlIl1cl1l
Hye , . . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . 1,40iG [ ) ! ! huhels
BUI'I'y . . . " . . . , . . . . , 2,2114tGG bUf'ltds
Pol/Ltocs . , . . . . . . . . , . . n,262,220 hURl1elb
: rll ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4OI1.n48 t01l1l
AIIIllfn . . . , . . . . . . . . . . l,4foOi [ ) ' tOil II
- - - - - -
An Important Order Issued by the
State Railway Commission.
The rail war commissIon adopted the
followlnJ ; orders of Importance to all
lho state :
"No chnnge of freight or passcngCl'
depots or rlag stations from their
Illesent locatlou , or susllcnolon or the
sale of tlclcots , or the receiving or forwardIng -
wardIng of freIghts from stations now
In use for such 11\11'DORe will be per-
mlttcll wIthout the consent of this
"PermissIon for the location of de-
Ilots and the construction of same must
bl' secured from this commIssIon. Application -
plication for such porl11lts must be ac.
companied by all Information neces-
snr ' for a full and IIroper understandIng -
Ing of all Interests to ho affected there.
by. 'I'he commhslon reserves the
right to pass ullon the location of all
swl tches and Sllurs.
"No switches or 81mrs In use In this
slate shall be removed 01' ahatHloned
without the consent of this commIs-
Date for Coast Trip Indcfinlte ,
Governor Sheldon has receIved a let.
ter from the secretar ' of the nav ' In
answer to the pxecutlvc's inllUlr ) ' If It
would ho agreeable to the department
to present the hattleshlp Nebraslm
wIth a sliver sOl'vlce at the time the
Atlantic Oeet Is at San Pranclsco. 'rho
Hecretary wrote that It Is Iml10sslblo
ut this tlmo to say whether the Xe-
braslm will be at San Pranclsco at
that time , for It may be at Puget
Sound for repairs 01' engaged else.
where. He suggested that the gov-
el'l1or tal\O Ul1 the maUt'l' late I' .
- - - - - - -
Freight Business Improving.
Thq weeldy car l'elQI't of railroads
for the weole endIng .1anuary 22 shows
n marlcoll increase In business over
the rOl10l't one 1\1onth II1' "lons. 'rhe
followIng" Is the comllllrlson :
I .Jal1 , Df'e ,
. " , . " ,
Im\ll ; \ ' IItOel ; : C/lI'S ol'llerell , . . o : i l
t mll ' sloe ] ; : cars al 1'1It10:1s..1l10 ! IGI1 !
Hlod" { 'ill'S loallell. . , . . . . . . . . . ! lO ! ! a:1 : :
J mJ1t ' Iox { 'III'S OI'lIL'I"'II. , . . ,1.ISI > ] ,4 ; ; , :
I'IIIJ1t ' 1I0x ( 'aI'S at ! llatlulIlI. . ,14 ! 2l1i !
Urnln I'ars 10atll'II. , . . . . . . , . , 4J : : : ! J
OlherIo \ \ " . .aI's 10\11 { 'II , . . . . . . . ! l8B SI. !
- - - - - - -
Hughes' Father at Carroll.
Cm'l'cll-li'ew peOflo of Carroll are
a ware that 1\lr. .Tohn llugheR , prcsent
visltol' at .Too , lones , ' Is the fathel' of
Charles Hughes , o\"ornor of Ncw
YOI'I , . He Is a jovIal old gentlcman
of 74 , halo nnd hellrty , and as l'pry
at ; a Idtton. lIe can outtalk , olltsmolw
o ' outwalJ , most mcn or 30 of the
present genorl1t1on.
- - - - - - -
A Large Increase in Shipments Over
Any Previous Year.
In 1 ! JOG \ hel'o was ,1O.077JOO ! hushols
of graIn shIpped out of Omaha , In 1907
-1:1,810,500 : bnshels. ' 1'hls ShO\\'H all In-
crenso of nearly foUl' million bushels.
: 'Ilosl of thIs graIn was handled h ' the
momhors of the Omaha Grahl gx-
changc. The handling of graIn he-
tween the fal'mel' and the miller 01'
othcr consul11er Is a Yl'I'r IlCcessar '
occupation. 'rho fUl'lner cannot do It
, a3 a rule an ' mOl'o than he ooull1 man.
ufactmo his own machh'ry nt ! a rille.
'l'ho COnSUI1101' cannot , for ho Is en ,
gaged In other ulInlrs. 'I'he worl. has
t'l he done and the grahHlealol' , wIth
the aId of the transportation compnn ' ,
docA It. Whether the work Is well or
badly ' done depends \lpon the ability of
the 'dealel' atHI the facilitIes he em-
plo 's In doIng it.
Indiana Sue for Land ,
Lincoln-Seven JlOrsGns claiming' to
110 descel\llants of Iargaret : 'Il\lI'llhy ,
a memhol' of the Sae 'and T"ox Indian
tl'1he , have hl'gun suIt in tht' fl'dl'ml
comt hero to estahllsh tht'll' elaim8
to IndIan lands locatell In lUcharlison
cuullt - , N hrasl\l\ , and Drown C'olmty ,
I amms. 'rho claimants , In Il ) ) \'lou8
ofl'ort , were excltlllotl hy an ordl'l' ot
the Interior department , largely be
CIIUSO the ! ) ' wel'o unahle to pro\'o lIwt. !
I elatln.nshlp. 'rho IllalnUtrtJ allege lIwy
al'o part hlood IndIans and that theIr
clalln Is'IIIlJ. .
. . , . . f .
" "
- .
. ,
l\Iorc proof thnt Lylin. E. PInk-
ham's V e etablcOompound Sin-CS.
woman ft'om surgical opern.tioIlS.
Mrs. S , A , Williams , of Gardiner
Maine , writes :
U Ias a rrrent nufferer rom emal ,
troubles , an rJydia Elinleham's Vcge-
table Compound rcstorcd mo to hcnltb.
in three months , after my physician.
declarcd that an opcl'ation was nbstr
lutely necesary,1I ! : :
Mrs , Al'dnl1 S rlingof 1M Clcy-
bourne A ve'1 Chicago , m" writes : ' .
U I suffered from fem : o tl'oublcR , a. .
tnmor nnd much inflammation , 'i'wo-
of the best doctors in Chicago decided
that an operation was necessary to save-
my Ufo. Lydia E , Pinlehllm'a
Compound entirely cured mo without.
an operation , "
: For thirty years Lydia E. Pink.
ham's Vcgetable CompoW1d made
from roots nnd herbs , has been the
standard remedy for female ills
amlhas positivelycurcd thousands of
women who Illve been troubled with
displacements , inflammation , ulceration -
tion , fibroid tumors , irreb'11larities , .
periodio pains , baclmche , that hear-
mg-down feeling , 1Jatulency , indigcs-
tionldizzinessor nervous prostration. .
\Vhy don't you try it ?
DIrs. Piulthmn invites aU sick
women to write her for nth'i e. .
She has gouhled tl10nsatHIs tar
lJ.calth. Addrcss , Lynn , 1'laS9.
- -
- - -
, . .
- - - -
. ,
Scrappclgh-I was a confounded
fool when I got married !
; ' .Irs. John . .
Scralpelgh-Well ) , , mg.
.1ed life hasn't changed ; You an ) ' ! e'
- - - - - - - - - ,
Laundr ) ' work at home would bo , : $
much marc satisfactory if the rIght
Starch were used. In ol'der to get the
desll'etl stiffness it is
, usually necessary -
sary to use so milch starch that thC'
beauty and Oneness of the fabrtc Is
hidden behind a paste of varyIng
thickness , which not only destl'o'S the
appearance , but also affects the wearing -
ing qua1lt ' of the goods. ThIs trouble -
ble can bo entll'ely overcome b ' using ,
Dofiauce Starch , as It can bo aplJlIl
much more thinly because of Its great- V
er strength than othcr makes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _
Wives' Names ,
IIrkel'-I call mr wlfo "Prallt ) ' . "
P 'l\Cr-Why do rOil call hel' that ?
lI 'ker-Well , 'OI1 know Shakespt'are
Ea 's : "Ii'ralltr , th ' name Is woman , "
P 'ker-I call my wlfo Eliza June.
Ilj'lccr-Becauso wh ) ' .
P 'kor-nccauso that's her narne.-
Chicago Dally News.
- - - - - - - - -
Every Womlln In this vicinity will be glad
to know 1111I1 loenl grocer : : now have In
slack "oua PIE , " n preparation In thrclJ
\'nrlolles for maldng 1.emon , Chocolalu
finll Custard J111'Ii , Ea1 ! to-cenl pncklllC'
maltes two pie : : ! , llo f.ure ; antI order to-tIuy.
- - - - - - -
I < eep Tobacco at Home ,
The ' 1'urklsh government absolutely
prohibits tbo eXlortation ) or the seell
of 'rurklsh tobacco.
_ _ _ 0 _ _ _ . _ _ _
We Sell GUnG and Traps Cheap
Hm' fill' ' ' and hilh' , or tan them for l'Of' ' !
& iUt : ! . N. W , Hide & FUI' Co"M llneJloh ) > i ,
_ _ _ .0 _ _ _ , _
It Is easier for a man to acqlltre : \ ,
bad reputation than It Is for his chit. - - . . . .
drcn to I1ye It down. l , ' Sinle ! ; flinller Cigar has a t'jl'h
ta te. Your dcalel' or Lewis' Faclol' ' ,
Peol'ia. III.
- - - - -
- - -
A mmman doesu't cr ' over splIt
111m. If there Is a } lump handy ,
: \1. . . . " 'Inslow's Hnothlnl : f.rrop.
For rlltdren : tcethlDI : , lotlt'DH 1110 U"U , re.llIce. In , )
Clamwallou , a1l3)1 pain , curca WIDI collu. . . botUo ,
- - -
- -
No , Alonzo , a nel'\'OIlS woman Isn't
necessl1\'lIy 1\t..rV ' ,